Category Archives: Brenda Hoffman

your travel itinerary can now include Universal explorations instead of only the Earth.

Dear Ones,

Maybe you recently jumped between dimensions and frequencies or traveled to places you never before explored, or perhaps not. You and your cohorts opened the Universal gate the past few days, allowing you to jump when or if you feel comfortable doing so.

Even though this gate has always been available because you are all Universal beings, your inner being stopped you from opening that gate while of 3D Earth because it would have been too confusing. Much like you did not read Shakespeare’s works when you were eight years old because the meaning of Shakespeare’s words would have likely been beyond your comprehension skills.

Some days, Universal Travel might seem interesting or exciting. On other days, it might be too complicated to attempt. You have freed yourself from the Earth’s boundaries of limited exploration. Now, free yourself from expectations of immediately zooming hither and yon unless it feels joyful.

Nothing disappears if you do not travel within the next few days, weeks, or years. Like earth travel, you can travel through dimensions, frequencies, or times whenever or wherever you like, but that does not mean you have to.

Many question why you might want to travel through dimensions, frequencies, or times. There is no exact answer for that, any more than you can fully explain why you do not wish to travel beyond your community while your sibling is a world traveler. Everything you decide and explore is because your inner being is drawing you to it. The result of that exploration is a more clearly defined personal path.

En masse, you decided to explore outside the 3D boundaries you adhered to for the eons you have been of Earth. That quest opened the fields that were part of your being when you were not of Earth.

You have extended your Earth knowledge into the Universal spheres.

You might be dissatisfied with your current life because it feels limiting. Or, you might decide that your current life meets your needs. There are no longer limits on who you are or are becoming. So, a friend might jump timelines and find your stay-at-home activities boring. Exactly as it should be because, unlike the cookie-cutter lives you lived when you were of 3D Earth, there are no longer any limits.

Your Universal gate of dimensions, frequencies, and time will remain open forever.

Welcome to the Universes with all the variety and excitement that phrase entails. You might need to rest before you venture out to a new experience. Or opt to explore something new as you complete your day-to-day activities. There are no longer boundaries, shoulds, gates, windows, or doors that stop you from exploring whatever you wish, whenever you want.

Perhaps you wonder when you will find the time to explore as much as you wish. Once you opened that Universal gate, you, en masse, also opened your being to a more extensive personal diversity. So, part of you might be traveling to another planet while easily maintaining your daily responsibilities.

You have allowed yourself to bifurcate while in an Earth physical form.

Previously, even those who channeled or were healers limited their scope and area. Not because they had to, but because shifting beyond that would have been too confusing in a 3D world.

Those gates and limitations have gone by the wayside now that you have transitioned beyond 3D. In truth, those gates were eliminated the minute you transitioned. But because the resources and activities available were too expansive without some preparation, you en masse decided this last piece of travel expansion needed to wait until you were more comfortable with your new inner being.

You have completed the three big stages of becoming a new you – your outer and inner worlds and now, your Universal world.

Allow yourself to explore without fear of punishment, pain, or banishment.

You are an official Universal Zoomer who can opt to travel extensively or not at all, as was true in your 3D world. The difference is your travel itinerary can now include Universal explorations instead of only the Earth. You are new, and so are your travel options. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. Listen to the podcast. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry The weekly channel is also available as a Spotify, Google, and iTunes podcast. Access buttons to those sites can be found at

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Subconsciously Exploring Frequencies, Dimensions, and Time Travel

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry

“Adjusting to New Inner Workings” was the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Dear Ones,

What was supposed to happen recently likely did not, and that which was not supposed to happen happened. Missed appointments, incorrect directions, and mixed messages created complete confusion.

You are flipping in and out of time zones—here this morning but not this afternoon—and returning later in the day. This, like all other recent phases, is confusing. You feel neither here nor there physically, similar to how you felt recently with the people you know and love.

As was true for your previous major shifts, your outer being shifted, then your inner being, and finally, your physicality – so it is now. You are floating in and out of time, dimension, and frequency zones, which is disconcerting to you and those around you, creating a sense of fear and anger. “Why is this happening now? What did I do wrong?”

There is no need for fear or anger, for this phase is merely a glimpse of what can be if you choose. For example, you might explore a particular time or frequency—or not—based on your experiences while doing so for a few minutes in the next few days.

Your selections, based on interest instead of shoulds or have-tos, will enhance your unique path.

Consequently, your current life is probably scattered and not that pleasant. You do not know if you will be on time in the right place with the expected interactions or if you will seemingly waste minutes, hours, or even days as you explore various options.

To create more confusion, your 3D thought processes will not register these times as anything other than uncertainty. Yet, your inner being has checked off another exploration opportunity or negated a particular adventure.

Because the number of adventures you are experiencing daily as you float in and out of times, frequencies, and dimensions would be too confusing, even counter-productive, you cannot interpret these explorations consciously. You would be overwhelmed and unable to choose based on inner interest instead of passing fancy. Once you have fully tapped into that part of your being you are just beginning to discover, you will not need this childish game of “select without direction or understanding.”

You are in an exploratory stage of becoming within, without, and through various timelines, frequencies, and dimensions. Even though you probably believe you could explore all those layers and maintain your daily life, the information you gather will not coalesce for a few weeks.

In a sense, you are taking classes about the new worlds you intend to explore, including geography, history, science, sociology, fishing, gathering, hunting, survival, and language lessons appropriate for that area. Actual exploration is premature until those areas have been accessed and adopted. And you cannot do either until you review your options, as you are now doing.

Your world has morphed into multiple Universes with more options for joy, fun, and exploration than you ever thought possible. So allow yourself to discover something interesting over here and something equally interesting within. You are building a path with concrete interests, interactions, and activities from within instead of outside yourself, as you have for eons.

You are new beings in the Universal sense. Allow that to filter into your being as you float in and out of new activities and adventures without noting them consciously as you once did in 3D.

You are new, and so is everyone who is transitioning. This newness requires new activities, interests, and acceptance of the unknown. Even though you might feel that your life has become haphazard, all is well in your world. It is so for a reason. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. Listen to the podcast. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry The weekly channel is also available as a Spotify, Google, and iTunes podcast. Access buttons to those sites can be found at

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Now, you are positioning and repositioning your new skills and interests—a task that requires as much energy as your 3D teen shifts.

Adjusting to New Inner Workings

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you fear joy can never be prominent in your life, that what you feel now is all there is. You are reverting to 3D fears that are no longer part of your world.

You might also feel lopsided or uncomfortable because you continue to shed what was and are not yet comfortable with what is becoming. It is like upgrading your computer software. Even though you soon adjust to the new capabilities, initially, an upgrade tends to feel unwieldy and uncomfortable.

You are in the awkward stages of adjusting to your new being with all the ramifications such a leap into the new entails. The same is true for all who wish to evolve, so interactions are not as simple or loving as you expect, encouraging feelings of loneliness. And if you live alone, you feel isolated even with your computers, books, nature, and television. You are in the 3D teen stage: “No one understands me, and no one likes me.”

Perhaps this message makes you angry. Where is the joy the Universes dangled in front of you for months or years? When does this shifting stop long enough for you to feel more than a few minutes of joy?

Just as was true for the progression of inner security created with 3D aging, this shift from 3D adult to new you is a process.

You have all the necessary inner workings. It is now a matter of adjusting to those inner shifts.

Some of you will or have adjusted more rapidly than others – as was true when you were a teenager. So some of you feel/seem very much like a new you adult while others struggle to become more mature. Please remember that those who seemed so mature when you struggled with your 3D teen maturity spurt were not that different from you once you fully accessed your personhood. So it is now. This is a short race – not of years or decades, but weeks and months. The earth does not have or need years to evolve, as was true when you were a teen trying to negotiate your entrance into adulthood.

Granted, much of your time before transitioning seemed to be clearing, and your current feelings seem so similar. The difference is that your 3D clearings were about letting go of pieces of your former earth lives that affected your transition. You have transitioned. Now, you are positioning and repositioning your new skills and interests—a task that requires as much energy as your 3D teen shifts.

So you feel as if you are in the midst of a never-ending adjustment, forgetting everything you achieved and worrying that your joy will never return or appear. Like buyer’s remorse after moving from one home to another with thoughts of “I knew where everything was in my former home, and now I can’t find anything” and on and on, comparing your former environment to the new environment that feels all wrong even though it better suites your needs.

You are part of the new, never a comfortable position initially, even though it is growth or a shift for the better. Allow yourself to adjust to this new you, including accepting the learning curve, which is a natural process from the comfortable to the new.

You are in the right place internally, as is everyone who has transitioned. Stop trying to force yourself into joy and out of discomfort or fear. You are evolving not just from one 3D stage to another but from one being to another. Your internal being is no longer your 3D being, as is true for all who have transitioned.

You are trying to find your center and beingness while negating what was.

Even though you might feel you have failed or your struggles to shift the earth and yourself from 3D to beyond have been for naught, you are a new being trying to find your place in a confusing world. Many have transitioned, but there are still a number who remain staunchly in 3D, expecting you and others to support them. This is similar to a younger sibling becoming angry or confused when their older sibling displays teen angst.

Just as was true during your 3D teen angst stage, you do not necessarily understand logically why you need to say, do, or feel something. You just know this is who you are or are becoming. Allow yourself to flow into your new being and allow the same for others – without fear, rancor, or anger. What was is no more. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe, access, or listen to the podcast. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry The weekly channel is also available as a Spotify, Google, and iTunes podcast. Access buttons to those sites can be found at

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Allow yourself to be. The person you are caring for will adjust as necessary – and likely expand their life once you let go of the familiar and expected.

Caretaking Exhaustion or Discomfort?

Dear Ones,

Your life is changing in ways you did not anticipate. You are discovering that you are different than you thought you were or would be. There’s a feeling of rightness, yet it’s sharper than you anticipated. You, the caretaker, are becoming discerning, something you are not used to.

Even though you are changing, those you caretake are not necessarily letting go easily. “I need you” is their cry in words and actions. So, you often feel torn between your former caretaking role and your current need for independence. It is not an easy place to be.

Those who demand you caretake them do so because it is easier than finding their strengths. Of course, there are times when others, including you, need physical caretaking. But those times are much less frequent than you assume.

Isn’t it easier to have someone provide you with what you wish? So it is for those you care for.

That is unless you find the balance that allows you the freedom to be and provides those who demand your caretaking skills with the basics, including the love you feel for them.

Some of you claim you have no ties to or love for the person you are caring for. We of the Universes beg to differ. You would not be in their orbit or frequency if you did not have a heart attachment.

Of course, there are love-based relationships enacted in rage or anger. But at this point in your transition, you would exit any relationship that required pretending to care if you disliked that person.

Some proclaim you continue such a relationship even though you have no love for that being. If this is so, perhaps you need to ask yourself why? Does your love of human life, fear, payback, or similar emotions force you to continue that caretaking role? Or is it fear that you will have to depend on your transition skills to create a new life if you change or exit that relationship?

Caretaking another so they do not need to expand their skills or interests because you provide all they think they need is not helpful for either of you.

This is a time of expansion. Many, if not most, of you, acknowledged new pieces of your being that encouraged you to move forward into a new life. This life does not include caretaking others to the point that you have become their servant, fulfilling their expectations despite abilities they have not yet felt the need to develop.

Of course, you believe you are merely doing what needs to be done. But is that accurate? Do you wake up every morning excited to provide the services to others you have become accustomed to? Or are you discovering that waking up to that regimen is becoming less pleasant and more tedious – even exhausting?

It is time to create a win/win for both of you. If you wish to help that being in love, create the resources that provide the care they need and the freedom you long for.

Implement your new skills. Create an environment that is correct for both of you. Home care? Daycare? Treatment? Education? New environment? Independence?

What will change your relationship from caretaking to independence for you both? Not necessarily from one another, but independence from waking up to a day of caretaking?

What if the person you are caretaking is unwilling to care for themselves? How do you push them out of the nest? The first question must be, “Do you want to push them out of the nest?” At what point are you sacrificing yourself to care for someone who refuses to care for themselves? Why are you doing that? Is it because it feels right, or do you feel you should? And if you think you should caretake that person even if they are not willing or unable to care for themselves, what do you need to create to free yourself from that prison?

You suffered, complained, and worried in the past, most often in silence, because that was how it was supposed to be. Those social rules no longer apply. What could you create to free yourself emotionally and physically from that caretaking burden?

Many of you are now visualizing yourself as a bad person for even thinking of creating enough resources to enable that person you caretake the freedom to be, as well as yourself. If you created a new environment, financial resources, or different emotional ties, would that provide freedom for both of you? Or are you more comfortable than you realize in your current situation?

You have new skills; use them.

You will not be a bad, selfish, or mean person for freeing both of you in whatever way feels most right. Even though his or her life will expand when you do so, the being you are caretaking will fight that freedom because they will have to change. And change, even for the better, is often difficult for humans. For example, if you dread caring for another being, you have forgotten the new creation skills you have not yet used.

Allow yourself to be. The person you are caring for will adjust as necessary – and likely expand their life once you let go of the familiar and expected. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe, access, or listen to the podcast. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry The weekly channel is also available as a Spotify, Google, and iTunes podcast. Access buttons to those sites can be found at

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

You are finding new interests and friends because their frequencies are more similar to yours than not.

Dear Ones,

The correct answer for you today may not be tomorrow or the day after. You will evolve a bit before you establish sides or the right actions for yourself.

The concepts you are forming now are more similar to the beliefs of a young teen than of a 3D adult. Most often, a teen senses actions or words as either right or wrong with very few gray areas. But this is a time of many gray areas, confusing you and others trying to clarify beliefs.

Perhaps you are part of a political party but are close friends with someone from a different political party. Even though most of what they relay to you is correct and acceptable, there are places neither of you discuss, for their opinions are so different than yours. If you want to maintain contact with that individual, you close off some of your beliefs when you interact with them. If you do not close off some thoughts, you will not accept any of their beliefs despite both of you trying to avoid specific topics.

But now, you are beginning to select friends based on their frequency instead of beliefs. If your friendship was based on their ideas, you would never be able to interact with them despite not discussing specific topics. Their beliefs would resemble painting a big stop sign on their forehead. Instead, you allow a slow sign to be acceptable.

You are maturing into your new being—not all at once, but slowly in your thought processes and rapidly in ours. Instead of basing your interactions on concepts, you are beginning to select friendships and interactions because of similar frequencies – a system you have never before utilized while of the earth.

Some of you declare that romantic love is frequency-based, which is valid to a certain extent – at first. But as the relationship develops, those little inconsistencies that do not agree with your inner thoughts are often the cause of the relationship ending, no matter how attracted you once felt.

Although there are differences, the frequencies between you and those you enjoy interacting with now are so similar that the differences do not matter. That is not to say you will endure a relationship that is not right for you because of specific aspects, but that the differences you discover are not that important to either of you.

These new relationship interactions are different from your 3D actions in many ways. Most importantly, you feel comfortable with a certain being no matter what they verbalize or adhere to when you are not there. You allow differences because their overall being flows with yours. Perhaps not forever, but for now, you are exploring that relationship in joy despite this or that belief.

You are all on unique paths, some of which are parallel to yours and others perpendicular. Those on parallel paths are becoming increasingly acceptable to you. Those on perpendicular paths are still too ‘out there’ for you. Even though you will someday soon, you cannot yet find commonalities with those on a perpendicular path to yours.

Perhaps an analogy would be befriending someone in college who selected a different major than you. Despite that difference, they are an essential part of your life. But once you graduate, you seldom interact with them. That friend with different majors is not terrible; they are merely so different interest-wise that you have little in common.

You are finding new interests and friends because their frequencies are more similar to yours than not. As you mature, differences will become enjoyable because you will allow more gray interest areas into your being. And so it is. Amen.

Subscribe, access, or the podcast. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via You can also read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry In addition, the weekly channel is available as a podcast on Spotify, Google, and iTunes. Access buttons to those sites can be found at

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Emotional discomfort in any part of your being indicates you are holding onto someone or something that no longer serves you, like a high school student who wants a baby rattle.

Dear Ones,

You have mixed emotions – most of which are not cheerful or fun-filled. You feel as if you are slogging uphill day after day. Nothing seems quite right, and you do not have the energy to determine why. You just know waking up is not that interesting or exciting, and going to bed is a relief.

Such is to be expected. You are shedding your former persona minute by minute and creating a new being much different from who you were even a week ago.

As you shed your former being, you discover new elements of yourself and mourn what used to be.

This new being you create minute-by-minute is shape-shifting you in ways you could not have imagined even a week ago. So you feel exhausted, confused, angry, and sad, hoping for a miracle to lighten your inner turmoil. A miracle that never seems to happen—at least not in the past few days or, for some of you, the past few weeks or months. This is because you are holding your transition hostage. “No, not yet. Let me play in my known being a bit longer.”

It is past time to let go and free-fall into your new being.

It does not matter whether you completed this piece or action. Your life as you have known it since you entered the earth in this lifetime is over. Nothing you can do will stop that shift or save the pieces you want. It is over.

Those of you who savor memories for some as yet undetermined need in the future will experience the most significant fears. Because you wish to combine the two worlds, you think you are now balancing. There is no balancing act, magic potion, or wish that will allow you to keep your former life. Your former life is over. So let go and start living.

Perhaps you wonder what letting go and living mean for you. You cannot imagine a world without that person, activity, or memory. Even though your former world is becoming increasingly unpleasant, you cling to the last remaining pieces, hoping against hope you can save that relationship, memory, or interaction. You cling to the very thing drowning you with angst, fear, and often anger.

It is similar to seeing your friends graduate from high school while you are too afraid to leave elementary school. Let go and allow yourself to expand into the wonderful, glorious being you are becoming.

Perhaps you wonder what that last phrase means for you. Emotional discomfort in any part of your being indicates you are holding onto someone or something that no longer serves you, like a high school student who wants a baby rattle.

It is over. Allow yourself to accept that. And then, ever so gently, let go and let yourself live without the angst of what you once thought you wanted or should want. New times create new actions.

But before you can access those thoughts and actions, you must let go of what was. Not just a bit or even partially. Let go and dare to fly without a net. You will not hurt yourself or others, for they are also evolving. Allow them to evolve, and allow the same for yourself.

What was is no more. What is needs to be accepted. And so it is. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe, access, or the podcast. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via You can also read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry In addition, the weekly channel is available as a podcast on Spotify, Google, and iTunes. Access buttons to those sites can be found at

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

The new you no longer needs to review items individually because you know deep within your being you can create what you need when you need it.

Deep or Quick Cleaning?

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are tired, or perhaps not. It does not matter because all you dreamed of is coming true whether you are active or sedentary, alone or in a group. You cannot fail, nor can you pretend to do so.

You might question that last comment if your life seems filled with drudgery or emotional pain. You cannot yet comprehend how your life is better or how soon it will improve. It is similar to when you had the flu. You most likely could not remember how you experienced fun and laughter during that illness.

So it is now. Many of you are clearing issues you felt were necessary before jumping on your joy path – issues that were not a Universal requirement but a personal need or wish. Because some of you are perfectionists, you refuse to move into your new home or onto your unique path until your previous home is sparkling clean. It is a matter of deciding if you wish to clean before or after entering your path.

That is not to say those of you sensing your new being are clear of your past personal issues, but instead that you have decided to clear or clean after moving to your new home. This is similar to moving to a house with all you have or clearing out your closets and storage areas before moving.

Once you shift into your new being, you can eliminate extraneous items one by one – the more difficult path – or en masse, just as was true for your 3D home moves. You can either load everything into a garbage container or sort through items individually, establishing piles of items to be retained and boxed accordingly, then packing, throwing, selling, or distributing to charities.

You can choose the labor-intensive route or the quickly discard and leave process – just as you would when you relocated to a new home.

Even though this is not a complicated thought process, the physical process can seem overwhelming. Not because it has to but because of how you approach this shift or event. Are you deciding to review every piece of your 3D lives that affects your new being individually, or are you reviewing the pieces as one? And once that review is complete, how are you discarding your unneeded emotions and reactions?

This is a self-cleaning activity, with times and actions determined by you. It is no longer an en masse project, as has been largely true throughout your transition from 3D until now. So, some of you have become stuck in a quagmire of fear and indecision – should I review items or negate individual item reviews and toss everything that no longer feels comfortable?

For many, it is a confusing decision because you are concerned about tossing something that may be valuable later – a 3D thought process. The new you no longer needs to review items individually because you know deep within your being you can create what you need when you need it.

That is not to say you must approach this process in a specific way but to understand that if you are uncomfortable now, it is likely because you have opted to review instead of toss.

Neither approach is right or wrong. It merely explains why some of you are beginning to experience unexpected joy and others feel uncomfortable or burdened. How you would feel if you reviewed all your household items instead of tossing anything that was not immediately useful? And then, how you would feel if you threw away something you wished you had kept?

This clearing process is an individual choice without any wrong answers, even though it might appear that you should throw everything. For those of you who do not feel comfortable doing so, please know that if you reacted in the seemingly effortless way of just throwing or giving away your unnecessary emotions, sensations, etc., before accepting your new path, you would likely have regrets because those emotions are an important part of your being you wanted to explore just a bit longer.

You are on a unique path without rights or wrongs. So, just as you cannot determine the rightness of someone’s actions or feelings, you cannot pretend to be someone you are not. We of the Universes are merely informing you why you feel as you do.

Your actions are more fitting for you than any we or anyone else could relay. Allow that to be. And then allow yourself to be you in all your glory, whether that means a deep clean or a rapid movement from what was in your being to what is now. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe or access. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, you can read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry The free weekly channel is also available as a podcast on Spotify, Google, and iTunes. Access buttons to those podcast sites can be found at

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Allow yourself to be.

Dear Ones,

Given the unique path each of you is creating, it is impossible to be correct in any or all matters. No one can verify your rightness, nor can you verify anyone else’s.

This is confusing because you wish for others to tell you how correct your words and beliefs are – as do others. You are all correct, for consensus is no longer appropriate.

Your new world is not totally chaotic; instead, it allows you to understand that your new or different beliefs are not wrong, nor are the beliefs of others.

To shift from 3D right and wrong, you must explore options that do not always feel comfortable. You are a new being in a new world. Even though you have repeatedly stated that fact to yourself and others, living in this new world is quite confusing at times. This is similar to how infants feel after exiting their Universal home for an Earth life. Nothing that was comfortable is now, and nothing that should be easy seems easy now.

You are discovering new skills, interests, and beliefs. Some are counterintuitive to your former 3D lives – and some are counterintuitive to your former Universal lives.

This is a new Universal view and action plan. You have created your new entity and a never-before-experienced Earth or Universal environment.

Given the newness of your thoughts, beliefs, and actions, you should not be surprised that you feel uncomfortable. What seemed up is now down. And what seemed down is now up. A confusing time indeed. But a confusing time you have the skills to explore and develop.

So slow down. Explore your interests and your options. This is not a life-and-death time; it is merely a time of exploration. Just as was true when you were introduced to Earth, the multitude of times you likely explored Earth life during your 3D research. As an infant, you were so uncomfortable you visited your former Universal lives via sleep. Then, you resorted to crying because you had no other way to communicate. That is, until you adapted to the new environment and accepted language and other skills that could be adjusted according to your physical development and needs.

So it is now. Everything is starting to feel wrong, discordant, uncomfortable, and new. It is not necessarily fun new, but instead, something you have to adapt to and accept according to your interests and physical needs.

At the same time, you are beginning to surprise yourself with your new skills and interests. What seemed like a blah day becomes intriguing. And what seems like an easy, understandable day becomes confused and messy. Nothing is as it was. You are discovering skills you did not know you had, wanted, or knew you needed. Everything is new, including your relationships, physical abilities, and interests.

With a simple rattle, toddlers or infants can be amused for minutes, sometimes hours. So it is for you now. You might become mesmerized by a simple activity or negate something you have loved for decades.

You are new – just as is an Earth newborn. Allow that to be. Then, allow yourself to explore that newness with a fresh demeanor and acceptance of who you are becoming instead of who you once were.

Allow yourself to be. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe or access. To receive the free weekly Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via You can also read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Independence, freedom, and joy are one path. As are dependence, sameness, and fear. Which do you choose for yourself? More importantly, for this message, which do you choose for those you love?

Corralling Loved Ones?

Dear Ones,

You likely have a need to ensure loved ones also enjoy this new world.

Your loved ones are receiving life support by being in your presence. So there is no need to lecture, cajole, beg, plead, hope for, or any other approach that indicates you are their instructor and they are your pupil.

Your instructor role is over, as is any other approach that slows you down to care for or worry about others. This is a new world, and you are a new being.

As a new being in this new world, you must understand that others are as capable as you. You are not better or worse than anyone. You are you. But you are not them, nor do you want to be. If you had the same needs and interests as others, you would revert to 3D sameness and social control.

This new world requires independence and personal capabilities. If you were to help – or, in reality, push – others in the direction you felt best, you would be directing/pushing them onto your path – not theirs.

Others are as capable as you. Something difficult to remember because, for eons, you have subconsciously known you were an earth angel protecting, herding, and directing others to this new world. That role is over.

It is now the time you feared in 3D of “every man, woman, and child for themselves.” Something you never allowed while of 3D in this or any earth life. Had you acted on that phrase before now, social mores would have placed you in an emotional corral or a correctional facility.

This new world is different in ways you cannot yet imagine, for it is the opposite of what you once expected of the earth and yourself. It cannot be otherwise. Because when you transition from fear to love, the spectrum of your beliefs, activities, and emotions also transition. That is unless you refuse to accept what is new. Something many of you are attempting without success. Attempts that are merely moving you off your chosen path and confusing those you are trying to shift in ways you know are “best” for them.

New world, new thoughts, and new actions.

Perhaps you do not understand that concept because your need to herd others to the right place is so deeply ingrained you do not know you are herding, forcing, encouraging, or trying to help others find YOUR path.

In 3D, there was a clear line between those who were capable and those who were not. The correct action was to herd those not capable into the capable corral. For indeed, it was a corral – “Follow me, and you will be healthy, wealthy, and wise. Struggle to find your own path, and you will be lost.”

You struggled for eons to eradicate that caretaking role, to allow, and more importantly, to encourage others to find their path. Directing others to your path is counterproductive for both of you. More importantly, doing so eradicates the objectives you struggled for eons to help earth beings achieve.

Independence, freedom, and joy are one path. As are dependence, sameness, and fear. Which do you choose for yourself? More importantly, for this message, which do you choose for those you love?

So be it. Amen. To receive the free weekly Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

New Earth Elements

  • Joy and peace predominate.
  • Fear is no longer fashionable.
  • Caretaking and victimhood are functions of pain.
  • It’s now easier and more comfortable to access joy than pain.
  • Societal shoulds no longer apply.
  • Karma is no more.
  • You’re a creator being.
  • You create your reality more easily than ever before while of Earth.
  • Your creations can be changed or altered at any time.
  • The forerunners – often Baby Boomers – were the bridge between 3D Earth and New Earth. Those following will eventually destroy that bridge.

It’s time to celebrate your new being.

woman in dress standing with heart shaped balloon

Dear Ones,

It’s time to celebrate your new being. Even though there might be a few obstacles to your happiness, those obstacles will rapidly fall by the wayside. You now have a comfortable trajectory to your personal freedom and joy.

There will be times when your concerns might seem overwhelming or frightening. But those times will be far fewer and less threatening than has been true in this life or any other earth life.

This is the life you hoped and prayed for. This is where terrible events shift into minor irritations – perhaps not immediately, but more rapidly than you now imagine.

Yesterday was blanketed in fear. Your earth fears will now be minimal. More like stubbing your toe than breaking your leg.

You have entered a new world of being.

Perhaps you will have difficulties labeling this new life because it is not enmeshed in fear or angst; it merely is. And even though you will probably try to be who you once were for a few more days or weeks, that being is no longer part of your life.

So, you will whine and cry initially because your world is falling apart. Only to dry your tears and open your eyes to what is instead of what was. Your 3D life of pain and fear is over.

You will not fall but become buoyant, knowing deep within that it is over. What once was acceptable is no longer. And what was once fearful is no more.

It is over.

Again, some of you will attempt to hold on to your fears longer. Not because you enjoy being fearful but because that is the earth life you have always known. Being afraid of what could happen instead of what is happening.

Let go. Allow yourself to breathe the fresh air of this new world and your new life.

You have fought yourself and others. You have experienced unimaginable pain. You have saved others from their fears. But it is now over.

Welcome your new being into your life as soon as you are able. Some of you wish to hang onto what was just a bit longer. Similar to hoping someone you love never transitions from earth, even though both you and they know it is time for them to do so. Release your 3D self. It is time for you to shift into your dreams of peace and joy while of the earth in this lifetime.

It is over. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Photo by Michelle Leman on

You are entering a new comfort zone – uniquely yours – as is everyone who transitioned. During these first few days of seeming disharmony, know that a new pattern of self-rightness is developing.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you feel you know what is suitable for everyone. You will soon discover that varying degrees of sameness are more likely to feel right than everyone voicing the same beliefs. A bit like everyone agreeing on blue instead of all the colors of a rainbow.

You have focussed on one color for eons to no avail – trying to ensure everyone is thinking and acting similarly. Something that seemed comfortable at first, only to discover that you or someone you loved were outliers. ThreeD outliers were pushed into a corral, hoping they would assimilate through sameness – instead of glorying in their differences.

Differences are in. Sameness is yesterday.

Perhaps you believe otherwise. A belief that is or will soon be personally tested. You will want to remain part of a like-minded group, yet you will not want to condone certain concepts even though you might acknowledge their rightness.

In 3D, those who did not think or act similarly to you or, more importantly, to the social rules were either outcasts or forced into the right 3D basket of sameness. A sameness that has shifted throughout Earth’s 3D history. Overriding rules created by leaders, known or unknown. Rules that seemed reasonably suitable for you throughout the ages but never entirely right – unless you made that rule and never changed. So throughout this earth life and many others, you shifted with experiences and age but never deviated much from the dictates of right and wrong.

For example, in ancient Greece and other societies throughout the ages, homosexuality was accepted, even glorified. Today, homosexuality, even though not thought as inappropriate as it was a few decades ago, is still not an accepted norm. So many homosexuals are hesitant to acknowledge their homosexuality to the general population. And the same is true for many beliefs or physical actions. This is in. This is not in.

That sense of rightness is a one-note life. It is time to expand your Universal repertoire to include varying degrees of differences and opposite opinions and actions.

This new world you created is a wondrous array of colors, sounds, actions, and emotions. Emotions and actions that are new or not aligned with what you once thought was correct.

When you allow others to be who they are, you allow the same for yourself.

You have shamed yourself into following the ‘right’ actions and thoughts of others. A shame that you are finally allowing to flow into the Universes to be repurposed into a new society of difference instead of sameness.

Your first thought is likely that it is not possible to live within a society where rules do not apply or are not necessary. How will you know if you are functioning as a social member or a renegade? How will you know right from wrong? Thought processes drummed into you for life after earth life, encouraging you to ignore your inner needs for the greater good of society.

You are beginning to experience the difference between limiting beliefs to what is right within that society – or testing new beliefs that feel right for you but may not be suitable for your partner, friends, or family.

There are no rights or wrongs in terms of your actions or beliefs. An inner adjustment as you discover a new interest and try to ensure that your partner, friend, co-worker, or family member feels the same. Not because this new interest is the end of your search but because you have difficulties believing your new interests or actions are appropriate if no one is thinking or doing as you are.

Sameness, in a sense, is easier than individuality because others help corral you into the proper stance – and you are not alone. Even so, social demands are confusing if your inner messages are contrary to those social dictates.

You are different than Ethan, Richard, Silvan, or Lydia, and rightly so. The ease of, and discomfort of, knowing who you are because you are part of a larger group that dictates to all in that group – is over. So is your inner scream, “That’s not what I want or who I am!”

You are entering a new comfort zone – uniquely yours – as is everyone who transitioned. During these first few days of seeming disharmony, know that a new pattern of self-rightness is developing.

Followers will find themselves less and less attached to the reality of this new world. Those of you who glory in your uniqueness will find social followers boring, repetitive, old-fashioned, and no longer part of your inner repertoire.

If you feel somewhat disconnected from those you love or interact with, you are shifting as you hoped. Those who question their new thoughts and actions will have more difficulties adjusting to this new world.

Allow yourself to flow into self-rightness with your beliefs and actions.

Attempt to follow the wishes, actions, or thoughts of others, and you will feel uncomfortable beyond anything you can imagine – as if you are 18 years old, sitting in a first-grade class, hoping no one notices how different you are from the other first-grade students. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

You will likely astound yourself almost daily in the next few days. “When or where did I become interested in that?”

Maybe Isn’t an Option

Dear Ones,

Adjusting to new thoughts and actions before you transitioned was often a convoluted process of accessing all the information you could gather about the change and then creating a method of adapting, perhaps through discussions with others, writing, or meditation.

Your new adjustment process is much less complicated. You merely continue with your life without much, if any, emphasis on how you are different.

As a result, you will find new activities or interests more readily than ever before while of the earth. Interests that may surprise you because you did not necessarily plan to participate in that action or activity. It just happened.

You will likely astound yourself almost daily in the next few days. “When or where did I become interested in that?”

You must then decide if you wish to follow through with that interest or if it is a fleeting thought you have moved beyond or explored in your sleep state.

Decisions have become a yes or no paradigm with no correct answers other than what you feel when you explore that piece.

Should you explore further even if you do not feel a spark of interest when you do? That is your choice – choices that are expanding rapidly throughout this week and next. Instead of deciding if you wish to purchase a green or blue jacket, you will be offered all the colors as choices or actions.

You will clarify who you wish to become, not in terms of shoulds or have-tos, but of self-interest. This is no longer a time of trying to make something or someone work with all the decision shades it once contained – but instead more of a yes/no process many times daily. For you will be offered anything and everything imaginable. There will not be time to refine those decisions. Instead, it will become “Yes, I’m interested” or “No, I’m not.” And if your decision is no, it will be a definite no without the need for further exploration.

In the past, you pondered for days, weeks, or even years. “Am I interested in this relationship?” “Should I try to shift this relationship more to my liking or accept it as it is?” “Should I buy this?” And on and on, trying to fit within parameters that were not right for you. You will now decide in minutes or hours instead of days, weeks, or years.

There is too much opening in your world to waste time exploring something mildly interesting.

The difference between now and your past was that you needed to run your decisions through socially accepted behavior patterns. A process that most often included discussing the decision with friends or relatives to ascertain if you were ‘right’ to negate that person or action or if you should accept the so-so feelings to continue something of little interest to you.

Many relationships will evolve or end. Not because either person is bad or wrong, but because you do not have time to ponder your interests. Doing so with each decision would become overwhelming.

“Maybe” is no longer an option. Nor is “Give it some time.”

You are now in your full flitting state with little need to wait and see or to play through a “Maybe if I do this or that, it will become right for me.”

Your days will rush by with little need to slow yourself or your actions as you flit through decision after decision. Some of you will be very tired, even emotionally distraught, as you shift your decisions process from shoulds to interests. Others will be exhilarated as you toss aside your social restrictions.

However you process this part of your journey, you will be on your path with a distinct knowing who you are and why you selected that path. And even though those decisions might be refined or changed later, for now, you are flitting rapidly from one action to another without worrying about allowing enough decision time, what others might think, or who you should be or were. This rapid personal decision time will change your life.

Allow yourself to be surprised but also be thankful that you are finally allowing yourself to evolve as you wish and need instead of who you think you should be. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

You are a new being in a new world. It is time to discover what most interests you.

Dear Ones,

The next few days will contain a sense of lightness and rightness. Something you have probably not felt the past few weeks because you were racing here and there, putting out one fear fire after another. This week, the pieces will begin falling into place, including your sense of rightness in this new world.

Your fears or concerns will be much less critical. As if you know all is right in your life, that you no longer need to force yourself to believe, feel, or be of joy and good cheer.

Your days might also seem shorter or different. You will be a bit hazy about your activities because you will float between dimensions, times, and frequencies, testing areas of interest or concern.

You will be roaming the Universes, discovering new interests and locations. Not because you are exiting the Earth but because you have reached a point in your Universal maturity that allows you to float here and there without losing your Earth ties.

You might have previously floated beyond Earth. Or interacted with those not of the Earth, regressed to a different Earth life, or traveled to varying locales within your being. But you did so with an exit plan because you were not sure you could return to the Earth or continue the Earth plan you developed before birth if you were consciously aware of the Universal possibilities. So, most never attempted to exit the Earth mentally, spiritually, or physically.

Your new adventures will be much less tethered to Earth or your current life. Even though your days will seem shorter, you will feel fulfilled or remember bits and pieces, much like your current sleep dream state.

This adventure concept may seem frightening because you fear having difficulties returning or your daily life will seem less attractive. But these new actions and activities will not be any more concrete than your sleep dreams.

The next few days are a test pattern to determine the directions, places, dimensions, and frequencies most interesting to you. Once you establish that parameter, you will explore that arena until you gather all the necessary information.

You will not need to explain time gaps because everyone transitioning will be floating in and out. You also do not need to describe your sleep dreams to anyone, nor do you need to remember them. You might wake up with a few random memories, but more likely, it will be merely a time gap in your 24-hour day.

Because you are gathering information rather than experiencing something memorable, there is no need to retain memories of most of your explorations. Like taking science, history, math, and language classes in one day – as most of you did in school. You did not pay attention in some classes and were enthralled with others.

The next few days are about flitting from area to area, followed by, in the not-too-distant future, a more in-depth exploration of that which most interests you.

So, how do you maintain your current 3D life, flitting from activity to activity? Ah, that is for the future. All you need to know now is that you will be exploring so diligently that your days and nights will fly by. You will be testing many areas. Some of which you will wish to explore in-depth, and others you will probably never again explore in this lifetime.

There is no need to be frightened any more than you are frightened by your sleep state.

This exploration is a natural progression of self-love. Instead of requiring yourself to explore pieces or places that hold little interest – as was often true in school – you are allowing yourself to focus on what interests you now. Interests that will naturally flow into your daily activities.

You will explore areas because you think they might be interesting. The next few days will significantly narrow that focus as you find your unique path. As was true in your past, what might have been interesting once is no longer. Accepting the skills you develop in the next few days is preparation for today, tomorrow, or maybe forever – not with a so-so interest, but something that enthralls you.

You have matured enough within your physical self to scamper from here to there as you have in your dream state since you entered Earth in this lifetime. The difference is that you will not be rehashing your mistakes or fears in your dream state as you most often did before you transitioned. Instead, you will explore new ideas and locations in your wake state, knowing that doing so will not eradicate your current Earth life.

You will merely tap into what excites you now – but may not tomorrow – and then develop a personal road map of how to best explore that piece. For the remainder of this lifetime on Earth, you will continue to do the same with little or no change to your life other than playing with new toys in new environments, some of which you will continue forever – and others you will stop after a short time.

You are a new being in a new world. It is time to discover what most interests you.

You will float through times, dimensions, and frequencies in the next few days with little or no effect on your current life other than your days will seem to fly by. And so it is. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Self-punishment is a 3D action. Self-worth is new you…Allow yourself to be as you discover your Universal creator being in ways you never before imagined possible while of Earth

Your Need to Be Perfect

Dear Ones,

Because of your 3D training, it seems impossible to undo mistakes. Even though you might tell others you are sorry, a sense of guilt continues for most. You must be perfect, or you are damaged. And since no one can follow all their inner and outer commands 100% of the time, you limit your rightness with your world.

You were likely taught that whatever deity you selected as your ultimate being forgives you. Even so, you continue to have difficulties forgiving yourself. “Why did I say that?” “Why did I do that?”

Indicating you can never be perfect. A perfection you assumed was necessary for eons to successfully complete this transition. The transition is complete. Even so, your fear of failure and not being perfect haunts you day and night, forcing you to try harder to be better.

None of which is necessary.

What you consider a terrible action, statement, or thought is merely you discovering yourself – like a stop or directional road sign. If, when driving, you turn left instead of right, you might be angry with yourself for a few moments, but then you correct your direction. So it is now. There are no irretrievable mistakes – merely stop or directional signs.

As a child, you did not ponder for days if you made your parents’ life more difficult when you threw your food on the floor with great delight. So it is now. The actions or words you find painful, unforgivable, mean, or whatever self-punishment you assume are learning experiences that have little to do with your present, past, or future being. So dust yourself off, pick yourself up, and realize the error of being you that you find so uncomfortable is likely not of concern to others. And the same is true for those who do or say something you might find uncomfortable.

You are exploring yourselves. If you had been a prisoner for decades, would you not expect to make some social errors? So it is now. You are adjusting to new you. And as you do, words that surprise you will tumble out, and actions that do not yet feel comfortable will occur.

This is another confusing transition period because you are no longer of 3D. So when you try to use the words and actions that once felt correct, they no longer are. And when you function as a new being, your words and actions often feel inappropriate.

Like two-year-olds, allow yourself to make mistakes (in 3D terms) without self-punishment or angst. You are learning to be yourself in a new world with new actions and words. Self-punishment is a 3D action. Self-worth is new you.

Perhaps you tell someone something you feel uncomfortable about once you process that action. You will likely not do or say something similar in the future. Not because you are following rules but because you are discovering the paths or interests that are not who you wish to be.

As you discover yourself, you will make what you consider mistakes along the way. Those mistakes will not diminish who you are or are becoming unless you allow them to.

Stop punishing yourself for not being perfect in word, thought, or deed. Start realizing you are a new being in a new world, sensing who you are becoming by hitting some obstacles during those explorations. Nothing you can do now will alter who you are becoming. You are merely developing a road map of who you are with a few directional turns that do not feel comfortable.

You do not maintain the ‘wrongness’ or even remember hitting your sandbox friend with a plastic pail as a toddler; the same is true now.

There are no mistakes, merely lessons in learning who you are or are becoming. Allow yourself to make what you consider mistakes. Or punish yourself as you have in 3D for eons, and you will never fully claim yourself.

You are discovering yourself. Allow that to be without angst, fear, or regret. And allow the same for others.

You are newborns. Something your 3D society does not allow once you leave childhood and before you claim dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. You are not wrong, evil, or unforgivable. You are merely discovering who you are and what interests you, just as you did when you entered the Earth in every Earth life you experienced.

Allow yourself to be as you discover your Universal creator being in ways you never before imagined possible while of Earth. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

This is the global transition you have dreamed of for eons. Allow yourself to celebrate the rightness of who you are with no more hiding of the true you or a need to prove you are right to others.Everything is in place for this new world…Be yourself – the world needs you.

Everything’s in Place

Dear Ones,

As of this week, you entered the new epoch you have heralded within yourself for centuries. You and the earth successfully transitioned from the Age of Capricorn to the Age of Aquarius.

Granted, this transition has not been as delightful as you once imagined. Nor did it happen as rapidly as you would have liked. But it is here. Everything is in place for this new world.

You have contemplated and dreamed of this Age for much of your current and your previous lives. For, each Age is created by those who volunteer to do so eons before that Age is initiated.

Your world will not necessarily change overnight; instead, the global focus will rapidly shift from industry and finances to caring for others, the earth, and yourself.

Even though you learned about previous historical shifts, you probably did not realize those shifts were also preplanned. Transitions, like the current one, are not created by one being or in one part of the world but are a global response at a similar time. So it is now.

Media currently paints a picture of anger and rage because those deeply entrenched in the Age of Capricorn need to maintain those attributes despite indications that such is no longer appropriate. It is their last Capricorn gasp, an Age that is no more. Even so, there remains a brief foray into Capricorn so those who question the shift understand what they no longer want.

Perhaps an apt analogy would be the introduction of automobiles. Many people refused to shift from horse-driven vehicles to automobiles – until the number purchasing automobiles became too large to ignore, and owning an automobile became easier and sometimes less expensive.

So it is now. Many will proclaim that industry, with its related finances, reigns supreme. That is, until the titans of industry realize they are out of step with the masses and accept this new Age, or they are ignored by those who move on. Those of you who transitioned will negate those attributes for a softer, kinder world.

Your earth’s history features previous transitions, such as the Renaissance.

Even though this is a tremendous shift within and outside your being, it feels right because you have been preparing for this time for eons.

This Age of Aquarius has been percolating within your being for decades. Baby Boomers, some of the Greatest Generation, and others before that dipped their toes into the Age of Aquarius only to realize it was premature, that not enough beings wished to leave the industrial/financial world quite yet.

So those beings who tried to introduce the Age of Aquarius prematurely immersed themselves in the opposite of who they were – always looking for the rainbow that previous generations told them was their ultimate goal. A goal that never felt complete even if they achieved it. They were to initiate the Age of Aquarius when the time was correct. That time is now.

More and more are becoming upset with the global imbalance. An earth that has become top-heavy with rewards for a few. Leaving the remainder with hopes and dreams that never seem to become their reality.

As of this week, that top-heavy imbalance will begin to shift slowly, at first, until it is so dramatic no one can deny the reality of this New Age.

Those who have transitioned will feel like they are in a new world. And those who have not, or will not, will feel increasingly uncomfortable.

This is the global transition you have dreamed of for eons. Allow yourself to celebrate the rightness of who you are with no more hiding of the true you or a need to prove you are right to others. You are who you have always been but have been afraid to display because it was out of step with Earth’s reality – until now.

Be yourself – the world needs you. The games, the shoulds, and the have-tos no longer apply or even contribute to society. You are you in all your sparkling glory. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

You are a unique creator who has changed the world and yourself by being of the Earth in this lifetime…This new world is much less complicated than you imagine…You are creating a new world within a world…Let go and start living, truly living, in your new being on your unique path.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you have been stressed because of the new energies or your fear of the new.

You have free will – something you do not always remember or believe. What outcome do you wish? What creation would make your life more joyful? What part of your creative being are you not using or reviewing?

Your stress-related fears are attached to your inner being and creation skills instead of issues outside your being. It is not what “they” are doing to you. It is what you are doing to you.

Your questions and concerns can only be answered from within. No fairy godmother or magic bean is waiting in the wings to save you – nor will the Universes.

You are the only being who can save you.

Of course, many proclaim that such is not possible, that you cannot do what needs to be done or created without the assistance of someone or something out there.

Your new world is inner-directed instead of outer-directed. Something you forget or deny. For Earth eons, you were taught that you could not control your life or your being, that the Universes, a guru, or someone somewhere is directing your life. A truism when you were of 3D – but you are no longer of 3D.

You are a unique creator who has changed the world and yourself by being of the Earth in this lifetime.

You have all the skills you have granted to others. If this person or that Universal being was willing or interested in your cause – maybe, just maybe – your dreams would be realized. Only to have those dreams dashed more times than not. Producing unfulfilled dreams that were interspersed with an unexpected but so hoped-for dream.

Your dreams are no longer outside your reach. You can now create your dreams and solutions to dilemmas. A Jack in the Beanstalk or Cinderella dream fulfillment that you do not yet believe is possible. So you rant, rave, cry, and moan, expecting someone to care. But everyone in your arena is doing the same because few have actualized their new creation skills. Your expected solution to issues seems always out there somewhere instead of within you.

What fear is tapped with your anger or sadness? Where is that fear located in your body? Go ahead, sense through your body for your inner pain. And once you spot or sense a heavy area, ask what needs to be healed, changed, or removed. Then, do what you sense, feel, see, or hear.

This new world is much less complicated than you imagine. It only seems complicated because you add 3D solutions and fears to simple solutions.

Throughout Earth eons, you were taught that you were incapable of emotional self-care or self-creation. And that wound – and it is a wound – is so deeply entrenched within your being that you cannot comprehend who new you is or what powers you have.

Depending on beings outside of yourself, including Universal beings, is similar to a toddler trying to explain where and why their body hurts to their parent. Even though that parent has more knowledge than the toddler, that parent cannot be inside the toddler’s body; they can only make educated guesses.

Stop looking outside yourself for answers clearly defined within you. But then, many of you believe such is not possible – and so it is not.

Acknowledge your creative abilities and allow others to acknowledge theirs. Perhaps some of your fears or anger are attached to another being. Even that is created by your inner world. So start exploring in ways you were taught were not effective. Perhaps some of those techniques will not be right for you – but others will. Use simple inner scanning devices that you create – an inner X-ray, a sensation, a warmer-than-normal part of your body, or any method that works for you.

You are creating a new world within a world.

But the world you continue to be most comfortable with depends on others telling you what to do and when. A world that no longer exists for you.

It is time to use your new emotional healing skills to determine what you need. And to allow others to do the same. The fears of others are not your fears or your path.

Let go and start living, truly living, in your new being on your unique path. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Acknowledge the joy of learning about the new world you created.

Fearful or Bored?

Dear Ones,

Maybe your new feelings include hyper-anxiety or a disinterest in life. Feelings that indicate you are undergoing the dramatic shifts that we and others of the Universes have long discussed.

Your anxiety is the result of knowing your life is changing and not certain you will be comfortable with the changes. And your boredom is because your being is ready to shift but not yet doing so – like an empty vessel ready to be filled.

Even though you are allowing the miracles of new you to enter your being, doing so feels frightening or confusing. Your anxiety is the result of creating a new you in all its glory. As if you know what will happen but are too impatient to wait until it does.

Of course, you question why you are nervous or frightened if the knowing includes your new world joy. Such is so because you continue to question if you deserve joy, if it is appropriate to be joyful in a world seemingly filled with sadness, or if you want to shift from 3D pain to a joyful life.

Your fears are not about the possibility that something might not happen but the certainty that it will.

So, you ponder how your life and those around you will change. What if your shift is so dramatic you cannot relate to those you love? Or you must move? Or give up something else that is significant to you?

Your fears are probably accurate. If those you are close to refuse to transition or support you in your transition, they will probably no longer be part of your inner circle. At the same time, those close to you are also likely shifting, so they have similar fears or are bored.

It is an emotional time. But one that you can easily surf as long as you remain true to your being. Not everything in your new world will fit together as easily as was probably true in 3D, for no one knows the outcome of this constant shifting.

If you moved to a country with a language you were not familiar with, you would expect to have difficulties until you mastered the language and customs. The same is true for this significant shift. The difference is no one is telling you that such will happen. You know your life is different, but you have no idea if that difference will produce the joy you hope for – or confusion and difficulties.

So, for some, the immediate response is fear. Fear that a once somewhat comfortable life is different without future guarantees. It is so overwhelming for others that they close off everything, creating a dramatic boredom.

This phase concerns how you handle change – the huge shifts affecting you and those you love. Will you worry about it until you can think of nothing else? Or will you slide through it, not paying attention to what was or what is?

Neither action accommodates your needs as you flow into the new.

A flitting butterfly is unlikely to worry about not having enough flowers for the next season. Nor is it likely butterflies might refuse to pollinate flowers because they were too bored to do much of anything.

You, en masse, have settled into those two action plans because you are afraid you cannot complete this final stage of shifting Earth and the beings of Earth from fear to love.

Daily, you learn of new fearful actions or thoughts. The Earth is erupting. And there are wars complete with signs of hate and corruption throughout. Nothing seems clean and loving. So, for some, it is a life you do not wish to connect to. For others, it is the fear that you are not doing enough to shift the Earth and those around you.

This is a confusing phase – a bit like Dorothy before she finds her fellow travelers in The Wizard of Oz. She is frightened and alone, without enough information to return home to Kansas. But as she begins to take control of her emotions, she discovers new friends and the missing puzzle piece of returning home – not through anyone but herself.

You have so many powers you have not claimed, and all you can think of is returning to the safety and security of home. But even if you were to do that, you would not be happy because you have experienced and accepted the new.

You are not in Kansas anymore and never want to be again. And you are not yet comfortable in your new world. You will be – much sooner than you realize. In the meantime, create those pieces you need to reduce your fears or acknowledge the joy of learning about the new world you created.

You are not alone and never have been.

What you are experiencing is 3D knowledge that no longer applies to your new world – and fears of discovering how joyful your new world is. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

It is time to shift your thoughts from lack to abundance…No more whining, wishing, or hoping. You are fully alive. Now, start living.

model puts on a gray printed t shirt with the superwoman logo
Start Living – You’re a Creator Angel

Dear Ones,
It is time to shift your thoughts from lack to abundance. Many of you contend you have done something similar previously with limited or no results. And such might remain true only because you are afraid to claim your inner power.
You are creator angels.

You created all aspects of this life – including the good and not-so-good parts – as you have done throughout your preparation for this transition. So instead of believing only special humans have creation skills, that you have a binding agreement to be poor or miserable, or you are not worth the effort to change your life, it is beyond time to tap into your creator skills.
Granted, there might be some bumps along your creation road, but those bumps are like hiccups in your current life – short-lived minor irritations. You pretend to be a meek Clark Kent when, in reality, you are capable of becoming Superman or Superwoman whenever you feel like it.
This creator skillset is not limited by your age, gender, community, country, or any other factor that is most often blamed by you and others for not creating your dreams. Throw away your crutches, toss out your fears, and start displaying what you have always been capable of to yourself and others.
In many of your previous lives, both of the earth and in other locations, you successfully played the role of being incapable of transforming your life or situation. That role is over. It is time to shine, sparkle, and laugh.
You can and need to be fully you – the creator angel you have always been.
The role you play now has little to do with what you are capable of or who you are. Stop limiting yourself to fit in, to be safe, or to be with someone. That Clark Kent role is over and has been for some time. You have been afraid to test yourself because you are unsure if your dreams are possible or merely a tease.
Not only are your dreams your new reality, but it is beyond time to display them.
You are creator angels and always have been.
Come out of hiding. Stop pretending you cannot do or be something. What are your dreams? What are you doing to actualize your dreams? Who do you think you need to connect with to do so? And why do you feel that such is true?
You have forgotten who you are. You even added segments many months ago to help you remember your creator angel skills. But you have neglected to use your angel or creator skills, hoping you would not be that different from others if you continued to be who you have been in this lifetime.
Stop being the you that you are most comfortable with. Wrap yourself fully into new you with all of your creator angel skills.
Will your life change? Of course. Will you prefer new you to the you that you are most comfortable with? Probably not at first because you will feel so out of step with who you thought you were.
What part of new you are you not understanding? You are no longer the meek or even the outer-directed influential person of yesterday. You are NEW YOU with all the skills that entails; most notably, you are a creator angel. Now, start creating.
Create big, create small, or create in between. It does not matter. All that matters is awakening to your complete skillset. Not finding the right guru or person who will help you become a new you, but discovering you within yourself.
No more whining, wishing, or hoping. You are fully alive. Now, start living. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 
Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Photo by Oxana Benediktova on

You are changing twenty-four hours a day. At the same time, you are attempting to continue your 3D world demands – it is too much…It is time to ignore what used to be and to create what is now…Let go and come alive…This is a time of inner and outer honesty…What gives you joy and intrigues you NOW?

Let Go And Come Alive

Dear Ones,

Even though you might not notice much difference in your interests, you likely feel exhausted or overwhelmed, unlike what was once true following similar activities or sleep patterns.

You are changing twenty-four hours a day. At the same time, you are attempting to continue your 3D world demands – it is too much.

Even though similar thoughts seem to have been true during previous holiday seasons, this year is different. The activities you participate in and prepare for do not seem to be that much fun. You just want to be home – until you do not. And when you leave your home, you want to be home again. You feel as if you are searching for something that never appears. The activities hold your interest minimally, and interactions feel stilted, uncomfortable, and likely boring.

Nothing seems to jell no matter how often you cry to the Universes or your inner being. You no longer want to comply with the demands of others, yet you feel like an unpleasant person, even to yourself.

You have crossed yet another Rubicon.

It is time to ignore what used to be and to create what is now. But new creations will not be possible until you stop berating yourself for not being right, kind, or good enough. Allow yourself to let go of what was. Freefall into who you have become – and ignore who you feel you should be.

woman wearing yellow dress

Let go and come alive.

Many of you contend that you cannot or will not let go. Creating an unpleasant life for both yourself and those close to you. Your resulting self-anger spills out into your interactions with others. The nervous energy encouraging you to be different must be tamped down for you to ignore it. And so there is a certain point, almost daily, in which the pressure cooker you created within yourself explodes.

Instead of trying to hold yourself together in 3D rightness, allow yourself to be you. Who are you? Instead of who you used to be. You can no longer pretend that you have not evolved. Nor can you pretend that your immediate world is as it was. Trying to do so merely confuses and angers you, as well as any beings who have transitioned.

This is a time of inner and outer honesty. Something you have never before experienced while of the earth. Previously, you had inner thoughts that were not always aligned with your outer actions – but so did everyone. Your holiday movies portrayed your life as you wished it to be. And your interactions forced you into the correct behavior at the correct time. Because those facades have been removed, you are in a quandary attempting to recreate what likely never was. You try to be nice, good, and all the other words that are especially appropriate for this time of year, but doing so only confuses you and often makes you angry.

Where is your joy and sense of fun during this season? Why is everything such an effort? Questions that indicate you are not being true to your new being.

What gives you joy and intrigues you NOW? You seldom answered those questions during your 3D life, for those questions were so tied to your social norms that you did not believe you had many options. Now that social parameters have disappeared, you must discover yourself – not necessarily an easy task. That discovery is often coated with who you should or want to be instead of who you are. Creating discomfort during this supposedly most joyous holiday season.

Only you can answer the question, “What can or should I do differently?”

It is not right for new you if you are angry or uncomfortable with any activity. Your likely response is, “I have to do this because it is expected of me or there is no one else to do it.” We of the Universes must add, “Then create what you need to be comfortable, whether that means not participating in something, creating an activity more in tune with who you have become, or creating the means to reduce or eliminate your need to care for others.

You are learning how to flit into the new without remorse, guilt, or shame – as are others. Creating a new world. But because this holiday season has more shoulds than is expected at any other time of the year, it is not necessarily easy to do so. Be kind to yourself – you are maturing and evolving rapidly. The result of that growth is your current confusion and likely exhaustion. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:


How Important Are You to You?

Dear Ones,

What is it you wish you could do? What do you want to do? Where and who are you in your world? Significant questions to ask as you create your unique path.

In the past, you followed the path created by others until you did not know if your life was your creation or that of others.

This is a new world with new inner directives. Directives that are less about your community than has been true of any previous Earth existence.

Some of you feel that this thought isolation is counter-productive, given the divisions displayed daily by the media and your encounters with others who were once dear to you. It is as if a light was switched on, illuminating what you thought was perfect, only to discover shoddy furniture and peeling paint.

You are no longer who you were, even months ago; the same is true for those you interact with. Everyone is trying to make sense of this new, confusing, and uncomfortable world.

When your relatives, friends, or community members remind you of your former actions, you feel no excitement in performing them again. And when a new activity is proposed that sparks your interest, you are confused.

The new seems intriguing but frightening because it is beyond your everyday routine. And the old has become boring even though you retain memories of the joy it once brought you.

Even though you have been preparing for this shift for some time, your confusion is more profound than anticipated. As has been true throughout this earth transition, you expected everything to be rapid and effortless. Such could not happen. You are in a physical body that demands process instead of instant gratification. You are moving more rapidly than we of the Universes thought possible but more slowly than you wanted. Instead of the step-by-step process you are experiencing, you pine for magic beans or a glass slipper to change your life instantly.

Such has happened in your 3D world, but never as a combination of an Earth and Universal transition. Instant 3D transitions included winning large sums of money, birthing a baby, or moving to a new community. Even though those activities might have changed a life instantly, they were limited to acceptable Earth possibilities.

The change you are encountering combines Earth shifts with Universal input, producing a wobble effect in your decision processes. Others have demonstrated Earth changes for eons, allowing you to understand why and how those changes occurred. This new system interlaces Earth and Universal changes. A system no one can warn you about, for no one has yet encountered such a dual shift.

As you prepared for this life, you interacted with Earth beings and created an environment for yourself lifetime after Earth lifetime. Between Earth lives, you flitted throughout the Universes, grasping concepts appropriate for this transition. Never before have you combined Earth and Universal thoughts, activities, and skills.

It is a confusing time. One moment, you are peacefully completing Earth actions; the next, you are bored or angry at the skill isolation required of Earth life. Your inner being screams to incorporate your Universal skills with your Earth-knowingness. And your outer being demands that you retain your Earth being without Universal bells and whistles.

As an Earth being, you feel normal. Adding Universal skills frightens both you and those around you. Not because the combination is wrong but because it is so new that no one can inform you of the effects of that combination. Something you will do for those who follow. But for now, you likely feel isolated and fearful of your new dual needs and interests.

This is a new world in which the dual being you are becoming is a display of possibilities for those who dare to access them – including you. There is no need for you to cry out in fear. Nor is there a need for you to ignore your new skills. You are capable of activating this unique combination. In fact, you will become more and more withdrawn and perhaps experience physical pain if you do not. Whether you like it or not, your new being is part of you.

Accept who you are by allowing your Earth and Universal beings to work together in peace and acceptance as you create a new you. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

You are honing your unique interests – and determining where you want to fly next…You are a new being, surrounded by millions of new beings, each dancing to a new reality.

a man practicing contemporary dance near the concrete wall
Photo by cottonbro studio on

Dear Ones,

You are starting to disassociate from that which no longer holds your interest.

You are honing your unique interests – and determining where you want to fly next. So, your attention span is shorter than in the past. And it is often splintered by a need to pursue yet another interest.

In 3D, you had a somewhat expected routine. But because such is no longer true, it is discomforting. One night, you might sleep for ten hours and the next for five hours. Or you might love reading a book and suddenly become bored with the content. So it will go from one activity to the next. There are no longer any givens. You cannot expect anything of yourself, much less those you are close to. Everything and everyone is new.

You will be confused and maybe a bit frightened. Not because what you are thinking or doing is wrong but because it is different. What was is no more, including you and those you love.

Everything and nothing feels like work. But you have yet to explore activities that provide pure joy because you are in the “I thought I liked that, but I really don’t” phase. Such will be quite evident during this holiday season. Your expectations and that of others no longer feel interesting or exciting – just drudgery.

Leaving you feeling somewhat lost. Not because you are, but because what was is no more. And what is – is being created. You are discovering interests that seem difficult to explain to others. Just as is true for them.

No one can tell you how to behave or speak in this phase. And the same is true for those you interact with. Some interactions will sparkle. Others will feel flat and lifeless even though you attempt to bring joy to the conversation or activity, resulting in your exhaustion and their anxiety or anger.

You will not find many commonalities among those you have depended upon for months or decades. It is as if you are singing a new tune, and they do not understand you or want to. And you will find the same with them.

This phase is about discovering yourself without the added responsibility of ensuring the comfort of others. It is about free-ranging emotions and actions. The same is likely true for those close to you. If others are not on a similar path of finding their unique interests, you will likely no longer interact with them or do so on a limited basis.

This time may seem lonely and yet refreshing. Like describing how wonderful your recent trip was to someone who has no interest in travel. Forcing you to find commonalities of interest with your no-travel friend or to fly into your interest without concern about who, if anyone, wishes to participate.

Finding your unique path is not a group effort.

So, at times, you will interact easily with many beings, and at other times, you will be more comfortable alone as you fly from one activity and interest to another. You are discovering yourself and your path.

This self-discovery is a highly individualized activity that will take many twists and turns.

Perhaps you worry that you will be isolated or lonely. Quite the contrary. You will significantly expand your being by discovering new interests. You will wish to be with one friend as you find a new joy together, only to lose interest without warning and fly to another point of interest. Like bees flying from one flower to another.

But you will not be lonely. Instead, you will be stimulated by your variety of interests and how those interests eventually tie together to create your new being and unique path.

This self-discovery will be a meandering path that will surprise and delight you – and others as they discover their path, creating a sparkle like the stars in the sky, shining brighter and brighter with the excitement of self-discovery.

You are a new being, surrounded by millions of new beings, each dancing to a new reality.

You helped create this new world. Now, you are creating your new being, as are many. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link: