Trump Signs Multiple New Executive Orders While Taking Questions From The Press
My perspective about 2025 and beyond.
Ready For Lobstr, QFS, and Currency School? Basics Tonight With Emily & Cranker, QSI Team
‘‘We want to be able to provide a way for people from all backgrounds, and like all toe dippy nesses to come and say, OK, here are the public proofs that have already been discovered.
Let’s walk you
through 1 by 1.
So you know, what is QFS?
What is, you know, ISO20022 compliance? You know, how does Stellar differentiate itself from XRP?
Why is this possible?
Like what are the executive orders that Trump signed that actually make all this possible?
How does this tie into the [USTA] Act, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera?
So we’re having all this created that people who have, you know, plenty of questions and they were thinking that – guys, this sounds like Black Hat you know, Great Reset kind of stuff.
Well, I mean, in the beginning it was part of that, right.
But like we said earlier, the White Hats have literally taken all of that and just rejiggered it, confiscated it and they’re now pushing it forward in a new system that’s clean and free of corruption.
And so, you know, we’re coming up with all of these different proofs so that you can go Fact Check everything, do more research if you want to, and feel comfortable with this.
And then when you’re ready to move on and learn about Stellar, we’re going to have kind of like a pre beginner tutorial.
Where it’s like, you know
well, what is Lobstr and how do you actually use it?
Where do I even download it from?
How do I create a profile?So, we’ll have all that kind of training material coming out in the next couple of days, hopefully before”
- Emily Tang – Quantum Stellar Initiative.
Stellar Learning
May Everyone Everywhere Feel The Love of God Genuinely & Authentically within Your Hearts.
Are You Ready For Your Stellar Journey?

Hi everyone, to all of you that are coming to visit this website, i just want to say that i have purposefully stopped reposting blogs from other websites because i have witnessed that one way or another there is always some kind of information that needs to be updated and be adapted to the new changing times we are living as we progress into our evolution and ascension journey.
You must have noticed also that i have been posting some content from Quantum Stellar Initiative in an attempt to guide you all towards a tangible path that will bring you to prosperity and the ability to help your loved ones and all those around you. If you are willing to do the work and make your own research about what Stellar Blockchain represents and how it touches every aspect of our lives and how it will evolve in the future, you will be amazed to witness what a brilliant plan it is, a plan that the entire Q team and White Hats have been preparing for very long time under guidance by Jesus, Archangel Michael, Archangel Seraphim, Archangel Gabriel , Saint Germain and Stellar that represents the Source of All.
Maybe the words i am using sound a little strange or difficult to inner-stand . I am inviting you instead to listen your intuition between these lines and do your best to inform yourselves and look and see how much is happening out there. And i will give you a simple example: XLM is a digital currency that works on the stellar network. Just 3 weeks ago it was at 0.09$ and now it is at around 0.5$ meaning that if you bought let’s say for 30$ it would be 270 XLM and now the value of 270 XLM is 135$. The price of XLM will rise by end 2025 to 0.8 and by 2027 to 10$. I have a post during my b’day to let you know this before it happened, you can check on my youtube channel. And then it happened earlier! So i am inviting you to set aside some of your money supply and start creating your financial prosperity. I am not winning anything when i do this, i am only doing this because i want to see you all have it easy with financial means in the months and years that are coming. Do your own research and you will find out that XLM is the currency of We The People. And it still stays low in price to allow more amongst you to join and in-joy this journey of prosperity and peace and the highest good for all.
And if you happen to be interested to dig deeper, i invite you to check QSI material and website here :
Remember to keep on doing your inner work in prayer and meditation. Remember to breath and laugh. It all starts from that space and Stellar knowledge will complement your journey in amazing ways that you can not yet imagine.
It is a Soul discovery journey. I promise you that.
With very much Love,
Feel More Than Fine
Nikos Akrivos
From Gold Standards to Digital Currencies, Driving a Changing World
QSI – How SPACs Are Used for GESARA Wealth Transfer
A physical and technical Ascension. NESARA/GESARA . Quantum Stellar Financial System.
We are living in amazing times where we begin to see tangibly many changes taking place as more and more we come from a place of knowing fully that White Hats are in control and everything playing out is a movie to awaken those not yet aware of their authentic connection with God within. And i have been posting quite a few vlogs and presentations about Stellar and how this ties to our Ascension being not just physical but also technical. We hear often speak about the term going organic. And the term organic does not only apply to our physical ascension but also to our technical ascension. As the change happens within towards higher vibration more in one oneness with our highest self, with our soul, we experience all around us more of the beauty manifesting. And if one wishes to witness as much as possible of the beauty showing one can easily do some research and look and look at what Stellar represents. We are being shown how blockchain through Stellar brings Divine Governance , Divine Finances, Divine Health Systems and everything that is being used as Bridges towards New Earth. If you never got interested in Stellar, now more than ever is the time to start making your own research about it and find all the information that will help you have a better inner-standing of what takes place which is by the same token will help you to be aware of that the doors of Heaven are wide open for all to go through. There is a moment for inner introspection and contemplation to find alignement with Source and there is a moment where inspired action guides us to do what we need to do and expand. So my invitation once again is to go check Quantum Stellar Initiative vlogs and presentations as to get confirmation after confirmation about the existence of NESARA/GESARA and The Quantum Stellar Financial System and facts about The White Hats being in control.
And if you have any questions about Stellar and how it works and how one can be involved i am happy to share with you free of charge as this website has been all these years and because this is where we go : Abundance for All Humanity:)
Nikos Akrivos
Create your new world, one exciting adventure after another. Stop playing it safe. Stop pretending you are not an earth angel…Enjoy, explore, and do so, confident that you have many more skills than you now imagine.
Dear Ones,
Perhaps you have noted some personal sparkles of joy. Perhaps not. It does not matter because you can no longer delay your joy and contentment.
Many of you beg to differ, for your life is not much different from last month or last year. This is because you are addressing your life as a glass half empty. Of course, such a statement angers you, for you have been promised so much, and you believe you are experiencing so little.
There is nothing you need to do or say to change your luck, as you call it. Luck, laughter, and joy are now yours without the hesitancy of maybe tomorrow, next year, or when you are a more loving person or thousands of other excuses you created in your 3D world to maintain your smallness in that world.
Your role now, in truth, your need, is to expand, explore, discover, and create. None of these are possible if you maintain your tiny 3D being. The obvious question is how you transfer from 3D thoughts and actions to those far beyond 3D. It is as simple, and yet, for many, as complicated as believing you are no longer of 3D with the limitations you created to be small.
It is over. Yet, many of you expect a flash of light or a guru informing you that you no longer have to limit yourself or your activities. Neither will happen, just as you did not have a flash of light telling your infant self that you could walk. New you just is. What interests you? What excites you? What calls you? That is your new world. All generated from within instead of dictated from without.
Perhaps you continue playing your 3D role because it is easier or seemingly more rewarding if you are limited in your activities, so you can perform the “poor me” role of many 3D actions. You will discover that no one cares. If caretaking is no longer a dominant theme and society does not dictate your direction, the “poor me” role is no longer attractive. Nor is the dominant role of telling others what to do and when. This new earth freedom is the freedom to be. Something you are not yet at all comfortable with. So many of you tiptoe into your new life and quickly return to what used to be safe.
You attempt to ride the fence between 3D and new you, only to discover the fence has ended. So you feel discombobulated and at a directional loss, fully expecting someone or something to tell you what to do. This is that piece. Forget who you once were and acknowledge who you are becoming. That’s it. There is no more.
Becoming wholly new you is not rocket science or even a mathematical equation; it merely is just as was true learning to walk or talk. Of course, neither of those activities was possible until you achieved physical and intellectual growth. The same is true now. There was a time when a few advanced souls created pieces you found awe-inspiring, confident that those skills were beyond your wildest dreams. But most of you reading this material will discover that what once seemed impossible is now a daily routine. What was is no more.
So please do not wait for someone or something to lead the way to new you. You have arrived. Your only need now is to explore what interests you despite not understanding why. Do infants believe they can maneuver their bodies if they strengthen their legs? Or are infants surprised, as they most often appear, when they take their first steps?
You are no longer a new you infant. You have matured beyond even the toddler stage. So allow yourself to be as you explore your new inner and outer worlds – not because someone tells you you should, but because doing so seems interesting or exciting.
Create your new world, one exciting adventure after another. Stop playing it safe. Stop pretending you are not an earth angel. Stop limiting your world and the world surrounding you by continuing your Clark Kent role. You do not need a telephone booth to change into your Superman costume; you merely have to say “Yes” to yourself and joyfully explore what happens afterward.
We of the Universes joyfully welcome you to your new world. Observing you explore your possibilities is as exciting to us as your first steps were to your earth parents. Enjoy, explore, and do so, confident that you have many more skills than you now imagine. Welcome to the new you. So be it. Amen.
Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry
Copyright 2009-2025, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:
Start enjoying the fruits of your almost overwhelming activity throughout the past months, years, or decades of this lifetime required to complete that promise.
Dear Ones,
Many pieces are floating about your being now – some appear enlightening, while others seem bothersome. Even though not everything floating about you is joyous, the fears of the past few weeks have been significantly reduced, as if you ingested a calm pill. If you question that last comment, note how previously fearful issues are no longer that fearful.
You have moved through your fear curtain. This does not mean you will never be fearful again, but instead, your fears will be minimal, and any long-standing fears will have solutions that seemed impossible just days ago. You are not meant to carry your 3D fears into this new world. Hence, the easy solutions to seemingly complex problems.
Such is not to say you will never fear anything or anyone again, but instead that your fears will be short-lived as you discover new solutions. You do not have time or energy to devote to fear because fear automatically detracts, reduces, and eliminates joy.
But you might attempt to create fear initially because you have become so comfortable with fear for the eons you have been of 3D Earth. If you question that last statement, note how every step forward for you – even in this life – has been initiated or coordinated with fear. “What if I can’t pay my bills?” “What if I don’t get this job?” “What if my unborn baby is not healthy?” “What if the person I love doesn’t love me?” “What if I say or do the wrong thing?” etc. All statements of activities and interactions enhanced throughout your previous 3D Earth lives.
Even though those self-examination questions are no longer appropriate given your need for independence, you will initially generate fear questions just because you believe you should – until the day or hour when you realize you are an independent being who requires no affirmation from others of your rightness and that you can create whatever you need to be comfortable and therefore, joyous.
As you do so, you will find that others wish to be around you even though you no longer care if they find you intriguing or fun. Because you are busy creating the life you dreamed of for eons, you will not care what others think of you.
The next few days will be very active—not in terms of fear or angst, but in creating the paths necessary to achieve the comfortable joy you are ready to develop.
So ignore the naysayers, including your inner naysayer, and rejoice in your new freedom to be—something you have always been capable of but ignored or denied so you would fit as well as possible in a square hole despite your inner roundness.
You are free. As is anyone and everyone who wishes to be. The recent astrological events pushed you beyond the need, interest, and skill set required to remain in 3D in thought or action. Now allow true you to shine or, better yet, to be. As you maneuver through the next few days, you will surprise yourself with your creative thoughts and actions that have little to do with who you were or others think you should be.
Your 3D life is finally over. You completed trillions of tiny steps to ensure you would fit within the 3D mold you accepted when you entered Earth, promising you would shift the Earth and yourself beyond 3D. You have, so you are finally free.
Start enjoying the fruits of your almost overwhelming activity throughout the past months, years, or decades of this lifetime required to complete that promise.
Celebrate and then start discovering who you truly are in your physical body—a physical body that can be in several locations simultaneously with multiple objectives. Acknowledge your strong, powerful being, now entirely of the heavens and Earth. So be it. Amen.
Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry
Copyright 2009-2026, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:
Into the New
Dear Ones,
Perhaps someone enticed you with a new project, or something you expected has not happened. Such is so because you are between two worlds – neither compatible with the other.
Some days, everything seems to flow, while others are tedious and burdensome. Your effortless flow will be the days, hours, or minutes you open to the new. For what was is no more. Those times you attempt to return to what was will feel difficult and wrong.
You are beginning to clamor internally for the new even though you are not yet comfortable with it, leaving you irritated and angry.
You simultaneously feel isolated and pushed into activities because you continue to jump between the old and the new even though the old of 3D no longer sparkles for you. The new sparkles, but it is frightening because that is not who you thought you would become.
These times are tremendously challenging. Not because they are wrong but because you are riding new waves that seem counterintuitive until you jump on them, only to discover how right these new waves are for you.
Those you love can only observe, for they do not understand your new being – but neither do you. Allow that to be, for part of your current fear is your belief that by claiming your new being, you will lose all you have worked for throughout your numerous 3D Earth lives.
Because your inner being is not yet completely defined, you return to what was and who you think you are, only to discover how uncomfortable that role is for you now.
Those you love are most likely interacting and thinking similarly, creating a discordant energy between and among you. Even though the next few days will clear that inner ambiguity, for now, it seems as if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Attempts to rectify that confusion only create more inner confusion.
Physically, you will not shift much, but internally, your new thoughts and actions are as different as day and night. What was is no more, including joyful 3D actions and thoughts. So, your emotions will likely be filled with anger, sadness, and joy.
Your emotions are becoming more flamboyant, and your actions are unlike those you are familiar with.
The next few days are about creating and solidifying you, for astrological events are pushing (and that is the correct word) you into a new you. By the end of this eclipse/equinox cycle, your former being will be no more. Does that mean you will see the world with different eyes and appreciation? Yes. Does that mean you will be alone and lonely? No. This is a global shift.
Even though everyone who wishes to evolve beyond 3D will participate, not everyone will have similar interests. You and others will flit in and out of activities because you are just beginning to tap into your new interests.
A likely question is, “How will this shift affect my personal world?” We of the Universes can only respond that your world will expand into new interests and activities more rapidly than you now imagine. The next few days are about allowing yourself to be pushed into a new you in a new world.
Those of you who deny you are changing will be uncomfortable. Those of you fully claiming your new being will have a grand time exploring those pieces you draw to you.
Even though this process will not be completed this week, you will accept that what was is no longer your world, and by doing so, you will open yourself to a world of sparkles and joy. So be it. Amen.
Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry
Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:
CBDCs are good. (Central Bank Digital Currencies) #Stellar Blockchain and QFS proof.
QFS (Quantum Financial System) is being built through Stellar. #xlm #stellar (NESARA/GESARA)
You are in exactly the right place at the right time – it merely feels as if you are not. A feeling that will dissipate within days.
Dear Ones,
Perhaps you are concerned that the future holds minimal joy for you, or you are exhausted by the shifts occurring within your being. It does not matter. All you know is that your life seems more complicated than you hoped for once you moved beyond 3D.
Your fears are similar to those you likely had during the first few days of a new job.
Everything is new and unexpected. Your former activity or event touchstones are no longer there. So you feel burdened by activities with minimum meaning that continue to be shoulds because those activities encourage you to believe they will provide the peace and joy you once felt.
You are in a new world, or, if it is easier for you to accept, a place that you have not yet experienced. The clues that helped you move through 3D activities are no longer there. What are you to do? A much better question now is, “What do you want to do?”
You find yourself frozen at certain times and out of place at others. Even though you smile and participate in a conversation, you are most often waiting for that interaction to end so you can do something – something that does not seem readily available or even that interesting. Your mind is racing, but your body remains solidly of the earth. Or your body requests certain activities that your mind finds bothersome. And on and on it goes as you wrestle with the last remaining pieces of 3D shoulds trying to find a kernel of honesty within you. An honesty that seems to be shifting daily.
Your sleep patterns are also disruptive to your inner and outer worlds. Some days, you wish you were here; others, you want to be there. But even if you move or think accordingly, it is never quite enough. You are tired and anxiety-ridden, wanting this to be over so you can try something else that also does not feel right once you access it.
Nothing feels right or interesting enough to pursue, and everything seems beyond your reach. What was once exciting is no more; what will be exciting has not yet arrived.
This quandary, this hesitation to explore, is a short-lived event. Perhaps an easier way to understand is to imagine that you have waited for years for the perfect job. But now that you have that perfect job, you must adapt to the idiosyncrasies of that position to feel comfortable – perhaps interactions that seem overwhelming or task requirements that appear beyond your skills. So it is now. You are expected to adjust immediately to your new attributes even though those expectations are skills you have never used while of the earth.
The freedom to be is a process—not necessarily a long process—but a process. Over the next few days, you will adjust to the new being you have become. Some days, that adjustment will be easy; other days, it will be exhausting.
Allow yourself to be frightened as well as adventurous. Just as you expected months or years ago, you will adjust to new you in a new world—but not necessarily easily for the next few days. You will think that you will never achieve any comfort in your new life—until you do.
As has been true throughout your 3D Earth lives, you will adjust. Many of the pieces you now have within you are segments from various lives in various places – all blending together into a peaceful whole. The current solar and lunar activities are, in a sense, a life glue that binds everything together into a cohesiveness that directs you to new feelings and activities.
You are in a tremendous inner growth spurt that will evolve into your new world. A world that feels like you have come home to yourself. And so it will be. Not within months or years, but days. Allow yourself to be as you maneuver through this astrological quagmire of self.
You are in exactly the right place at the right time – it merely feels as if you are not. A feeling that will dissipate within days. So be it. Amen.
Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry
Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:
Happy travels as you switch your thought processes and actions from fear to love – and observe many others doing the same. Beacons for those who follow and joy and laughter for yourself.
Dear Ones,
Even though you recently accessed joy in small bits and pieces, you are more than ready for full days and weeks of laughter and contentment. Starting this week, you will begin to enhance your happy thoughts.
The need for clearing, reviewing, and tears is over.
You probably think such is impossible, for your inner tears seem too deeply engrained to discuss joy and contentment.
But as the days progress, you will note a difference in your approach to life. Even though there may be only a slight difference this week, the knowledge that your life is full and peaceful will continue to increase.
Of course, you ponder that thought given world events. But, just as your inner world is settling into a peaceful and/or joyful contentment, so will many pieces of Earth’s disarray settle into a peaceful or easy solution instead of the ongoing stalemate.
It is as if the dark clouds have passed, and the sun is shining brightly again.
This message does not mean you will be totally free of fears, but instead that your fears will be minimized. It is similar to starting the first day of school in a new community, wary of how you will fit in, only to discover many commonalities with the students in that new school.
You are a spreader of joy—a title that begins this week. As a forerunner, you will experience the joy we of the Universes highlight before others in your community or the world. You might even wonder at the inability of others to laugh or to know that the future is bright and light.
You are a beacon instead of the “odd person out.” If you had invented a happy pill while of 3D that ensured others would view life joyfully and peacefully, would you share that invention with those interested in feeling the same, or would you be too ashamed to do so? So it is now.
The world feels dark and heavy for most inhabitants – except for those of you starting to adjust your being from fear to love. A process that is underway in spurts instead of minimal glimpses. You are learning to “read” yourself using complete phrases instead of three-letter words. You did not learn to read paragraph books for months or years after you were introduced to the alphabet. So it is now. You are ready for paragraph books of joy.
Perhaps those you love are not yet in the same emotional place. They see and almost attract the heaviness now swirling around the Earth as those who wish to remain in 3D fight diligently to maintain their 3D hold.
Before these recent shifts, you used that 3D mire to clear the pieces stuck in the corners of your being. You no longer have any use for 3D or what 3D once meant to you. Similar to leaving a community or job that did not meet your needs and entering a new world of exploration and joy.
Your darkness is fading into nothingness, and your inner joy is starting to burst forth. What a wonderful time you are about to experience.
Happy travels as you switch your thought processes and actions from fear to love – and observe many others doing the same. Beacons for those who follow and joy and laughter for yourself. So be it. Amen.
Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry
Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:
Divine Neutrality 444HZ (Guided Meditation with The Archangels and entire Company of Heaven)
This transition depends on realizing your joy as you move into your new life and confirming that feeling to those following
Dear Ones,
What happens to you and those you love once you fully claim yourself by crossing your bridge to new you? Will you remain who you are, or will you be so different that you do not need to complete anything now? Will the heavens open with golden sunshine day after day? Will you like your new self or the new self of those you love?
These are similar to the questions you pondered as a young 3D adult. The difference is you had concrete 3D goals or hopes.
Your new being seems nebulous, almost unwieldy. How can you describe a future you or no one in the Universes has experienced? Your new life is similar to the first explorers who sailed the world.
Is the promise of a life of joy a hope or a reality? How can we of the Universes be confident those now of Earth transitioning beyond 3D will respond to and create love instead of fear or anger? What if the majority transitioning do not accept love and joy?
Even though you are excited, you are also hesitant. So you dip your toes into joy and love and then pull back before you stand out as unusual because others do not feel the same.
You are now in your regret phase, which was often part of your 3D lives. The difference is that in 3D, those who completed what you were attempting could provide information to reduce your anxiety. The unknown now is truly the unknown. Will you like your new life? We of the Universes can only answer, “Yes,” because you have dreamed of and prepared for it for eons. Even so, the final decision about your level of joy is yours.
Will your life change? Most definitely. Will it be a change for the better? If you are tired of fear and rage, YES. But if your relationships are based on fear and anger, your bridge crossing will be more complicated than you anticipated.
Perhaps an example will better explain. Imagine you enjoy a job surrounded by co-workers who feel more like a loving family than co-workers. You are offered a higher-paying job better suited to your skills, but if you accept, you will leave those loving co-workers. Many of you feel you are making a similar move. Granted, your relationships might have some bumps, and your home and/or job might be improved, but overall you are relatively comfortable. Does crossing that bridge mean you eliminate the life you have created for yourself, or is it an enhancement to what you already have?
So crossing the bridge, a new world, or whatever phrase best describes what you expect sounds fantastic until you realize they are no longer dreams but your new reality. You are letting go of what was to grasp onto the unknown, a frightening thought for many. What does a new life mean? What do you want it to mean? What if you decide you don’t like the new life? What if accepting the new life means negating your former life?
In the next few days, you might question yourself because longing for the new was exciting before it was imminent. Can you change your mind about accepting your new world? No. So, the fear we of the Universes have highlighted in this message might seem overwhelming in the next few days. A fear that results from being part of the first wave with no one, other than the Universes, informing you that all is wonderfully well in your world.
You have worked diligently to achieve this point in your transition. Now, you have time to “catch your breath” and decide what you want and who you are. This is a frightening thought for many, not because you are a bad or wrong person, but because you are the first of the new. And you have likely not yet opened your personal crystal ball to envision all you will achieve once you cross your bridge.
In this phase, you realize how dramatic your transition has been and perhaps can envision the results you hoped for. Results that will be achieved if you flow into your new world instead of delaying or trying to stop the inevitable. You will only realize how new your being is once you complete your bridge crossing.
This message is not to terrorize you but to help relay your fears, many of which are similar to those you had when it was time to leave your 3D home of origin. The difference is that others who completed similar exits before you could inform you that all would be well.
This transition depends on realizing your joy as you move into your new life and confirming that feeling to those following. You are the forerunners – not always the most enviable position. So be it. Amen.
Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry
Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:
Unicorn Report #4: Bigliest Bomb – Religious Exposure & Panda Declas (Aug 24, 2024)
432hz and 528hz Pure House Music of Nikos.
Even though you are likely regretting your decision to transition beyond 3D or are upset with your seeming lack of skills to produce what you want, please know that you are more than halfway across the bridge.
Dear Ones,
Even though you prayed for and completed all sorts of programs to reduce or eliminate your stress, many of you are concerned that your need to be comfortable and joyful is an unachievable goal.
Some of that stress comes from those close to you needing reassurance that you are not leaving them or that there is nothing wrong with them as they initiate their path. They are calling out to you to “Fix it,” whatever that phrase means to them.
But, you are exhausted from your inner being shifts and the ongoing need for a particular item or relationship.
Finally, your outer world is swirling with new thoughts and concerns as the old world you once knew fades into nothingness for you.
Think of yourself as a toddler learning to walk, talk, and complete complicated mathematical equations while having expectations that you need no adult supervision – and you will begin to understand your current complex life.
The pieces you are finalizing are neither simple nor unimportant to you or the Earth. Everyone now of Earth is feeling this global shift in varying degrees.
So it is, those of you transitioning beyond 3D are impacted by your internal shifts, those frightened by this shift, and the topsy-turvy world the Earth has become.
It will be a few weeks before you sense everything is right in your world.
Even though you are likely regretting your decision to transition beyond 3D or are upset with your seeming lack of skills to produce what you want, please know that you are more than halfway across the bridge.
You can see the sparkle and joy of the other side, but you are not sure you have the fortitude to complete the journey. In truth, you are more than qualified to safely complete your bridge crossing, and by the time you finish, you will have selected your personal path.
Once you stepped onto the transition bridge, your future of love and joy was a given. You are merely allowing yourself time to adjust to your new inner and outer worlds.
Before the end of this calendar year, your skills and interests will align so you can safely explore this and create that without concerns about interactions with others or global issues. But for now, you are adjusting to your new being, which is more complicated than you imagined before your Earth entrance in this lifetime.
Your transition has become convoluted because you did not consider interacting with those you love as they make their transition decisions. Nor did you foresee how diligently those remaining in 3D would hold onto every scrap of 3D they could find.
As you observe those firmly enmeshed in 3D, you have become increasingly uncomfortable. Not because you are necessarily concerned about them but because their fears run so deep that hate and anger are spewed globally. That hate and anger will dissipate for you as you move closer to your new path. But for now, it is loud, abrasive, and painful.
Most likely, you are far enough along your bridge to forget how you were once part of that hate and rage, for you have fully experienced every Earth emotion in preparation for this transition. But now you view the Earth with a different lens, so those of 3D are more obvious than you experienced in this lifetime, but not necessarily in others.
This is the end game for those who wish to remain in 3D – hoping for a “Hail Mary pass” solution that will not happen.
In the meantime, you observe in horror and wonderment because you have forgotten how you were once of a similar thought process, even though perhaps more subtle – like the financial wizard who steals money instead of the bank robber who murders several bank employees obtaining money.
Crossing the remainder of your transition bridge will be less complicated because each step you take lightens your emotional load. Even though it has taken you decades, years, or months to achieve your current bridge crossing point, your final crossing will happen before the end of this calendar year.
And it will happen whether you encourage it or not. So be it. Amen.
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