Category Archives: Yoga

How to Step Up Your Yoga Practice with Yoga Tools and Tech

Half the fun of any fitness hobby is buying cool gear to go with it, and yoga is no exception.
While it’s a simple practice at its core, there are a lot of things you can add to your yoga practice to overcome hurdles, introduce new challenges, most importantly, have fun! If you love yoga but are itching for ways to keep your practice exciting, these are four yoga tools and tech you need to try.Use yoga apps to practice at home (and anywhere!)
You can avoid falling into a rut with your yoga practice by using yoga apps to access new yoga routines, challenges, and pose progressions. Yoga apps are ideal for practicing yoga at home or in the great outdoors. However, since most of them are newer and fairly dynamic, you need a phone and a data plan that can keep up, especially if you want to take your yoga outside. If your current phone isn’t up to the task, consider upgrading when your contract expires. If you’re holding onto an outdated phone for budgetary reasons, look for providers who offer a credit toward a new device when you switch to a new data plan. Look for a smartphone with a fast processor, such as the iPhone 11 Pro Max, which also has an excellent display and fast charging capabilities. If an Android is more your pace, the Samsung Galaxy S10 phones have a fast chip, vibrant display, and long battery life.

Make use of blocks to learn new poses Yoga blocks are a great tool for beginners easing into yoga poses for the first time, but these important yoga props aren’t just for newbies. Yoga blocks create support and length so your
body gets more out of yoga practice. Use yoga blocks to relieve tension and joint pressure, work toward new poses, or to take it easy on days when you’re not at 100%.Yogis have a few options for yoga blocks. Foam is the most common, but try cork blocks if you want more grip. 9” x 6” x 3” is the standard yoga block size, but petite people and advanced yogis may want a thinner block.Get straps to stretch your flexibility Yoga straps let you achieve deeper stretches and push your flexibility to new levels. Yoga
straps are also great for alignment. If you struggle with joint stability and posture in challenging poses, a yoga strap can assist you in achieving the full pose without hurting yourself. Over time,you’ll get better at doing the pose without the strap. Yoga Direct recommends straps without
rings or buckles for beginners, but if you want the ability to adjust your strap, look for a cinch or pinch buckle that’s easy to adjust one-handed.
Use a yoga swing to elevate your practice Yogis who want to add serious excitement to their practice should treat themselves to a yoga swing. These cool aerial yoga tools are surprisingly affordable, but it’s essential to install them correctly to prevent injury and damage to your home.
Yoga swings aren’t just fun. Aerial yoga enthusiasts swear by the practice for its ability to lengthen the spine and relieve back pain. However, doing yoga in the air has its risks, so it’s recommended to attend a few aerial yoga classes before trying this practice at home.
No matter what your yoga goals are, the right tools and technology can help you reach them.Plus, adding props, apps, and other tools to your yoga practice is just fun!Start with these four ideas, then experiment with other ways to keep your yoga practice interesting — from adding
props to attending yoga retreats, the possibilities are endless.

Sheila Johnson

Yoga apps-

excellent display –

vibrant display –

Use yoga blocks –

cork blocks – 

alignment –

recommends –

cinch –

install them correctly –

relieve back pain –

Unsplash –

Image via Unsplash