Category Archives: 432HZ

abunDANCE : Therapeutic House Music on 432hz & 528hz by Nikos Akrivos and Andra Azzini, new album out now.

As we pass through the auspicious 888 portal, open till August 12th , you are invited to join us in a celebration of dance and unity across all dimensions.

### Album Release: **A New Era of abunDANCE**

Visionary house music producer Nikos Akrivos and the enchanting vocalist Andra Azzini have merged their unique talents to create an album that transcends musical boundaries and ushers in a new era of abundance and prosperity. This album is a testament to their collaborative alchemy, designed to transform and elevate your energy, guiding you toward a higher state of being.

#### **Track List:**

1. **Elovution (Drum and Bass Version)**

– **Frequency:** 528Hz

– **Description:** Ground yourself with the DNA-repairing properties of the 528Hz frequency. This drum and bass track prepares you to leap into new possibilities, anchoring your energies for the journey ahead.

2. **Mystical**

– **Frequency:** 432Hz

– **Description:** Align with your true essence and the divine within as you dance to this ethereal tune, available in two distinct versions. Let the soothing 432Hz frequency guide you to your authentic beingness.

3. **Le Parfum**

– **Frequency:** 432Hz

– **BPM:** 130

– **Description:** This techno house track, vibrating at 130 BPM, is designed to stimulate all your senses. Feel the invigorating rhythms and frequencies elevate your experience, connecting you to a higher state of awareness.

4. **Holy High**

– **Frequency:** 432Hz

– **BPM:** 144

– **Description:** Achieve a transcendent state of consciousness with this uplifting track. Attuned to 432Hz and pulsating at 144 BPM, it connects you with the realms of Archangels, Angelic Dragons, and Unicorns, sustaining your vibration as a portal of Love, Joy, Truth, Freedom, Compassion, Well-being, Prosperity, and Abundance.

#### **Join Us in abunDANCE**

As we pass through the auspicious 888 portal today, you are invited to join us in a celebration of dance and unity across all dimensions. Let the powerful frequencies and transformative sounds elevate your spirit, align your energies, and open you to the limitless prosperity and abundance of The New Earth.

Embrace this musical journey with us, and let it be a catalyst for your personal transformation and a celebration of the divine energy within. You are Loved.

Step into The New Era of Abundance with Nikos Akrivos and Andra Azzini, and experience the magic of music attuned to the frequencies of miracles and transformation.

You can listen here :

STELLAR : Healing House Music 432hz and the greatest transfer of Wealth.

In this transformative era, music is a powerful tool for aligning with higher states of consciousness. The Deep House album by Nikos Akrivos is imbued with the intention to facilitate this alignment. As you immerse yourself in these tracks, you will feel a connection to the New Earth frequenciesβ€”vibrations that are part of the global shift towards a more harmonious and enlightened world. This music serves as a bridge, connecting the physical realm with the higher dimensions of existence.

### The Greatest Transfer of Wealth: Stellar Blockchain

In tandem with the spiritual and musical experience, we are witnessing one of the most significant financial transformations of our timeβ€”the greatest transfer of wealth facilitated by the Stellar Blockchain. Stellar, a decentralized and open-source blockchain network, is revolutionizing the way we think about money and value. It enables fast, secure, and cost-effective transactions, making it a key player in the redistribution of wealth on a global scale.

By leveraging Stellar Blockchain technology, individuals and communities are empowered to participate in a more equitable financial system. This new paradigm shifts wealth from the few to the many, promoting inclusivity and fairness. It is an essential component of the New Earth vision, where prosperity and abundance are accessible to all.

### A Confluence of Music and Technology

The Deep House album by Nikos Akrivos is a celebration of this confluence. It is a testament to how music and technology can come together to foster healing, rejuvenation, and a profound shift in consciousness. As you dance to the rhythms of 432Hz, you are also partaking in a larger movementβ€”one that embraces innovation, equity, and the elevation of the human spirit.

### Join the Journey

We invite you to experience this transformative album and be part of the global awakening. Let the music of Nikos Akrivos guide you into a state of blissful harmony, and let the advancements of Stellar Blockchain inspire you towards a future of limitless possibilities. Together, through sound and technology, we are co-creating the New Earth.

Feel the beat, embrace the healing, and witness the greatest transfer of wealthβ€”all through the power of music and the vision of Nikos Akrivos.Β

Le Parfum 432hz

Get ready to experience the enchanting fusion of rhythm and evolution with **”Le Parfum”** from the visionary producer **Nikos Akrivos**. 🌟

Featuring the captivating vocals of **Andra Azzini**, the track blends a mystical aura with an uplifting, energetic vibe. It’s a sonic adventure that promises to elevate your mind, body, and soul.

Tuned to the cosmic frequency of **432 Hz**, known for its harmonious alignment with the spiral of evolution, this track offers a transformative musical journey. With a driving beat set at **130 BPM**, “Le Parfum” is designed to lift your spirits and ignite the dance floor.

Immerse yourself in the magical soundscape of **”Le Parfum”**. Let the powerful combination of Akrivos’ production and Azzini’s vocals guide you through a euphoric dance experience that resonates deeply with the essence of evolution.

**Available Now!** Don’t miss this chance to add a touch of the mystical and the energetic to your playlist. Embrace the frequency, feel the evolution, and let the music move you. 🌌✨

#LeParfum #AndraAzzini #HouseMusic #NewMusic #MysticalVibes #UpliftingEnergy #DanceTrack #OutNow

Feel More Than Fine (aka Nikos Akrivos DJ set on 432hz) at Farm of Consciousness on Solstice 2024.

It is a very rare that my dj sessions are recorded live, here is the opportunity for you to injoy and vibe with us. Make sure to set the intention that your energy through dancing serves your highest good and the highest good for all. Your Tools to Raise and Sustain High Vibrational Frequency of Body,Mind AND Spirit.

Ecstatic Dance Moment with DJ Nikos (A participant sharing her experience)

One of the participants at our latest ecstatic dance retreat was super kind to share her experience so more amongst you can also get a glimpse of what is that is being offered while i play music πŸ™‚

Your musical moment made me dance non-stop, I felt waves of energy and excitement with every song. It was a sublime moment.πŸ’« The first experience where I tasted the music through all the senses and I didn’t want the moment to end. You have carried us through higher dimensions and universes and for that I thank you. I am grateful! God bless you! 🀍


DJ Nikos Akrivos for ecstatic dance and 100% sober parties bookings send email at :

Stellar (New Album 432hz) – Nikos Akrivos Be The first to listen here.

High vibes everyone,

i have been busy in the studio creating some tunes to uplift everyone through dynamic meditation, here is a preview of the first 3 tracks.

Lightworker is a track i created offering a dynamic meditation combined with the rhythm of your breath in a slow bpm. Follow the rhythm of the beats and my voice to expand your Light in through and around you. INjoy.

As we welcome New Earth let us gather again physically , celebrate and share our love for one another and all life in clarity and authenticity!
Keep on dancing!

Now i invite you to rap along this mantra πŸ™‚

press play and keep on moving to the beats πŸ™‚

We are rising rising and we keep on dancing.
No time for Drama, instead sing along this mantra:
I Am peace, I Am Love, I Am Light
on a multidimensional flight
I Am Joy, Freedom and Prosperity
I Am God Being Creator for eternity

Surrencer. Trust . Allow and Receive
What your deepest desires

The Golden Age is here
living young
in a physical body
for a 1000 year
If you like it and want to be so,
your higher self, knows so.

Lyrics : Nikos Akrivos

Mini High Vibes Dancing Workshop

Take few deep in and out breaths, call upon Your Guides and Angelic Teams and get into Dancing for the next 30 minutes with this 432hz tunes High Vibes tunes or so and right after blast the planet with Love all around wherever is needed. After that, lie down and allow body to rest for at least 15′.

Have an AWESOME THURSday and weekend!!!!!

We Party Sober!!!

High Vibes Sounds Summer 2022 #432hz



Here is why all my latest musical projects are on #432hz including my DJ SETS.

Here is why all my latest musical projects are on including my DJ SETS. Check out my work here : 2020 : 2016 : and


Keep On Dancing and Partying Sober Ladies and Gentlemen, it is one of the best ways to Ascend.

Why do i create 432Hz Dance Music?

Because 432Hz frequency connects you to the field of infinite possibilities and when you add physical movement as dancing coupled with joy and bliss and intention you manifest faster in your physical realm your desires.

I hope you enjoy this playlist and thank you for playing and sharing this message to help many more get into this magical alchemy of cocreation πŸ™‚


Looking for new ways to inspire and inform people in a manner that feels less preachy.

Looking for new ways to inspire and inform people in a manner that feels less preachy, i came up with various dance tracks attuned on 432 HZ that sound like this:

About Being Vegan and supporting Animal Life :

Angels Message for all of us :

About Ascension :

Co-Creating New Earth Reality

Your Higher Christ Self

About New Financial System :NESARA

and many more!

The Highest Good For All 432Hz

The Highest Good For All is a message that will reverberate in the airs for this upcoming decade as we enter deeper into the Golden Age/5D Reality of our existence on a Loving and Forgiving Planet Mother Earth.And while we will be extremely busy with the rebuilding of the planet on our respective projects going from Free Energy to Celestial Chambers,building Schools for Children in Senegal and Uganda and Houses for all Homeless in Communities all across Europe there will always be a time to come together and celebrate and dance in a 100% healthy environment being served elixirs and fruit juices and high vibrational foods,that is my dream,that is how i see my/our 5D lives!

And honoring that perspective with every little electron and atom and fiber in my body in this HUman life experience in Joy of expansion is what i came for.As you are too!

I created the lyrics of this track after having an intense conversation with Prince,yes,you read right,Prince and i have been communicating and i asked him to give me inspiration to make the lyrics of this track focused always in bringing attuned sounds on 432HZ the frequency of the spiral of evolution that connects us with the higher dimensions.

We are rising rising
And we keep on dancing
From Human to Galactic
Time to change our tactic.
No time from drama,
instead sing along this mantra:
I am Peace,I Am Love,I Am Light
On a multidimensional flight
I am Freedom,Joy & Prosperity
I am God Being Creator for eternity
Yo yo did you know of your immortality?
I am speaking to you humanity
S . T . A . R.
Surrender,Trust ,Allow and Receive
What your deepest desires are
As You Are a STAR.
The Golden age is here,
living young in a physical body for a 1000 year.
if you like and want it to be so
Your Higher Self knows so.

The Highest Good For All- New Album Out Now.

My New Album is out now on Bandcamp and soon on all major digital stores.All Music is produced on 432Hz and all content is Light Coded to assist you in you Ascension Journey.All track list,including a rainbow meditation to learn to manifest rainbows, listen and buy here