Category Archives: Jesus

Jesus Through John: Your Awakening is Assured and Guaranteed

As you await humanity’s collective awakening with eager anticipation, practice being in the ‘now’ as frequently as you can during the day and allow yourselves to enjoy the moments as they unfold. Doing this is very healing for you if you are dealing with trauma that you are in the process of releasing.

You have all suffered trauma, and for each of you it has been personal, very intense, and has probably stirred up old emotions you had forgotten or did not even know were within you. Do not attempt to diminish those feelings by comparing what you have experienced to the experiences of other far more horrifically traumatized people you know of or who you have read about.

YOUR experience, whatever may have caused it, was intensely traumatic for YOU, so honor and congratulate yourself for dealing with it as you did, knowing and acknowledging that how you dealt with it while it was ongoing was perfect for You.

When you do that you will feel great relief as your hurt inner child finally realizes that it is being seen, heard, and, most of all, loved.

Your nature, as you well know, is Love. But the majority of you, while in human form, have never received that Love. Yes, your care-givers when you were small, friends, intimate partners, even your own children, have said they love you, and have, to the best of their abilities, offered you love, but it has nearly always been conditional!

Love is NEVER conditional. As humans in form only a tiny minority of you have truly received love from someone else.

To undo your traumas it is necessary to honor and offer love to yourselves. This is an essential aspect of your awakening process.

Many of you now are finding unrecognized or long forgotten ‘stuff’ arising into your awareness in these unsettling times, it is mostly not a very pleasant experience, and the temptation may likely arise to shut it down because “I don’t have time for this now.”

In the moment that it arises this is often the case, BUT you need to make time for it, sooner rather than later, so that any long held but buried or hidden angers and resentments may be seen, forgiven, and released. Then Love will fill your hearts and empower you in ways that will likely amaze you.

You can do this, you need to do this, so call on me or on anyone in the non-physical heavenly realms to be with you and comfort you as you just allow yourselves to be – letting go of ALL self-judgment in this moment – and reveal to yourselves the personal blockages to your beingness to which you are clinging.

Any sense of personal “unworthiness” or “not being good enough” that you claim to be valid is not, it simply gives you an excuse to believe that “you are who you are,” and that change is impossible, and even undesirable; you are comfortable with that apparent state of being because you have become so accustomed to it.

Well now is the time to start letting it go as you start to honor yourselves completely as the perfect divine beings that you are, and have always been since the moment of your most wondrous creation. You need to start honoring yourselves, after all God does, so for you not to do so is insane.

Your awakening is guaranteed because to sleep forever is impossible. When you are not feeling too well when you wake up in the morning, you may sometimes turn over and go back to sleep in order not to have to face the day. But you do eventually wake up and find that you have no option but to face and deal with the problems and anxieties of the day.

You cannot remain asleep indefinitely because your bodies insist on waking up. But when you awaken from the unreality that is the experience of life in form, when you truly and really AWAKEN you will be in JOY! And you are, NOW, in the process of doing that.

Obviously, in your awareness of all the conflicts and other divisive issues now plaguing the world, it is extremely difficult for you to imagine a life of endless joy. However, if you choose to avoid paying undue attention to MSM and social media, you can very easily find joyful moments throughout your day – the smile of a child or a loved one, beautiful autumn colors, an unexpected message from a friend, even that first sip of your morning coffee or tea – because many do occur.

You can become aware of them if you will practice being mindful, and then you can temporarily succeed in stopping all the unnecessary mental chatter that only adds to any anxieties that may be disturbing your peace of mind, and you will feel at least for a moment that life is worth living in spite of the problems with which it so often seems to present you.

Then use that moment to remind yourselves of your true nature, One with Mother/Father/God, from Whose Presence you have never departed, and of which you are now in the process of once more becoming fully aware.

Your awakening is divinely assured and guaranteed. It is inevitable and unavoidable.

Go within daily to your holy inner sanctuaries and remind yourselves of this most wondrous truth, then allow yourselves to feel the certainty of it. This will boost your energy, strengthening your intent to be only loving, to be true to your true real nature, and reinforce the Power of the Love that you most definitely are, thus beautifully assisting you to forge ahead in your awakening process.

Others with whom you interact during the day will feel the peace and loving energy that enfolds you and spreads out from you in a massive sharing, thus assisting all with whom you interact in any manner at all to move forward on their own paths to awakening.

You chose to be incarnate now to do this beautiful work, for yourselves and for humanity, and your success is divinely assured. So celebrate in the deep knowing that all is well, that all is unfolding as divinely planned, and that you, just as you are right now, are an absolutely essential and irreplaceable participant in this holy and miraculous transformation.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

The chaos and confusion planet-wide are themselves signs of your awakening as people start to become more fully aware of the corruption and dishonesty that has always been an aspect of the illusion that is life in form.-Jesus Through John-

Humanity is on a roll! The collective awakening process, in which you are all fully engaged, is moving along quite beautifully, as is to be expected because it is God’s divine will.

The chaos and confusion planet-wide are themselves signs of your awakening as people start to become more fully aware of the corruption and dishonesty that has always been an aspect of the illusion that is life in form.

The illusion was constructed to experience a sense of freedom, and was established to allow an ‘apparent’ movement away from Love, and for each individual to live without consideration for others if he so chose.

Those in families and tribes did support each other, but could also be banished if their behavior was judged unacceptable for whatever reason. Thus it became necessary to consider individual survival above all other human needs.

The realization that All are One was forgotten, hidden from awareness, and the human life being lived was understood to be a one time event that had to be used to the full in order to make the most of the seemingly limited resources available for the individual during the few years of a human life span.

Over the last few hundred years increased awareness has been growing of your interdependence on each other, and on the planet which lovingly provides all you need for your human survival.

This awareness has expanded most dramatically over the last four or five decades as you cannot fail to have noticed, and increasing numbers of humans have been living their lives to be at least partially in service to your collective awakening, even though they are probably not consciously aware that they have been doing this. They just considered what they were doing to be normal human nature, the right thing to do.

This intent to be of service has meant that many have ceased to just do their jobs and collect their paychecks, but have also looked into the activities of the organizations that employ them – small businesses, large corporations, other large organizations, and, of course, governments – to see if they were in fact honoring humanity and the planet.

This increase in curiosity into as opposed to unthinking acceptance of the activities of large organizations has become progressively more effective in bringing into the public domain information regarding damaging and corrupt activities that need first to be massively curtailed, and then brought to an end to allow human and planetary healing to take place, as the numbers of you paying attention have increased.

Consequentially preparation for your awakening, which has been ongoing since the moment you constructed and engaged with your illusory reality, is now nearing completion and will allow and encourage your awakening to come into full bloom.

You will awaken into knowing and experiencing the joy of being Oneness, of being One with M/F/G, the Source of Love from which separation has never occurred.

Keep reminding yourselves of this divine truth:

Separation never happened!

Life in form, although seeming intensely and unequivocally real, is not Reality, it is a moment of confusion, a dream or imaginary state in which momentary experiences can overwhelm you emotionally and psychologically and escort you into words and actions in that state that lead you or others into intense pain and suffering.

Yes, there may also be moments of happiness, but mostly you spend your human lives seeking happiness, never ending happiness, and never finding it, a state that resonates with you and which you sense or intuit should be your natural state. And of course it is, but you have lost awareness of it, and the pain of that loss remains with you leading you to seek outside yourselves for what has always been present within you.

You are One, you are Love, because that is how you were created, and what God creates cannot change, being already perfect as divinely intended.

Within the illusion, where you are experiencing life in human form, that does not seem to be true. That is because life in form was constructed – imagined into being – in order to experience a non real state, and that is what you are experiencing.

However, you can choose to return to complete wakefulness – REALITY – just by setting the intent to do so, because you are very powerful divine beings.

Doing this is what the awakening process is all about, so make the choice now to wake up. You have the absolute right to make this choice, and in order to awaken you must completely freely – by your own utterly free will – make and set this intent.

No one else can do it for you, because you are sovereign beings on whom nothing can be imposed.

Awaken now into the Love that you are, and share and extend that Love with all of humanity, because that is why you incarnated to be present in human form at this moment in humanity’s collective spiritual evolution – your AWAKENING into REALITY!

So, I emphasize and repeat yet again, it is absolutely essential that you take time daily – numerous times if you can – to go within to your holy inner sanctuaries and invite Love into your hearts to embrace you, and from there flow abundantly out from you to all sentient life where it will be felt – experienced – most powerfully.

That is, as I said above, why you are here NOW! Remember, there are NO accidents or coincidences, everything has a divine purpose. Yours is to awaken, and to assist others to do likewise – not by proselytization, argument, or persuasion – just by most beautifully demonstrating love in action simply by being you. That is your divine purpose as a human in this and, as long as time continues to flow, every moment.

You can do it.

You incarnated to do it.

And you have the infinite and most powerful support and enthusiastic encouragement from those in the non physical realms who are watching over you constantly, ever ready to respond whenever you choose to call on them for further assistance.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

this short period of time remaining before the miracle occurs, is proving to be very stressful for everyone, so be aware of this and intensify your intent to be only loving whatever arises.

To awaken is your destiny because, being One with Source – being fully aware in complete conscious wakefulness in every moment – is your constant state.

As humans in form it is difficult for you to conceive of such a state, because you are almost constantly being distracted by your worldly concerns and interests. They are, of course, totally appropriate while you are in form as they assist you in maintaining your physical well-being. However, you do not need to spend almost all your waking hours focused on those concerns and issues, whereas you do need to spend quiet time every day connecting with Source, by sitting peacefully as you invite Love into your hearts to embrace you and reinvigorate your energy fields.

There is still a lot of ‘stuff’ arising planet-wide that takes a heavy toll on everyone in form, so resting and recuperating deep within yourselves daily is essential, otherwise it becomes very difficult for you to share and extend to humanity the love that each one of you is, and which is your reason for being incarnate at this moment in humanity’s spiritual evolution – TO AWAKEN!

We are watching over you with intense Love as your awakening process approaches its most magnificent conclusion, and it will indeed be most dramatic and uplifting for you all, way beyond your wildest dreams. You incarnated to be present in form at this moment and not one of you will be disappointed.

Nevertheless, this short period of time remaining before the miracle occurs, is proving to be very stressful for everyone, so be aware of this and intensify your intent to be only loving whatever arises.

You know that you are Love, One with Mother/Father/God. You know this divine truth deep within yourselves, and yet you allow your egoic doubts to hide this from you with distractions – I am unworthy, I am a guilty sinner, I am not good enough, God couldn’t love me – all of which are utterly and completely invalid. Because you are in every moment One with God none of these doubts or beliefs could ever be true because the One – YOU – is eternally perfect in every way.

The best way you can honor Mother/Father/God is by honoring and respecting yourselves. Until you do that you will continue to find yourselves projecting those judgments on to others and condemning them – Self-Condemnation – as you attempt to relieve or disown your own sense of inadequacy.


How could you be inadequate when you are divine creations, the eternally beloved children of God? Yes, as humans in form, you are different from one another, you are, each and every one of you without any exceptions, individuals with different skills and creative abilities. Therefore, do not compare yourselves to others, to do so is meaningless, because you need to work together, harmoniously and lovingly, using your own individual skills and abilities, and thus awaken into the Reality of your Oneness, your inseparability from Source, and therefore from one another.

Source is Creation, and so, therefore, are you. Your nature is continuously conjoined with and cooperating with M/F/G creating beauty in an infinite expression of Love. You all love beauty – beautiful flowers, blossoms, gardens, trees, sunsets, animals, and people – and that is what you are unceasingly creating in myriad magnificent variations for the joy of All.

You are all beings of eternal joy, and yet that is what you spend much of your lives in form seeking outside yourselves, as for most of your lives it does not appear to be present or accessible. But it is! It is within you and is instantly attainable for you when you allow yourselves to release your grasp on judgment of the world and its people, especially those close to you with whom you interact regularly.

Judgment is a ‘skill’ that you begin to learn in infancy as you are regularly judged as not good enough for whatever reason – mostly very minor – and your learning of this skill never ceases because as you grow you feel an intense need to defend yourselves against the judgments of others, and you do this by judging and blaming those others.

For most people this also leads to judging and blaming the worldly environment itself – it’s cold, it’s raining, it’s too hot, there are too many people, there are too many wars, people cannot be trusted, it’s not fair – for your dissatisfaction and unhappiness with your lives. But, the world is, and people are people, so instead of judging and complaining, extend and share Love with everyone because, as you know deep within yourselves, even if you do not wish to accept it, everyone is always doing their best. The fact that you do not think this is true is an invalid judgment and personal belief. And you can just let it go.

M/F/G is Love and Compassion, therefore so are you. Instead of blaming and judging extend love to all.

Yes, some do need to be restrained from harming others, but thoughtfully, wisely, and compassionately, as closely as you can manage to the divine way – remember M/F/G never blames, judges, or condemns – She embraces all most lovingly. She knows that all in form are desperately seeking Love, and the more desperate a person is the more unloving their behavior tends to be.

ANYTHING that is not in alignment with Love is a very desperate call for Love. Honor that call and help people to awaken to the deep inner knowing that they are LOVE!

No one needs to seek Love, because your nature – LOVE – is with you in every moment waiting patiently to be discovered as you let go of the egoic distractions that hide your true nature from yourselves.

When you finally find Love within yourselves, and you WILL, all judgment has fallen away and, miraculously, you are most happily at peace with yourselves in complete self-acceptance, and in loving and compassionate acceptance of all others.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Jeshua: You are building a new path for the Earth, which is an inner path, a path of consciousness.

by Pamela Kribbe

woman s palm with written message
Photo by RODNAE Productions on

Dear people, I am Jeshua, and I am happy being with you.

You are building a new path for the Earth, which is an inner path, a path of consciousness.

Along the paths and tracks you create in your mind, others will follow, because it is easier to walk along beaten paths. You are the ones who conquer unexplored territory, create new paths, and so make tracks for others to follow. This is your work, your so-called mission; something you took on at the level of the soul before you started this life on Earth.

Through doing this, you become truly happy, and you are not satisfied with anything less than that. Only when you feel you have that new path beneath your feet, and that you are creating what you wanted from your soul, only then do you feel really fulfilled from within and deeply connected with the Earth.

For you, there is no easy-fit existence possible, no middle way, and no conformity. You have chosen to be different, which is something that has also been mentioned here today. Being different has caused you to experience the pain of rejection by others. But remember, also, the joys and triumphs of the experience of breakthroughs in your consciousness , and the experience of love which rises above fear. Those are moments of deep joy for the soul, when you remember who you are from your soul, while you live here on Earth amidst thought forms that are often fed by fear. Those moments of triumph are times when your soul touches the Earth, and when you fulfill your destiny.

What happens at those moments when you are filled with the essence of your soul, and with the mission here on Earth you intended to do? What really happens in those moments of the coming together of your soul with your humanity? There is no fear, there is openness. The voice of fear is replaced by a deep trust and a knowing inside you of what is good. And how you desire to experience that feeling at all times, for you suffer when you live in fear! Fear feels bad, uncomfortable, and your body and soul are not nourished by fearful thoughts and feelings. It is like a poison that sneaks up on you, or a kind of quicksand in which you get mired, and once you are halfway in it, it becomes even more difficult for you to get out of its grip.

You have to realize that the energy of fear, and the kind of thinking that results, has lingered on the Earth for centuries upon centuries. It has permeated human societies as a cloud or a fog around people, and this has made it difficult for them to break free from this fearful energy.

People sought community and safety by being together, but without knowing they did so, they also fed on each other’s patterns of fear. It requires a courageous decision by an individual to disconnect and free oneself from this addiction, and to say “no” to this collective pattern that has been passed from generation to generation. Even now you can be overcome by the fog of fear, that poison of fear-filled thoughts. You have all made positive choices in your life, where you have followed the voice of your heart, the voice of your soul. But even so, the way forward on that path is not obvious or clear, because there is always the voice of the past, the voice of fear that can overtake you at times.

The fear tries to convince you that you are being irresponsible, that what you would like to do cannot be done, that you can not be different, and that you will be punished for it. And punishments have often come from parents, teachers, employers, and others in your lives, and in earlier times these punishments were often quite brutal. Look how dissenters were persecuted in the past as heretics or gentiles. You carry this pain-filled past with you.

How do you get rid of the influence of that cloud, that fog of fear-based thinking? You need first to learn to recognize when you are thinking and acting from fear. Only then can you let go, and only then is there created some distance or space between you and the anxiety.

You now are actually very much accustomed to being caught up in fear. From your birth, you inherit ideas from your social environment that are laden with fear and mistrust, so in the beginning you do not realize you are in that cloud or fog – it is your ordinary reality. And when those moments of self-remembrance and waking up do occur, you can also experience an initial reaction from fear. You feel you are going against everything you have been taught to believe in if you follow the voice of your soul and differ from the norm.

Let us now see what can be done about the way you make choices between fear and love, fear and the soul. Imagine for a moment that fog which is loaded with the voices of fear, worry, fretting, and all kinds of negative beliefs about yourself and what is possible in life. Let it happen spontaneously, and look to where you might still be engaged with the fog. Simply look into your body to see if there are places where the fog still manifests itself. This is where you put labels on yourself that are not consistent with your soul; those ideas you think are correct to believe in.

Realize that fear can sometimes wear a mask and appear as very wise, virtuous, and responsible, while actually it is still fear-based. In this way, you have been taught all kinds of things under the guise of “virtue” – you must control yourself; you must love others; you must do your duty; you must be obedient. Also, you must not deviate too much from the normal and not be different or act wild, because doing those things would be selfish, strange, and weird – and certainly not nice! There is a taboo in society about being different, and this taboo is assumed by people who continually live with emotions that feel anxious and whose thinking reflects that fear.

You can also imagine the fog of fear as an actual living entity; an energy that has begun to lead its own existence. Imagine that such an entity appears and that you see it before you as a dark and gloomy fog, a fog that wants to continue to exist and refuses to dissolve. So when someone gets up and says: “I don’t believe in this un-reality any more; there is a blue sky above the fog, and there is another way of thinking”, at that moment that person experiences a dark reaction from the fog. The light that radiates from such a person calls up a kind of dark response from that entity, an intensification of the fog. That person immediately feels alone, an outsider. Other people hide away, cling to the fog, and do not want to hear about it, because leaving the fog is the most frightening thing they can do. That is what the fog tells you. In a sense, the fog is a kind of hypnotist that holds people under its spell, and breaking free from that spell calls for courage. I wish you would praise yourself every day for your bravery when you dare to break free! A lot happens when you do.

Look again in and around you, to where there are patches of this fog. It can manifest itself in certain parts of your aura or body. Ask those parts what is bothering you there, or what is the message of the fog, and let that fear speak. What does the voice of fear say to you? Give this fog a form, an outline, yet realize how strange a phenomenon it is! Fog is actually nothing; you can pass your hand through it, and so it is not substantial, yet this fog has such an influence on you: your consciousness and your vision of the world. Now allow the Sun to shine gently on those places where fog is still holding on to your energy. A warm, soft sunshine spreads around your energy field, causing the fog to dissolve gradually. Imagine a Sun hanging above your head: an intense, warm, radiant Sun that reflects the Light of your soul. Let that Sun Light fall on you: on to your head, your shoulders, your aura, and through your entire being. If there are still places that offer some resistance, that is okay, let it be. Doing so is acceptable as long as you are aware of it.

There are now more and more people who want to break away from that old field of consciousness of fear and oppression. There is change going on in the collective consciousness on Earth. Yet it is that each of you goes through this process in his or her own way. It is always so; that getting free from the field of fear, the fog of the past, is a personal journey you travel alone. There are times in your life when you come eye to eye with that oppressive energy of fear, and the negative judgments about yourself and about your strengths and abilities. The challenge of that confrontation with the anxiety in yourself is one that you face, one on one; you and that darkness which has become a part of you.

It is liberating and joyful when you meet like-minded people in your life, those who travel the same path as you, and in the future there will be forms of cooperation possible between you pioneers of consciousness. But realize that this confrontation you have with fear in your life – with the old and with the fog – is something you have to face alone. It is by your own “solar power” – the contact with your own soul, and the leap you dare make into the new – that causes you to arrive inside a new world, a new level of consciousness. It is when all those individuals do this for themselves that a new field of consciousness arises, which is increasingly free from fear, and increasingly filled with joy and possibilities and respect for each other.

The result is that more and more Sun Light is created on Earth. Do not seek it from another; you travel through your own narrow, dark tunnel toward your own personal liberation.

I would here like to give you a bit of a helping hand. How do you recognize the voice of fear inside yourself, and how do you distinguish what is fear, from what is the voice of the soul and of love?

The voice of fear is noisy and jerky and restless, and often also works through thinking, by way of the mind. You can perceive fear in your body as a tension, a lack of relaxation and surrender. Your muscles are tense, your breath is not deep and quiet, and many panicky thoughts, which pose as very clever and responsible, occur in your head: “should I not do it like this or like that, because otherwise accidents might happen?”; “watch out, because this or that can go wrong”; “be careful, keep yourself back, control yourself”. All sorts of opinions are given under the guise of virtue, but this is actually the voice of fear. Fear paralyzes you, and if you are caught in fear, you are continually bombarded by something that seems to come from outside. Fearful impulses act on your body, and begin to master your thinking.

a fearful woman having claustrophobia in a cardboard box

Thinking is a valuable tool, but when it becomes governed by fear, it creates a kind of electric current that starts in your head and then courses down through your entire body, pulling you off balance and bringing tension and unrest; a sense of nervousness that is continuous, and that you begin to find normal. In many people, there is unremitting stress. People search for release from this stress in alcohol, or drugs, or anything else that gives a feeling of relief from this pressure, such as sleep, or infatuation, or being a workaholic. You want to get away from those troubled, tense feelings and you search for release or distraction in exterior things. You search for something to give you a sense of ease or peace, even though it is an illusion and only temporary, so strongly do you suffer under that current of fear.

You can recognize in yourself when you get to the point that your life is lived through fear. Your body indicates fear by the electrical current in your head that continually fires rapid thoughts, and by the wanting to take control of life with thoughts, worry, and fretting. At the moment you realize this is happening, you can awaken yourself.

Remember, even when you are inside the fog, that it wants to maintain itself. Otherwise, before you know it, you can spend days and days inside the current of fear and you do not even realize that you are caught up in anxiety. The moment you realize this is a very important moment. It is about going against that fearful flow and not believing in it, and not allowing it to hypnotize you. It is about maintaining focus on the Light of the Sun within yourself – that quiet, still knowing that belongs to your soul.

Realize that the energy of your soul, of your heart, feels very different from the energy of fear. As I said, you can recognize fear by its particular noisiness and unrest. Love, the voice of your soul, comes through silence, and is quiet and not busy. You can feel that voice emerge from deep within your essence, from a quiet place in your belly: a deeply felt knowing that comes to you free of pressure; a soft whisper that is never panicky, or demanding, or nagging. It is more like an invitation for you to feel and see things differently, and to have confidence to let go. You might see the voice of your soul before you as an image: for example, as a butterfly that flits through your body, through your energy field, your aura, with its very refined colors and delicate wings. Or you might see it as a fairy, or simply as very soft colors. You can also hear it as angels singing, or just feel it as a sense of trust, hope, and optimism, even though the voice of fear itself, or the voices of persons around you, tell you something quite different. And the rule of thumb is: follow your feeling for peace to where you feel the most peace.

You sometimes think it is easier to cling to fear and the ego, and doing that can give you a temporary feeling of security. But actually, you are still very cramped and stifled. True rest and peace creates much openness around you. You simply trust and stay in the Now, even though you know you have no certainties and can predict nothing. You do not run ahead into the future; you live your life step by step. I ask you to hold that feeling for awhile. Do not even think of what you have to do in the future; be totally present in the Now. Feel the energy of your soul, and feel you are good and beautiful and brave, just as you are. Invite your soul to come to you, and know your soul never has a judgment about you and the choices you have made. Everything is always acceptable for your soul. She always wants to help and encourage you.

Thank you so much.

You have chosen freedom, you are dissipating your long-held belief in limitation, you are awakening, and you are coming Home to Reality, where a most magnificent and celebratory welcome awaits you.

Jesus Through John: Life is a Miracle, and You are all Alive!

As you are all well aware, humanity’s awakening process is moving forwards beautifully, just as God intends, no other way is possible.

Therefore, relax!  God’s intent is always perfectly achieved, so release your doubts about His Reality, which is Reality in all its magnificence and glory, and TRUST Him completely.  You only have problems or issues when you engage with doubt about the reality of the divine plan, and when you attempt to conceive of how, in your opinion,it could or should be unfolding.

Those ‘mind-games’ that you play with yourselves – the ‘what-ifs,’ and the ‘this has to be wrong,’ and the ‘God would not allow this to happen’ thoughts and arguments you have with yourselves – are egoic distractions which delay your acceptance of the fact that the collective awakening process is occurring right now.

Your thoughts do not and could not interfere with the process, let alone delay it, because that is not God’s Will.

All that happens is that you convince yourselves that the awakening is moving too slowly, or even that it is not happening, and will not happen, and thus lock yourselves into a state of disbelief, preventing you from watching with delight as it unfolds – PERFECTLY!

Humanity is awakening, even though vast numbers of people remain completely unaware of it.  The chaos and confusion that is occurring all across the world, and which you see reported on the MSM and on social media channels, as people everywhere start reclaiming their divine sovereignty, is a clear indication that humanity is waking from the nightmare.

They are coming to the realization that the only way to live happily and at peace is in acceptance of one another, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, or religious or political beliefs.  It is very apparent to all that using conflict to resolve issues has never worked, can never work, and needs to cease.  And that way of interacting is coming to an end, now.

You are indeed very blessed to be in form on Planet Earth right now.

There is room only for so many, and there are many more who would love this opportunity to be in form as the collective awakening unfolds.

Why?  Because it is a time – a MOMENT – for celebrations on a most magnificent scale, planet-wide.  All the tickets have been sold, all the seats are taken, and there is a great and completely justifiable state of expectation arising as more and more humans start to realize the enormity and brilliance of what is coming to fruition.

Although the state of separation that you appear to be undergoing has been ongoing for billions of years as humanity measures and experiences time, in truth it is but a moment, but an instant, less than the blink of an eye since you chose to limit yourselves by engaging with form, first as microorganisms about four billion years ago, and from there evolving into the human forms that you inhabit today.

The moment for life in form is coming to a magnificent conclusion, and those of you present as that need is realized to be no longer necessary will find yourselves in a state of bliss that at present is inconceivable to you.

To prepare yourselves for this fabulous event is impossible, so remind yourselves of the exhilaration and excitement that small children undergo when something wonderful, totally new, and completely unexpected occurs to delight their young lives – maybe some of you can remember an early experience of your own like this – and know that what is coming is truly going to blow your minds!

Life is a Miracle, and you are all alive!

Most of you have forgotten this, or have lost your awareness of it, as you deal with the problems with which your human lives are almost constantly presenting you.

Life has become intensely prosaic for the majority of humans, with but brief moments of uplifting excitement, and it appears to many that this is how it will continue, even becoming far less satisfying as you age physically, ending finally in death and extinction.  Not an uplifting prospect for most people to live with comfortably.

However, you are just now – there is only NOW, remember? – extremely close to the most magnificent awakening out of this stupor, out of this exhausting life experience.

So do make sure to go deep within yourselves daily, to those holy inner sanctuaries that you each have, which can connect you directly to the One, and invite Love, which resides there in every moment of your eternal existence, to embrace you and bring some memories of Reality into your conscious awareness.

It will, even if only for the briefest of moments, uplifting and inspiring you wonderfully, and you will never forget that experience while you remain in form.  Your doubts about the possibility of eternal life in joy and harmony with all sentient beings will dissolve, and you will find yourselves living at peace with yourselves and with others.

Mother/Father/God loves you utterly and completely, way beyond your wildest dreams, and longs for you to awaken and know yourselves once again as you truly are, Light Beings of unlimited power and creative abilities.

You are now freely choosing to awaken, the only way that your awakening can occur, as you let go of your conviction that you are limited beings, perhaps even controlled by some higher authority.

You are now reclaiming your autonomy, your inherent sovereignty which has always been at your finger tips and ready for you to put into effect whenever you chose to fully honor yourselves.

You have chosen freedom, you are dissipating your long-held belief in limitation, you are awakening, and you are coming Home to Reality, where a most magnificent and celebratory welcome awaits you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Today, at the edge of a new cycle, in these transformative times, you are truly open to the meaning of the Christ energy…You are the Christs of this new era, you will bring peace in a world of duality and polarity, by radiating the peace that lies within your own hearts. – Yeshua: The Atlantis Heritage-

It took me half hour to read this. Truly worth it.

by Pamela Kribbe

Yeshua: The Atlantis Heritage

This time of transition on Earth brings many old things to the surface. Old energies emerge from times long gone by, times in which you were incarnate and had lives in which you experienced much. All these old layers now resurface.

I would like to speak of these old times today, to bring you to a deeper understanding of yourselves, of who you are here-and-now. You are old, ancient beings, who carry within a great deal of experience. Long journeys through time and space you have made, and not just on planet Earth.

Please let me take you back to the beginning

There was never a beginning, but for the sake of this story, I speak of a beginning in time, because there was a starting point to the large cycle of lifetimes in which you are now caught up.

I am taking you to the time of your birth as an individual soul, as a separate ‘I’. The ‘I-ness’ that is so familiar to you now, was an altogether new phenomenon in the universe. Being separate and individual, enables you to gather a multitude of experiences, and yes, illusions as well. But that does not make it less valuable. It is precisely in being an ‘I’, in being separate from the whole, and experiencing the illusions that go with it, that you can discover what is not. You can discover an illusion and experience it from the inside out. At first, this was not possible. At first, there was the One and nothing outside of it, like an undifferentiated ocean of love and oneness. Now try and experience fear and ignorance from in there!

❥ In being vulnerable and prone to illusion, you gather an enormous amount of experience, which enables you to really understand what oneness means, what love means at the level of experience.

You will understand what love is, not as an abstract concept, but as a living, creative force that moves you and fills your heart and spirit with a deep sense of joy and satisfaction. This is the end goal of your journey, the Homecoming you are longing for: to be God-as-you, to experience oneness as an ‘I’. You do not want to give up your ‘I’ness. It is through the connection of your ‘I’ with the whole, that you experience the deepest joy and that you add your own unique energy stamp to the whole of creation. God-as-you adds something new and precious to creation.

I ask you to go back to the time that this ‘being an I’ took shape for the first time

Back then you were, or were created as, angels. Can you feel the tenderness and innocence of that original energy, that distant beginning in which you were first ‘moulded’, got to know ‘form’.  All of a sudden you were ‘you’, distinct and separate from the others around you, and you experienced the miracle of being an individual. You were still so close to the source of divine light, that you were filled with love and overflowed with joy and creativity. There was an incredible desire in you to experience, to know, to feel and to create. Please go within for a moment, and see whether you can sense the truth of it: that you are an angel in the deepest part of you….

❥ I now take a big leap in time, as I can only give a broad outline of this extensive history. I take you to the beginning of planet Earth.

You were present there, you are older than the existence of Earth as a physical planet. Your birth as a pristine I-consciousness, lies much further back than the origin of Earth.

Now imagine that you were contributing to the development of life on Earth. Slowly, life evolved on Earth, through the presence of material elements which offered a broad range of possibilities for consciousnesses to incarnate in material forms or bodies: minerals, plants, and later on, animals. And you were deeply involved in this process of creation. How?

You were the angels and devas who supported and nurtured the vegetable kingdom, who knew the ‘web of life’ on Earth intimately and cared for it deeply. You have also provided animal life forms with love, care and etheric nourishment.

❥ Memories you carry of paradise or the Garden of Eden, of a perfectly balanced nature in which you participated as caregiver and keeper of life, stem from this ancient age. You were not incarnate yet then, but hovering between the ethereal and physical realms. You were an angel on the verge of being born into matter.

Remember the innocence of that age, remember what it was like to be this angel-deva-consciousness and how dearly you loved the Earth and all manifestations of life on it. Feel the childlike aspect of your consciousness back then. You were like children playing in paradise, always in the mood for adventures, kidding around, laughing, experiencing the joy of freely expressing yourself in a safe environment. Despite your playfulness, you were in great awe of the guiding laws of life and you would not think of treating life forms with anything less than deep fondness and respect.

So, you have been in some sense the parents of life on Earth. This explains why you can be thoroughly shocked by the disturbances of nature by modern technologies, and the general abuse of the forces of nature.

❥ Why does it affect you so?

It is because you have cherished and nurtured these very energies from the beginning. From your essence you are connected to it, to Earth and its many life forms, as a parent is to her child and a creator to his creation. And back then, when you were angels nurturing Earth life, you knew not why you were doing it.  You acted as children who felt drawn by the calling of yet another adventure, the thrill of the new, and you let yourself be guided simply by what felt joyful and exciting to you. You planted your energy wherever it felt welcome.

Thus, you helped create paradise on Earth: the splendour of life, the abundance of the plant and animal kingdoms, the diversity of life forms and the unconstrained development of it all.

Please hold on to this image for a moment……. remember who you are.

Even if it seems too grandiose, when I tell you this, just allow yourself to fantasize that you were part of this, that you were present as an angel in that Garden of Life, playful, innocent, nurturing and cherishing life.

Out of paradise – the first Fall into Experience

Many developments occurred on Earth over millions of years, which are hard to describe in a nutshell. But, at a certain point in time, your blissful adventure in the Garden of Eden was disturbed by an outside influence, which might be termed ‘bad’ or ‘dark’.

❥ From other dimensions in the universe, beings started to meddle with Earth. Their purpose was to exert power and influence over life on Earth.

This happening, the interference of powerful dark energies which emerged out of nothing from your point of view, deeply shocked your angel-selves. You were not prepared. This was your first encounter with ‘evil’ and it shook your world to its foundations.  For the first time, you experienced what it was like to not feel safe anymore. You got to know ‘human emotions’: fear, shock, anger, disappointment, grief, outrage: what is this?, what is happening here?!

Sense how the shadows fell upon you in that encounter with darkness, the dark side of duality

Slowly, the craving for power, which had shocked and horrified you, started to take possession of you yourself. This was because you felt indignation and outrage towards the attackers, and you wanted to defend and protect the Earth against this strange invasion.

❥ I speak of an extraterrestrial influence, a certain race so to speak, the origin of which does not matter much for our tale.

What matters is that you partly absorbed the energy of these beings, and thus made a fall. I do not speak of a biblical Fall, as this phrase is associated with sin and guilt, but a fall into experience, into darkness, which was in a sense ‘predestined’ because you were part of the world of duality. By being an ‘I’, by experiencing separateness from the whole, the seeds for duality were born inside of you. It is part of the logic of creation that you will explore all extremes of duality, once you are in it.

You gradually became warriors yourselves, as you desired the power to protect your ‘territory’

❥ A new stage ensued in your history, in which you got caught up in various galactic wars and struggles.

Please take a moment to feel this happening, the fall from the playful energy of the angel-child to the harsh and angry energy of the galactic warrior. We are speaking of long periods of time. It may seem grand and unfathomable that you have gone through all this, yet I ask you to allow your imagination to travel with me for a while.

❥ You got caught up in a fierce and grand battle. Part of the science fiction literature familiar to you, describes all this and is actually inspired by real events in a distant past. It is not mere fiction. Much has actually happened and you were deeply involved in it. You lost yourselves in the struggle for power and during this stage of your history you thoroughly experienced the energy of the ego.

I have talked of this before in the Lightworker series, and I now want to take another huge leap and tell you what the next important stage was.

After a long, long time, you got tired of fighting. You had had enough. You were getting sad and battle-weary, and a kind of homesickness crept into your hearts. You had long been obsessed with the wars and conflicts you were involved in. The illusion of power can exert an hypnotic influence over an untested, naïve mind. You were naïve and untested when you experienced your first fall into darkness.

❥ But then, at a certain point, an awakening occurred within you. A vague memory of the old days in Paradise stirred in your minds and hearts, reminding you of the joy and innocence you once knew. You wished you could go back there and did not desire to fight anymore.

One might say that the energies of the ego had been exhausted in you, by the full experience of it. You had known all sides of the battle, the whole range of emotions having to do with winning and losing, controlling and surrendering, being slayer and slain. You had become disillusioned with power and had discovered that power does not give you what it promises to: love, happiness, fulfillment. You awoke from your hypnotic slumber and yearned for something new.

When you reached out to rise above the energy of struggle, and connect to the energy of the heart, you were again naïve and ‘untested’. You were like children who popped your head over the wall of an altogether new country, in which not struggle or power were the leading forces but love and connection. You followed the calling of your soul and climbed over the wall. And you started to meet each other again and to recognize each other as soulmates, members of the same family. Once you had played together as angels in the Garden of Eden.

❥ The members of the lightworker family, who are part of the same birth wave of souls, looked up on each other again and felt drawn by common calling, a shared mission.

You knew you had to do something to make the major step towards heart consciousness, the return to Paradise, actually happen for you. You felt you had dealings with Earth once again, but this time as a human being, incarnated in a human body, to experience from within what had happened on Earth due to the galactic wars, and your abuse of power.

In your struggle for power, the Earth had always been the focal point of attention. Many galactic parties battled for dominion on Earth and this negatively affected the Earth, all life upon her and the collective soul of evolving humanity.

❥ The reason why Earth was such an important target for all these warring parties is not so easily explained.

Briefly put, Earth is the starting point of something new: it is a place that brings many different dimensions and realities together and therefore constitutes a crossroads toward the future. Many, many energies meet and mix together on Earth – within the plant, animal, and especially the human kingdom. This is very special. When these energies can peacefully coexist together, it will bring about a huge explosion of light throughout the cosmos.

That is why Earth is playing a key role and why she had been in the centre of a great Battle

You were once part of this battle, as offenders, trying to manipulate life and consciousness on Earth in quite an aggressive manner.

This caused harm to the developing human being. Humanity was then in its infant stage, the ‘stage of innocence’. Humanity was ‘inhabited’ by souls who were from a different birth wave than you. We have called them ‘Earth souls’ in the Lightworker Series. It was a group of souls younger than you were, who had manifested on Earth from early on and had to deal with outside, extraterrestrial manipulations which narrowed down the capabilities of the human being. The extraterrestrial forces projected energies of fear and inferiority into the open and young consciousness of man. This enabled them to gain control over them.

❥ I return now to your decision to incarnate on Earth as a human being.

You had two motives. First, you sensed you were ready for an inner change and transformation. You wanted to let go of the ego’s battling attitude and grow towards another way of ‘being’. You did not know what exactly this meant; you could not grasp it fully yet, but you sensed that incarnating on Earth would offer you precisely the challenges and possibilities you needed.

Secondly, you knew you had to make up for things that happened on Earth, partly because of your doing. You somehow sensed that, originally, you had a deep bond with Earth based on love and mutual respect, and it had gotten corrupted when you let yourself be enmeshed in war and battle for this very Earth.

❥ The two extremes of you, of angel-child and hardened warrior, needed to be brought together and transformed, and what place could be more suitable for this than Earth?

You felt deeply connected to this planet and you also sensed a ‘karmic obligation’ to improve conditions on Earth. You wished to change and lift the state of consciousness on Earth. So you became ‘lightworkers’.

You incarnated on Earth at the time of Atlantis.

Atlantis – the second Fall into Experience

Atlantis was a civilization that lies much further back in time than the familiar historical era’s. Atlantis gradually came into being about 100.000 years ago and it ended about 10.000 years ago. The first beginnings even predate 100.000 years.

❥ Atlantis gradually evolved when extraterrestrial races started to invade Earth by actually incarnating in human bodies. These souls in general had a high level of mental development. 

At that time, societies and communities on Earth were largely made up of Earth souls, and they were ‘primitive societies’ as you call them.

There were, even before Atlantis, many extraterrestrial influences on Earth, from galactic realms that sent thought forms to Earth in different ways. Thought forms are energies that connect themselves to humans at the ethereal or auric level, and thus influence the thoughts and emotions of people.

❥ This happens continuously as you absorb ideas and beliefs from your upbringing and society. These surround you as an infectious web. But it can also happen from the astral levels surrounding you.

The thought forms projected unto you by the galactic warriors were in general controlling and manipulative, but there have always been influences of light and gentleness as well. It is the human himself who decides what he allows in and what not.

At a certain moment, the galactic parties wished to have a more profound influence on Earth and there was an opportunity for them to actually inhabit human bodies, in short to incarnate on Earth. Spirit or Life opened up this possibility for them because it fit into their inner path of development. You were one of these parties. In your spiritual literature, folks that stem from these galactic realms are often referred to as ‘star people’ or ‘starseeds’.

❥ Atlantis was the result of a coming together, a mixture of the native Earth societies and the influx of souls that came from the outside. You, the wave of the lightworker souls, incarnated on Earth because you wished to bring about change and progress and because you wanted to grow yourselves, from an ego-based consciousness to a heart-based consciousness.

When you arrived, it felt very awkward and uncomfortable at first, to be inside of physical human bodies

Living in such dense physical matter gave you a sense of oppression and imprisonment, as you were used to much more fluid and volatile bodies, that possessed more psychic power. In higher (less material or dense) frequencies or dimensions, your psyche has a much greater direct influence on the material environment. By simply thinking of, or wanting something, you can create or attract it immediately to you on these planes. Your mind was used to creating much faster than was possible on Earth.

❥ You might say that the reaction time on Earth is much slower.

So when you are here for the first time, you have the sensation that you are somehow locked into a solid and unyielding body and you get insecure, since what you desire and aspire does not materialize so easily anymore and your hold over your life and circumstances seems to be quite limited.

❥ So you were confused when you got here. At the same time, you had highly trained mental abilities that were developed during your previous galactic lifetimes.

To send out thought forms and project them unto other living beings, requires that you own quite some psychic power. Your mind was like a set of sharp knives, which had to prove their value in an altogether different environment. Your trained mental capacities were an old attainment, and because of the sense of alienation and oppression you experienced on Earth, you instinctively tried to find your way here by using this old attainment. You thus started to exert your mental powers on Earth. Originally, your intention had been to connect with Earth reality from the heart. Before you incarnated, you knew that, despite your formidable analytical and psychic powers, the grounds of your heart lay fallow and were in need of seeds, little seedlings of light. This, however, you ‘forgot’ when you plunged into Earth reality and your consciousness got veiled.

On earth, you had to deal with the Earth souls, who lived there as human beings, and you did not understand them well.

You thought they were instinctive and barbaric beings. You did not understand their direct, spontaneous way of expressing emotions. They were primitive in your eyes, they were attuned to their emotions and instincts more than to their minds. You had abilities and gifts that were different from the natural dispositions of the people on Earth.

Even though you were frequently born and raised as their children (when you were born to Earth soul parents) there gradually developed a social divide between you and them. Because of your superior mental skills, you developed technologies that were formerly unknown. This all happened slowly and naturally. We speak of thousands, even ten thousand years of time.

❥ Without going into the details of this process, I want to ask you to feel the essence of what was happening there.

Can you imagine you were part of that?

Can you imagine what it must have felt like to end up somewhere you do not truly feel at home and to know: there’s something I planned to do here, but what was it…?

Let me see, I have certain abilities and powers at my command……this distinguishes me from many others in my environment……I will make use of these talents to assert myself. Do you recognize this kind of pride and ambition within you? Can you remember it was yours?

❥ This is a typical Atlantean energy.

Gradually, a new culture came into being on Earth, a civilization that brought forth an unprecedented technological development which affected all parts of society.

I would like to say a little more about the kind of technology that evolved in Atlantis

What you as ‘star people’ still remembered brightly, despite the veil of forgetfulness, was that you can influence material reality by using the power of your mind, specifically the third eye. The third eye is the energy centre (chakra) of intuition and psychic awareness, and it is located behind your two physical eyes.

The power of the third eye was still very familiar to you in those first incarnations, like a second nature to your soul. You knew ‘how it worked’. You knew that matter (physical reality) has a form of consciousness, is consciousness in a certain state of being. Through this essential insight into the oneness of consciousness and matter, you could affect and form matter, by making inner contact with the consciousness in the piece of matter. In this way, you could literally move matter, manipulate it from the mind.

❥ You knew a secret that was forgotten in more recent times.

Presently, you see matter (physical reality) as separated from consciousness (the mind). Influenced by modern science, you have forgotten that all beings are ensouled: all that is has some form of consciousness that you can connect with and cooperate with in a creative way. This knowledge was self evident to you in those ancient times.

❥ But during Atlantis, when your heart centers had not been awakened fully, your third eye was predominantly controlled by the centre of the will or ego (the solar plexus or third eye chakra).

You stood on the doorway of a new inner reality, the reality of heart-based consciousness, but due to the shock of being submerged in the dense reality of Earth, your tender and fresh inspirations got lost temporarily. You allowed yourselves to be led astray by the excessive use of the will mixed with the power of the third eye. You did aspire to make things better on a larger scale (‘lightwork’) but you did it in a self-centered way, with an authoritarian attitude toward the Earth souls and nature.

In the hey-day of Atlantis, there were many possibilities and the technology was highly advanced, in some areas even more than your present technology, because the power of telepathy and psychic manipulation was much better used and understood. Instantaneous, telepathic communication could take place between different persons at great distance from each other. It was possible to leave your body consciously and travel around. Communication with extraterrestrial civilizations was pursued and effected.

Much became possible during Atlantis, but much went wrong as well.

There generally was a divide between the political-spiritual elite and the ‘common people’, which were made up of Earth souls predominantly. They were looked upon as inferior beings, means to an end, and they were actually used for genetic experiments that were part of the Atlantean ambition to manipulate life on the biological level, so that more superior life forms could be created.

A positive aspect of the Atlantean society, by the way, was the equality of men and women during that age. The power struggle of man and woman, in which women were horribly oppressed during the last stage, was not a part of Atlantis. The feminine energy was fully respected, especially because it is directly related to the power of the third eye (intuition, clairvoyance, spiritual power).

❥ I wish to take you to the downfall of Atlantis. Energies were at work there that you are still trying to come to terms with. You were deeply involved in what went wrong at that stage.

In Atlantis, you lived from the centres of the will and the third eye. Your heart energy did not open up significantly. At a certain point, you fell in love with the possibilities of your own technology and the ambition of creating more superior life forms. You applied genetic engineering and experimented on several life forms, and you were unable to understand, to feel, that you were disrespectful to Life in this. The ones you experimented upon could not count on your empathy and compassion.

❥ The energy present at this stage of perversion in the Atlantean civilization specifically returned in the 20th century as the Nazi regime in Germany.

Cruel experimenting and a general attitude of clinical coldness towards ‘inferior life forms’ was a substantial part of that regime. The lack of compassion and empathy displayed towards the perpetrated, the lack of emotion and the mechanical way of ‘dealing with’ the victims, was similar to the Atlantean attitude. This now fills you with a deep sense of horror. You have seen and felt the other side of it, the victim side, in lifetimes that came after Atlantis.

But during Atlantis, you were the offender

That’s where a particular ‘karma’ ensued. Atlantis is the key to your ‘offender lifetimes’, your dark side. I’m telling you this, not to make you feel ashamed or guilty, not at all. We are all part of this history, taking on various roles and disguises, and this is what it is like to be in duality. It is to experience and play all thinkable roles, from very light to very dark. If you allow yourself to know your dark side, if you can accept that you played the role of perpetrator as well, you will be more balanced, free and joyful. That is why I tell you this.

At one point, the technological developments that you – and other soul groups – pursued, had such a great impact upon nature, that the ecological systems on Earth got disrupted. The downfall of Atlantis did not take place all at once. There were many warning signs – nature’s beckoning – but when they were not heeded, enormous natural disasters occurred through which the Atlantean civilization got flooded and destroyed.

❥ How did it affect you on the inner level? It was a shocking experience, a traumatic experience; it was another Fall, a second Fall of Experience into the deep.

During your incarnations on Earth, you had eventually lost the connection to the heart energy that you had reached out to.

Stronger than ever, you realized after the downfall of Atlantis that truth was not to be found in the controlling of life, even if the purpose seemed noble. You then really began to open up to the still voice of the heart, which tells you that there is a wisdom working through Life itself, that needs no managing or controlling. In the flow of life itself, in the flow of the heart and the feelings, there is a wisdom that you can attune to, or align with, by listening and surrendering. It is not a wisdom created from the head or by the will, it is a wisdom that comes from allowing in a higher perspective, the voice of love.

This mystical knowing, which is accompanied by a sense of humbleness and surrender, you slowly started to feel from within. But even then, the time was not yet ripe for a joyful awakening of the heart energies. A shadow had fallen upon you during Atlantis, the shadow of having affected other beings negatively.

❥ The effects of this would have to be deeply felt and experienced by you before the awakening could take place.

Again I take another huge step in this old history, and I take you to the moment you return to Earth, after Atlantis had vanished, washed away by ocean waves.

Once again you incarnated in human bodies, the memory of Atlantis buried deep within your soul memory, tied with a sense of shame and self-doubt. The downfall of Atlantis had stunned and perplexed you, but it had also opened up your hearts a little wider.

❥ What immense developments taking place on such a grand scale of time!

Rejection as a lightworker – the third Fall in Experience

The next important cycle started with the coming of the Christ energy on Earth, most visibly represented by me. Many of you were present then or around that time. A few centuries before my birth, you started to incarnate again in great numbers. A voice from your heart enticed you, summoned you. You sensed that ‘you had to be there’, that it was time for you to take another step on your spiritual journey, which got so intertwined with Earth.

The coming of the Christ energy, my coming to Earth, was partly prepared by you. I could not have come without a layer of energy present on Earth that would receive me, ‘catch me’ so to speak.

❥ The energy provided the channel through which I could anchor the Christ energy on Earth. It was a joint effort, truly.

Your hearts had opened up to me, to what I represented. At that time, you were the part of humanity most open to receive the love and wisdom from the heart.

A certain humbleness had arisen within you, in the best sense of the word: a surrender to not-knowing, not wanting to control or ‘manage’ things, and a genuine openness to something new, something that stands apart from power and control, something different.

❥ And because of this trust and openness in your hearts, you could receive me.

I was like a light beam falling on Earth, reminding the ones who were ready of their angelic nature, their divine core. You were moved by me, by what I expressed and radiated to you from my inner core, and the Christ energy has thenceforth affected you deeply, in that lifetime around Christ and in the lifetimes after it, up to now. In all of those lives, you have tried to bring the Christ energy down to Earth, spread it through teaching and healing in different forms.

❥ You were inspired and passionate lightworkers, working hard to bring more justice, fairness and love to this planet.

In that era, the era of the awakening Christ energy, you were the ones who were opposed to religions that were too tightly organized, to authoritarian ways of subduing people. You fought for freedom, emancipation of the female energy, heart-based values in an age that was still barely aware of it.

❥ In the past two thousand years, you were freedom fighters and you were rejected and persecuted for it. You were punished and tortured for who you were, and frequently ended up on the stake of the scaffold. You carry a lot of emotional trauma from this episode of history.

In the struggles and the resistance you met, the Atlantean (and galactic) karma was working.

The roles were now reversed. You became victims and went through the depths of loneliness, fear and despair

You got intimately acquainted with the deep emotion pain of rejection.

This was your third Fall, a third Fall into Experience, and the one that brought you to the heart of your mission: understanding the oneness underlying both Light and Dark, learning what Love truly means. This third Fall has led you to the present, to who you are now.

❥ Today, at the edge of a new cycle, in these transformative times, you are truly open to the meaning of the Christ energy.

In your heart, a wisdom is sprouting that embraces and transcends opposites and recognizes the one divine flow in all different manifestations. Your love is not a mere abstract knowing, but a real, pure and sincere flow from the heart, that reaches out to others, and to Earth.

❥ You now recognize yourself in the countenance of the other, whether they are  ‘light or  ‘dark, rich or poor, lightworker or each soul, man, animal or plant.

The love embedded in the Christ consciousness bridges the gap between opposites and gives you a palpable sense of the interconnectedness of all that is.

As an angel, you once guarded paradise on Earth. You cut yourself off from this state of innocence, when you engaged in the dance of power with energies that wanted to steal paradise from you. Through this, you abandoned the spiritual realm and incarnated deeper into the material reality of form and illusion.

From angel you became warrior.

When you incarnated on Earth and went to experience what it was like to be human, you were again tempted by the desire to control things and this led to the downfall of Atlantis and of you as a warrior.

❥ You came back to Earth to experience the downside of the power play, to feel what it is like to fall prey to aggression and violence.

The aftermath of this latter part of the cycle is still clearly present in your way of experiencing things and you are all working hard to overcome the trauma of rejection inside of you.

With that, you are coming full circle, to the point where it began

You come back to your true nature as an angel, but now a fully incarnate angel, with a real and alive knowledge of the extremes of light and dark, love and fear. You are a wise and compassionate angel, a human angel…

I have great respect for you, for the incredible journey you have made. I stand before you now as your equal. I am here as a teacher and guide, but also as a brother and a friend. I would like to offer you my love and friendship, not in an abstract manner, but as a tangible energy of companionship and understanding. I know who you are. Now recognize yourself in my countenance.

You are at the end of great cycles of time, in which you have gone through many experiences.

❥ Today I wanted to speak of Atlantis, as the recognition of the energies that you embodied there, can you help you get into a state of peace and wholeness with yourself.

The Atlantean energy is the energy of great mental power, combined with a distinctive pride and arrogance.

Dare to recognize this ‘dark energy’ within, dare to accept that you have experienced and lived it once. Feel that you have been offender and perpetrator as well as victim. Allowing this fact into your consciousness opens the gateway to the greatest wisdom you can embrace in your life: the wisdom of non-judgmentalness.

By being aware of your dark side, you will let go of judging others, for being right or wrong, or even yourself

All grounds for judgment will fall away. Judgment makes way for understanding and compassion. Then you really start to understand what love is, what ‘light work’ means. The word ‘light work’ in fact suggests falsely that there is some kind of struggle going on between the light and the dark, and that the lightworker is the one beating the dark. But true light work is none of that. Real light work entails that you are able to recognize the light of love and consciousness in all that is, even if it is hiding behind masks of hatred and aggression.

You are still often tempted to pass judgments on the reality of Earth, for instance on the way politics work or the way people are treating the environment. It is easy to say that it’s all wrong and to feel yourself a stranger on this planet Earth, alienated and homeless.

❥ Try to make contact with the offender energy within you in such moments.

Allow yourself to access the Atlantean energy, which is still there in your soul memory, and feel that you have been that too, and even that it was okay.

All of your ‘falls into experience’ eventually bring you full circle and open up your heart to the essence of God’s creation: love, creativity, innocence. You, who have experienced the extremes of darkness and light, have all along your journey been none other than an innocent child from paradise, setting out with a spirit of frankness, bold curiosity and zest for life. On this journey, you could only learn from experience. The ‘falls into experience’ could not have been avoided, as they were the means to reach out for something new and more fulfilling. The essence of your journey is that you reach wisdom through experience. Therefore, please recognise and honour the courage of this angel-child that you were. See its vitality, courage and perseverance in venturing into the unknown, and then feel your own innocence, even in your darkest side.

I ask you to respect yourself, including the dark side of you

❥ Just feel the power and self-consciousness of the Atlantean energy for a moment. There is a positive side to it as well. You were gifted in many ways. Invite that energy in, here and now.

Allow the sense of self-esteem and self-command to return to you, and forgive yourself for the atrocities that took place in the past.

Yes, you have inflicted pain on others, you were the aggressor there……but feel also how you have come to regret this deeply, and how much you have opened up now to genuine respect for all that lives.

When you forgive yourself, you open up to the joy of letting go of judgement

That is the consequence, you see: if you recognize the dark part of you and are able to forgive yourself for it, you need not judge either yourself or others any more. This is such a delight for your soul…..

So often you still put yourself on the rack of your judgments. You tell yourself there is so much you have to accomplish yet.

Today, I ask you to look back and see what you have accomplished already

Be aware of the profundity of your journey throughout these great cycles of time. And do not look up to me as a master anymore. I have fulfilled that role, two thousand years ago, but that time is over.

❥ You are the Christs of this new era, you will bring peace in a world of duality and polarity, by radiating the peace that lies within your own hearts.

Feel how you are ready for this role and let me simply offer you some support and encouragement as your friend and brother.

We are one.

Jesus Through John: Intend to be Fully Integrated within the Field of Love

The collective awakening of humanity is proceeding apace, so do not allow yourselves to be unduly disturbed by the less than uplifting stories that the MSM focuses on, and then publishes with monotonous regularity in order to spread fear and anxiety.

There is far more going on in the world, and of a far more uplifting nature, that is clearly indicating that your awakening is progressing quite beautifully.  The divine Will is always achieved, so release any doubts to which you may be clinging, even inadvertently.

Often unsettling thoughts, feelings, and emotions flow through your minds far too freely, without you being aware of what they are – just that . . . thoughts, feelings, and emotions – they are not you, but, to you, they feel like you.

Part of being human, with a veil hiding Reality from you, is to identify yourselves with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and, of course, your bodies which are your central sensors through which all that occurs in your immediate vicinity is experienced – and none of this is Real, i.e eternal.  To allow yourselves to become aware that this is unreal can be very difficult because it is so deeply ingrained, and because you have been doing it for such a long time . . . all your lives!

The personal identities by which you choose to identify yourselves have seemingly been validated since you were infants, because you have been taught, and have therefore believed, that that is who you are.

When you are older you can look at your birth certificates and confirm that identity, given to you at birth by your parents, and established by law.  But beneath that belief you have an awareness of yourbeingness, and that beingness is who you truly are, and if that awareness is acknowledged and accepted, it will show very clearly that there is no separation, that you are One with Source, even though you will still retain and use your personal identity as a human in form.

But that identity will no longer need to be defended against your own egoic opinions and judgments – negative or positive – or those of others, because it is just a convenience for your use while you are in form.  It is not who you are, you are far, far more, in fact you are unimaginably vaster and more powerful than, as a human limited by form, you can possibly apprehend.

This conscious acceptance of your human identity’s temporary and unreal nature will lead you to total self-acceptance and peace as you start to know yourself right now as an eternally beloved child of God, no matter what may be going on in your human lives.

You are of God.  As an analogy you can think of water as “of the ocean.”  Like water, your apparent separation from God is very temporary indeed, in the same way that all water returns eventually to the ocean.

To awaken is to become sufficiently aware to allow yourselves to know yourselves as One, inseparable from Source, and enveloped in the infinite energy field of Love which has no beyond because It is All.  The peace and comfort that knowing and accepting that Truth will bring you, when you choose to do so, is indescribable.  A most wondrous state of bliss awaits you in that moment.

This is why going within daily, to your holy inner sanctuaries, is an absolutely essential daily routine.

Going within to meditate, to relax for a moment from the concerns of the day, or just to be quiet and separated from the rush and impatience of daily life is the path to that awareness.  It does not matter what method – if any – that you choose to use to slow down and quieten the ‘roof-brain chatter.’  Just sitting quietly watching the noise and chatter arise without engaging with it is, of course, a state of being aware.  

This awareness helps you to find the Real self beneath all the noise.  Your egos will attempt to get you to focus on an ‘important’ thought or issue, because if you consider it important it is much easier to distract you into engaging with it.

The trick is to immediately remind yourselves that in this quiet time nothing of importance is going to happen that needs your immediate and undivided attention, and then settle back into the quietness.  It may only last a few seconds, but, as time is but one of the unreal aspects of the game of form, during those few second of now much progress can be made in strengthening your consciousness of being aware of being, of releasing you from the apparent need to attend to that almost interminable thought-flow.

You are, each and every sentient being, in every moment of your eternal existence, One with Source.

That state is unchanging and unchangeable.

Therefore, during those daily moments of quietness, remind yourselves of this Truth, and then reset the intent to be only loving whatever arises, and intend to be fully integrated within the field of Love, receiving, sharing, and extending Love to everyone presently in the process of awakening, and certainly, of course, to any who may appear to you to be attempting to disrupt or prevent humanity’s awakening by encouraging division and conflict.

You are all dearly loved, so please extend and share that wondrous and constantly flowing divine Gift with all of humanity as you complete your awakening process!

Your loving brother, Jesus.


Keep on being and expressing the Love that you all are.

January 20, 2022

(John Smallman)

You – all of humanity – are awakening, there are signs of this all around you, so let go of any doubts or negative judgments about it, and allow yourselves to become aware of these signs. As you do so you further strengthen and empower the flow of Love, the Life Force that enlivens you and your human bodies, as it flows through you and out into the collective energy field of humanity, intensifying everyone’s sense of the imminence of the awakening. To do this, and just this, is why you are presently incarnate as a human on Planet Earth at this precise moment of now. Each one of you made the most positive, personal, and individual choice to be here now. So, now that you are here, allow yourselves to know this, and then at least once daily reset your intent to share and extend the Love that you are to all of humanity, thus gently and compassionately nudging all towards wakefulness.

Your awakening is inevitable, you know this, and your earthly presence in this now moment with such powerful loving intent is bringing it to fruition. CONGRATULATE YOURSELVES! And keep on being and expressing the Love that you all are.

As you all know, when you choose to go deep within yourselves – to that holy inner sanctuary, always present within each and every one of you without exception – you often meet your egos encouraging you to doubt or dismiss this holy Truth as they attempt to strengthen your self-doubts and feelings or beliefs that you are guilty sinners, unworthy of Mother/Father/God’s infinite love for you. Even if at an intellectual level you do not believe this, at the heart level many have great difficulty in accepting themselves as the perfect divine children of our infinitely wise, compassionate, and loving Source who truly knows each one of Us as an absolutely perfect and inseparable part or aspect of the Totality that is All, that is ITSELF, and that therefore must also be you!

Many of you have heard the phrase: “the chosen ones of God.” This has very frequently been massively misunderstood to mean that God chooses to love and accept those whom various religious organizations judge to be good, and rejects those who are judged unworthy or sinners by those same organizations. NOTHING could be further from the Truth! There is only Love. Love is All, is Mother/Father/God, is Source, and therefore All sentient life – whether in form in the physical realms, or beyond the physical realms – is eternally, and without ever, even for the briefest moment, separated from that state. This means that none are rejected. Rejection is impossible because Love is utter and complete acceptance of All that It knows and creates. There is nothing that was not created, there is only and solely what Source creates, and what Source’s creations themselves create, which are always very expressive extensions or expansions of Love.

All sentient life in form is Love expressing Itself individually in an unreal or illusory state, a dream; and all sentient life in form is presently, right now, in the process of awakening from that unreal state. It was entered into as a momentary experiment to discover if separation was possible and, for those who chose to participate, it has seemed to be a very real state in which life, inevitably followed by death, was filled with pain, suffering, and constant threats to its existence. Unreality seems to have been in existence for countless, indeed for infinitely long and possibly endless eons. The collective has now and finally, seemingly after untold eons – which in Reality has been but the briefest of instants that you can imagine – come to the realization that the dream/illusion serves no good purpose and has chosen to let it go, thus choosing collectively to awaken.

Your awakening back into Reality is an ongoing process within the game of unreality that has, of course, been completed. The collective has chosen to awaken, and now each individual also has to make the free will choice to do so. The vast majority are doing so, now. Nevertheless, there are a few, a very small minority, who are – because of the invalid beliefs to which they are clinging – at present refusing to awaken. Those choices will be honored. Love never forces or coerces, It loves, which is All that It can do and be, having no other Will or desire. Therefore It will wait patiently for as long as it takes – remember there is NO time – for those few unwilling ones to also come to the realization that the game serves no purpose for them, and then also choose to awaken.

There is no judgment, there is no rejection, there is no damnation. There is Love. To awaken into that state in which you are eternally present, and which many still remain presently unaware of – Reality – is a miracle of wonder and magnificence beyond your wildest dreams. Infinite Joy and Peace most lovingly await your awakening.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Your prayers, meditations, and powerfully loving intentions over the last few years are coming to fruition-Jesus Through John-

by John Smallman

Now is the moment to choose to accept that God’s Love for you is inexhaustible.

In this new year of 2022 you may expect great and uplifting changes to the way you live on Earth as humans because of your collective awakening.  It is to be a year that will inspire and delight all those of you who have been looking forward with great enthusiasm to the awakening, and you will not be disappointed.

Your prayers, meditations, and powerfully loving intentions over the last few years are coming to fruition as many, who up until now had totally forgotten that they had a divine purpose on earth as humans, start to seek a spiritual purpose in their lives.

This new-found interest in “things spiritual” will surprise and delight them, especially as they discover that they do indeed have a spiritual purpose – their true purpose – and that in this they are not alone!

All sentient beings are divine spiritual beings – mystics – but the vast majority have lost or forgotten their knowing of this because of the limitations that a life in form imposes on their abilities to access this aspect of themselves.  Nevertheless, the time of forgetting has ended!

People are remembering that their human lives each have an individual and essential purpose that can only be fulfilled by the individuals living them.

This is not chance, accident, or coincidence, this is the Will of God, the divine Intent.

Also, be aware – and make no mistake about this – that each individual’s personal intent is fully aligned with God’s.  There is only One – Source, Supreme Being, Infinite Wisdom and Intelligence, Mother/Father/God . . . LOVE – and every sentient being, every living intelligent being is included in this inseparable Oneness that is ALL that Exists.

There is no “beyond,” there is only All, because there is no need or possibility for any beyond.

Rest content, you and You – and that means all life, whatever form it may take, absolutely without any exceptions whatsoever – are infinitely and eternally loved by Source (choose any name or label for this infinity of Love with which you are One and with which you are most comfortable) from the moment of your creation without any possibility of even the smallest or briefest disconnection from that state, no matter how you choose to express yourselves in your lives in form as humans.

Think of any crime that absolutely and totally horrifies you, and know that the one who has committed it is as eternally loved by Source as are you.  Crimes are of the ego, and however real and unconscionable they appear to be, they are not real!  They are part of the illusion, the dream, the nightmare, the game of form in which you have all, without exception, chosen to participate.

To know God is to know the Truth.  The Truth is God, and so are you, each and everyone of you – again, there are NO exceptions.  All life is a divine creation of infinite perfection and love.  How could it not be so when the Source of creation is infinite LOVE, Who unconditionally and eternally accepts every individual expression of consciousness that It creates?

Judgment is a major and extremely negative aspect of the illusion or game in which you are immersed and must be left behind, discarded, and repudiated when the decision to cease playing is taken.

To cease playing is to AWAKEN.  This is your destiny, your destination, and your Home – Fully Conscious, Fully Awake, Fully Aware, of your eternal Oneness in Love.

Your awakening is inevitable.  However, because eternally and forever you have have free will, you can delay your awakening indefinitely – that means for a very long TIME – but, of course, time is an aspect of the illusion that will cease to be when enough of those in form choose to terminate their engagement with it.

When time is terminated there will be no illusory or imaginary space in which the illusion/dream/nightmare can continue to be experienced, and there will be no egotistical motivation to be separated from Mother/Father/God, Love.  All will, with complete personal individual free will and total integrity, choose to return home, to reawaken into fully conscious awareness of their divine nature – LOVE – and engage with the infinite state of JOY that that awareness IS!

God is your true nature, your only nature, It is you, even though, while immersed in the game/dream/illusion to even think that that is possible appears to be the ultimate form of arrogance.  When you accept that you are and always will be just as God created you, your egos dissolve.  Your egos do not want that to happen!

The egos’ survival depends on you believing the negative self-judgments that you have about yourselves.  It wants you to believe its constant stream of messages informing you of your unworthiness and guilt that make you unacceptable to your infinitely loving Father.  When you let go, and trust that your Father loves you unconditionally, you will find yourselves in a most wonderful state of peace, as all those egotistical thought streams just fade away.

Your true nature is Love.  Therefore it is absolutely essential that you go within, to your most holy inner sanctuaries every day, and then set the very powerful intent that only you can set, namely, the intent to allow Love to join you there and embrace you.

Only your belief that you are unworthy of Love’s Presence prevents Love’s embrace from enveloping you.  When you cling to that invalid belief because of feelings of shame or unworthiness, you are effectively choosing not to allow Love to enter.

Therefore let go of those beliefs and allow, and Love will enter and embrace you.  That is Love’s sole desire and intent, but It will never override your will to remain separated.  Your personal choices are always honored, so you need to take responsibility for them by being aware of what they are, and then, if you so choose, you can change or terminate those with which you no longer resonate.

Now is the moment, this very instant as you read or listen to this, in which to choose to accept that God’s Love for you is inexhaustible and closer to you than you can possibly envisage.

Then, choose to open your hearts and invite It to embrace you.

It will, because, just like you, It is All that exists and It’s one desire is to be fully present in your conscious awareness, just as you are in It’s.

There is only Love, and therefore You are Love, there is nothing else that you could be.

So be Love consciously in every moment and continue even more powerfully to assist those who are right now stirring in their sleep, wishing to awaken.

Your loving brother,


Go within daily and remind yourselves of the divine task that you set yourselves before this incarnation, and then renew your intent to bring it to fulfillment, and rejoice in the knowing that that is what is happening, NOW! -jesus through john-

You were created free, free beings whose true and only nature is Love.  That has never changed, and never canchange, because what is created is perfect and eternal.

That does not appear to be so for the vast majority of humans, because the dream or unreal environment you constructed collectively in which to experience separation is, by its very nature, imperfect and decays over time.

Time is simply an unreal characteristic of the physical environment in which you live your human lives, causing you fear of the seemingly final point – termination and death.

You are not physical beings, you are spiritual beings having a very temporary exposure to limitation, and the feeling of not being free.

You sense that love is not within you and needs to be given to you by another.  But because your true nature is love, to sense or believe that it is outside you, making you dependent on others to give it or withhold it from you is terrifying, and that is why you spend so much of your lives seeking it.

You need Love, and you are Love – without It you would not exist.

Love is the life force that flows through you in every moment of your eternal existence, but, as limited beings in human in form, you are mostly, because of the apparent reality of your very unreal human nature, unaware of this unchanging and eternal Truth.

You may believe it, but you do not feel it, so you have doubts.

To awaken is to return to knowing yourselves as perfect divine beings created in Love from Love, and therefore to know and experience yourselves eternally at peace and living in joy at One with Mother/Father/God.

To awaken – to find Love – is your one true desire as humans.  But because of the nature of the unreality of life in form separated from Source – often tending towards egotistical narcissism – you feel alone, lost, and abandoned, and so you experience an intense and ongoing need to be seen, heard, fully accepted, and loved by others, others who are undergoing that very same sense of being alone, lost, and abandoned.

All the wise ones throughout the ages have advised and encouraged you to go within, to your holy inner sanctuaries, and allow the deep inner knowing of your true nature that resides there permanently to arise into your conscious awareness.

Very few manage to do this for more than a few moments before their egos flood them with distractions.  This happens because your egos do not want you to find that deep inner peace.

If you can find and maintain that peace, then you no longer have any need of your egos, and therefore your egos will fight you desperately to remove or destroy any sense of peace that may arise within you.

It is a case of Peace/Love or your egos!  There is no room for both, and your egos know that if you find that inner space where Love resides, you will remain there shutting them out.  Therefore do it and find within yourselves the Love and Peace that is your True nature.

As I said above, and as so many wise ones have told you repeatedly, your nature – the Life force within you – is Love, and nothing else, so offer It freely to all.

It/You is utterly accepting of all, and there are no exceptions to this, this is your human purpose.

However, when you look out on the world around you, you do see deceit, corruption, the maltreatment of others, and it is extremely difficult for you not to judge very negatively what you see and those apparently causing it, thus damming or obstructing the natural flow of Love through you and out to all of humanity.

It is essential, therefore, that you release your attachment to judgment.  It will arise within you, so be mindful, be aware that it arises as a reflection of your own unacknowledged but hidden negative self-judgments, then forgive yourselves for whatever you feel or believe is unworthy or unacceptable in yourselves – it is all unreal – thus allowing Love to flow through you and mightily assist in humanity’s awakening.

You are here on Earth as humans right now in order to participate and assist magnificently in the collective awakening process, and, of course, you are, each human presently in form, an individual and, at the same time, an inseparable part of the collective because there is no such state as separation.

For you to awaken, all must awaken, and you were fully aware of that when you so lovingly chose to be incarnate at this moment, completely and enthusiastically participating in bringing this miraculous event to its inevitable and most beautiful consummation.

Go within daily and remind yourselves of the divine task that you set yourselves before this incarnation, and then renew your intent to bring it to fulfillment, and rejoice in the knowing that that is what is happening, NOW!

Your loving brother, Jesus.

To be Awake is your God-given Right | Jesus via John Smallman

November 6, 2021

(John Smallman)

All is unfolding precisely as our dear and beloved Father intends. It always does! No other unfoldment is possible. Therefore, allow yourselves to relax as the Tsunami of Love continues to warmly and completely envelop the Earth, and all the sentient lives who are presently experiencing a very realistic but utterly unreal sense of separation as individual beings.

Only Love is Real, nothing else is necessary or possible, as you all know at the depths of your being, even though at present that awareness seems to be unavailable or hidden from you. This is not the case, it is not hidden from you, you have just chosen to be unable to see, sense, or know Reality as you continue to engage with the drama that being human entails. Over the eons there have been quite a large number who, after years or lifetimes of engaging with this drama, have allowed themselves to become aware of their divine nature, and who have then shared that knowledge with anyone who asks them for it. Often those who ask find themselves unable to accept or understand what is offered because they have such a strong belief that the illusion is all that is real.

This conviction has been changing very rapidly over the last few decades, as increasing numbers of humans allow themselves to become at least a little bit aware of their divine nature, and consequently set out on the spiritual quest that will expand that sense of awareness. Many of them write books and offer talks so that others may also start becoming aware that they too are divine beings as they step out on the paths that these books or talks help them to see, and encourages them to at least investigate them. The rate at which humanity’s collective sense of conscious awareness is reaching out to millions who are still very much asleep is accelerating, as it nudges them gently and lovingly towards becoming aware that that awareness is their natural state, a state from which their egos can no longer keep them fully disengaged.

To be awake is to be aware that who you are is a state of conscious awareness constantly in the Presence of and at One with Mother/Father/God, Source, LOVE, fully alive in peace and joy with all life. To be awake is your God-given right, but instead you chose to forget that and enter into a dream state that most severely limits your knowledge of who you truly are, and the drama of that state – its egotistical and narcissistic self-absorption – became an addictive distraction to which you have clung for a very long time. It is the Me, Me, Me syndrome which has led to great dysfunction and disagreement among so many of you. You are all very easily able to observe and negatively judge that syndrome in others – even though for many previous generations it had seemed to be totally normal – but it demands great courage and self-acceptance to acknowledge that it also operates through yourselves in times of fear or stress.

As humans in form you did require egos to call attention to yourselves in infancy and early childhood so that your survival needs could be acknowledged and provided for by your care-givers – parents, family members, teachers, and friends – but as you grew and matured in a welcoming and loving environment that requirement should fall away, as you yourselves began to engage only lovingly with others most of the time, just as had been demonstrated so lovingly to you.

However, vast numbers of humans have not spent the majority of their early lives in a completely loving environment, but have instead had to deal with pain, suffering, and trauma that has severely affected their personal outlook on life and on others. What is occurring now is that many are coming to an awareness that for life to work harmoniously for humanity – which is what the majority desire – people have to engage with one another with trust and love, in spite of their earlier experiences of betrayal of that essential trust which led to shock/trauma, pain, suffering, conflict, resentment, and even hatred. This awareness that “there must be a better way” (to quote Bill Thetford from the book A Course in Miracles), has been growing and intensifying over the last few decades, and many groups have formed all across the world with the intent to work together in harmonious and honest cooperation, enabling a move away from the mistrust and suspicion that has for so long been endemic, and which has seemed essential to your safety and survival.

This major change in attitude in so many is happening because so many of you reading this and other similar material are setting the daily intent to be only loving whatever arises in your daily lives. As I have told you before, doing just this, and nothing else, is extremely powerful because every individual energy field has an effect on the whole human energy field which is presently also being magnificently and wondrously embraced by the Tsunami of Love which is streaming abundantly across the planet touching all. There is no one who is not being powerfully influenced by It.

So once again I will remind you go within daily – even if you do not feel or experience any sense of the positive affect that you are having worldwide – and relax totally as you set that most powerful intent and sit quietly with it for at least a few minutes. By doing this you are changing yourselves, moving away from reliance on your fear-based egos, and constantly expressing your true nature, Love. You incarnated to do this because you knew how powerful and effective it would be, and I am with you all as your intuition or God-given guidance to keep reminding you of this, because, as humans, it is very easy for you to get drawn into the drama of the unreal dream or game, forget your intent, and engage with it egotistically instead of lovingly.

Don’t forget that you are in every moment fully supported by your teams in the non-physical realms, who are watching over you, encouraging you, and cheering you on. So call on them when you have any doubts or anxieties, and listen so that you may hear and access their most loving assistance, as you join with them in sharing and extending Love to all of humanity.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Presently, the human collective is in the final stages of becoming aware of and realizing this divine Truth, that You are eternally inseparable from Love.

Let Go of your Doubts | Jesus via John Smallman

We are all connected, we are all at one with each other, we are in a collective and intimate relationship with each other – always, in every moment. There is NO separation because there is only the ONE! Life is eternal, It is forever, It is Mother/Father/God, the infinite energy field of Love that is REALITY!

Presently you are experiencing a dream, an illusion, a game of separation in which multitudes are suffering greatly because the human collective believes that life as a human in form is real, is a one time event that unavoidably and inevitably terminates finally and forever in the death of your human bodies. But you are NOT your bodies, your conscious awareness is Who You are and is in an eternal and joy filled state of existence at One with God– even if that awareness, as is the case for the majority of humans, is itself mostly in a state of unawareness!.

Presently, the human collective is in the final stages of becoming aware of and realizing this divine Truth, that You are eternally inseparable from Love. Separation has never occurred, it could not occur because there is nowhere in which to be separated from Love, because Love is the One infinitely vast field of energy in which all sentient life – and all life is sentient – is eternally present in the Presence of and at One with the One. LOVE IS, and so, therefore, are YOU!

Now is the time of your collective awakening from the illusory dream state that has seemingly been reality for you for countless eons of time, which is itself a major aspect of the illusion. To experience that unreal state of separation you had to collectively engage with the game of separation; you then found yourselves living there, very realistically, as severely limited beings in form whose very existence is under constant threat of annihilation by forces far greater than themselves.

Your awakening process is the divinely created path Home to Reality, to Awareness of your Oneness with Love, that was prepared for you and offered to you in the same instant in which you chose, using your free will, to experience separation from Source. A path that you needed because, you had, in that moment of intense confusion about Who You were and Who you thought or imagined You wanted to be, moved Yourself into a state of Unknowing of Yourself.

You made that choice in a moment of confusion or even insanity – but how could a perfect creation of God be even momentarily insane? Well, You imagined that by separating Yourself from Source you would have have more and even greater freedom than you already had as a perfect divine Being, created utterly and unconditionally free of any restraints, restrictions, or limitations of any kind. Therefore that use of Your powerful and creative imagination was insane.

Now, only the briefest of moments later, it seems to You that You have been living for countless eons as numerous insignificant and tiny individuals in a vast Universe that is completely unaware of and, therefore, utterly unconcerned and uninterested in you, not even aware whether you live or die. That experience is terrifying, it is to be unseen and unknown, whereas in your natural state you are seen, recognized, and infinitely loved in every moment of your eternal existence.

God knew that that would be Your experience, and because of His infinite Love for you, He provided you with the path Home to Oneness, to Knowing Yourself once more as You truly are, a divine Being in inseparable and most glorious communion with Source. He did not remove or modify your free will – Love gives everything and never removes or rescinds anything – so you each now, as individuals, have to freely make your own choice to seek the way Home.

That choice has been made collectively – even though many are still unaware of it as individuals – and it is irreversible because it is the only meaningful choice that you, as a human, can make. And God, in His infinite Wisdom, and in His infinite Love for you, knows that whatever mood swings and egotistical changes of mind that may arise within you while you are still experiencing life in the unreal state that is the illusion, will be unable to tempt you to reverse that choice, because you know that they are utterly unreal and insane distractions from your one meaningful intent, which is to awaken. Thus He has created for you and given to you a sense of motivation and intent that, once aroused, will be powerful enough to ensure that you do not fall back into the insanity of believing that your human life is all that is possible for you, that it is a once only experience of life that will, without fail, terminate at your human death.

Humanity is coming now to the most wonderful realization that Life is forever, that It is a state of permanent Oneness with God! That realization is inducing within you all a most potent and energetic motivation to awaken, and to know yourselves as God knows you – infinitely wise, perfect, creative and beautiful Beings in constant harmonious cooperation with Her for the eternal joy that the endless sharing and extending of Love to All delivers. That motivation to awaken is intensifying worldwide, as more and more people come to an awareness of the complete insanity of conflict and of their egos’ almost constant attempts to persuade them to engage with it. Your egos are weakening as you come to understand that they are always operating from a sense of fear and, as you come to full awareness that you are Love in form, thus will you choose no longer to engage with fear because it does not serve you.

What you need to do, all that you need to do, is to set the intent, at least once daily – preferably more frequently, whenever it comes to mind – to be loving, and only loving, whatever arises in your daily lives that requires a response from you. You are, to repeat myself, divine Beings, Beings of infinite power and wisdom, and that power and wisdom always guides and drives your intent – your Will – to be only loving, if you will only allow it to do so.

Going within daily, to your holy inner sanctuaries, is essential because taking the time to set that intent is an extremely powerful and necessary priority which, when put into effect by you, enormously assists in bringing humanity to the point of awakening. It is for this precise reason that you chose to incarnate in human form at this moment, so remember that this is an essential task for which you most willingly volunteered, and do set this intent at least once daily. I know you can do it – as do you, deep within yourselves – so let go of your doubts and BE yourselves with courage and determination, knowing that you are fully supported by all of us in the spiritual realms.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Frequently your human life experiences seem to indicate that you do not have any freedom, let alone free will, but that is just an aspect of the human experience that you chose to incorporate into the construction of the illusory reality, the unreal non-reality, that you designed and built to engage in with an imaginary and completely unreal state of separation from Source.-Jesus through John-

You Are the awakening process, so trust it and celebrate it.

October 7, 2021

(John Smallman)

There is no separation, such a state is impossible because we are all – and ALL – One. Mother/Father/God, Source, Love – whatever word or words anyone chooses to use to label the All is totally immaterial – can only be known and experienced because It is totally beyond naming. And when there is only the One naming is obviously completely unnecessary. The One is infinite consciousness, infinite awareness, infinite wisdom, infinite intelligence that expresses Itself – makes Itself known to Itself, to all sentient life – as the infinite all-embracing vastness that is All. In humans It is experienced as consciousness aware of itself, as constrained and restricted by the limitations that are the nature of human form, the inability to see or sense energy frequencies that are not extremely close to those that enliven that form.

To awaken is to know, to be aware of All, to experience Self as Oneness, as all-knowing Wisdom, as Love. Love is All, All is Love, there is no separation, all sentient life is Love/Mother/Father/God/Source experiencing ITSELF in infinite ways. It is in permanent and eternal connectedness with Itself in infinite peace and joy. It is Awake! And humanity is in the collective process of Awakening, right NOW, in this very moment as you read this or listen to it. You are all the divine and beloved children of God, eternally connected to, One with, and in the Presence of God. As I have told you so many times – and as have so many others from the non physical realms – there is no possibility of your being lost, alone, or abandoned, because there is nowhere in which that could happen. You are eternally One with, and therefore in the Presence of Source, but have hidden that Truth from yourselves in order to play the game of separation, to dream the unreal nightmare of a life of fear and suffering. None of you would allow that to happen to your own children or to young ones for whom you care and are responsible, so how could you imagine, let alone believe that God, Who is Love, would allow it to happen to you?

You are infinitely loved in every moment of your eternal existence, and that is an unchanging state. God creates only in Love for Love, and, therefore, for the infinite joy that creation is constantly providing. Deep within yourselves you do know that this is so, that it is the Truth, but for as long as you choose to remain unaware of this, this unawareness is what you will experience. You, just like God, have Free Will because you have all that She/He has and is, it was bestowed upon you at the moment of your eternal creation, and He/She will never deny, remove, or override that freedom.

Frequently your human life experiences seem to indicate that you do not have any freedom, let alone free will, but that is just an aspect of the human experience that you chose to incorporate into the construction of the illusory reality, the unreal non-reality, that you designed and built to engage in with an imaginary and completely unreal state of separation from Source. The collective awakening process that humanity is presently undergoing is undoing the illusion, and there are signs of this all across the world as the illusions presented to you by the MSM come ever more clearly into your collective awareness as just that – a corrupt and gigantic illusion supported by lies and deceits that can no longer remain hidden from view. All is Well!

Now you need to reengage with Trust. The vast majority of humanity intends to be honest and trustworthy, to act consciously from a place of integrity. However, for eons, due to the way in which you collectively established unreality, the human experience has been that trust does not work. That if you trust others they will betray you, and so dishonesty and corruption have become endemic, precisely as you planned.

The good news is that you are becoming increasingly aware of the insanity of living like this, and millions of you are forming new communities – often on-line through the wonders of modern technology – of like minded, honest, and loving individuals. These new on-line communities are inspiring and uplifting their members as they set their intent daily to be only loving whatever arises for them to deal with, and they are meeting regularly to meditate together with a most powerful communal intent to dissolve the long-established sense of separation and recognize themselves as One with each other and, of course, with Source.

You are all aware of on-line meditations for world peace, for rain to bring the forest fires to an end, for wisdom to arise in those that run governments, large industrial complexes, universities and schools, and religious organizations. All of these group meditations are having a most wonderful effect, causing people to become aware that their ego-driven agendas are what bring about the chaos, confusion, and conflict that is happening in so many places on your beautiful planet, and so they are now setting the intent to allow Love to guide them instead of their egos.

Remember that the individual task for each one of you is to choose love and acceptance of others, regardless of ethnicity, culture, nationality, or religious persuasion, instead of fearing them, which is always an ego-driven seeking to be more special than anyone else, and this always leads to more fear and anxiety, as your history shows you so clearly. By doing this you are following the life paths you all set yourselves prior to your present incarnation in human form, namely, to remember your inseparable Oneness with Source, with LOVE, and thus engage most fully and effectively with humanity’s collective awakening process. You Are the awakening process, so trust it and celebrate it as you see its progress accelerating daily, just as You intend.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

what you need to do is simply, delightfully, joyously be yourself.

Linda Dillon: Yeshua – “What is the Nature of Sacred Union?”

It is the coming together heart to heart to heart to share what is sacred. And what is more sacred than love? We are united in heart in ways that are bigger than any solar system…


Greetings, I am Yeshua. I am Jesus Sananda, I am Jesus, I am Yeshi, I am brother, I am ally, I am friend. And that is how I wish to come to you this day and every day… as brother, and ally, and friend. And yes, sometimes guide, sometimes healer, sometimes teacher. Whatever you need, however you need, desire, pray, hope for me to be in your life as beloved, I will be. And know sweet ones, in the same way, you show up for me. I think you do not always realize this, the level of sacred union and partnership that we have truly entered.

And you say to me, “Well Lord, how can I possibly be your teacher?” Of course you are. Think of it, beloved, you live in an infinite, ever-expanding, exploding universe. And what does that mean? It means, beloved, that you are also expanding. You are unfurling your wings like never before, and that is quite an accomplishment.

And so, I say to you, “How does your community, how does the human community think or feel at this moment in time in a human existence way?” And you turn to me, and you say, “Well Yeshi, this group thinks that, this group feels that, there are various trends…” And when I say this does not make sense, you explain it with laughter and glee and patience. This is the nature of sacred union; it is the coming together heart to heart to heart to share what is sacred. And what is more sacred than love? The love is inside the words, the looks, the attitudes, the behavior.

Long ago Gabrielle has told you the love is embedded in each and every word, and the space in each and every letter, and between every letter, and between every word. It is also true when it is telepathic, spoken, written… it matters not. Nothing is more easy; nothing is more simple than the transmission of love. It is not complex; it is as easy as breathing. It is only in the human old paradigms of denial that it became something difficult, that many scenarios and dramas… the human addictions… became too embedded. The transmission of love is in each and every breath, in each and every beat of your heart. It is not something you need to strive to do; what you need to do is simply, delightfully, joyously be yourself.

Now, does that mean that each and every person is going to embrace you, love you back, agree with you? Not quite yet… but the answer is actually, yes. And how does that shift take place? How does that monumental change in attitudes and behaviors take place? Through kindness. Through consideration. Through heart sharing; through heart speaking; through heart listening.

Long ago, when I walked the planet, there were many who did not like me, that thought I was a traitor, that thought I was a trouble maker, that thought I was quite crazy. But let me share something with you… there were rabbis, and Pharisees, and peddlers, and healers that I would speak to with kindness. And inside kindness is respect and honoring of the sacred nature of that being, of every being. And there were those who would be hysterically yelling at me. But there were some who disagreed strongly with me but would sit and talk to me kindly, honoring my divine right and my human right to my opinion. Of course, they hoped to sway me and let’s be true about this, I hoped to sway them, to reach their hearts, and sometimes I did, and sometimes I didn’t. But inside the conversation was the transmission, both from me and into me from them.

It isn’t about immutable truth… there is only one truth, it does not change. There are many scenarios that are built to distract, and many become distracted because of the human prior addiction to drama. It is time to say, “So what?” And to embrace each other as brothers and sisters, as Gaians, as hybrids, as star beings, as one. That is how Nova Earth is built.

Often the Mother, and many, certainly Gaia, speaks to you of the joy of diversity. Each person, each animal, each flower, each cloud, each mountain has a different, slightly different, lens on the experience of being in form. And each lens is valid. Not when it is shaded and colored by lies or untruth. But even when that is completely absent there is always a different lens and perspective… and that is the gift.

You know, there were times when Magdalena, and all my friends, we would go to the countryside… they’d think it was teaching and preaching. And when there were many, and in my time, it meant rarely more than a few hundred… but that was many, and I would be so excited, not about conversion but because it was conjoining, it was the chance to be together in love.

Yes, there is that saying that when two or more are gathered… But let me tell you my friends, when we would gather… and there were many… it was joy-filled. And yes, I would make sure that everybody had something to eat and drink because I wanted them to come. I wanted to hear their stories. I wanted to read their hearts. The exact same way I want to be with you, to read your heart, and beloveds, to have you read mine. Not just as bouncing mirrors but as friends and family.

We are united in heart in ways that are bigger than any solar system. We are woven and interwoven in miraculous ways. Let us proceed together. Let no man, woman, child, dog, cat, camel, alligator, cloud, hurricane… let no being be your enemy. Be kind and compassionate and celebrate because you, and we, are all on the journey back to the unity of One, back to the heart of One. There is no separation. We just get to have this experience as angels in form for a little while. So, call me, walk with me… I keep asking you to walk with me, to sit with me, to play with me. This is my invitation yet again. How will you answer? I know you will answer with love, as I respond to you in kind.

Go with my love. Go sweet angels in peace. Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at]

what you fail to realize is that you are NOT human!You are, as you are continuously being reminded, perfect divine beings. -Jesus via John-

Master Jesus

We are all One . . . there is NO separation. The experience of separation is unreal, illusory, like an excessively long dream, from which you are awakening. You need to awaken to enjoy the fullness of life as One with Source, life as it is meant to be lived, fully conscious, fully mindful, fully aware, fully AWAKE!

However, your thinking human minds are constantly distracting you from your intended path of spiritual evolution, the path you designed for this human lifetime, and which is leading you – ALL of humanity – back to Reality, the Home that your Father created for you, and in which you have your eternal existence. Separation never occurred, never could occur, because there is only the infinite and limitless energy field that is God, Mother/Father/God, Source, LOVE!

You are at Home, you just chose a moment ago to be unaware of this divine and unchanging Truth, and it appears that that choice was made eons ago and has, since then, been remade and remade, finally bringing you to this NOW moment of awakening in this ancient physical universe.

Modern science has shown that in this seemingly vast universe there is practically NO physical matter, that to all intents and purposes matter is quite unreal, there is only a vast emptiness of limitless or infinite energy. As awareness of this spreads throughout humanity your awakening takes place.

To awaken is to become conscious that You are that limitless energy, and to realize that You have been hiding from Yourself, pretending to be many billions of diverse insignificant sentient beings lost, terrified, and alone in an overwhelming vastness of nothingness. To ease this immense feeling of being insignificant, lost, and alone you took human form and chose to inhabit a material world where you were able to relate to one another either in seeking the Love that you always and already are, or where you could choose to be in conflict with those who seemed to threaten you – an ‘us or them’ environment that was always very threatening to your sense of safety and well-being.

As humanity’s awakening process accelerates and intensifies, ever more among you will become aware that you are spiritual beings having a temporary experience of life in form.

For many that new awareness will be startling, even shocking, while for others, who have been consciously following what you might well describe as a religious or spiritual way of life and hoping that death will not be a final termination point in their lives, this new awareness will auspiciously confirm for them that their faith in God is utterly and completely valid.

Your awakening will be a most glorious occasion, as all your doubts and fears just fall away and dissolve, and the intense knowing that you are indeed, and always have been, Divine Beings will fill your hearts with the utmost joy.

The only thing that you need do to awaken is to allow the Love, Who has been patiently waiting and loving you, to enter your hearts and embrace you into wakefulness.

It truly is very simple.

However you have all been trained to believe that you are not worthy of Love, and that you have to improve yourselves by working very hard to obliterate that unworthiness, that sinfulness, that sordidness that appears to be a major aspect of life as a human.

You accept that, as humans, you have severely limited abilities and restrictions that prevent you from living your lives as abundantly as you would wish, because it is the nature of being human.

But what you fail to realize is that you are NOT human!

You are, as you are continuously being reminded, perfect divine beings. You were created in Love, from Love, by Love, and what Love is and does is always and eternally perfect.

Love is All, It is the divine field of infinite energy from which all of creation springs forth in divine and perfect harmony to delight and fulfill the Creator and All that She creates. You do not need to change anything about yourselves, you just need to allow yourselves to be yourselves.

Throughout the seeming eons during which life moved into form and evolved there has been an intrinsic or inherent sense that it is not good enough, that it needs to be improved upon. But that sense, that thought system is a major aspect of the unreality of the illusion which you need to release.

You all know or know of people who are very loving and who give themselves continuously in service to others, and you think of them as saints – and so they are. But, like you, they too doubt, or have doubted their worthiness, believing themselves to be sinners.

You have all heard the term “the dark night of the soul,” a very deep and painful experience that it seems is necessary for all to undergo to cleanse themselves of sin and make them acceptable to God, and which some of the saints have reported on in detail. But, as I and many others have told you many times already, you are Perfect Divine Beings, just as you were created, and that has never and can never change.

Therefore, go within at least once daily, or preferably for many brief moments during the day, to your holy inner sanctuaries where Love – your real nature – is in permanent residence awaiting your recognition and acceptance of It.

When you tell yourselves that you are unworthy sinners, unworthy to be in God’s Presence, you are denying your true God-given nature, the nature in which you were created for all eternity by Mother/Father/God, and that makes absolutely no sense at all!

You are eternally the beloved children of God, forever in Her Presence, and now it is time for you awaken to the Reality of that infinitely loving divine State. Just allow yourselves to feel Her loving embrace waking you up.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

You always have the power, your power, your freewill, which is God-given and limitless in its abilities, and so you never need or should SUBMIT to the directions or orders of someone else.-Jesus via John-

The state in which you are most joyfully aware of your Oneness with Mother/Father/God.

Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are watching with joy as humanity processes and releases all the ‘stuff’ that is arising purely in order to be lovingly released.  The lessons with which the ‘stuff’ has presented you have served their purpose and are no longer needed as an aspect of your awakening process.

When all has been fully released – that release is occurring now worldwide – you will feel the strength of peace pervading your individual physical environments, your personal human space, as you open your hearts fully to Love, offering It the invitation to enter into your hearts to embrace you.  It has been patiently waiting for this invitation for eons, and receiving it now allows Love to spread the magnificence of Its joy to all of humanity.

So, I would remind you yet again that you are Love, Love incarnate, and that Love is All that exists.

God is Love, is the Creator, is the Creation in which all sentient life has its eternal existence, and all life is sentient.  What you see around you in the world of form is a mélange or conglomeration of energies arising as emotions or feelings, that everyone experiences through the senses of their physical bodies, and which, unless they are recognized as such, direct and control your thoughts, words, and actions.

They are temporary, of an illusive nature, you cannot isolate them and make them real, and yet, to your physical bodies, they seem to be absolutely real.  They are not!  What is real is eternally present – LOVE!  What is unreal does not last because it is unreal.

You have all had experiences that were painful and caused you suffering, and which dissipated when the cause of the pain was removed or when you removed yourselves from the situations that were causing you pain and suffering.

Trust your inner knowing, your intuition – the always open point of access to the divine Being that you are, and whom Mother/Father/God created for eternal joy – and do not discard what it offers you by accepting the advice or guidance that another in form would intimate was wiser and more appropriate than what you yourself are receiving.

You always have the power, your power, your freewill, which is God-given and limitless in its abilities, and so you never need or should SUBMIT to the directions or orders of someone else.

You are divine beings, and you have the Power of God supporting you in every moment of your eternal existence.

Do NOT allow yourselves to be manipulated, persuaded, frightened, or enticed into doing or saying something that seems to you to be wrong, inappropriate, or unloving, that another would attempt to convince you is your duty to do or say.  Instead, trust your own divinely guided intuition, your inner knowing, which is your direct communication link with God.

When you trust others instead of yourselves you are rejecting your divine essence – your God-Given inner Knowing – and buying into the illusion or dream that is presented to you as reality by your egos, and by the egos of others who may appear to be wiser and more knowledgeable than the you that you perceive as the human body that you identify as yourself.

In the world of form it frequently seems that there are others who are wiser and more knowledgeable than you, and it is indeed they who succeed in that world by overcoming and defeating others.  That is not the Real World, the Divine World, and your intuition will always encourage you to be fully aware of that as it offers to lead you Home to the Divine World of Peace and Love – Reality!

If you will allow Love to guide you in every moment you will find yourselves at peace with yourselves, accepting yourselves just as you are, and enjoying all the delightful moments that occur throughout the day – the smile of a loved one, or of a stranger, the sunlight and shadows playing around you, the rain refreshing the Earth.

Life is Good, and you can see that it is Good!  It is a magnificent divine gift that makes it possible for you, as a human, to become aware of your perfection, your holiness, as you deal lovingly with whatever life as a human in form presents you with during the day, even as you sometimes make unintentional errors or mistakes which may perhaps upset or offend others.

And when that happens, as it will, forgive yourselves, and do your best to make appropriate amends to the one(s) you have offended.

You are good, because you are eternally – that is in every moment – One with God who created you perfect, like unto Herself.  There is no separation, such a state does not exist.

Allow yourselves to know the truth of this and thus be aware that how you live your lives affects all of creation.  Everyone affects everyone else, and so, as you move firmly along the path to awakening, know that the Tsunami of Love is flowing through you in order to bring all to their awakening.

Your human destiny is to awaken, and the human collective has made the irreversible choice and decision to do so, therefore to it is inevitable that you will.

There are magnificent signs of this occurring worldwide to delight and encourage you as you each follow your own unerring paths back to your natural and eternal state, the state in which you are in every moment fully and most joyfully aware of your Oneness with Mother/Father/God.

The joy of that knowing, of that experiencing cannot be meaningfully described for you.  You have to participate in it with full awareness, knowing yourselves as One with your heavenly Source of Love, the Source from which All of creation is eternally extending Itself in the most glorious and harmonious cooperative and inspiring adventure that is not and cannot be in any way be reduced – so that you may understand it – from the VASTNESS that It is!

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Those of you who have struggled in this life to fulfill your dreams of success and wealth or who have tried to make the world a better place and feel you have failed – never mind that you were not always successful. Your contributions, especially those that came from the heart, helped to bring us to this incomparably successful moment. -Jesus via Kathryn E. May-

Disciple John

I feel this is perfect time to share this chapter (24 and the last) of The New Scriptures by Jesus/Sananda through Kathryn E. May, who is the only legit and official channel of God that I am really aware of.


Beloved Ones, it is a time of change, from Darkness to Light, from suffering to joy, from anguish to celebration.  This is a time that will be marked in your history books as The Beginning, for it is the beginning of the New Golden Age.

My heart fills with joy as I observe the blossoming of humankind, so long imprisoned by Darkness.  You are awakening, stretching your mental and spiritual muscles, freeing yourselves from all dogma, depressing old ideas and feelings, and you are spreading your wings to take flight.

You, humankind, are known throughout the cosmos as the Creator Race, the Explorer Race, both well-deserved descriptions.  Those of you who are incarnated now have no idea of the magnitude of the adventure we have undertaken together, which is now in the very last phase of completion.  Your preparation for the Ascension of Planet Earth and all her inhabitants is a historic event by cosmic standards, and will be “one for the books” as you are fond of saying.

All the Universe is watching in anticipation to see how we execute The Great Project. It has been planned with great care, over thousands of years, through innumerable revisions, with the tireless leadership of Ascended Masters from the far reaches of the Cosmos who came to assist us.

Your ancient references do not name us, the Kumaras from Venus, who came here together during the Lemurian civilization some 100.000 years ago to assist in the development of the human species.  They do not tell of the many races from your galaxy and beyond who contributed their DNA to your present brilliant combination of creativity, passion, intelligence and physical strength, and they do not tell of the hundreds or thousands of incarnations you have experienced here and elsewhere in your long development of your souls.  The Dark Ones who took over control after the fall of Atlantis did not want you to know of your close connection to others.  They preferred to convince you that you were alone and in danger.  This way they could control you through fear and loneliness.

We came to help out during the long descent into the 3rd dimension and back again to the 5th dimension which was, and will be again, our Garden of Eden.

We saw long ago that Darkness, temptation and the attraction to power and domination would be a serious challenge for humankind in the free will condition, behind the Veil of Forgetfulness.  For this reason we came, under the guiding Light of our beloved Sanat Kumara, to offer our assistance, to bring the message of God’s love to humankind, as you, the brave souls who incarnated here, struggled through lifetime after lifetime without the comforting memory of your life between lives at Home in the loving embrace of your Heavenly family.

We have been known as the Elohim or the Chosen Ones, (although we were all “chosen” as volunteers), the 144,000 souls who came here to keep the torch of Love and Light burning through the ages, as Mother Earth and her inhabitants evolved toward Enlightenment.

There were indeed dark times for all of us, because Earth has been one of the most difficult and challenging environments where an ambitious soul could come to test their mettle and learn by experience how to live in complete awareness and complete command of one’s thoughts, feelings and actions.

You may be saying, “But I can’t do that all the time!”  I tell you, Dear Ones, you can.  You have it in your original DNA, which has now been activated, to practice complete mindfulness.  It is a matter of training; you are getting much help in this regard, and more help is on the way, in the form of your loving Star Brothers and Sisters.  Everyone will be helped, individually and together, as part of the plan to ascend together.  No soul will be left behind.

You see, one of the strengths of an Ascended Master, as many of you are, is the development of the Vision of ourselves as One, inseparable.  It does not matter what transgressions a person may have indulged in in this lifetime – most of you have come at one time or another to be the catalysts for change, by pushing and prodding your fellows to take action against oppression, to fine tune their taste for freedom and to practice strength of character by being a force for the Greater Good.

We tell you now:  All is forgiven.  Turn to the Light.  Use your energies now to do an about face, and join us to create a world of prosperity for all, beyond your wildest dreams.  No one will experience want; no one will know poverty or loneliness.  There will be no need to be on top, because no one will be on the bottom.

Those of you who have struggled in this life to fulfill your dreams of success and wealth or who have tried to make the world a better place and feel you have failed – never mind that you were not always successful.  Your contributions, especially those that came from the heart, helped to bring us to this incomparably successful moment.  The startling truth of your individual role in this event has been recorded for posterity in the great holographic Library of the Cosmos.  

You will soon all know the Truth of this magnificent endeavor, in which every single one of you played an important part.  There are no exceptions, no unimportant souls.  Awaken, Beloved Brothers and Sisters!  You are loved!  You are needed!  You are God!

Yes, indeed, we are all the beloved Creations of the Great One.  How could we not be loved abundantly?  How could any one of us be forgotten?  It is impossible.

The Prosperity Funds are about to begin pouring forth for all Earth’s people. You, your family and friends will be free at last to enjoy our Earthly Paradise. You will laugh and sing and dance, and one day soon you will tell the young children about The Day the Earth Went to Heaven, and no one even had to die to get there.

How can I tell you in words how it touches my heart to see my beloved humankind reaping the rewards they so richly deserve?  To Mother/Father God, my beloved Kumara family, my dear Lady Nada, St. Germain and Lady Portia, Ashtar/Athena and our Galactic Family (Federation) of Light, all the tireless “Ground Crew,” and the entire Company of Heaven, I humbly give thanks.

The Love we have created together will burn brightly through the ages as a beacon for all God’s beings.  I am honored to be

Your loving servant, Sananda.

Take pleasure in who you are! -Jeshua through Pamela Kribbe-

I am Yeshua, your brother. I stand next to you, not above you. I want to touch your heart, that place where you sense that you know. I ask you to let go of your head, your thought processes, and to be present here from your heart.

Doing that is no longer natural for you because you are trained to be in the world from the perspective of your head: to analyze life, to mentally understand, to be absolutely certain before you make choices and decisions. Feel for a moment how much is happening by way of your head as you act and talk with people in your everyday life and at work. Imagine, in a concrete way, how much energy circles round your head. See how active your mind is in your everyday life. It seems there is so much to do, to arrange, to organize; so much information and stimuli that bombards you that you simply cannot absorb it all, yet your head attempts to manage all these impressions.

However, there is another reason why it does not come spontaneously for you to look and feel from your heart. The heart is deep; it has emotional depths and heights that make many of you apprehensive, like a wave that propels you, but to where you do not know. Feelings are considered to be “scary”, which is a belief you have inherited from your tradition.

Much has changed over time, but there is still this fear of really deep feelings and emotions. However, it is only through deep feelings and emotions that you can enter the domain of the soul. The soul has no “messages” for the head. The head and its thoughts are only necessary when you are interacting with the outside world and there are things that need to be done. But the deeper, underlying decisions and choices actually take place in other dimensions. The dimension of the soul is directly linked with the dimension of feeling, the emotional, the heart.

However, it takes determination and great effort to let go of the head, because it is a collective burden which you all bear. So I ask you to turn your attention quite deliberately to the area of your heart – to go out of your head and into your heart. Feel the stream of light that is present there. Whether you know it or not, the light is always there. Your soul is always connected with you, even though you are not aware of this fact while your thoughts are busy with other things. But you can become aware of this connection by regularly turning your full attention to your heart and to your entire body. Your body is in direct contact with your emotional well-being. How do you really feel? Not how should you feel, or how you think you are supposed to feel.

The body is spontaneous and authentic. Sense how your body feels in its entirety. Is it tense? Then release the tension. See if the stress can slide off your muscles. Connect with the Earth: the feeling, loving Mother who supports you. She thinks not, but she knows all. Feel her love for you and know that you are welcome here as her child. Feel your feet firmly on the Earth. Let the Earth energy flow through you so that you relax even more and you feel welcomed by the dimension of feeling of the Earth and of your soul. Earth and soul belong together, but in the past, you were made to believe this is not the case. You were told that Heaven and Earth are separated; that the Earth is the domain of the imperfect: desire, sensuality, sin; that Heaven is that lofty place where only love and wisdom prevail. But these ideas are simply not true; they are false, erroneous ideas.

Heaven reaches out to the Earth in the form of your soul who incarnates here by descending into a body of flesh and blood – and your heavenly soul does this consciously. Your soul is not here doing some form of penance, or the result of karma, or to transcend sin. Your soul is here to bring light to the Earth by connecting Heaven with Earth, and to experience how beautiful the Earth is: the beauty of the plants, the animals, the humans. Everything here is full of life as a result of the urge for growth and expression, but all that has been condemned by your tradition, which is a great tragedy. When you return to your heart as your center, the hub of your being, you are reconnecting Heaven with Earth, the soul with Earth.

The natural way of the soul when incarnated can be seen as a way of joy, of earthly love, of natural self expression, of connecting with all the other living beings on Earth in one great dance. This is exhilarating, exciting, creative, innovative. The entire tradition of stifling dogma, rules, and discipline is hostile to life; it denies the very being of the Earth and the essence of your soul. Let that tradition be a thing of the past. Stand in your full humanity and follow your heart again. Feel what is happening in your heart, right here – right now.

Imagine that a dancing woman is present in your heart. She is a messenger of your soul. Take a good look at her – or you may not actually see her very clearly, but rather you feel her. Let her talk to you. Let her tell you what she desires, what she feels like doing, what gives her a sense of joy and lightness – joy is allowed and is good. Inspiration always comes with a sense of joy and lightness, and these are energies which are at odds with excessive thinking .

I now want to say some things about “the dark night of the soul”. The soul incarnates on Earth and comes into you as an earthly human being with one aim: to manifest itself in matter and thereby to get to know itself better, to enjoy itself, and to develop and grow. That is the soul’s natural flow, its natural direction. But in your world, in the society in which you live, there are contrary forces at work, those that interrupt the natural flow of your soul. Your natural tendencies – what you want to do, what feels right to you – is disrupted early in your childhood. Almost everyone is disturbed in their natural sense of themselves and can no longer easily detect the truth of their heart. Although there are now many changes happening and new openings to the light, at the same time, you have to do deal with a burdensome legacy from the past so there is still a lot of fear and sadness in the hearts of people.

Many of you to whom I speak, and who appreciate me, are the ones who hear the call of their heart. Those who clearly feel inside themselves: “I want things to be different; I want to live according to my truth; I want to hear the cry of my soul and to truly live.” This urging, this awareness, often begins gradually through something you read, or through something that someone tells you, or is the result of someone who inspires you. But as this awareness gradually increases, contrary forces are activated because you, as an earthly human being, have absorbed the collective energy of the past, and it cannot be otherwise. Through your parents, your family, your education – the entire culture and its way of thinking – you stand with one foot in a heavy oppressive tradition, which acts in opposition to the truth in your heart.

As soon as you begin to make space in your life for the rhythm of your heart, the voice of your soul, then you will have to deal with opposing forces that tell you: “Don’t do it, it is dangerous. You can’t just avoid everything; you can’t just follow the voice of your feeling. Be reasonable; you need to adapt more.” Then doubts arise: fear of rejection; fear of the lack of money; fear of being ridiculed, of being seen as crazy. All these fears come up, to a greater or lesser extent, when you align with your soul, and this can become a “dark night of the soul”. What happens then is that the opposing forces – the fears, the doubts, the loneliness – are so strong that the light of your soul, which first encouraged you, can no longer be seen or felt.

At the same time, you cannot go back to the old way because you know you can no longer thrive there, and that knowing makes you deeply unhappy. You can no longer return to relationships that cannot give you joy. You can no longer return to a job that does not suit you, or to a situation or a life-style where you die inwardly. Yet you cannot move forward because of the fears that grip you. And this is the real turning point toward transformation and is what this present life is all about.

The new is not yet here, the power of the soul cannot yet clearly manifest in your life, so you falter, and there can be several reasons for this happening. There may be external events that place you in this “no man’s land”, in this vacuum, but it can also be a process from within. You carry a lot of feelings in you, and not only from this life, but also from the other lives you have led on Earth. You often have “inner baggage” that wants to be seen in this life in order to be healed. Know that there can be so much that comes to the surface in such a phase of crisis, in “a dark night of the soul”.

In earnest, I encourage you to tolerate the pain, the loss, or the fear that you feel. To stay with it and to remain confident that this is a passage, not an end point; that this process is necessary. When you find yourself in a dark period, when all certainties slip away, keep your trust. You are not yet ready and you cannot yet understand why and to where it leads. The door to the soul is ajar, but is not yet fully open. I ask of you, that in spite of this, to rely on the light of life itself. The universe, the cosmos, is a loving whole; it does not want to punish or hurt you. There is no benefit in punishment or pain in itself. Pain arises, suffering arises, because you do not trust in a better future, in the light that leads you and wants to shine.

You often look with longing to the past, and when you are desperate, you want to return to securities that you once had, but which are no longer there. You are truly on the way to something new, something you do not yet know or recognize. Your soul has lured you; your heart has let you know that it is good to travel the way of the new. However, when you have to deal with opposing forces, it can be very paralysing and frightening

I ask you right now to invite your inner child to come to you, that part of you which represents the spontaneous and instinctive. It is the most vulnerable part of you. It is a child in many ways because it is defenceless and unable to care for itself in this world. It is still small, yet at the same time there is such a tremendous force in that child, because it remains close to your soul, like a newborn baby who is close to the realm from where it came. Invite this child to come with you into your heart.

See your inner child before you. See yourself as that child, or by any image that comes to mind. See if this child is afraid of something or needs comfort. Remember that if you want to try something new, if you really want to change your life, doing that makes you vulnerable in a very human way. And it is very human to not want to give up what makes you feel secure. The child in you can feel displaced and confused, so reach out your hand to it. Feel the great power that dwells in you. You are able to proceed on the path of your soul, your “I”, with the earthly experiences you have gained. This child of the Earth is able to follow your soul.

And if you feel that the connection with your soul, with the source of wisdom in your life, eludes you, then call upon your own strength, upon who you truly are. Believe in yourself and surrender to the forces of the Earth and of the universe. Even if you have the feeling that you are “blind” and cannot see the path before you, hold on to your inner confidence. Do not go into your head, because that is not from where the solutions will come. Thoughts often generate more fear, so find that quiet space in your heart.

Finally, I would like to ask everyone here just to be present in the area of their heart, and in silence. And then feel that we are in a joined field. In your heart, you know you are connected with all other hearts, that there is no separation. The head separates, but the heart connects. Sense the field of white and healing light that connects us. Be comforted and be seen; you are a child of the Cosmos. It is generously given to you to be yourself, to develop and to enjoy yourself to the fullest. Take pleasure in who you are!

Thank you for your attention.

Jesus: The Need to be Mindful

by John Smallman

You do not need to do anything to move into wakefulness, you just need to BE

You are all – every sentient being without any exceptions – firmly established on your personal paths to awakening.  Even though there is only the One, the One experiences Itself differently through each of you as you follow your individual paths to awakening.

None of those paths are accidental, unintended, or inadvertent, each of you very carefully chose the paths that you are now following towards the grand awakening because you wanted to be as helpful as you possibly could be by proffering and portraying an uplifting and inspiring demonstration of the awakening process to those with whom you would interact during this lifetime as a human in form.

And everyone of you, without any exceptions, is doing precisely what you planned to do, as you designed and set up the human life paths that you are presently following, quite brilliantly.

Do not be concerned by the seeming worldwide chaos and confusion presently affecting all of humanity, which is also, of course, affecting you.  It is all a major aspect of the awakening process so perfectly designed, and being implemented in every moment by Mother/Father/God, Source, Love, All That Is.

When you experience any sense of inadequacy or overwhelm remind yourselves that all ISdivinely taken care of, that there are NO accidents, all that occurs IS divinely intended to lead you safely and most expeditiously Home to Reality, your eternal Home from which have never, not even for an instant, departed.

The illusion of life in form, which you constructed to experience separation, was brilliantly designed for the purpose that you intended, namely to totally convince you that each one of you, each sentient being who had taken form, was totally separate from each other and from your Source, from God, and that intent has been achieved.

However, NOW is the time to awaken from that dream, that unreal state, which seems to have held you in its thrall for so long feeling lost and abandoned, where your physical forms are seemingly always in danger of being damaged or destroyed at any moment.

Reality, where you have your eternal existence in every moment,is eternal, everlasting, and nothing could be more terrifying than to experience an intense and powerful sense that it could be terminated, and yet that is what you chose to experience. And, because you identify so firmly with the forms in which you are experiencing life, the thought of damage or destruction occurring is terrifying!

You are divine beings eternally at One with Source, and although, while in form, it seems to you that you are all separate, individual, even trivial little beings, you do know, deep within yourselves, that your true state is at One with Source. Therefore the seeming reality of separation can be nothing less than extremely terrifying, because to be separate, even if it were possible, would mean that death was real, a permanent and eternal termination of your existence at One with Source.

You are beings of LOVE, but as beings in form you are basically unaware of the Love that envelops and embraces you in every moment, so within you there lies an intense and terrifying fear of being unloved, without love, and so you are forever seeking love from others.

When it seems that you have found it your spirits are raised, and when it is found to be unreal and impermanent you become very disillusioned.  That sense of disillusionment is an essential aspect of your awakening process, it shows you that the love you receive from another being in form, while uplifting and inspiring while it lasts, is temporary.  

Either you will become disenchanted with one another, or one of you will die leaving the other alone and bereft.  The unsatisfactoriness of that sense of incompleteness is what moves you to seek Oneness, God, Love, and moves you forward towards your awakening.

So I am here to remind you yet again that you are NOT alone, abandoned, lost, or unloved.  That can never happen because you were created in the likeness of God for eternal joy as eternal beings, and that of course can never change.

Time is unreal, although while you live lives in form it appears to be very real, whereas the only real facet of it is the eternal moment of NOW.  While in form, with only your very limited intellectual abilities to help you to understand yourselves and the world around you, to accept that statement as true presents you with an enormous paradox, as you appear to experience time as the past, the present, and the future, with no way of reversing its flow.

Modern scientific research is starting to uncover indications that time is flexible, not constant as you have always considered it to be, and this is extremely unsettling for those who hold fixed beliefs about the nature of the universe and how it must have come into being.

Therefore, I ask you to relax in the knowing that there is only Now, even though, as humans in form, you are continuously experiencing the flow of time.  The flow of time is a concept that is a major aspect of the unreal environment that you constructed to allow you to experience separation, and time does separate events, people, and relationships very successfully, as you are all well aware.

Humanity’s awakening will release you from the seeming inflexibility or constancy of time.  Instead you will become fully aware of the completeness of “Now.”  And in the recognition and understanding of time as a concept or aspect of the illusion, you will find yourselves free, unburdened by the feelings or beliefs that you do not have enough time for all that you have to do in any given day, week, month, or year.  You will then be delighted to discover that you do indeed have time to smell the roses!

Therefore, as you continue to move most purposefully forward through your awakening process, slow down and be mindful in every moment of what you are doing in that moment – taking a step, opening a door, reading a book, going to work, worrying about some future event – the actuality of what you are doing, seeing, and hearing, and thus being present and self-reflective more and more of the time.

When you do this you will find meaning in activities that previously seemed meaningless, other than as a way to complete some other task or activity, and your sense of lack of time or not enough time will dissolve.  You will then find yourselves feeling more at peace, more content with the actual flow of life that you are experiencing, your feelings of stress will reduce and you will start to enjoy the moment instead of expectantly, and perhaps impatiently waiting for the next, and the next, and the next . . .

Life is meant to be enjoyable, inspiring, and uplifting, but because most humans are trained to focus their attention on their bodily needs and desires, much of their lives pass them by as they wait for an event or a meeting in a state that is unaware of the present moment, apart from the sense that it is unsatisfactory and needs to pass.

This is unfortunate because the present moment has so much to offer when you choose to be mindfully present as it happens.  Therefore focus on the NOW, because that is where you can always experience Reality, and it is into Reality that you are awakening.  And, of course, everyone can and does choose where to focus their attention, even if they choose not to focus and allow the dream or the illusion to distract them from awareness of life.

All who are in form as humans are on their path to awakening, but all have free will thus allowing people to pay attention and be aware of the flow of spiritual nudges offering them intuitive insights to assist them in moving forward, or to ignore those nudges and remain fully engaged with the unreal.

All of you reading this message have already chosen to awaken, and so you will.  And as you set the intent to live lovingly whatever arises, others, who are just becoming aware that they are spiritual beings having a temporary experience in form, will be drawn to you because of the Light that you are emitting, and their presence in your presence will uplift and inspire them and you, as you, just as you planned before your present incarnation, by your loving presence help them enormously as they search for meaning and direction on their own spiritual paths.

You do not need to do anything to move into wakefulness, you just need to BE.

So BE who you are, let go of any masks or disguises you have felt it necessary to wear as you have dealt with your daily human lives, and allow the beauty and Light that you are to shine forth.

That is why you are here.

Let go of any fear of others’ negative judgment or disapproval and BE, because you can be no one else and because that is your spiritual task, and therefore you are totally capable of undertaking it and bringing it to a most glorious conclusion.

Remember, you are never alone, so ask your support team in the spiritual realms to assist you whenever you encounter any difficulties, or feel in any way lost or alone, and they will respond instantly with precisely the guidance or wisdom you need in that moment, and you will feel their loving presence.

In fact, make a point of delighting in your tasks, because only you can do them, they are an essential aspect of the awakening process, and you deserve to take joy in your holy mission.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

The moment you find yourself within this silence, this core place, you begin to Live, with a capital L -Yeshua via Pamela Kribbe-

by Pamela Keibbe

Dear people, I am Jeshua. I am your friend and soul mate. I come to you with reverence and respect for who you are and for the path you are traveling on Earth. All of you put down roots into the Earth from which you build your life. You are born as a helpless baby, at the mercy of the powers of the Earth and the society in which you live.

You absorb a huge amount of stimuli as a small child and you collect that energy in your emotional body. In the very beginning, it is still not at all clear who you are in the midst of all these stimuli and impressions. But slowly an “I’ forms, a center point in the energy field that you are. Gradually a ground emerges beneath your feet and an inspiration arises in your heart that is unique to you. And by “you”, I am referring here to your greater self, your soul.

When you incarnate, you take a plunge into the deep, you surrender; you allow yourself to be flooded by the impressions of a new life. And your earthly personality becomes conditioned and formed by the many impressions you receive. But in you is also a still place, a quiet space, that comes straight from your soul.

That quiet space comes directly from Heaven, from the cosmic dimension from where you came. It is through the art of living here on Earth that, over time, restores your connection with this place of stillness, this quiet space in your heart, in your being. The moment you find yourself within this silence, this core place, you begin to Live, with a capital L – you no longer are “lived” by the many external impulses that determine your emotions. Something is born in you, something rock solid that gives you direction, and at that moment your inner channel is open. You may remain under pressure from a lot of influences in your life, many of which do not really fit you and may not nurture you, but there is now a counterforce. You now have a solid foundation to work from, so you now can focus on the re-discovery of your self.

Ideally, in a highly developed society, this turning point, from where you are going to find yourself while in the midst of all the impressions, occurs during your adolescent and teen years. A highly developed society will foster in children and young people a certain respect for tradition, but it will also encourage them to find their own way in life and in society. A highly developed society in which there is spiritual awareness, in which there is wisdom and knowledge about the soul, will encourage young people to find their inner path and free themselves from expectations and antiquated traditions.

Unfortunately, this highly developed society is not yet a reality, and you now see how in the lives of many people this turning point is reached much later, or not at all. It is possible that someone does not find or recognize or feel their own soul, and they will then become “lived”, literally. However, life tries to wake you up – it beckons you, sometimes by pain and crisis, to go within, to listen to your soul. But it would make a big difference if people were aware of their potential and received an explicit encouragement from the people around them to find their own unique way as they were growing up.

I am telling this to you, because you who are present here naturally want to play a role in this awakening process of your society and on Earth. You stand in the midst of life and you have also heard the call of your soul. But, perhaps, that call is still not entirely clear and so there are times when you feel yourself drift away from your inner voice. Yet there is a definite movement in each of you to be on the path and to make a difference in your environment and society.

I ask you, first of all, to make this inner movement a search with the intention of finding your own voice and true nature. Look within yourself and feel your own desire to wake up, to allow your soul energy to flow, to be inspired, to search with trial and error.

In each of you is a determination, a driving force, to bring your own soul and spirituality to Earth. It is important to honor and respect this part of yourself, because this need to develop that part of yourself is not yet something that is acknowledged by the world. It calls for courage and determination by you to do so, because when you do this, you are, in a sense, stepping outside societal norms. Feel that power and courage in yourself. In a way, it is not even something you do – it is something you naturally have to do. And it is a sign of maturity of the soul when the soul, by its own nature, longs for a degree of inwardness and seclusion, and again wonders why things are the way they are.

Honor yourself and imagine how you literally place one foot outside society, where society stands for unquestioning surrender to the traditions, fears, rules, and coercion to which you have become adapted. Yet there is also that other part of you: the foot that is placed outside society, so move your consciousness, your attention, to that part. And imagine you have a place somewhere in nature that reflects the part of you which is an outsider. It can be a wild place in nature, or whatever place comes to mind. This is the place where you can make a connection with your soul; where your channel can open to your original impulses that want to manifest in your life.

Imagine that you can walk or sit in that wild place where there are few human influences and sense how “at home” you feel there. It is because you realize just how at home you feel when you are only one step away from the world. There is something or someone there that wants to greet you and to make you welcome. See what you find there. It can be a human or an animal or a guide, or perhaps a force or sense of something, and feel how you are received with gladness and joy.

You are an inhabitant of two worlds. When you open the channel to your soul, you are also someone who will change things on Earth, for it is by the influx of the soul’s energy in many individuals that this reality is slowly transforming into more developed societies. Through turning inward to yourself, you connect with an inner dimension that is as much your home as is the Earth with all its familiar parts. See, when you get in touch with that guide or energy in that wild place within, if you can receive a message. It can be a simple message of friendship, encouragement, support – it does not necessarily have to be a command. Something wants to be given to you, so be open to receive it. And you need not know immediately what it is; you just have to say: “I am open to receive.”

The biggest barrier for people to really opening that channel with their own soul and inner wisdom is they have to step through that barrier and to step out of the field of human society. That step calls for a “no” to what does not suit you in your surroundings, and saying “no” calls for courage and clarity of mind. For the soul’s energy to be born on Earth, everyone has to step through a barrier of fear and of old attitudes and patterns. You have to dare to refuse what stands in the way of your soul’s energy, and those are all too often ideas, opinions, and expectations which you have absorbed from the world around you, and from your parents, acquaintances, and even from friends and partners.

That road, that step through and out beyond the barrier is a step you do alone. No one else can take that step for you. It is your inner dedication and desire for truth and inspiration which leads you to take that step. Sometimes you need a nudge to take that step, and there is a logic and dynamic at work in life which will make sure you do receive that nudge. Just look back in your life to see if there have been such nudges in which something happened that did not feel good at the time, which might have been very painful and even seemed overwhelming and meaningless, but which later gave you something very valuable. At the time when all certainties break down, you arrive automatically in that wild place that nobody knows, in which the knowledge you have learned from the past no longer works. You are pushed; spit out, almost.

Take advantage of these circumstances to go deep within, to listen to another voice, one that becomes clearer as you dare to leave the familiar and the past. And when you feel enriched and inspired by what you have received in that wild place outside society, many of you will want to return again to society and that is as it is meant to be – there is where you will let your light shine. But it requires courage and fortitude to remain true to that other dimension, the voice of your soul, because there also lives in you an anxious child who still wants the confirmation and approval of those around you, even if those people are still stuck in the past with its limiting beliefs. It can still hurt you deeply if you are rejected by other people.

That is why keeping alive your light, and staying true to your own voice, is actually an ongoing inner work that calls for dedication. Although this work is invisible to many – this keeping the inner road free, the inner channel open, by discovering for yourself that a certain amount of seclusion, of stillness, is necessary – it is, at the same time, the most down-to-earth, practical work you will ever do. And this work includes the courage to break with influences, situations, and people who no longer nurture you. In that sense, some kind of fortitude is demanded from a lightworker: a constancy and a daring to say “no”, because only from there can you connect to society in a meaningful way.

You have something to give society that undermines things and structures, so be aware of that aspect of yourself. You are, in that sense, a revolutionary and it is a revolution that is needed, and accomplishing that revolution calls for a strong personality. And by a strong personality, I mean that you are aware of the fears and doubts which are still present in your life; that you are aware of, and supportive of, the inner child who still looks for recognition and approval from outside itself. That is the true inner work that is the foundation upon which you can stand in the world while you continue to hear and to give form to the voice of your soul. And each of you here is dedicated to this inner work.

Therefore, respect yourself. And I will say it again, because it is not obvious. When you find that you honor and respect yourself, you create the space you need to accomplish this work. The light that comes on this Earth will be born through people, and that light begins to shine in the world by the inner transformation of each one of you. You are the instrument through which this birth happens and being that instrument requires a lot of inner strength, courage, and dedication. It is for this reason that I deeply respect you. I greet you all and, from my heart, I am connected to each one of you. Thank you very much.

Joy is your nature and nothing can disturb or change it because Love, which is eternally unchanging, is, by It’s very nature, Joy.

by John Smallman

Chapter 18

Reality is where you are in every moment.

So you will awaken Now, and when you do it will seem that you were never asleep, as the joy of this eternal Now moment continues to embrace you and enfold you in the field of divine Love that is Source, that is You! You have never left Home because there is nowhere else, there is nowhere that you could go. You are One with Source in every moment as You constantly co-create in concert with and utterly harmoniously with the One, with the All, in a glorious symphony of praise that is continuously being offered to and accepted by Source, Mother/Father/God, One, Love, Wisdom – You! Joy is your nature and nothing can disturb or change it because Love, which is eternally unchanging, is, by It’s very nature, Joy.

As humans in form, experiencing the dream, the illusion, the nightmare of separation, it is almost impossible for you to conceive of it in any meaningful way. You have faith, you know that you are inseparable from Source, and yet what you are seemingly experiencing is separation! It is indeed an enormous paradox for you, and as you live in what appears to be an either/or world, enormous doubts arise in your minds. Therefore let go of your minds, take your attention away from the almost constant flow of thoughts arising there, and relax into the underlying stillness that is All. Just intending to do that, as you sit to temporarily still your minds, brings you some peace. Modern medicinal practices have confirmed that doing this, taking time out to meditate, is most beneficial and reduces stress, blood pressure, and the likelihood of premature death. So both the illusion and Reality are confirming for you that taking time out daily is essential for the health of your physical bodies, and to dissolve your doubts about Reality.

You are all divine Beings, magnificent Beings of Love, Beings shining brilliantly as the Light of God flows into you and out into the vast and powerful multiverse which, in its entirety, is within you, an ongoing creation of grandeur which is so magnificent that, while in human form, you are totally unable to conceive of it. Do not let that thought concern you in the least, because all is taken care of as the grand scheme of things – that is the ever expanding field of conscious awareness that is Source – unfolds, thrives, and flourishes in an ever increasing multitude of Self-expression, God-expression, Love-expression that is both unchanging and forever new.

Forever new and forever unchanging is the crux, the center point, the essence and substance of Reality. You were created perfect in every way by and from Love, which by Its nature can be nothing other than perfect, and so you, each and everyone of you, are absolutely perfect. The state of imperfection that you experience as humans, and which disturbs many of you, and which some of you try to improve upon, is but a temporary and illusory state that only lasts while you continue to make the choice to engage in and play your parts in the game or drama of separation.

You collectively invented the game, and all the rules and limitations that are part of it. Because you are beings of enormous power and intelligence the game you invented does appear to be absolutely real, and that was your collective intent in doing so. Now, as you enter ever more fully into the awakening process, you find the insanity of the situations and events with which the game keeps presenting you ever more unsettling and disturbing. This awareness that it is insane is the wake-up call that you all needed to experience so that you would set the intent to awaken. This you have done, and what is arising for you all is an intensifying awareness of this insanity, which further strengthens your intent to awaken.

Everyone is aware that there has to be a better way for humanity to live peacefully and harmoniously together as one community, while fully accepting and honoring all the differences between you as to race, color, ethnicity, culture, religious persuasion, and general life philosophy. This awareness is growing and strengthening in every moment, leading to a multitude of conversations and discussions taking place across the world which are seeking to resolve all the issues that have for eons been so divisive and destructive for humanity. You are all one, and your science has also finally realized this, so now the collective intent is to repair the damage to your planetary environment, and to eradicate the lack of cognizance of the field of interconnectedness within which you all have your eternal existence.

The intellectual knowledge is now present and available to all, demonstrating that there truly is no separation, that everything is connected to everything else. Now this knowledge has to be integrated with your heart-knowing so that you can live as individuals while also living as one, and in so doing actually feel and experience that Oneness, which, for you in human form, is a puzzling if not almost incomprehensible paradox. However, as more and more paradoxes arise in your awareness it becomes far easier for you to accept and honor them. By doing so you effectively feel your way into them, making them sensible to you, so that eventually you say to yourselves “Of Course!” thus moving yourselves further along the path home to the one and only Reality, the One from which you have never departed.

Reality is humanity’s destiny, and it is the Home that you have never left, even for an instant! However, because you made the experience of separation so totally real for yourselves, it does seem that to be separate is a normal and unchangeable fact, the only state of existence remotely possible. This is because of the way in which different energy frequencies interact, making things appear impenetrable and solid in the world of form. Even though it is now becoming generally accepted – due to recent scientific advances demonstrating this very clearly – that everything is indeed inseparably interconnected, you still experience a physical environment of space. Space in which things – from microbes to galaxies – exist and can be seen, touched and interacted with. To come to an understanding, or better still a knowing that this environment is unreal, illusory, is still very difficult for you, it is a realization that many are having great difficulty in accepting.

Many of those who have invested time and have focused their attention either in meditation, contemplation, or deep thought have actually had brief encounters with Reality which have convinced them beyond all shadow of a doubt that the physical environment is unreal – even though while in form you do need to deal with it – and that Reality is way beyond form, and is an experience of Presence and aliveness that is unimaginable unless it has been experienced. Those who have “been there” never again have any doubts about Reality, or their own eternal existence within It. They have “seen,” and therefore know the infinite vastness that is Love, Source, God, and have felt this unconditional acceptance, this belongingness, their utter inseparability from this state, and this gives them enormous joy and peace. As a result their previously held self-deprecating attitudes, beliefs, opinions, and behaviors, change as they embrace Love, and then share and extend It to all unconditionally and without reservation.

These people are easily and readily identifiable by the power of their energy fields which are, from that moment forward, completely in alignment with Love, Source, God, because they now embody Christ-Consciousness. Christ-Consciousness is an energy field that is completely palpable to others in its vicinity who are either immensely attracted to it, or, if they have chosen a path that shuts out Love, are strongly repelled by it because it terrifies them. These non-loving ones may well react spontaneously and immediately, moving rapidly away from it without any idea of why they choose to do so. As you have so frequently been told Love is of infinite power, and therefore Its power has to be stepped down when interacting with beings in form so that their forms do not either disintegrate or spontaneously combust.

Nothing in form, from microbes to galaxies, can remain in form and be present in the fullness of the energy field that is Love, because energy of that intensity utterly dissolves form. When Love is Present form is utterly surplus to requirements which is why your human forms would dissolve if Love was encountered full on. However, while you are in form, Love is always with you because you are Love and separation from It is impossible, It just makes Its Presence felt at a far lower level of intensity. The idea is for humans to evolve spiritually, and they have been doing so since they first evolved from lesser beings. To evolve spiritually is the way Home, and it happens in stages that suit each individual perfectly. You are all on your path, even though from the human perspective that may not appear to be the case.

You want to help the new reality on Earth, which is what you are called to do. You are being encouraged from within, because it is your soul that demands it of you.-Jeshua-

By Pamela Keibbe

Dear friends,
I am Jeshua. I greet you all in love and friendship. We are the equals of one another.

You are part of a group of souls who are on Earth to help with a change of consciousness that spans the entire world. It is a fundamental change of perspective in the ways of looking, feeling, and acting. This change is necessary because life on Earth is changing. Conscious-ness wants to grow further, and not only among humans, but also in nature: the animal and plant kingdoms, the whole of the Earth. There is an urge for innovation, a new birth.

You have heard the call of the Earth and heard the call of humanity. You want to be part of this consciousness transformation and you are pioneers and leaders; sometimes against your own wishes. You carry something in your heart: a budding heart consciousness that makes you suitable for this role as forerunner, as innovator. Feel this in your heart.

Connect with your heart. Feel the expansion and the silence in your heart and know that you are waiting for something – for renewal. You want to help the new reality on Earth, which is what you are called to do. You are being encouraged from within, because it is your soul that demands it of you.

There is love in you for life on Earth. In a way, you are a parent, a mother and a father, for life on Earth, for consciousness here. You want to help it, as well as your own uniqueness, to flourish; you want to realize your true nature. Feel the nurturing, loving energy in your heart and that it is an expression of what you are. Feel the warmth and love you want to share with the Earth and all beings. You have matured as a soul. You have experienced much and lived through much, through all kinds of lives on Earth and elsewhere.

This is a lifetime of integration, of becoming whole, where you are again bringing back all the lost parts of yourself and surrounding them with light so that the flower that you are can open and bloom, so that its radiance, its light and sweet smell, can spread. Feel that flower in your heart. See if there is something that symbolizes it: a color, a form. See or feel the flower in your heart and now ask how this flower can become rooted in the Earth and, especially, in your daily reality. Imagine this flower in its most radiant form, pure and pristine, and refined by so many experiences. Feel how precious is this gift you have to share on Earth. Then ask the question: “Is there room for this flower in my daily life, in the work I do, in the environment where I am?”.

Take a situation in which you often find yourself, whether it is work, or a relationship in which you have doubts or feel something is missing or does not flow well. Imagine that you are in the midst of that situation and then see how the situation affects the flower in your heart, how it reacts. The flower is a living being; it is either nurtured or smothered by a certain influence or situation. Look at what you can do to feel good in this environment, or with these people, or in this work. What does this flower need to be itself, to be inspired, and to be able to radiate?

Sometimes that flower in your heart needs more protection. Sometimes you absorb too much of your surroundings, of the people around you: energies which can deplete your energy, because they do not suit you well. If you absorb too much or give too much – and taking on too much of the energy of others is a form of giving – your flower withers, gets exhausted. In order to remain vital, it is necessary to restrict what comes in and to protect yourself.

See what you need in that situation, and what kind of boundaries can best serve you – then give that to yourself, energetically. Imagine that you surround the flower in your heart with either a color or a force that completely protects the flower. Or it is possible that you see something completely different; for example, a symbol, such as a knight or a sword, or some kind of clear boundary. Allow yourself to set firm limits for an open heart.

This is a problem for many of you, a thorny issue. Your heart is open and should remain so, because that is who you are now on your evolutionary journey as a soul. Your heart is consciously open and well-developed – this is who you are. At the same time, you move in a world, in an energetic environment, where the heart consciousness of many situations is still only dormant, not fully awakened. There is a lot of fear and hostility and misunderstanding, in other words, negativity, and against that you need to protect yourself.

How do you do that? By being aware of what the energy outside you does to you and not giving what is impossible for you to give and in where it is not well received. Thus, to discern very accurately where your energy is valued, where it flows, and where it does not. Where it is not flowing, where there is resistance, it rebounds on to you. And this can be painful, because sometimes you are very committed to another, especially to those you hold dear, or when it is your neighbor. If that person cannot receive your energy, because their heart is not open in the way that yours is, then it means that there is distance between you. If you know how to protect yourself, a certain feeling of withdrawal happens, and that can be experienced as painful. But if you do not, if you give too much of yourself, you do harm to yourself and it deprives the flower in your heart of its radiance and energy. So realize that the love in your heart must be disciplined, strict, and take good care of itself.

You often fear solitude and loneliness. Precisely because you are developed, and often cannot vibrate with the energies outside you, you distance yourself from others or you do not feel at home in the world. This is part of your path. You are different; you bring something new. Do not fear the loneliness. If you are to remain who you are and to really allow yourself sufficient protection, you need to connect only where you feel you are received, where you are appreciated. When you allow this strict discipline, which is actually a form of standing up for yourself, and you learn to adopt this rigor, you will attract connections with the world that will nourish and inspire you.

If you choose very consciously what feels good, what is truly inspiring for you, then it seems that in the beginning everything falls away that you once held dear, but you open the way for something new: for more spaciousness for yourself, for true self-realization. Learn to receive; you are not here only to give. Only by both giving and receiving will the flower of your heart develop.

The developed heart consciousness takes root in the daily, earthly reality. To take good care of yourself is to respect your heart energy; to respect the love that wants to be born on Earth. The heart consciousness in you is not separate from the heart consciousness in other people: heart consciousness is by definition not separate. The more you know that the heart consciousness within yourself is protected, and the more you move consciously and freely in this world, the stronger will be your connection with the overall heart consciousness on Earth.

There is a connection between you and like-minded people on Earth that you can not always see or feel, but it is there just the same – also with friends and guides on our side. The more you dare to really be yourself and to express yourself on Earth, the more that inner bond, that inner connection to your soul family – those kindred spirits – is enhanced and becomes stronger.

To conclude, I ask you to open your heart to the kindred energies on Earth and on the other side, on our side. Feel that you are supported. You are not alone, even though it sometimes seems so. There is present an overwhelming amount of love and gentleness, humor and support. Receive it; receive this energy. Allow yourself to be nourished and inspired. Allow yourself to get what you need. You are valuable, and to give form to the new energy on Earth, you have to take care of yourself so you can become the channel you are meant to be. In this way, you are connected.

I greet you all with reverence and respect.