Category Archives: Prosperity Funds

A physical and technical Ascension. NESARA/GESARA . Quantum Stellar Financial System.

We are living in amazing times where we begin to see tangibly many changes taking place as more and more we come from a place of knowing fully that White Hats are in control and everything playing out is a movie to awaken those not yet aware of their authentic connection with God within. And i have been posting quite a few vlogs and presentations about Stellar and how this ties to our Ascension being not just physical but also technical. We hear often speak about the term going organic. And the term organic does not only apply to our physical ascension but also to our technical ascension. As the change happens within towards higher vibration more in one oneness with our highest self, with our soul, we experience all around us more of the beauty manifesting. And if one wishes to witness as much as possible of the beauty showing one can easily do some research and look and look at what Stellar represents. We are being shown how blockchain through Stellar brings Divine Governance , Divine Finances, Divine Health Systems and everything that is being used as Bridges towards New Earth. If you never got interested in Stellar, now more than ever is the time to start making your own research about it and find all the information that will help you have a better inner-standing of what takes place which is by the same token will help you to be aware of that the doors of Heaven are wide open for all to go through. There is a moment for inner introspection and contemplation to find alignement with Source and there is a moment where inspired action guides us to do what we need to do and expand. So my invitation once again is to go check Quantum Stellar Initiative vlogs and presentations as to get confirmation after confirmation about the existence of NESARA/GESARA and The Quantum Stellar Financial System and facts about The White Hats being in control.

And if you have any questions about Stellar and how it works and how one can be involved i am happy to share with you free of charge as this website has been all these years and because this is where we go : Abundance for All Humanity:)

Nikos Akrivos

RV – The New Earth: A Revolution in Currency

In this new era, we’re not just talking about a change in the numerical values we see in our bank accounts or a handful of new regulations. No, this is a complete paradigm shift. It’s a new way of conceptualizing value, transaction, and wealth. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA), the Quantum Financial System (QFS), the Global Currency Reset/Revaluation (GCR/RV), International Organization for Standardization 20022 (ISO 20022), the Basel III international regulation, Protocol QFS 20, and DINAR – these aren’t just acronyms or technical jargon. They are symbols of the winds of change, indicators of the significant transformation we are collectively experiencing. The impact of these initiatives is not localized; they’re reshaping the entire financial landscape, changing the way we conduct business, trade, invest, and even perceive value. And more than ever, they’re linking us together, fostering a sense of unity consciousness that transcends borders and cultures.

How is Wealth tranferred to all around the planet through NESARA/GESARA? (RV Update)

If you feel the call in investing in Asset Backed Digital Currencies, transfer of wealth through GESARA get then start by investing in any of the following currencies. They are all safe and gold backed. Everyone Prosperous by learning the New Financial System.

You can invest for pennies.

Only if you trust what i am giving you is the way we move forward.

1. Get app > wallet.

2. Buy some XLM

3. Start investing in any of the currencies in this list. Many are at 0.0000001 , can you imagine when they get 1:1? That is the RV of all currencies worldwide. It cant be clearer than that. I am giving you everything I Know.πŸ‘‡

Whiplash through Telegram :

Here is the latest full list as of 5/5/2022.

πŸ”₯ indicates newest domain

QFS oversight domains:


Other domains connected to indus:

Other related assets/domains:

I am not a financial advisor,

A Financial Wayshower yes, that IAM!

Moving from the old financial system towards the new one is happening.

We are moving away from the banking system. New financial system begun with Russia golden backed ruble (BRICS=BRAZIL, RUSSIA, CHINA, INDIA, SOUTH AFRICA) Exchanges are happening on digital wallets. In my understanding bitcoin will collapse and other currencies will rise…it is all regulated with protocols in place for our safety. It is all happening and only 5% of global population aware of that. I got already my wallet on and learning along the way. I am not a financial advisor, i invite you to welcome the new by learning to use it πŸ™‚

In my understanding your monies are safe in the banks , transition will be slow and education will begin for all to learn to use new systems in place where you are/become your own banks.

Asset backed currencies are Gold Backed among other precious materials. Not like fiat moneys or cryptos before the time is ripe to back them. Queen is gone long ago. Not announced publicly. I am opening your eyes. Still have doubts about GOLD Abundance? among all other abundances?

This is NESARA/GESARA happening in plein sight.

Over 3 BILLION people have now crossed over to a Gold backed SYSTEM.. CHINA> RUSSIA> // INDIA, SAUDI ARABIA and many countries not mentioned in mainstream media are now trading on the NEW SYSTEM<<<(only took 72 hours for the new system to be up and running and trading 12 countries in an instant)//

The effect of half of 7 billion people leaving the [DS] CENTRAL BANKING system. Which means the [ COLLAPSE] IS IMMINENT and world CABAL owned markets are collapsing ..

[They] are trying now everything they can to create WWIII .. Next PANDEMIC… Next FALSE FLAGS .. weather manipulation……(( [ DS] These people are willing to fight to death.. Because their lives depend on it)/// WORLD DS PANIC!


Watch this 3 hours video to know where we come from and where we go from here.

Alternatively on

Our Financial Systems. Where we come from and Where we are going.

If you never took the time to educate yourself, now is the time.

Over 3 BILLION people have now crossed over to a Gold backed SYSTEM.. CHINA> RUSSIA> // INDIA, SAUDI ARABIA and many countries not mentioned in mainstream media are now trading on the NEW SYSTEM<<<(only took 72 hours for the new system to be up and running and trading 12 countries in an instant)//

The effect of half of 7 billion people leaving the [DS] CENTRAL BANKING system. Which means the [ COLLAPSE] IS IMMINENT and world CABAL owned markets are collapsing ..

Check below for more info:

NESARA in effect

ImaginE the celebrations, as NESARA is fully announced! The music, the dancing, the laughter, the tears of Joy.

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.

Today we answer a question from a Light Bearer, who asks:

If you could name one thing that Lightworkers could do daily that would take no more than 15 minutes a day, that would have the greatest impact on the Ascension of the planet and humanity, what would that be?

THE COLLECTIVE: We would say that in many respects, those on the Ascension path are already doing the most important thing, which is to be on the Earth at this time, while earnestly seeking their own highest path.

So long as that point of focus and heart-based desire is based in Love, all is wellβ€”all rivers shall flow to the sea of Light that is Divine Love in its many forms.

You ask for an action that would impact humanity and Earth Herself, in these very tenuous times in which so many feel the stresses of the world.

You see much occurring now which, however it may appear, are the birthing pains of the Divine Chaos that nearly always accompanies great creation.

And so we shall point out some things which you already know deep down.

For one, you know in your heart-mind that none of you are operating in a void, in which your own actions remain separate from that of the Divine Beings and nonterrestrial beings assisting humanity.

Your actions, your frequency, your heart-mind focus are always supported and enlightened by your connection to your soul family and to your own soul.

From there, the network widens to include whole communities of Light Bringers whose Earth missions are similar to your own.

It extends as well to those in Inner Earth who are working alongside you in the etheric, and in the thought planes, where you connect with them often without consciously realizing it.

As you know, many of you are at work on the ships in your sleep state, assisting galactic and intergalactic councils in their work to establish Peace permanently on your planet, and to safeguard it wherever possible in the galaxy as a whole, and to encourage Earth’s and humanity’s Ascension.

You are at a crucial tipping point on Earth’s timeline, so much help has been called in (and you answered, or you would not be here now).

Many of you work within the Earth, awakening grid lines, pre-ancient technologies in the pyramids and other sacred sites around and within the planet.

You visit these places etherically, calling into action aspects long hidden of Lady Gaia’s own deep inner wisdom, and awakening those wise pre-ancient beings whose sleeping presence has guarded these sites for thousands of years.

Nearly all have awakened now, and are assisting your efforts.

You are receiving great support for this work from so many beautiful beings, around the Earth and on Her.

And so now we would sayβ€”join the awake state to the etheric!

Realize the importance of your presence on the planet and the constant interconnection of your work with even the highest of the Angelic presences.

Give Thanks for all you are able to do with your own rising vibration, as you reach beyond survival-based living, and claim independence and full sovereign control of your destiny.

Let your Earth self know how important they are.

Alert your soul, higher self, and soul family that you are ready to move into the full aspect of your Earth mission, in ways that your waking self will become increasingly aware of, and benefit from.

The other half of this beautiful realization of your own god/goddess presence, is to intentionally call in the support and active intervention of those in the higher realms, and those galactic family and friends on the ships around Earth, upon Her surface, and in Inner Earth.

Tell them that you require and call forth their assistanceβ€”that all of humanity calls out to them now on a higher level, requesting all forms of benevolent intervention.

Interventions that respect human free will, yet drastically speed along NESARA’s full enactment.

Thank them for all they are doing now, and offer your increased level of assistance.

Say you are ready to stand as a Light Warrior who protects and guards the principles of a free and independent race of beings who must now be sovereign.

Then open to receive!

Image the Earth in the Transmuting Violet Flame of Saint Germain, as. you stand or sit up straight with hands open and facing upward, or hands over heart, as a sign that you are fully dedicated to this mission.

And so, your affirmation or proclamation, to be spoken aloud each morning, might sound something like this (knowing as you do so that etherically, all of us and millions of other Light Bearers join with you):

β€œWe call upon the Great Source Consciousness of the All That Is, the Creator Source Energy from which we came!

β€œWe ask to be fully engaged in the Ascension of our own spirits and consciousness, and to move along the Ascension path in Joy and Grace.

β€œWe call forth healing for all aspects of our mind, body, and spirit that require healing from past and present experiences and conditions on this or any planet we have ever lived on.

β€œWe ask to be engaged fully as Light Bearers, and call forth complete Divine Guidance, Direction, and Assistance in our Earth missions we drew up before birth.

β€œWe call forth the full assistance now of that Divine Central Source that is pure Loveβ€”the Divine Feminine in all Her Creational power, and the Divine Masculine and all His Divine Protection.

β€œWe call forth the assistance of all Beings in the higher realms serving within the Office of the Christ [the crystalline energy consciousness] to assist Earth at this time!

β€œWe petition you now: Move swiftly with the Legions of Light to release and dissolve for all time-space all impediments to the full enactment of NESARA law.

β€œWe petition you now: Move swiftly with your Legions of Light to nullify the effects of all false chemicals, all illness, all toxicity, all war and warlike action to which human beings are being exposed, whether in mind, body, or spirit.

β€œWe call forth and require Divine Healing for all, Divine Protection for all, Divine Guidance and Encouragement for all upon the Earth at this time.

β€œWe blaze the Violet Flame of Saint Germain, to envelop the entire Earth and all Her people, and all Earth systems, experiences, and conditions!

β€œWe petition you now, Angelic Legions and the Galactic forces, including all members of the Ashtar Command: Assist Earth by surrounding her with those frequencies needed to pave the way for NESARA’s immediate enactment.

β€œAnd we call forth the power of the Archangels, the Earth Beings who represent in higher levels the souls of all trees and plants, all rock and soil, all animals, air, water, and ethersβ€”

β€œHear us now!

β€œJoin with the Ascended Masters and the power of all our souls, and break forth, through the false shields that have for too long blocked your empowered interventions, and intervene on a level such as never before seen on this planet!

β€œPave the way for NESARA’s enactment, including complete disclosure of the nonterrestrial and extradimensional beings who live on and around Her in this Universe!

β€œPave the way for NESARA’s immediate enactment, including full announcement of the arrests of those responsible for the old false government structures around the planet, and those carrying out their orders.

β€œPave the way for NESARA’s immediate enactment, including announcement of the tribunals and trials that these ones and their false overlords will now face.

β€œPave the way for NESARA’s immediate enactment by steadying the heart-mind of every child, woman, and man on the Earth so that they are not only ready for complete renewal of all life on this planet, but ready to celebrate and accept the great changes unfolding now, in the liberation of Earth and Her beings.

β€œAnd pave the way for our ability to rejoice, to give Thanks, to know that this is so, now and ever more.

“That all slavery status upon the Earth is hereby converted to a free and independent humanity, living in free and independent states, nations, and villages.

β€œHear us now, and answer in the fullest possible measures!

We call upon you, knowing the Time is Now for these unprecedented, benevolent interventions to be accomplished!

β€œWe welcome you, friends and beloved family members, and we give Thanks, we give Thanks, we Give Thanks!

β€œAnd so it is. Namaste!”

As you speak all of this, actively visualize, with Joy equal to the strength of your declaration, that every needed form of intervention is happening now.

If our phrasing here is not comfortable for you, find your own wordsβ€”and speak them daily!

Visualize the ships landing.

Visualize Captain Ashtar on the screen of your computer and smartphone, announcing NESARA’s full enactment.

Visualize the old warlords and false authorities being led away onto the ships (as many are currently doing, in any event).

Image watching the intergalactic trials and tribunals that will determine what becomes of them.

And image the celebrations, as NESARA is fully announced!

The music, the dancing, the laughter, the tears of Joy . . .

The eradication of all war, all debt, all social and political oppression — all of it, in living color, as they say.

Then carry the power of that resolute inner Knowing with you throughout the rest of your day.

Carry the Joy of knowing, “This is real, now!” as you carry the energy of that reality with you even into your sleep state.

This will empower every cell of your body, every energetic molecule of your heart-mind and spirit, to help mold these events and carry them into physical reality.

None of this need take longer than 15 minutes, if it takes even that longβ€”and the result?

You will be liberating your planet, dear ones.

Yes, you are that powerful, and you are that crucial to Earth’s journey now.

From there, Ascension unfolds to new heights every moment.

Not because you require to be rescued, or because Earth is a hopeless case otherwise.

But because from Joy you were birthed, and now to Joy you return.

It is a condition of the high heart that reveals to you the heights of your own spirit.

And you are just the Light Bearers to make that happen.

We send much Love, dear onesβ€”now is the time!

Take up the sacred crystal of co-Creation in your heart of hearts, and lead us all forward!


You are guarded and guided on every side, for we are with you, always.

Copyright 2022, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post:

Thank you.

Promisory note (Canada 2.0) I Owe You Note

Would you believe it if i tell you that i will posting notes for you to print and use at your bank ?

Well, it is happening πŸ™‚ And Queen Romana of Canada is making this happen.

This is the Promissory Note/I Owe You Note.

This is a lawful tender / legal tender in all Countries.

It is a negotiable Note.

The Banks know how this works. This is their language and creation.

Use your DL or Passport for ID

You would need to look up the Bill of Exchange laws in your own Country.

You can use this to pay Bank Bills (especially banks – mortgages, credit cards, etc.), Government Bills, etc.

Your small grocery stores may not know what to do with it…

The laws I’ve sited on this note is Canada’s Bill of Exchange laws.

Use this during this transition period.

When the Bank uses this note and negotiates it with a 3rd party (trade on it), your debts disappears 😊

Queen Romana Didulo of Canada.

@RomanaDidulo, Head of State & Commander-in-Chief, Head of Government, Queen of Canada/President of Canada. This is my real account. All others are fake.

We’re all about your projects to improve this, and manifest a better world. -Saint Germain-

Saint Germain update by Ngari on 25.08Β 

Dear friends and brothers. I have so much to tell you today. Initially, that the RV will be given in the next few days.Β Β 
Stay calm because that’s it! I know they’re ready and they’ve been waiting for it a long time. But the time has come. We’re all about your projects to improve this, and manifest a better world. And I want you to know that we will be by your side to help you in whatever we can. Don’t be afraid for they will be oriented and never alone.
President Trump is well ahead of Nesara’s implantation in America. Sadly it’s not like this in all 209 countries that signed Gesara. It’s true that we were hoping that other nations would hurry up so that that law would already be operational throughout the Earth’s globe. But I won’t cheat on you. It’s not like that. There are still a lot of people who benefit from the old SWIFT system and don’t want to implement the Quantum Financial System, most of the Cabal’s droughts. Because the leaders of those satanic families have already been arrested, prosecuted and some prosecuted. What they see are clones that now work for the Light. There have been more than 180 thousand court orders across the planet, not just in America. The timeline keeps up.
Because on September 8, the T5 will begin to the general public. The new restored Republic will be announced on August 31, with all that entails. The QFS, or Quantum Financial System is already working and has nothing to do with the dying SWIFT Financial System of the Cabal, which on day 31, will ultimately cease to exist. The banking already knows and is taking its steps to make it so. Finally, money taken from town now returns to the people.
Sooner or later, all countries will enter Gesara law. And all the Earth, as well as its citizens, will live in peace, love and abundance for all. There will be no queues or anything like that. Every citizen will have their digital account, powered by their own DNA. No one else will have access to their account.
Its implementation will be according to every nothing sovereign nation, but we are doing our best to make sure that we enter at once. That will mark the beginning of the New Golden Age. You’re all invited. Believe it or not, that’s all real.
Nesara / Gesara come to remove everything that is low vibration on the planet. No more wars, no more hunger, no violence, no disease. Believe or not, it will be heaven on earth. And everyone can help our light workers. They are creating that new world and they know what believing is creating. They use the quantum tools we’ve left them for the last 50 years. They are all co-creators.
I’m your brother and friend Saint Germain.

By MarΓ­a Cecilia Ngari

The Galactic Federation of Light : NESARA , GESARA , Free Energy Technologies,Community Projects

Quantum Financial System & Projects.

The implementation of the Quantum Financial System happens gradually as we speak all across the globe.There are many signs out there confirming what i just stated,i could post many youtube links, however i do not feel that any of them is 100% accurate if we see things from the filter of forgiveness and The Unity of Humanity.So,instead of posting any video to prove my statement,i will rather focus on speaking about creating the new and how do i see things moving forward in the coming months and decade.

The truth is that all needs to come to the surface to be seen by all before we can truly move forward as one humanity.This does not mean in any way that the rebuild has not begun.It is actually happening also as we speak from those of us who have been working diligently in finding our purpose and mission that serves the highest good for all.There will be many different areas where each and every one who is focused in projects will be able to support and assist depending the excitement we feel about finding solutions in any area of life.

Let me share with you the priorities We are focusing right now with all my partners

Basic Universal Income and Universal Health Care For All in Greece and as many as possible countries is at the Top of our list.

Children :Personally i am part of 2 Non Profit Organizations one in Dakar,Senegal :Feel More Than Fine Africa focusing on helping abandonned children ,taking them out of the streets and assisting them and one in the Netherlands called Real Audio Wizzards which is about finding innovative ways to educate children with more playfulness and less boring ‘study’ time.All children want to play more and we will be aiming in finding ways to assist them with being careful listeners of their passions and desires.

I am also founder of Feel More Than Fine in Brussels which is about Ascension Guidance and Holistic Life Coaching:all the posts you find on the website are within this field which i believe is the reason of our existence and something that more and more are becoming aware of,the intention is that all 8+ billion people on the planet realize their connection with their God within and All That is with ease and grace focusing on the joyful aspects of life as this is reason each and everyone of us is here.The arrival of the prosperity funds will help us create a space where we will be able to assist more in becoming aware of their Ascension Journey ,bringing in Celestial Chambers for Healing and Rejuvenation and creating new jobs to help people help people.

Then comes our communities in Ibiza Spain and in Belgium where i have spent a big part of my life.We have a project named Veganation that is a restaurant that gives free vegan meals based on free will donation in Belgium that we forsee growing all across the globe.

Then we also have technology called Electra that produces Free Energy.So far the Greek Government did not give compliance,we feel this about to change sooner than later.The aim is to replace all coil generators with this technology.

Then we have many small local charities that we feel are the perfect place to begin to offer support on the specific task of each charity.

Now,take all this and multiply it with millions of people finding ways to use the prosperity funds and you have a beautiful tapestry of creation that goes in line in fulfilling Divine Mother’s Plan towards The Golden Age of Aquarius that we are now officialy in. Nothing can stop this ,Heaven has declared that Victory of Light is a fact in the higher dimensions,it may take a while till we see tangible physical manifestations and i can already testify to you that i already see this taking place.The best is here and the ‘bestest’ We have no idea how good this is going to be,for sure much incredible than we dare to imagine in our wildest dreams.

Now having said all that,please watch the following youtube ,use discernement and feel with all your heart if all this is true or not.This explains why Q has been taken down from twitter too btw

Feel More Than Fine


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