You are only all-powerful in your life. As they are in theirs. Allow them to discover that power.

Dear Ones,

You are angry, sad, and mad. Why does your life have any restrictions? Are you not a new being with new freedoms? It likely seems as if you were released from prison only to be placed on house arrest.

For indeed, your 3D life was a prison of sorts. In 3D, you were not allowed to be fully you. So you often questioned your actions or thoughts. Not because they were wrong. But because social norms forced you into boxes of right behavior. Even though you wanted to master that behavior to please others, you discovered that doing so ofter created feelings of discontent.

Even now, you wonder if you are right because most of those surrounding you are not at the same place as you. As if you are turning this way, and others are not. You question yourself, as you likely have your entire life. You are even wondering if you are again guilty of the wrong actions. For should your life now not be one of sunshine instead of the hazy gray of “do this, but not that?”

And those in the second and third waves of awakening are crying out for you to clarify their pain, their clearings. For you, forerunners, are the only ones with the dark night of the soul experience that now permeates every segment of their lives. All are running amuck. Even your skies are filled with elements from other parts of the world. Causing you to wonder about the sun you so desperately need now.

For you can no longer exist in the grayness that has been the earth for the eons of your earth lives. What you probably do not yet comprehend is you are now part of a different earth than is true for other human beings. Your new world is filled with sunshine, while those awakening remain in the grayness of 3D earth. They cannot comprehend or experience what you are beginning to experience. It is almost as if they are color blind, so your reds and greens appear brown to them.

Those now awakening have a spark of light they cannot yet see. They feel as if you have left them in the dark. And they believe they need you to rescue them. While in truth, those awakening merely need to shine their light brighter – when they are ready to do so.

Those in the second and third waves have not yet discovered their power, their energy. You, on the other hand, are fully enmeshed in your light – unless you stop to brighten theirs. So it is paramount that you move in the direction joyful for you. For you can stop or slow down, but such will not make one iota of difference to anyone but you.

Those following are not blind – they merely have to open their eyes. It is not your role or business to pry their eyes open. Do they wish to live in fear? That is their choice. You have made yours.

Your decision to move forward has catapulted you to a new place that has little to do with the angst of those following. Allow them to move through their fears. Which even though not a new concept, is definitely essential in the next few days.

Secrets that have been held within the earth’s social network are going to be exposed in ways you cannot yet imagine. You will want to declare the wrongness, the meanness, the unloving bits of information as something all should address. Only to discover that some care, but most do not. For those following are more enmeshed in their personal clearings than global issues at the moment. Such will change in days or weeks as those following more fully awaken.

The pieces being uncovered are not that important to those following, for they are focussed on their inner work. Their social injustice antennae will come to the forefront in a few weeks. But for now, do not expect that your anger, your horror of what is exposed will touch those following as deeply as it does you.

Your role and only role is to act upon your joy. The rest will take care of itself. This Universal plan has been percolating for eons. So it is you prepared for this time, as did those following. And despite your beliefs to the contrary, so did those fully enmeshed in 3D. Not one human now of the earth is of the earth by accident. All preordained their roles so that all would create the tapestry that is this new earth.

No one is of the earth by accident in this amazing time. So it is all are performing their roles perfectly, including you. But your need now is to believe that such is so. Let go of caretaking the earth or loved ones. Know they are as wise as you for indeed, their preparations for this moment were no less rigorous than yours. Rest.

Allow others to find their way when they are ready. Ignore your sometimes overwhelming need to nudge others along or to curtail their actions. You are only all-powerful in your life. As they are in theirs. Allow them to discover that power. Your interference will do the opposite. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

Intuition is heard in Silence.

Arcturian Group Message 6/28/20 via Marilyn Raffaele

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JUNE 28,2020

Welcome dear readers.

We of the Arcturian Group as well as others on this side see you as a Light corp leading the masses and yet most of you believe you are doing nothing. You are leading not with protests and overt actions but simply by the Light of your evolved consciousness which of course goes wherever you go. If receptive (able to align with) a person can be healed or awakened simply by being in the presence of a high resonating consciousness because there is only One Consciousness.

Those who fully embrace duality and separation are only able to express themselves in ways that align with that level of awareness. Do not pass judgement on how things should be playing out as judgement is always based in concepts. All is proceeding according to plan.

Life and even survival was very difficult when duality and separation ruled the thinking of the majority. The energy from intense experiences of pain, suffering, and/or challenges in past lifetimes remains alive and well until cleared. Many of these old energies have been carried from lifetime to lifetime in cellular memory and continue to manifest as problems or disease if activated once again through alignment with some person, place, or thing.

Example; A person who died once or more by falling from a cliff or some height will remain terrified of high places in every lifetime and not know why. All inordinate fear as well as love for certain people, places, or things indicate past life experiences with them. These energies can serve as protection or warning but you have evolved beyond any need to carry around old energy.

As they surface, these old and no longer needed energies often manifest as some intense physical, emotional, or mental issue that seems to have come out of nowhere. Allow the process. If you feel exhausted, lay down or take a break. If you are having pain, address it as best you can without heavy drugs and allow it to move through. If you feel overly anxious for no reason, take time to center and align with your real Self. See a doctor if you are guided to do so but know that nothing is random for the spiritually evolved especially at this time.

Once a person realizes that they are a Divine Being and it becomes their state of consciousness, anything they still carry that is not in alignment with this will continue to surface until recognized. All, not just a few old energies are now surfacing. Even relatively unimportant concepts and beliefs are being swept from the corners of consciousness. Remember you have lived hundreds of lives and accumulated energy from many many experiences.

Some of old concepts and beliefs you may want to keep for in your mind they make life more comfortable and fun but like it or not, when you are spiritually ready your Higher Self will begin the process of moving you forward and beyond some of them if that is what is necessary. Do not make the mistake many religions make in determining that this activity is bad (evil) but this one is good (holy). Everything is spiritual, God is omnipresent. It is a mind conditioned with beliefs of duality and separation that determine some things are “good” and others “bad”.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing other than the One Divine Consciousness. Oneness the bottom line and spiritual key that unlocks all things. Regardless of how pleasant or harmless a false belief may seem, it must be left behind in order for new, higher, and better ones to replace it. The story of the Phoenix gloriously arising out of the ashes is a true story, your story.

The majority does not yet understand about the clearing of old energy and believes that the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual experiences are having right now are personally their problems to “fix”. The only qualities that are or ever can be personally yours are those of Divine Consciousness. Never claim error of any sort as personally yours, for all error is impersonal–a collective belief in separation from God.

Those of you who are drawn to these messages no longer live under the shadow of the old. You have evolved beyond your previous “seeking” state of consciousness and must now begin to trust that everything is as it needs to be both personally and globally. Do not resist or go into fear but rather rejoice in the realization that the world is experiencing a turning point.

Present times do not feel familiar or comfortable as they did in the past but know that being here at this time is the reason you chose to incarnate. You are being presented with opportunities to live the truth you integrated through many lifetimes of searching and study. You are learning to love yourself and others through your ability to see through appearances to the spiritual reality underlying them which in turn is serving to open and lift the collective.

Be patient for events must unfold gradually in order to be seen, acknowledged, and replaced in a higher form. Current forms of law, government medicine, education, religion and all things based in concepts of duality and separation must eventually dissolve because the energy that formed them will no longer exist when higher frequencies become dominant in the collective.

Within the next few months you will witness some interesting events and changes. By letting go of any remaining concepts of what these changes or results must be or look like, you become a silent witness to the subtle and not so subtle energies now flowing into world consciousness.

Most humans live in a dream, hypnotized by beliefs of duality and separation. The dreams are sometimes good and at other times are nightmares but always they remain dreams having no law to support, sustain, or maintain them. Much of the world is awakening out of this dream state, but for many it is difficult to leave behind that which is familiar and has been accepted as reality throughout all other lifetimes.

Begin to see and think of yourself as an expression of Divine consciousness rather than a physical body. When problems arise, and they will, acknowledge that you are not one with, but ARE the wisdom, intelligence, harmony, etc. of One Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent God. Examine your belief system as to what you may still hold as truth that is not in alignment with this truth.

Evolution while living in the dense energy of a three dimensional world is a gradual process and one you have been at since the beginning of your earthly sojourns. Every lifetime brings learning and growth to the individual regardless of how useless the life may appear to others. You have done the work and are ready to allow your many lifetimes and experiences to come together as a complete whole.

Trust that all is as it should be through the realization that you are no longer personally in charge. Allowing means allowing the Divine Consciousness you are to be in charge of ITself. Evolution can be delayed through free will but cannot be avoided, because the goal is already fully present simply awaiting recognition.

Many out of habit or fear, continue walking through life with one foot in both worlds long after the time has come for them to place both feet in reality. Many so called spiritual leaders still walk and teach a divided path but you have evolved beyond the need for some guru, priest, minister, teacher in the outer to tell you what to believe.

Those who continue to live divided once they know the truth, will remain in the old energy because there is no unexpressed consciousness and they will be creating this. Duality and separation cannot come with you into a higher state of consciousness. We are not saying you must attempt to live the absolute or that you must forgo the pleasures of life on earth, but rather as we have said many times before, living spiritually is a matter of holding truth foremost in your heart and mind as you go about your ordinary activities which turns even the most mundane of tasks into a spiritual activity.

Look to and trust your intuition, that silent inner “knowing” that flows from within and which will guide you in every aspect of life if allowed. Are you willing to turn away from the distractions that keep you from hearing it? Those who spend every waking moment staring at and checking their phones and who have plugs in their ears most of the time, will not hear their guidance or intuition and then wonder why.

Intuition is heard in Silence. A silence that may be the rustle of wind through trees in a forest, a bird song, a stream bubbling over stones, a baby’s smile or giggle, in quiet acceptance, or in the silence of deep meditation. Examine your present lifestyle and see if you yourself are tuning out the guidance you ask for and believe you never receive.

Guidance occasionally but rarely comes as loud voice but rather comes as a gentle quiet “knowing” that feels right and is often very practical. It may make the right person or company “light” up when you search the Internet or yellow pages. I may stop you in your tracks when you begin stepping out in front of an oncoming car or start walking down an unsafe street. Life lived in alignment with your real Self is not the “pie in the sky” boring holy card image many think it is. The energy of a consciousness of oneness is the energy of peace, harmony, joy, love, and friendships.

The third dimensional world as you have known it is changing and will never return to what is was. We cannot say exactly what is going to happen for you are determining that but know that if you remain locked into the past, positive change will take much longer.

Live, move, and have your being truth. You are ready.

We are the Arcturian Group 6/28/20

Often the leader at the top of any country has two sides he has to answer to. Same as Trump. The dark hats are trying to blackmail him, now a book out written by his relative, and then the white hats (alliance) instructing him on how to go further. Then there is his own sense of what he has to do as well. So it gets complicated, shall we say.-Ashtar-

Psychological Warfare via Sharon

June 27, 2020
Me: Ashtar, can you please take me to your ship? I need a moment’s sanity!
Ashtar: Reading the news again, Sharon?
Me: LOL Trudeau is saying we can’t let China intimidate us into releasing the two people Canada took into custody, while a few weeks ago he sold off all our gold to China.
Ashtar: It depends on which China he’s dealing with – the communists or the white hats.
Me: Who’s asking for the release of these people then?
Ashtar: The White Hats.
Me: That explains it. Who’s in charge of that country anyway?
Ashtar: There’s a mix. Often the leader at the top of any country has two sides he has to answer to. Same as Trump. The dark hats are trying to blackmail him, now a book out written by his relative, and then the white hats (alliance) instructing him on how to go further. Then there is his own sense of what he has to do as well. So it gets complicated, shall we say.
For many world leaders, it’s a question of who threatens the least and holds out the most money. Each political faction holds sway with the other. Sometimes they compromise for the sake of gaining ground elsewhere, and sometimes they just pay the other faction their price in order to further their agenda. Obviously, the white hats can be more stubborn but other times they’ll take a compromise to further their gains in the future. Sometimes, what looks like a good move for the Deep State is in fact their future undoing. You know that policies were created by the Obama and Bush governments that are now leading to their arrests.
Me: Yes. What’s going on in Turkey now? They’re trying to take over the Middle East? LOL When are the people of the Middle East going to join together and say they’ve had enough? They need to make themselves one solidified state and tell the rest of the world to bug out, but of course they’re all fighting with each other.
Ashtar: Which is by design. Their leaders know what’s at stake. The Middle East is a prized area because of otherworldly resources. It’s not that much about oil as you’ve been led to believe although that can be part of it. It’s who’s living in the Middle East and how they’re trying to connect with the galaxy that there is warring over.
Me: So there isn’t really any unified government running a country, is there?
Ashtar: No, not really and this is advantageous now because then you’ll see more clearly who the bad guys are and who the good guys are. In the States it’s divided into 52 pieces.
Washington, New York and Los Angeles are still in dark hat hands. These states are the major leaders in the U.S. economy, and they have been doing negotiating of their own as well as banding together to fight Trump.
We all know California has been trying to split from the rest of the States and has been doing some negotiating at a world level already. The more resources each state holds, the more it can provide to world markets, the more likely it is that they can split off and form their own territory or even country. For California, this is why the focus on exposing the pedophile rings, because this way the rest of the world will be mortified and California will lose its global appeal.
Me: Ah. What about New York?
Ashtar: Antifa has been active in New York and is making the state and the capital look unappealing to tourists, that is to say, those who are even considering traveling now at this time of uncertainty. It would stand to reason that many tourists would skip a large city like NYC for the very fact that the potential of receiving the virus would be greater there. And New York has been one of the worst hit spots in the country.
Me: So why try to kill off your own state’s economy, how does that…. oh yeah, of course. New World Order economy. They’re trying to bring in the one world economy by bringing down the individual economies of each state and then each country.
Ashtar: Yes. Larger areas of the states, and that is to say larger economic regions, are hardest hit. These states primarily are Deep State run, so the more states swing to Republican run states, the healthier they will become.
Unfortunately, there is still the rioting. When the world’s people realize that everyone matters, not just separate groups, but every person, then the Cabal will have met its match.
This is not to make light of the situation of African Americans, it’s been of terrible oppression, but when you all learn to treat each other with humanitarian values, instead of the values you have been taught by the Deep State, Secret Military and the Dark Ones, you’ll be far better off.
Suffice it to say, there is more coming down the pipes. Those states who do swing to Republican will experience further attack by the Deep State. This could look like any number of ways. False flags, radiation spills, further lockdowns, even viruses released into the drinking water.
Me: Great.
Ashtar: The deep state runs and has always run, by intimidation. They use a mafia-style approach to controlling their subjects. Most have been oblivious to this because it hasn’t come down to the deep state losing its power over the people, but this is what is going on now. They’re losing. And they don’t like it.
Watch the news carefully to understand which states are in the headlines. These are the possible target states before the election. If a state swings over, then trouble may well start there.
This is psychological warfare.
Me: Yeah, there was a state that got a new governor, I think, who is a Republican and Q follower, instead of the Democrat who was in there previously. That might be one they would target as retribution for their loss.
Ashtar: For example.
You also noticed that after a few days of extreme heat that the “Global Warming” headlines started again. People have to realize how manipulated they are. First of all, the Deep State controls the weather and they can make it as hot or as cold as they like; and then they produce the headlines to get people panicking. That’s the last thing you need to do. Don’t panic.
The other thing that everyone has to realize is what they think is only part of the truth. Even for those who we have informed, the keyboard warriors, the Anons, only know part of the truth. There is more going on in the background and it tends to be revealed when either the deep state forces our hand, or we need to release the information to you so that you will hold that idea in your minds. Then you’ll help us create that timeline. That’s how it works.
Me: There are still some pretty resistant people, I’ve noticed. They think Trump is lying, trying to fool the public. That it’s all a big play on the part of the Cabal and Trump is in on it. They point out he’s a cabalist too.
Ashtar: Don’t underestimate the work of trolls. They’re all over the internet. There are also people who have this mindset, and they still have to be convinced.
Me: So what’s it going to take? How close to the edge do we have to get before these people see the Light?
Ashtar: You’re pretty close now but you’ll get even closer.
Me: Great. I can hear that song, “The eve of destruction,” playing in my head.
Ashtar: Your people are destructive. And they believe that destroying is the solution to everything. If something’s wrong, destroy it with guns. Blow it up. Fight fire with fire. At some point, you’ll see new laws put into place and enacted on by honest citizens in positions of power and your faith in the system will begin to be restored.
The problem is the people all have to be on board, and they’re not. So those who are of high light are still holding the Light for the ones who are chaotic, creating riots and fighting.
Me: When are we going to see announcements?
Ashtar: Within a year. Everything depends on your progress. For now, watch what Trump says. He’s as close to the truth as you’re going to get right now. He and Q.
Me: I think people would feel better if something would happen that would restore their faith in the system but nothing’s happened yet.
Ashtar: Some are getting wage subsidies. You got some.
Me: I did.
Ashtar: These are the beginnings of the St Germain payouts, the RV. Right now will be uncomfortable, but when the market crashes and money is worthless, then the RV will be paid out. When the market crashes, we’ll have arraigned all the dark ones, the deep state, and they won’t be able to control economics anymore.
Me: When do you see that?
Ashtar: My best guess is this year. Some say the economy has already crashed, but it hasn’t. When everything hits zero, that’s what I’m talking about. When it’s impossible to trade shares anymore because you can’t afford to buy them, their prices are so inflated. And when the price of gas dictates you can’t drive anymore. When so many businesses have gone out of business.
Me: I’d say that’s still a way off.
Ashtar: Possibly. But just wait. When Trump gains power again for his second term, then watch the fireworks. At this point, the Deep State will have nothing to lose. They’ll pull out all the stops and try to blame Trump. This entire operation hinges on people waking up, and they are.
Me: I know people who are sewing covid masks and selling them.
Ashtar: Opportunists. The hinge pin of economics.
When people don’t believe their governments anymore, we’ve won.
Me: So why should they believe Trump? He’s still a big rich fat cat.
Ashtar: He is. But he wants to revise the American economy that the Globalists have tried to destroy in the last few years. And it has affected his wealth, so he has a personal investment in making America great again. He’s reversing what they’ve done and will set it back on its feet again. That will install the people’s faith in him. He’s already made progress despite what’s been going on. He fears that his family will lose all the money he has built up over the years as well as the legacy of his forebears, and that his children and grandchildren will live in squalor under a globalist regime, because unless he does this, that is what will happen in America. He understands that short term pain will mean long term freedom for his country.
Me: So that’s another reason they want everyone at home: so they are unemployed.
Ashtar: Yes, they know what Trump is trying to create, and they’re countering so that he can’t create it. Employment is an obvious part of the platform of each candidate and job creation is important to Americans. There are other areas like healthcare, so of course, bring in a virus and destroy healthcare. Government spending, relations with other countries Trump has done well in, especially North Korea. He’s withdrawn financial support from the WHO, and walked away from the United Nations. This sends a big message out. He is taking on the globalists and beginning by withdrawing America’s financial support.
Me: I think they have to be careful because he’s already talking about the Deep State.
Ashtar: Yes, and this is for a reason: to let people know he’s not behind the problems in the economy right now. The fact that he’s said this much is alarming to the Deep State because once they’re completely outed, the people will realize they’ve been taken advantage of.
Me: I think that’s happening. Ricky Gervais’ speech at the academy awards was also another one.
Ashtar: And the news circulated by the Anons to reveal the truth to other people.
Me: I’ve done my part! LOL
Ashtar: Any way you can get the word out and get people to think.
Me: There’s still resistance. People don’t want to be let out of their jail cells. They’re comfortable there. Personally, I still think it’s going to get worse, much worse.
Ashtar: Yes, it might have to, and that’s their decision. However many can be saved.
The last thing I want to point out to you is the exoneration of people like General Flynn, and the failed impeachment of Donald Trump are showing the public who the bad guys are, and who they can trust.
Me: Is that just people who believe Trump, though?
Ashtar: It gives you more people to believe in. Because so many people still trust the system, when they see General Flynn exonerated, then they believe him to be a good man.
Me: Let’s see.
Ashtar: And you are waiting for him to prove himself.
Me: I’m waiting to see if Trump takes Flynn on board and gives him a position of authority. When he does, then I can believe he’s a white hat. I’m still wondering why Dr Jekyll is still up there, but of course the truthers are doing a lot to discredit him.
Ashtar: Which counts as well. He’ll go down.
Me: And he’ll be holding Bill Gates’ hand.
Ashtar: This is a game of proving to the American public, and the world, who’s worth believing in and who isn’t. There are many already who have fallen from the graces of the general public, many actors and other people of influence. You see the decks are being stacked as we speak.
Me: I’m hoping the white hats will just one day all stand up and “come out” to the public.
Thank you Ashtar.
Ashtar: Adonai.



Channeled through Natalie Glasson

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa,

Greetings to you beloved and benevolent beings. We are the Andromedans, we come forth in love, respect, and to inspire and remind you of the truth existing within your being. We come forth with high vibrations to surround you as this is needed now upon the Earth, and to support your personal Ascension. We invite you to accept our energies, to accept our light, and presence, know we are present to serve you, and support you through these Ascension activations and your Ascension Journey, which is unfolding for you and all upon the Earth.

We wish to speak of living your life fully.

To live a full life can mean, signify, and represent something different for each being. Some believe that to follow a strict spiritual pathway is to live your life fully, others believe that to engage with and experience the physical reality fully, to experience creation and manifestation in the world is to live fully.

While others allow themselves to adopt both pathways, integrating the spiritual nature and the physical nature. To live a life that is full, some believe they require certain things such as waiting for certain objects, situations, and experiences to manifest in their life. Other’s feel they are living a full life when adopting a simple way of life. It may be that to live fully upon the Earth for you is to manifest your dreams and your desires.

As the New Earth Ascension Blueprint anchors, you have the ability to create and manifest your dreams and desires. There are opportunities and possibilities beyond your imagination available to you. With this in mind, it seems appropriate to contemplate and discover what it is to live fully on the Earth.

The way your life will appear to you as living fully will be different and diverse to every other being on the Earth, this is appropriate and necessary. It is due to your state of mind, your belief systems, your current vibration, and the blockages or stagnant energy you may be holding onto within your being. All of these influence the way you perceive yourself and the way that you perceive the world around you, you manifest from these aspects of yourself.

Therefore, it could be said you manifest and perceive for yourself a limited reality. You may perceive you are living your life with the fullness of the Creator and yet you are perceiving from your state of mind, belief systems, stagnant energy within your being, as well as the positive and loving vibrations of your essence. It is almost appropriate to say that in any given moment you are limiting yourself from living a life that is full, the fullness of the Creator.

It can sometimes be challenging to observe, realise, and to understand when you are living fully. When you are living fully you are living from the highest vibration of light and energy available to you at any given moment.

The more you raise your vibration and connect with higher vibrations of light and energy this will alter and shift your own vibration. Thus, you are constantly opening your mind, your being, your perspective of the world within you and around you.

When you allow yourself to exist from the highest vibration of light available to you in any given moment and every given moment you can be sure you are expressing yourself fully and expressing the energy of the Creator fully. This means the vibrations, blessings, love, and truth of the Creator is allowed to cascade through your being, integrating into your entire being reality and creations. You are existing in a reality that is constantly expanding, your existing in a reality where you are constantly letting go, dissolving limitations and boundaries always allowing yourself the freedom of your soul.

How do you recognise when you are connecting with the highest vibration of light available to you?

And how do you recognise when you are living your life fully? You may believe you are living your life fully now, although this may not be the case.

You know when you are living your life fully because you are in a state of wonder, awe, gratitude, inspiration, and love. When you are experiencing these qualities and energies, you know you are living a full life.

You are living beyond the boundaries and limitations you may set for yourself. You are living from the essence of your being within your spiritual practices, physical reality, experiences, and manifestations.

If you can realise whether or not you are experiencing these qualities daily, it doesn’t have to be all day, simply at some point during the day. Then you can recognise you are living your life fully. If not, then there may be a need to raise your vibration, continuing to focus upon connecting with the highest vibration of light, love, and truth available to you in any and every given moment.

How do you connect with the highest vibration of light love and truth in every given moment?

We, the Andromedans, wish to share with you a very simple exercise that will allow you to raise your vibration connecting with the higher frequency of light that is always available to you. Connecting to higher frequencies is akin to steps, as you step onto one, so you are able to access the next. As you access a vibration of light, so the next vibration of light becomes available to you.

We, the Andromedans, invite you to close your eyes if you wish and take the attention of your mind and your third eye inwards into your being.

First Imagine within your being a star or a sun, whichever feels appropriate, this star or this sun is your soul.

Allow yourself to locate this star or sun, your soul within your being. As you do so, imagine sense or acknowledge that you are traveling towards this sun or star. You are being embraced in the most beautiful and loving light.

As you move into and through this star or sun you enter the Universe of the Creator. You observe and witness vast expansive space where the Creator is present and numerous manifestations of the Creator are in existence.

As you enter the Universe of the Creator there is another star or sun that is attracting your attention. Imagine that you travel forth to this star or sun within the Universe of the Creator. As you get closer and closer the energy, light, love, and truth of this star or sun surrounds and embraces you, it draws you into the core of its energy and presence. Rather than moving through this sun or star, exist in the very centre of the energy and light.  You do not need to understand what the energy is. Where it came from or anything like that. Your task is to simply absorb the light. Breathing it into every aspect of your being. This light has been attracted to you by your soul. It is the next available light frequency that will support a rise in your energy vibration.

Absorb the light for as long as feels appropriate and necessary, be aware that wisdom, symbols, or inspiration may manifest. Focusing upon the light this is of greatest importance.

Feel your own being filling with light. The more you notice your own being filling with light you will discover you will gradually no longer exist within the star or the sun. You are becoming aware of your body being filled with so much light. Becoming aware of your existing upon the Earth. Light frequencies radiate from you. The light may feel familiar or it may feel different.

Take time to breathe deeply as you exist in awareness of your body, being, and your reality. Let this light connect with the Earth, your reality, loved ones, and all beings. You have accessed the next available light frequency. You have supported your energy vibration in shifting and evolving. You have accessed the highest vibration available to you.

This simple practice you can achieve as many times as you wish throughout the day; each time allow the energy to settle before you continue once more with the practice. You may find the influence is very deep and profound, if this is the case achieving the practice once a day maybe sufficient or maybe even once a week.

With this new higher vibration of light within your being, you may find you are inspired, in wonder, experiencing gratitude and love. New insights may dawn, new actions may feel as if they need to be expressed through your being. You can think back to the light throughout the day and allow it to emanate from your being knowing you are filling everything with this light. Therefore, you are participating in living your life fully. The more you practice this, the more you will begin to manifest from that light recognise shifts, alterations and changes occur in your reality. Dreams and desires may manifest with greater ease and your connection, and sensitivity to the Creator may also evolve.

Everything has the potential to live fully, when you live fully everything around you begin to live fully to embody an expression of the Creator.

We are the Andromedans, we love you, and we thank you.

How to Master the Art of Manifestation ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

How to Master the Art of Manifestation ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been examining the ways of the human mind for quite some time, and it is our feeling that you must be getting tired of living your lives from such a limited perspective as the one that your mind provides you with. You must be ready to shift from being mind-oriented to being heart-centered, because being in your head is tiresome. Most of you can recall feeling exhausted physically after taking a big test in school, and that’s because you had to expend all of that mental energy that is so draining to who and what you really are as a being of light and love.

Now, shifting from the head to the heart has to be a decision, and it has to be a decision that you make over and over again. The best way to start your day there in the physical is to get your consciousness down into your heart space, and keep it there by breathing into that experience. You want to breathe into that light and love that you feel in your heart. You want to expand that feeling out so that you get your day started off on the right foot. We have been telling you time and time again that now is not the time to be over-thinking and analyzing what is going on there on planet Earth. Now is not the time to be arguing with each other about who is right. When you do so, you are using a part of yourself that is very limited and can only see through a very narrow lens.

Instead, try approaching others and your life in general from your heart. Lead with your heart. Come from your heart. Speak from the heart. And notice how your life changes for the better, instantaneously. With your mind, you’re always trying to solve another problem. You’re trying to figure something out. You want life to be predictable and controllable, because then your mind and your ego will feel safe. But if instead you use the heart-centered approach to life, you will be happy. You will find what it is you are looking for because you will vibrate your way to it.

When you are in your head, you can be completely oblivious to your vibration. You can be unaware of what you are feeling, and that does not serve you. That’s how you perpetuate the same problems that you’re having there on Earth for generation after generation. Be willing to spend some of your day just sitting with no electronics anywhere near you, and focus on what you can tune in to when you are heart-centered, open, receptive, and eager to see what the universe can drop right at your doorstep. This is how you become a spiritual master. This is how you master the physical realm, and this is how you master the art of manifestation, which we know you are all very interested in mastering.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

you are doing such a wonderful job of being the leaders and the wayshowers that we have always told you that you are.-The Arcturians-

For the Starseeds & Awakened Ones - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

For the Starseeds & Awakened Ones ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are extremely satisfied with the way that you all have been opening yourselves up to new ideas, new philosophies, new information, and new ways of being in your world. When you can adjust to whatever is happening around you and find inner peace within you, that’s when you know you have attained a level of spiritual mastery that most people on Earth are not even looking for. Most people are doing the opposite of the concept of going with the flow. Most people are resisting, complaining, digging in their heels, and not at all capable of seeing the growth experience that is right in front of them.

And so, when we say that we are extremely satisfied with how you are adjusting and opening up, we are talking to you, the awakened ones, and we are noticing how your ability to go with the flow is affecting those who want to fight and point fingers. You are the ones who can recognize when there is an opportunity for spiritual growth, when there is an opportunity for alignment with Source, and you take those opportunities not just because you want to be good little new agers. It is because you follow the feeling, and the feeling that you want to be in is what sets you free. It is what sets you apart as well and makes you more likely to thrive under any condition.

But being the awakened ones that you are, you seek to elevate the consciousness of everyone. You seek to be the stabilizing force in the lives of those who are riddled with fear, anger, and anxiety, and you are having the desired impact. More and more people are tiring themselves out from clenching their fists, and they are joining you in the light. They are beginning to look within more because of those like you who set the example. You demonstrate to others what is possible, whether there’s a pandemic going on or not, and you are doing such a wonderful job of being the leaders and the wayshowers that we have always told you that you are.

And now is just the beginning. What you are living right now is practice for bigger and bigger events, many of which you have been eagerly anticipating there on Earth. Those of you who are a part of what we call the awakened collective will continue to be the leaders in thought, belief, vibration, and most importantly, heart-centeredness. You are the ones who look with compassion first and ask how you can help second. And for those of you who have wondered why you are there, that is the answer.

For those of you who have been eagerly awaiting that moment when you could go home to the star system you came from, now you know. Now you know why you are there and that you are needed. And for all of you starseeds, you also know that this is just the beginning of so many more changes to come for humanity, changes that will allow you to be a part of the galactic community, openly. And to be able to do so consciously and deliberately, leading the way for humanity, that’s what it’s all about for you awakened starseeds there on Earth.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

We are gifted with the ability to now recognize that Divine Light is a malleable tool in the hands of those souls who have been prepared to create a new consciousness on the earth.-Shanta Gabriel-

June 24, 2020,

A Message of Life for the New Earth

When we see the incredible differences in which people now live, it is a wonder there is agreement anywhere with anyone. There is a chasm between belief systems that seems impossible to cross.

And yet there is a yearning within our souls for connection, and at the core of our being a desire for harmony and peace to prevail on Earth. So much is said from each viewpoint with the same conviction behind the words, each believing they are right.

How can we ever bridge the gulf and create unity and peace? It seems that only a miracle of Divine proportions can make that happen.

That is where we come in. Before we were birthed onto this planet, we had choices revealed to us. Our souls were advised and prepared with possible realities that could create the learning experiences necessary for the evolution of our soul’s highest destiny. We were given options for life at different times in the evolution of Earth’s consciousness as timelines were revealed. And we were offered the chance to be the change that brought necessary miracles to a world in need.

We all chose to be here now at this poignant time of the most potent change in history — when the Earth’s ability to sustain life is imperiled. It has been a rough process for new life to birth and those who came many years ago were at the beginning of a new era. There were many obstacles, the biggest of which was human consciousness. There were no directions or clear markers to show the way, but our soul’s imperatives required us to continue to seek the path. It may have felt like a sharp machete was more valuable than a compass to get through the jungle of unconsciousness.

Birthing Miracles

The way is now open to birth the miracles necessary to make positive change happen in the world. In fact, it is so open it can feel like viewing a vast spaciousness with no perimeters or boundaries. It is both awe-inspiring and frightening in its grandeur.

The strangeness of the landscape is balanced by the discovery of the hearts of people all over the world who have awakened into the Divine Light. Our hearts have become surprised and soothed by the loving compassion and understanding we encounter in the evolving souls who are appearing in our fields of awareness.

We are also comforted by scientific breakthroughs that point to new opportunities to take advantage what is being revealed to us. We are being shown our ability to recognize a vast open field that is available for us to seed, grow and nurture into something truly beautiful.

The true discovery is that we know how to do this. Our souls thrive in the Light of new awareness that brings a sense of belonging after a lifetime of alienation. It is time to nourish that ability and step into our roles as harbingers of a New Earth that can be created by the connecting links of higher frequencies.

The Roles we were Born to Play

The time has come for us to step into the roles we were born to play. We are gifted with the ability to now recognize that Divine Light is a malleable tool in the hands of those souls who have been prepared to create a new consciousness on the earth.

Life is unfolding and there is momentum. Remember that it does not need to be as hard as it was earlier in this lifetime. We can now hold the frequencies for a greater field of awareness containing the qualities that create the change necessary to birth a new planetary reality.

It is the time to step into our roles as the Earth Keepers, transformational leaders and the overseers of conscious evolution. The fields are so open now that it is necessary for us to be
alert and aware of what is possible. And the answer to that is — Anything!

You are being invited by the Presence of the Divine to create a new reality fueled with Beauty, Love, Harmony, and the Peace you always wanted to experience. These are pure desires of your Soul and they are valid.

To have your desires manifest, it is necessary to stop believing that these exalted realities cannot be experienced. When you call for a greater truth for your life, do not allow yourself to sink under the weight of what is appearing as an unsustainable reality for life on the planet. Do not succumb to the chaos and destruction that appears real as the old structures collapse. What you are seeing is an overlay for the rich fertile soil that is waiting to burst into fruition.

The Cosmic Male and Female differentiating

Know the there can be an economy and a health-care system that works for everyone to promote wellbeing. Hold to the possibility that the Divine Masculine energy can support men to protect and care for others rather than destroy. Know that the Divine Feminine energy is refining our energy systems so we can be co-creators for a foundation of wholeness and balance in the world.

Holding the Vision

We came as souls to hold the vision for this New Earth reality and seed the way for the Infinite Potential that awaits all humanity in the quantum field. It is time for the pure expression of our Soul’s Highest Reality.

There is support for you that has never been available. There is a community of awakened souls who share your vision and want to work with you in this expanded creation. All the resources required are also here and available.

We can block this opportunity with our beliefs that these ideas are not possible, or we can turn our attention to the creation of new life at this Altar of Pure Potential. The choice is yours.

See a new reality base for life on the New Earth that holds Compassion, Acceptance of differences, Loving Kindness, Equality, Abundant Resources, Beauty, Harmony, Inner Peace, and Wellbeing.

As you do, you are seeding the quantum fields of Infinite Potential. We came for this. Your time is now. And so it is.

Age of Aquarius Activation June 30th.

Time :07:48 am Paris/Brussels/Amsterdam

Instructions: (Suggested duration for our meditation is 20 minutes)
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to co-create the trigger that will start the Age of Aquarius

3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light

4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

5. Visualize this Light transmuting all remaining darkness on Earth, healing all inequalities, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize soft pink Light of the Goddess embracing all beings on planet Earth and healing their emotional bodies. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.

Galactic Federation Transmission – A Call For Action

We the Galactic Federation of Light summon all the Starseeds and Lightworkers on Earth to raise their vibration and send out this message to the dark forces on this planet.
According to Universal Law, we the Galactic body that oversee this part of the Cosmos, do not give the dark forces of energy our permission to continue using the energy of the people of Earth for their own ends.
As Governors of Light, we urge you to leave the good citizens of Earth alone, after many thousands of years of being allowed to remain on this plane of existence, due only to the Law of Freewill, which was given to this planet at the beginning.
Starseeds, Lightworkers and Citizens of Earth please state out loud:
We the people of Earth do not give you, the invisible dark forces, beings and entities, permission to control us in any form imaginable.
We do not give you permission to make us war against each other, to poison our food and water supplies, to poison us with chemicals that harm the human body, the animals and the environment.
We the people do not give you permission to hold our Sovereignty from us or to govern us through heads of State that profit from the people energetically, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and any other forms of vampirism.
We the people now take our planet Earth back under our control for the betterment of All the citizens on the planet and demand you, the dark forces which are part of the invisible, to leave this planet with immediate effect.
This message is out for all to see and should be read out loud, copied, reproduced in all realms of existence concerning this planet and the Solar System we reside in.
• Only those entities and energies of positive vibration and higher frequency will be given permission to occupy this planet Earth.
• We the Citizens of Earth now take back our home and evict all negative energies, beings and entities that reside here.
• By the powers and laws of the Universe – leave now!
• Earth Gaia is a frequency of light that no longer allows lower, negative frequencies to inhabit the surface or indeed any region under the surface of the planet.
• All beings who do not vibrate a higher frequency of positive and loving energy for All – leave now – leave this planet in peace!
• This declaration of Sovereignty for planet Earth is Complete.
• Leave the waters of our Universe, for your presence here is no longer agreed upon.
This is the Galactic Federation of Light. We thank the citizens of Earth for their endurances throughout timelines of Planet Earth in its many forms. We love you all and help release you from all the negativity you have had to endure.
We are sending you new integrated light energy for the purpose of your healing as a Global Nation.
We express our gratitude for your high resolve in this Galactic matter and ask that you hold the light for short bursts and then send to the earth, to ground the energy deep within your planet.
All negative frequencies, energies, beings and entities will move to another plane of existence to live out the destiny that has been set.
The planet will no longer carry energy that is not of pure Source and will undergo a deep healing process and regenerate back to its original template it was created to be.
We, the Federation, ask you to assist in getting this message of declaration out and to transmute all negative thought forms, emotions and energies, back to Source for healing and integration of your DNA codes.
We serve the greater good and aid the citizens of Earth at this time in history, as it was meant to be. Send your own declaration messages out now – For it is time.
Close of Transmission
Channel Unknown

We are being asked to consciously operate from the heart space until it becomes our second nature.

June 22, 2020,

Wanted to drop a quick update. I hope everyone has had a wonderful Solstice/Eclipse/New Moon weekend! It was/is very intense mentally, physically, and emotionally.

My team has been sharing with me the importance of us continuing to anchor in and embody the highest timeline, particularly when we are feeling deep heart connection and joy. (To read more on how to anchor in the highest timeline, please click here:

With the powerful energies of the weekend, we can feel the two distinct realities and that the polarization & fear has greatly increased. All one has to do is browse through social media to see how we are dividing ourselves. Some would say that we are being purposely manipulated and divided yet that is not the truth as we are beings that are stepping into our own power now. Everything is a choice and we are choosing in each moment where to “spend” our energy.

We know that what we put out into the universe through words, actions and thoughts create our reality, or rather the lens through which we see reality. If we are full of fear then everything we see will go through that lens and it will be changed. Think of going on a road trip through the country. It should be scenic but the windshield is so muddy that you can barely get a square clean to see the road much less all the beautiful views. Your opinion on the drive would be skewed and limited. That is what happens when we are seeing through a lens full of fear or any other emotion that leads us AWAY from the heart space and truth. When we are in the heart space, the windshield is clear and we can see a greater picture.

We are being asked to consciously operate from the heart space until it becomes our second nature. Integrity in thoughts, words, and deeds are paramount now. When we experience something that moves us from the heart space, we are being asked to observe it, let it pass through and return to the heart. It is from the purest heart space that we will not only anchor, but embody the highest timeline.

In discussion with my team this morning they explained that the highest timeline holds unity and endless compassion for the human experience at all of its levels. Within Unity is Neutrality. Neutrality is often grossly misunderstood as not having your own thoughts, personality, or emotions. Neutrality is having your own thoughts and understanding while simultaneously having compassion for another that feels very differently.

I asked my team for an example and they said look at the “Great mask debate”. Some feel wearing a mask is essential and shows that you care for self & others. Others feel that wearing a mask is a symbolic silencing of people and an example of growing tyranny. Others feel that wearing a mask will erode their mental and/or physical health. The reasons for or against are endless, each true and correct for the one that believes it.

To hold the highest timeline of this issue is to have your belief (whatever it is) and yet hold compassion, acceptance, and understanding for another that feels completely different. It is through acknowledging and respecting the differences of others that we actually achieve unity.

The lower timeline holds duality, right vs wrong, my way vs your way type energy and tremendous amounts of fear. We can see this playing out in so many areas of our lives right now. It has gotten quite loud. The highest timeline does not erase the issues that we are seeing, but rather it asks us to have compassion and understanding for wherever another is on their journey. This allowing for all the ranges of the human experience helps the highest timeline anchor in beautifully.

Most of us are bouncing between the timelines in given moments. Simply observe where you have gone into the conflict energy, let it pass through and return to the heart. We are all learning as we go and this is a wonderful opportunity for us to see the extreme difference between living in fear & duality verses living from the heart.

I hope this find you well and basking in the glow of the energy that has come into our sphere to shift us all. Thank you so much to all who share and support this work. It is greatly appreciated. Lots of love and heart clearing clarity to all.

Healing the Core Issues of the Galaxy with Us ∞The 9D Arcturian Council-Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been working through some of the core issues that have existed since the birth of this galaxy with all of you there in human form on planet Earth. We have been assisting you in healing some very old galactic wounds that you have all taken on because you wanted so very much to be of service to all the other beings in this galaxy, and you wanted to be at the forefront of the shift in consciousness, which is a universal experience that we are all having together.

And so, we have been working with so many of you while you are asleep in the astral plane. We have been able to gather so much information from those of you who are experiencing these core issues in your lives. You are the ones who have had to face sickness and death, discrimination and inequality. You are the ones who are ready to move past these core issues together by seeing beyond the egoic perspective. You are ready to start seeing yourselves as a collective, and you are also ready to let go of the fear of mortality, the fear of nonexistence, so that you can move past the virus and so that you can move past the racism.

You understand that it’s not about getting a vaccine, and it’s not about passing more laws. You all understand that the way to heal the core issues of the galaxy is through your willingness to experience pain and to use that pain to catapult you into a type of ecstasy, a feeling of oneness, a feeling of unity consciousness. You are all there to know yourselves as Source Energy Beings in physical bodies, and that is an enormous accomplishment for any race on any planet. You all just decided to incarnate on one of the most difficult planets with so much polarity and so many emotions, and that is why we are here to help.

We are here to offer ourselves as a taste of what it is like to know your infinite and eternal nature as beings of unconditional love. We are here to share that knowing and our vibrational signature so that you may hold the same knowing within yourselves while still maintaining those beautiful physical bodies of yours. We are happy to be a part of this journey with all of you, and we look forward to meeting up with you time and time again to discuss what will serve humanity the best as you continue on in your ascension journey.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

what you are discovering – and not necessarily pleasantly – is that each individual is functioning as is right for them at the moment…Following the energies arriving the next few days, you will know who you are and where you are going…Shout hosanna and hallelujah for the joy of becoming who you are… You were the wagon pioneers. Those following have the advantage of trains because of you.

Dear Ones,

Mask or no mask. Yes or no. Right or left. Up or down. Such is so for a reason. You are all declaring your right to be in ways that you did not anticipate when you initiated this transition.

In all likelihood, you envisioned that some of you would be floating about from dimension to dimension. And that others would either leave the earth or be so distinctly different as to create areas of the chosen and not chosen.

Instead, you find others merely have different opinions than you. No one’s appearance has changed dramatically. So the only way you can determine if someone is “with” you or “against” you is by their actions and words.

Do you remember your early teens and the in-group vs. the unpopular group? As was true then, you wish to be with the popular group. The difficulty is that the popular group seems to shift daily from, “This is absolutely the right way” to “This is absolutely the wrong way” and all points in between.

So it is those you once felt close to no longer agree with you wholeheartedly. And perhaps those you had no interest in are functioning more like you. Your interactions have become confusing and disheartening.

For you are a forerunner, so you should know what is right for everyone.

But what you are discovering – and not necessarily pleasantly – is that each individual is functioning as is right for them at the moment. There is no longer a group should or action. Which is confusing to everyone. Should you listen to your heart, the scientists, the medical world, the political world, your spouse, or your family? All are touting different remedies, and all believe their actions are correct. And so they are.

No longer is there the one action fits all dynamic with which you are so comfortable. A dynamic that allows you to know right from wrong – according to social dictates.

Even though we have discussed this issue with you many times, you are different now. You no longer care what others want, and that frightens you as much as anything. For what if you are wrong? What if your inner voice is more of a fairytale than reality?

So it is you become angry with those not following your sense of rightness. For you envisioned this time as a clear division with optics that would enable you to know you are right and others not of the light are wrong. Instead, the divisions are hazy and changing daily. So you question yourself because it does not seem right that you have one opinion, and others have a different view.

A new way of being that is frightening. For you have no conclusive evidence that your direction is right. In truth, many of you are finding that your life seems less appealing than those functioning differently.

This is a time of discovering you. But in this time of dramatic change, you are not confident that your direction is the right one for you. What if you miss something wonderful because you are moving in a different direction? Or worse, what if you isolate yourself needlessly and discover that all of this discomfort was self-made?

Because you have not yet fully allowed yourself to become you, you are once again in that young teen quandary of who should I be? The difference is, joining this group or action does not give you joy. But then, your isolated actions seem so counter-intuitive. Why does everyone seem to know their direction, and you continue to question yours?

You feel like an odd duck – your direction is more confusing and less rewarding than you expected. And you continue to wait for your reward for being a good boy or girl. Yet, nothing seems to change.

What you will soon discover is that your sense of rightness will be enhanced far beyond what you are now experiencing.

The energies arriving the next few hours will shift your inner mode from that of a young teen to a young adult.

You have been creating within a 3D bubble of confusion. Following the energies arriving the next few days, you will know who you are and where you are going. Your confusion will shift dramatically from “I wonder why or who I am” to “Of course.” For you are no longer the 3D child or the new being infant. You will become a young adult knowing your direction and your needs. Which will have little to do with what others do or expect of you.

You will mature the next few days far beyond anything you now imagine. And all that is required to do so is to accept you as the being you have always wanted to be. You will not be like others, nor will others be like you. You will claim your rightness to be and allow the same for others.

While it is true that some will remain of 3D for reasons that have little to do with you, millions of others – the third awakening group – will be awakening the next few days.

So it is your thoughts and actions will become more and more acceptable to you, as well as others. Not that you will function exactly the same. But that you will understand others have inner voice directives different than yours for a reason. Allowing you the freedom to be without questioning your actions or motives.

This is a time of great awakening—something no one now of the earth has previously experienced. Shout hosanna and hallelujah for the joy of becoming who you are. No longer do you need to hide your beliefs or actions – and the same is true for all. For the earth has shifted from fear to love, and the earth’s inhabitants are now allowing the same for themselves.

So it is your uniqueness will be honored instead of stifled – and the same will be true of all those awakening or awakened.

Your transition likely required years, those following you, months, and those following the second wave, days. It is the difference between the early pioneers searching for trails across the United States in cumbersome wagons to pioneers making the same journey by train from one part of the United States to another. You were the wagon pioneers. Those following have the advantage of trains because of you. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

Take one step outside your comfort zone and begin growing!-Creator-

by Jennifer Farley, June 21, 2020,

A change of seasons has always been an energetic doorway to shifts; a time of creation, manifestation and release. In this moment, it is stronger than you have ever experienced before.

Over the next few weeks, take some time to look at your core beliefs. Are they still congruent with your world and life as you see it? Do you find yourself avoiding change because it is simply too uncomfortable?

My dearest child, it is time to challenge yourself! The world is no longer bending to the needs of the individual. The fear and hate that has divided you is slowly fading. You are now racing to future where each human works toward and will achieve wholeness in relation to what surrounds them.

Take one step outside your comfort zone and begin growing!

~ Creator

individuals finally let go of politics and conspiracy theories and tap in to their potential as creator beings, as the ones who are there to make a difference on Earth.

The Solstice Transformations Have Begun ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with the way you all have been opening yourselves up to the energies of the solstice, as well as the energies that have been piggybacking on the energies of the solstice. We have been noticing the transformations that have been occurring in the root chakras of those of you who have been particularly open and allowing. You know when it is time to relax and receive. You know when it is time to let in all that you have been summoning, and now is one of those times.

These energies began coming in before this date on your calendar, and they will continue to flood in, giving those who have yet to open up to them more and more chances to do so. We are also noticing that those of you who have been receiving these energies consciously are feeling more grounded, more rooted to Mother Earth, and are now in a position where you can really do some good creating of the second half of the year 2020.

This is a year that will continue to challenge people to awaken, and that is a very good thing. You are going to see many more transformations within yourselves and others, as individuals finally let go of politics and conspiracy theories and tap in to their potential as creator beings, as the ones who are there to make a difference on Earth.

You are there not to just be told what is going to happen by beings like us. You are there to work with us to create the reality that you have decided is the ideal for all of humanity. You can bring in even more fifth-dimensional energy. You can summon and receive even more of the energy that creates worlds, galaxies, and universes. We, and so many others like us, are at the ready. We are ready, we are willing, and we are more than capable of assisting you in becoming the version of humanity that you have always aspired to be. This time of the solstice is not over by any stretch.

Keep yourselves aware of all that is happening energetically, as you continue to have events occurring up there in your skies, events that are fundamentally transformative and that are meant to shake things up there on planet Earth. But it is not just your solar activity that is responsible for the awakenings and the transformations. It is you.

You are the ones who are there to make something happen with your consciousness, your energy, and your vibration. You are the ones who understand that you are a part of a collective and that all must be respected, loved, and forgiven within your collective in order for you to ascend in the beautiful way that you are beginning to take that next step of your journey.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

One of the easiest ways to receive energy is to simply breathe it in.-AA Gabriel through Shelley Young for June 20, 2020-

One of the easiest ways to receive energy is to simply breathe it in. There are many gifts to this solstice. Invite them in. Breathe them into every cell in your body. Be willing to receive all it has to offer you. Become one with the process. Trust your own ability to integrate and forge ahead into the unknown, one conscious step at a time.

This next phase is occurring because of you being willing to be on the planet to embody and drive the great shift of the ages. We continue to honor and celebrate you for all you have done, for it has aligned you with unprecedented potentials and possibilities, and we cannot wait to see what you will create as you ride the waves of change forward into the new.

Sometimes truth is simple. You are loved. You are love…Your world needs your peace right now. -The Angels-

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Peace, dear ones is within your grasp this very moment. Peace is available no matter what your world is going through. Peace can be found even in the midst of disease, debt, division, and disruption. Lasting peace can never be guaranteed by your outer world. There will always be waves at the surface of the ocean, and turbulence as you look outward, into your world. Lasting peace can only be found by diving within.

Take a few moments each day to sit in silence, and breathe. It is the easiest thing to do. If you cannot quiet your mind in silence, then put on some beautiful music, or watch a video of beautiful nature. Walk slowly and with awareness. Lay on a blanket and watch the clouds. Cook with full awareness on each movement, each texture, each smell. Look into the eyes of a loved one, hold hands in silence, and breathe together. Whatever you do, take a few minutes each day in silence or beauty and just breathe.

The storms of bottled up emotions are raging upon your planet earth. They are coming in rapid and tumultuous waves. Nonetheless, beneath it all there exists a peaceful presence of Love that each and every one of you is attempting to find – first for yourselves, and then for your world. Just as one can dive deep beneath the waves on a stormy sea to find the sweet, and gentle currents of the ocean, so too, you can dive within and find the sweet and gentle currents of Divine love. No matter what the world is doing, you can choose to dive inward and find the peace that surpasses all understanding.

You are not shirking your duties as a human being when you dive inward to find peace. You are becoming more humane. You are not avoiding social ills when you dive inward to find peace. You are starting to heal them at the vibrational, root level. Systems can only be healed when every part within them is working at its best and human systems can only find peace when the human beings within them do their part from a vibration of peace.

Far from avoiding your responsibilities, diving within offers you the mental balance, stability, clarity, and guidance that you require to be effective in your outer world. Diving within resets and re-balances your body so you can remain strong and healthy. Diving within calms the emotional storms so you can respond to life as a mature spiritual being rather than reacting a wounded child.

Sometimes truth is simple. You are loved. You are love. You are made of nothing less than the Divine that chose to experience itself in all forms. You are God loving God or hating God. You are Love expanding Love or blocking Love. You are Divinity embodied in diversity. You are Source seeking a harmonious dance within all parts of Self. You are not separate. You never have been. When a wave relaxes into the gentle movements of the ocean rather than being buffeted by the storms above, it finds peace. When you relax into the depths of your very Source, through simply breathing with awareness, then you too will find peace instead of being buffeted by the storms of your outer world

Dear ones, you breathe because God breathes life into you and through you. When you sit, breathe, and receive, you are simply allowing yourself to feel who and what you truly are. You are allowing yourself to feel the Source within you that says, “No matter what you witness in your world, there is always love attempting to emerge in every human heart.”

To the degree this love is blocked, there is chaos, illness, violence, hatred, and upset. To the degree each soul allows this love there is peace, health, unity, love, and contentment. Love one another by all means, but also we implore you from the heavens, love yourselves enough to dedicate a few moments of your time each day to diving inward, to being present to beauty or embracing silence as you simply breathe.

Your world needs your peace right now. As you take a few moments to detach from the chaos and embrace a greater truth – that you are all loved and held in the heart of the Divine – you will become the ones whose light shines forth in this world. You will be the ones to speak with a voice of loving reason. You will be the ones strong enough to inspire others. You will be the ones that embody the truth of your very being, loving yourselves first, then spreading that love and peace as it spirals outwards through you into your families, your communities, and ultimately your world.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Ann Albers

it is unity and harmony that shall be the building blocks of the new Earth and YOU are the builders!-The White Winged Collective Consciousness Of Nine-

June 18, 2020

Humanity’s Call (Solstice, Ring of Fire Eclipse) 20th, 21st, 22nd June 2020

From a FaceBook post of June 16 ~

During your Solstice moment, Solar Eclipse ring of fire throughout 20th, 21st and 22nd June 2020, there will be a continuous call put out to fifth-dimensional and higher harmonic fourth-dimensional individuals across your globe and throughout space and time.

For the psychic battle and spiritual war begins for the ‘Final Showdown’ in respect to the control of consciousness and timeline creation. Whilst the light has ‘already won’ if you will – you are called to draw this pre-matter blueprint into your physical reality and create that which has been created.

Pre-matter remains pre-matter until it is drawn down by the holders of magic in physical incarnation. This, through focused negative intention can be inverted into an illusory, false and opposing presentation when service-to-self magic is performed and this is the plan and plot for your Solstice, Solar Eclipse three days of the New Dawn, New Earth seeding of 20th, 21st and 22nd June 2020.

The call is for all those with Christed, Kryst connections across the board to join in telepathic union to deliver the counteracting force and thus the antidote to the negative, inverted intention magic. Christians, Buddhists, Pagans alike – all religions and those who follow no religion but stand for truth, harmony, sovereignty and honour, you are called to action on these days.

Hold joy in your hearts (we realise this is most challenging at this time in your current nexus moment yet you have the tools to do so when reactionary to inner realities taking precedence over outer until the outer harmony templates root themselves upon your planet) – so hold joy, togetherness, unity and in your minds you hold one another, you draw one another close through unconditional love for your fellow man and you rejoice.

For they would separate you through fear and terror and your antidote is unity within love and safety. For your cheers of success, your relief at your freedom and liberation and your unconditional love of one another is that which creates this within the physical.

Therefore we say love and act as if the reality you seek has already happened. Wake with joy each morning for the richness, healing and abundance that the New Earth offers. Even whilst this may not have actually occurred within your physical reality – you live as though it has.

You exist holding the emotions as though it has already happened for this is global and collective manifestation through the power of the law of magnetic attraction. During these three days, this is the consciousness template you are being called to hold.

These are unity templates with tangible seeds of alchemical unification within. True and tangible alchemy on Earth. The unity templates hold the harmony templates within as holographic containers. For it is unity and harmony that shall be the building blocks of the new Earth and YOU are the builders!

Starseeds, awake and enlightened individuals and all those who stand for truth, you are thus called. 20th, 21st and 22nd June 2020 – Your Solstice point, Solar Eclipse Ring of Fire….New Earth Creations.

~ We Are The White Winged Collective Consciousness Of Nine 💙💙💙💜💜💜💙💙💙