You are invited to begin use the superpower of your imagination

February 14, 2022, via email

abstract colorful background of night star
Photo by Andre Moura on

We are here, and we invite you to become aware of the many other realities that you participate in. We continue to invite you to become aware of your multidimensional beingness. Realize the importance to expand your awareness of reality. This is a subtle expansion, you and others actually do this at all times, yet do not recognize it as aspects of your multi dimensional self.

Let us give this example, you are interfacing with your third dimensional life as a human, perhaps even your role as a parent, a friend, a teacher, a mentor, a spiritual being, a conscious citizen, a gardener, a businessperson. These are roles or aspects that shift your behavior in subtle ways. You do not consider them separate from one another; they are just parts of you and your life.

Now consider the awareness of your multidimensionality, you are here in a hologame on planet earth, responsible for the physical vehicle in which you dwell, confined by beliefs of the limitations of this reality. You are also connected to the galaxy and respond to the energy matrix that is offered from the cosmic forces.

We want you to realize that you are able to read the energy of another being, taking in data like your computers, you are interfacing with other beings at all times, exchanging information, ideas, weavings of energy. You travel time, in a moment, you return to the past, zoom to the future, however, you only touch these time lines briefly and usually you touch it with regret or worry.

You have the ability to step into any hologame and experience any reality, with all its taste, smells, feelings, sights and “live” it so to speak. However be aware that in this current third dimension reality you have replaced this awesome multidimensional ability with the movies and with television. You are invited to begin use the superpower of your imagination.

We know that this physical life feels real in your consciousness. We know that you have responsibilities, loved ones and friends; you experience emotions of bliss and traumas. You feel pain and have thoughts and even puzzle at the mystery of why you are here.

Realize that you travel out of your body’s awareness often. You take an aspect of your multidimensional self to other dimensions and to other realities. This is especially true at this time. Many are beginning to consciously be moving from one dimension to another.

This awakening is being triggered by the cosmic forces that are bathing your planet, stimulating you to wake up to the truth of who you really are. You are a starbeing, here is this limited third dimension having what you are calling a physical life, which we invite you to consider is only “one cell.”

We sense your desire for us to translate this information more clearly. We are aware that you are struggling a bit, to put what we are giving you into understanding. You know this truth as a multidimensional being, it is how you operate. Yet you cannot always put what happens as a multidimensional being into words, because it is far bigger than your “one cell” third dimensional self to explain in words.

Let us offer this, using the example of the physical body as a metaphor. Image in the body, this physical life what you are now focused on, is only “one cell”. Your “NOW” life experience is only “one cell.” Yet you are truly multidimensional. This multidimensional self creates, nurtures, and sustains the whole in a very complex delicate balance.

You as the “one cell” are not aware of all the others tasks or other realities the total body participates in. There is the reality of the bones, the reality of skin, the reality of the heart, the liver, the circulation system; these are all just aspects of the multidimensional reality of the body. There is the brain, the thoughts, the feelings, the memories and on and on, yet the “one cell” awareness is not fully conscious of all that is taking place.

The life you are focused on in your now is this “one cell” of your total magnificent multidimensional self. There is much going on at all times that you do not recognize because of your veiled awareness and belief systems.

You as “one cell” do not even think about what beats the heart, how air expands the lungs, these are activities that are automatic. They maintain the “one cell” yet are not a part of consciousness. The “one cell” has other things to focus upon. There are frequencies, matrixes, realities that exist in which you are very active, yet as the “one cell” that you are focused upon resists this expansion or does not even know of the others existence.

So begin to honor your true wholeness. It is important that you begin to be aware of all the actions and activities that the physical body offers. Practice quieting your mind and place your attention on your heart, notice if you can begin to feel each heart beat. Focus your quiet mind on your breath, follow that breath moving into your lungs, expanding them and then exhaling. We want you to begin to practice being more than just “one cell.

Imagine that your body has a consciousness in every aspect. Every aspect, every part of your body is aware of the energy that is being offered in the cosmic downloads, the solar flares, the vibrations of the planets, the pull and push of the moon. There is much more going on then the “one cell” self recognizes.

Many are waking up to these awarenesses and many others continue to hit the ‘snooze button.’ Now is the time to explore all the inner realities of your physical body as well as the awesome realities of the other dimensions. Be the explorer. Be the adventurer.

Imagine that you can go on a vacation or holiday to another time and place. Imagine that you can go to a cosmic travel agent and book a trip to another planet or a cosmic time agent and book a trip to any experience in time or even a cosmic dimensional agent, where you can arrange to travel to another dimension. Make this as real as you possibility can. Allow yourself to play with this idea and suggestion. Shake yourself out of any limited beliefs.

We are playing with you here. We want to shake you out of your “one cell” thinking. We want you to realize how truly unlimited you really are. Each day make it a practice to imagine another reality, pretend, make it as real as possible. Feel it, sense it, see it whatever way feels best to you. Remember this is simply a game and you are meant to wake up and recognize that you are a divine creator.

Again we invite you to expand your awareness to include more of your multidimensional beingness. It is much easier than one might imagine, you do it often, now just recognize when you have shifted. Be at peace, Beloved the ‘team’

©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

when you are able to transcend ‘good event’ and ‘bad event’ thinking, you transcend binary programming logic. Nothing is either/or. It is All/Everything…altogether

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February 14, 2022,

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Magic and Miracles

Jennifer: Hello! Happy Valentine’s Day! I don’t suppose you celebrate Valentine’s Day?!

Ashian: You are both right and wrong!

J: That takes some genius on my part!

A: Underlying any celebration of love is an honouring of the divine connection between two people, because love is your divine essence.  It is what is ‘essential’ to you for your very creation, and it is so important to the quality of your lives that you seek love at every stage of life, whether a child or elderly.

Love is an expression of divine expansion; what you would experience as tenderness, compassion, excitement, passion… the entire gamut of love expressions.  We honour this in everyone we meet throughout our day. As we meet each person, we honour the vibration of love that we share with them in our first salutation with them. It is an energy that is felt, honoured and exchanged between us.

The love that you celebrate on this day has really only the lightest flavour of this honouring of sacred love ~ whether for friends, parents, spouse, children, neighbours, and so on. Much on your planet is done for show, and not because it truly flows from the heart of you.

J: Yes, I do see that. I love the idea ~ as I experienced it while you were expressing the idea of meeting someone ~ where both people take a moment to be conscious of the expression of love between them, in whatever form that may take. It’s as though they create and seal a sacred space together. We are only just learning how to honour others, and create meaningful, sacred space together.

But we digress! I had a question!

A: You have understood correctly, dear heart, and nonetheless, we greet all of you with the most expansive, unconditional love you may experience, for we are you, in a different form, so you are sacred to us.

J: Hang on! Forget my question.  “you are us”…we had better address this. What do you mean by that exactly?

A: It is multi-layered. We are all a part of the Divine Oneness, so on the greatest level, we are one. But many of the Galactics overseeing your Ascension have come from what you may consider both your past and your future timelines, to assist. And then there is the actual bilocation of many of us, who have incarnated as humans on your Earth plane. It is like in your film Avatar, your Galactic self is in stasis while you project yourself into this human life.

Dear Jennifer, the ways of being human on your planet at this time are many, varied and complex. It is not as simple as you have been told to believe, and there is really not much more we can say on the subject at this point in time. More will become available ~ sooner rather than later.

J: OK. I know that will really disappoint a lot of people. But one question: How would we know if we were a bi-locating Galactic?

A: In its simplest terms, you would feel it. You would be drawn to all things ‘extra-terrestrial.’  You would also have a knowingness and deep affinity with sky, with space, with Galactics, that you cannot explain. You would dream of flying, of freedom, of expansion into a body that is not as dense and solidly packed as this carbon-crystalline form you currently inhabit.

J: So what you’re saying is that the clues are hidden in plain sight?

A: That is one of the secrets of the universe: there are no secrets! It’s all out there, obvious, waiting for you to claim it.

J: Hmmm! There’s food for thought! I’m not really sure, but I think my initial ~ now seemingly mundane ~ question may actually follow on rather well from this: Kinda!

I am currently practicing looking for the magic and miracles in my day, because I believe that the more we do that, the more we free ourselves from logical, sequential thought and action, and open ourselves to quantum experiences, divine interventions and, well… the sort of asynchronous events we define as miracles.

A: Yes, it is freeing your consciousness to look beyond the programming that was forced upon you for millennia, and reclaiming your Creator Self, your Divinely given Creator ability.

J: So yesterday, a friend changed their mind about something they would do, and it had a very strong emotional impact on me. I couldn’t believe how quickly it diminished my energy, and I immediately labelled it ‘bad’; strictly not in my ‘miracle’ category.

But as the day went on, even though I still felt quite low, I came to see that it was necessary. I had to see how this event would affect me, because it gave me an entirely new perspective on my life. I began to see that it was actually a huge miracle, a blessing. I wanted to know what you would say to the events that we label ‘bad’ in life.

A: Excellent!

J: I can actually see you clapping in delight! Why do I feel like the last person in the class to catch up?

A: Not at all. It’s wonderful, truly. Because when you are able to transcend ‘good event’ and ‘bad event’ thinking, you transcend binary programming logic. Nothing is either/or. It is All/Everything…altogether.

You have been programmed through your media, and many other nefarious means, to stick to a very narrow lane of ‘good’, pleasant, easy. It was to make you docile, programmable, acquiescent.

Every single time you let go of the idea of what is good or bad, you step out of the matrix, the 3D realm, and step into the 5D realm, where you are creators not recipients, active not passive.

So yes, look at all the things that you have labelled ‘bad’ in your lives, and you will find that they were the catalysts for your growth, for bringing you to be the person you are today, right now.

It won’t always be necessary to grow through challenging events, but in these times of great flux, pain is the most direct way of waking people up to the need to create real, substantial change.  Change is only created when you own your power: your Divine Creative Power.

As each person awakens to their Divine Creative Power, their ability to create magic and miracles in their lives grows, and their need to grow through pain, suffering and challenges dissolves. You step into the vibrational field of your Galactic self.

So, expand into your Divine Self and claim your Divine Creative Power. It’s hidden within you ~ in plain sight ~ you just need to claim it.  A brilliant first step is moving beyond ‘good’ and ‘bad’, and understanding that your entire life is made up of magic and miracles that you are creating, except that now you are aware, so you are owning your Divine Creative Power.

You are rocking Divine Creative Power!

J: I love that! Thanks so much Ashian!

And Happy Valentine’s Day

You would not have the desire without the means to fulfill it.

February 13, 2022,

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel ~ The Means to Fulfill Your Desires

desire inscription amidst small flowers
Photo by Sandeep™ on

You would not have the desire without the means to fulfill it.

Dear One,

All things in life are a part of the Universal Consciousness. This includes the desires of your heart. You have within you all that it takes to fulfill these desires and create the life you want to have. Know that each time you feel a deep longing, the seed of fulfillment is inherent within it.

There is a deep re-awakening within you, showing you a potential for all that you desire. This re-awakening results from your connection to God and the remembrance of the Angels who are guiding you always. As you commune more and more with this energy, your life will begin to take on the magical qualities you desire.

It begins with letting go. When you know in your heart that all your needs will be abundantly met, you can release the part of you that wants acquisition. You will now be free to discover the true desires in your heart. True desires have qualities that are fulfilled when the desires have been manifested. If the desire is for money, there is a quality that your heart seeks to have fulfilled — a sense of safety, an abundant lifestyle, or perhaps, simply freedom from worry.

Becoming aware of these qualities allows you to take action to gain these first, which will then allow the material form to manifest in a form which is in your highest good. The first step after discovering the qualities you seek, is always to ask for what you want, making sure you clearly state the qualities you are seeking to have. The Angelic Dimensions stand ready to assist you in the process of gaining all you desire in your life. Clarity is key.


It is truly God’s Plan to have all beings live in a state of abundant joy and freedom from fears: people living with peace, harmony and love in the world as well as within their families. These qualities are not too much to ask for in your prayers because they are the natural state of balance in God’s world. Your prayers you offer in order to attain them opens your mind and heart to fulfillment in your personal life.

It is also vital to be in the company of like-minded souls who believe that miracles are not only possible, they are also willing to have them manifest in their own lives. It is clear that in some situations in the world, only a miracle of divine proportions can create a solution. With enough people believing miracles are possible, there is no doubt that creative solutions, which are beyond the mind’s ability to understand at this time, will occur.

Begin now to allow miracles to manifest in your world. Be the first one to ask for Divine Intervention, and to share your belief with others, so that all may live in a new level of conscious awareness and abundant joy.

Those desires in your heart are there to remind you that miracles happen, and God provides you the ways to have all the good you desire in your life. Know that you are blessed and profoundly loved.

Call on the Divine Presence and the Angels, then allow the desires of your heart to be fulfilled. Remember,

You would not have the desire without the means to fulfill it.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel