Category Archives: QSFS

Ready For Lobstr, QFS, and Currency School? Basics Tonight With Emily & Cranker, QSI Team

‘We want to be able to provide a way for people from all backgrounds, and like all toe dippy nesses to come and say, OK, here are the public proofs that have already been discovered.
Let’s walk you
through 1 by 1.
So you know, what is QFS?
What is, you know, ISO20022 compliance? You know, how does Stellar differentiate itself from XRP?
Why is this possible?
Like what are the executive orders that Trump signed that actually make all this possible?
How does this tie into the [USTA] Act, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera?
So we’re having all this created that people who have, you know, plenty of questions and they were thinking that – guys, this sounds like Black Hat you know, Great Reset kind of stuff.
Well, I mean, in the beginning it was part of that, right.
But like we said earlier, the White Hats have literally taken all of that and just rejiggered it, confiscated it and they’re now pushing it forward in a new system that’s clean and free of corruption.
And so, you know, we’re coming up with all of these different proofs so that you can go Fact Check everything, do more research if you want to, and feel comfortable with this.
And then when you’re ready to move on and learn about Stellar, we’re going to have kind of like a pre beginner tutorial.
Where it’s like, you know
well, what is Lobstr and how do you actually use it?
Where do I even download it from?
How do I create a profile?So, we’ll have all that kind of training material coming out in the next couple of days, hopefully before”

  • Emily Tang – Quantum Stellar Initiative.

A physical and technical Ascension. NESARA/GESARA . Quantum Stellar Financial System.

We are living in amazing times where we begin to see tangibly many changes taking place as more and more we come from a place of knowing fully that White Hats are in control and everything playing out is a movie to awaken those not yet aware of their authentic connection with God within. And i have been posting quite a few vlogs and presentations about Stellar and how this ties to our Ascension being not just physical but also technical. We hear often speak about the term going organic. And the term organic does not only apply to our physical ascension but also to our technical ascension. As the change happens within towards higher vibration more in one oneness with our highest self, with our soul, we experience all around us more of the beauty manifesting. And if one wishes to witness as much as possible of the beauty showing one can easily do some research and look and look at what Stellar represents. We are being shown how blockchain through Stellar brings Divine Governance , Divine Finances, Divine Health Systems and everything that is being used as Bridges towards New Earth. If you never got interested in Stellar, now more than ever is the time to start making your own research about it and find all the information that will help you have a better inner-standing of what takes place which is by the same token will help you to be aware of that the doors of Heaven are wide open for all to go through. There is a moment for inner introspection and contemplation to find alignement with Source and there is a moment where inspired action guides us to do what we need to do and expand. So my invitation once again is to go check Quantum Stellar Initiative vlogs and presentations as to get confirmation after confirmation about the existence of NESARA/GESARA and The Quantum Stellar Financial System and facts about The White Hats being in control.

And if you have any questions about Stellar and how it works and how one can be involved i am happy to share with you free of charge as this website has been all these years and because this is where we go : Abundance for All Humanity:)

Nikos Akrivos