Your new life starts today.

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Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on

Nothing Is as It Was Two Weeks Ago

Dear Ones,

Your new life starts today. 

This is so because you have internalized the pieces necessary to proclaim your oneness with the Earth and Universes. You no longer look in on the outside, whether as a human or a Universal being.

Your eons of Earth experiences were confusing because, in the back of your mind or in your dreams, you had more skills and flexibility than you displayed during your 3D Earth reality. You knew something was not quite right, but you had no idea how to shift that concern into actuality. Now you do. Even though those skills might not yet be displayed in your life, you have reclaimed your Universal skill set and added a few more skills you developed as Earth workarounds.

It is time to declare your whole being regardless of what others want or need. Perhaps you are afraid to be different from others or believe you do not have the talents that we of the Universes are touting. Neither of those fears apply in your new world.

Such fears are like inventing television and fearing others will laugh at your invention. Or declaring you invented a new product that could be labeled television and discovering you have not. Both fears resulted after eons of 3D Earth emotional and physical disappointments from within and from naysayers. Or that even though you knew a few adjustments would create what you desired, past Earth failures stupefied your ambition and creative talents.

Those fears shifted when you were of the Universes and in your creative element. Even so, each transition from the Earth to the Universes and back again was confusing. When you were of Earth, you tried to reclaim those hidden powers you subconsciously knew you had. And when you were of the Universes, you tried to forget or negate earthly fears.

You are finally allowing yourself the full range of experiences, including fear.

If you pretend you never experience fear, that cloud of uncertainty that has been with you both when of the Earth and the Universes since your inception will continue. The difference between your former Earth fears and now is that you know your fears are minor and will dissipate quickly – unlike what you experienced while of 3D Earth or your return to the Universes.

Since inception, much of your Universal time has been determining what experiences (most often fear-based) you wished to explore when returning to the Earth, fearing that those Earth experiences would not adequately fulfill your role of shifting the Earth from 3D to beyond 3D.

You have completed the almost impossible task of shifting the Earth beyond 3D. Now, you are tiptoeing into doing the same for your current being. The confusing piece now is that your new skill set is beyond anything you experienced while of Earth or in the Universes.

You are a new being, a concept you have heard or read repeatedly for months, perhaps years. The difference is you are finally accepting your new reality because of your passion to do so and your Universal supporters.

We of the Universes have noted how difficult it has been for you to realize your total and glorious worth – not only for your being but for the Universes. You have completed the almost impossible by shifting the Earth from 3D to beyond, and now you are allowing the same for yourself. Something you could not have imagined even two weeks ago.

Perhaps you question that last statement—just as you questioned your role in shifting the Earth beyond 3D. A reality you have finally accepted, not based on media reports but on your inner knowingness. The same will be happening to you personally today. Because your Universal support team is radiating that wisdom, that inner knowingness to you. It is done. You are new, and so is the Earth.

There is little more to relay other than for us to inform you to enjoy your new being in your new world. Nothing is as it seemed two weeks ago, most definitely including you. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

What makes you smile, laugh, or, most importantly, experience joy? Joy is your new trajectory, your primary goal.

Joy is Now Your Achievable Goal

Dear Ones,

How many recent activities produced joy in your heart? If you remember only one or two instances in the past week, it is time to re-evaluate your life and reactions.

What makes you smile, laugh, or, most importantly, experience joy?

Joy is your new trajectory, your primary goal.

Perhaps you envision joy sometime in the future – a vacation, party, new job, or relationship. Or, maybe you cannot imagine any joy. That lack of joy is a holdover from your 3D life.

Even though the world likely feels chaotic and harsh, you do not need to alter your joy because someone thousands of miles away is suffering. Perhaps that last thought seems wrong, especially in this new Earth of love. But limiting your happiness to save the world is no different than your mother insisting you eat your vegetables because someone in China does not have vegetables to eat.

That does not mean you must ignore others in pain; instead, it indicates that you know they are in pain and that the most rapid method of reducing or eliminating that pain is for you to move into joy – counterintuitive to 3D.

It is time to react differently than ever before while on Earth. Joy is contagious as much as any disease. It is time for you to experience and share joy with anyone who wishes to do so. Perhaps you question that last thought because you believe you must commiserate with those in pain even if you do not know them.

As you learn to create your life of joy, you teach all who wish to do the same. This is a new Earth-life perspective. You cannot make anyone feel joyful, but you can express the possibility of joy despite issues that are not yet perfect in your mind.

Perhaps an easier way of expressing this new joy is to remind yourself that if you genuinely smile and laugh, others are more likely to follow suit. And if you are grumpy or sad, others will probably avoid you—not because you are terrible but because each being has unique issues to address.

It is time to negate attempts to lift up others on your terms – or perhaps a better phrase is caretake others. You cannot caretake anyone, much less groups of beings. You can offer solutions, but it is their onus to accept them.

You helped shift Earth beyond 3D, but that is no longer your role. Your current and ongoing role is to find your joy, not your uncle’s, friend’s, or neighbor’s. If your joy makes others happy, you have created a marvelous pathway for others to claim if they wish. And if your joy makes others jealous, sad, or mad, that is not your issue.

Your only concern is finding those pieces that give you joy. And the more rapidly you claim those pieces, the more rapidly Earth beings will shift from fear to joy.

There is no need to caretake, hold your joy in reserve, or otherwise pander to those who are not comfortable. Even if you try to improve their lives, such is impossible, for each being needs to select the correct elements. If you try to do so, you will move off your joy path into their fears and angst.

Stand tall and proud, knowing you are seeking joy despite all that seems counterintuitive. All Earth beings can do the same if they choose. Your begging, pleading, holding, or pushing will not help them create their path—and you will lose yours.

Hold your head high, knowing you are creating bubbles of joy here, there, and everywhere. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

It is a time on earth to deepen your relationship with the Source in whatever way you choose to do it.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 07/06/2024

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

It is a time on earth to deepen your relationship with the Source in whatever way you choose to do it.
Some of you may do this in terms of practicing traditional religions. Some of you will have your own private spiritual practices or meditations. Some of you will find this Presence in nature, and others will find it in the sanctity of family. However, whenever, or wherever you feel connected to love, you will bolster your spirit, open to the steady stream of love that is ever-present, and receive help in rising above the conditions around you.

The Creator is your source and supply. The Source emanates a love infinitely more powerful than any you could find on Earth. The Divine has the power to heal, comfort, soothe, uplift, and guide, but you were granted free will, and you must attune to a vibration that allows you to receive this infinite broadcast. It is there, as surely as the sun is always shining, but one must open the windows to see the sun and open the heart to receive this love.

You open to this love even in your smallest choice to reach for comfort or a kind thought. In the smallest kind word, you open to allow this love to flow to you and through you. In the simplest act of being kind to an animal, you allow this love to circulate through your mind, body, and soul. While grand gestures of love are wonderful and feel good for all involved, they are not required to allow this love to flow to you and through you. As you sit and take a moment of appreciation for a beautiful day or even a conscious breath, you open to this love.

The reason it is so hard for so many of you to sit and receive this love easily is that so many of you were taught about a God that is more a projection of human ideologies than a Source of infinite love. Most of you were raised with the idea of a Creator who has certain criteria, judges, rewards, condemns, or has mercy.  Humanity has projected its own image onto a Presence far greater.

We know that most of you reading are words no longer embrace the human idea of a judgmental and condemning God. Many of you have felt this loving presence. Many more of you wish to do so more often.

Your experience of this love starts with accepting one simple truth:  You are loved. Always. Forever. Without condition. You are loved whether you behave as you think you should or not. Whether you feel it or not, you are loved. Whether you deem yourself worthy or not, you are loved. Whether you have prayed for years or been enraged at some false notion of God, you are loved. 

Dear ones, you can barely imagine the nature of this unconditional love that will not waver in its view of the perfection of your spirit, no matter what you do or don’t do, say or don’t say, feel or don’t feel. The Creator does not require even your love in return, although there is pleasure in seeing you love because it benefits you.

So ask yourself occasionally, “If I know this infinite love exists, why do I behave as if I must work for it? Why do I think I must earn it? Why don’t I just sit and bask in the goodness I can find around me and feel it? Am I willing to set all those reasons aside, breathe, and receive it?” 

We know that many of you would give us very good explanations of how others have taught you to earn their love or prove your worthiness. Sadly, many of you could make a list of those who have persecuted you or put you down until you no longer believe in your own worthiness. Other humans can topple you out of your truth… if you let them.

However, no matter what happened in your past, you can choose to reach out for connection now. You can sit and breathe with an intent to receive. You can find a healing practitioner who comforts, soothes, and assist you. You can read books that provide inspiration or encouragement. You can watch videos that offer ideas and upliftment. You can sit quietly in a mindful pleasant state of being—whether deep meditation or not—and open to the flow of loving energy.

When you feel scared, sit with your Creator and unburden yourself of your fears. Talk to this Presence of love and give your problems to the Source. You can speak out loud or in your own heart. When you are angry, come as you are and release your fury to the power that will burn up the pain in the light of love.  When you are sad, cry as you rest in the arms of the one whose love you cannot lose.

We know you can’t always feel this. We know that the 3D world of your senses is very compelling and feels very real. However, the more you reach for love in whatever way you can, the more you will start to perceive the “real” reality — the world of love, abundance, inspiration, synchronicity, and guidance. The more you go to your Creator for help and truly release your prayers to this love, the more you will notice the “coincidences,” signs, and indications of this loving Presence.  

Dear ones, your prayers are not necessary for the Creator, who knows your heart and is already trying to answer even the ones you have not yet spoken. They are for you – a declaration of your worthiness, a vibrational offering that says without words, “I love myself enough to ask for what I desire. I believe, at some level, that you hear me. I am open.” The Divine is trying to answer your prayers the moment you feel them, even before you articulate them. Your prayers help you open to receive the assistance.

We encourage you to engage in any practice that helps you feel more connected to this infinite love, no matter how short or long the duration, traditional or not.  It need not even look “spiritual.”  It could be as simple as taking an exhilarating ride in your car or on your bike and enjoying the scenery. It might be baking bread once a week and marveling at the powers that make the dough rise. It might be taking a morning or evening walk and appreciating the miraculous chorus of the birds.  It might be sitting in a quiet spot that feels holy to you. The more you open to feeling this love, the more you will see it permeate every area of your life.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Celebrating 15 Years Feel More Than Fine.

Hi every One, it is been quite a while i did not post a blog myself in this space. A lot is happening on a Face to Face physical level for me, travelling a lot and providing my services as a Teacher and Therapeutic DJ at Ecstatic events across Europe. July 4th marks 15 years since it all begun and i want to thank you all for taking the time to be here and in one way or another participating in spreading the message. The real work is and has been always within. And life shows me and shows us more and more the importance of taking the time to align first thing in the day with our Higher Self/ I AM Presence/ God within as to establish a connection that can be sustained all day long. It is the sweet spot within one finds in meditation and conscious breathing or/and practice of appreciation and when this sweet spot within is sustained one experiences a magical life attracting all this is needed AND wanted along the way. This sweet spot, i call Feel More Than Fine.

Feel More Than Fine is now expanding to accomodate more of what is needed for the this next phase towards New Earth that is projected to take place for the next 16 years+. I wish i could give you a timeline of all things about to take place in our lives but this is something that i feel we all have figured out: nothing happens exactly as we thought or think it will happen rather comes in much better ways or surprising ways according to the need of the hour. But change is already here.

To this i can not stress enough the importance of Stellar Platform ( and Quantum Stellar Initiative on Telegram (Connect with QSI Global here:
Official Telegram Channel:
Beginners Training Course: towards our financial freedoms and not only. If you have never heard about it, i have shared a few times in this website some blogs about it. Stellar is a blockchain platform that is changing dramatically, in a positive way, the ways we operate in our societies.( Stellar empowers builders to unlock human and economic potential. It combines a powerful, decentralized blockchain network with a global ecosystem of innovators to create opportunities as borderless as ideas. It offers the tools to make a difference in the real world through new digital asset products and services that enhance access to the global financial system.)From finances to voting to including the unbanked population all around the world to learning about and supporting projects for a planet that works for a lot and a solar system and galaxy that works for all. Yes, you read right. We are becoming a multiplanetary specie and a lot has been going behind the scenes, even it if it appears not to be so. The white hats along the galactics and Company of Heaven are full time on creating all the bridges that will help all humanity cross on the other side with ease and grace. This creation of bridges through the support of amazing developers that are geniuses in programmation and Artificial Intelligence will bring all the solutions needed for our next step in our evolution. So my invitation to you is to remain open to the changes, to not be afraid, rather keep on doing the good work within in aligning daily with your Higher Self as to be able to listen your heart’s song and direction and role in this New Earth existence.

A while ago i created a page on Telegram where i am sharing some of this content , unfortunately most are not responsive to the call. But i will continue sharing content in there with the hope that some amongst you will INNERstand the importance of what is taking place and join and become active participants. This is the link to TG : . Please say hi when you enter 🙂

Thank you for reading and thank you for dancing!

Nikos Akrivos

Pictures from Ecstatic Solstice Event at Farm of Consciousness.

Instead of pushing more diligently, it is time to rest. Only with rest will you find the hidden keys within you to fulfill both your 3D dreams and Universal wishes.

Dear Ones,

Even though you are likely experiencing miracles here and there – some minimal, others more obvious, you thought everything would happen instantaneously. Such is not true for several reasons, the most important of which is that you and your cohorts must adjust to your newly accepted skill set.

More miracles are happening than you now acknowledge, not because you are a slow learner but because you have not yet adjusted your Earth senses to the reality of those miracles.

You and your cohorts continue to look for 3D miracles instead of the more discreet happenings, which are rapidly becoming more important to you than you expected.

Gold is more valuable than water until you are stranded in a desert. So it is now. What you now believe is necessary will not seem that important in a few days. Not because that item, person, or activity is less important but because you will have different needs.

Those of you dreaming of increasing your financial resources, discovering the perfect mate, or finding an excellent job will feel disappointed for the next few hours until what you hoped for appears in an unusual way—not as you envisioned, but more appropriate for your being and needs.

So relax knowing what you need or hope for will appear when appropriate and within your current skill set. There is no need to cry out in pain or envision the worst outcome possible. All is wonderfully well in your world.

As a youngster, learning to read seemed complicated and confusing, with letters and words sounding like one another but having different meanings and spelled differently. Even so, you trusted your instructors and parents to know what was required for you to learn how to read. So it is now.

The difference is you are forerunners, so the only beings able to inform you of the near future are we of the Universes. Your dream world probably seems convoluted. “Why can’t everything just happen?”

As a child, you likely envied older siblings or playmates who could read, ride a bicycle without training wheels, or have romantic relationships. Did it not seem as if you would never master those skills – until you did?

The 3D pieces you now pine for are a given – they will happen because you have the skills to achieve them.

What you are now addressing is starting anew with skills you have never before used while of the Earth. Skills that were dormant from the moment you entered Earth until now.

You are consciously “working” at creating your 3D dreams and subconsciously testing your Universal skills 24 hours a day. So, you tire and become frustrated quickly, wanting someone or something to prove that you are once again a Universal being. All the while pining for whatever 3D rewards you have long dreamed of.

There is no place for rest, as you continuously expect more of yourself.

Instead of pushing more diligently, it is time to rest. Only with rest will you find the hidden keys within you to fulfill both your 3D dreams and Universal wishes.

Unlike 3D, pushing harder will not produce what you want. Rest, and you will receive. Work and worry, and your dreams will move further away from you.

Your new world is counterintuitive to your 3D world, in which pushing and gnashing of teeth were the most common methods of achieving goals. Your new world is about selecting the easy button.

Rest, and you will receive, create, and learn. Push, and you will merely be exhausted. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Opening Your Freedom Gates

Dear Ones,

The freedom you now claim is what you hoped for in 3D.

This is a new world, and you are a new being. As a new being, you are free to express and expand your joy. In this new world, knowledge is joy.

Perhaps that last statement appears odd, for how can knowledge equate to joy? This is so because you no longer eliminate that which you did not allow yourself to experience previously. The ability to do this and the knowledge about that. Information that frees you to explore when and where you wish. 

In 3D, you had fences surrounding your knowledge. You could not know this or understand that because you did not permit yourself to ponder anything outside your expected 3D limits. It is time to allow yourself to learn about the new ideas, inventions, music, actions, etc., that will arrive in the next few weeks.

You have finally opened the Universal gate of knowledge while of the Earth.

When you were a child, your parents had secrets you did not understand until you were older—or perhaps never. Knowledge your parents thought was not appropriate for you at that time. Such is what is happening now. The difference is that in 3D, you functioned as both the parent and the child. Like Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ, you could have always shifted time, frequencies, dimensions, and energy levels.

Even though you have enhanced some of your innate skills, you are a little different than you have been since creation—other than you are now opening your Earth freedom gates.

You will discover new interests and skills beyond anything you imagined during your 3D Earth lifetimes. And the same will be true for anyone transitioning beyond 3D. Inventions, creations, music, drama, time, travel modes, dimensions, frequencies, and any other word/action you can imagine will be explored. Almost as if a giant box has been opened with gift after gift inside.

You will be amazed at your new skills, as well as the skills of those you may not have noticed before – a new world of everyone exchanging gifts that surprise not only the creator but the recipient.

It is finally sparkle time, with lots of laughter and knowledge sharing. In essence, it is the Renaissance on steroids, incorporating all the expected aspects of Earth’s creativity and the dreamed-of or hoped-for Universal skills—with surprises here and there.

What was is no more, and what is has become magical and mystical far beyond your wildest dreams.

You will no longer be content with what you once considered glorious or exciting, for your new world is one of magic bubbles and fun experiences.

Of course, many of you reading this will pooh-pooh that last thought, for, in your mind, such fun, sparkles, and knowledge are impossible. Your daily responsibilities have little to do with sparkles and much with plodding from one activity or concern to another. How can you possibly exist in a world of fun? Who will pay the bills or care for the children?

Even though your 3D world was likely a daily grind, that world is no more.

We of the Universes are not telling you to sit in your house waiting for the sparkles to appear. Instead, sparkles are all around you unless you refuse to acknowledge that such is true. A tiny flower might be the key to a medical discovery. A dress entices you to expand your social network. A new acquaintance will help you understand your need to explore the Universes. Or new modes of transportation and communication will suddenly appear.

This is a new world, and you are a new being. It is time to begin expecting and exploring the new. You are not in Kansas or even entirely of the Earth anymore. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. Listen to the podcast. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry 

The systems required to create a weekly Brenda’s Blog podcast have changed, making recording difficult the past few weeks. The weekly channel is also available as a Spotify, Google, and iTunes podcast. Access buttons to those sites can be found at

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Your “Bed of Nails” Is History

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you need reassurance that your life and world are becoming more loving rather than less loving.

Your media continues to promote that lack of love, yet your inner being seems to have less need to be part of the convoluted world the media promotes.

Even though you are exposed to the daily reports of the disharmony that seems to be the current world mode, you have not experienced the same to any degree. And if you ask others, they would likely report something similar. It is as if the air is starting to flow out of the fear balloon.

But perhaps some friends or relatives are concerned about finances, places to live, jobs, or wars. This is so for a reason—like a child who plays so hard, they are exhausted, resulting in temper tantrums and other inappropriate behaviors. Even though you, as the parent, understand why they are reacting as they are, you want that behavior to end. So it is now.

Parts of the world and certain leaders are acting as do overtired children. That is not to say you must condone their behaviors, but instead for you to know that those actions are fading as more and more of the world takes a new parental view. Indicating to those promoting fear, anger, and angst that those behaviors are unacceptable in this new world.

Such will not happen tomorrow, but it will happen much sooner than you anticipate because 3D words and actions are no longer dominant Earth themes.

Of course, that concept seems impossible to prove or accept as you learn about physical, emotional, and spiritual violence and disdain for the freedom of others. But again, are those activities part of your personal world, your larger world, or reports from places that do not touch you or yours personally?

If those activities touch you personally, why do you suppose you volunteered to be part of that painful piece? A question that does not indicate you are bad or evil, but instead for you to ask yourself why you need to be part of that pain? It is time for all who are suffering to determine why. Did you volunteer? Are you continuing to be an earth caretaker beyond the time you need to do so? Are you afraid to receive because of past issues you have not yet resolved?

If you are suffering, you are doing so because you have not yet accepted the freedom new you brings. You are not a slow learner or a bad person; instead, you no longer need to suffer as you expected to in 3D.

This is a new world, and you are a new being creating a life that is correct for you – not in pain or fear, but in joy.

So, your task for the next few days is to remove yourself from the 3D pieces that seem to be sticking to you as if rotting food has been glued to your being. Remove it. Allow yourself to breathe in the air of receiving—and expect to live in joy.

This will be difficult for some because you are almost more comfortable being an Earth punching bag than an independent being living in the freedom of personal joy.

That last statement does not negate your transition work and dedication. Instead, it informs you unequivocally that it is time to let go of your savior complex—a complex you created throughout Earth eons with your unerring focus on shifting the world from fear to love. Your focus was so complete that, in essence, you slept on a bed of nails lifetime after lifetime, suffering with one focus: saving the Earth. You have done so.

Your sacrifices and pain are over. Your need to care for everyone but yourself is over. Your need to protect everyone is over. Even your need to shift others to love is over. The only remaining task is for you to accept and receive the bountiful life you have created for yourself and others.

Ignore those who attempt to return you to 3D. Ignore those who try to make you feel guilty for not helping them before yourself. Ignore anything that indicates you are to continue living on a bed of nails.

This new life does not include caretaking others unless it feels delightful, and most certainly not saving the Earth or others who wish to remain in 3D fear. It is over. And because it is over, the only medicine you need now is joy.

If you were deathly ill and the doctor said you would heal if you took a specific medicine, you would likely do so. Many of you reading these materials continue to feel ill. The only medicine you need now is to live in joy, negating the need to sacrifice your joy because others expect you to do so.

Allow yourself to live in the sunshine, and allow others to live in stormy weather if they choose. Joy is your focus, regardless of what or who others want you to be.

If you continue your 3D role, others focused on 3D fear will be less likely to understand how to move beyond 3D.

Moving into joy is no longer a selfish move but an Earth/Universal need. Do not expect the Earth to become joyful and then help push you into that place. You are the instigator of your joy, as is every being who has moved beyond 3D.

This transition is from the inside out instead of what others want or think. Claim your freedom to be by claiming your joy, and you will help move Earth into joy. Wait for others to push Earth into joy, and you will remain in pain. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. Listen to the podcast. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry 

The systems required to create a weekly Brenda’s Blog podcast have changed, making recording difficult the past few weeks. The weekly channel is also available as a Spotify, Google, and iTunes podcast. Access buttons to those sites can be found at

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Enjoying Eternity

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There is no race to a goal. There is no finish line to your soul. There is no point at which you will ever stop wanting more.
You are made of the Creative force of the universe, which lives within and flows through you. Creation happens through you.  It will never cease.

Watch the pure little ones. They want a toy so badly that they think of nothing else! They get it, play with it awhile, and then want the next toy. They are consummate creators.

Watch nature. The acorn wants to be an oak, and then the oak wants to make acorns. Nature never stops creating.

Look at your own nature. You want something in your life. You get it, enjoy it, and then want more. You, too, always have the creative life force moving within you, calling for more.

There is nothing wrong with any of this.  It is normal, natural, and part of your essence to evolve, create, and expand love.

You will enjoy a much greater quality of life, however, if you can enjoy the journey, celebrate the destinations when you arrive, and allow yourself the very natural tendency to look forward to the next “destination.” You are not “ungrateful” for what you have. You are creators, and creators want to create!

We want you to have all you desire in your 3D world. More importantly, we want you to enjoy your life in the process of attuning to love and allowing the 3D world to take shape around you.

Most of you have had the experience of anticipating a vacation.  You think about it, look forward to it, and plan for it. There is joy in the journey as you merge your thoughts with the future event. Then you go on your vacation and have a good time.  When you come back home, you realize that you need something new to anticipate. This is life eternal flowing through you!

The most “alive” people on your earth enjoy the process of creating, whether they like cooking their dinner, keeping a beautiful home, scheduling lunches with friends, building companies, making art, or solving an engineering dilemma. They enjoy the process of getting healthier, losing weight, finding ways to make more money, connecting with spirit, growing a garden, learning to relax, or meeting new people. They anticipate their goals, look forward to them, celebrate every little win along the way, and enjoy their days. Of course, they experience a vibrational attunement to their dreams, which ensures their self-fulfilling prophecy of success.

The most unsatisfied people on your earth refuse to be happy until the external world changes around them. They refuse to feel good about themselves until someone else loves them and proves they are lovable. They refuse to relax until the last bill is paid. They refuse to enjoy what life has to offer now because their big desires have not yet arrived. Sadly, they experience a vibrational attunement to their lack, which creates a sad self-fulfilling prophecy as well.

Your aliveness, health, happiness, abundance, and overall well-being come from pulling this creative life force through you. You do this every time you love anything or anyone. You do this every time you appreciate anything or anyone. You do this every time you dare to dream and anticipate a desire coming true, be it something as simple as getting to an appointment on time or something as large as envisioning your child’s happiness. You pull life force through you when you speak of anything that brings good feelings.

You resist the unending stream and flow of life force when you remain stuck in anger, fear, or doubt. Brief bursts of feeling, when not stuffed uncork the life force, but long wallows in powerlessness resist it. Even focusing on or talking about things that weigh you down emotionally creates resistance to this loving stream.

Most of you alternate between allowing and resisting love countless times each day. It is part of the human condition. You don’t have to be open to the flow at all times to have your dreams come true. You only have to be there more often than not.

Consider this analogy.  Imagine you have a car that drives forward with every good-feeling thought. It goes backward with every bad-feeling thought. If you have even a few more good-feeling thoughts, you’ll move forward. If you can enjoy the journey, the journey will progress quickly!   If you have predominantly bad-feeling thoughts, you won’t get anywhere. If you get upset over not being at the destination, you’ll send yourelf backward.

The smallest choice to enjoy the moment in front of you gets that car moving forward and your life moving as well. The smallest choice to enjoy a moment activates the vibration of love within you, and right here and now, you can experience the love that you all seek.

You are eternal souls. You intended to enjoy the process of creation. You intended to tune into vibrations of love along the way—thus anticipating, dreaming, attuning, and receiving.  Even those of you who chose very challenging lives to advance your own growth into self-love or compassion knew that you could tune into loving vibrations and move through the tough stuff into a loving life.

There is no race to the goal and no finish line for the soul.  There are times you find yourself in creations you didn’t intend, stuck around people you’re not particularly fond of, in a country you worry about, a body that isn’t feeling cooperative, or with a bank account you can’t quite reconcile. We’re not suggesting that you try to like the unpleasant situations in your life or settle for staying in them.

We are suggesting that you look for what you can enjoy in a given moment because, in the greater scheme of eternity, the sooner you can attune to the vibration and feeling of love, the sooner your personal 3D world will begin to shift.

As you grant yourself permission to feel good about anything now, you will begin to relax into your eternal journey, and the more you allow yourself to enjoy what you can now, the better your later will be.

Grant yourself this grace, dear ones. Each moment in your eternal journey is rich with possibilities and opportunities for greater love.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

This is a new world, and you are a new being with phases and interests that have little to do with who you were in 3D

Dear Ones,

You are in the midst of a wild ride without much comfort. What you wish for is the ability to know when and how you will react at any moment. Such is impossible during this ride because you will grasp a bit of excitement here, fear there, and boredom over there. Nothing is as it was, so even though you will attempt to repeat what was once right for you, it or they will likely feel lifeless.

You are evolving so rapidly that what was appropriate this morning will likely not be by this evening. Amid this inner upheaval, you will find new interests seemingly popping up from nowhere to help you explore more areas than you thought possible.

You will also be easily bored, so you will jump from one activity and person to another—perhaps with some inner shame or even fear. The person you were in 3D was more cautious. New you sometimes seems like an erratic child—”I want this, no this, and this.” A child in a candy store with the freedom to select what they wish when they want 

Will you become ill with all the choices available, as is often true of children in a candy store? Perhaps, but it is more likely that you will be bored before becoming ill. The multiple options now available are not necessarily your final choices but, instead, choices enabling you to know that your options are no longer limited to those offered throughout your 3D lives.

Every part of your life is up for exploration and reconfiguration. 

Your explorations will not be as overwhelming as you perhaps now expect, for just as new options have opened for you, so have new skills. Instead of becoming overwhelmed, you will discover an ability to flit between the many options and select those that are most interesting today – but not necessarily tomorrow.

If you return to thoughts of a 3D infant’s evolution, you will remember how a rattle was extremely interesting one day and learning to walk the next. So it will be for you. Multiple areas of interest and expertise will evolve as you evolve emotionally and physically.

The phase you are now entering is a sort of welcome, allowing you to review your options over and over again as you mature into your new being. The next few days are not a punishment but, instead, a broadening of your knowledge, allowing you to select what is right for you at that moment and discarding that which no longer serves you.

In a sense, you are shedding your old skin and adapting to skin with new options, a skin that will also be shed as you mature further into new you. 

Even though that last thought sounds ominous, it is little different from what was true for 3D you as you matured from infant to adult and then to senior—shedding your skin and interests with each passing day. You could not evolve from a 3D infant to a senior without many stages in between.

So, allow yourself to evolve at the pace that is right for you, as well as explore the interests and activities that help you along the way.

This is a new world, and you are a new being with phases and interests that have little to do with who you were in 3D—just as an infant has little in common with its senior being. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. Listen to the podcast. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry 

The systems required to create a weekly Brenda’s Blog podcast have changed, making recording difficult the past few weeks. The weekly channel is also available as a Spotify, Google, and iTunes podcast. Access buttons to those sites can be found at

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 06/08/2024 • Who has power over your life?

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Every day, your world offers you an incredible number of contrasting opinions and behaviors.
Whether you are discussing how to maintain your health, happiness, abundance, or sanity, it can be overwhelming if you attempt to sort through all the external opinions to discover which are right for you. If you pay too much attention to the actions and ideas of others, you could easily lose your center and fall into fear about how other’s choices affect your life.

Luckily it is much easier to figure out the right choices for yourself. Your guidance arises naturally from within. A thought will come to you, or a feeling, or sometimes just a sense of resonating with the thoughts or ideas of another. The “right” choices for your life will feel positive, inspiring, natural, or sometimes like a simple, peaceful breath of fresh air. By all means, you can take the ideas of others into account as you explore your choices and options, but the best choice will always be the one that feels right and resonates with you in a given moment.

Similarly, while it is fine to observe the behavior of others, and you can learn a great deal from it, it is far better to focus on what you are creating and on your connection with the eternal source.

With love, we remind you that there is not a single person on your earth—not a political leader, your parents, boss, or landlord—who has more power over your life than you. There are many, however, who would—consciously or otherwise—like to be in charge of your life, and if you give them that power, will gladly take it.

For example, if you feel a boss is in charge of your abundance, they may sense that dependency, and as a result, they’ll have an easy time demanding more from you. If you give the Creator your power to be abundant, do a great job, and hold your head up high, knowing if you lost one job, you’d get another, the boss would sense your confidence to move on if necessary, and most likely they would work a little harder to keep you satisfied.

If you give your parents’ opinions of you (often from decades ago), more weight than your feelings about yourself today, then their opinions will shape you. If, however, you cling to the fact that you are a beloved child of God who is worthy and wonderful, then those opinions will create a much kinder reality.

If you believe a political leader is in charge of your future, then you are the one granting them that power over your future by attuning to your fears. In that space, you will make decisions in reaction to their behavior rather than in response to God’s guidance. Ask yourself who you would rather respond to. A power that loves you and knows your needs more deeply than any human on earth, or a power that may have other interests? Support who and what you resonate with, of course, but don’t give anyone power over your life. Give that to the Divine who wants for you what you want for you and can guide you straight to it.

Although many of you were programmed this way, you don’t have to live your life in a state of fear and insecurity about what others will do and how their choices will affect your life. Instead, you can live in alignment with your own soul, your own desires, and the Creator of Universes, who, with a single thought, has more power than any human or group of human beings upon your earth.

You were granted free will, and so was every other person on your planet. Others have as much right as you do to make their own choices. However, if you pay less attention to their opinions and choices and more attention to your own vibration and your own joy, then you will rise above the influences of the world. Instead of allowing the behaviors, opinions, and choices of others to control you, you can choose to be influenced by the power that sustains all of life and loves you beyond anything you can imagine. You can choose to listen to your feelings, to that still, small voice within that will always guide you in the kindest of ways.

We understand your world can seem scary. If you are on the road in a vibration that matches the drivers around you, you can indeed be affected by their choices.  If you are on trial, you can easily engage—even emotionally and energetically—in the fight being offered.  If your boss fires you, it would appear that they are robbing you of your abundance, and for the moment, that seems very real to you. If your parents criticized or abused you, it is easy to understand how you could go through life feeling unworthy.

However, dear ones, if you are on the road in a flow of love and peace, then you will flow around others who are not. If you stand faced with the judgment of others and give more importance to God’s love for you, then you will disengage from the energy of the battle, and have an entirely different outcome. If you are laid off but live in an abundant mindset the universe will quickly steer you towards a better job with an even better income. And if you stop telling yourself you are unworthy and begin to tell yourself a stronger and kinder story about being a child of the Most High, then dear ones, the opinions of others—past, present, or future—will no longer matter.

You all want to love and be loved. You all want your love to be seen. You all want to be understood. However, lowering yourself to match the energies of those around you will never get you these things that you so dearly desire. Instead, as you begin to rise above what is going on around you and refuse to dignify the darkness, you will disentangle yourself from its influence.

You will never feel warm and fuzzy about people who judge, criticize, and abuse you or others. You will never love the idea of someone driving unsafely or cutting you off in traffic. You will likely never have an easy time with the idea of being unfairly laid off so a company can hire someone cheaper.   But you can be a loving soul who focuses on appreciating what you can easily appreciate. In that vibration, you will repel those who criticize and attract those who look for the good. You can be the loving soul in traffic who prays for all, enjoys a good radio station, or appreciates the beautiful sky, thus opening yourself to a natural and protected flow.  You can talk sweetly to yourself and tell yourself kind stories, no matter how you were trained. Each time you choose to attune yourself to love, no matter how you do it, you will disentangle yourself from the pain of the past until your new self-loving, self-accepting behaviors become a habit.

We love you and support you in reaching for a more loving reality. We want you to experience a more loving life. We want you to enjoy the results of disentangling from those who would gladly take your power and instead give your power to the Love that creates worlds—the love that wants for you, all the loving things you want for yourself. We support you in realizing you are the authority in your life. 

While it is wonderful to exchange ideas, learn, grow, and create together, ultimately, it is you who is in charge of deciding what beliefs you will adopt, what philosophies resonate with you, what foods agree with your own body, and what thoughts lift you vs. pull you down
. If our words don’t resonate with you, we encourage and guide you to find others who will because you deserve to be happy! You deserve to be in charge of your own life. You deserve to live in peace, love, joy, and abundance of the Creator’s eternal out-breath.

Notice this week when you begin to give your power to others. This fear wears many disguises. It appears when you worry about what others will do, how their choices will affect you, and whether or not you’ll be able to cope with their decisions. This fear appears as the anger you can’t seem to let go when you witness another’s upsetting behavior. The anger gives you a temporary sense of power when you feel at the mercy of another’s choice. In truth, your greatest power lies in your alignment to love..

We understand that the 3D world can seem more real than the world of energy. One you can see and touch. The other you can only feel. For a while, you may continue to believe that the behaviors and choices of others have power over you, and if you live only according to the rules of 3D this is true.  Nonetheless, as you continue to turn away from the fear-mongering, and the upsetting behaviors of others and turn towards a kinder reality, you will rob the darkness of its power, at least in your life, and raise yourself into a loving, kind, guided, and harmonious reality. You will find your alignment with love and become a powerful force for love, kindness, and peace upon your earth. Only by experimenting—choosing to love what you ca in a given moment—will you prove to yourself that you are not at the mercy of others.

We love you. We are sending you a steady stream of acceptance, love, and guidance to the kindest path. Perhaps simply knowing that will assist you in turning towards a kinder reality in your life.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Even though recent media news suggests you should be fearful, your expected fear is slowly, in your mind, and rapidly, in ours, disappearing as you begin to realize your new powers and interests.

Dear Ones,

Slowly but surely, you will pull away from 3D words and actions. Not because they are wrong for 3D, but because they are wrong for you.

This transition is not, about and …, but about this and only this. What was, including 3D you, is no longer. What is now is shifting you inside and out, as well as your interactions and, therefore, your culture.

This shift is not localized in one portion of the Earth. It is global.

Even so, the concept of what was is no longer does not seem to be displayed in your outer world. Wars, anger, insults, and angst seem particularly obvious at the moment. Such is so for two reasons. Even though you have always been enmeshed in similar thoughts, activities, and fears throughout every Earth life you experienced, those activities seemed logical, even right. Such is no longer true for you and millions of others. So you are horrified, even angry, as each new 3D action is activated.

We of the Universes indicated throughout this transition that those who wished to maintain their 3D identities even though that world was closing would become more strident and appear more substantial than they are. This is a time similar to that expressed in The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy and her companions are approaching the Wizard’s location, filled with fear and trepidation. Only to discover that the Wizard has no power, merely showmanship. And so it is throughout the Earth now.

Those who continue to scream and create fear have not yet had their curtains pulled back – that will happen within the next few months. This calendar year is about ignoring the fear displayed and claiming your personal path – as was true for Dorothy, as well as her companions.

For those of you who continue to believe the words of those who claim to be The Wizard, fear and anger will simmer for a few more months. Those of you who know who you are now or are evolving into, will ignore those who do not wish to evolve. Because they are no more a part of your new world than the Wizard was of the new lives of Dorothy and her companions.

There is no need to eliminate anyone or anything other than your fears that all is lost. Indeed, all is being found. In fact, you are more likely to be in the Dorothy phase, where she merely needs to click her heels together, than the phase of entering the Wizard’s lair.

Even though recent media news suggests you should be fearful, your expected fear is slowly, in your mind, and rapidly, in ours, disappearing as you begin to realize your new powers and interests.

Ensuring those promoting 3D fear are removed from your world is becoming less important than discovering who you are.

Even though it might appear as if you are merely discovering where the Wizard lives, in truth, you are ready to click your heels together to create the path that is right for you. And just as was true for Dorothy’s companions, you will discover that those you were once close to will have a different path that might or might not interact with yours.

It is not that those who create a different path than yours are bad or no longer in your life, but instead that they are free to create the best path for them, as is true for you. And since no two paths will be the same, there will be some adjustment for many as they relish their freedom to be. Just as Dorothy created wonderful friendships she fondly remembered but had no need to continue once she realized she could create the life that most fulfilled her heart.

So it is and will be for you. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. Listen to the podcast. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry 

The systems required to create a weekly Brenda’s Blog podcast have changed, making recording difficult the past few weeks. The weekly channel is also available as a Spotify, Google, and iTunes podcast. Access buttons to those sites can be found at

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 6/1/2024 • Allowing heaven to help

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Take a deep, slow breath and exhale very slowly. In so doing, you have just decided to love yourself.
You have chosen to allow life and spirit to flow into your body, nourish your cells, encourage the cleansing flow of lymph, increase circulation, and invite us to come closer and help to create balance in your mind, body, and spirit. You have just made a strong statement to the universe, “I am open to receive life and love.”

You didn’t think of all these things. You didn’t say these things. You simply took one deep, conscious, and deliberate breath.  However, your choice to do this sent out a vibration to the universe that called for spirit, life, and love to come into your physical body, soothe your mind, and help balance your emotions. One simple self-loving choice, dear ones, and there is so much benefit to you.

Likewise, every time you choose to simply accept yourself as you are, you are releasing resistance to love. When we speak of resistance, we are not talking about a mental blockage to love. We are talking about tuning into a lower vibration that blocks the unending flow of love from reaching you as strongly as it could.

Water, for example, is available in your faucet. It is ready to flow at all times. Much of the time, and for good reason, the faucet is off, thus resisting the flow of the water. When you open the faucet, you release all resistance, and the water that was there, just waiting, begins to flow.

Similarly, Divine love is always there, emanating from the Source, waiting for you to allow it to pour into your mind, body, and soul. Here is the good news. Any simple, self-loving, self-soothing, self-accepting, or other loving choice allows it to flow to you in the moment that you begin vibrating in the frequency of love. 

Even in your deepest grief, you can reach out for a cup of tea (or, for some of you, a glass of wine!), and this is a form of self-love at that moment. We know we’ve inspired some judgment as we say this. A glass of wine? How can that be loving when it is often a form of escape?  Well, dear ones, anything that helps you feel better—as long as it does no harm—can raise your vibration.

So many of you criticize yourself for your habits. “I spend too much. I drink too much. I eat too much. I sit around too much…” We understand that you realize there are other things you want to do, other versions of. yourself that you may want to become, but in reality, most of you are judging yourself by criteria others have impressed upon you.

What is too much, dear ones? Who gets to decide? Our answer is that you get to decide. You get to decide when something lifts you vs. when it begins to drag you down. You get to decide when something tastes good vs. when you start feeling you are not even tasting. You get to decide when spending feels like self-love vs. when it feels like filling an empty gap.

No one else gets to tell you what is right or wrong for you. You get to decide.

No one else walks in your shoes, lives in your body, or experiences your unique mind and feelings based on your very personal history and present moment.

No one, dear ones, knows better what is good for you or bad for you than your own inner authority. By all means take the opinions of others that you resonate with into account. Weigh them against your own feelings. If you want to eat healthier, for example, you might visit a nutritionist or study various experts online. Some of their recommendations might feel wonderful to you. That is a good clue that this is a good path for you. Some of their recommendations might feel too restrictive. Keep searching for ones that don’t.

You can get fit by finding exercises that you love. You can lose weight by finding foods that taste good to you. You can be healthy and have a few glasses of wine if you have a metabolism that handles it. You know yourself better than anyone else does. You know your history, your body, and your own feelings about right and wrong. You, dear ones, have a direct-connect to the. Divine, and like every cell in your body, every bit of nature, you know what feels good in the moment and what does not.

Trust that.

In a given moment, all of creation is impulsed by the Divine toward its desires, as surely as the body impulses every cell. Both the Divine and physical impulses guide souls and cells toward greater harmony. Just as each cell receives unique “instructions” based on its purpose, needs, and relationship to other cells, each of you receives unique instructions based on your desires, needs, and relationships with other souls.

Dear ones, accept yourselves. Accept your feelings. Accept your quirks and so-called flaws with love. As you do so, the ones not rooted in love will evolve naturally, while the ones that are will remain.  If you love yourself enough to refrain from judging your spending and spend more than you have, then next time, you’ll realize that you didn’t feel so good and spend in moderation. Or perhaps your bills will motivate you to start a side business you’ve wanted to start but were not yet motivated to do!  Always, if you accept yourself as you are, with love, you will naturally and organically begin to recalibrate to the frequency of love, which can only bring good into your lives.

Breathe, dear friends, slowly and deeply. Receive our love. Receive our non-judgment. Receive our vision of your beautiful hearts and your love. Above all, receive the peace of knowing that no matter what you do, you can’t stop the Divine and your angels from loving you. You can only receive it or not and it is as simple as making one self-loving, self-soothing, self-accepting, or loving choice at any given moment.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Relax Into New Solutions for 3D Issues

Dear Ones,

You are not in 3D anymore, so those issues that feel out of control are of little consequence because you now have the skills to jump through or around them. But your solutions will not necessarily be 3D.

Many of you are concerned about financial issues and hope that a lottery ticket or some long-lost relative will provide the answer. Solutions that were appropriate in 3D are not quite right now.

Perhaps you do not care if it is a 3D solution or a solution you have not yet thought of—you just want an immediate resolution. What was once correct or right is no longer. So redirect your energies to new solutions instead of the outdated, tired solutions you once dreamed of.

Open your mind and your heart to the new. Place your dream into the ethers, knowing your solution will not be of an expected nature but instead of your new world.

Many of you are now clamoring that such a thought is airy-fairy, and you need rent or food money now. We of the Universes will reiterate that what was is no longer including your solutions to vexing issues. Instead of continuing to dream in 3D, open your perspectives to the new.

Of course, the question becomes, “If you do not yet see or sense the new, how can you create a solution?” Our Universal response is, “Place your need in the ethers and discover what you create to solve it.”

This is a new time in a new life, so you do not yet have the physical images or descriptors as you create the new within your current physical being.

You can create whatever you need. But what you create now will likely not be what you thought you would create, for this is a new time with new answers.

Perhaps a look back will help you understand. As a young teen, you likely had a crush or deep interest in someone who did not reciprocate your interest. Even though you were devastated then, hindsight tells you that the relationship would have been inappropriate for the long term because the two of you had such divergent interests.

So it is now. You dream of young teen solutions despite becoming a new young adult with abilities far beyond what you now imagine.

Many of you do not care if it is a 3D or beyond 3D solution. You merely want a resolution as quickly as possible so the tension and fear disappear. It will – once you release the need for a 3D solution.

Relax into your new being. Do not worry about the right words, thoughts, or actions. Merely place your need into the ethers, allowing for new creative solutions you would have never discovered if 3D solutions continued to materialize.

Let go. Relax. All is wonderfully well in your life as you accept your new being with its amazing new skills. Most important for this message is the ability to discover and accept new solutions to 3D concerns. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. Listen to the podcast. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry The weekly channel is also available as a Spotify, Google, and iTunes podcast. Access buttons to those sites can be found at

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Within the next few days, you will begin to combine your bits of knowledge into a greater whole.

Dear Ones,

In the next few days, you will undergo a significant shift. Even though you have shifted almost continuously since you began your transition journey, the shifts happening now are more profound than you are accustomed to.

As is true for any growth, each shift adds to what has already been achieved. So, it is an accumulation instead of a lone addition. And with each accumulation, the depth of knowing or sensing grows exponentially. In a sense, shifting from being amazed at the wonders of your baby rattle to reading words and creating concepts with those words.

You are fully enmeshed in your new being, even if it might not feel like you are in certain circumstances or moments. You are combining what you know into a complete New You package – understanding what you wish to develop or study and what no longer interests you.

Of course, we of the Universes have previously stated similar concepts. The difference is that until now, you were most likely adapting, reviewing, or accepting one piece at a time. Within the next few days, you will begin to combine your bits of knowledge into a greater whole. 

You will probably feel dazed – similar to feelings before a final exam in an uncomfortable subject. As was often true for that final exam, even though you will guess at some answers and activities, overall, you will pass with flying colors. What was is no more. And what is is just beginning.

Think of the next few days as the time you spent worrying about your final exam results. And then, in the days following, allowing yourself a “Bravo” for a job well done.

Even though the hesitation, the fear you feel in the next few days, will be as painful as your fears about the outcomes of those classes you did not appreciate or enjoy, the aftermath will be, “I passed! I did it.”

Every one of you will pass, even though many of you reading this material will question your ability to do so – especially with the significant amount of universal energies floating about. Perhaps it might help you understand if you imagine trying to study for a challenging final exam and your sibling or roommate insists on distracting you with loud music or conversation.

Your successful outcome is a given.

So the question becomes, why do you feel distracted? Such is so because you are giving up a life that seemed normal to 3D you but is not necessarily suitable for new you. Your distraction is trying to determine what is right for new you while those in the background are clamoring, “Here, over here, no over here,” all of which is what or who you used to be but are no longer.

At the beginning of this significant energy burst, you will question the wisdom of your new thoughts or needs for specific actions. By the end, you will not care what anyone wants or needs because you will know who you are. This is a new world, and you are finalizing a new you.

You are ready to live in this new world despite your former fears or need to function as you thought you should. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. Listen to the podcast. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry The weekly channel is also available as a Spotify, Google, and iTunes podcast. Access buttons to those sites can be found at

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

You are the most powerful being the Earth has ever hosted.

Dear Ones,

It’s time to negate your 3D beliefs that someone somewhere needs to care for, protect, and save you. You are it.

You have creation skills, dimension, frequency, and time shift capabilities, and the wisdom of the ages is within you. You are the most powerful being the Earth has ever hosted.

You are no longer only Brenda, Madison, or Tom. You are a glorious being of the Universes who can solve problems, create new worlds, and travel wherever you wish to create what you need.

Perhaps you believe those Universal words are similar to the “snake oil salesmen” of the 1800s Earth. What we of the Universes are relaying might be true for someone, but not you because you have limited skills. You have tried to create previously to little or no avail. And you still need to prove to others how wonderful you are. On and on with thoughts of what is impossible in your life. Creating an emotional/physical dam that holds back your new being for some future time when it might be true for you.

Everything you have learned and continue to learn about your current capabilities is dedicated to the future. “I’ll be happy when this happens.” “I’ll change my situation or ways when that happens.”

That future has arrived. Yet, most of you are too frightened to alter much in your life. This final leap into the new—your being as it has always been except when of the Earth—is too frightening. Thoughts of failure, disappointment, and too good to be true continue to ramble around your thoughts as if everyone but you can do and be what they want.

Your new world is not a fantasy or wishful thinking. It is you now. Allow yourself to accept your new thoughts and actions. Allow yourself to step outside your 3D world of limitations and what-ifs. Allow yourself to be in all your glory.

Despite the information we of the Universes have provided, you pretend that you are Clark Kent when, in reality, you are Superman, Superwoman, or Superbeing without limitations and without kryptonite, except for your ongoing belief in your limited reality.

Jump, run, dance into what you are now capable of. You’re no longer peeking out the window at the fabulous life of others. It is time to create what you want and need without fear, angst, or worry. Some of you even worry that you will be isolated as a braggart or a person you find disappointing if you become yourself.

So you wait, watch, and fear that becoming you is TOO MUCH for your tiny world. It is – because you are no longer just of the Earth; you are a Universal being with all the accouterments that includes. But then, the same is true for millions.

You have created a new race of humans similar to the historical jumps you now tout, like the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, or whatever historical Earth period, human skills were enhanced through trial and error.

You have completed your trial and error phases throughout the eons. It is time for the new human you and your cohorts created to emerge in all your shining glory. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. Listen to the podcast. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry The weekly channel is also available as a Spotify, Google, and iTunes podcast. Access buttons to those sites can be found at

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your travel itinerary can now include Universal explorations instead of only the Earth.

Dear Ones,

Maybe you recently jumped between dimensions and frequencies or traveled to places you never before explored, or perhaps not. You and your cohorts opened the Universal gate the past few days, allowing you to jump when or if you feel comfortable doing so.

Even though this gate has always been available because you are all Universal beings, your inner being stopped you from opening that gate while of 3D Earth because it would have been too confusing. Much like you did not read Shakespeare’s works when you were eight years old because the meaning of Shakespeare’s words would have likely been beyond your comprehension skills.

Some days, Universal Travel might seem interesting or exciting. On other days, it might be too complicated to attempt. You have freed yourself from the Earth’s boundaries of limited exploration. Now, free yourself from expectations of immediately zooming hither and yon unless it feels joyful.

Nothing disappears if you do not travel within the next few days, weeks, or years. Like earth travel, you can travel through dimensions, frequencies, or times whenever or wherever you like, but that does not mean you have to.

Many question why you might want to travel through dimensions, frequencies, or times. There is no exact answer for that, any more than you can fully explain why you do not wish to travel beyond your community while your sibling is a world traveler. Everything you decide and explore is because your inner being is drawing you to it. The result of that exploration is a more clearly defined personal path.

En masse, you decided to explore outside the 3D boundaries you adhered to for the eons you have been of Earth. That quest opened the fields that were part of your being when you were not of Earth.

You have extended your Earth knowledge into the Universal spheres.

You might be dissatisfied with your current life because it feels limiting. Or, you might decide that your current life meets your needs. There are no longer limits on who you are or are becoming. So, a friend might jump timelines and find your stay-at-home activities boring. Exactly as it should be because, unlike the cookie-cutter lives you lived when you were of 3D Earth, there are no longer any limits.

Your Universal gate of dimensions, frequencies, and time will remain open forever.

Welcome to the Universes with all the variety and excitement that phrase entails. You might need to rest before you venture out to a new experience. Or opt to explore something new as you complete your day-to-day activities. There are no longer boundaries, shoulds, gates, windows, or doors that stop you from exploring whatever you wish, whenever you want.

Perhaps you wonder when you will find the time to explore as much as you wish. Once you opened that Universal gate, you, en masse, also opened your being to a more extensive personal diversity. So, part of you might be traveling to another planet while easily maintaining your daily responsibilities.

You have allowed yourself to bifurcate while in an Earth physical form.

Previously, even those who channeled or were healers limited their scope and area. Not because they had to, but because shifting beyond that would have been too confusing in a 3D world.

Those gates and limitations have gone by the wayside now that you have transitioned beyond 3D. In truth, those gates were eliminated the minute you transitioned. But because the resources and activities available were too expansive without some preparation, you en masse decided this last piece of travel expansion needed to wait until you were more comfortable with your new inner being.

You have completed the three big stages of becoming a new you – your outer and inner worlds and now, your Universal world.

Allow yourself to explore without fear of punishment, pain, or banishment.

You are an official Universal Zoomer who can opt to travel extensively or not at all, as was true in your 3D world. The difference is your travel itinerary can now include Universal explorations instead of only the Earth. You are new, and so are your travel options. So be it. Amen.

Subscribe to or access Brenda’s Blog. Listen to the podcast. To receive the free weekly “Brenda’s Blog,” subscribe via Or, read Brenda’s weekly channeled blog at Life Tapestry The weekly channel is also available as a Spotify, Google, and iTunes podcast. Access buttons to those sites can be found at

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Feeling Good is Feeling God.