How do you know what is right for you? Breathe again. Think of something or someone you love. Bask in that feeling of love. Amplify that feeling. Now ask your heart, “Heart what is right for me, right here, right now?”-The Angels via Ann Albers-

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Sit for a moment in silence if you can. Listen to your heart beat. Notice your breath. Feel the temperature of your skin. You are here. You are now. That is the only moment you ever have. Why not make it beautiful?

Can you think of something or someone you love? It might be a person, a pet, a sunset, a location, a favorite meal or a memory from long ago. It might be a feeling of fantasy about the future. Take a moment now. Drop into your heart, and feel the love that lives within you simply by thinking of someone or something you love. For some of you this will be easy. For others it will take willpower and intention. Do it now. Breathe while focusing on that love, expand it, and come back to read more when you’re feeling yourself in a space of love.

That feeling of love, dear ones, is what you are all seeking. While some are rushing to get back out to the world and others are wanting to sit quietly at home a bit more, all of you are seeking that very feeling in your hearts.

You want things, people, and situations in life because you hope they will bring you the very same feeling of love that you just brought forth from within you.

For all your searching, seeking, rushing, and procrastinating, you are all wanting the very thing you just found – a feeling of love. When you feel love, you are connected to your deepest, truest, essence. When you feel love – whether it be for a dish of ice cream or the love of your life – you feel the Divine. There is only One love. It lives within and beneath all things, all beings, all situations, all wondrous, glorious events, and all challenges. It lives at the surface in the kind ones among you and buried deeply in the rageful. It lives, nonetheless, within all.

You felt this love simply by using your will power and your intention. There is nothing you had to do externally. There is no one you had to be with. There was no change in your situation. There was only a simple shift in your mind, away from worries, cares, concerns, upsets, frustrations, and fears to love. You chose to connect with the Reality that underlies all “reality.” You chose to connect with You.

So as your world rebirths itself, as you witness a clashing of ideas, opinions, and concepts about the “best” way to go about this – the “safest,” “smartest,” “quickest,” “most economical,” “most courteous,” way to go about it… realize that all you want to feel is Love. In Love you are safe. In Love you are protected. In Love your very biology is stronger and more immune. When you are tuned into Love, you can witness the dramas of the world, and realize there is never one “right” way for all – there is only one “right” way for you. Whether you go out or stay in, dine out or cook, work from home or go back into the office, it is right for you, if you feel it is right.

How do you know what is right for you? Breathe again. Think of something or someone you love. Bask in that feeling of love. Amplify that feeling. Now ask your heart, “Heart what is right for me, right here, right now?” In Love you will find your answers. In Love you will hear your guidance. In Love dear ones, you rebirth your spirit in a single moment.

Birth yourselves into this new world in Love. Then, no matter what others are doing, be in Love, and you will be safe, protected, guided, and inspired along the highest and happiest path for your newborn soul.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Stop Demonizing President Obama Please

I do not speak of much politics here and yet i know for sure that Obama works for the Light.This post is something i totally resonate with.Like or not,i know what i know in my heart.


A reader asked me to ask Michael about Pres. Obama. I grumbled back that I didn’t want to ask Archangel Michael about something he’s commented on so many times in the past. (1)

But I relented and did ask him about Pres. Obama. And he made the same comments as he has in the past.

Folks, the New World Order thoroughly neutralized Pres. Obama as a President. Now, when their sins are being revealed, they’re floating memes that Obama was the mastermind of everything that occurred. (2)

You can’t have it both ways. You can’t render Pres. Obama more or less powerless and then paint him as the mastermind and guiding hand. The Deep State are covering up their own crimes by blaming them on Obama and lightworkers are swallowing the bait.

And, hey, Michelle Obama is not a transgender. Please stop the “Mike” memes.

Lightworkers in taking up memes like these are just adding to the chaos, in my opinion. And serving the cabal’s agenda of deflecting responsibility from themselves.

If Pres. Obama is guity of any crime, let him be charged; let him have his day in court before an uncorrupted judge based on credible evidence. Until then, he should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

And the same for Pope Francis. These three people (the Obamas and Pope Francis) have their work to do for the Light and we’re getting in their way by responding to (A) memes probably originally floated by those who really did the crimes in question and (B) evidence in many cases fabricated by them. (3)

We as a society and as lightworkers are attacking members of our own team.   We’re about as polarized (cabal strategy: divide and conquer) as I can imagine us being. All of this, in my view, has to stop if we’re to succeed in changing planetary management.

Steve: The wave of criticism of Pres. Obama is like a tsunami. What is going on, Lord? Why is there such a total attempt to blame everything on him when he was neutralized during his presidency?

Archangel Michael: Well, first of all many of those who are making these claims are simply trying to find a scapegoat and to demonize someone who in fact has brought a great deal of light, love, and change to your planet.

It is a very reactionary situation that you are observing and I do encourage you to be the observer and not the participant. As I have said many times you’re not to engage in politics, sweet one.

[But how do I report on current events and not “engage in politics”? What a tightrope!]

So what they are doing is simply demonizing someone in order to discredit. It is a situation truly of radical white supremacy [i.e., racism].

Steve: And who are the people who are doing it? It looks like it’s on Trump’s side and the Democrats… It looks like the one thing that all can agree on is to demonize Obama.

AAM: No, that is not the case. Yes, there is a great deal of misinformation that does come out of what you can call the Trump party and that is correct.

But there is a great deal of misinformation that is being written under the guise of being Republican or Democrat but in fact is simply coming from these radical [racist] elements.

Steve: What about the January 5, 2017 meeting where Obama was portrayed as setting up the whole FISA affair by calling it fair game to attack Trump?

AAM: It is untruth. It is constructed truth.

Steve: You mean the January 5, 2017 meeting never took place?

AAM: There was a meeting on that day but what took place has been misrepresented and again, sweet one, you’re becoming engaged in political intrigue which is distracting you from the true process of Ascension. …

There are so many deep layers to this intrigue that you would spend all of your time and all of your energy attempting to seek out the truth. And that is not, beloved one, where we guide you [to go].

Steve: Ok. Thank you, Lord. Michelle Obama is repeatedly being outed as a transgender. Is she a transgender?

AAM: [Laughs]  No, she is not. But you see this energy to simply discredit, to demonize, and to tear down what has been good?

Steve: Yes. Is Pope Francis guilty of crimes that [XXX] has charged him with?

AAM: No, he is not.

Steve: The list of crimes that they’re attributing to him continues to grow. Is any of it true?

AAM: There are very few perfect situations and, as you well know, that is particularly true within the Vatican and in the history of the Vatican.

But the list of charges against this individual has been manufactured, sweet one. Again, it is this effort to provide so much disinformation that they are demonizing those who, in fact, have been hopeful leaders, of one sort or another, to the population. (4)


(1) I ordinarily do not make my private readings available for others’ questions.  There isn’t the time for it.

(2) Yes, I know Q is participating in #Obamagate. I don’t agree with Q on the matter.

(3) The cabal created a false birth certificate and then “revealed” their “discovery” (and killed the hospital administrator whose evidence could implicate them).

They created a false university card and doctored a town-hall video to have the President say he was born in Kenya. Several of these fakes we lightworkers have fallen for.

(4) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 13, 2020.


New Earth Vision (Part 2)

This is the 2nd part of where i hold my vision for New Earth as far as my mind and Higher Self can conceive, i know there is so much more to this picture that i am only describing a tiniest fraction of what is to come and each one of in the process of ascending have their codes and plans to be remembered and come forward to co-create with the rest of us.
I see great ease in our travels on the planet or in the planet or in our solar system and galaxy.I feel harmony and balance very present.I feel clarity very present and the sense of responsibility for each and everyone.Telepathic communication is much more developed.Even as i write this i know that our computers are becoming crystallin as well and so the communication with our own created matrix has already begun.I am sure you notice at times that your mac or iPhone may block, thinking that it has a problem when in fact it is all about releasing resistance.Everything around us reflects how we feel within.And so our senses of responsibility has reached new heights we now know collectively how to create without resistance, allowing the divine energies flow through our beings.This is catapulting humanity towards new heights that it is impossible to imagine right now.Yet ,i can feel the enormity of this along with so many gifts coming to the forefront like moving objects with our minds, walking on water or teleporting and shapeshifting for example, less or no need to eat foods as our main source in light, foods are there for the fun of tasting and for the sharing for the ritual of being together.I see a great transformation of our Gaia as we now can perceive with higher awareness what an amazing planet and Archangel she really is.I see Light cities hovering above many big and smaller cities, we can visit them with special vehicles that brings us there.This is where we are being educated for the next phase of our Ascension process after we are successfully done with the restoration process on the planet where each and everyone live in harmonious community one with another with reverence for all life.We are using new technologies where 3D life is far easier than it is now.In fact all technologies are available to all freely from the moment they do no harm.We have learned our lessons and we have turned the page and now we are a young galactic specie joining the rest of our families our there.Some may choose to stay on the planet, some may choose to go to other ones.We are interacting freely with our galactic famlies ,we have a lot to share about our experiences and we have a lot to learn too.

Please feel free to share with us your vision,send me email and i will be happy to repost.(

And to this i am adding here a part from a beautiful post from Golden Age of Gaia by Steve Beckow.

1. The Recovery Phase = Building Nova Earth

There has never been a more opportune time for laying the foundation, infrastructure, and superstructure for Nova Earth than right now.

With countless millions of employees laid off and probably hundreds of thousands of businesses in danger of going under, we need an immediate rescue plan (for me, that would be the Six Point Plan) (3) and we need a long-term plan for planetary recovery that carries on after.

2. We need hard data

We need to know what the true situation of people is around the world and we need ways of keeping track of changes to them – through media uncontaminated by the cabal. We need to be able to transfer, store and display documents and films online safely and securely. And money.

We need search engines and the full range of social media that allow for free speech, short of hate and criminal speech.

3. We need to form citizen commissions similar to the International Tribunal for Natural Justice.

These citizen commissions or tribunals would begin a public process of truth and reconciliation in their field and award compensation if warranted.

When the parties have been reconciled, then the opportunity arises to discuss building new structures and processes for Nova Earth.

We’ll probably need a new system of governance, a new legal system, a new educational system, medicine, finance, on and on it goes.

The World Parliament of Religions is an example of an existing structure that might be interested in discussing building a new world in their area: the area of religion.

I’d suggest a baseline commitment be gotten from everyone concerned that all systems arrived at be built on love, from love, and through love. Nothing else will last.

4. We need to arrive at a citizen plan for building a new world

Then we need people to draw the suggestions of all commissions together and begin devising a plan for world recovery and reconstitution.

In the meantime, I’m not waiting for all of this to happen. I’m enrolled in building Nova Earth now and thus am beginning the discussion.

And The Six Point Plan :
One, universal basic income covering all normal living expenses for every person living in that country, lesser for young children (under twelve). Everyone has their basic expenses in life covered and can choose to work on top of that.

Two, universal medicare. Public health of excellent standards available to all people living in that country, without distinction. Free medicare, pharmacare, and dental care.

Three, universal accessibility to all levels of gender-equal education for all people living in that country.

Fourth, universal elder care, child care, and single-mother care.

Fifth, the elimination of personal debt.

Sixth, the elimination of the national debt. (“The Big Change – Part 1,” May 8, 2020, at