Find out how GESARA WEALTH transfer happens and how anyone can be part of this through investing literally cents, it is made for We The People to assist all for not even the price of a coffee 🙂 Be Smart. Invest small. Be Patient and above all Study Stellar.
Category Archives: Humanitarian Projects
A physical and technical Ascension. NESARA/GESARA . Quantum Stellar Financial System.
We are living in amazing times where we begin to see tangibly many changes taking place as more and more we come from a place of knowing fully that White Hats are in control and everything playing out is a movie to awaken those not yet aware of their authentic connection with God within. And i have been posting quite a few vlogs and presentations about Stellar and how this ties to our Ascension being not just physical but also technical. We hear often speak about the term going organic. And the term organic does not only apply to our physical ascension but also to our technical ascension. As the change happens within towards higher vibration more in one oneness with our highest self, with our soul, we experience all around us more of the beauty manifesting. And if one wishes to witness as much as possible of the beauty showing one can easily do some research and look and look at what Stellar represents. We are being shown how blockchain through Stellar brings Divine Governance , Divine Finances, Divine Health Systems and everything that is being used as Bridges towards New Earth. If you never got interested in Stellar, now more than ever is the time to start making your own research about it and find all the information that will help you have a better inner-standing of what takes place which is by the same token will help you to be aware of that the doors of Heaven are wide open for all to go through. There is a moment for inner introspection and contemplation to find alignement with Source and there is a moment where inspired action guides us to do what we need to do and expand. So my invitation once again is to go check Quantum Stellar Initiative vlogs and presentations as to get confirmation after confirmation about the existence of NESARA/GESARA and The Quantum Stellar Financial System and facts about The White Hats being in control.
And if you have any questions about Stellar and how it works and how one can be involved i am happy to share with you free of charge as this website has been all these years and because this is where we go : Abundance for All Humanity:)
Nikos Akrivos
From Gold Standards to Digital Currencies, Driving a Changing World
March madness finale.
Ready For Lobstr, QFS, and Currency School?
How is Wealth tranferred to all around the planet through NESARA/GESARA? (RV Update)

If you feel the call in investing in Asset Backed Digital Currencies, transfer of wealth through GESARA get then start by investing in any of the following currencies. They are all safe and gold backed. Everyone Prosperous by learning the New Financial System.
You can invest for pennies.
Only if you trust what i am giving you is the way we move forward.
1. Get app > wallet.
2. Buy some XLM
3. Start investing in any of the currencies in this list. Many are at 0.0000001 , can you imagine when they get 1:1? That is the RV of all currencies worldwide. It cant be clearer than that. I am giving you everything I Know.👇
Whiplash through Telegram :
Here is the latest full list as of 5/5/2022.
🔥 indicates newest domain
QFS oversight domains:
Other domains connected to indus:
Other related assets/domains:
I am not a financial advisor,
A Financial Wayshower yes, that IAM!
Happy Year of the tiger 2022.

I come from the generation of people incarnating on the planet where we had to go through the experience of having projects ready to go in order to assist all our sisters and brothers and not getting the attention/funding from corrupt governments and not getting the attention of enough donators either to make those become reality from assisting orhan schools in Uganda that i have been donating personally from the donations i get through this website and my holistic life /Ascension guidance tools i share and others such as Free Energy invention called Electra in Greece where since over 5 years now, even we know it works, the invention was pattended and not given support from the local government to make this happen, to name but a few.
Even though i live a life out of the matrix for 19 years now (celebration yayyyy) there is a big part of me that wants to see those come through in my 1000+ years lifetime. Yes i know i can live that long in this physical body and even more. The future generations will not have to go through that experience. And i am speaking of the millenials that will bring forward amazing solutions at every level of life and our answer as the ones now being in the ranks of older ‘wiser’ generations will be : Does it benefit the highest good for all? Ok, here you go. And when i say older ‘wiser’ i mean working in collaboration with Quantum computers and Quantum Finacial systems that are working in tandem with the organic and now galactic humanity to distribute funding wherever a great idea pops out. No more stealing ideas for the purpose of making monies for the few. No more taking concepts like NESARA/GESARA and changing them to the great reset and writting books about it so not all become aware of that. All transparent and crystal clear. My lesson is clear : i had to learn to feel abundant at all times, no matter where i stand in my finances. And feeling abundant means feeling One with Source. It means to be able to Vibrate higher and higher by choosing deliberately to feel good more often than not. And not only that, also to be able to sustain that feeling as long as possible till the day i become the open door for Divine Love to flow through in a constant state of appreciation 24/24. Mastery that is. Feel More Than Fine that is. Cause it never stops. Constant change. New energies flowing in and new upgrades taking place uncovering deepest part of me that i start to remember. New powers and knowledge that is very different to each and every one and yet all coming from the ONE Source of ALL THAT IS, GOD or UNIVERSE, make your choice. So it makes sense that from now many messages that are coming out even from the most advanced level channelers will not resonate any more with our being. They work for the one that channels, maybe for the one that listens if they are attuned to their Higher self but not all. And yet something that works for all at all times is to choose to feel good at all times, to choose to feel more than fine and from here one is 100% that he/she is fulfilling their purpose in life. At least that is how i roll myself. I make it easy. And i go easy on myself. Sometimes action is taken, some other times and especially these almost 2 years now, i remained in one place physically taking action mostly through creating more momentum of what i wish to see come through in this transitional time we are on. And since we are entering the year of the tiger where things accelerate much more towards our Golden Age of our existence and btw Happy New Chinese Year 2022 no better time than to express my personal vision that i wish to see become reality for each and everyone on our planet with ease, grace and flow. Maybe somethings you agree, some others you don’t. Welcome to Feel More Than Fine New Earth 🙂
One more thing: WE know there are septillions of Gold that have been recuperated between Vatican and Switzerland Underground bases.
We know that there is much more prosperity that we don’t know of.
Keeping this in mind here what i want to see come true and tangible manifest, call it NESARA/GESARA or any other financial system.
1.Begin distribution of wealth in all areas of life starting from BUI (Basic Universal Income) for all citizens worldwide.
2.Medbeds/Celestial Chambers for all for free.
3.Free Energy. For All. (TESLA or any other)
4.Charities support in all areas of Life locally and globally worldwide where monies go directly to fulfil each charity’s specific goals.No intermediaries! Dedicated to the task project managers YES!(that includes homes for all homeless, feeding the hungry etc.)
5.Organic farming Abundance of fruits and veggies locally & worldwide.
6.Clean water for all.
7.ECo Self Sustainable Communities/Villages/Towns/Cities.
8.Holistic Ascension Centers
9. Vegan Businesses support. (personal choice that i know works best for Ascension)
10.Healthy/Sacred Celebration Promotion (100% toxic free)
11.Animal Stations supporting all animal life worldide.
12.Cleaning of Nature, reforestation, cleaning of oceans and rivers.
13.Awesome mobility :Hover Cars, Flying cars , Anti gravity vehicles.
14. Support for all Artists and Creators wherever they stand in their journey.
15.The Venus Project
16. Healthy HI Tech used in all areas of Life.
All that I have already asked and it has been given.
The time to see those comes true, depends on where we are standing collectively in our vibration. Are we ready for this collectively? That is the question. So till those become tangible true, this or better, the only choice me and you have is to keeping feeling good in appreciation of what is and eagerness of what is coming.
And hey if you feel this list is missing something, please send me an email at: and it will be my honour and pleasure to add those to my list.
You are all very much loved and yes behing the scenes there are many that are wishing for all those to come true. More than you think you know. In fact most all already are, just not yet expanded to where they can be.
Peace and Prosperity for all!!!!
Ask and you will receive. Believe and you will see.
In eternal gratitude to God and All Legions of Light throughout eternity for cheerleading us in our creations as Source expands through our IAM presence through every action, feeling and thought we choose 24/24.
Feel More Than Fine
Nikos Akrivos

The future of our educational systems.
Through my perspective the future of our educational systems is quite simple : Every community sets up a meeting between parents and children where both have the opportunity to share their ideas and perspective through round tables for example and then mainly asking the children what is that they wish to see or what is that they want both on a collective level and individual level and take it from there and develop each area as it goes and simply do it.
And my very personal spice about future of schools : Teachers that are already up to the task exist in minority of educational systems like waldorf etc that also must be updated through A Holistic scope involving Ascension. Kids want and need to play more? let’s give it to them in smart ways where they can also learn. Let them learn to connect with Earth and grow plants and learn to practice meditation as much their age in minutes daily the importance of alignement to Source and Self Love. Please add yours as we move forward into this co creation in your heart minds, speak out about it and share with the world.
Thank You
Nikos Akrivos

Humanitarian Projects at Feel More Than Fine.
The Galactic Federation of Light : NESARA , GESARA , Free Energy Technologies,Community Projects
Colorado’s first rural complex for the homeless opens at full capacity
Soon all of us will/may be funding these complexes all over the globe.
Colorado’s first rural complex for the homeless opens at full capacity
Tracy Harmon, Pueblo Chieftain, Jul 16, 2018
CANON CITY — A homeless 40-year-old mother of two young children had tears slipping down her face the first day she walked into her new apartment.
“It’s the nicest place I have ever lived,” said Tanya Reese, one of the new residents at Journey Home, an apartment complex for the homeless which opened last month. “I can afford it — the stress is off me — and I don’t feel defeated any more.”
Located at 250 Justice Center Road, the $7 million 30-unit complex, comprised of 22 one-bedroom apartments and eight two-bedroom apartments, is the first homeless housing complex built in a rural Colorado community.
“In 72 hours we filled all the apartments,” said Dee Dee Clement, director of Loaves & Fishes ministry which oversees the apartment complex as well as the homeless shelter and food bank across the street from it. “I don’t know that we would ever get another one, but I could easily fill another 30 unit complex.”
Reese, a former Pueblo resident who had returned home ended up in Canon City after she was not able to get help in Pueblo.
“I was not technically a resident because I had left Pueblo and they don’t have the means to help everybody, so I ended up here in Canon City and it all fell into place,” Reese explained.
She went to Loaves and Fishes for help and heard about Journey Home, so she decided to apply.
“I usually run to my family to help me, so I’ve never done anything on my own. I am 40 and finally doing something — I learned I can do it,” Reese said.
Not only did she get a place to live for herself and her children Justine, 11 and T.J., nearly 2, she secured a job at the Canon City McDonalds.
“The rent is based on your income and number of people in your family and the utilities are all included,” she said.
When Reese realized she would have a safe and secure home plus all the furniture and household items she would need, “I just cried. The community came through big-time,” she said.
Clement said a local team came up with a list of needed household items for each apartment and asked members of the community to “adopt” an apartment at a cost of $350 each to supply items such as pots and pans and dishes for new residents.
“Within four days all the apartments were adopted and people still wanted to help. So we got a big fancy grill, supplies for the community area like a coffee pot, computers for the computer lab from the school district, exercise equipment for the exercise room and local artists donated artwork,” Clement explained.
The building even has a life-skills classroom and a meeting room, which is open for use by the public.
First Stitches, which has stores in Canon City and Pueblo, galvanized local quilting groups and were able to donate a new quilt for each apartment. On the way are five sewing machines which Clement said can be used to teach residents to sew and, perhaps even, create something they can sell to generate income.
For resident Jimmy White, 68, and his dog Tank, 13, a tiny Chihuahua he jokingly describes as, “48 ounces of fury,” living in the new apartment is a vast improvement over the 17 months they spent living in his van. He ended up homeless when his roommate who was renting him a room was evicted.
“I had two dogs that didn’t weigh 20 pounds put together but no one would rent to me so what are you going to do? I lived in my van,” he said.
“I could not park anywhere for long without someone calling the police. I always had to keep moving and I’m too old for that crap,” he said.
For the first time since he got divorced 25 years ago, he has a place to call his own. Now down to one dog, he and Tank can live comfortably off his Social Security income.
“Tank loves it here just like his daddy. I pay 30 percent of my income for rent and I can pay my car insurance, gas for the van and my cellphone and still save a little,” he said.
The retired design and draftsman even has room for a table where he can tinker with his hobby of designing and building tiny models of barns, windmills and other whimsical creations.
“When I came here I could not believe it. I am pre-diabetic so I have improved my diet from living on the street, I sleep better — it’s great having my own place,” he said.
White said people like Clement and Central Colorado Housing specialist Amanda Allen, “have been just great.”
Clement said by following the Housing First model, the ministry helps the homeless with shelter first then it allows their focus to change to other issues such as employment, dealing with mental health issues and strengthening family ties.
Clement said when she heard of Gov. John Hickenlooper’s housing summit she organized a team that included the Department of Human Services, Sol Visa Health, the Central Colorado Housing Authority and Loaves and Fishes with the goal of trying to bring homeless housing to Canon City.
Clement said “people didn’t think it could happen — they told me these kind of complexes don’t get built in rural communities but, maybe I am naive but, I thought, I’ve got to try.”
After 15 years of working with the homeless, the past three with the goal of opening Journey Home, she has succeeded with a big boost from partner Cardinal Capitol Management, which stepped up to the plate to fund the project in exchange for state tax credits.
The public is invited to celebrate the Journey Home grand opening at 2 p.m. July 24. The event will feature a program, refreshments and tours.
It’s an acronym for Global Economic Security And Reformation Act , and has been written and refined by great minds of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in order to reset planet earth and humanity on a sustainable governance foundation.
The following 3 items must be accomplished straight away:
1) The global and public proclamation of a global jubilee or debt forgiveness, and universal reset of planetary earth/humanity back to a universal system of common governance in transparent good standing with other member beings of the Galactic Federation.
2) Implementation of GESARA as a universal constitutional framework for global governance in all 209 sovereign nations per the signed 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, starting with the restored Republic of the United States.
3) Mass human disclosure of both non-humanoid (extra-terrestrial) life in existence on the surface of this planet and throughout our shared galaxy.
Why is GESARA even necessary?
The existing “cabal” governing authority has intentionally and methodically hid humanity’s historical truth (including alien occupation and genetic tampering) for over thirteen millennia; and thus why GESARA implementation is necessary now, as the galactic community has been tasked to stop and reverse the momentum of such a rebellious and blatant action against the Creator Source, and human species. Together with humanity, all love warriors of the white light will now put an end to cabal deceit as well as re-institute universal truth and justice without further delay or negotiation.
What might GESARA manifest?
Below are 25 specific items, but expect dozens more.
1. Restore Constitutional Law in Republic of the United Sates of America.
2. Remove USA, Inc. administration officials and all members of the US Congress from their positions due to their continuous unconstitutional actions.
3. Forces the USA, Inc.’s President, the Vice-President, Cabinet members, and all members of Congress to leave office.
4) Suspends all elections everywhere in the world, at all sovereign levels of government.
5) Allows new Republic of the United States appointees to temporarily govern the country’s affairs until fair and legal elections can be held.
6) Allows Republic military law enforcement to physically remove or eliminate any obstacle impeding GESARA law.
7) Allows the Republic Congress to implement the natural Constitutional Line of Succession.
8) Eliminates all “states of emergency” thus declaring peace for every land abiding by GESARA and it’s alliance.
9) Forces the US military to immediately remove troops from all sovereign nations who no longer willingly accept them to reside on their soil. That includes Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and the Philippines.
10) Zeroing out of credit card balances and bank debt relief worldwide.
READ MORE: Exclusive: Do you know about NESARA? I bet you DON’T, but it’s about time you DO!
11) Activates the Republic’s Treasury Bank and Republic Treasury, along with a gold backed USN currency printed and overseen by the Republic of the United States and not the Federal Reserve which will now be marginalized until eliminated.
12) Federal Income Taxes lies will be abolished, as will the old tax code; and new easier, simpler and global tax code will be implemented on non-essential items. Essential items such as food and medicine, and used items, are exempt from the sales tax.
13) The IRS, FEMA, Shadow Government Lobbyists will all be jailed, arrested or worse.
14) Creates a new 17% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government.
15) Increases benefits to senior citizens and makes them permanent.
16) Establishes new Presidential and Congressional candidates within 120 days after G.E.S.A.R.A.’s announcement. An interim government will quietly be put in place as to handle the nation’s affairs until new leaders can be democratically elected.
17) International Monitors will be present to prevent illegal voter ballot stuffing or fraudulent election activities of special interest groups.
18) A new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals will be issued into public circulation.
19) Eliminates birth certificate records ato be used as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
20) Restores financial privacy globally.
21) Resets all judges and attorneys back to Constitutional Law.
22) Ceases all aggressive, government military actions worldwide–including the Middle East.
23) Establishes peace throughout the world as monitored by the UN Security Council.
24) Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes across planet earth.
25) Enables the release of thousands of hidden patents for suppressed technologies currently held under the guise of national security–including free energy devices, anti-gravity and sonic healing machines.
Source: Ascension with Mother Earth
Via: Prepare for Change