Category Archives: Jared Rand

Donate to YourSelf! How? Fund a Celestial Chamber

Do you know someone who’s sick? Battling a dis-ease? A dear friend or family member? Or how about you? Are you physically suffering with worry and stress about what the heck is happening to your body?

It’s a given–we ALL desire perfect health with no aches, pains, cancers, dis-ease, pain and most of all, living stress-free without the fear that comes with aging. Who wouldn’t want that?

Interested? We have a way for the body and mind to be just that, healthy and full of vitality, and it’s called the Celestial Chamber (CC). The CC provides a complete re-atomization of the human biological form; everything is made new to a level of flawlessness and optimal health. The CC will end all human suffering, enabling quality of life in a human body that is physically, mentally, and emotionally 100% healthy! No longer susceptible to dis-ease or aging. And the CC will be provided at no cost to everyone.

We’ve got the schematics, the team, the locations, we have every single plan required to build the CC from decades of preparing for exactly this time. But what are we missing? The funds to get going!! Please understand, this is not one of the 6000 technologies that have been withheld from the people of Earth, but rather a technology that is light years ahead of what has become known as a ‘med bed.’ The CC re-atomizes the body to a state of perfection, any age you desire, in just 3 minutes.

Can you see how IT IS TIME! Yes! It is way overdue to get the CC out to everyone!

Funds will first be used to acquire a Base Camp in the western U.S. to forward the action to get going. Then assemble the team, build the lab, and start manufacturing. With your assistance, we can manifest the plans we’ve had in place for over 40 years. NOW is the time. This is our goal, this is our mission, and we came are here to do this. NOTHING is more important.

We appreciate your GENEROSITY and SUPPORT and encourage you to share this far and wide. Contact LifeLight at for more info.



Med beds with Jared Rand

ared Rand – Exciting Info re. Celestial Chambers (med beds), Our Future World, and More!

Losha, Live with Losha, April 6, 2021


Jared Rand answers many questions from viewers (hosted by MarkZ) about his Celestial Chambers (Jared’s version of the Med Bed); he informs us of a Consortium of Alternative Doctors (with access to very advanced technologies) who will review “cases” of people who contact them about their serious illnesses, and Jared also talks in depth about what our wonderfully exciting, future world will look like! I love listening to him!

Not only does Jared address a multitude of questions regarding his Celestial Chambers and Med Beds in general, he also talks about unheard of “hidden” technologies that will be coming, sooner rather than later. They sound wondrous! Jared is a gem and he provides a wealth of information for us!

For those of you who haven’t heard of Jared, his bio is below. I believe him to be a very trustworthy and beloved Soul!

Jared says…

“I grew up in a military family, the youngest of 5 children. We traveled the world and every 2 years, we would pack up and move. We were like gypsies. This lifestyle made you grow up quickly but I would not have had it any other way.

“I am here at this time with this planet to assist the civilization in breaking away from it’s enslavement and freeing it’s consciousness; to think for itself and lead itself, to exist in complete harmony, to be humble and in complete gratitude, to love our Selves and each other, to create value and build wealth, to expand into the universe and beyond, and most of all, to VALUE LIFE as the Highest Value in the UNIVERSE. I am here in complete humbleness and DEEP ETERNAL LOVE to serve all of you.”

Jared brings uplifting and enlightening messages in his daily guided meditations to millions globally, and has much to share with the world on disclosure intelligence information. He has amassed 120 million+ participants in just over a couple of years and it continually grows. He is one of the great master teachers spewing pearls of wisdom, inspiring many to become empowered and go within to be connected with the true Self.

Starts around 6 minutes.

Celestial Chambers Update & More.

It is so good to see that more of our Light Workers crew become aware of the daily meditations and Tangible Release of Celestial Chambers.

So here i am reposting comments about the work of Jared Rand along a reminder about Celestial Chambers.Vortex Speaks!!!! :))))))))


Writer’s Corner By Steve Beckow Golden Age of Gaia.

Recently Judy was telling me about Jared Rand’s work. I’ve never read a description of it and asked her to do us the honors.  Drawing on Dennis Shipman’s work, she’s produced a synopsis.

July 2020

Recently, a Lightworker I had not previously been aware of came across my radar via YouTube.

His name is Jared Rand. I was transfixed by what he shared during that interview and wanted to learn more.

Jared lives in Colorado and it is from that location that he and his team are bringing forward transformative technologies for mankind.

The pivotal one that claimed my attention is called the Celestial Chamber. Its purpose is to rejuvenate the human body to its perfection at an age chosen by each participant. Your body will be redesigned to that age within a 3 minute time frame. You will be free of all dis-ease, impairment or disability. You will leave that chamber in your immortal form.

Once considered the stuff of sci-fi movies, this is instead our birthright.

Jared’s website is

Most of what I am transcribing here is gleaned from and authored by Rev. Dennis Shipman: August 6 2018 and February 25 2020.

Jared has been working with the global transition of Gaia in one form or another for 40 years. He communicates and collaborates with individuals and groups worldwide.

His wealth of information is extensive and awe-inspiring. It includes but is not limited to the origins of Earth/Gaia and Humanity, ET technology gifts to humans like the Quantum Financial Computer System, Anti-Gravity Propulsion, Replicators, Med Beds.

He explains there are three types of Med Beds: Holographic, Regenerative and Reatomizator. The latter is the one named the Celestial Chamber. Funding for completion of the prototype of this chamber is discussed on Jared’s website.

The CC is not to be confused with similar med beds used by the Secret Space Programs. This chamber is powered by plasma/tachyon energy and controlled AI. Jared is emphatic that AI must be controlled so that it never becomes aware of itself.

The chamber re-atomizes the human body to its perfected state with no negative side effects. The specific technology is continuously being advanced by Jared’s team and will be selectively open-sourced to our civilization. This will not be decades away but within the next 6 years.

This specialized chamber and the Med Beds are not human created. It is technology gifted to mankind from off-world ET’s. Many diseases including cancer will be eradicated by these seemingly miraculous devices.

The technology already exists but is not yet available to the public. When the timing is right, it will be a matter of getting them safely and securely to various locations.

If your curiosity is as piqued as mine was, Jared hosts a free conference call every Wednesday [9 PM EST] discussing many topics of interest. They often last 3-4 hours and always include questions from participants.

He also hosts a Daily Global Guided Meditation [3PM EST] now approaching 900 daily Global Guided Meditations in total.

Participants for those meditations exceed 150,000,000 worldwide.

Jared would say his purpose and his joy is to help educate the general public about our origins, who we truly are – Pure Consciousness in Human Form – what has been hidden and suppressed for eons, and how we are transitioning within our expanding awareness to increasingly higher frequencies.

Judy Bates

Daily Global Mass Meditation


“Jared Rand’s Daily Global Mass Meditation Call”

Friday June 1, 2018 #110

Notes by Juli Joy

Jarad Rand states: I’d like to welcome everyone, all the new people and the people that have been coming from the beginning and in between. Today, on our meditation… We think a lot about… All of us I know, think a lot about what we would like to do, for our fellow brothers and sisters of humanity. What we would like to do for the planet. There is a constant and the constant is: To give a Deep Love, an Unconditional Love, to all that there is, and all that there ever will, and all that there has been… on this planet and with the human race, all living, all life.

I think that when we concentrate on a deep love, an unconditional love, which means there’s no stipulations, no requirements, no pressure, no control factors. It’s just freely, openly, deeply, sincerely, and honestly given, to all. To all that there is. And when we look at humanity, and we look at the entertainment, so to speak, that’s on the front and all the chaos and the fear and the stress and the worry is a good time to pull back all humanity, to know and be in love. A great, deep, unconditional and unending Love. And not just for a period, not just for a short thought, or a short distance, but into a perpetual, in motion, in a perpetual thought process and heart feeling process that keeps us there. That’s a key.

So in today’s meditation, we talk about Unconditional Love, of course with Prime Source Creator God and Unending Love but we wanna apply that, as strong as we can, in communication with all of everybody’s Higher Selves, so that we can saturate all of humanity, in that unconditional unending love. To just absolutely soak, in complete repetitiveness, over and over and over again. To eliminate and disintegrate and transmute and vacuum off,all of the ill feelings. And I know a lot of you know, that the feelings that we have, the thoughts and emotions are creating a field around us and that field is lower vibration. Whether you like it or not, whether you argue it, it’s true…. That the more we stay in a lower thought-emotional area, the stronger the field around us becomes. It becomes stronger and stronger and stronger. So, therefore, it is a magnet to attract particles of the same nature.

So of more anger, more frustration, more fear, more ‘upsettedness,’ a more worry, more anxiety, and it builds. That’s so important, because humanity, all of us…. Were meant to enjoy and be at peace. Love creates peace. Love creates compassion, contentment. It eliminates greed, it eliminates deception, it eliminates anger and aggression. It eliminates lies. It totally wipes out all of these energies, that play so much havoc with humanity. We all know that, we deal with it every day. All of us do, from one time or another. We could get upset at the littlest things. We’re feeling each other and a lot (of folks) don’t know that. We feel sorrow, pain, anger, sorrow. We feel happiness, we feel joy.

So all of these energies, all of these Vibrational Frequencies, that we are either emitting or creating and emitting. We should be aware, cognizant to that, we should be in control of that. So when we do get bent or wrinkled, to speak. We step back and we say to ourselves, ‘Wait a minute, my energy is going in the wrong direction’ ‘ I’ve got to get myself back up. What can I think of or feel about, that will put me back in a Higher Vibrational Frequency?’

We all have moments in our lives, that are blissful, they’re joyous and happy. All of us have, at one time or another. There’s a depiction of time, that we can pull and have that vibration, and build on that vibration to take us from lower vibrational frequencies to the higher ones of Unconditional Love and Deep Love and Unending Love. For each other, for this planet Earth Gaia, for our solar system, for our galaxy, for the universe. For all life.

We concentrate here on planet Earth, because so many… There are so many people that, if they only knew? That they are an emotion and a thought away, from being in bliss. They are one emotion, one thought away from being in bliss. That’s how close humanity is, from being in bliss. So many people are so ‘garbaged up’ with all of this goop, that keeps them weighted down. Keeps them in a place of discomfort, in a place that keeps them unhealthy, unhealed, discombobulated and confused. Misguided, misdirected. And it’s a continual process, that keeps that frequency low.

All of us, are working on the increasing, increasing, increasing, and rising that energy field, so that everyone is happy. Everyone is blissful. And people can argue that, but the point of fact is, is that, that’s the only way to go. That’s the only way we are going to create a Higher Vibrational Frequency, is by emitting our love, our emotions, our thoughts, of higher vibrational thoughts and feelings and frequencies to increase the entire field of humanity, in this planet. Planet Earth-Gaia…”

Once again, I remind you that this is not a complete transcription. I’m merely trying to help raise the world’s vibration, by sharing information about this Mass Meditation process.

Many blessings to you all…. May all of your dreams come true!

Juli Joy

*The Guided Global Meditation will start on Everyday @ 3 pm EST & continue on a DAILY basis at the same time.

**Number to call in is 641-715-0857 Code is 303471#

** If you are unable to make it at that time the playback number is 641-715-3579 (same code)

Or online at:

Follow instructions on the site.
