Category Archives: Saul

How you choose to use time to earn your living or to enjoy yourselves is always your own individual option or preference.  Yes, others do make demands upon you, but it is always your choice, your decision, and only yours as to how you will respond.

Saul Through John: Time is Unreal and Makes no Demands!

As your collective awakening unfolds before your very eyes – CELEBRATE!

Yes, it is unfolding right now, in the only moment there is, the eternal moment of now.  You do of course know this, because when you allow yourselves to be aware you are aware that everything you think, say, or do is happening now, the only ‘time’ in which it could happen.

It’s just that NOW keeps on continuously renewing itself without ever a break, that is what now is – NOW!  Within the illusory state of material form, of which time is a major component, it flows constantly, whereas in Reality it is eternally stationary.  That is a concept that is very difficult for you to imagine or to accept, and yet modern physics at the highest levels of research has found that this actually is the case.

It is quite shocking to realize this because it is totally at odds with your human experience of life in form.

In fact your human lives are very much time directed, as your calendars and daily planners make very clear, and you are constantly checking to see if you are “on time,” and to make sure that tomorrow’s time schedule is clearly defined.

And yes, living as humans you do need a schedule so that you can be present with those you love for as much time as possible.  However, many become obsessed with time and its ‘demands’ upon them.  But time is unreal and makes no demands!

The demands that people experience are always self-imposed, even though they might think that it’s their boss, or their job, or their spouse that makes the demands, in essence each individual responds to time in their own individual manner, and it is their own choice whether or not to be governed by their job schedule, and their bosses or their spouse’s bidding.

How you choose to use time to earn your living or to enjoy yourselves is always your own individual option or preference.  Yes, others do make demands upon you, but it is always your choice, your decision, and only yours as tohow you will respond.

As your awareness of the unreality of time increases you will find yourselves far less driven, far more at peace.

You were created as eternal beings at One with Source, NOW, and that has never changed, it is unchangeable.  You effectively always have all the time you need, but because of the way in which you choose to engage with it, it frequently seems to be ‘in short supply.’

Time can serve you very well if you can relax and allow it to flow, instead of attempting to ‘beat the clock,’ which is, of course, impossible.

You have all heard of professional sportsmen and women talking about ‘being in the zone,’ when every move that they make is perfect in that moment, and they achieve what seem to be the most amazing results.  Well everyone of you can be in the zone in a similar fashion that is just right for you.

You do it by relaxing into whatever it is you are doing, and letting go of thinking about what you are going to do in the next moment.  When you watch small children playing you will notice that they are often so totally wrapped up in what they are doing, undistracted by anything outside such as parents calling them in for dinner, they just don’t hear the call because they are so absorbed in just being there in that moment.

It’s really about mindfulness, being constantly aware of what you are thinking, saying, or doing in each moment.

When you get up from the table to take the dishes to the sink, be aware of how you are picking each one up, and then of each step you take to reach the sink.  Initially it can be quite difficult, because it’s an activity that you could do in your sleep, and so you normally do not pay attention because your mind is off somewhere else – I have to go and meet the school bus, I had better go the store as I’m right out of bread, etc.  And when you do succeed you get an uplifting sense of achievement, and without all the roof-brain-chatter which so many of you have come to accept as normal, you find yourselves far quieter and more peaceful within yourselves.

It is rather like being in a continuous meditative state, and as you become more aware, more mindful, when you do sit to meditate, to just be present you will find yourselves settling in much more quickly and easily into that state.  AND, as I have often been reminding you of late, your main purpose during your present incarnation is to just be!

Just being allows the Love that you are to flow freely out to join with the flow from millions of others, most powerfully – far more powerfully than you can appreciate – assisting in humanity’s collective awakening.

When you allow yourselves to become consciously aware, by being mindful of the Reality of your true nature – Love – your individual energy fields expand and intensify. This strengthens your own sense of peace, and envelops and embraces everyone with whom you interact – physically, the cashier in the supermarket, for instance – all your electronic interactions, and also, of course, the loved ones of whom you find yourselves thinking at odd moments throughout the day.

Make a point of Just Being as frequently as you can during the day – waiting in line, waiting at the traffic lights, traveling on the train or subway – any moment, even if it’s only very brief, when you do not have to focus attentively, any free and unoccupied moment.  Truly doing this IS extremely powerful, and it IS a very important and intrinsic constituent of the life paths you planned for yourselves before incarnating.

You are incarnate now to greatly assist in humanity’s collective awakening, which is ongoing right now as you read or listen to this loving message.  Your purpose, apart from awakening yourselves, is to gently assist others with whom you interact – no interaction is ever a ‘chance’ occurrence, it is always one to which all involved have been lightly lead – in the direction of their and your own awakening.

You do not do it by proselytization or persuasion, you do it just by allowing yourselves to be the loving presences that each and every one of you are.

Love is your nature, in every moment.  Therefore release yourselves from the costumes and masks you might normally present as yourselves to the outside world, and allow the love that you all are to flow freely and spontaneously to greet all with whom you interact throughout the day.

When you do you will very frequently find yourselves most lovingly received and accepted by those with whom you ‘chance’ to interact.  It will make your day!

With so very much love,


Saul Through John: Without even one of you Source would be incomplete

We are, as we keep reminding you, very, very close to your collective awakening. Therefore it is essential that you maintain your daily practice of setting the intent to be only loving whatever arises during the day, and to open your hearts as channels or conduits thus allowing and inviting Mother/Father/God to direct their immense energy of Love through each and every one of you to each and every human – without any exceptions whatever – to bring your collective awakening to its most magnificent moment of fruition.

The plan has been set, the NOW moment has been chosen, so continue to do your parts extremely consciously and conscientiously, and as you do, Celebrate! Your awakening is inevitable, so celebration is utterly and completely appropriate, it intensifies the awakening energy flow and arouses joy in all who are awakening.

Yes, to awaken is a free will choice that each individual must make, and therefore everyone will. However, some may choose to delay that choice, and how long they choose to spend in delay mode is again a free will choice.

Nevertheless, the few who do choose to delay their awakening Will Not delay humanity’s collective awakening, which is a done deal that will happen at precisely the Now moment that our loving Mother/Father/God has decided upon.

All is extremely well because humanity has chosen a collective awakening, and that choice is now being put into effect.

To awaken is to know yourselves as One with Mother/Father/God. It is a totally conscious awareness of your individual creative abilities, and of your inseparability from, integration with, and completely harmonious cooperation with God in the ongoing creative undertaking that is Love eternally and most joyfully expanding and extending Itself.

You are all eternally devoted and intimate aspects or facets of Source, constantly co-creating with Her in joyful harmony the infinite rapture that is your true state of being.

Here in the non-physical realms – Reality! – we are becoming increasingly excited as your most magnificent moment of awakening approaches rapidly to usher you into your natural state of full conscious awareness from which you have never, even for one picosecond, been separated.

There is nowhere to which you could be separated because there is only Reality, the infinitely expansive Presence of Mother/Father/God, or whatever label you choose to use to refer to the Unnameable.

You are the Unnameable in so far as you are eternally One with It, you have just lost your awareness of this, your true nature.

We are now enthralled in every moment as we watch and observe your irreversible progress towards actualization of the dissolution of the dream/nightmare that has seemingly, for eons, been shrouding, camouflaging, or veiling you from You.

You, the being in physical form, being the infinitesimal egoic aspect or feature of your true self that makes it possible for you to apparently experience separation and believe it to be real.

The time has come for the nightmare of suffering, hatred, conflict, blame, and condemnation of one another to cease permanently, as all hearts open to invite Love in and, as It enters each one of them, to rejoice and to relax into Its loving embrace as you collectively awaken.

Love, as you have been reminded so many times, is ALL! Therefore each individual one of you is also All, because there is absolutely no possibility of separation from that which is All.

You, each seemingly individual human who has ever existed, exists now, or will ever exist, is an essential, intimate, conjoined and most highly cherished aspect or partner with Source.

Without even one of you Source would be incomplete, and Source is undeniably and unambiguously complete perfection, eternally embracing All that exists, You – all sentient life.

No matter how powerfully your individual or collective ego attempts to be separate – independent from Source – it will always fail, because truly the ego is powerless, it is a tiny, weak, and fearful aspect of an individual or group of individuals – sometimes billions – expressing vast amounts of bluster and bravado that instantly dissolve when confronted with Truth.

Confront your egos – gently and compassionately – with the Truth, that there is only the One from which none can ever be separated for even an instant, so that they can accept your offer to lovingly and compassionately reintegrate them with the One that You are.

There will be an enormous sense of joy when this reintegration occurs and You know Yourselves once again as you truly are . . . eternally One with Mother/Father/God.

As I said above, your oneness with Source, your eternal connection to Source has never been broken or interrupted for even the shortest instant because that is totally impossible, Source being One and containing All.

Therefore, let go of and release any remaining doubts about the authenticity and actuality of Reality, Mother/Father/God, Love, Source, to which you may still be clinging, as they are a drain on your energy fields and do not serve you in any way.

God IS, Love IS, and so are You . . . eternally.

With so very much love, Saul.

You are Love, so be Love.

Saul through John: Set the Intent and Choose to Trust Love

There is only ONE. Every sentient conscious being is an inseparable and eternal aspect of that One.

Within the One are an infinitely vast number of individual fields of consciousness that are at One, and in a state of Oneness with each other, and in that state each is constantly able to interact and communicate with all the others (those VAST numbers) singly or en masse.

So vast are those numbers that it is beyond human comprehension, in fact in Reality numbers are meaningless, they are just an aspect of the illusion that, like time, are helpful while you are in form. There are NO limits on your ability to connect, from one to one, from one to all, and from all to one. In form that would cause chaos, in Reality chaos does not and could not happen.

Many of you have discovered that you have psychic or channeling abilities ‒ the ability to communicate with those in the non-physical realms ‒ or have friends or know others who can do this. But you all have this ability, it is not unusual or rare, it is just that some are aware of this ability in themselves and avail of it, while most are not.

You can develop it quite easily, as John did, by asking, when you are within your holy inner sanctuary, for help and guidance to do so. Then someone from your spiritual support team will establish a connection with you, and assist you forwards in your awakening process.

As you continue to forge ahead, lovewards towards your awakening, make the choice to become aware of this ability and avail of it regularly.

Doing so is extremely comforting as it helps to remove any doubts you may have about Reality, Mother/Father/God, Source, or about what Love is, because when you choose to go deep within yourselves and allow Love to embrace you, you can and do feel the warmth and comfort of Its embrace.

It is the all-powerful life force that empowers all physical forms, something that most people take for granted unless illness or injury brings it to their attention by weakening their physical forms. Whereupon fear or panic often sets in and they rush to obtain medical help for their bodies. This is quite natural, and can produce excellent bodily healing.

However, it seldom if ever addresses the underlying origin of the illness or injury. This could be a pre-incarnational intention arranged to coordinate a pre-planned change to a person’s human life path after a number of essential lessons have been learned and integrated, or it could be an attempt from the person’s higher self to draw attention to a major and distracting deviation from the person’s pre-planned life path.

Either way, when such an event occurs it can be extremely alarming and bring with it much suffering for the person involved. In a situation such as this the ability to go deep within oneself to one’s holy inner sanctuary is most beneficial. If a person has not been spiritually aware, or conscious that life’s meaning is not just their human survival, this can be very difficult to deal with and then move forwards.

Therefore, establishing contact with someone from your non-physical support team can be most helpful and comforting, as it clearly demonstrates to you that you are never alone, even when that appears to be your experience. You are all in a permanent and unbreakable relationship with the One, while mostly being unaware of it because of the veil or mist you collectively chose to place between your human form and your true Self.

None of you are ever separated from your Source, Mother/Father/God, for even the most immeasurably brief instant – separation of any kind is totally beyond the bounds of possibility – you are all always at One because there is only Oneness.

The present very visible planet-wide conflict and chaos – due to war, weather, and geological disturbances, as well as to the ever-present political divisiveness, religious, ethnic, and racial intolerance etc. – is a clear indication that people are awakening to the ages long deceit and corruption that has plagued humanity.

It is not new, it is just becoming far more visible as it becomes clear that the MSM is no longer a reliable source of news having become a propaganda machine for governments and their wealthy benefactors, and partially due to the improved world-wide level of education over the last couple of centuries, along with the very recent technical ability for ordinary people to be able to communicate with anyone almost anywhere in the world instantly.

This growing planet-wide awareness is an essential aspect of the collective awakening process, because to be awake is to be aware. Arising with this awareness is the most powerful realization that only Love can heal your apparent differences.

There are no differences between any of you in Reality, your permanent state of eternal existence, because you are all one family – God’s Holy family. You have just hidden that Truth from yourselves or denied it in order to play the illusory game of experiencing separation, and then engaging with the many kinds of conflict with which it presents you.

Fear, anger, hatred, resentment, judgment, and condemnation of others – a major aspect of this game of separation – always return to the originator.

While in form you can experience massive pain and suffering, and it is very difficult for you to accept that it is unreal or illusory, when you can see and feel it with your physical bodies, which are capable of being restored to complete health if you will allow Love fully into your lives.

Those of you who are becoming evermore aware of your truly divine nature are also becoming aware that this is something that you have always known at the depths of your being. Nevertheless, still being in form, your egos do their utmost to convince you that ‘form’ is your only nature, and are constantly encouraging your fear and the concomitant requirement to protect your bodies from danger, damage, and death at all times.

So I would like to most strongly confirm for you yet again that you are Love. And, as you well know, Love is All that Is.

As humans you have learned to shut It out, to distrust It, because your actual experience, although unreal, is that your bodies need physical protection to keep them free from pain and suffering, and to ensure their survival. It seems clear to your rational human minds, guided by your egos, that Love alone cannot not provide that.

However, if you will set the intent and choose to trust Love, and then always interact with others with loving intent, you will find that your human lives will flow far more freely and smoothly. It is when you disregard your true nature, and live a life in which fear guides and directs you, that you introduce anxiety, pain, and suffering into your lives, and into the lives of others on a regular, or perhaps even an almost continuous basis.

You are Love, so be Love.Don’t hide from the Reality of this, because doing so leads to feelings of unworthiness, inadequacy, and incompetence.

You then behave or act as though those feelings were valid, confirming for you the belief that, just as you are, you are unacceptable to God, and so you refuse to recognize that Love is who you truly are.

If this is or has been an issue for you, make a point of fully accepting every loving complement that you are offered, thus helping you to move into a state of valid and loving self-acceptance. It is the perfect state in which God created you and from which you have never departed.

With so very much love, Saul.

You are going about your daily lives sharing and extending Love, and refusing, for the most part, to engage with your egoic impulses to judge or condemn any one. 

Saul through John: Very soon You will, Once again, be Fully Awake

cheerful ethnic woman with donate box
Photo by Liza Summer on

Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are watching with delight as humanity’s awakening process continues to accelerate towards its complete accomplishment.

I know you are all very tired of the word “soon,” but by using it regularly as you think, write, or talk about awakening, you validate it.  So know that humanity’s awakening will happen soon!  You are ready for it, you are tired of waiting, and you are, collectively, bringing it to fruition.

There are amazingly large numbers of you who are daily resetting the intent to be only loving whatever arises as you engage with your necessary human routines, and even doing only this is extremely effective in intensifying humanity’s awakening process.  You are truly fulfilling the much loved and honored phrase from the Holy Bible: “to be in the world but not of it,” (John 15:19.)

You are going about your daily lives sharing and extending Love, and refusing, for the most part, to engage with your egoic impulses to judge or condemn any one.  Everyone is doing their best, even if that does not appear to be the case.

How it appears to you, or to others, is a judgment, even if it is not expressed or shared, and remember that none of you, while in form, have the necessary knowledge or wisdom that could fairly and evenly validate any judgments you might wish to make.

When you leave behind the limitations that form imposes upon you, even thoughts of judgment will no longer arise, because as One, Source, Love, there is always total acceptance, absolutely nothing to judge,and you will know yourselves as you are – LOVE.

Love is All.  It is all embracing, It is all enveloping, and It is constantly being fulfilled and expressed with never a moment’s pause or interruption.  Love is what you are, and as you awaken you will know the wonder of It and know that you have never ceased, even for the briefest of moments, to be separated from experiencing your natural and eternal state, the Oneness that is Love.

There will be no disturbing, painful, or unsettling memories of your lives in form because they never occurred, there is nothing to remember, there is always and only now.

The idea that there is only Now, is one that you can almost accept intellectually, but your physical senses believe in and experience the past (as memories!), the present (Now!), and await the future with either enthusiasm, anxiety, or something in between those two states.

And of course, it seems that the present is always past, because now, although it is always present, never lasts!  However, the more time you choose to spend in your holy inner sanctuaries, the more Real the Now becomes for you, demonstrating that it is ever-present, even if only momentarily.

Being in human form is not easy, and it does tend to be confusing and uncertain for much of your lives.Uncertainty is something most do not enjoy, but it is constant because form is change. Many changes may seem minor or unimportant, and then some major event or catastrophe occurs, intensifying the anxiety of uncertainty.

However, there is one certainty, the only one – Reality/Love.

Do not allow yourselves to forget this when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out by events in your personal daily human lives, or by larger events at a national or international level, or even Earth changes – storms, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes etc.

You are, each and every sentient being, aspects of and inseparable elements of the One with Whom you are eternally One in every moment of your eternal existence.  What you are experiencing as a human in form is temporary, momentary, even though, while you are undergoing it, the time for which it lasts can seem interminable when it is unpleasant, and quite fleeting when it is very enjoyable.

To awaken is to fully delight in the eternal wonder of Now, the eternal joy and satisfaction of life, which can only be Now.

You are all-knowing, not because your infinite mind is filled with knowledge, but because you have full access now – not later, or next week or next year – to whatever is of interest to you.

There is nothing to learn, because you are all knowing.  In form you have to learn how to operate your form (your own bodies), and the forms with which your forms interact, living or non-living – other people, animals, cars, computers, phones, thoughts, everything – all your skills and abilities have to be learned.  Awake you are all-knowing, unawake you are uncertain, confused, limited, lost.

To be fully awake, fully conscious, and fully aware is your natural state.

You do not need rest or sleep, and you cannot be distracted or drawn away from this moment, the only moment, and your awareness is always fully attentive to All.  That is why you receive an instant response whenever you call on your spiritual support teams, saints, or guides in the non-physical realms.  They are always there for you, for All.

When you are awake there is nothing to which you are unable to attend instantly, nothing gets missed, delayed, or forgotten, all that you choose to attend to is always attended to Now!

There can never be a state of circumstances or a situation in which a response from you needs to be delayed, adjusted, limited or refused, you are always instantly able to respond fully and perfectly to whatever arises.  You are utterly at One with Source, with All That There Is, Now.

That state is unchanging and eternal.  It is infinite JOY!

So, as you make a point of going deep within yourselves daily to open your hearts to Love, remind yourselves that this illusory or unawakened state of life in form that you are presently experiencing most realistically, with all its doubts, fears, and uncertainties is drawing to a close.

Very soon you will, once again, be fully awake, and the dream or illusion will be no more, because it never was!

With so very much love, Saul.

You are here to Be, and to demonstrate the Love that you Are.

by John Smallman

Your divine and holy purpose – Being You Now!

All are one, and you all know that.  Yet, because of “the rules of the game”– being a human in form – you have allowed yourselves to forget this eternal and unchanging Truth. The awakening process, in which the human collective recently collectively agreed to participate, is now moving forward very rapidly.  You are seeing wonderful signs of this in many locations and circumstances – and yet you doubt! Let go of those doubts, for, like the illusion/dream, they are unreal.  To have doubts and dwell on them is a choice many of you keep making – choose not to do so any longer, and when any do arise into your conscious awareness dismiss them immediately, do not dwell on them.

Yes, many on Earth are experiencing major suffering, and “by being in the world, but not of it” you can be fully aware of this without entering into that experience.

Every time this awareness comes to mind due to yet another disturbing news item, or because someone you know and love, or even you yourself are suffering, remind yourselves that there is only Love.

Then send Love/Healing to whichever suffering one(s) you have become aware of, but without being drawn into that suffering and thus allowing your energy to be drained by any sense of guilt or shame you may feel in the awareness of knowing that all are one, and perhaps then feeling or believing that maybe you too are in some way responsible.

You need all your energy – and you have a limitless abundance of it in every moment – to be able to send the fullness of Love/Healing to those in need.

You have all experienced the powerful and uplifting energy of love and acceptance when in the presence of a very loving person.  Well, you all have that power, and when you choose to be at peace within yourselves, no matter what is happening around you, then it is fully available for you to direct to wherever you are intuitively guided to direct it.

You are, as we have discussed before, presently on Earth, precisely where you are now, because you made the wise, generous, and most beautiful decision before incarnating to assist as fully as you possibly could in humanity’s awakening process.  You are doing that now, so do not allow any ego-driven doubts of incompetence, guilt, shame, or unworthiness that may arise to distract you from your divine and holy purpose – Being You Now!

You are Love, you know this at the depths of your being, and yet your egos keep whittling away at your totally legitimate right to believe in and trust yourselves, your intuition, your inner knowing.  Their one aim is to distract you from your real purpose, which you so frequently doubt, by filling your minds with a flood of thoughts that serve absolutely no useful purpose.

You are here to Be, and to demonstrate the Love that you Are.  That is what being yourselves truly means.  Do not allow yourselves to get drawn either into thoughts or discussions about the immense harm that so many are causing, or about what others are able to do so much more lovingly and effectively than you.

You ARE where you are meant to be.  You CHOSE to be right where you are now because it is the most effective place for you to be right now, in this moment.  In another moment you may well be somewhere else, but right now you are here, you are meant to be here, so BE here.

In this present moment you are always exactly where you are meant to be, and this is true in every moment.  Yes, you may at times wish you were somewhere else, especially if you are undergoing any kind of suffering – physical, emotional, psychological, or spiritual – but understand that any personal suffering is a wake-up call to assist you in learning the lessons that you chose to place on your human life path, and to which, whatever the reason may be, you are not paying close enough attention.

Your ego-driven ‘roof-brain-chatter’ will attempt to distract you with thoughts such as “I don’t need this; this is not fair; I am really doing my best so why is this happening?”

Remind yourselves frequently that you are where you are by your own free will choice.  Obviously this often appears not to be the case, and your egos love to try, sometimes quite successfully, to convince you that something ‘has gone wrong.’

You may even succeed in convincing yourselves that this is true!  Dissatisfaction with the way your lives appear to be unfolding often occurs, especially when it involves intense suffering of any kind.  Remember, you are where you have chosen to be, so what are you doing or failing to do in this now moment may well be an experience to help you grow in wisdom and self-acceptance.

What you experience that upsets or disturbs is nearly always due to your own perception or judgment of an issue, not the issue itself.  It all comes back to trusting your intuition, your inner guidance, and then dealing with whatever arises with Love, instead of with fear-driven anger which is often a default mode for those in form and playing ‘the game.’

Whatever you are aware of experiencing as a human in form – peace, love happiness, pain suffering, or resentment – do take a time-out to remind yourselves that your true nature is Love, that you are always inseparably at One with Source, and you are in the situation that is delivering these experiences in order, by your loving presence, to assist others who are also undergoing various assorted difficulties.

This is not a case of attempting to be ‘spiritually significant’ in the eyes of others, because if you do come from your hearts, offering only love, you will be doing enormously successful spiritual work – and it’s hardly work!  Just being what you are – Love – is your purpose, as your presence gently nudges others towards their own awakening.

All are awakening now!  However, because the illusion is massively invested in time, the idea of all being on a path to awaken together is extremely hard for you to get a handle on.

Remind yourselves that the material world, form and substance, are unreal.  Only Mother/Father/God, Source, Love is Real.

You know this deep within yourselves, and as you choose to become increasingly aware of this, the worldly problems that all encounter will be less and less unsettling for you.

Trust in God, in Love, and in yourselves, because doing so is surrendering to the divine Will and thus allowing Love to empower and guide you in every moment of your human existence.

Yes, problems or issues will still arise, but you will find yourselves able to deal with them by addressing them lovingly, and then any egoic need to be in control will fall away, and you will find yourselves basically at peace and very much better able to assist others.

Then you will become increasingly aware of the peace and contentment that others find in your presence.

With so very much love, Saul.

Doing just this – finding a little bit of joy each day – raises your own energy levels and increases the intensity of the Love flow across the planet

Your presence on Earth at this moment is not a chance accident or occurrence.


Your Presence on Earth at this Moment | Saul via John Smallman

(John Smallman)

2021 was a year of “stuff” arising for most people on Planet Earth, and 2022 will be the year in which it all falls away. The human collective, every human presently incarnate on Earth, made enormous progress during the year that has just ended in acknowledging, thanking, and releasing old karmic ‘stuff’ that has been weighing them down for a long time. Now, as they begin to feel much lighter and far more positive about life, they will find themselves uncovering reasons for joy every day in their daily lives. Doing just this – finding a little bit of joy each day – raises your own energy levels and increases the intensity of the Love flow across the planet, the life force that vitalizes every living form.

Love is the energy, the power, the potential that enlivens the world of form and matter, and there is never any lack because It is always abundantly present. To be depressed – a state that many experience at times, or seemingly constantly – is to partially close yourselves off from It, whereas to be enthusiastic about life is to open yourselves to It. You do have a choice in this, so if it seems to you that you do not, then go within to your holy inner sanctuary and visit with your support team in the spiritual realms – you all have a spiritual support team permanently alert and waiting for you to choose to connect with them – and ask them for help. THEN LISTEN! Your egos always have expectations which are seldom helpful. Listening patiently and quietly without egoic expectations is the key, then trust! You will receive an answer, a message, or an an intuitive knowing that is totally appropriate, although it may not be what you expected to receive, so do not rush to dismiss it, just let it settle gently within you, and come back to review it later.

Whenever you go within to your own holy inner space – and you do need to do this at least once daily – make a point of bringing to mind something for which you are grateful. Everyone without exception has something (most probably many things!) for which to be grateful, and do not allow yourselves to focus your attention on aspects of your life or of the world outside that displease you. Many of you experience an almost constant stream of thoughts about what you dislike or what you believe prevents you from being happy and content. Dismiss those thoughts or choose not to focus on them, and instead remind yourselves: “Here I am, an immortal being, a child of God, who is eternally and infinitely loved by Her, no matter what feelings of guilt, shame or unworthiness I may be clinging to, and which I need to release!” Just reminding yourselves of this divine Truth about yourselves should raise your spirits, and facilitate your ability to remember an aspect of yourselves in which you truly are of loving service in the world.

Everyone presently in human form on Earth chose to be here because they wished to serve humanity during the collective awakening process. Everyone of you is in service to the collective just by being and by intending to be a loving presence in every moment of your earthly existence. It may seem to you that you are not doing anything of value with your life, but I assure you that your presence on Earth right now is essential! You may well be getting no sense of this, no positive feedback of any kind at all, nevertheless, I repeat, your presence here now is essential! Trust that you planned your present life, mightily assisted by your spiritual support team, with great love and wisdom because you knew that what you had to offer to humanity’s awakening process was indispensable and could only be offered by you.

Each day set the intent to be only loving, to demonstrate love in action just by being present and aware wherever you are – in the supermarket check-out line, interacting with your employees or business subordinates, filling the car with gas, walking down the street – and loving all those with whom you interact in even the smallest way during those wonderful opportunities that arise daily to allow you to share and extend love. That is why you are precisely where you are right now. Your presence on Earth at this moment is not a chance accident or occurrence, it is the divine Will unfolding perfectly, and it is also your will unfolding — the intentional plan you designed and put into effect by incarnating. If you cannot see any spiritual purpose in how your life is unfolding, then, as I suggested above, go within and ask for guidance. You will always be answered promptly and lovingly because you are always heard.

The life that you have been experiencing up to this moment, and which you are now continuing to live is the one you planned before incarnating. It can very likely seem to you to have no clear spiritual manifestation because it seems to you to be “just more of the same old stuff,” so just remind yourselves that releasing that ‘stuff’ is a major aspect of your pre-incarnational life plan. At the very moment that you were born you were immediately placed upon your perfectly designed life path. However, you were initially in a state of forgetfulness to allow you to grow from infancy into mature adulthood, and you had planned that at some point during that process you would start to become aware that your human life does have a spiritual purpose. You are most definitely now following that path which is absolutely perfect for you. It just may be that once you started to become aware of the possibility of this being the case you were hoping and expecting it to be rather more interesting, important, or dramatic than what you are actually experiencing right now. That is your ego attempting to distract you, by persuading you that you have something far more important to do – perhaps by drawing your attention to other ‘wise and deeply spiritual gurus’ – and that you should continue to seek it out, thus demonstrating to others how seriously spiritual you are! It can be a very effective distraction as it encourages you to seek publicity through your words and actions, when in fact just by being yourselves – without adding any bells or whistles – and allowing Love to flow freely through you, you are living your essential and most holy purpose quite perfectly.

Be You! There is no one else you can be, and give thanks for your magnificent and divine purpose as a human on Earth now, brilliantly and beautifully assisting in the collective awakening process. That is why you are precisely where you are, so do not accept any of the utterly invalid arguments or negative self-judgments with which your egos may present you, as they urgently seek for you the distractions and drama with which they imagine spiritual significance will provide. You are way beyond the nonsense of being spiritually significant, you are an absolutely perfect divine being eternally at One with Source. When you awaken into full awareness of this sacrosanct truth, as you will, you will once more recognize and delight in the wonder of who you truly are as all doubts and negative self-judgments just dissolve.

With so very much love, Saul.

it is essential for your awakening that you go within at least once daily to set and practice the intent to be only loving whatever arises, and, as situations or issues arise during the day, reset your intent, especially if someone says or does something that arouses within you feelings of anger, resentment, unfairness, or any other sense of upset.

Love, the only Truth! Saul via John Smallman


(John Smallman)

Here in the spiritual realms we are enthusiastically cheering you on as you race forward toward the moment of your collective awakening. You have been told for a number of years now, even a couple of decades, that you are very, very close to your awakening, and that is and always has been the case. However, the time aspect of the illusory or dreamlike environment in which you find yourselves, as humans in form, is extremely unstable, and it appears to move forward very slowly when you are waiting expectantly for something wonderful to occur, or when you are suffering, thus intensifying the seeming reality of the unreal environment in which appear to be living.

You are not your bodies, as you well know, and the conscious awareness that is the real you is now and always at One with Source, fully awake in perfect peace and joy. Nevertheless, having chosen to incarnate and be present in form at this point in the collective human awakening process to greatly and powerfully assist in bringing it to fruition, you are experiencing the unreal as real through your five senses, and it is very beguiling and distracting for you, as it can bring up strong and unsettling doubts such as “is this human experience perhaps the only reality after all, terminating finally in death?” Everyone experiences doubts, because it is the ego’s playground, and it loves it, whether engaging with it as a suffering victim or as a self righteous braggart and self-seeker.

Your egos know only the illusion, the unreal, and because it seems to be a once and only experience they want to prolong it as long as possible. Once you become aware and accept the truth that you are not your bodies, the ego’s life is almost over. It relies on fear to motivate you into accepting and following its guidance, and so when you move into peace and full self-acceptance, as many of you are now doing, it feels mightily threatened and intensifies its efforts to arouse fears and doubts in you individually and collectively, hence the noisy distractions of the MSM as they point to “others” who threaten your safety, even your existence. This is happening on a large scale at present as the collective karmic ‘stuff,’ that is coming up for acknowledgment, thanks, and release, seems to be increasing humanity’s suffering all across the world. And, yes, this ‘stuff’ does appear to be increasing and magnifying humanity’s suffering all across the world, in all cultures, creeds, nations, and political and business organizations. Competition is increasing as egotistical would-be leaders shout out their beliefs and dogmas ever more vociferously on the multitude of media channels to any who will listen, but it is competition that can only fail. Instead of uniting groups against groups, cultures against cultures, and religious or political persuasions against other similar organizations, it is demonstrating to the people who have supported them for so long the deep levels of corruption and lack of honesty or integrity within the upper levels of nearly all of those hierarchical groups or organizations.

People are waking up!

They are no longer allowing themselves to be persuaded to divide and form opposing groups seeking conflict with those who disagree with them. People are instead coming together, pretty well everywhere on the planet, to discuss and expose the long and still ongoing series of fables and falsehoods –‘News Stories’ – that those who control the media have been publishing in newspapers, magazines, and on broadcast and social media channels in order to persuade people everywhere that authoritarian rules imposed by governments, governmental agencies, and very large international business organizations are for the general good of humanity and are necessary for people’s safety and survival.

You are all, without exception, very powerful beings who, if you will go within and listen to your holy God-given inner guidance – from God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and many others in the spiritual realms on whom you call, and who are always and most patiently waiting for your call – and trust it you will find inner peace, instead of giving away your power and trust to your own seriously misguided and ill-informed egos or to the egos of others. You all have within you personal and individual access to the spiritual realms, and you will never be led astray or misinformed by those loving beings who are with you in every moment to support you and help you to let go of your doubts. They will hep you to see through the ingrained and invalid beliefs imposed upon you by others in your infancy and childhood, that may well have served a useful purpose then, but that no longer serve you now.

Those individual beliefs are deeply ingrained as a result of experiences in infancy and childhood, and they need to be reexamined with guidance from those on your spiritual support teams, then they – like a belief in Father Christmas or tooth fairies which you discarded long ago, along with others which are clearly not true – need to be discarded, let go of so that you can open your minds to Love, the only Truth,in whatever way It shows Itself to you.

Love is One, is unchanging, but can be experienced in numerous ways in your human lives – offered to you by loved ones, offered by you to loved ones, offered to others when you see and hear them, and when you are amazed by the beauty of natural scenery or a sunset – when you choose to open yourselves to It. Opening yourselves to Love is the main task that you set yourselves to fulfill before you incarnated, and it is why you spend so much of your lives looking for It. And, of course, It is with you constantly, It is the energy field that enlivens your bodies, and if you will open yourselves to It and invite It to embrace you, It will do so immediately, and you will feel Its Presence.

The choice to be human was the choice to experience separation from Love, Source, Mother/Father/God. But actual separation is impossible, because there is only the One within which all are eternally present. However, you do have free will, and that is always honored, thus your choice to experience the unreal state of separation is honored until you choose to end it. As One you make choices with infinite Wisdom that do not change, but as humans in form you are constantly making and changing your individual choices dependent on your feelings and mood swings, which is why it is so hard for you to permanently discard beliefs that no longer serve you. To be successful in doing so you need to keep resetting the intent to do so, and then keep practicing that until you no longer engage in life with those invalid beliefs.

To experience the warm and uplifting embrace of Love you have to invite It in and you have to release anything within you that is not in alignment with It – fear, anger, resentment, judgment, etc. – because Love is always unconditional and without judgment of any kind, It never discriminatesbecause that would be utterly contrary to Its eternal and unchanging nature. While you hold within yourselves anything other than Love that is what you will experience. You cannot love one person while judging or hating another because attempting to do that is to discriminate, so what you experience as love of someone under those conditions is really a very limited sense of affection that excludes the other, and that may well change as your life circumstances change.

Therefore it is essential for your awakening that you go within at least once daily to set and practice the intent to be only loving whatever arises, and, as situations or issues arise during the day, reset your intent, especially if someone says or does something that arouses within you feelings of anger, resentment, unfairness, or any other sense of upset. By doing this you come to an awareness that you do in fact choose what feelings you wish to experience, and that consequently you can change your choices and choose to feel peace instead of fear or anger. It truly is within your power to do so because you are extremely powerful beings.

BE the Peace you wish to see in the world!

With so very much love, Saul.

The old ways are finished, the suffering that you cannot help but be aware of is coming to an end because all the old karmic ‘stuff,’ that has been arising for some considerable time, has nearly all been acknowledged, thanked, and released.

woman in black hoodie standing beside pink wall

Saul Through John: You will Feel Complete, Whole, Fulfilled, Perfect

As humanity waits expectantly for the collective awakening to happen – for each individual in their daily lives – be aware that it is happening right NOW!

Look around you, observe the large numbers of people behaving far more peacefully and lovingly than you are accustomed to seeing.  This is happening because all of you keep setting and maintaining the intent to be only loving whatever arises in your own daily lives.

Each of you are personally, individually, and collectively delivering the awakening to all of humanity, even though you are probably not receiving any positive personal feedback to allay your continuing doubts, about whether humanity really is in the process of awakening – doubts that are constantly being activated or intensified by your ceaseless and growing awareness of the enormous amount of suffering that so many are undergoing worldwide, and that is constantly being reported on the MSM.

The old ways are finished, the suffering that you cannot help but be aware of is coming to an end because all the old karmic ‘stuff,’ that has been arising for some considerable time, has nearly all been acknowledged, thanked, and released.

Your natural and eternal state of being – LOVE – is embracing you and flowing far more freely through you now than at any time in humanity’s long history of earthly existence.  

Theknowing of yourOneness, in which all sentient life is contained and embraced, is breaking into the awareness of increasing numbers of people worldwide every day as they come to realize and understand that all are inseparably and eternally connected to each other.

It is truly a mind-blowing realization!  It is a new awareness of the truth that everything anyone thinks, says, or does affects all sentient life; and all life is sentient.  There is only energy – God, Source, Love, All, One – and when it is experienced as physicality know that even rocks or dust are not devoid of energy, nothing is dead, there is no dead matter.

Remember, the game in which you are engaged – dream or nightmare if you prefer – is unreal, despite its seeming reality while you are experiencing life in form, experiencing life apparently separated from Source.

The experience of life separated from Source is but a momentary adventure or ordeal, even though it appears to have been ongoing for eons, with time as an essential aspect of this unreal state of existence.

When you awaken, as you inevitably will when you make your free will choice to do so, it will be as though separation – physicality – had never existed, and, of course, it has not.

That is something that is very difficult for you to grasp because, by choosing to experience separation, you chose to be unaware of your true nature at One with and eternally in the Presence of the One.

The joy that you will experience when you awaken is totally beyond the ability of words or language to describe, or of your imaginations to conceive, because to be awake is to be at One, Complete, knowing yourselves as you truly are – Love, One with Mother/Father/God, always – and without even the tiniest possibility of a moment of unawareness of this, because there is absolutely nothing else.

Therefore, relax, becauseall is eternally well, and because it is God’s Will for you to do so, to be eternally in a state of absolute peace, undistracted from the knowing awareness of your Union with Source.

Your unawareness of God’s Will is a major aspect of the dream of separation with which you each chose to engage, and you are awakening from it.  The signs of this massive collective awakening can be seen everywhere if you will but let go of your doubts, of the distractions with which your egos are almost constantly presenting you.

Your egos are the wellsprings through which your fears and doubts arise, and the vast majority of them are “what if” scenarios that never occur.  So do not focus your attention on them, just let them go, knowing, as you do if you will allow yourselves to be mindful of your thoughts arising, that they are just distractions that are totally unworthy of your attention, just like the constant stream of advertisements with which the MSM is constantly interrupting any programs you may be watching or listening to on the media.

To be maintaining the dream of unreality in your awareness as essential for your safety and survival, as most of humanity has been doing for eons, is what keeps you from awakening.

It is a little bit like choosing to sit and watch all the episodes of a television series one after the other, without a break.  You become totally involved with and part of the unfolding drama.  When it finally comes to completion you find yourselves totally drained, exhausted, and wondering why on earth you allowed yourselves to spend all that time in a state of mindless distraction, and you may find yourselves experiencing a sense of guilt and shame for wasting so much time.

I can assure you that when you awaken from the illusion there will be absolutely no sense of guilt, shame, or of wasted time, because, as you have so often been informed, there is no guilt, no shame, and no time!

There is only NOW, REALITY, a state of eternal joy in which you are constantly present and mindful of your eternal Oneness with Source.

You will feel complete, whole, fulfilled, perfect, because that is Who You are, and there will be no doubts or uncertainties to distract You from full awareness of this wondrous and brilliant state of being, because It is All that Is.

With so very much love,


You are awakening humanity just by being You – every single one of you!-Saul Through John-

As the collective awakening of humanity draws ever closer, please intensify your intent to be only loving whatever may arise in your day to day lives.

These are very difficult times for many of you, and so you do need to call on your friends and your support teams in the spiritual realms frequently – at least once daily – for a powerful spiritual energy boost as you do the work you incarnated to do in this time of mass awakening.

For the vast majority of you the task you set yourselves is to share and extend LOVE to all.  You are LOVE, your nature is to extend and share It, but, as humans in form, who have largely forgotten the plans you designed prior to incarnating to follow and fulfill, that often seem counterintuitive when you see conflicts in so many places that need to be dealt with, and, apparently, forcefully brought to a halt.

You do know, deep within yourselves, that force of arms never leads to peace, although it may bring a brief truce during which the opposing sides may rearm and reconfigure themselves to access the most effective way forward.

But of course they never move forward, because it only leads to either an angry stalemate, or to the total destruction of the opposition, which will then rebuild, in the next generation, an army or a political system to punish and defeat those who previously defeated them.

Humanity’s awakening process started to accelerate quite recently when large numbers of people finally began to really understand the total futility of conflict, and to see that a war to end wars is impossible.

Everyone wants only to be loved, but because of the trauma that the vast majority experience as they grow into human adulthood, it has been very difficult for them to place their trust in engaging with others in only loving behaviors.  However, enough of you now do have the courage to face your fears and move forward in Love, realizing that an attack of any kind is, in truth, a call for Love.

Offering Love silently, gently, and fearlessly to someone who is angry, and possibly ready to engage in conflict, is extremely powerful energetically, and it is the only way forward, and many are coming into awareness of this.

Humanity and form in a material environment are an invention, an extremely clever and well designed but unreal resource that the Son of God, in a moment of insanity, constructed in order to experience separation from Source, to experience freedom from the imagined lack of freedom that being the created instead of the Creator appeared to impose on Him.

But, as you do know at the depth of your being, when you were created in Love from Love, there were absolutely no limits imposed upon you.  You are eternally absolutely free from limitation of any kind whatsoever.

To admit that You had made an enormous mistake in attempting to separate from Source in order to obtain a freedom that was greater than the infinite freedom with which Source had already eternally blessed and endowed you was far too shameful an admission to make.

As a result, for innumerable eons, You have continued playing the game of separation by splitting Yourself into multitudinous individual and seemingly separate beings experiencing individual personal and quite different lives from one another.

Those apparent differences – of ethnicity, culture, skin color, nationality, religion, etc. – were quickly used, due to your severely limited awareness of who you truly were, as further tools to convince you that the state of separation was real.

You found yourselves apparently divided or separated from one another by those meaningless but easily recognized differences, and, therefore, ordinary normal people appeared to present dangerous threats to you, to one another!

All wars start when a few men – seldom women, isn’t that strange? – egotistically seeking power for themselves over others, determine to persuade and convince people in their communities that they are in danger of being injured or attacked by people those egotistical ones choose to identify as enemies – people who look different or who are different in their customs or lifestyles.

Humanity is now finally awakening to the fact that those who seek public office are, with very, very few exceptions, powerfully ego-driven narcissists.

And yet, your egos only have the power that you each choose to give them.  Nevertheless, you – nearly everyone in form – do choose very frequently to give your power away either to your own egos, or to the egos of those whose rhetoric uplifts and inspires you.

Inspiration of that nature is purely egotistical, a choice to give your power away so that you can, you believe, escape responsibility for your thoughts, words, and actions.

To be separate, to be individual, to be human, is to accept self-imposed limitations on your personal and divinely preordained sovereignty.  And who is the self imposing those limitations?  It is your egos!

Your egos – essential aspects of the human in form – live constantly in fear because they believe that the state of separation that life in human form provides is real, and because, therefore, they also believe that this human life that they are experiencing is their one and only opportunity to demonstrate what powerful beings they are!

Termination of their existence at the moment of physical death terrifies your egos, and they will engage in any procedure or routine that they think will overcome death, or the people and diseases that cause it.

All of you reading this or similar messages from the spiritual realms know that death is just a change of state, an awakening from the illusion.  Nevertheless, due to the conditioning that being human ensures that you all undergo, you mostly do have doubts about Reality, about whether or not you truly are eternal beings, and so you do fear death.

Maybe not for yourselves, but you often fear the death of loved ones, those in your lives who give you a sense of meaning, a reason for existence, and who lovingly support you in your human lives.  And when one of your loved ones does die you suffer.

So once again, I urge you to take time out every single day to spend time quietly alone in your holy inner sanctuaries, and invite Love to embrace you there.  Doing this allows you to remember and know that you truly are eternal beings, infinitely loved by God, and to whom no harm can ever come.

Therefore, be at peace within, and by doing so bring peace and comfort to those with whom you interact.

That is why you are in form at this moment in humanity’s spiritual evolution or awakening.  You are each doing an essential task that no one else can do for you, and so your presence in form is indispensable right now.

You are awakening humanity just by being You – every single one of you!

With so very much love, Saul.

The way forward is to be yourselves!- Saul via John-

08/26/2021 by John Smallman

As you all – humans all over the world – move powerfully forward in your awakening process, open yourselves to the awareness that we in the spiritual or non physical realms are most enthusiastically supporting you and cheering you on.

You have made enormous progress during the last few decades, just as you all intended when you chose to incarnate and be present now in human form on Planet Earth to participate in this momentous event – humanity’s awakening from the dream or illusion of unreality.

It is approaching the moment of fruition far more rapidly than you can imagine, because, as the chaos and confusion that has arisen and is continuing to arise in many places has encouraged you to listen to your egos and doubt and disbelieve in God’s divine plan for you, you find it difficult not to focus your attention on reports from the MSM instead of on your trust in Mother/Father/God.

Yes, enormous amounts of ‘stuff’ continue to arise into your conscious awareness to be acknowledged, thanked, and released.  This is demanding the fullness of your faith in God’s Love for you, and in the individual strengths that you each possess so that you are not distracted by events that appear to indicate that conflicts and disasters – both locally, and planet-wide – are increasing and intensifying and threatening humanity with extinction.

Truly all is well!  You are not alone.  You are fully supported in every moment, so relax into your holy inner sanctuaries whenever you have a free moment during the day, and invite and allow your support teams in the non-physical realms to most lovingly uplift and inspire you as you connect with your intuition which is, in every moment, showing you the path to your awakening.

The way forward is to be yourselves!

Many of you are still uncomfortable doing just that, you often still feel a need to present yourselves in a less than fully open manner that you believe protects you from the negative judgments of others – but that is just your egos acting out of fear.  So remind yourselves to set the intent to be yourselves, and to be loving in every interaction with others, follow through on it, and you will then find that others will also respond to you in a loving manner.  Simply doing this is following your path, and will, as you become accustomed to doing so, bring you a sense of relaxation and peace.

Peace, of course, is your nature, it is an aspect of Love, but your egos live in fear and cannot be peaceful because they ‘see’ threats to their well-being everywhere they look and so maintain an intense sense of awareness of their environment – the one they create in your minds with thoughts – so that they will be ready to deal with any threatening situation that may arise.

As humans in form you do need your egos, because, being born totally helpless and dependent on your parents or caregivers, you need them to help you adjust to life in form and in learning to use your bodies to interact safely and effectively with others and with your physical environment.

However, as you well know, you are not your egos, you are not your bodies, they are both just artifacts or tools to assist you as you engage with physicality and the sense of separation it provides.

When you live from your hearts they both serve you very well, but when you live from your ‘rational’ minds it seems that they control and direct you.

You have all experienced events or meetings in which your emotions flowed through you very powerfully – maybe flaring up very suddenly – effectively taking control of you, and leading you to say or do something that you later very much regretted.  Therefore it is very important to be consciously aware that emotions will flow through you, possibly flooding your conscious awareness, and to not then react instantly by projecting them out onto others.

Yes, experience them, but do not express them until you have assessed whether that is what Love – your true nature – would choose to do.

This is why it is so important to be mindful.  When you are mindful you can recognize the emotions arising for what they are – moods, like the weather (which can be very violent), that will pass – and choose in the moment, with guidance from your hearts, whether or not it is appropriate to express them.  Your egos always want to express them in the moment, but you know from personal experience that to do so is often unwise.

On the other hand do not attempt to suppress or control your egos or your emotions, to do so is to block part of the life force flowing through you in every moment, thus building up pressure that will have to be released, possibly at a later but inappropriate moment.

Just be mindful of them, and be aware that they do not control you unless you permit them to.  You have all experienced small children explode in anger when they are forbidden or prevented from doing or having something that they believe they need right now.  You have learnt that gently preventing them is far more effective than responding with forceful anger.  Do the same with your own emotions and egos, because you will find that that works, whereas forcing them into submission causes you stress and pressure that you will have to deal with later, and which may well cause you pain.

So the message here is that yes you all have egos, but they are not You, and that engaging with them in judgment or condemnation results in them reacting like willful three year olds – you cannot reason with them.

Recognize them, but do not take them too seriously, when you do that you will often end up smiling to yourselves as realize what has just occurred – your egos tried to direct or control you by getting you to react to thoughts about a situation that had arisen – and you did not get drawn into a game you could never win, because there are no winners.

Be aware, be mindful as your egos seek your attention, and then respond with your hearts’ intelligence to bring Love to the issue.

Love is what You are, Love is your nature, so allow It to express Itself through you in every moment of your daily lives, and enjoy the resulting peace that you experience.

With so very much love, Saul.

REJOICE! -Saul via John-

by John Smallman

The momentous event – Humanity’s Collective Awakening – for which you have all been waiting with with such hope is very close.

Let go of your doubts and continue to reset your intent to be only loving, whatever may arise throughout the day, every day, because it is extremely effective and powerful, and it is what you incarnated to do.

Truly, you are on a roll, despite what the MSM and SM are shouting out so vociferously.

The present world news is very unsettling and disturbing because it seems that governmental organizations and very large businesses are intent on removing your divine right to your own sovereignty, they are doing this by attempting, most authoritatively and illegally, to increase the myriad numbers of rules and restrictions on your freedom to interact with one another in any way that you may choose.

This will not succeed!

You are, always have been, and always will be, Sovereign beings, One with Source.  There is no way that can ever change because there is only the One in its infinite vastness, to which every strand or field of consciousness is eternally interconnected.

There has been NO SEPARATION from Source, Mother/Father/God, Love, which is ALL that exists.  The apparent separation that consciousness in form has been experiencing for eons is and was completely unreal, and the collective field of consciousness in which you chose to experience it has now chosen to bring it to a close, and to awaken into Reality, into full awareness of your eternal Oneness.

You are and always have been fully aware divine Beings, because that is Source, that is ALL that exists.  What Mother/Father/God creates is perfect and eternal, no other form of creation is possible.

What you have been experiencing for eons is unreal, a dream or a nightmare, an illusion that your egos invented that has seemingly, and only seemingly, separated each one of you from each other and from Source.

The thought or concept of being separate is terrifying to your egos, and in order to live within this state of fear they constructed multiple personalities in which you could attempt to hide from that fear or conquer it.

None of these schemes could possibly work, and so your egos tried to build or construct even more unsatisfactory and unworkable solutions to problems that do not exist, causing you increasing pain, suffering, and terror, which also had to be deeply buried away from your conscious awareness, while you distracted yourselves with grandiose plans for controlling the Earth and its totally integrated ecosystems.

Now a large enough proportion of humanity has become aware of the essential need for you to massively change your egotistical and extremely competitive attitudes and behaviors so that you can make the totally meaningful choice to awaken into the full awareness that there is only Source.

Initially this involves recognizing the insanity of attempting to split off parts of yourselves into separated and independent aspects – egos – that can think and act independently of the One.

This is occurring now to billions of you all over the world, but of course, having been steeped in this unreal and non-existent state for so long, enormous doubts are arising – STUFF – of an emotional, scientific, philosophical, and theological nature, initially intensifying your doubts and anxieties: “Have we truly been totally wrong, misled, misguided, insane in our approach to life for all these eons?

Is it really possible that we have been so horribly confused that we have been following nonsensical paths in the desperate hope to discover Source outside ourselves and then be taken Home to It?”

The answer to that is a resounding NO!  It has been and isUNREAL.

Now you are beginning to awaken to this, and although unsettling, maybe extremely so, it is also inspiring, uplifting, and filling you with Hope in God.  Totally and completely justified hope.  All around you, if you choose to look, you can see powerful indications of this, nothing is hidden from you, you have just been choosing not to see, not to become aware.

That has changed!  Your are removing your blinkers, you are letting go of your fixed and extremely limiting age old belief systems and allowing yourselves to look beyond the severely limiting constraints of your minds, to the Presence in this NOW moment – the only Now – Source, which you Know is where your eternal Oneness abides in eternal joy.

Therefore, REJOICE!  There is only Love, Source, and infinite eternal Joy – You KNOW this!

All you need to do is to open your hearts – the center of your physical forms – and allow It to embrace and envelop you, and It WILL!

With so very much love, Saul.

Humanity is awakening, and there are signs and indications of this throughout the world as more and more people choose to be only loving whatever arises in their daily lives.-Saul via John-

Your natural state is “the pure joy of Being”

All is unfolding precisely as divinely planned!  Humanity is awakening, and there are signs and indications of this throughout the world as more and more people choose to be only loving whatever arises in their daily lives.

Here in the non-physical realms we have been intensifying our love and support for you as you so powerfully and brilliantly move forward toward your awakening.  You are making it happen!

Yes it is God’s divine plan and intent for you to awaken, but you have to bring it to fruition in complete and loving cooperation with one another, as you all planned to do before you incarnated for your present human lifetimes.

This is because Mother/Father/God and You are One in eternal and most loving cooperation.  That is what Oneness means!  It is All, forever in the most beautiful and harmonious relationship with Itself – Source and All of the divine creation – totally joyful, totally complete.  It is Divine Perfection at One with Itself in every moment, delighted and enraptured with the pure joy of BEING!

Your natural state is “the pure joy of Being!”  It always has been and it always will be – NOW and FOREVER – because this is the only time that exists.  So, as you prepare yourselves for this momentous and miraculous event – and ALL of humanity, without any exceptions, is doing this – CELEBRATE!

There is much in the news that would suggest otherwise, alarming reports of divisive activities and behaviors in many parts of the world.

Be aware that what is being reported is basically the arising of many centuries of collective karmic ‘stuff’ that has to be acknowledged, thanked for the lessons with which it has presented humanity – which humanity has now learned – and lovingly released.

Truly, if you will look, there are signs everywhere of your collective Grand Awakening.  This is a time, a moment of enormous possibility and opportunity that will most definitely be fully availed of as the harvest of your tireless endeavors comes to its most glorious fruition right in your own awareness, amazing and delighting you.

You cannot have the slightest concept of the wonder that awaits you all.  The divine Plan is achieved, brilliantly, perfectly, and for ALL.

You do of course have free will, and that freedom will never be overridden, so some may choose to delay their awakening.  Do not let that concern you if you feel that friends or loved ones are not yet paying attention, are not yet ready to accept that only Love exists, and who appear to continue to feel a need to judge and even condemn those whom they perceive as evil ones, instead of awakening to the Love in which they, and all those they would judge, are enveloped.

These are indeed very confusing times as the collective return to Reality draws very near.

Many will have what you might describe as an instantaneous awakening – a sudden and most unexpected inflowing of Love for all of humanity – something that at present appears to be impossible, inconceivable, beyond all plausibility, and then their whole perspective on life will change, to their absolute amazement, in that instant.  Assuredly you have seen nothing yet!

As you have been told so often and by so many, God’s plan for humanity is magnificent, in fact it is transcendent!

You have been waiting longingly and, for the most part, patiently for the awakening process to come to completion.  Many of you have studied history and seen how much pain and suffering divisive attitudes, arising from political, ethnic, racial, national, and religious differences, have unleashed on so many, as wars have been fought to diminish or destroy those of differing beliefs.

Well, the time for such divisive activities is over!  Worldwide vast numbers have come to the full realization of the insanity of attempting to resolve grievances and differences through conflict, and the will or desire for conflict is diminishing rapidly. Humanity is coming of age!

As you go within daily, to your holy inner sanctuaries, to rest in the peace that is always there, deep within you, open yourselves fully to the infinite field of Love, which is also your own personal energy field, and allow yourselves to feel the Love, the peace, the harmony, the Oneness with All, and with all of humanity, and allow yourselves to know the truth, the Reality that is you, and that is every human.

You can feel the Love when you choose to allow yourselves to do so.  But often, you, and so many, many others, have so completely deceived yourselves about yourselves by accepting beliefs and belief systems that tell you that you are unworthy to be in the Presence of God, and so you refuse to allow yourselves to feel God’s Love for you, which is of course also your own Love for yourselves.

You were created in Love from Love, by Mother/Father/God, to rejoice and delight in the sheer joy of just BEING.

Your true nature is Love, it has never changed, and it never will change, because you, like Love, are eternally One with Source.

Choose, NOW, to open yourselves to the divine Embrace, God’s loving Embrace.

Know that you are completely and utterly accepted without reservation of any kind by Mother/Father/God, and that you truly are One with the Love that IS, and that is All.

You are One, you are All, because God created you like unto Herself in an unchanging and eternal relationship of LOVE!

Therefore release your doubts, your anxieties about your worthiness to be in the Presence of your Source, because that is where you always are, inseparably, permanently, and uninterruptedly, and REJOICE in the wonder that you are.

God does, and therefore so should you!

With so very much love, Saul.

Saul Through John: You were created completely Free.

It is God’s Will that you feel His Love for you.

We are One! All are One, there is no separation, ever.  There is only LOVE, SOURCE, MOTHER/FATHER/GOD, the divine field of CONSCIOUSNESS in which all LIFE is ONE.

Consciousness is eternal, everlasting, a permanent state of existence in which All is always fully present.

Form is temporary, and that includes all form, from the Multiverse to the smallest sub-atomic particle that your science is aware of, or anything smaller even than that.

You are mostly aware that your human bodies are composed of billions of cells and trillions of smaller particles all interacting in perfect harmony in a healthy body.  In the same way your bodies are all interconnected to one another and to the multiverse.

Separation is an illusion, everything has an affect on everything else, just as each apparently separate entity of consciousness affects every other.

Awareness of this is now well recognized, although not very well understood, and this awareness is leading more and more people to the realization that each one’s thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions truly do affect everyone else, and that, therefore, to be only loving benefits all, including, of course, those actually choosing to set the intent to be very positively loving whatever arises.

More of you reading or listening to this and other loving messages are already making this choice daily, it is why you chose to be incarnate now to assist in the collective awakening process.  Each day the process continues to accelerateas we move ever closer to this miraculous moment.

In the intervening period, please do not allow yourselves to be distracted from your essential and individual tasks of assisting in the awakening process, the tasks which you each chose so enthusiastically to undertake prior to incarnating.

You are each, without any exceptions, absolutely essential aspects of the collective process, so release any doubts that you may have about its actuality, because it has been divinely planned and is being perfectly executed because it is the divine Will, and that Will is always brought perfectly to fruition.

When you awaken you will know what an honor and a joy it has been for you to participate, even though now you may well be filled with doubts.  Doubt and uncertainty are major aspects of the game, dream, or possibly nightmare that is presented to you as a human in form from which you are shortly due to awaken.

Yes, of course I am yet again going to remind you of the necessity of going within daily, to your holy inner sanctuaries, to open your hearts as fully as you are able and then to invite Love in to open them even further as It enfolds you in Its infinitely loving embrace.

Truly, you have NO idea of how deeply loved you all are – every conscious entity without exception.  That is extremely difficult for you to even conceive of comprehending while you are in human form, due to the severe limitations that being in form imposes on you, which is all part of the collective choice to experience the unreality of separation!

So, go within, invite and allow Love to embrace you, and feel your doubts and uncertainties diminish and dissolve.

It is God’s Will that you feel His Love for you.  The reason that mostly you do not or cannot is because, having chosen to experience separation from God, there is a deep underlying sense that you have offended your Creator, Love, and that you are unworthy to be in the divine Presence and feel the all-embracing Love that is offered to you in every moment.

You were created completely Free.

Yes, you are One with Mother/Father/God, and, therefore, inseparable from the One, and yet you are also Free.  As a human in form that is quite a paradox to engage with and attempt to understand.

Yes, you are Free, and God never revokes or interferes with that inviolable freedom.

You were created like unto God, Who is Free, by God Who gave you everything – there are no things! – All that She is.

What I and so many others are attempting to impress upon you is that you truly are forever Free, and that you are forever infinitely loved.  There is nothing you can do to change that, but you can and have chosen not to believe it.

Now is the moment to release your hold on this invalid belief, and to awaken into the joy that is your rightful inheritance as children of the Divine.  That is the divine Will for you, the divine Will is always that.

Going within, to those truly holy inner sanctuaries that are always within you, waiting to welcome you, is the most effective way in which you can begin to know and feel this.  Meditation, contemplation, or plain relaxation without any expectation is the way to this knowing, to this experience of great inner peace and joy.

Very few of you are able to totally free yourselves from distracting thoughts and impulses – check the phone, cruise the fridge, check the latest news – and you often view this as a failure on your part.  Truly it is not!

You all have an ego, it is a split off part of your mind that will always attempt to react emotionally to the slightest drama that you become aware of.  Its original purpose was to protect you from imminent and unexpected threats – it is often referred to as the “fight or flight” syndrome, and it has been very useful – however, over time, for most people, it has become their identity!  And that it is not!

However, it does endlessly and enthusiastically seek out your undivided attention, it is the narcissistic aspect of a personality, and was necessary in infancy when your ability to communicate meaningfully with your parents, caregivers, or siblings was extremely limited. However, it was meant to be gently outgrown as you matured through your teenage years and evolved into adulthood.

Unfortunately, most of you were traumatized in infancy and childhood – psychologically, and/or physically– and that trauma was not healed at, or shortly after, the time at which it occurred.  For most, it is far too painful to remember what caused it, and so the emotional response to threat of any kind remains.  The ego, therefore, maintains its powerful influence over you, causing you to react in fear or anger in the moment, often quite unnecessarily, and often leaving you feeling guilty or ashamed later.

So, now that you are aware of this – and most of you are! – it is time to let go of your impulsive need for an instant response or reaction to an event, and you do have the ability to pause momentarily when something, seemingly threatening, arises in your environment.

Time spent within, in quiet meditation or contemplation, is a practice that will lead you forward into a space of peace in which you will find peace, and that inherent need to react instantaneously will subside and become far less intense, allowing you to be loving whatever may arise in your daily lives.

As more and more people become able to live like this, the rush to conflict will lessen, and conflict will occur far less frequently.

This ability to pause is becoming far more prevalent worldwide, despite what you may hear or read on the mainstream or social media, and is a very positive indication of the collective preparing for its awakening.

Know that all is indeed well, and that your awakening is moving forward most beautifully, just as divinely planned.

With so very much love, Saul.

Life’s…meaning is to be in eternal joy and at One with Source.-Saul via John-

Saul Through John: Not one of you is here by chance, by force of circumstance.

We are watching humanity, from here in the spiritual, or, if you prefer, from the non-physical realms, in wonder and amazement as you continue to accelerate along the collective path of spiritual evolution toward your inevitable and imminent awakening.

I know you all keep hearing from your guides and channels that your awakening is imminent, and then you look around you at the worldwide fear and confusion and your doubts arise.Let them go!

You all know deep within yourselves, in your heart centers, that ALL is well, that there is nothing to fear, and yet, doubts still arise within you.

They are, of course, aspects of the collective ‘stuff’ that is arising to be released, as humanity moves through the awakening process, as is also the chaos, uncertainty, confusion, disagreement, and vociferous divisive argumentation that you see reported in the news, and which is also constantly being repeated on all the social media channels.

Do not spend time there because it drains your own energy fields and adds to the collective and damaging divisiveness.   Instead, go within – even if you do not get any sense that it is meaningful or worthwhile for you to do so – because when you do you strengthen and intensify your individual energy fields so that they can integrate more fully and effectively with the Tsunami of Love.

You are all extremely powerful beings, even though you probably do not feel this, and when you individually set the intention to be only loving, whatever may arise in your own individual lives, or worldwide, it is exceedingly effective, and, of course, you incarnated to be in form precisely to do this at this moment in humanity’s evolution or, more accurately, its return to knowing itself as Reality.

Not one of you is here by chance, by force of circumstance, everyone incarnate, in any moment of humanity’s history, is always incarnate because of a wise and loving choice they made before that particular incarnation.

Life has a unique and specific meaning that is paramount and absolutely clear to the entity experiencing it, except when, by their own choice, they are experiencing separation as an individual in form – your apparent present state of existence – and have forgotten what it is.

Life cannot be without meaning!

It was given a divine meaning purely by the fact of its creation, and that meaning is to be in eternal joy and at One with Source.

As a human, awareness of that divine and magnificent truth is hidden from you solely because of your choice to experience separation, which is a state of unawareness.

There are very few among you who are unable to recognize that unawareness in others as they struggle through life with their human intent focused almost entirely on survival, and yet for yourselves it often seems that you are aware because of your own purpose and intent to survive.

However, survival is not your purpose, and is notoptional or short-term, it is eternal, and no matter how you live your human lives you are always eternally One with Source.  Nothing can change that, and your ‘survival’ is divinely guaranteed.

Nevertheless, for most humans it appears that life is or will be short, and that it inevitably ends with the death of your human form.

However, as you evolve spiritually through countless human lifetimes, you do at some point – maybe after only a few incarnations, maybe after thousands – become aware that life is far more meaningful than you had realized, and you start opening to life’s true meaning – Love – and then you start to seek It out.

Not romantic interpersonal love and intimacy – although you will undoubtedly also seek that – but your divine Source, Mother/Father/God, from which you have never for an instant been separated, but from Whom, as a human, it does seem that you are totally separated.

That apparent state, when you become aware of it during your spiritual evolution, is extremely painful for you.  It is painful because to feel separate from Mother/Father/God, Source, LOVE, is unbearable.  As I and so many others keep on reminding you: “There Is Only LOVE!”  Therefore to be separated from It would mean that your existence had been terminated!

Deep within you, as a human apparently separate from everyone and everything in your environment, you do have a sense, an almost forgotten or inaccessible knowing, that life should be utterly and completely joy-filled.

You know that something is seriously amiss, and to avoid experiencing the intense pain of that, you bury that knowing by engaging as fully as you can with the dream/nightmare that is the limited life you are experiencing as a human in form.  That is, of course, totally unsatisfactory, leaving you with an intense longing for something more – more meaningful, in fact JOYFUL – and yet it appears that such a state does not exist,and therefore, cannot be attained.

Therefore, once again, I ask you to Celebrate, because I can absolutely assure you that you ARE going to awaken into the infinite JOY that is REALITY, LOVE, your true and eternal state of existence.

Celebrating raises your frequency, allowing you to begin feeling the first stirrings of knowing that you are One with and in the Presence of Love, where you have always been, and where you absolutely BELONG.

You have just very temporally (time being unreal) forgotten that YOU ARE ALWAYS INSEPARABLY ONE WITH SOURCE, MOTHER/FATHER/GOD, REALITY, LOVE, IN ETERNAL JOY.

With so very much love, Saul

That ‘work’ is to be loving whatever arises

A Saul Message by John Smallman
Humanity’s awakening process is advancing rapidly now, as each day increasing numbers of the population worldwide become aware of the essential need now for major changes in the manner in which people think of each other – friend, untrustworthy other, or foe – and understand that all, without any exception are, like themselves, the beloved children of God. Realizing that, and knowing it, they are then able to let go of judgment, dislike, and dismissal of others as different and wrong, and instead listen to them and discuss with them issues that need to be resolved. There are many issues that humanity can most successfully resolve if they choose to listen to and hear the opinions and beliefs of others in order to engage in meaningful discussion. Remember, you have limitless loving assistance and guidance available to you from your support teams in the spiritual realms if you will call on them and allow yourselves to hear them – your intuition – without believing the instant egoic disparaging thought arising: “That will never work!”
All are in Relationship with the One. There is only relationship because all are One. The experience of separation that you undergo as humans in form is unreal, although you experience it as very real, and that was the intent with which it was designed. When you feel that you are a separate and tiny individual being in a vast universe filled with uncountable numbers of ‘others,’ that are not you, it causes you to feel fearful, alone, unsafe, threatened by the vastness of which you appear to be such a small and insignificant speck or particle. And yet, in truth, you are that vastness, because you are in relationship with it. It and you are One. At present, as your awakening approaches and as so much is moving from the unseen – the unconscious part of the collective mind in form – into your individual conscious minds that is extremely unsettling if not, in some cases, terrifying, it is not surprising that many are feeling the extremes of uncertainty and confusion. Over many incarnations, due to the nature of the game of separation in which humanity is engaged, much negative karma has been built up by the human collective over the eons which is now arising into each soul’s individual awareness for forgiveness and release. It may well seem totally alien to the person experiencing it because, not being from the individual’s present life time, it is unrecognizable. A
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You all chose to incarnate at this moment in the awakening process to assist one another with this mighty task. You all knew that it would be difficult and painful, but you also knew that you would be totally supported by God and by your spiritual support teams, and that your success was inevitable. Nothing has changed!

However, because of the amnesia involved in taking on human form, that knowing, that certainty is hidden from you, and at times the lives you are leading and the suffering that you are undergoing seems unfair, unwarranted, very real, and something that a loving god would never allow to occur. You need to keep on reminding yourselves of the unreality of the game of separation from God, in which you are engaged, and in which all are playing their parts precisely as planned to bring about your awakening, even though, when you observe the divisive and chaotic situations in so many areas of the world, it is frequently difficult for you to remain convinced that your collective awakening is imminent.

Although it is good to be aware of the pain and suffering that so many are experiencing, so that you can keep sending them love and healing – a very powerful and effective thought form – do not allow yourselves to be constantly distracted by the angry content and reports of intense suffering on which the mainstream and social media channels focus so much attention.

When you do, as you must have noticed, your energy fields weaken leading to depression and a sense of helplessness, even hopelessness.
You are very powerful beings! And you are precisely where you are meant to be to assist most effectively and lovingly in humanity’s awakening process.

When you focus on what is not loving in the world you are permitting your egos to distract you from the work you incarnated to do.

That ‘work’ is to be loving whatever arises, letting go of judgment and condemnation of others who are behaving in unconscionable ways, and sending Love to all to help them to become aware and awaken to their true nature which is identical to your own . . . It is Love!

Go within at least once daily, and preferably much more frequently – it need only be for a few moments as you set the intent to be only loving – because when you do the loving energy that is flowing through you, and out to all of humanity (you really do affect All of humanity), intensifies enormously, raising your frequency and also the frequency of countless others of whom you are unaware. That is the ‘work’ you incarnated to do, and when you remind yourselves of this you realize that it is not really work at all, it is, instead, a most enjoyable occupation that fills you with peace and contentment, because you are doing the divine Will, and you know it.

With so very much love, Saul.

old order just disintegrates due to a complete lack of popular support.A new environment, in which peace, love, acceptance, understanding, and cooperation unite all, is being established, and signs of this are becoming visible in many places.

People everywhere are reclaiming their individual sovereignty.

08/31/2020 by John Smallman

Saul Audio Blog for Monday August 31st

As your moment of awakening draws ever closer, there is a palpable air of excitement worldwide, in spite of all the “bad” news that the mainstream media is focusing on so constantly and vociferously.

Truly, there is much pain and suffering as age-old hatreds and resentments rise into people’s consciousness to be acknowledged, forgiven, and released.  Awareness of the insanity of many of the old patterns of human behavior – one on one, in families, in social, political and religious organizations, and between nations and groups of nations – is spreading, and people are making it clear that change of enormous magnitude and on a global scale is essential NOW!

It is becoming apparent to all that for peace and harmony to prevail the oneness and interconnectedness of all to all must be honored in harmonious loving acceptance of one another, regardless of any and all apparent differences that you observe between each other.

Humanity is a vast family, with many diverse interests and creative abilities, and it is now time to recognize this and honor all your brothers and sisters, instead of dividing yourselves into opposing groups that judge and condemn the appearances, beliefs, and creative endeavors, etc., of other groups.

You have been aware for a very long time that that does not work, nevertheless, the immature and egoic need to be right, to which so many cling, has made it practically impossible for you to truly honor even one other because of your own lack of self acceptance.

That sense of non acceptability is the result of trauma of varying intensity inflicted or imposed upon you during infancy and childhood.  None among you grew to adulthood unscathed by the trauma of childhood unacceptability, trauma so painful that you had to disown it or bury it deep within you – out of sight, out of mind – to enable you to face and engage with others, even though there still remained within your conscious awareness a sense of not being good enough.

What you had buried so deeply within yourselves as totally unacceptable was constantly being reflected back to you by others who were similarly traumatized, whom you then judged and condemned, just as you had been judged and condemned as little ones.

Growing from human infancy to mature adulthood is not easy, and many were so traumatized that they have never succeeded in maturing emotionally or psychologically.  Many of those then used their physical or intellectual capabilities to defend themselves against what seemed to be an an almost constant and aggressive onslaught from others, and often sought positions of power and authority over others in order to find some kind of personal self-acceptance, which has frequently brought disastrous consequences raining down on humanity.

What you have come to accept as normal behavior is behavior that has been conditioned by your childhood experiences of trauma, now mostly concealed below the level of your conscious minds, and is basically a defensive mode of existence in which you are on the alert for any sign of confrontation arising which might threaten you emotionally, psychologically, intellectually, or physically.

To live in such a state of alertness is, of course, very stressful and energetically draining.  But, because it has for so long been the apparently essential way of life, it has become normal for most humans, and so stress is expected and dealt with on a daily basis unless it becomes totally debilitating, in which case many who experience that state seek medical assistance.

It is not the way you would choose to live, which is why you so often watch infants, before they have become too traumatized, playing and engaging with life in delightful spontaneity and wonder why you cannot find the same joy in life, even if only momentarily.

It is this wondering that has, over the last few decades, encouraged people to look for more rewarding and enjoyable ways to live, and has therefore brought into their awareness the insanity of modern express-paced living in which there is no time to just be.

And even when people do realize this, and try to relax for a short period of time doing nothing, or engaging in meditation or contemplation, the almost constant and insistent urge to do something – anything! – sends them rushing to find some kind of distraction.

And there are countless opportunities for distraction available in your modern lives, that often appear to you to require your instant attention, but which obviously do not, except in your intensely felt need forsome distraction, Please!

Now, as is clearly apparent, people are ready for change, are demanding change, and those in positions of authority, who are generally rather egotistically driven, either cannot see this, refuse to see it, or are so driven by their desire to maintain their sense of power, that they try to retain their hold on it by passing new and unacceptable rules and regulations to maintain the status quo – authoritarian control – and demanding that the police and other “security” forces then impose them.

This approach always seemed to work in the past.

But, the Past is Over!  Change, inevitable and absolutely essential change is occurring, and will continue to occur until the old order just disintegrates due to a complete lack of popular support.

A new environment, in which peace, love, acceptance, understanding, and cooperation unite all, is being established, and signs of this are becoming visible in many places.

People everywhere are reclaiming their individual sovereignty, the sovereignty with which they were created, for and in eternal joy, to live in freedom, being what their loving and amazingly sensitive hearts guide them to be – Themselves – unhindered by even the slightest feelings of guilt, shame or unacceptability, because such feelings or negative self-judgments are, and always have been, utterly invalid!

You are all divine beings having a temporary experience in form as humans.

As humans your task was to evolve spiritually, and you have been doing this for eons, and the fruits of this evolutionary progress are beginning to ripen beautifully as they start to become a most magnificent harvest for all to enjoy.

Therefore, prepare to CELEBRATE.

With so very much love, Saul.

Truly, all of humanity, every single person, is contributing enormously and very effectively to this most wonderful human awakening process…Everyone presently incarnate has their own individual part to play and is playing it perfectly, even if they are totally unaware that they are doing so, and even if it appears to others that some of them are causing the problems and are, therefore, far removed from the solution.-Saul via John-

by John Smallman

The present anxiety and confusion, due to the corona virus, that is continuing to be experienced globally, will not last much longer because new information is being released daily that is helping to resolve the issues that are causing the confusion, and so the uncertainty that is being experienced will be greatly eased.

Epidemics have have always been a part of life on Earth, as have storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, droughts, floods, forest fires, etc.  They are part of the earthly environment that occur, develop, and decay, and they do indeed cause a lot of pain and suffering for many while they are present, and in their aftermath.

With your modern transport systems, epidemics can spread far more rapidly than they used to do, and they also come to an end far more quickly, as the present one is doing.  And because far more people in these times have clean water, good personal hygiene, and sanitation, epidemics are far less harmful than was the case in earlier times.

Due to the large numbers of people now incarnate on your beautiful planet, and because of the global economic system that is based on short-term financial benefit for a very small number of people, and which has, until very recently, largely ignored the consequences of this unsustainable way of using the planet’s abundant resources, it is now essential that major changes in the way you nourish and nurture yourselves are put into effect.  Changes that will allow the planet to heal the vast areas that have been so thoughtlessly and unnecessarily abused and desecrated starting at the dawn of the industrial revolution.

You can and you will make the necessary alterations to the way you engage with the planet so that she can continue to support you and all the other life forms that are a part of her very diverse eco-systems, because, collectively – though perhaps not totally consciously – humanity has made the decision to do so.

As a direct result of this collective decision, humanity is now, and very rapidly, becoming increasingly awarethat the imprudent way in which you have been availing of your planet’s abundant resources has to end.  Photographs of the devastation that has occurred in remote areas of the world are now widely published on many media platforms so that no one can now be unaware of what has been happening.

As a result the collective intent to make the necessary life style changes to repair and lovingly care for the environment on which your human existence is utterly dependent has been set in motion.  Situations across the world may appear to continue to deteriorate for a short while before a massive turn around in attitudes and behaviors starts to show many positive results.

Very few of you reading this message – or others of a similar nature – are directly involved in setting up and establishing the means to put these essential changes into effect, but that does not mean that you are not part of this process.  Many activists are involved, and their involvement is what is going to bring it about in practical terms.

Those on a quieter path, who are deeply spiritual, by intending to be only loving whatever arises, and by intending to be channels or conduits through which Love can flow to where it is most needed, are making just as powerful a contribution to this process.  Truly, all of humanity, every single person, is contributing enormously and very effectively to this most wonderful human awakening process.

Everyone presently incarnate has their own individual part to play and is playing it perfectly, even if they are totally unaware that they are doing so, and even if it appears to others that some of them are causing the problems and are, therefore, far removed from the solution.

The overall plan is far more complex than you can possibly imagine.  And those who appear to be obstructing the changes – for example, leaders of industrial and financial corporations and the politicians beholden to them – are also very important operatives in the divine plan.

Major change nearly always requires a large shift in perspective if people are to recognize the need for change, and so some of the present turmoil is leading to the major shifts in perspective that are necessary to show people that they have to demand that those in positions of authority either start to put the changes into effect, or resign to allow wiser ones to replace them and make the decisions that have to be made.

Again, it comes back to taking time out daily to set loving intentions and then putting them into practice.

Doing just that is amazingly powerful and effective.

Therefore, believe in yourselves, believe in the power of your intentions, reset those intentions whenever you think of them, and bring humanity lovingly and joyfully to its long-dreamt moment of awakening.

That is what you chose to do and what you are incarnate to do, and you are doing it, most successfully.

When you look back over the last few decades of your present human lives you cannot be unaware of the major changes that have occurred and which have removed many barriers to peoples’ freedom.

It may well seem now that ‘the authorities’ are attempting to roll back those rights and freedoms.  It will not happen, because the power you are using and demonstrating by your loving attitudes and behaviors is invincible.

Love always wins, never by conflict, but by gently awakening people to the realization that there is only Love.

With so very much love, Saul.

Everyone wants only to be loved, because Love is your divine nature, so make a point of being mindful of this as it strengthens your intent to be only loving.-Saul via John Smallman, June 10th, 2020-

Humanity’s awakening process is moving along very nicely indeed, as increasing numbers of people become aware of how, and for how long, those in governmental positions of authority have been willfully misleading the electorate that they have been elected to serve. This increasing awareness is a necessary part of your awakening process, because it leads you to realize that it is in yourselves that you must trust, allowing your intuitive knowingto guide you powerfully and lovingly along your chosen life paths. That guidance is always with you, you just have to learn to trust it by practicing using it, first in situations that are non-threatening, and then, as your trust strengthens, in situations that are more demanding.

You were created as sovereign beings with free will, but over the eons many have been trained and encouraged to give their power away to others – parents, teachers, the military, the police, multi-national organizations, religious leaders, and governments – supposedly for their own good. And as your history clearly shows, those to whom power is given nearly always abuse it, and then conflicts erupt, either small and local, or on a massive scale, setting good people at war with one another to satisfy hidden agendas which are then presented to you as necessary and in your own and everyone else’s best interests.

With the present ongoing global lock-down and governmentally imposed limitations on your personal freedom it is becoming very apparent that the present systems of government, seemingly different in different countries and nations, are most definitely not in humanity’s best interests and need to be drastically changed so that everyone – every individual – is heard, honored, and respected. The idea of democracy and of establishing democratic societies has existed for a long time, and has occasionally seemingly been put into practice, however, almost without fail, those who are elected to or take upon themselves positions of power and authority become consumed by their own egotistical desire for ever more of it. Sometimes this leads to a particular person being criminally indicted by others in the group, who then choose a replacement, and on other occasions it leads to conflict, suffering for many, and revolution, whereupon the whole process starts over again. That is human history.

Your ongoing human awakening is the process by which this long term systemic societal, cultural, and governmental incompetence and/or corruption will be brought to a conclusion, to be replaced by loving and harmonious worldwide cooperation on a scale that has never before happened on Planet Earth. Humanity’s future is bright now because there are enormous possibilities arising that will be seen and most creatively used to bring about the essential changes for which all are hoping, but which, at present, only a few can conceive of.

Every human on Earth at this moment is in the process of evolving spiritually – whether they are aware of this or not – and they chose to be here in this moment to assist and take part in the awakening. For the vast majority all that they need to do is to set the intention, at least once daily, to be only loving no matter what may arise to confront them in their daily lives. To be loving is your divine assignment, while at the same time living lives of honesty and integrity in which you most consciously and mindfully love, honor, and respect everyone with whom you interact in any manner at all. As ever larger numbers of people do this the energy field of Love, in which all of God’s divine creation is eternally enfolded, becomes more intensely felt, moving you gently and very positively into a strong desire to allow Love to embrace you wholeheartedly and unconditionally. This is what It has always wanted to do – and of course, this is what everyone is seeking when they search for love outside themselves – and it is your allowance that permits It to do so. However, very many of you have been brought up to believe that you are not worthy of God’s Love, and so, because of this invalid belief, you have drawn an apparently impenetrable and invisible cloak or veil between yourselves and Love. It is this that provides the unreal, but seemingly intensely real experience of separation.

You CANNOT be unworthy because you are divine creations, Beings like unto God, and therefore you are absolutely perfect. But, while you believe in your unworthiness you are seeing yourselves only as your human forms. You are not your human forms, they are just vehicles that make it possible for you to experience a life limited by form, and those forms are fearfulbecause their life span is very short, and therefore apparently terminal for you. This severely time limited life of form is not an inspiring concept, and so distraction is urgently sought in many ways, one of which is the recently developed addiction to social media.

Now, as the global lock-down continues to restrict your freedom, there is a marvelous opportunity for you to make a personal retreat by going within for an hour or two daily to rest in mindful awareness. As you do so, set the intent for people everywhere to open their hearts to one another in mutual support. This is most effective as the energy field enveloping each one of you is the divine field of Love that is Mother/Father/God, Source, All That Is, and by setting that intent you make it happen. With this opening Love is not only given permission but is most warmly invited to fill the hearts of all on Earth.

Love filled hearts dissolve fear, most positively encourage loving social interaction, and mightily strengthen the collective intent to awaken. You are all presently incarnate to awaken from the dream, the illusion, and to establish Heaven on Earth. That is what you are actually doing in this now moment, and as the intent to do so intensifies more and more of you will begin to feel the Love in which you are always enfolded. Remember, separation is unreal and utterly impossible! You just feel separated because of the cloak or veil that is an aspect of the unreal state you collectively built and chose to experience. When you awaken, as you will, the cloak or veil of separation will dissolve.

Use this special time wisely and lovingly to address and release any deep seated resentments, hatreds, blaming, and the resulting judgments that then flow into your minds. They are just thoughts from which you need to disengage, because they interfere with your intentions to be only loving whatever arises.

Everyone wants only to be loved, because Love is your divine nature, so make a point of being mindful of this as it strengthens your intent to be only loving. Doing that is to do the divine Will, which is also your will, because there is only One Will. This is the reason each one of you incarnated at this moment in the awakening process, and your presence in form is an absolutely essential presence in this now moment.

With so very much love, Saul.

enlightenment means…living in the world as humans at peace with yourselves whatever arises, and not being drawn into the drama that others create out of their strong feelings of like or dislike of people, food, activities, organizations, and the beliefs and opinions they attach to them. -Saul via John Smallman, May 18th, 2020.

It is absolutely essential that you love and honor yourselves.

We are approaching the completion or the end point of humanity’s awakening process!  That probably does not appear to be the case from your perspective as the news media floods the airwaves and the internet with further misinformation about the worldwide pandemic, along with news of the ensuing dramas.However, humanity is on a roll toward a new way of living that will totally change the ways in which you relate to one another, as your perception of the meaning of life as a human evolves into spiritual awareness of the real purpose of your lives as humans in form.  Memory of your true nature is returning, and therefore you are seeing your human lives in a completely new LIGHT!

The Light of Love is arising into your conscious awareness bringing into focus the real purpose of a human life, namely, to recognize, honor, and express your True Nature at all times.  And, as you all know, your True Nature is LOVE.  When you start to do this, even though at first you may feel reluctant to do so, you will find yourselves meeting and interacting with others who are also doing this.  This confirms for you that this is the only meaningful way to live, and arousing in you the confidence – always there but not trusted, because of the sense that confidence in self was felt to be unsafe, unwise – and the courage to set and put into practice the intent to be only loving in every moment, and to allow Love to guide your thoughts, words, and actions at all times.

This is what enlightenment means, it does not mean being out of this world experiencing the intense felt sense of the infinite field of divine Love enveloping and embracing you, as reported by many who have had Near Death Experiences – which is of course totally valid.  It means living in the world as humans at peace with yourselves whatever arises, and not being drawn into the drama that others create out of their strong feelings of like or dislike of people, food, activities, organizations, and the beliefs and opinions they attach to them.  It is a state of being free from worry, anxiety, or fear of what others may think of you, because you know that who you are is who, with great wisdom, you chose to be before incarnating to experience this life in this moment in order to learn the lessons with which it presents you.

Remember, every sentient being without exception is divinely created in Love, and at One with Source, from Whom they are never for even an instant separated.  To awaken is to know this and experience the Reality of It at all times.  Yes, stuff will arise that is messy, unpleasant, and painful, but because you know who you truly are, and live that truth at all times, nothing that does arise will discombobulate you to the extent that you become unable to deal with it and consequently sink into depression or victimhood.  Instead it will arise as a challenge that you welcome, knowing that it is one of the lessons that you set on your human life path prior to incarnating, and you will, therefore, resolve it with excitement and attain a deep sense of satisfaction in doing so.

You are divine beings having a temporary experience in form, although when life appears to be treating you unfairly or unkindly, it does not feel very temporary.  Life just is, it is neither good nor bad except in your own personal appraisal of it.  Life happens, life unfolds, moment by moment as you, in human form, experience it while playing the game or dreaming the dream that life in form presents to you.  Those moments can seem momentary – a moment of intense joy or pleasure – or interminable when you are suffering and or in pain.  A moment is just a moment, but how you experience it is due to the choices that you make – in that moment!

You all know or have met people who are nearly always upbeat, cheerful, and enthusiastic about their lives, and others who never seem to be happy but, instead, are almost always complaining about some aspect of it, or about another person.  Both types are living the choices they have made for themselves.  The reason for their choices are mostly based on life experiences they have encountered from early childhood right up to the present moment, and most definitely those who have suffered a plethora of unpleasant or severely abusive and damaging events and relationships need your compassion and love, free from judgment or shaming.  As all are One, anything you think, say, or do affects you as well as those at whom you direct your thoughts, words, or actions.  Therefore, it makes absolutely no sense to engage in unloving behaviors of any kind – thoughts, words, or actions– because you are then engaged in directing them at yourselves.

When you make the conscious choice to treat yourselves lovingly, fairly, and compassionately, then it becomes impossible for you to treat others any less favorably.  It is, therefore, very, very important, in fact essential that you love and honor yourselves.  Vast numbers of people carry a heavy burden of unworthiness, of unlovableness, and this is often expressed in disapproval of others who are mostly just acting as mirrors to them, because, of course, you are all mirrors to one another, and what you see in others is very frequently a reflection of the self you are presenting to them – Love experiences or meets Love, hatred experiences or meets hatred.  You always have a choice as to how you will think, speak, or act, but many are either unaware of this fact, or choose to ignore it, and allow their emotions to control their reactions or responses to situations in which they find themselves.  Those who choose Love are always far happier and more at peace than those who choose what is not in alignment with Love.

Anyone who is unloving is, in fact, desperately calling out for Love.  But often these people are so full of feelings of shame, unworthiness, or self-hatred, that they are unable or find it extremely difficult to accept Love when It is offered to them.  They obviously cannot move out of this state without help, but until they are willing to acknowledge that their problems lie within them and choose to seek and accept help, then the only, and very effective thing you can do for them is to hold them silently, quietly, and peacefully in your hearts as you send them Love, whenever you think of them, or remember them.

So, to reiterate, there is only Love, Mother/Father/God, Source, with Whom all sentient beings are One.  Therefore sending Love to another is to send It to yourselves, and this is why you are presently incarnate as humans at this moment in humanity’s awakening process.  Be Love, express Love, share Love, and enjoy the peace and contentment doing this will bring you if you can set the intent to do so unconditionally, and then actually do as you intend,by putting it into practice.  Oftentimes people set an intent, but then fail to implement it, and not realizing this, wonder why it is not achieved.

Trust yourselves, truly trust yourselves, operate from the fullness of your personal integrity as you send Love to all – without exceptions of any kind – and know that this is why you are presently incarnate, helping to bringing humanity successfully and most magnificently through your collective awakening process.

With so very much love, Saul.

Eternal joy awaits your awakening-Saul via John Smallman-

To start with, a metaphor: humanity is out surfing, an enormous wave is approaching, therefore . . .relax, but be ready and allow this magnificent wave to carry you along for an exhilarating ride into the new era which you have all been working so assiduously to bring into being for a very long time.  You will not fail to rise up on it, because you have great expertise and you have been practising with powerfully focused intent to be ready for this precise moment, and you are ready, and you will rise to the occasion.  You will be filled you with joy and wonder as you finally come to know yourselves, the true You, at One with all of God’s divine Creation.  Your awakening is to be spectacular, way beyond anything you could possibly imagine, in fact way beyond anything that even someone who has had the most uplifting and inspiring Near Death Experience could possibly imagine.  Your divine inheritance – infinite Joy – awaits your awakening.

To awaken is your only purpose, but within the game, within the illusion myriad distractions are constantly dragging your attention away, as, in moments of lucidity, you attempt to remember that purpose.  You know that there is a much greater meaning to life than the materialistic and competitive cultures – in which you find yourselves experiencing life as a human – would have you believe.  At some stage in their human lives absolutely everyone wonders if life has a higher purpose, but the vast majority believe that they cannot afford to waste time thinking about it because they have work to do, bills to pay, and families to take care of.  They may be members of religious or spiritual organizations, and they may spend a few moments each week, or even daily, saying a brief prayer in order not to offend the divine being that the organization tells them they should honor.  They may even pray strenuously and desperately for help if some catastrophe befalls them, but mostly they just focus on daily living, while seeking moments of pleasure by engaging with some of the distractions available solely for that purpose.  Living like that does not provide satisfaction, even for those who are without any financial burdens, because you each have a deeply buried knowing that you do have a purpose, and that knowing will continue to nudge you towards wakefulness throughout your lives, unless you totally refuse to pay it any attention by choosing to block it out of your conscious awareness.  Whatever you do you cannot totally remove it or separate yourselves from it, because it is an essential aspect of who you are — a divine being having a temporary experience in form.

Now the nudges that all are constantly receiving are intensifying and can no longer be ignored or denied, because it is apparent to all that something untoward is going on, is occurring right now that demands your urgent attention.  And it is, of course, humanity’s collective awakening process.  This process has been ongoing for eons, and it has been, and is, leading to a precise moment in time when your awakening will occur whether or not you are ready for it.  Humanity’s collective awakening is inevitable!  It cannot be delayed, and it will not be delayed, and so the nudges for your attention are becoming ever more insistent in their demands for your attention, for your undivided attention.

The major nudges that all are receiving and experiencing are the realization, the growing awareness of the need for major changes in the way that humans interact with each other and with the Earth, Gaia, whose ongoing support is absolutely essential for your survival in human form.  It is the growing awareness that attitudes and behaviors that are not in alignment with Love are, in truth, and without doubt, completely insane.  To awaken is to come to full awareness that there is only the ONE, Mother/Father/God, Source from which there is no separation.  All sentient beings are, by their nature, divine and One with Source.  And even in their experience of individuality there is still no separation.  What one individual thinks, says, or does affects all the countless others . . . instantly.  How could that not be the case when all are One?

To realize this divine truth, and to know it is to awaken.  Many millions are aware of this truth intellectually, and this is a major step forward on the path to awakening.  Knowing it is so, and feeling the truth of it in one’s heart without any doubt whatsoever is to be awakened.  Some have arrived at this state, and, in so doing they are powerfully– even though they are not consciously aware of this – assisting others to join them in that magnificent state, a state of Grace, leaving conflict and disagreement behind in the illusion, the unreal environment that seems so real to those who have not yet awoken.

To think with the Mind of God and have individual thoughts and ideas that are never in disagreement with the thoughts and ideas of others, but that only add to them, making them greater and more beautiful, is a wondrous state to experience.  It is to be fully awake, fully conscious, fully aware, and fully alive!  That is LOVE, It encompasses ALL, because It is All.  There is nothing else, in fact there is NO nothing!

If you are having difficulty believing in the truth of this, in believing that Reality is a state of being in which there are no needs, no disappointments, no suffering, and no catastrophes, it means that you are listening to and believing in the unreal but fear-filled ideas that your egos offer to you as you take note of the intense pain and suffering that many are experiencing because they believe the illusion is real.  But pain and suffering, although it often seems interminable while it is being experienced, is temporary and does pass.  Reality, on the other hand, is eternal!

To relieve and dissolve your doubts, anxieties, and fears, go within at least once daily and surrender to Love by opening your hearts.  Yes, the pain and suffering will still be there because you are still choosing to experience the illusory state of separation from Source, but the Love within you will comfort and reassure you, reminding you that you are divine beings who are awakening into the magnificence of Reality, into awareness of your eternal state at One with Source.  Eternal joy awaits your awakening, and the wonder of it will fill you with delight.

With so very much love, Saul.

Humanity has everything it needs to put an end to the conflicts and poverty that so many are enduring, and to the extreme suffering to which that inevitably leads.Right now many loving ones are doing wonderful work to put into effect the necessary measures that will bring this about…To awaken is to know Love, to know Yourselves as One with God

Saul Through John Smallman

We are all watching with delight from here in the spiritual realms as humanity races towards its awakening!  You are definitely moving along very rapidly towards that wonderful event, when shock and delighted amazement will fill your hearts with joy, as you realize that you have arrived!  The journey has been long, and at times extremely stressful and painful, in fact, as stuff is now arising for nearly everybody to be acknowledged and released, you cannot fail to be aware that there is an enormous amount of needless suffering still being endured by millions of people all across the planet.  This will cease.

Humanity has everything it needs to put an end to the conflicts and poverty that so many are enduring, and to the extreme suffering to which that inevitably leads.  Right now many loving ones are doing wonderful work to put into effect the necessary measures that will bring this about.  However, you do not hear about the wonderful things that are happening unless you go looking for uplifting and inspirational information about the planet-wide locally occurring efforts that are dealing daily and increasingly effectively with these major issues that affect so many.  The mainstream media looks for drama to report on.  Good works and progress to relieve human suffering are “not newsworthy,” and so are not widely promulgated.  But they should be, because news of this nature inspires and uplifts everyone. And in these times of worldwide change and confusion, inspiration and upliftment are very positive ways to encourage and strengthen the hope that has brought humanity forward to this most powerful moment of its spiritual evolution, a moment of incredible opportunity for all on Earth.

There is no way now that you can retreat from this point, to once again embrace the ignorant and egotistical attitudes and behaviors that have for eons been endemic, as disagreements between individuals and nations have led to an endless series of conflicts that no one could win.  Finally, the miracle of Love, which is Reality, has been recognized for what It is – your true and eternal nature which connects you inseparably to Source.  Yes, you and Source are not separate beings, you never have been separated because you are One.  There is only Source within which all that has ever been or will ever be created is eternally held in an infinitely loving embrace, an embrace of infinite tenderness that allows and encourages infinite freedom in which to unconditionally love all that has been created.

Creation is an endless expression of divine Love, forever further expressing Itself in joy and harmony, as all of creation cooperates in bringing into being ever more wonders to delight Source and all sentient life forms – life forms far more numerous than can possibly be imagined or conceived of by any being that is living a limited life in form.  The infinite abundance of joy that is your awakened state, a state thousands of magnitudes beyond your ability to conceive of, awaits you.  Therefore, celebrate magnificently and expectantly as the last few moments of pain and suffering dissolve and the veils concealing Reality from you fray, become threadbare, and disintegrate.  Pain and suffering are of the illusion and only exist as long as you choose to experience them; and that choice has been the collective choice of humanity for eons.  Now the realization is dawning on the collective that it can choose to end these traumatic experiences by allowing Love to fill all your hearts and flow through you all as you exchange these experiences for ones that will bring you endless joy.

You are all infinitely loved, and have been since the moment of your creation, and as you are all One – One with Source – when you allow and invite Love into your hearts all that has caused you suffering – judgment, condemnation, bitterness, resentment, and hatred – will be gone, because it was always unreal i.e. never present within the field of Love in which all of creation has its eternal existence.

To awaken is to know Love, to know Yourselves as One withGod; and in that knowing All is known, and nothing is hidden, unavailable, inaccessible, or locked away out of sight.  All that you could ever desire is instantly available, while you also know that you want for nothing because you have everything, it was given to you at the moment of your creation because God so loves you.  And knowing His Love for you makes it impossible for you to love yourselves in any manner or way that is in the slightest bit less loving than His eternal, unconditional, and utterly complete and fulfilling Love for you.

The accelerated spiritual evolution that humanity has been experiencing over the last three or four decades has been the essential precursor to your awakening.  Those of you reading or listening to this are well aware that there has been a great increase recently in peoples’ interest in spirituality, it is a truly global phenomenon, although as a percentage of the world population it is quite small.  However, despite this small percentage its effect has been and continues to be enormous.  The tipping point has been passed, and the numbers becoming aware that your true identity is far more than you can ever experience when limited by your human forms is growing rapidly, as awareness of your innate wisdom – your intuition – grows and as people are ever more clearly coming to understand that they are and need to be responsible for all their thoughts, words, and actions.

As a consequence they now see clearly that the majority of those in positions of authority, in whatever kind of administrative body or agency, care mainly for their own personal interests.  Some of them initially had good intentions when they found themselves placed in positions that gave them authority over others, and even thought that they could help those others have better lives by controlling and directing them.  But, for most, the power with which positions of authority seem to provide them becomes addictive and demanding, as their egos become intoxicated with it.

You now have many areas in which confusion and chaos appear to be endemic as people make their voices heard as they strive to bring to the attention of those in authority their intense concern over the incompetent and self-serving manner in which that authority is being exercised.  The old authoritarian regimes are collapsing as those who were its masters find themselves in strong disagreement with each other, and thus find themselves completely unable to reach a consensus on how to maintain these outdated systems who’s time is past.

Now, as so many in the spiritual or immaterial realms keep reminding you, essential changes are occurring worldwide that will forever change the way life is lived on Earth because, moving forward, all will be treated with the loving respect and honor due to them as the divine children of God.  You are each becoming aware of your own divine nature and of the divine nature of all others, and this awareness is what is driving humanity so rapidly and positively towards awakening.  Signs are visible everywhere if you choose to look.  So be cheerful and positive as you go about your daily lives, offer loving kindness to all with whom you interact, and take delight in receiving in abundance what you yourselves are offering so generously.

Love is your nature, and once you realize this you can offer nothing less than this to all others.  And doing simply that is what it means to be awake.

With so very much love, Saul.

it is essential that you daily set the intent to be only loving in your thoughts, words, and actions. When you do that your intention affects all of humanity, and all of humanity is then mightily assisted in moving away from fear, judgment, and blame, and into a loving mindset from which to interact lovingly and respectfully with each other just as God does. -Saul through John Smallman-

The momentary choice you made to experience separation is about to be reversed.

Humanity is riding the wave towards its moment of awakening andthis is very close now.  Let go of your doubts and anxieties because all is well.  Your awakening, as you have been told so often, is inevitable!  It seems to you that you have been waiting a very long time for this magnificent event, but in truth it has been but a moment, an instant.  Separation from Source never occurred, it could not occur because there is nowhere to separate to, there is only Source the infinite field of Love in which all that is created has its eternal existence in peace and joy.

However, for a moment, for a tiny instant, you imagined separation, and because you are imbued with the infinite power of Source, what you imagined seemed to come into existence, and it seems that you are trapped, ensnared, and immobilized within a vast Universe of physicality, of form.  It is completely unreal, even though to you it seems very solid, because in form you are always in contact with other objects in form – from the ground beneath your feet to everything with which you interact during your daily lives.

Life appears to be very physical as your bodies interact with other physical bodies and objects.  BUT, if you pay close attention to your feelings, to your sensations of consciousness or awareness, it becomes quite clear that you are not your bodies.  There is within you a knowing that you can depart from where your body is physically – for instance while sitting, walking, working, driving a car – in any moment your mind can be somewhere far removed from the space in which your body is present.  You are not your body but you move it and manipulate it, or parts of it, by intending to do so.

Who is it then, that sets that intent?  It’s the sense of awareness in your field of consciousness through which you know that you exist – your ability to imagine – and it is that which makes the decision to act on what you imagined.

In truth you are far freer than you think you are, but you choose to be limited by your bodies.  Over recent decades many people have been able to make their bodies faster and stronger, both physically and mentally, through various kinds of training, and the results of this can be seen in the new records being set in athletic and academic contests all over the world.  Nevertheless, bodies are limiting because you intended them to be, but you yourselves are not limited except in so far as you believe yourselves to be.  And because humanity generally believes itself to be limited, restrained, restricted, that is what people generally experience.

To awaken is to let go of and discard limitations, and in so doing to set yourselves completely free from all limits or restraints.  Your true state is one of absolute and complete freedom, and deeply buried memories of this are what drive you to push boundaries, to seek more from life than seems possible to humans in form.  Many reach a level of freedom that is far advanced from what their parents experienced, and they are then often happy to settle for that higher level of freedom.  Others believe that they can never achieve the level of freedom their parents experienced, and settle unhappily at that lower level.  A few believe that they should not be limited at all, and spend their lives pushing the boundaries of human abilities and freedoms to ever higher levels.  Your individual beliefs set your limitations for you, and those beliefs are strongly influenced by the collective beliefs of the culture and society in which you are living.

Now is the time to release those invalid and limiting beliefs, beliefs that anchor you in the past, in past memories of limitation – “I can’t possibly do that, what would people think?” “I could never learn how to do that now, I’m too set in my ways.” “The way I’m living my life is working for me, so why risk changing it?” – that appear to offer safety and security.  Limiting beliefs are like veils or screens that prevent you from seeing the enormous possibilities that life offers you because, out of fear, you refuse to question them by opening those veils and screens and looking beyond them.

Fixed and unquestioned beliefs are self-imposed limits that further add to the basic limitations that are a major aspect of being in form as humans.  These are most easily seen in others – who support religious persuasions, economic views, philosophies, or political convictions different from your own – whereas they are often extremely difficult to see in oneself.  That egoic and fearful need to be right, with which so many are infected, has led humanity into vicious conflicts overthe eons, conflicts that cause endless pain and suffering for vast numbers of people, and which never lead to resolution of the issues that appear to have led to the conflicts in the first place.

Experience is gained when mistakes or errors are made and the reason for them is investigated and understood, and there are numerous situations occurring daily in which this happens.  One of the lessons that is learned over and over again is that humans do make mistakes and errors.Learning what caused them, and then taking steps to prevent their re-occurrence, leads to wisdom.  Unfortunately, mainly out of fear, defective or dishonest judgments are often offered in attempts to fault others for errors that occur, in order to shift blame from those responsible to those others, so that they themselves can avoid being shamed and punished.

In recent decades much progress has been made in understanding the reasons for human error, and new laws and guidelines have been introduced to reduce and, where possible, prevent errors from occurring.  However, when mistakes are made, those responsible – often people who are at the senior management levels of the organization involved – are almost invariably filled with fear and horror, and will engage in almost any kind of subterfuge to avoid being held responsible.

The way forward is to change the way mistakes are dealt with, so that those responsible can file truthful reports about what has occurred in the knowledge that they will be lovingly assisted in dealing with the sense of horror and guilt that arises within them as a result of their mistake, and thus helping enormously in the prevention of further occurrences of a similar nature.

Obviously, if criminal negligence or criminal intent is found to be the cause of the event, those responsible must be called to account, then, after a full investigation has been carried out, they must be given the loving support necessary to enable them to change the misguided beliefs that led them to behave as they did.

Remember, you are all – and there are absolutely no exceptions – beloved children of God, perfect, just as you were created.  The momentary choice you made to experience separation is about to be reversed so that you awaken.  Until then it is essential that you daily set the intent to be only loving in your thoughts, words, and actions.  When you do that your intention affects all of humanity, and all of humanity is then mightily assisted in moving away from fear, judgment, and blame, and into a loving mindset from which to interact lovingly and respectfully with each other just as God does.  This is an essential step on your path to awakening, and it is the way in which Mother/Father/God, Source, Love, always interact and engage with all of creation.  It is how you will experience life when you awaken, and thus eternal joy will embrace and envelop you.

With so very much love, Saul.