January 4, 2023
Dear Ground Crew:
Here is the latest message from Apollo:
“You find yourselves at the beginning of a new Gregorian calendar year, which is a man-created out-of-sync-calendar. You also find yourselves increasingly involved in the energies of new creation, which some call the New Earth.
“When you reflect back a year ago you realize that the energies have changed significantly. You are no longer the same person that you were and that your planet is no longer the same planet that it was. You have the sense of unfamiliarity. In some ways there is a familiar sense of profound love and light that have entered your surroundings. You know that you are ascending. You feel the symptoms in your body and you realize that everything is fluid energetically and unpredictable.
“To some this can be exciting and yet to others, it can be off putting, but for certain, it is different. We hold you accountable for your own consciousness so that your deliberations bring you to the highest possible consciousness. When you enter into the fear energies, you get back into the third dimensional rut.
“The love energies are much higher and do not accept fear. This is my recommendation to you, that you follow your heart and listen to the love within. Trust what you are feeling and don’t get enveloped in the outside world that others would like to draw you into.”
Most of the ground crew have questions about this year; what will 2023 bring? Many on the planet have been wondering a myriad of questions:
Will we have NESARA or GESARA? When will it happen? Is there going to be a reset financially?
When will we ascend? How much longer will the deep state be doing what they do? What will the price of gold or silver be? What’s going to happen to the banks or real estate? Am I safe where am living or will there be earth changes here? When are the galactics going to show themselves? Am I still going to have my job or do what I’ve always done? Will my family be all right? What about my pets?
The list is endless.
We can continue to ponder these possibilities and questions but what does this all come down to? What do we have some control over? What is the most empowering direction for us to focus our energies on?
And the answer is within. When we go within and focus on our I am presence, or God Self, whatever you want to call it, we will get the direction. By focusing on love and trusting God, we will keep our consciousness in the fifth dimension and even higher.
When we revert back to fear, we find ourselves back in the third dimension. At this pivotal time, we cannot afford a negative thought. We need to learn to live with uncertainty and to follow our hearts.
Most of us know that we’ve been living in some kind of movie that is almost over. It appears that one of the main themes of the movie is to remember who we are as divine beings.
We were taught to think that we were nothing, worthless, that we made a mess of our lives, or that our bodies don’t know how to heal themselves, and to rely on the external world that has power over others and has had power over us. Now we have enough information, as we awaken, to walk away from the reliance on the old material world. We are done with it!
Won’t it be a relief when we can throw away the old programs and start anew! We will be able to create magic, miracles, and perfect lives for ourselves. We will be empowered, amazed and astounded at what capabilities we have. We had to forget all of this to come to the third dimensional earth and participate in this movie.
Some of the things that we will find ourselves doing will be flying, manifesting things out of thin air, walking through walls, walking on water, time traveling, teleporting, telepathy, creating new technologies, space travel, meeting our galactic friends and families, terraforming, seeing the elementals, devas, fairies, and nature spirits, living in spiritual communities, creating multidimensional art and music, having open communication with animals and plants, reversing aging, and talking with family and friends on the other side.
We will be able to discover that we can do pretty much whatever our mind can create. We will live in harmony, kindness, cooperation, love, abundance, joy, beauty and magnificence. How is that for a start at 2023? We will be free!
The Earth is becoming our playground, a laboratory for our lives. We will be energized by our creativity and our relationships with our spiritual family and friends. Loneliness will be a thing of the past, so will self doubt and blame. There will be no more need for antidepressants or the old invasive ways of medicine. We will be unstoppable like torpedoes of light blasting throughout creation.
– Valerie Donner