Category Archives: Dancing Dolphin


A Message for Lightworkers & Humanitarians from Dancing Dolphin 8-9-22

Greetings Lightworkers & Humanitarians!

We have endured much these many years together; it’s been rough at times for sure. However, the trials of our journey through this testing process have not been in vain. The waiting and repeated disappointments have tempered the steel of our convictions to be strong and yet pliable for the next adventure. We traversed this process with strength and courage and have been assisted by the Higher Realms as well.

We may not have felt worthy at times and many of us still do not. But we were indeed chosen to experience this GREAT SHIFT and we made the decision to participate also. It was not a decision that we made lightly. It was pre-planned and contemplated before we even came back to Earth. We all chose to be here for this grand moment! Many, many other Souls wished to be here too, but we were specifically chosen after volunteering for this mission.

We do not take this mission lightly. For we have all battled countless lifetimes of hatred and fear to get here now. The experiences we’ve had along the way were preparing us all for what lies ahead. We will be strong, kind, compassionate and full of love. We will share our gifts with the utmost care and consideration. We are of the Earth and come up from the ranks of those who have experienced lack ourselves. This experience will help us to eradicate lack with a swift motion, a flick of our swords. Soon after, we will then be able to lay down our swords and let them rest.

The time is now that we are to step into our new mission and start our lives from scratch! We have been hiding in our cocoons for years now. Gathering our strength and recreating our bodies, minds, and spirits. It is time for us to break out of our cocoons and breathe new life into the New Earth. We indeed are the meek of the Earth, but we are also mighty. We use our Mighty I Am Presence to connect with our Creator, Mother and Father God; the Company of Heaven, Our Galactic families, Gaia and all her Kingdoms and all other Lightworkers and Starseeds. Together, we can do anything!

Our Soul Sparks are here too, and they give us strength and courage. All the lives and times we have experienced are here now, connected to us. We claim our wisdom and talents from all the lives we have lived. Past, present and future time doesn’t exist. We are all connected in the NOW. NOW is the time for us to manifest this New Earth!! Together. Let’s bust out of our cocoons and spread our wings. Allow them to drip dry and then take off together. Shall we? Will you join me?

You are my brothers and sisters, and I am honored to be here, standing tall with all of you!! When I look out over our gorgeous home of Gaia, I see your lights shining brightly. Yes, we have been keeping them dim as we struggled through these changes. But now, let’s step out and blast our love and light for everyone to see.

We will gather together in the future, make no mistake! There will be grand events worldwide where we can share love, hugs and talk about our projects. We will discuss what we are creating in the New Earth. And in so sharing, we will continue to inspire others to listen to their hearts. Then, we will bless them with our gifts and nurture their creative spirits so they may bless others.

Our metamorphosis is now complete! It’s time for our new lives to begin. Are you ready? Don’t worry, we’re in this together and we are supported and loved more than we can comprehend. I’m honored to be here with you, dear brothers, and sisters of the light! Namaste!

With Love & Light,
Dancing Dolphin Diana


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Question: Timing of RV, Med-Beds, Timeline split, Solar Flash/Ascension? 3-31-22

by Dancing Dolphin Apr 1, 2022
 Timing of RV, Med-Beds, Timeline split, Solar Flash/Ascension?
Arch Angel Michael, Commander Ashtar & Mother Mary 
*Also introducing Dr. Joy Love sharing her Solar Flash vision & guidance at end of messages*
Received Saturday, March 26, 2022

What’s happening with the RV, Med-Beds, Solar Flash/Ascension, Timeline split?  

I asked my contacts to provide a message for Lightworkers if they had something to share on this topic.  I asked for clarification only because I realize that we cannot get timing on these events.  This was a verbal message and I transcribed it later, over a few days.  I also asked Metatron to be my Gate Keeper for protection and to allow only one Being in at a time.  Thank you, Amanda Ellis for this great idea!  
METATRON:   Arch Angel Michael is first.
ARCH ANGEL MICHAEL:Greetings, Lightworkers!  This something that need not be talked about.  It is not important to anyone’s spiritual growth to know the future.  It is only relevant for those who have not done the work, who have not purged themselves of malignancies, of dark thoughts and deeds; those who are not focused on the light.  These are the only ones who need this type of information…meaning that you and your Lightworker friends who are indeed already ‘high above’ the rest have no worries.  Because no matter how it plays out, dear hearts, you will all be taken care of!  I realize that it has been very difficult for the Lightworkers.  You have had a hard time your whole lives.  You have used your shields and protected yourselves as much as possible, but many arrows still pierced your hearts.  Those with closed hearts and minds felt threatened by your willingness to step outside the norm, your curiosity, and your bravery.  They were jealous so they taunted and ridiculed you.  I say to all of you—kudos for standing your ground!!  Even if this cruel treatment made you go silent.  You still stood your ground and continued your pursuit of the truth, of the light and of spiritual knowledge.  You were true to your Soul.  So, kudos to all of you!  Congratulations!  Bravo! You are a special group!  Lightworkers and Starseeds, you’re doing an outstanding job!  If this so-called timeline splits at this very moment, you have no concern.  Those of the lower vibration will go their way and you need not worry what happens to them.  They have chosen their path. You have chosen to search out the light and to gain knowledge.  Those of you who have planned to become Humanitarians, you are prepared for that positive outcome.  So, if the RV happens–you are prepared and ready for your Redemption Appointments. You will share your heart about what you wish to do, then let the chips fall where they may.  If the “solar flash” (Ascension) that you have heard about arrives first, you will be gently guided on a new path.  Those of you who are ready for your next leap will be ushered on a path towards that outcome.  Your Soul and Higher Self have absolute choice over what you want to do!  This is not something that is done to you.  I will not go into details about that, but just know that everything will be done for your highest good. So, I say this with the most love and respect to all of you:  I wish you to be at peace and not to worry about what may happen.If these so-called Med-Beds are coming or not is not important; because either you will have them when the RV occurs, or you will not need them because of the Flash/Ascension.  So, you are fine!  And even if some of your family members or closest friends chose the “other” path, you will be at ease with that because you know that they made the choice that is best for their Soul direction.  Be at ease, dear Ones.  I love you all more than you can know, and I am very happy to speak with you tonight.  This is your Arch Angel Michael.  I will sign off now.  (Thank you, AA Michael!)

METATRON:  Next up is Ashtar, he would like to say something as well.

COMMANDER ASHTAR:Hello, dear Lightworkers of Gaia!  This is Commander Ashtar, and this indeed is my title.  We know that there are multiple storylines floating about Gaia within various circles.  Possible outcomes and many timeline projections are being shared on your internet.  And that’s exactly what they are—projections.  I want to explain a bit about “how things happen” for humans on Gaia.  We (Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation) came to Gaia many years ago at Mother & Father’s request to assist Gaia with her and her people’s Ascension.  Gaia herself is an Arch Angel, a very evolved Being full of love.  She stepped into this role of becoming a planet and taking it from darkness to light.  Through billions of years Gaia held steadfast while things happened that were unexpected and countless civilization rose and fell.  She stayed the course with love and patience in her heart.  Many of you on the planet now have been here since right after Gaia’s creation.  The call rang out and you volunteered to assist with this grand experiment we call “Project Gaia.”  You, through your various “Soul Sparks” (you may call them past or future lives) worked tirelessly by planting seeds of light on Gaia and in the hearts of mankind over thousands of years.  Your Soul Sparks have lived lives on Gaia, on other planets and even on our ships.  Dancing Dolphin has met two of her Soul Sparks who both have served in the Galactic Federation at different times; in different capacities and who hail from two different planets.  So, we all are family dear Ones, all family, and we’re all working on this massive project together!  The Project is to bring Gaia back to the light.  To bring Gaia (and all her peoples) up, up through all the steps of Ascension, from the dark to this light. Some of you help us with this in ways that you aren’t consciously aware of.  For example, you come up to our ships as your body is sleeping.  Your Soul travels via Astral Projection to participate in meetings with us.  You are our “Boots on the Ground” and give us reports on what’s happening on Gaia from your point of view; for example, how people are thinking and feeling around you.  You provide us with information that we use to help make certain decisions.  HOWEVER–and this is VERY, VERY, IMPORTANT!  What happens with your Timelines, whether the RV, the Med-Beds or the Solar Flash comes first is not controlled by us!  The HUMAN COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS OF GAIA is controlling what is happening.  You all give feedback through your subconscious, and you all decide together what happens.  Whether the RV goes, whether this or that happens, even down to weather or wars.  I know some of you think that it’s “God” that does this, but this is an INTERACTIVE EXPERIMENT, and YOU ALL ARE IN CONTROL.  We assist.  So, if most humans on Gaia feel that “this is taking too long” or “this is going too fast, we need to slow it down” then that is what happens.  You all decide together, and we assist in carrying out your directions.  Regarding things like splitting timelines—we can assist with that, but we do not interfere.  It is your collective call!  Mother and Father don’t interfere either. So, I cannot tell you when Med-Beds are coming or if the RV or Ascension will happen first, etc.  I can’t tell you because I don’t know.  You all collectively decide that!  OK?  You decide it together.  Understand that it is your Higher Selves that are making these vital decisions—not your 3D or 4D minds.  Many of you in your 3D or 4D minds may be saying “I can’t stand it anymore!  It’s horrible here!  We must go now!”  But your Higher Selves who are wise and a little bit removed will say things like “We’re not ready yet, not ready to jump.  We want more people.”  This last example is what has been occurring in the last 10-15 years as you have been rapidly approaching your Ascension.  You may not like to hear this, but you also collectively decide if something like a pandemic would be beneficial in the long run.  Meaning, look how that has changed everyone’s lives in just a very short period.  It woke many people up by taking them out of their daily grind.  Many people were forced to change the way that they worked and lived.  Families were able to spend more time together and the result was a change in perspective.  Humans took stock of their lives and decided what was important to them.  As a result, there are many positive outcomes that were realized even with the tragic loss of life; and you ALL decided that.  There were those who instigated this course of action by creating the virus but collectively you allowed it to happen.  And I will add that you allowed it to happen with the least number of casualties possible.  It could have been a billion times worse, but you all controlled that.  OK?  I am trying to give you a clue on how powerful you are!  Individually and as a Group.  This is a very interesting and fantastic question, Dancing Dolphin, and I’m so glad that you asked it.  I’m aware that some of you who are awake and conscious have been practicing group meditations.  I’m hoping that you all realize how powerful you are together, how you can control your future together!  You choose what you want to happen and make it so.  You (individually and collectively) can do that!  State your intent, visualize what you want and so it is!  Keep focusing on what you want.  Don’t listen to all the other storylines floating about.  That doesn’t do you any good.  That pulls you out of your power because then you begin to question, flip-flop and worry needlessly.  Step into your power and stay in your power.  All the powerful energies that have been coming into Gaia are lighting the way for you all.  They are making it possible for your intent to become more focused and manifestations to come with ease.  The timing of the Spring in the northern hemisphere is not by accident.  It is a magical time of renewal and rebirth for Gaia and for you as well. You are stepping forth into your new reality.  Join together, consciously create what you want, and you will have it.  Including, if you wish, helping those who are in 3D to wake up gently with their highest good in mind.  You can imagine that.  I wouldn’t say manifest it because it is their choice.  But you can imagine it happening and you can help them.  And that’s what you all have been doing.  You have been doing all of this to help all of those who are still sleeping.  So, I would encourage you, if you wish, to include these 3D people in your visualizations, imaginations, and your hopefulness of what the future may hold.  Some these people who are on the verge of leaving 3D and going into 4D; they have become more empathetic and compassionate. We see, we understand, and we hear you speaking in our meetings, and we tap into the collective unconsciousness.  We witness all the suffering, depression and angst that is going on.  The lockdowns were extremely difficult for everyone and now people are worried about a nuclear war.  I will say to you, a nuclear war is not going to happen, it is not allowed to happen.  PLEASE don’t worry about that!  However, this fear of that can be turned into something good.  In the same way that the fear of the virus helped people to wake up and realize that they shouldn’t take their lives for granted and that life itself is precious.  Humans have been so focused on survival; working just to buy food and have a place to sleep that they forgot about living—through no fault of their own.  Remember—Humanity on Gaia now is the Guiding Force of your destiny. THE ONE WHO DETERMINES YOUR FUTURE IS YOU! YOU ALL!  Your Collective Consciousness!  There is no need to look outside of yourselves.  That’s what I wished to tell you.  YOU HAVE THE POWER, so make it happen how you want it.  Create the world that you want!  We have been so pleased as we watched you all come together to stand up for your rights and freedoms and for the disenfranchised.  We have been so blessed to watch this and are so proud of you!  And in the same way, we know that you can do this! You absolutely have the will to create your own beautiful world in exactly the way that you wish it to be.  We cheer you on constantly!  The Company of Heaven cheers you on!  We are your biggest fans, dear Ones.  You are the rock stars, OK? (laughs), or comic book heroes, that’s who you are!  I will leave you all with these invigorating and empowering thoughts.  You are not at the whim of some god-like being or out of control alien invaders.  YOU ARE THE HEROES!  That’s the way it works.  That’s the way it’s set up, that’s what’s happening.  I am closing, but I want to add this: things change quickly. You know the phrase “nothing’s set in stone”?  Yes?  Well, please remember that a switch can be flipped very quickly.  Meaning that if enough of you reach a certain level, something can happen instantly.  Your constant input, manifestations and your intents are extremely important to focus on throughout your day.  Even if you are busy at work, stop and imagine the world that you want as often as possible. Keep feeding your positive intent into the mix and that’s how it’s done.Thank you for your time.  I thank you for listening.  I am pleased to come speak with you tonight about this because it’s extremely important.  And we love and support you all!  We’re here to help.  Reach out to us if you want to talk.  There are many, many of us on the ships who would love to talk to you all.  Many of you have Soul Sparks on the ships and I know that they would love to talk with you.  Sleep well!  Live well!  You are powerful beings, more powerful than you know and we love you.  Yours, Ashtar.Thank you, Ashtar for coming to speak with us tonight!  I felt your strength and conviction as you were speaking.  We are grateful for your message.  

METATRON: Last to speak is Mother Mary.

MOTHER MARY:Dear Dancing Dolphin, this is your Mother Mary, the one who you think of as the Mother Mary, I AM an Ascended Being.  I wish to come in quickly to say that all the Ascended Masters are watching over all of you.  We’re sending you our love and strength–extra courage for those who need it.  All the support that you need—we are sending it.  We know how many are suffering at this time, and we encourage you all to hang in there as long as you can.  I agree completely with what Arch Angel Michael and Commander Ashtar have said and I wanted to add that all of us are behind you all!  We are giving you our love and support. We are proud of you!  We are confident that you will be successful in whatever outcome that you choose.  We encourage you to gather together!  Gather in meditation, gather in pure thought, and state your intents as often as possible.  You are indeed powerful beings!I send you my love.  I am very pleased to speak with you all on this night.Eternal love, Mother MaryThank you, dear Mother Mary for closing the messages tonight with your love and support.  We are grateful.  Thank you, dear Metatron for serving as my Gate Keeper.  I AM grateful for your assistance. _____________FLASH VISION & GUIDANCE FROM DR. JOY LOVELast week, Dr. Joy Love had a vivid dream in which she received a vision of the Flash and asked me to share it with you all. In the vision she was driving in her neighborhood and the surroundings looked like early Spring where she lives. She suddenly felt what she described as a magnetizing energy wave come over her and she was compelled to lay down.

She got out of her car and laid down on the road and briefly lost consciousness. She’d seen other cars and drivers around her, and they were all doing the same, so she wasn’t worried about being run over. People were calm. Later she came to and got up into her car to lay down on the seat to be more comfortable. This vision gave her the feeling that this event is coming soon.

After waking up and in the days that followed, Dr. Joy Love began to get guidance regarding the Flash. She feels that we should be prepared to be down for 3 days or so.

Here are additional tips from her:

1. Dress comfortably, go lay down when you feel compelled to.

2. Remember your pets and plants! Put food and water out for pets and a place for them to potty. Water your plants.

3. If you have a battery clock and a small notebook and pen, keep them by your bedside to keep track of days passing as most will want to know what day it is when we come to.

4. Perhaps keep fresh water and a snack nearby also.

5. She sensed that our bodies know what is going on and we will not soil ourselves in bed (or where-ever we are laying down).

6. Clean your kitchen and freeze things that may go bad in a few days, such as bananas.

7. Keep some healthy snacks and ready to eat type meals on hand so when everyone wakes up you can feed them quickly.

8. If you wake up before others do, please check on your family, neighbors, friends and all their pets.

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This message is meant to be broadcast to all Gaians

“This message regarding the Ascension Event is general in nature and is meant to be broadcast to all peoples of Gaia.” The Galactic Federation of Light

December 18, 2021

pink and white polka dot balloon
Photo by cottonbro on

“We come with this message tonight for all our Gaian family. Things have been changing dramatically upon your world, and you have all felt it for many years now. The pace has quickened. World events are happening that you do not understand. Massive energy has been sent to Gaia via solar flares and other celestial events. Your personal lives changed severely in the last year and a half, and this break forced many Gaians to re-evaluate their lives. All this chaos is not coincidence, dear Gaians. It is all connected, all of this has a purpose, and that purpose is your Ascension.

It is the time for hu-manity on Gaia to Ascend. This is grand, historic news that should bring much jubilation to your hearts! Much jubilation! It is not something to be feared, it is something to be ecstatic about! For this process, your spiritual development, has been millennia in the making—millennia! Many races of the Galactic Federation have watched over Gaia and your progress (you as in the hu-mans on Gaia) all this time.

This message is meant to be broadcast to all Gaians; it is not just intended for the spiritually aware. Those who are unaware of the Ascension of all hu-mans need to be informed so that everyone may experience this natural process with ease and joy.

As ascension events happen so very infrequently, and no Beings generally live long enough in-between these events, there are no records that you may refer to if you research the Ascension. There is no information on what happened last time. And to be clear, the structure of the Ascension you will experiences is vastly different than any other that has happened prior on Gaia. This time, Gaians have chosen to ascend in their bodies, as opposed to ‘passing over’ as you say, and their spirit being elevated to the next level without a body. Yes, we said ‘Gaians have chosen’ as “you” as a collective decided how your Ascension would occur.

Many of you may have experienced what some people refer to as “Ascension symptoms” as your bodies have literally been changed in these last 20-30 years. You have been increasing your vibrations and slowly ascending all this time, of course. Gradually your bodies have been changed, the matter that makes up your bodies has been changed. You are lighter. You literally can hold more light in your bodies now than you did 20 or 30 years ago; much, much more light! Have you noticed that you eat differently? Sleep differently? Many people understand these things; but many others have not heard of them and may be surprised when certain things begin to happen. This is why we wished to come speak with you tonight.

The first thing that you may notice when the Ascension Event begins to happen, (if you are on the side of the planet where people are awake and going about their day), is that people will suddenly become quiet. If they are driving a car, they will pull over because their Higher Self is telling them to do so. If they are running, say jogging for exercise, they will stop. So, whatever people are doing, they will suddenly stop and be quiet. We account for things such as flying airplanes, people going very fast in cars, trains or ships. We watch over and protect them.

People will want to lay down where-ever they are. If you are working in an office, you will put your head down on your desk. Or, if you are working outdoors at a construction site, or just outside in general, people will stop and lay down where they were standing. In the hours preceding this event, people will be guided to find a place where they may lay down. For example, if they are driving, they will be guided to pull over and find a place to park so that they may lay down in their cars. The Ascension Event is one that people will need to be unconscious. It is something where people will need to lay down and rest as they will be in a state of extreme exhaustion, just wanting sleep. It is a natural process.

The people on the dark side of the planet will experience this while they are asleep. In this manner, you will dream the experience. Everyone will dream the experience. It will be a beautiful dream! Honestly, people will dream of some mode of transportation, and they will get off this transportation at the appropriate spot for them. There are many different levels that people will be ascending to and that should make sense to everyone because people are at all different levels spiritually, so it is not like everyone will arrive at the same point. Do you understand?

People will go to the area that feels comfortable to them, whether it is 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D or higher. When they get there, they will rest for a bit more, they literally are going there in their bodies. They will dream the experience but wake up there in their bodies. You will not feel afraid, you will feel a bit confused but your Angel guides, your Spirit guides and/or your Higher Self will be there to talk you through it.

We give you these examples of what the Ascension Event may look like in your world with the hope that this information will be a comfort to many. We know that there is concern regarding the separation of your family and friends who may end up in a different destination than you. When that happens (because it will happen to many different people), you will not mourn them as if they are dead. You will understand that you went to where you were meant to go, and they did the same. You will feel connected to them, you will still remember them. You will mourn their loss, but not as if they were dead. You will feel comforted. As we stated earlier, your Angel and Spirit Guides and Higher Self will always be with you to provide understanding.

We will take our leave. We are happy to have brought you this message on this night. We are the ones of the Galactic Federation of Light who have been tasked with sending this message to Gaians. Adonai. Namaste.”

Congratulations dear Hu-Mans, you have completed the Grand Experiment!! You have turned the darkness into light!

Lucy Pringle Crop Circle Photography

Crop circle June 2009 England

Dear Hu-mans* of Earth,

Attention! Attention! The time of the ‘Great Experiment’ has ended. Time everlasting on your planet has been devoted to the contributions of hu-mans and their potential to inhabit the galaxy and the omniverse. The ‘Great Experiment’ has been a test of your species. The test has been long and arduous and even longer and more difficult than you realize. After eons of watching and observing, we have decided that the future of hu-mankind in the galaxy is not to be reckoned with. This means that it is inevitable. You have proved yourselves worthy of joining (what you may call) the Galactic Federation of Light, (but what we call) Our Group of Enlightened Beings from all over your galaxy, the universe and even beyond what you can imagine.

We are an enlightened bunch who have, as you have, traversed the many trials of lower density life. Through our dedication to persevering (just has you have), we climbed the ladder of consciousness and were granted travel among the stars. This too has been your journey and it has been fraught with seemingly everlasting death, violence and darkness.

But through it all you have had help from Enlightened Beings who wished to assist, and this assistance was granted. These Beings seeded light where necessary to nudge you on your spiritual evolution. Their delicate guidance over and over and over again throughout your darkest history has been fruitful. Seeds of light were planted, and they bloomed and assisted in spreading light wisdom, love and empathy across the planet. Your society, your kingdom of many races has finally conjoined and gathered in service of the One, in service of love, and has tipped the scales in the favor of the light.

Needless to say, this brings all of us who have been observing your species great joy! For even though to you it may seem as if we were cold, non-feeling, distant, non-emotional Beings watching you as “lab rats” nothing could be further from the truth! ** During all the eons that we observed you we were rooting for you and cheering you on. We greatly desired your success, for we see in you the qualities of Prime Creator, our Creator! We do wish to get to know you better, to meet you, co-create with you and show you things. Things that will help you and your society as Gaians, these things will help you further ascend on your spiritual path. But we could only do this when you (Gaians) reached a certain level of light quotient (as you think of it).

Congratulations dear Hu-Mans, you have completed the Grand Experiment!! You have turned the darkness into light! You have assisted Gaia in rising again and helping her to ascend as well. We are ones of the Galactic Federation of Light (what you call us), we bring you Greetings, we bring you Congratulations, we bring you our Love and our Joy!

The old ways of what you term your ‘3D life’ will be ending very shortly and soon you will all graduate into a life that you can barely even imagine. We won’t waste time in trying to explain it, but please know that you will all be overjoyed. Many, many, many great things are coming for you, your family and all your loved ones. We know over the eons that countless lifetimes have been extremely difficult for all of you. This is why we continue to say Congratulationsfor your steadfast pursuance of climbing out of the darkness to the light; for your dedication and persevering through extremely difficult times—we applaud you!

Peace and Love to All on Gaia!



*Note: Hu-man is used when one is emphasizing that “Hu” means “god,” so we are “god-men” (and women).

**”DD is translating, we are sending her thought nuggets and she translates it into your tongue so you can understand.” They said this because I paused when they stated, “Nothing could be further from the truth!” I thought, “Wow, how funny they would say it like that, it sounds just like me”. LOL. Our brains are amazing.


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Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin


Message from Sananda through Dancing DolphinSTAY THE COURSE

Disclosure, Releasing Trauma, Ascension, Call on Us!

Monday, May 17, 2021

Dear Lightworkers, you are so loved and so treasured! You are not alone on your journey, all you need do is ask for help. Angels will come to your aid, I will come to your aid! You will not see us most likely, but you will feel our energy, our powerful energies and our love, just as this one is feeling my love now.

I want to tell you that as the chaos level rises on your world, it seems that more and more things will be coming to your attention daily that will be a shock to you. Things are going to be disclosed that were previously held in back rooms and underground; things that were secret are going to be disclosed very shortly. So, some of you may be in for a big shock as the world has not been what you were told it was. I wish to say to you STAY THE COURSE. Although things will be revealed that you did not know about, it does not change your MISSION, it does not change WHY you came here.
You came here to help. You came here to help both Gaia and your fellow Gaians. You came to be of Service. The specifics of your mission are up to you and your own dharma. But, because the playing field changes, because things in your reality may look different to you in the future, it doesn’t mean that you should give up on your mission. And this may seem unsympathetic to some, but right now what we all need is to stay true to our missions, stay true, stay on track, keep going!

The reason that these things are being released is that the dark cannot hold them down any longer. The dark (those serving the dark) are not in control anymore and they cannot keep them hidden. So, if you can, see this in a good light! It’s actually cause for celebration, dear hearts. It’s cause for celebration that the truth is being set free! The truth sometimes is hard to take—in some subjects more than others—the truth is hard to take. But, the fact that these things are coming to light is cause for celebration!

There’s always more than one way to look at things. So, although you may be upset or dismayed or angered by what you learn, don’t let it take you away from why you came here. You ALL are so precious, Lightworkers! You raised your hand when Mother and Father asked for volunteers and you said “I’ll go!” and that was millions of years ago. Millions of years ago for Gaia. So you have all been in this “Gaia Game” working on this project for millions of years (and believe me when I say, it has been millions of years) in the time frame that those on Gaia keep time; which is nothing to a Soul! So, the reason I bring up the time element is to show you how long and hard you all have been working on this. You’ve been helping Gaia for millions of years. We are all working together and we all signed up for this journey! This long journey. And now, we’re at the end of this experiment which was to see if we all could work together to bring her back to the Light from the deep, deep darkness. We can and we have!! We have brought her back to the Light.

You are all grouped into various Teams. It’s not just one big group of Lightworkers, well, you are a big group, but you are divided into Teams based on your skills. For example, you may be a Healer, or a Warrior, there are many different types of Lightworkers. Your Teams have been working together here for millions of years and now we’re at the end. We’re past the “cusp.” Sometimes we’ve heard people use the phrase “we’re on the cusp” of something; well, we’re past the “cusp!” We are seconds away from the finish line! Not feet, not inches, we’re seconds away!

And so I remind you again, the fact that things that were hidden are being brought to light is an awesome thing, it’s a fabulous thing (I’m using this channel’s vocabulary)!! It is a cause for celebration!

When you receive news of disclosure, and if the news is about children and women who have been harmed, please know that that these people have been rescued by your military. They have been rescued all over Gaia, not just in the USA. They have been rescued, they are now being healed in healing chambers and are being taken care of. They may or may not return to Gaia, it is up to each Soul after they are healed to decide which path to take. Of course you may send prayers of love and healing, if you wish as we know that your hearts will ache for them. Just talking about this subject is bringing down the vibration of this channel. Just like you, she is very sensitive. All Lightworkers are extremely sensitive. I understand as I AM that way too. This is the subject that will upset everyone. I brought up this difficult and upsetting topic so that you may know that the survivors are in good hands now. The ones who passed on during their ordeal were tended to at the time of their transition; their Souls will be healed from the trauma they experienced.

Please do not let it dismay you. Feel your feelings of betrayal or sadness or anger and feel them and please release them. Ask the Angels to help you release them or the Violet Flame to help transmute these feelings. I AM asking you this so that you don’t begin to revel or stay immersed in those feelings for an extended period of time. Because we need you! We need you right now, we need you here, we need you focused on accomplishing your missions! We are all doing the same! The Company of Heaven and your Galactic families are all PUSHING, pushing for the last finish line, even though we’re exhausted. Even though some of us are in spirit body, we also get exhausted and drained. We have forgone our normal revitalization procedures; basically we have given up our sleep or healing time to keep pushing. So, I applaud you! So many of you are facing great hurdles in how your bodies are exhausted and you feel beat up. This one (channel) feels many times like she’s been run over by a truck as her body hurts so badly. It’s from all the battles, spiritual warfare that you are doing. Even though you’re not literally being stabbed with a sword, it takes its toll on your physical body when your spiritual body is battling, fighting for the light!

We must STAY THE COURSE. We must COMPLETE OUR MISSIONS. We must KEEP GOING. The energies that are being sent to you by your Galactic Family and your Sun is Divine intervention as Mother and Father have called for this to happen. Mother and Father wish that HUmanity on Gaia continue to raise their vibration so that they can move onto the next level and ASCEND! So, this is what we’re all working on (in addition to clearing Gaia of the dark). Your bodies are continually being bombarded by these energies, these vibrations to shake you loose! If I may use an example, it’s turning your bodies from physical to crystalline. These energies that come in, that many of you are very sensitive to, are hitting each and every one of your cells and it’s causing your bodies to react, to vibrate faster, to raise up; it’s shaking loose anything that doesn’t fit in with the higher vibrations. Your bodies store trauma and painful emotions in your cells. So when these energies hit you, the vibrations help bring up these things that need to be cleared. As a result, some of you are re-living traumas that you’ve experienced before; old emotional wounds are being brought up for clearing and it could be from this life or twenty lifetimes ago.

When these emotions overcome you, when grief or trauma is being brought up, please allow it to come up and ask for the Angels to help you release it; or ask AA Michael to cut the cord so it is released from your body. You may also utilize the Violet Flame to transmute it. The opposite of allowing it to come up is to bury it again. We know it is difficult. Try not to hold onto it, or re-live or ruminate in the memory or feeling, just try to let it go if you are able. That is the whole purpose of what you’re going through. The more that you can let go, the lighter that you are and the easier that the Ascension will be for you! You will become lighter and lighter and will be able to Ascend!

Also, please do take care of yourselves. Please listen to your body when it needs to rest. Take sea salt or epsom salt baths, they help to bring up and bring out things that were long buried in your bodies. I ask that you continue to eat live, whole foods. Fruits, vegetables, healthy food, clean water. Your body really needs these things now more than ever. Light foods if you can. Easily digested to give your body a break. OK?

In closing, I would like to remind you, please do call on us for help! Call on me, Mother and Father, the Angels, your favorite Ascended Master, anyone—please call! I know that you’re all suffering and having a tough time physically and emotionally you’re drained. Try to remember that we’re all going through this together. It won’t last forever. We are very, very close to being finished. Please just remember to call on us for help, when you need to talk, need a love blast, please contact us!

Thank you, Sananda!

Of course, it was my pleasure to give you this message for Lightworkers on Gaia. We love you with all of our hearts. You are loved, you are treasured. Be well.

Channeled by Dancing Dolphin – May 17, 2021

NOTE: Sananda thought it would be a good idea to share his Heart Protection Technique again with all of you! He gave it to me last Spring and it has worked fantastically for me! I AM very sensitive and empathetic as most Lightworkers are, and this protection mantra protects me from absorbing the world’s fear and pain.

Sananda’s Heart Protection Technique Here is the link:

Message from Divine Mother God,Connect with Us, Update from Gaia, Community, BE KIND Emissaries of Light

Sunday, November 22, 2020
Note: this message was dictated and then transcribed.

Dear Children, my Children who currently live on Gaia; I send each and every one of you my love every day, every minute, every second. I am continually sending all of you my love. Of course, when I say “my” I mean “Mother & Father”. We are together, we are not separate even though some of you think of us as different aspects. We are ONE just as you all are ONE with us. You each have a piece of us inside you, so needless to say, each and everyone of you can talk to us any time of the day or night. We hear you, we feel you, we are always in constant contact with all of you.

I know many of you have felt lonely in different times of your lives. I wish to remind you that you are not ever alone; unless you wish to cut off communication from us or your Angels who watch over you, or your Spirit Guides. You absolutely may cut off communication, but we still do not leave your side! We still are with you, we still watch over you. We understand that you go through difficult times. For instance, if you lose a child, that is one of the most difficult situations to experience during your journey as a human and you may feel angry with us. But, even so, we are always still here with you.

I reiterate this message at this time because this year has been extremely difficult for everyone on the planet. There isn’t one individual person who has not felt the stress, anxiety, confusion and chaos that has been prevalent on Gaia. The fear has also been very intense. Fear of this virus and the need to protect your loved ones is great. So, this is why I wish give this message to you now. Please reach out and contact us if you feel the need for comfort and love. We are here!

GAIA’s Journey
Next, I would like to speak about your dear planet. Gaia herself has been going through many changes. She has been gifted healing from many Lightworkers and your Galactic Family. Gaia is eternally grateful for the assistance that you have given her and asked me to convey this message to you. The Lightworkers of Gaia have been doing a fabulous job!

This part of the message is directed towards Lightworkers who have actively participated in Gaia’s healing. Gaia is aware of the many healing methods which you have taken part in and she appreciates all of them. These include; mass meditations, personal meditations, energy work, actual night-time soul travels where you work in groups (such as AA Michael’s ‘Cleaning Crew’) and actively praying for Gaia. She is eternally grateful and she holds no malice for humanity for the atrocities that they have committed to her over time. She is in an elevated spiritual position where she understands why those acts were created (for example dumping of toxic waste due to greed). Now is the time for looking and moving forward.

I have stated this before, but it is still true that Gaia has been consistently ascending as have you all. She has not reached the apex of her ascension yet as her healing is not yet complete. She would very much appreciate your continued support so she can continue to ascend to the level she wishes to attain. She could not have come as far without your help! Gaia knows you all by name; those of you who have helped her during this lifetime and others—she knows you and says thank you!

Bright Side of the Global Pandemic
I have seen with great joy the surprising bright side of the global pandemic that you all have experienced this year. You have re-learned the value of Community. Those of you who were forced to quarantine in your homes have had the time to focus on topics other than work, including; the value of home, family and community. Many of you have reached out to neighbors who may have needed help; possibly elderly or disabled neighbors. You helped others even though you weren’t sure if you were in harm’s way or not, you still acted. This brings your Father and I great, great joy!

What About You?
This experience has provided a wake-up call and made many people stop to focus on what they really wish to do in their lives as well as what is important to them. What is vital to you? What makes you happy? What are your goals? Think about your own life…has your outlook on life changed this year? Do you appreciate it more? Have you lost family and friends to this illness? Have you lost your job? Have you been forced to re-think your current career path? Have you changed careers? If you have lost your job and have not found another one yet, please keep your mind open and think how you can use your talents in a different way. No one is locked into any one industry or career. Focus on your skills and how you can adapt them.

My wish is that you allow yourself to take the time and focus internally on your own journey; especially during this Winter (for my children living in the northern hemisphere) or the Summer (for those living in the southern hemisphere). This is vital for your continued spiritual growth. 
Allow yourselves the luxury to deeply ponder such questions as…
Are you happy where you are in your life?
Are you happy with how your life is playing out?
If not, how would you change your life?
Would you move to a new location?
Would you change jobs or careers?
What is your passion?
Are you happy with your relationship status? If not, why?
Would you rather have a different partner or be alone?

Think about your life! This magnificent P_A_U_S_E that you all are experiencing is happening for a reason as you may well expect. It is a blessing. Many good things have and will continue to come out of it!

Community Support
Now, I would like each person, in the theme of the last section, to extend your vision outward. Now that you all have re-learned the value of Community, let’s do a small visual exercise.

First, see yourself standing on the ground in front of a giant, sturdy ladder. Start by focusing on yourself and your immediate family. Visualize yourselves shut in your home, working and learning there and feeling isolated. You miss your friends, major life celebrations and the freedom you took for granted.

Second, take a few steps up the giant ladder. Now you can see your immediate neighborhood and even your community in general. What is happening in your community? Has the quarantine put local business owners out of business? Are many shops boarded up? Have many people been laid off work? Are you or your neighbors feeling lonely and/or ill?

Third, take a few more steps up the giant ladder. Now you can see your region, maybe your county, state or even country if it is a small one. What is the overall feeling you get from your region? Is it functioning smoothly? Are all areas being serviced with food, medical and home supplies? Does the supply chain function well? Does your region still have clean water and power? You may step down from the ladder.

What have you learned from this tumultuous year that can be used to benefit your community in the future? Think about what you and your community could do if something like this should happen again. What can you do for the people in your area who have been affected by this now? How can you fix this going forward? Working together is the only way through this. We are one.

As you all know, specific industries have been hit very hard during this pandemic. Millions of people lost their jobs as these industries were either forced to close or became deserted when people stayed at home. Travel & Tourism, Entertainment (Movie theaters, Play Houses), Restaurants & Bars, Spas & Salons, etc.

The economic trickle down impact of this massive job loss is significant. This affects EVERYONE, even if you still hold a job. All of these people are now displaced. What can you do to help those people in your community? What can you do to help the business people in your area who have lost their business and livelihoods? They are your neighbors, they are you—we’re all one.

I wish you all to contemplate how you can help your neighbors get back up on their feet. You’re not just an individual family or person in your own home or apartment anymore, right? This experience has shown you many, many things. It’s shown you how connected you all are! And how lonely some people have become because they are not allowed to visit family or friends or even hug those who they are allowed to see. You all must have realized during this time how inter-dependent you all are on each other for social engagement and your general well-being and happiness. You all greatly miss contact and interaction with other people. You’ve taken that for granted and when you get it back, it will be so much more appreciated.

So, I want you to think about your neighbors who have suffered during this experience; who may have lost their business, their jobs, may possibly have become ill with the virus or lost a family member to the virus. Even those who have survived the virus may be feeling weak or vulnerable. What can YOU as the collective human race do to help them? As you know, there are many aspects of this whole experience that need to be considered. So before it ends, I ask you to spend time pondering how you can help your neighbor, how can you be of service to your town or community. Can you join a planning committee or start talking to your neighbors? Maybe hold a Town Hall meeting and see how everyone else is feeling, then bring these issues and ideas to those who govern your local municipality.

This has been a long discussion of the same topic, but it is one that I wanted to bring to your attention first and foremost in your minds. Not only how you and your family can survive, but also how you can help others around you. The stronger that your community is, the better off your well-being and quality of life will be.

You are a precious creation
I would like to conclude by emphasizing to each and every one of my children: YOU ARE AN INFINITE BLESSING TO ME! Each and every one of you is unique, is a precious creation. There are no two Souls alike—even twins are not anything alike in our eyes. We (your Father & I) know each of you by name, we know all about you and we love you, we love you! We reside inside of you. Just think of us and we can connect and speak with you, we can send you impressions, inspiration and we can send answers to your questions. You are each absolutely precious to us and we are so blessed. Be gentle and patient with yourselves. When I say be gentle—I mean, please don’t criticize yourself for being too this or too that or not enough this or that! We love you just as you are, always!! Your life is a gift to you and a gift to us. Each and every second that you are here on Gaia, walking on Gaia and interacting with our other creations is a gift.

You have no idea how much of an impact each and every one of you makes. That is why many say: Be Kind! Be kind to every single person, every Being you come in contact with. You under-estimate your impact. A smile (or a wave of your hand if you’re wearing a mask), you can smile with your eyes or you can greet them with a “hello!” is all it takes. The important part is to acknowledge the other person and wish them well with your heart. They will feel it. When you’re thinking of a loved one who may be far away, or even in the next house but you cannot see them—wish them well. Your impact is great, it is more than you know. If you’re online and connecting socially, those impacts also have a strong affect on others, good or bad. I ask that you be hyper aware of how you interact with others on all levels, even unconsciously. For example, if you feel anger towards someone that is perceived also. So, I ask that you make them positive and joyful effects. 
I would love to see rippling joy out from every single one of you! You are a Beacon of Light, you are a light upon Gaia. And when I look, I see and feel your lights, but we perceive you as lights and we and we want to see emanations of good vibrations coming out of you. If everybody on Gaia did that (heavy sigh)—you would all ascend in the snap of a finger…in the blink of an eye, everyone would ascend! Because that JOY that you get from connecting is glorious; it’s the highest form—especially connecting when you are helping somebody, when you’re giving of yourself, when you’re serving someone else—that is the highest form of joy that any human being can experience! It is the highest form of love, a very powerful form of love!!

Any time that you spend on Gaia; in person, on the ground, you interact with other people. Please be hyper-diligent on how you interact with other people on a day to day basis. Make your time here worthwhile! Because someone who is so lonely, is so down and is in a deep depression; if someone like that comes across your joy in a non-threatening way, experiences a piece of your joy, it’s trans-formative for them. It’s not going to cure them instantly, it’s going to give them a little crack of light that will come through the darkness that is surrounding them. And the more people that treat that person with kindness, the more the crack opens and light can come into their lives. I know all of you have been lonely at one point or another in your life. So you can imagine how deep, deep loneliness feels. And honestly, many people are feeling this way right now because of the quarantines that are going on. So, when you have the opportunity to interact with someone in any form or fashion, DO IT WITH JOY, even if you’re not feeling 100% at that exact moment. Just remember to Be Kind. All of you are our creations and people are going through many, many different difficult times in their lives.

Emissaries of Light & Beacons of Light
I ask that you be my Emissaries of Light! I asked you before you came and you all said YES, that you wished to be an Emissary of Light. So I am reminding you now! This time, right now—this is it, honey! (laughs). This is why you agreed to be here, why you asked to come, because YOU CAN MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE! And you don’t have to do anything other than smile, other than wave, or offer to help (“Can I lift this for you?”) with any small act of kindness that you can give. And even if you sit at home and you bring love into your heart (focus on Father and I in your heart) and the love will build and build and build, and then you send it out! You send out love to your neighborhood, OK? And then it keeps building and you send more love out to your state or your country! And it keeps growing! There is no limit!!!

I’m tapping you all on the shoulders right now and saying “Hey! Remember, this is what you said you wanted to do! You said that you wanted to come be a Beacon of Light, so this is your time honeys! OK?” I wanted to remind you of this today. This is very important stuff! This is very important and I’m counting on all of you and I know you can do it, and I know that you can be successful. So, there it is. That’s your assignment! Do you choose to complete your Mission? (She giggled because she mimicked the TV show “Mission Impossible” when she said that.) You can do it, I have no doubt. And I love all of you, all of you! I am inside all of you, I’m with you and so is Father and we love you, love you, love you!! Just call on us, OK?

Dear heart, I believe that is all that I wish to say today. Thank you for asking me for a message. Namaste.

* * * * *
Please feel free to share!

Dear Readers, I am reminded how extremely important Mother’s message is to us this day. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.A. I AM extremely grateful for all my blessings while at the same time my heart aches for all those who are suffering difficulties and who are lonely. Let us take up Mother’s challenge to BE and DO what we said we would do when she asked us “Do you wish to be my Emissary of Light?”

I read an article recently by our local Fire Chief who listed the staggering number of suicides and drug over-doses cases that his department has experienced since the ‘lockdowns’ started this March, 2020. This speaks directly to what Mother told us above about how lonely and depressed many people are at this time. And, she showed us how easily we can help others. We must act—now!

Love & Light to all my Brothers and Sisters!!!
Dancing Dolphin

Hey Lightworkers, how are you?

Greetings Lightworkers!

I wanted to check in with you all to see how you’re doing.  I’ve had a crazy Spring, Summer and early Autumn so far.  I bet you all have too!!  What’s it like in your world?  Please share in the comments below, I’d really like to know.  

Well, I have learned much this year, especially the need for self-care.  We have to take care of ourselves too. I’ve made a new commitment to my health and well-being as I was neglecting my Earthly vessel.  How can I help someone else when I’m ____________ (fill in the blank from your life)?  We can’t do it.  

I’ve been communicating with you at night, do you hear me?  Not every night but pretty often. When I do,  I say,  “HEY, LIGHTWORKERS ALL OVER GAIA!  How are you doing?  I know you’re exhausted!  I AM also.  But, let’s try our best to hang in there a bit longer.  We can do it if we try! You’re not alone, I’m here and we’re all here together!”  

I imagine us all floating out in space, in a giant circle around the belly of Gaia, all holding hands.  Together with us is our Galactic Family–all those Star Nations that have been around Gaia for thousands of years assisting her.  And of course, the Company of Heaven is invited also–Mother & Father God, Christ, the Ascended Masters, the Angels, our family that has passed on, our Higher Selves & Soul Sparks and our Twin Flames.  All of Gaia’s Kingdoms are there too, in Spirit as we all are; this includes our family in Hollow Earth and Inner Earth.  We’re all joining hands and sending our love and gratitude for one another around the circle.  Waves of warm, soothing energy flow around our circle.  When it builds to a marvelous pitch, I ask everyone to send this love to Gaia through their heart chakras.  Can you see it?  It’s a beautiful, magical, love-filled celebration!!

Want to try an experiment?  We can focus on this image of ALL OF US above sharing our love with each other and with Gaia right before we go to sleep.  It’s a very peaceful way to drift off to sleep!  It makes me feel loved and protected.  If you try it, consider sharing your experience in the comments below.  We’re all going through this together, right?! 

Please remember to shine your light to others.  Many people are living in fear; and a kind, reassuring smile is very powerful.  They will feel it in their Soul. You could make someone’s day!!!

Love you all!

Love, light and blessings!


Urgent Manifesting Refresher – Quan Yin

through Dancing Dolphin

Received April 30, 2020

Dear Lightworkers, this is your Quan Yin, I AM Quan Yin. I AM full of compassion and love for you today. Today is the now of your life. This is your life right now. Are you happy with it? Are you joyful? Are you wishing it would change? I am here to tell you that there is always room for change. There is always room to make adjustments and create the life that you would love to have. There’s always room for change, dear hearts!
Now, I want you to think about this: how can you go about getting what you want? In your 3D world, it seems that you must be practical. For example, if you would like a boat to fish on, you must get a job where you can make enough money to eventually purchase the boat. Is that accurate? That seems to be the way it works in your 3D reality, doesn’t it?
I am not down-playing or judging anything that anybody wants. It can be a guitar, a new puppy, a new heater for your home, a new stereo system for your apartment or anything. There is no shame in wanting or needing things. But there are ways to get what you want without having to worry about the money that is needed to purchase such a thing.
I’m talking about manifestation; this is what I want to share with you today. Some of you already know about manifesting and how to create what you want in your life. But I’m here to give you a refresher course and to stress the importance of becoming proficient at manifesting.
Step 1 is Visualization. This is where many people make ‘wish boards’ or manifesting boards. Get yourself pictures of what it is that you want, post them on a board and become very familiar with that object. Become so familiar with it that you can close your eyes and see it in front of you in great detail. Make it “real” in your mind.
Step 2 is…Combine your desired object and yourself. Close your eyes, see the object you desire and see yourself with the object. If it is a new car, see yourself driving your new car. If it is a puppy, see yourself walking your puppy. If it is a new bike, see yourself riding your bike. It’s best if you are interacting with the item in some fashion, not just standing next to it.
Step 3 is…Add your powerful emotions to the mix. Allow yourself to dig deep and feel the feelings that you will have with that object. Experience your feelings of joy as you play with your new puppy. If it is a new home, see yourself living in it and really feel the comfort and security it brings to you. See what I mean? It is very simple.
But it’s not only the visualizing yourself with your item but also the emotions that you get from this item. For example; it brings you joy, it brings you comfort, it brings you happiness, it brings you strength or many forms of pleasure. So, really feel those feelings and hold onto those feelings as long as you can. This is the KEY in bringing this item to you! With the changes that have been going on in the energy vibrations of Gaia, you will bring these things to you quicker and quicker and quicker than ever before!
So, these are the basic tenants of manifesting something into your life that you want. Now, if you want a job, it is the same process. If you want a new home, it is the same process. If you want a mate, it is the same process. #1. Visualize the object. #2. See yourself with that object and play out in your mind what you look like as you interact that object; for example, riding a motorcycle. #3. Add your emotions. That is the key! Joy! Inspiration! Love! Abundance!
These are the very basic principals of manifestation and I hope that you all enjoy your lives. In short–match yourself with the vibration of how you will feel when you are using this item or when this item is in your life. See what I mean? This is what brings the item into your now. There is really no end to what you can do with this manifestation technique; there is no end to what you can do! This is how you change your life! This is how you change your world!
This process is also the same for objects that you want to share with other people. So, if you are one who would like to help other people and you may lack the funds to do that work, imagine yourself doing it anyway. Imagine purchasing the necessary tools or supplies or equipment or whatever it is that you need to help other people…maybe to build wells or have enough food whatever it is you need to help people, imagine yourself doing it with an over-abundance of supplies, more than you will ever need—imagine yourself with that and the happiness and joy that you will bring to other people.
So, I encourage you to practice this! Practice manifesting. If you want to test it out, you can do it without even using a visualization board. You can manifest, for instance, a sighting of a monarch butterfly, or a hummingbird—anything that you don’t normally see all the time; even a 4 leaf clover! You can start with something small, but just practice your manifesting skills.
This skill will become increasingly useful for you in Nova Gaia where you will be manifesting all the time. And when you do it there (as opposed to your 3D almost 4D dimension) things will come almost instantly to you. So, you must practice on focusing on what you want because you don’t want to bring into your reality something that you do not want. Focus on the Do’s and just have fun with it! Play with it! I think you’ll all enjoy this.
This is Quan Yin and this is my message for today.  I love you all more than you can know. I AM Quan Yin.
___________Message from Dancing Dolphin: Lightworkers, this message is related to a message from Sananda from December called “You are all Powerful Creators!” He was encouraging us to practice our manifesting also. It’s pretty obvious that we need to be doing this! Please refer to his message here:
________________Please feel free to share!Message of Love through Dancing Dolphin

Ashtara from the New Jerusalem Starship

Received April 27, 2020

Hello, dear Lightworkers of Gaia, this is Ashtara.*  It’s been awhile since I have reached out to you and I’m sorry about that. We have all been busy; you and I both. Well, let’s see if we can carve out some time to connect today, shall we?

I wanted to let you know that you are all doing brilliantly with the massive changesthat havetaken place on Gaia. I’m referring to the pandemic and quarantine that is happening all across the globe. Such a dramatic change!! There is much fear and unease in the ethers. We do our best to send you love and light everyday and would love it if you could focus on sending love to the others on your dear planet Gaia as well. Send love, courage and strength to all those who are working so tirelessly to help others; whether they are health care workers, grocery store workers or delivery personnel. Everyone is pitching in to help each other and it is beautiful to behold!! We love to watch how many are stitching up masks for their family and friends and giving them away with love. We love to see those pure hearts who are helping deliver food and supplies to others who are house bound. And, not even close to lastly, but those who are still continuing to feed and house the homeless are at the tops of our list. Please reach out to help one another where you can. The joy you receive in doing so will light you up even more!
Many of your Blended Children have already come to Gaia. They may or may not be with you at this time. They are working on healing Gaia and healing the collective of humanity. You will meet them when the time is right! Please continue to reach out to them in meditations so they know you are thinking of them. As I said, we are highly telepathic. We love our parents but our missions come first and this is a key time where we need to focus on our missions. Much hangs in the balance. So, telepathic communication is best for now.
Lightworkers, the bridge to Nova Gaia, the 5D Earth has been completed and many are passing over as we speak. The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine have reunited in joy and have balanced those beautiful energies. You can go there to visit or to stay if you wish, it all depends upon your Soul Contract. Many of you are the Gatekeepers and are helping others to cross over. Some come with their bodies, some without. This indeed is your Ascension!! Many of you will stay behind for a bit to help others here for awhile before joining those in Nova Gaia. As I said, it all depends upon your Soul Contract. Some had contracts to construct Nova Gaia while others are Gatekeepers and still others are Wayshowers who guide others to the Light. All Soul Contracts are sacred, of course. We even have them!! Yes, all Souls make a contract before coming into body. This is what we planned to achieve before we return “home” as you say. Our goals, missions, lessons to learn and so on–not necessary karma based as you may imagine. They are our hopes and dreams for our current lifetime. What is your Soul Contract? Are you aware of it? If not, I would kindly suggest that you meditate on it. Many include more than one mission in their contract; it can be specific or something general like “help others.”
The Divine Plan for freeing humanity from millennia of slavery is almost complete. We have assisted in removing the dark ones from your plane. You, Lightworkers have assisted in transmuting the muck of eons of dark thought forms and dark deeds. Bravo!!!!!!! That is heavy lifting spiritual work to be sure! We know how exhausted many of you are. Please treat yourselves well. Allow your bodies to rest when you need rest. Hydrate with clean water. Eat pure, wholesome fresh foods if you can get them as they will refuel your body.
Every day we get closer and closer to your Ascension. This will happen when enough of you wake up! Many sleeping humans have been jolted awake by the current situation of the global pandemic. Their world has been shaken and this is what was needed! We rejoice at seeing this. The sudden change of their lives has gently birthed a revelation of love. Families are spending time together while parents work from home and children learn online. A unexpected reunion, you might say. Please pray for those who do not have a home, or have an unhappy one. They need your support right now as much as those who are ill with this virus and those who are helping them.
I must be off to continue my work. I send all my love to you, dear Lightworkers of Gaia!!! Keep your heads held high and know that you are doing incredible work with love. We, your Galactic Family are here to help you and your Blended Children love you too. Namaste!
________________Please feel free to share!Message of Love Through Dancing Dolphin

*If you are not familiar with Ashtara, she is the blended daughter of Dancing Dolphin and an Arcturian male.  She is currently serving on the New Jerusalem starship of the Ashtar Command/Galactic Federation.  Please see her first message here (there are 4 previous messages).

DIVINE MOTHER GOD through Dancing Dolphin Corona Virus, RV & Humanitarian Work, Manifesting.

Preface from DD:I asked Mother God for a message for Lightworkers, stating my concerns about the Corona Virus and my grief at the loss of life.  I was feeling very angry at whomever released this contagion into the world.  
Corona Virus

This is your Mother God, I hear your concerns, upset and your anger. You and many other sensitive Lightworkers cannot stand to see people suffer. It hurts your heart and it hurts my heart too. You are all my children and I don’t want to see anyone suffer. But we must let this play out. We cannot interfere. To your question about the virus, it does serve many purposes and it was maliciously released to the public at a time when many people would be traveling around both Eastern and Western holidays—your Christmas & New Year’s and the Lunar New Year for the Chinese people. So, it was released, there are people still on Gaia that you call the cabal and they did release this virus. They will be dealt with; however, there is no punishment large enough as you say for the atrocities they have committed. They will be recycled in the central sun. They will be no more. They will not be given any more chances (to turn to the Light); they have been given many, many chances. Honestly, the ones who did this have already been taken care of.

Be Prepared

Dear daughter, you are correct, there is so much going on and the level of chaos is rising. I have struggled in telling anyone the timing when something will happen. I mentioned to you last Spring that I thought the Grand Flash would happen last year but things were delayed and it didn’t happen in your 2019. So, I hesitate to give you dates anymore, as I don’t wish to cause any upset. Time is changing constantly. Even your calibrated time is changing, it’s absolutely speeding up and most of you can feel it very readily. I would advise keeping yourselves on high alert to jump into your new lives of helping others at a moment’s notice. This means being prepared with emergency supplies—not to frighten you—but to be prepared with extra water and extra food stuffs that are not perishable. If you live in a cold climate, some type of heating apparatus that does not require electricity to run would be beneficial for your family. I do not say these things to scare you, I would just like my special Lightworkers to be prepared; whether it be from natural causes (such as a storm or blizzard) or power outages. I would like everyone to be prepared. You also may need to help others around you.

Humanitarian Plans and the RV

I know many of you have prepared Humanitarian Projects and have invested in foreign currencies so that you may be blessed with an abundance to create your desired projects. This is very admirable and I am grateful and thrilled for all of you who preparing to help others. I realize the wait has been significant. It is not any easy thing. I cannot give you timing on this either, but I bring it up so that you know that I know who you are and all the effort that you have put in to your creation and manifestation of your desired works. This is vital, this is very important. This is much needed and will be more needed in the future. So I encourage all of you who have done this work to continue to have patience—hang in there—it will not be in vain. It is coming. It is vital. Vital to the commonwealth, your communities and survival in the future when times may be rough economically and your projects will be useful and very much needed. So I encourage you all to stay the course if you’ve been guided to do this. I am with you on this. I will support you all. I am proud, proud of my children who have been called to do this work. Proud that you heard the call and jumped in with both feet. I am a proud Mother. Thank you!


Lastly I would like to commend those of you who have been working on manifesting. This is an exercise that all of you should be working on constantly. It is not just for fun and games (which of course it is!) but it is a skill that you will be using in the New Earth. You have done this before many, many times, but not in this lifetime. So, I encourage all of you to practice your manifesting! Start small, record your progress so you may witness your own results. It is fun and enjoyable and YOU, you are all Divine Creators as your Father and I are as you have our Sparks within you. You are a Spark of Father and I, you have our Divine Spark, you have our gifts, use them wisely. Enjoy this gift.
What’s going on? What can Lightworkers do to help?We love you children! Your Father and I love you greatly and I am pleased to speak with you this evening. I know things look dark right now. Your world looks dark and leveled and out of control to most of you. But these things that are happening are making way for the peace and prosperity that is coming. All things hidden must be released so they can be healed…brought up to the surface and aired out. Think of a splinter. You have a splinter (small piece of wood) that you got stuck in your finger, under your skin. It can’t heal until you get that splinter out. So, this is what is happening in your world. All the splinters are being removed so that your society and Gaia and your collective consciousness can heal and make a beautiful, beautiful New Earth. So this is all necessary. Know that it is temporary. It will pass. Focus on LOVE. Focus on COMPASSION. Use the Violet Flame to cleanse and transmute all that is being released. Assist in transmuting it! It is greatly appreciated when you do this work.
I love you all dear Children. You are loved so greatly! Call on our Angels when you need help with anything. Angels are there for you all the time. We are too, of course. Go now with my love. I AM your Mother God.   

Thank you, dear Mother God!

Please feel free to share!
Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin

Although you know that the goal is to ascend in your bodies, many did pass on and came over also. But a large majority did come over in their bodies! So, those of you still living in 3D Earth, a good portion of you Lightworkers are staying behind to help the others cross. Don’t think that you’ve failed or are not good enough if you know others who have gone ahead-Ashtar-

Ashtar’s Message to Lightworkers{Commander Ashtar of the Ashtar Command}via Dancing Dolphin

January 9, 2020
Note: I sent gratitude and love to Ashtar & our Galactic Family for their assistance in helping Gaia and all her peoples Ascend. This was Ashtar’s reply:
DD, it is my honor, it is all of our honor! We are thrilled to be a part of it, it is our Service, as you understand (this word to mean). It is a Joy to be here, participating in this. It is called the Grand Experiment, that is what we call it because Gaia was taken over by the dark many millennia ago.  Could she return to the light?  It was a challenge and almost inconceivable that after so many years of being controlled, living in slavery, being lied to and being manipulated that you all have been able to receive the Light from Mother & Father (God) and the Codes & Activations that we are sending; you all have been able to receive them and anchor them into Gaia to help break up the dark. So, it’s been a massive joint effort and we are so honored.  We love Gaia as much as we love you all. She is so dear to us. And of course, we would jump at the chance to participate in this Grand Experiment. Thank you for acknowledging us and our Service and we do the same back to you. It is our Joy.
Ashtar, what message would you like to give to Lightworkers right now?
The one thing that I would like to share at this moment is we have never been so close as we are right now. You all have never been this close to tip-toeing over what you think of as the Boundary, or the Rainbow Bridge or just the Finish Line to get to your 5D Ascension. You are literally tip-toeing over the line! (made me laugh). Many, many of you, your Gaians crossed the Rainbow Bridge during the Winter Solstice. Many have been doing so for months. But a grand influx of you came over during the Solstice. Although you know that the goal is to ascend in your bodies, many did pass on and came over also. But a large majority did come over in their bodies!
So, those of you still living in 3D Earth, a good portion of you Lightworkers are staying behind to help the others cross. Don’t think that you’ve failed or are not good enough if you know others who have gone ahead. Some of you have the job to be the Gate Keepers to assist others in crossing the bridge. OK? So in this instance, you are purposefully lagging behind to ensure you “bring up the rear.” The ones that you are assisting are the ones who have a chance. They’re on the borderline of wanting to go or wanting to stay. You are helping them and you allow them to make their own decision. You are showing them, with your Light, with your Love, Compassion and your Caring–you are showing them what it feels like, what they can expect (in 5D). You don’t have to do anything. Just be yourself. Focus on the love that you are receiving from Mother & Father God and beam it out, blast it out. Focus on your Gratitude and send that out to the world. That’s all you have to do. You don’t have to carry somebody over piggy-back style (laughs). You don’t literally have to do that. OK?
I know how exhausted everyone is. I feel your deep, deep exhaustion. And honestly, we’re feeling it too! (laughs). Our bodies are different, but we feel it too. So, we know what you are feeling. Just hang in there. We’re almost home. We’re really, really, almost home. And, your StarChildren, your Blended Children are coming soon. They are coming for different reasons than why you are staying. They are coming to help Gaia and to help with the cleanup of Gaia. They’re coming to heal too, but a lot of them are coming to help Gaia.
Very, very exciting times, right? Very exciting. And we, we are the blessed ones to be on the front lines. We are truly blessed!
Thank you, Ashtar for this message for the Lightworkers of Gaia!
You’re welcome, DD. It was a pleasure. Namaste.___________________________
Please feel free to share!Messages of Love Through Dancing Dolphin

As I told all of you while Yahshua was in body “you will all do greater things than I”.You will and you can. NOW. -Sananda-

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Dear Dancing Dolphin D, it is I, Sananda who would love to give a message to Lightworkers of Earth at this moment. This is Sananda, I am the OverSoul of the one you call Jesus or Yahshua or Yeshi. Although there are various levels in our Soul, we each keep our own personality even after the life has passed for one of our Soul Sparks. I hope this clarifies my various lives and/or existences for anyone who was confused.
At this time, Earth is going through a mass Revolution. Things are being shaken up for the greater good. Those who meant harm to Earth and her peoples have been removed. The tables are turning.  The tide has come in and they are being swept out to sea. They are no longer a concern for ruling over and controlling people upon the Earth.
This is fantastic news! The liberation of the Earth and her peoples has been achieved!! NOW, WHAT ARE YOU ALL WAITING FOR? The energies are ripe with creative powers. See the world you wish to live in and bring it into existence. Focus on the good. Give no power to end times scenarios. This is your grand beginning, not the end!!! Things may look rocky still at this hour, but that is because those who were in control have only just been removed. The left-overs are still hanging around. Meaning, the acts or actions that were begun are still moving forward. But you all have the power to insert your own created futures into this NOW. Do you understand? You are not powerless to accept things as they are! You are ALL powerful creators! Yes, I am speaking very firmly and excitedly because I want you all to understand how magnificent this is! It is glorious! IMAGINE your world that way you want it and it will become that!!
Yes, this one’s mind goes to Star Trek TNG and the holodeck. They programmed the scenes they wanted to participate in and they manifested instantly in the holodeck. Right? Think along these lines. Close your eyes. Makes big brush strokes with your arms. Create!!! The Universe will hear your directions and make it so! Maybe not instantly like the holodek, but it will come.
Now, I want you all to THINK BIG! What are the things in your world that you would like to change? To revamp? You may focus on grand schemes as well. Such as “there will be abundance enough for everyone to live comfortably” Or you may be specific “everyone will be fed, clothed, have their own housing and have access to health care.” Or, “my community needs an Art Center, a place where we can go to create and play. I will put our new Arts Center to be (name location) and it will have free art classes for everyone. We will create plays together and perform them for our community.” Or, “we have a bad drug problem in my city, I want to create a drug-free society where people can get successful treatment to get off the drugs.” Or, “We have thousands of homeless people living in our streets. Everyone will have their own home, in whatever form they desire, be it home, apartment, condo. Everyone will have plenty of funds to be able to pay for their homes with plenty left over for food, clothing and all other necessities, plus extra funds for anything they want.” Or “Everyone should be citizens of Gaia, not individual country’s citizens. No more passports. Free and easy travel so we can get to know eachother better. One world government that will actually help Gaia’s people, not try to control us.” Or “My Sister has cancer. I want my Sister to be healed and all diseases of the world healed in every single person. All people will be healthy from now on.”
I hope I have made my point at this point. (chuckles). It is up to YOU, dear Lightworkers and Citizens of the New Earth! YOU ARE POWERFUL CREATORS and you are a spark of Mother & Father God, so why do you feel power-less instead of power-full? Trust me, your tanks are FULL and reved up and waiting to take off!
So, give it a GO! Have fun with it! Play!! You may start with small things at first if you’re nervous or shy. Create a fabulous parking spot for you on your next drive. Or, ask the sun to come out if it’s a cloudy day. Or, make it rain. Why not? As I told all of you while Yahshua was in body “you will all do greater things than I”. You will and you can. NOW.
Mother and Father God have given you all this gift of creation. I suggest you do not squander it. The more you use it, the more it will grow. If you fail to use it, it will shrivel up and dry up. The most beautiful gifts deserved to be used, to serve their purpose, do they not? This one creates pottery and it breaks her heart if a teapot or mug gets put on a shelf and not used. Why? It was created for a purpose and it finds the most joy in serving that purpose. If it gets broken, she can make another. But better to get broken than to go un-used. This is a very wise and true philosophy. If a very talented athlete does not participate in their sport of choice, is that not sad? If an exceptional singer does not sing….? You get my point once again.
So, start small if you must, but just start creating. What kind of world do you want to live in? Big issues and small—create them all!!! Write them down. Read them aloud in your most power-full voice! “I create a peaceful world where everyone is safe from harm” “I create the best possible life for myself, my family, my community and my world; one where every one’s needs are met, where we each accomplish our life’s mission and we live in harmonious community with one another.” These are grand examples to get you started! And once you start, don’t stop!
IAM your Sananda and I wish the grandest, most beautiful creations for you all!!
Please feel free to share!Messages of Love Through Dancing Dolphin

Let me assure you that even if your body is awake, at work or even driving a car that you are perfectly safe. You are multi-dimensional beings!! We all are! A small part of you can astral travel to Venus and your Gaian life will still continue without harm or without missing something. We are indeed miraculous creations of Mother & Father God!

ASHTARA “Your Astral Travel Visits to Our Starships”
Ashtara of the New Jerusalem ship of Ashtar Command
Your Astral Travel visits to our Starships

Saturday, November 23, 2019
Hello, dear Lightworkers of Earth! This is Ashtara speaking to you again today from the New Jerusalem starship of the Ashtar Command. I have much to address today, let’s get started!
For those who do not know me, here is my introductory message:
Firstly, I am ever so pleased that my messages have reached so many Lightworkers around the world, your Gaia. Thank you to everyone who has shared them. It is vital at this time for all Lightworkers to connect to their StarChildren, or blended children. Many, many of you have at least one blended child and they are waiting very patiently for you to remember them and to communicate with them. Please do not be concerned, their births were a sacred covenant between you and your God. If you do have a StarChild, you volunteered your genetic material before you were even born. You consented to this glorious gift. Nothing was taken from you without your will. Some parents donated their genetic material while others had sacred relationships with another Being. This may be ‘too much information’ as you all like to say, but I just wanted to get the point across that there are many ways that our births came about. For instance, my Mother does not know my Father in any way. Their genetic materials were joined together to create me. The blending of various Beings is done with the consent and approval of Mother and Father God. I AM a child of God, just as you all are.
Let us proceed. I would like to talk today about dreams. What do you dream about? Do you remember your dreams? I am referring to sleeping dreams, not visions of grandeur or your life goals. Your dreams are very important. They are telling you something. I admit, some are just non-sense but others, the ones that feel very real to you may have been instances where you were astral traveling. Do you dream of visiting a place where you are loved? Where there are many Beings around you, laughing, playing, learning and loving one another? Please consider that you may be visiting one of our starships at night while you sleep or during the day even while you are at work!
Astral traveling is an exceptional way to travel. You leave your body right where it is and a part of your Soul flies away to where ever you want to go! Time has no hold over you while you’re gone. You may travel for hours or days and then pop back into your body a few seconds before you even left! Yes, this is the cause of “deja vu” as you term it. I am bringing this up to you because I am aware how alone may of Gaia’s Lightworkers feel. You are so different than others around you that you cannot relate to them nor them to you. Their 3D “trivial pursuits” are absolutely boring to you, right? You are aware of much more going on than they ever will be because your are awake! They are still asleep. So, the best and most perfect remedy is to go where you are appreciated and loved for who you are! To find community with your family and real friends!
As a resident of the New Jerusalem I routinely see Astral Spirits and embodied Gaians visiting our ship. For it is their home too! We know this and welcome you home whenever we see you!! Yes, we know you by name. Most all of you come so often that you have your own quarters to rest in. We have dolphins here, gardens, healing chambers, recreation areas and big meeting rooms where you all are briefed on Gaia’s Ascension. Does this sound familiar? You may spend “hours” or “days” here and then leave and jump right back into your body. Sometimes you even return into your body so fast that you make yourselves dizzy! And you think: “Wait, I’ve lived this before! I knew you were going to say that!” and you have the deja vu feeling. Time is fluid and you return closest to the time you left as you can manage. But still, some seconds overlap.
Let me assure you that even if your body is awake, at work or even driving a car that you are perfectly safe. You are multi-dimensional beings!! We all are! A small part of you can astral travel to Venus and your Gaian life will still continue without harm or without missing something. We are indeed miraculous creations of Mother & Father God!
Today I wished to bring you words of comfort, dear Lightworkers. We know how hard you are working and how exhausted you all are feeling. For some, depression is very real and difficult. This is why I wanted to remind you of your joyous astral journeys! Your flying dreams! Your visiting friends and family on-board our ships!! Here you rest, relax, get healed, swim with the dolphins, play and even sing with your friends and family. You are refreshed! You may consciously ask that you begin to remember your astral journeys and you will begin to remember your experiences. Your minds are very layered and these memories are stored in your sub-conscious part of your brain where you don’t normally access them. But intention is everything!
Dear Lightworkers, we see you all shining brightly on Gaia. We know you! We salute you all and say BRAVO!! We work with you on bringing forth the Ascension of all Gaia’s Beings as your Ascension helps us to raise up as well. We are all connected as you know.
I send you all bright moonbeams of Love from your StarChildren! I AM Ashtara.
Please feel free to share! Messages of Love Through Dancing Dolphin

Bright moonbeams of Love from your StarChildren.

All children that are 5 years or less are Star Children being & walking already between us.

To this enjoy this channeling from Ashtara:a Star Child that lives and assists us on the New Jerusalem Mother Ship (parked right in front of Venus):

Expanding the term “Family”I also am aware that some of you already have children and that you’re wondering what it will be like to introduce your Gaian children to your StarChildren. (Note: Mother has started calling me her StarChild and I said I was OK with it because it sounds beautiful, even though it’s not quite accurate. I wasn’t born on a star or sun. But I love that she created a new term for my unique birth). We all realize that meeting your whole families will be bit of a shock for many. And we understand if you would only like to meet us by yourselves instead of with your entire family…at least in the beginning. The term “family” has indeed changed over time on Gaia, hasn’t it? It has grown to encompass many more individuals that it did even a few years ago. Well, we’re proposing that it be stretched even further to include us! (smiles). We know your hearts are huge, Lightworkers and you have more than enough love to let us in!

Communication with usWe have many sources of information that let us know if one of our parents is ready to meet us. We will be monitoring these sources very closely in the coming days, weeks and months to see if you have opened your hearts to us. We ARE your children. We LOVE you with all our hearts and are highly anticipating our meetings, getting to know you and most importantly, to having you in our lives. We have missed out on so much already and we can’t wait to be included from here on out. If you are feeling Love toward your StarChild, please broadcast that love in your meditations. This will alert your child that you are indeed ready to meet him/her! The channels will be open then for you to communicate in whatever method works best for you. For example, my Mother is good at hearing. Others are good at drawing or receiving images; while still others may receive visual or auditory signs. If you are keen to get to know your StarChild or even to connect with any of us, you may start in this manner. We are highly telepathic and will hear you! You may or may not have any memories of your StarChild or children. Some Lightworkers do, some don’t. But you most likely will feel a twinge in your heart when reading my words or feeling the energy in these words.

Our various MissionsI went to great lengths to explain our purpose in my last message. (Link: We all have the same purpose of helping Gaia and Gaians to Ascend. However, we all have our own talents and skills that we are and will be using to further this goal. As I mentioned last time, I am training on board the New Jerusalem and plan to remain on this ship, assisting from this point. Some of my friends already have their assignments where they will be traveling to Gaia to assist there. They have various interests where they will be applying their skills. Some are natural healers; some are interesting in working with Gaia on aspects such as cleaning the air and her oceans, while others still plan to work with Gaians directly; helping them on a variety of fronts. Many, many StarChildren will be working with their Lightworker parents on their Humanitarian Projects!

There is fluidity here; we will go where we are needed. Nothing is ever “set in stone” as a 3D saying that you have. Most of us live in what you imagine 5D would be like. We live intuitively. We sense things and go where we are pulled energetically. This is something that you all will be experiencing very soon. Many of you employ this inner sense knowledge. You “trust your gut” and go with your inner nudgings. Bravo!

Mother is tired now, so we will stop here. I send you all bright moonbeams of Love from your StarChildren! I AM Ashtara.

_________________Please feel free to share!Messages of Love Through Dancing Dolphin

Imagine the world you wish to live in!Dream it!Believe it!Create it and it will be yours.

I AM Mother God and I wish to tell all my Children that I am ever so proud of you! You came, you volunteered on this grand experiment of Gaia’s journey from dark to light, and you have all accomplished your goal. You have worked together tirelessly with all of Gaia’s kingdoms, your Galactic family and the Company of Heaven to accomplish this giant task together. Your Father and I are extremely proud!

This grand experiment or project is the largest in scope that has ever been attempted. Many, many Souls have worked on this project for millenia!  Do you know what that means? More of your years than you can count, for starters (laughs). Yes, I am feeling jolly and joyful tonight as I give you this message to share with your Lightworker allies.

I have been sending you my Tsuanmi of Love for a few years now and the intensity of the love waves continue to amp up. Your bodies are adjusting beautifully. This process has been slow and deliberate. It must be this way so I don’t overload your bodily circuits and cause you to crash (in electronic terms). On top of my love waves, the Pleiadians and other members of your Galactic families are sending their own energy, specifically transferred from the sun. You may feel these energies as pressure on your crown chakra, upset stomach, hyper energy or fatigue.  Up and up and up your frequencies will rise until you cannot fit into your little 3D bodies anymore. You are continually expanding and I know you all feel this. Sometimes you are physically exhausted, other times you feel so bloated like you’re a big bubble that will burst at any moment. Each body receives them and reacts differently.  Please know they are benevolent, meant to assist you in your transformation to 5D. 

Be patient and gentle with yourselves as you endure these intense energies, dear hearts. Walk, drink plenty of clean water, eat when you are hungry and rest when you are tired. Ahhhhhh…..relax. Breathe in and breathe out. Visualize. Center. Share. Join your hearts and your hands together, Lightworkers. Continue your daily meditations and group meditations as you are more powerful when you join together.

Focus on what you want to see in your lives. Imagine the world you wish to live in! Dream it! Believe it! Create it and it will be yours. Your New Earth that you have imagined and spoken about is nothing more than a large platform ready for you to enter and create in it. It’s like a big ball of clay to a potter or an empty canvas to a painter. Visualize it, imagine it and it will manifest for you  For your 5D building blocks will be fully active for manifestation. 5D IS CREATED BY YOU.Do you understand?

You are sooooo very close, dear Children. You’re on the tippy tippy tippy top, ready to burst forward! All you need is a little push and I’m doing that right now!! Pushing you over the edge, pushing you onward and upward, dear Children!

Fear is a no-thing. Time is a no-thing. FOCUS ONLY ON WHAT YOU WANT.

Think like a child who squeals when he/she sees something they love! A puppy! A kitten! A tricycle! Weeeeeee! Then you will fly and take off, leaving behind this 3D world forever. And your joy will lift others up too, did you know that? Don’t you love to watch a baby or child laughing? It is contagious! You begin giggling and laughing out loud yourselves. Yes, a child’s laughter is one of our most cherished creations. 

Feel my energy, dear Children. FEEL MY LOVE IN THESE WORDSfor it is powerful and joyful and will assist you with the tiniest detail of your lives. Let it in, soak it up and fill your hearts with my unconditional love. Use it to feel stronger and supported. For anything you do, you can call on me for assistance. I will be here for you always.

Again, I am extremely proud of you, dear Children and I send you my Love, Gratitude and Congratulations!!!

* * * *

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You are Masters unto yourselves and have worked very hard to get here tonight. You all deserve the highest accolades and praises which I now bestow upon you from all of us in the Kingdom of Heaven and beyond.

Dear Heart, yes, it is I, your Sananda. I Am Sananda. I have come to be with you tonight for yes, it is a very special occasion; one that we have waited for a long time to come to pass. My meaning here is not just you and I dear heart, but ALL of us, as you have imagined. I was with you during your divine meditation where you called on all of us together to send our love intentions into the full moon and to declare our wish for the New Golden Age to start!
These visions and intentions are very powerful and the more of you that declare them the better. I am watching over your Gaia tonight, watching all the groups of Lightworkers working together to bring in this new Golden Age. Their hearts are pure and FULL OF LOVE as they see and declare their visions for the well being of Gaia and all her peoples. 
My heart is full of love as I watch all of you step into your Mastery. You are Masters and have come here to perform great acts, greater than those which I performed during my lifetime as Jesus. I dare say that I have taught you all well (laughs), but I cannot take credit for all your great works, dear hearts. You are Masters unto yourselves and have worked very hard to get here tonight. You all deserve the highest accolades and praises which I now bestow upon you from all of us in the Kingdom of Heaven and beyond.
All your Galactic family are watching too as you shine your Lights, clean and clear tonight, dear Angels. We are also grateful for YOU ALL, for the work you are doing, the struggles that you have sailed through to get here…now. Soak in our love and praises dear hearts for you deserve them and they will serve to lift you up! We are “almost home” as you say. Your out-pouring of love on this night is great and has ever tipped the scales in the favor of love to where there is no doubt that love has won, dear hearts!!! 
This one just remembered that we have said this before and is trying to remember when that was. Yes, indeed it has happened before although we won’t say where or when! You see, dear Lightworkers, you have done this many times before, on different worlds. You all work together tirelessly to bring up, raise up dark worlds back to the Light. That is your Service and you do it so very well under great odds and stresses and strains. You are all one in a billion and oh so rare as you declare your Service to the One Creator. 
Relax and rest tonight dear hearts. See your efforts manifest quickly for that is what you are doing tonight. You are declaring what you want your world to become. This spiritual work is vital and you are so very valued as our Lightworker ‘boots on the ground’ as we say. We are all a great team and could not do this extraordinary feat without the other. This is the JOY of ONEness that we bring. The never-ending JOY of working together on a large project where we live and breathe in service; we delight in this!! There is no greater JOY than working together like this, and we know you all understand. 
Once again, we ask that you all watch as your visions for this beautiful blue planet you call Gaia unfold in Divine splendor. Your visions will manifest, dear hearts!! This I can tell you now and it is why I have come to speak to you tonight. We are over-joyed as we watch from our ships. We watch and we feel your love! Be in peace and joy as you rest tonight, dear hearts. Know that you have accomplished your missions!! You have, and you have all done a fantastic job. 
 A new day is dawning, one where you will continue to work together to bring into alignment and reality your joined visions of the future which you would like to create. You will manifest it together, dear hearts. Just like you did tonight. 
I am over-joyed…over the moon!! I am your Sananda. I leave you with my love and gratitude. 
* * * * 
Please feel free to share!Messages of Love Through Dancing Dolphin

Tsunami of Love Update

Dear Children, many, many things are coming at you now, fast and furious. Not only in your news, and social media platforms, but within and without. Please know that I am sending my Tsunami of Love and it is hitting you all right now.It makes some of you tense and others who have their hearts wide open are feeling my love within their hearts. Continue to open your hearts, dear Children, to allow more of my love to come in. Open your hearts and heart chakras up wide! 
Those not accustomed to my love, those who are closed off to me will continue to become more and more agitated as the wave becomes stronger and stronger. It is your job, Lightworkers, to assist others who are having difficulty. How? By being a shining example of LOVE embodied. Show them how to breathe, how to relax and allow these feelings of love tingles enter. Show them that it is OK and that all will be well. Be gentle and kind to everyone.I know this is difficult, especially if someone is shouting or hitting you, for example. But allow me to come into your hearts and I will help you to do this. You are my emissaries, dear Children. You are ME embodied and I need your help at this time!! 
Yes, you have taken on many jobs for this lifetime and this is one of them. This is URGENT, dear Lightworkers for we wish to save and help as many as we can.For those who do not receive your assistance or blessings will have a more difficult time. Rash actions can occur. You see this everyday in your news and it will become more prevalent as time passes…until the threshold of love vibrations reach the tipping point to take you all into the next level. When that occurs, anyone who is not vibrating at a specific rate will not be able to go forward. They will be taken care of, not to worry!  However, it is our joint goal that as many people as possible make the transition and ascend together.Do you see? (Yes!)
Yes, dear One you may ask a question. Any cosmic events coming in also to coincide with your Tsunami of Love? I’ve heard lots about the sun lately. 
Ahhh, yes dear One, there are many events all joining in together in perfect harmony to bring about this apex of highest vibrations to assist humanity at this time. Some are cosmic events, some are astrological in nature some are more physical (such as sounds) while others are energetically based. This is an incredible time to be alive, dear Children and you all wished to be here NOW. You are the bravest of the brave and my pride and joy. I salute you and applaud your steadfastness and courage during this difficult time. 
Please remember that you all have your own entourage of loving Beings surrounding you at all times who would jump at the change to help you!!! Call on them!! They live to serve and to help you as they have also taken on this mission. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance, dear Children. In doing so, you show strength and the wisdom to know when to seek help. There is no weakness or shame in that. We are a family, a grand team and we all have our parts to play. 
Remember, shine your lights as brightly as you can and when others are drawn to you, show them grace and love in my name. Teach them to breathe, relax and open their hearts to love. That is all. I AM your Mother God. Live in ease and grace and go with my love, dear Children.
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“Your sacred work has been successful!”

MOTHER GOD through Dancing Dolphin

Received 11-25-18This is Mother God and I also have a message this fair evening for my Lightworker Children. Feel my love. I am bathing you in my pink light of unconditional love and it seeps into all your bodies; your physical body and all your light bodies. You are loved and cared for deeply.
I know how difficult the past few years have been on you, dear Children. You have worked so very hard and with such conviction to accomplish your missions. Your dedication to the Light is astounding and I am very grateful for this. Of course, your Father and I are also proud!  Proud parents you might say.
This lightwork included transmuting the dark dross which had encapsulated and suffocated Gaia from eons of dark thought-forms of pain, suffering and loss; clearing the energy grids surrounding Gaia; and reaching out to the ‘dark ones’ and assisting them in crossing into the Light. Each of you had missions which were specific to your special abilities.  All felt like never-ending tasks to be sure. Many of you indeed performed this work diligently during your dream-time and awoke exhausted. We applaud you, dear Children. Your sacred work has been successful!!
Now, the time of my Tsunami of Love, my Love Wave is almost upon you all. It is my way of showing you my gratitude for all this work you have done. It is my great blessing. And as I said before, it will arrive at the perfect time. You will be delighted and relax into my love, feeling it encapsulate every single cell of your body with living, loving joy! It will wash away your pain, troubles, and stress. Let it soak you to the bone, dear hearts!!! It is my gift.
I AM your Mother God and I wish you a peaceful night’s rest or a beautiful, joyous day whenever you are. Your Father and I love you endlessly and send you our Love. Always. ***
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Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin

Be grateful and accept these upcoming blessings into your hearts, Dear Ones for they are all on their way!

SANANDA through Dancing Dolphin

“The new Golden Age has in fact started”

Received 11-25-18

I AM SANANDA and I do have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth at this time. This message is to be short and sweet as you say. For I AM busy celebrating with your Brethren, with your Ascended Masters, Angels, Company of Heaven, Galactic Family, Gaia and all her Kingdoms and your Inner Earth Brethren who are awake and aware. We are all celebrating the coming of the New Age, the New Golden Age which has in fact started already!

You may or may not be aware, dear Ones but this is true. There have been many events behind the scenes which have triggered your final jump into the New Golden Age and you all will receive this news through channels with which you are familiar very soon. 

What does this mean, you ask? Well, it does mean that your planet and all her peoples have ascended into the next stage of your development. You have broken free from your slavery! The grand experiment that we have all been working on for ages and ages has finally and truly been successful in earnest. Peace has been claimed. Governments have acquiesced. They have finally bowed down to let their people be free and in your terms, have abided by the new GESARA laws to enable all Earth’s peoples to be FREE!!!! After much resistance for many years from many governments, this is the happiest news we have had in awhile.

Lastly, your blessing of the RV is at your doorstep once again, dear hearts. We know it has been an over and over situation for you; hearing it is coming and yet does not show up when promised. We understand and know how you feel. You have the saying “cry wolf” from an old fable. So, for your sake we will not give dates and times and promises, but just to let you know that it IS still coming and is at your door ready to knock or ring your bell.

Many other glorious events are timed in with your RV, dear hearts; including Mother’s Tsunami of Love/the Event which you are all waiting for as well. As Mother God told this One previously, she has timed her Love Wave perfectly and we would not wish to spoil this surprise.

So, there are many things to be grateful for at this time, do you see? Your official start of the New Golden Age where all man & womankind will be FREE to pursue their highest dreams, the RV so the Lightworkers of the World can start their humanitarian projects to help those in need; Mother’s Love Wave; GESARA; visits from your Galactic Family; the return of your Mentors and many other wonders that you haven’t even heard of yet!! 

Be grateful and accept these upcoming blessings into your hearts, Dear Ones for they are all on their way! You will be delighted beyond your wildest imagination—and we know you have imagined a great deal!!

You are blessed. You are loved beyond measure. I AM SANANDA and I wish you all to feel these many blessings coming, to feel the Love of your Mother and Father God who have given life to us all. I am grateful for all of you who have joined us in this grand experience. Thank you for your service, support and love. We will be together soon. Namaste.


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Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin

So, wrap them up in pink fuzzy blankets of my love and see them floating away in a big pink bubble of love.

I AM your Mother God and I have quite the message for you to share with your Lightworker friends on this fair and cool evening. I am continuing my Tsunami of Love; sending love in waves and bursts to you, my children living on the surface. This benevolent onslaught will continue until all the dark entities are gone. They cannot handle my high vibrations of love and this is the most effective way to cancel out their existence on Gaia at this time. 
At I said previously, I have given them more than enough time to give up their position of staying true to the dark, or their non-loving ways. They did not acquiesce, so I have pushed forward with my plan and continue to send love waves consistently until they are all cleared. Lightworkers must stay vigilant for they will strike out where ever they can. They will attempt to attach themselves to ones who they feel cannot harm them or ones whom they wish to harm.
I AM CALLING ON YOU, LIGHTWORKERS FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE. Lightworkers, please be faithful in practicing your energy work and your healing and protecting practices for they are vital at this time. Blaze the violet flame for transmutation whenever you can; and also use your healing talents to send love, light and healing blessings to all your Brothers and Sisters on the planet. Of course, my Legions of Angels are always on call and wish you would call on them more often.
This current situation will not last much longer, dear Children. The dark cannot hold on as I continue to raise the frequencies of love on Gaia. Although in times past you have “battled” these lost ones, please try your best to send them love and help them go into the light of the great central sun for re-purposing. It is their time to let go and they need help from you to let go! This may sound preposterous to you, but it is your job as Lightworkers and Light Bearers to send even your enemies love. 
Many have come before you and tried their hardest to send love to their enemies. It is not an easy thing to do, especially when they have caused so pain and suffering. But this pure act of loving even your enemy is powerful enough to blast your hearts wide open and allow even more love to enter. I will be there with you, dear Children as you practice this exercise. Forgive them. Send them love and help them on their way.
This One has heard her friend speak of this action which he and his son have been doing. Bravo! This is the way to ‘be rid of them.’ They are honestly coming to many of you for help in the only way they know how—by attacking. So, wrap them up in pink fuzzy blankets of my love and see them floating away in a big pink bubble of love.
Please pursue these actions, dear Children and it will be no time until all of Gaia will be cleared of the last remaining trouble makers. We must do it together! I am sending my love waves and you are sending them love also and assisting them in crossing over. My Angels and your Space Family are helping too. Do you see? We are all in Divine Partnership! All working together for the great good and for the further of Nova Gaia.
I send you bright pink moonbeams of love this fair evening, dear Children. I am your Mother God and I am ecstatic to be in Divine Partnership with you all. Together we cannot be stopped!
Please feel free to share!Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin

Gaia has fully Ascended now and she awaits you in the 5th dimension and beyond

Received Wednesday, October 24, 2018.
I AM your Mother God, the Divine Feminine, the Sacred One. Your Father God is here too, he shares his energies also but has asked me to speak. We have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth on this fair evening, during your full harvest moon.
Things are shifting and changing quickly now, dear Children. You all feel it and see it all around you. I’m not speaking of your news programs. I’m speaking of your beautiful Gaia, Planet Earth. Have you noticed how sparkling and beautiful she is now? Can you feel it in the air? Have you noticed the crystal blue skies and fluffy white Sylphs making appearances for you? Yes, they do! The animals and insects too; all know that something has changed!

Slyphs at sunset
(Note: Sylphs are Air Elementals)

Gaiaherself has fully ascended now and she is awaiting for you all in the 5thdimension and beyond. Even in your present state, somewhere between 3rd and 4thdensity or dimensions as you have come to understand it, you can see her beauty reflected back to you. But let us say that in the 5this where her beauty shines. Truly. She is very grateful for all that you have done for her; you Lightworkers of Earth. She is also grateful to your Galactic families and all of her Kingdoms who have all helped. 
Symptoms for LightworkersThose of you who are closest to her are feeling the effects of Gaia’s Ascension now. You may feel light-headed, have headaches, body aches, stomach and intestinal issues, feel scatter-brained, exhausted and many other symptoms. How could you not be affected? The one whom you have lived upon your whole lives has changed and morphed into a new body. This is quite exciting stuff!!
Of course, this great change in Gaia’s make-up is also occurring as the same time as my (our) Tsunami of Love, so the energies are ‘off the charts’ as you say. Please give yourselves extra rest, clean food and clean fresh water when you can. Try your best to let go of as much as you can. Your lives are changing and will continue to change dear hearts.
We will step away as we know this One needs her rest. Your Father and I love you all more than you know and send it to you continually. Go rest now with our love.  
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Lightworkers are making an immense difference

St. Germain through Dancing Dolphin

Received Thursday, October 18, 2018

I AM St. Germain and I have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth on this day. We have found that those of you who are doing the “Love Work” are making a HUGE difference in your 3D reality at this time. You are sending Love vibrations to the entire planet and to all of those upon her. Thank you!!!!! We wish to encourage you all to keep up this work. Join together in your intentions and you are more powerful than you can imagine. 
Things are progressing at a very quick pace and much is happening in your world. Mother God continues to send her massive Tsunami of Love; many hearts are opening up when they receive these love particles from our Mother. When they awaken, they wonder “What is going on to my world?” 
Dear hearts, let me tell you that even more things will be bursting forth shortly. Yes, the light continues to shine and it will illuminate the darkest deeds done by the few who were in control on Earth. Many will be shocked when these deeds are revealed. You will be there to comfort them. It is a rude awakening that everyone will have to go through. This is part of the cleansing process, dear hearts. The darkest deeds must be revealed and cleansed so you can burst forth in your New Earth. 
I come to speak today to encourage you that YOU are making an immense difference with your Love Work!!  PLEASE CONTINUE TO SEND LOVE VIBRATIONS TO EVERYONE!!!I AM your St. Germain and I wish you all a beauty-filled day. We will meet shortly and celebrate your New Earth. Namaste.
________Feel free to share!Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin