A passing of a loved one.

My father passed away today. A flash of memories, good ones and some less good are passing by in my mind. And i feel pure gratitude for everything. My father has been very authoritarian during his whole life and while i learned in time that he was just showing me how not to be and feel gratitude about it, i had to dig deep inside me to feel that gratitude. It has been an intense training school for me and my soul to learn to love unconditionally. Today as i look at his picture, i don’t see at all his authoritarian character. I just see the love and purity of his heart. Maybe because , he is now united in the fullness of who he really is and he feels it maybe for the first time ever in his life. And that makes me very happy…as i share this with you i feel his laughter and relief to find out that life in a costume called human body is not the end. He knows now that it is a fraction of his much bigger self. And in that he rejoices and i can feel it and i rejoice in return. Father thank you for being you, thank you for your love, thank you for everything.