February 2019
Message from P’taah
Love Who You Are!
Today we wish to speak about relationships. Indeed, one way or another, the topic called Relationship is very apropos in all of your lives. That is because in some area of your life either you are having a relationship which is not all that it may be or indeed you are yearning for a relationship of a certain type that is not showing forth in your life.
So, what is it, this ‘relationship’? You know there is no kind of relationship which is more valid than any other. Certainly you all tend to label your relationships and to say that this one is important, this one is not quite so important, and this one is indeed very, very important to you.
Now the truth is, it is all for your own growth and expansion and all of the relationships that you have in your life are equally valid, whether it is with lover or spouse, with a child or parent and siblings, with employer or employee or with somebody that you meet once in your life but have some kind of emotional rapport or exchange with. All of it is valid because whatever your relationship, it is a reflection to you.
We have often told you that when you view a situation that is occurring in your life by the emotional quotient, ‘How does it feel,’ then indeed ‘How does it feel’ is your barometer to what the issues are in your life. What is aligned, what is not aligned, what is an opportunity for expansion, what is to be recognized as a re-creation of old patternings that you may choose to go beyond, hmm? All of it, all of it, is a measure for you to know more about you.
Let us speak for one moment about lack of relationship in your life because many of you are feeling that there is an empty space within that you really desire to fill. So what occurs, and you can all look at your lives and recognize this one: You go out to find somebody to fill the empty space. And when this is filled by the lover, or indeed spouse, then somewhere along the road, the bloom wears off the rose, mmm?
Now, instead of that heart-stopping, most exciting, wondrous love affair, you find yourself in a place where it is disappointing. Where the lover, through familiarity, is not fulfilling his/her obligation to be perfect. To fill the empty space. To provide you with what you cannot provide for yourself. And the moment may come when you find fault and you say, “Well you are not as I would desire and so good bye, end of relationship.” Then you move on and try and find the next perfect one, mmm? You all know about that, eh?
All right, so what we would say to you – and this is very important because with you involved in what is termed metaphysical searching, you have heard much given forth about your soul mates and indeed twin flames. And now it is the desire of your heart to find your soul mate because that person would be absolutely perfect and it would be the perfect relationship happily ever after.
Well, bad luck. We remind you that that which be your soul mate, should you find him or her, would reflect to you absolutely that which is not aligned in your life. So we suggest at this timing you might perhaps pray that you don’t meet that one yet! (Laughter) We are teasing a little bit.
The truth of the matter is nobody can fill that empty space but you. And what is the empty space, really? The empty space is a vacuum created when in your judgment of who you are and knowing that you are not enough, you separate from you.
And so it does not matter who you invite into your life to fill the gap. They cannot do it because each one you invite into your life is there to reflect to you who you are. And indeed they will reflect to you that which is the wondrousness. But if you do not know that you are beautiful, your lover telling you how beautiful you are will not be truth for you. If you do not love who you are, if you do not accept every facet of you and love it absolutely, your lover loving every facet of you will not be enough because it will not be your truth. Do you understand?
So, beloved ones, the bottom line is it all starts with you. Love absolutely every facet of who you are!