Ignore those who refuse to uplift themselves as they are creating their own pathway to the future. Bless them and move on as they have nothing useful to offer you, as their pathway is not yours. You are treading one that is of the Light and in the not too distant future will lead you to Ascension.-Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, May 15, 2020-

15th May 2020. Mike Quinsey.

You are beginning to recover from the Coronavirus and most countries are experiencing an upward turn that will allow an easing up of the restrictions you have been experiencing. It has been a costly experience in many ways, not least of all the knock-on effect of so many businesses suffering near closure.

You have come face to face with the flaws that the business model reveals, and how it has been controlling the lives of so many people. Already they have realised how the world economy has largely been run and manipulated by the banks, revealing that your monetary system has been deliberately subjected to ups and downs to their benefit.

Without a doubt you will have a lot of soul searching to do, if you are to start anew with the assurance that paper money will disappear. The gold standard will return and be the measure of a new economy that is run with real money that has real value.

You will have ample time to make the necessary changes that will ensure that there is no return to the old defunct way of running your countries. Already there are moves taking place to ensure that there cannot be a return to the old ways that cannot take you forward any longer.

With the continuing uplifting of the vibrations and a gradual increase in your level of consciousness, you will have less and less to do with the negativity associated with the old Age. You are on the upward curve and moving into a new level that is gradually becoming free from negativity.

Ignore those who refuse to uplift themselves as they are creating their own pathway to the future. Bless them and move on as they have nothing useful to offer you, as their pathway is not yours. You are treading one that is of the Light and in the not too distant future will lead you to Ascension.

Do not concern yourself about the fate of those who persist in carrying out negative actions, as they too are following a carefully-arranged life plan that will give them the experiences they need to overcome their weaknesses. At such an important time in your evolution you should stay focused on your own goal.

Be assured that every soul has an equal opportunity to ascend, but clearly many of them are still caught up in the fight for individual supremacy. They have little or no concept of the Oneness of Humanity or Eternal Life. However, there will come a time when they awaken to the Light and become aware of their God selves.

You have a multitude of beings from all over the Universe who have come to Earth not just to witness Ascension, but to be ready to welcome you into the Galactic Society. Some are from the Pleiades and other areas in space to “claim their own” and help them to adjust to the new life ahead of them. The dimensional shift leaves your old world behind, so that you can take your place on a beautiful new Earth, free from any form of interference from the dark Ones.

However, there is still a long way to go before the higher vibrations are achieved but you are heading in the right direction, and help is on hand to ensure your success. Never falter as you are assured of Ascension providing you maintain your present vibrations and raise them up as the opportunities arise.

You have come such a long way to arrive at this point in your evolution, so make sure you do not drop back. With so many of you having cleared your karma the rest of your journey should be plain sailing. Yet there are distractions all around you, so care must be taken to firmly keep your goal in sight at all times.

The end times are opportunities for you to help others also travelling the path who may not be as advanced as yourselves. A kindly word or a helping hand can be most acceptable as your experience enables you to speak with authority. It is perfectly normal for those who have advanced in evolution to help others, and in the bigger scheme those who have set the path are responsible for ensuring that those who follow in their footsteps are guided to achieve success.

Understand that you are all One and the sooner you can accept it, the sooner you will advance and be able to treat others with the respect that you seek for yourself. This also applies where other life forms are concerned, because all have souls that continually change as they experience the different life forms.

Life is all about gaining experience and you go where you can best learn from it and expand your consciousness. Your Universe is full of different levels of vibration and it is only in the lower ones that you can experience matter and solid physical forms. Whatever you can imagine already exists somewhere in your Universe

In the not too distant future many of you will rise up into the higher vibrations and look back and realise that you spent many lives in the lower ones. Through it you gained a greater level of consciousness and learned to control your emotions.

It was necessary to overcome what can only be described as the lower emotions. These no longer exist in an evolved soul who has complete control over their feelings, and can remain at one where they are constantly able to remain unaffected by what goes on around them. It takes time to achieve that level of control, and eventually it will become second nature.

Words can hardly express what a wonderful future awaits you, one so different to your present existence that there is no comparison. It will be well deserved as you have plumbed the depths and experienced many horrors, wars and depravity, yet you have come through it and kept your dignity and composure to set a shining example of Light and Love. You are to be acknowledged as a shining example of one who has found their God Self .

I leave you with love and blessings and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

IN love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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Ascension through Integration by Lord Krishna

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa.

I honour the divine within you,

I am Krishna, I am Krishna, I am Krishna.

I am a manifestation of the Creator. I embody the Creator in my heart, soul, and actions.

I am the sun that shines so brightly onto your face. I am the sky, the wind, and the stars. I am the water, the land and soil. I am the Earth in all its bounty and beauty. I am the love, peace and harmony that exists on the Earth and in the Creator’s spiritual world. I am your soul in manifestation on the Earth. I am your movements when you dance, the noises of joy when you laugh and the ecstasy of your jubilations. I am your kind thoughts, your loving actions, and your devotion to the Creator in its purity. I am one with you, we exist as a whole. Nothing can separate our union for we are united in the name, soul, and light of the Creator.

My dear sweet children of the Light, I am integrated and united with every aspect of the Creator’s kingdom, this is not because I am an ascended master but because I am my truth, in complete existence. You are united and integrated with every aspect of the Creator’s soul and the universe, you are simply unable to comprehend this yet but a time will come when you will experience the love of every other aspect of the Creator’s soul pour into your being and you will be in bliss.

The Influence of the Physical Body

Existing within your human body is almost like living within a cage; you are unable to escape while consciously awake. You can feel a connecting with others and to integrate your energy with the Creator’s soul, but there is an aspect of your being that is separated from the Creator due to your physical body. This is not a hindrance; it is a precious and valuable experience that allows you to focus on the divine contained within your physical body, discovering, analysis and honouring your inner energy until it is such a major influence in your life.

The physical world may seem so dominant now for you, as separation between people is encouraged, fear of illness is widespread, and the fragility of the physical body promoted. Each person is being drawn into a viewpoint of themselves and their reality which is an illusion. This of course is an invitation you do not have to accept and can instead dive into the truth of your being and the world surrounding you. To indulge in illusion is to waste valuable ascension and discovery time.

There is a need to discover a balance between the physical reality and your inner divine reality. This is where integration becomes the key. Integrating the sacred vibrations of your inner soul with the physical reality unfolding for you and all on the Earth now will create a clear vision and pathway for you to embody. Allowing you to remain balanced in mind, body and being, while living in illusion with the perspective of truth and clarity.

The greatest illusion is separation.

The greatest truths can be discovered through the process of integration.

My dear children value every moment of your time within a physical body, integrate your divine soul and sacred energies into your physical body and reality as this is your true purpose on the Earth. You must love yourself to eliminate these boundaries. As you open to the energy of your soul and embody love the restrictions of your physical body and reality will disperse. This does not mean that your body will disappear but that it will rise in energy vibration, allowing you to exist with greater integration and vastness in a physical body. When you connect with your inner divine energies you are able to reach out and share your love and light with those around you, increasing your expansive energy and unity of your light with other aspects of the Creator’s light. With this progression, you will gradually learn to become integrated with every aspect of the Creator’s soul, becoming the Creator and the beauty of the mighty soul of the Creator on the Earth, and throughout the universe.

‘I invite the divinity of my being to connect with all aspects of your being, physical body and reality now. I expand my divine energies into my entire being and into the world around me. I share my love and light openly and generously with those around me. The expansion of my light magnifies and amplifies manifesting unity with all aspects of the Creator’s light. With this progression I can see, sense, and acknowledge my natural integration with every aspect of the Creator’s soul. I acknowledge and explore myself now as the beauty of the Creator incarnate on the Earth. It is through integration I ascend, recognising the truth of the Creator within my being and the world around me. Thank you and so it is. ‘

Integration is to ascend and to become enlightened. When you expand your soul and integrate it with the aspects of the Creator’s soul you become sensitive and aware of everything that occurs on the Earth and the inner planes. Your awareness and sensitivity expand to across the Earth because you are integrated with all. You can assist and guide many from the spiritual planes because you are an aspect of every soul incarnation on the Earth and in existence on the spiritual planes. This, my dear children, is the way that we can be by your side every day guiding you forth. We are ascended masters, divine light beings of the Creator and an aspect of your soul. When you invoke our guidance and advice, we can assist you with ease. The process and practice of integration is one that brings forth major ascension shifts and awakening. Integration is essential now on the Earth as it will not only open your inner divine world to you, your spiritual skills, abilities and enlightenment will be revealed. Integration with the Creator and your soul, expanding these energies into your reality and the world will enable you to strengthen your energies, balance your being, awakening your inner enlightenment, become aware of the truth within and around you, as well as, grounding you into a new way of being.

Integration is to accept the presence of divinity within your being and to emanate it into your being and world. Evaluating your connection and oneness with all souls, therefore becoming the truth of the Creator incarnate upon the Earth.

Time and your physical body are your only restrictions on the Earth, but they aid you in discovering the sacred jewel and golden droplet of enlightenment you are. Once this is understood then you can accept yourself as a vast and expansive energy of the Creator that is integrated with every living soul not just on the Earth but in spirit form as well.

This comprehension allows you to realise there is an aspect of your soul within every person that you meet and greet. You are one with the Earth and the universe. You are the Creator in manifestation on the Earth, and let it be. This comprehension is now grounding fully into the Earth, allow it to awaken and become active within your own being.

I share with you the bounty of love that stems from my soul. I honour the divine within you; I respect and love you unconditionally. May you now honour the divine within your soul and love yourself unconditionally.

Allow the waves of Krishna’s energy to immerse your being.

I am Krishna

You consent to life as it happens in each moment. You may not like what it offers you, but, because you accept it lovingly, you find that you can deal with it.-Jesus Through John-

Despite the so-called pandemic and the global lock-down, all is well!  Humanity is awakening, just as divinely planned.

Life in the illusion is finally proving to be completely unacceptable for the vast majority of people, and rightly so.  As a result of the changes that are happening worldwide all will share in a far more equitable dispersion of Earth’s abundance, while at the same time taking action to massively reduce the current despoliation that drilling, mining, and blasting has caused.

The time has come for humanity to stand up and become true care-givers for the planet – Gaia and all who live on her and within her in symbiotic interdependence – treating her with the honor and respect due to her for so lovingly supporting you all so beneficially for so long.  It is time to give thanks to Gaia, on whom all sentient life forms depend, and to do it daily, for it has long been neglected and doing so is long overdue.

Humanity’s govern-mentally demanded population confinement or lock-down has given people time to meditate frequently on how they want to live their lives, what changes they wish to make in their daily routines, and how they will deal with any relationship issues that have arisen, when the confinement comes to a close.

Many will be discovering that they now have a vastly different perception of how they want to move forward with their lives, now that they have, in effect, spent a long period of time in retreat allowing unaddressed or denied issues to arise into their conscious awareness to be acknowledged and dealt with.  Then, with the wisdom that a sustained period of quietness provides, releasing the ones that no longer serve them, and which may have greatly troubled them, with love and gratitude.

Life as a human presents people with many lessons that they chose – prior to incarnating – to experience in order to further their spiritual evolution.  However, many of them went unrecognized because of the pressures and stresses of daily human life, but the pain or suffering that developed because they went unrecognized and, therefore, despite being unseen or ignored, still had to be dealt with.

This lack of awareness often results in anger, judgment, and bitterness, leading to unhappy and unsatisfactory lives.  Now, with the insights that so many have gained as a result of being confined, without easy access to the distractions that so many had come to rely on to avoid dealing with their issues, many will be making the kind of life-enhancing changes that are essential for them to complete their awakening process.  Most are going to experience a new sense of freedom, of sovereignty, as they take control of their lives instead of allowing others to direct and manipulate them.

You were created free, and because Love honors and respects the freedom of all created beings, you know, deep within yourselves, that freedom is your natural God-given state.  However, within the game that you have been playing, awareness of your divine sovereignty has been hidden from you, and thus the individual paths that each of you planned before incarnating, and which were designed to assist you to uncover or rediscover your true nature, have until now remained hidden.

The time that has been unexpectedly made available to you over the last few months, time that you did not seek or ask for, has presented you with a marvelous opportunity to make enormous personal progress in remembering who you really are.  As you come out of confinement you will find that many have used this time very creatively and successfully to practice loving acceptance of whatever arises in their lives, enabling them to strengthen their sense of self, while at the same time strengthening and empowering their relationships with their partners, families, and friends, as an increasing awareness has developed of humanity’s mutual interdependence – of your Oneness with one another, and with Source.

To actually, and with great certainty, know that You are One, that there is only One, even though that One also appears as many, is extremely empowering.  It dissolves your fears, and establishes within you a wonderful state of peace and self-acceptance that brings you to a state of acceptance and love for all that arises in your life, whether you are living alone with yourself, or in the company of others.  You consent to life as it happens in each moment.

You may not like what it offers you, but, because you accept it lovingly, you find that you can deal with it.  As you start to experience this on a regular basis your self-confidence, your confidence that you – the I, or Me with which you identify – are fine, are OK, increases.  As a result of this you will find yourselves in a state of peace more and more frequently, for longer periods of time, and able to deal rationally and practically with whatever arises, instead of being overcome by uncontrolled emotions which can direct you, or seemingly force you to say or do something that is inappropriate, and which, as you review it later when you have calmed down, you may very intensely regret.

Despite the fear and anxiety that many have been feeling as the COVID-19 virus has spread across the world, negatively affecting a very large proportion of humanity, it has led people on an intense and essential inner journey of self-discovery.  Many have been able to let go of long held feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness – something the vast majority experience for much of their lives – which has prevented them from sharing the wonder of themselves with others.

Yes, the “wonder of yourselves!”  You are each wonderful divine beings, and when you can allow yourselves the freedom to present yourselves and your individual creative abilities to all with whom you interact, instead of presenting only that aspect of yourselves that your upbringing has led you to believe is acceptable, you will find yourselves actually enjoying being you, instead of finding yourselves anxious and afraid that others will be judging you, your behavior, and your life styles negatively.

When you accept yourselves, and present those selves to all others without being concerned about their opinions of you, you will find that the vast majority with whom you interact will also accept you, in fact they will admire and honor you for who you are, because they will now see the real you, the divine being, the eternally beloved child of God shining out from you as you set and live the intent to be only loving whatever arises.

Whatever the mainstream media may be telling you about the Corona Virus, and the effects it is having worldwide, just accept and know – as you truly do at the depths of your being – that you are in this present moment precisely where you are meant to be, experiencing precisely what you need to experience, as you move forward rapidly and most effectively on your path to awakening.

And also accept that by doing so you are beautifully alerting all others with whom you interact in any way at all to the Reality of the awakening process, thereby massively assisting them as they also move toward awakening.

Right now you are exactly where you are meant to be, where you intended to be as you planned this life path before incarnating, in order to magnificently assist in humanity’s awakening process.  There is nowhere else that you could be right now in order to better assist in this process, so even if it seems that you are on a path with very little meaning, a path on which you get practically no encouraging feedback, or even none at all, know, as truly you do, that you are each doing wonderful work to bring the awakening process to its most amazing and divinely intended conclusion – FULL CONSCIOUS AWARENESS of your eternal Oneness with Mother/Father/God.

REJOICE, because you, just like me, are One with God.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

You see what can be, not necessarily what is in the moment.-Saint Germain-

SAINT GERMAIN (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Saint Germain.  I appreciate these times that I can be with you and share, and open up new vistas for you, new levels of understanding.

Because there is so much now to begin to understand.  So much beyond the programming that you have had for so long, to open up your eyes, your physical eyes, yes; but your third eye matching, or resonating with, your physical eyes, and seeing as you have never seen before.

So look around now, as you look upon what appears to be negative experience all around by many, many who are the unawakened.  But yet you, you that are the awakened ones, you, the Light-workers and warriors, as you look out, you see beyond the veil.  You see what is really happening.  You see the truth beyond the lies, beyond the covertness.  You see what you are meant to see.  Because as you are seeing what is really there now, the reality that has been created.  As you are seeing this reality, you are knowing that all is not as it appears to be.  Because when you are open to the possibilities, open to the probabilities of everything that you are experiencing.

Everything that is beyond the knowing of the average person out there (and we use the term ‘average’ as unawakened).  Because as they are looking at this vision, as they are looking at what is there, they see calamity.  They see distress.  They feel despair.  They feel hopelessness.

But you, those of you with your eyes wide open, you see hope.  You see experience beyond the levels of this lower dimension.  You see joy.  You feel joy.  As you look upon a family that has gathered together, you see the joy in their expressions, not the despair that they may be feeling at the time.  You see what can be, not necessarily what is in the moment.

But yet we always tell you to be in the moment.  And that is what you need to continue to do.  Be in the moment.  Be in the joy in every moment.  Find that joy.  It is there if you but look for it.  You who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

See the expression that Gaia is putting out.  Gaia is planning this.  Gaia is a big part of this plan, rather.  Not that she is planning it only, but there are many, many that are a part of this plan.  You yourselves are a part of this plan.  And a very big part, I might add, here.  Because without you, the plan could not exist.  The plan could not become all that it is meant to be.

But you continue to look out, now, and see more and more people awakening.  See the Violet Flame that is expressing itself out now, that is growing and expressing, and becoming much larger and bigger within more and more people, as more and more people are becoming awakened.  More and more are understanding now that what they have been looking at is not the real reality.  It is yet but an illusion.  And as they awaken to this illusion, then they can begin now to create the new Golden Age of Gaia.  That is what this is all about, as you come closer and closer now to The Event.  And I say ‘The Event.’

Yes, there are many events, and will continue to be so.  But The Event is on the horizon now.  The New Dawn is approaching.  And, as the New Dawn approaches, the republic that is The United States of America is opening up again.  It is becoming that which it was meant to be.

Slowly, it might be to those of you.  But to us, it is happening at a light speed.  Because of all the programming now that is being overcome by so many, many more each and every day.  Each and every moment more and more are awakening.  You may not become aware of it.  You may think that it is the ‘same old, same old.’  But I can assure you, it is not the ‘same old, same old.’

As you come out of the current ‘crisis,’ we will say here, and we will not call it a ‘pandemic,’ because it is not that, it has never been that.  It is an event that has been created, has been expressed for a different purpose, for a purpose for the dark forces to hold onto control of mankind.  But that has entirely backfired on them.

Because those of the Light Forces have taken this so-called ‘crisis’ and turned it into something that can become and is becoming wonderful.  And that is the hope that all of you need to continue to have.

Because the hope is what keeps man going, keeps humanity going, moving forward, striving for the highest good for all involved.  Reaching out to the heavens here, right here within the Earth, and on the Earth now.  It is here now.  Heaven is here.

It was said there would be a new heaven and a new Earth.  And the new heaven and the new Earth have already arrived.  It is just that your eyes, your physical eyes, are not yet seeing it, but your third eye is seeing it.

As you allow your imagination to take over, as you allow your creative ability to take over, then you begin to see the reality that is beyond the illusion.  And you are now creating that new reality every moment of your life.  Every thought that you have is creating that new reality.  And when you fully come to understand that, and I say now, fully come to understand that, then, my dear friends, you have ascended.

I leave you now at this time with one simple understanding that is yet coming.  A grand announcement is in the works here, now.  A grand announcement, indeed.  It may be a series of announcements, but there is one in particular that will begin to set everyone looking ahead as to what is possible, rather than looking behind as to what was.

And as this announcement comes forward many, many more will begin to awaken to the truth.  Because as The James is very fond of saying from your ‘X-Files,’ “the truth is out there, and the truth is coming.”

Peace and love be with all of you.  And may the Violet Flame continue to burn and express outward to all that are around you, and certainly within you, as it continues to wash away, to wipe away, to burn away all the programming that is no longer needed, and the memories that are associated with that programming which are also no longer needed.

Peace and love be with all of you.