Category Archives: Synchronized Global Unity Meditations

SUNday December 12: The 12.12.21 Gateway:How blessed to have the 12.12 on a SUNday, amplified by our Global Unity Meditations!

Blessings Beloveds ~

The 12.12 Gateway is an auspicious and powerful component of this Sacred December-January passage.⁠

Unique Ascension energies flood the planet, and we open our hearts and the Cosmic Stargates to receive, anchor, activate and transmit these Divine frequencies on behalf of all.⁠

This year synchs with the original 12.12.12 when the Cosmic Stargates aligned, on-duty hearts delivered the new light into the Crystalline core, and Gaia revealed her Ascended realms to many.⁠

It is an auspicious day for Stargate-keepers. Another step in this realm-shifting passage.⁠

We receive and anchor these plasma waves again. Open hearts, we are conduits of the cosmic influx.⁠

Completion energies are abundant.

It has been nine years since the original 12.12.12, nine years since the original 12.12.21. The number Nine holds completion energies, and we may use this to unify with the Higher Realms in co-creating brand new trajectories which benefit the whole.

Have you noticed how much completion is presenting in your lifestream? Heed that flow; a vibrant push for the NEW is on the other side of this Sacred passage. Surrendering the old illusion must. come. first. Whatever veils you have created to dim your Divinity, it is time to let them go.
SUNday December 12: The 12.12.21 Gateway

How blessed to have the 12.12 on a SUNday, amplified by our Global Unity Meditations!

Just like the original 12.12, the energies need to be openly received by pure hearts.

Gatekeepers and Gridkeepers, we are out on the land to RECEIVE these influxes and anchor them into the Crystalline Solar core of Gaia on behalf of all.

Everyone is capable of doing this.

  • Clear your space. Create a crystal grid or ceremonial altar for the 12.12.
  • Get out on the land as the 12.12 unfolds to receive. Honor the day, hold highest intent.
  • Join in the the SUNday Meditations. They will be strong. Try and synch with the 5AM, 8AM or 11AM PST global sessions.

Participate in the Global Unity Meditations to assist in co-creating the highest experience for all concerned. Blessed are the Peacemakers, dear hearts. All are needed in thought, feeling, word and action. Details at

Live Unity Meditation in Sedona

We will have a live group for the second meditation in Sedona, AZ. Meditation begins at 9AM Sedona time at Yavapai Vista. ⁠From the parking lot, head left on Yavapai Trail toward Slim Shady to the wide open overlook. (34°48’18.2″N 111°46’15.9″W) Carpool and come early to hike up and prepare the Gate grid. ⁠ No livestream for this gathering: we are offline, focused on Gaia and our Divine service.⁠

Infinite Gratitude to all Anchoring this Sacred Passage

Have a beautiful and transformational 12.12 Gateway.  Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,Sandra

Planetary Ascension Activation – Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Nov 18

Dear guardians of Mother Earth,

Cosmic Mother Nature is inviting us to join as ONE planetary collective of Rainbow Light to harness and honor the powerful & transformational energies of the very rare Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Nov 18 / Nov 19. This will be the LONGEST lunar eclipse of the century.

We will be using the supercharged invocation videos our team made for Patricia Cota-Robles:

Violet Flame Earth & Humanity reset
12 dimensional download of our IAM rainbow presence from the crown of Elohim
IAM all LOVE – Ascension completion Activation

Let us bring heaven to Earth together!

Mark your calendars to join this important planetary preparation for Dec 21st! When we join together, we uplift all LIFE. As IAM lifted up, All Life is lifted up with me.

Thursday, Nov 18

1pm PT / 4pm ET / 9pm UK / 10pm EU = (Sydney, Nov 19, 8am)

With love,


Total Solar Eclipse,Total Reset!

Total solar eclipse takes places at 15h46 UTC AUGUST 21ST and will be seen mainly in the USA.  Nevertheless ,this a great opportunity to RESET our mind,body and soul at the same time with everyone else across the globe,send out our intention to awaken more aspects of who we truly are within and activate the codes for The Highest Good for All,Global Peace,Joy,Love,Abundance,Prosperity and Excellente Health.

Here is a powerful meditation suggested by The Arcturians channeled by Suzie Lie:


Allow yourself to recognize when you need to reset your computer/mind. This overload is often because they have had too many programs open and too many things going on at once. Then, your computer/brain becomes overwhelmed. It is fine to go into a “shut down“ of all of the different browsers you have open and “turn off the computer/brain “and the leave it off for a while.

NOW, take a moment to look inside your self to find how many things are going on inside of your mind within the NOW. Can you forget the grocery list, picking up the kids from school, having a meeting or something you forgot to pick up, really have to do, or what is going on around you.

Take a LONG moment to take long, slow, deep, breaths…Take a long, slow in-breath and hold your breath as long as you can and focus all your attention on the fact that you are holding your breath. Now, in a controlled manner, in the same controlled manner in which you’d like to control your life, breathe out slowly and calmly.

Take some slow in-breaths and out-breaths as you focus on Breathing In the Calm. Pull the calm through your body and breathe out calm. Breathe in the calm, and pull the calm through your body and hold the Calm in your body, then slowly exhale this calm into your reality.

So, what exactly is “calm?” Calm is a moment of stillness. This Calm is just before Sunrise, and just before Sunset. Calm is just before you wake up, just before you go to sleep, and just before you have what you always wanted to experience, that is, if you could take a moment to be calm enough to accept it.

Within this Now, just take a long slow deep breath and breathe in, in, in and hold, hold, hold.

Now, slowly breathe out, out, out, out—and relax. As you allow your self to relax, allow your brain to relax. Allow your thoughts to take a break. Recognize all of the hundreds of thoughts that are going on at the same time. These “thoughts” are all yawning and putting their head down on the desk, or leaning back in your chair.

You find yourself sitting in a comfortable chair, pulling over to the side of the road and taking a long, slow, deep breath, feeling the Breath, Releasing the Breath, Being the Breath and totally relaxing your body and closing your eyes.

Within this NOW, Allow yourself to “reset” into a higher frequency of consciousness.

Just as the eclipse can reset your outer world, you can reset your inner world!

Blessings, We are the Arcturians

We ask the you use this NOW
As well as during the Eclipse 
to meditate on 

World Peace and Planetary Ascension .

The Arcturians via Sue Lie, August 11th, 2017

Also here is another global unity meditation taking place at 11:11 am Los Angeles Time: