Daily Declaration: This happens here! Now! -Saint Germain via Caroline Oceana Ryan-

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.

Today, our writer wishes to speak with Saint Germain, and so that Ascended Master steps forward now . . .

COR: Greetings, Lord Saint Germain!

SAINT GERMAIN: Greetings, dear one. Greetings to all!

How may we assist?

COR: There seem to be several things happening at once on the planet:

A more concentrated focus on the part of the old power elite to restrict humanity’s movements, though that doesn’t seem to be working as well as they had hoped.

An upward lift in people’s vibration, thoughts, and feelings about life, as if the new year had offered some hopefulness and clarity we have been lacking these last few years.

And a more concentrated form of Light coming in from our Sun, Sol.

I know that the Light particles are sentient, and that they speak to us energetically, and carry a tonal vibration as well.

I’m wondering if you would share what the Light particles are saying to us?

We could also ask Sol, of course, but it would be wonderful to hear from you on that, and other matters as well.

SAINT GERMAIN: We are more than happy to assist.

The particles are reconnecting your spirit and psyche back to your original intergalactic, Unity consciousness and beingness.

They can also be beautifully healing.

These are not only ideas for the mind to toss about and consider.

They are deeply felt areas of purpose and intent, and each of you has come in at this time to enter into a sacred dance with that which calls you back—not only to your true self, and your soul family, but to your true expression and comprehension of what Universal Light codes mean for humanity at this time.

And that is, that all the divisiveness that has kept you fighting one another and yourselves these last 13 millennia or so must cease now.

The planets turn and evolve; the stars likewise move and evolve.

And so the Universe in its own way must also move, in increasing levels of consciousness.

It too revolves around something greater, and evolves into something greater, though you cannot see it yet.

Your other lives, lived out in parallel timelines and universes—all of that now collides in such a way that you come out of this singular narrowness that holds in one place and time.

Increasingly now you belong to all places and all times, and are nowhere near so constricted in your grasp of what is real and what is not.

Possibilities within the open quantum field of potentials stretch out before you now—and what do you see?

Do you choose to visit the past of this life with regret, or to feel stress or worry regarding possible futures?

Or do you move your focus to where all times are Now, and all you desire is here already?

Including the enactment of that NESARA law that will establish not only human sovereignty, but a re-joining of Earth and Her people to the Intergalactic Confederation, and all that portends.

COR: In 5D, the linear timeline of “past – present – future” collapses entirely.

Of course I always want to ask you how close we are to all of that—what remains that must be moved or resolved, and what we can do to assist.

The Collective gave us a powerful Daily Declaration to say aloud each day, and I find it inspiring to say.

More than a plea for assistance, it seems to be a declaration in the sense of, This happens here! Now!

SAINT GERMAIN: It is indeed. The time for polite request for assistance, one might say, has well passed.

Regarding how close, and how much more remains—it is obvious that the time draws near, or you would not see the old “elite” in such a scurry to exert what little influence they have left.

Look at the thousands participating around the world as the trucks line up, and many thousands more cheer them on!

Why would this be happening, except that deep inside the dream state of every child, woman, and man now, there is the increasing feeling of excitement that, We shall not be denied these freedoms which we require now!

On an everyday conscious level, they may not see the full extent of what they are cheering for, yet on a soul level, they are fully aware.

Consider too that the building excitement is having an effect on Earth Herself.

Her resonance grows higher each hour—it is not even fully measured by the most advanced of instruments, because they do not address all forms of frequency that She rings with.

Yet these reach higher, affecting all life on the planet, and sending out a beautiful signal of awareness to all around Her and quietly, to all within Her, that great change is afoot.

So that increasingly, if there were a set number of months or years till NESARA’s enactment, that time would shorten.

Were we to give a particular date and time of day, for example, it would be utterly null and void within a few days.

That is how quickly things are moving, both in terms of outer actions and the building frequencies that humanity and Earth are resonating with.

Nothing can stay the same for long in these frequencies.

So that if you find yourself unhappy with current events, whether within your own life or in general—be assured: This too shall change.

And if you allow, it shall move to a higher level.

COR: As you are unable to give us a timeline for when we shall be able to fully claim our sovereignty, lord—

SAINT GERMAIN: Claim it NOW, dear one! Wait not one minute longer!

COR: Yet as you’re not able to give us a timeline for NESARA’s announcement, would you let us know at least how big an influence all of our envisioning and expectation is?

Our requirement that it all unfold—more quickly, even, than the Ashtar Command might be thinking it will?

SAINT GERMAIN: We will say that you all have entered into a contract with your Earth-based experiences, and with the Earth Herself.

And that the passivity with which you have lived out other Earth lives no more applies now, than a child’s wish to sprout Angel wings and fly into the clouds, away from all dissonance and division.

Indeed, you are very nearly doing that anyway, as you Ascend.

The heaviness, the density of Earth lives—this you are releasing, and ceasing to relate to or define yourselves by.

We see this increasingly, as more and more people move into the Present Moment and release the need to know how the future will unfold for them, and release the need to define themselves by what they have experienced, and where they came from.

How can these apply, when an intergalactic traveler has the entire expanse before them?

How might these apply, when all now look into the Sun in their dream state, and laugh with Joy at the music they hear pouring forth from him?

We will say, it will not occur as you think, and yet—yes, you are nevertheless the Creators of this beautiful moment.

Do not miss the beauty and the immediacy that is the miracle of Ascension, however it occurs.

Your wings are sprouted, and they carry you Home now.

Never doubt this!

COR: Thank you, Lord Saint Germain, for all you do.


SAINT GERMAIN: We are behind you, beside you, ahead of you—on all sides, you have our utter and complete Love and support.

We walk with you now!

Prepare for miracles—expect them, for this is the age, and the moment of such.

Namaste, dear ones!

We are with you, always.

Copyright 2022, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post: https://www.ascensiontimes.com/post/a-message-to-lightworkers-february-4-2022.

Thank you.

Awakening isn’t a matter of speed, it’s a matter of absorbing light.

Matthew’s Message through Suzy Ward

February 3, 2022

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by citing part of an email my mother recently received: “I thought I’d feel elated because Earth is in acceleration mode, but I’m even more distressed than I used to be.”

The dear soul who wrote that also mentioned what is causing her to feel that way. We want to address those matters because many others are feeling somewhat the same as she. They may not know about accelerated energy or actual causes, but they are apprehensive about the same world affairs.

First we say, this is the first time in eons that Earth has been immersed in such an abundance of light, and this increased intensity is magnifying all feelings, positive and negative, and quickening the pace of all undertakings.

Many, many millions who are living and dying in dire circumstances are completing their third density karmic choices much more rapidly than they could have without acceleration. When they transition to spirit life, they will know this and feel grateful for the swiftness.

The effects of disastrous storms and fires caused by technology are the same as if those were Mother Nature’s doings—they are cleansing the planet of negativity so it cannot accumulate. The sooner that technology is used benevolently instead of malevolently, the sooner there will be no need for any large-scale cleansing.

There will be no WWIII.  Mainstream media reporters are publicizing the fearful-sounding information they are given instead of what actually is happening. National leaders who are Illuminati or their puppets are being unseated and populations that were forcibly separated after WWII are being reunited.

Although mainstream media still are controlled, other efforts to rid your world of darkness are moving faster than formerly.

The “pandemic” is continuing because the energy of billions of thoughts and feelings about it is “feeding” the illness and “refueling” the individuals who knowingly are lying about it. The backlash against physically, psychologically and economically destructive requirements that is growing by leaps and bounds is undergirded by the new level of energy and will hasten the end of the “pandemic.”

During the few months since the acceleration mode was initiated, action to rid your world of Illuminati has been increasingly successful. Some in the remaining high ranks of this pyramid of evil who went into hiding are being found, others have defected and are cooperating with principals in the movement to end impoverishment, corruption and warring and restore the environment. Energy intensity is prompting the slumbering populace to waken and feel inspired to participate in transforming their world.

Dear ones, when frightening thoughts are changed to optimistic, confident and peaceful, like feelings will follow—please do this for yourselves!  And remember, peace in the world begins with peace in each heart.

This also is an ideal time to be introspective and ascertain if your characteristics, behavior and perceptions are serving your best interests. For instance, are you afraid that upcoming changes will negatively impact your employment, financial assets or other resources? Are you allowing others’ expectations of you to determine your decisions? Are you feeling resentful toward persons you feel treated you unfairly or guilty about having caused stress to others?

Are you assessing others’ ideas as meritless when they differ from yours?  Are you giving any of your energy to trivial issues and forgetting to use the law of attraction to your advantage? Are you letting yourself be drawn into the drama of world affairs instead of being an observer? Being an observer doesn’t preclude compassion, empathy and caring assistance in ways you can offer, it includes thembecause they are “love in action.”

If you recognize in yourself any of those attitudes and approaches to situations and want to make a U-turn, the fast-rising vibrations of acceleration will be your strong ally in so doing.

“I hope this new speed will wake up the entire population so they can ascend with Earth!”  That would be a glorious outcome indeed, but it isn’t likely to happen. Awakening isn’t a matter of speed, it’s a matter of absorbing light, and even though light is pouring into the planet in unprecedented measure, puppets of the darkness are adamantly refusing to embrace it.

“How will acceleration affect the tides? Will minor health issues become major problems too quickly for treatment to be effective?” By divine grace and extraterrestrial aid, tides are not affected by acceleration, and health issues will be affected the same as they always have been.

Bodies’ cells in chemical, electrical, hormonal, metabolic, circulatory, respiratory and immune systems and all organs and bones are strong or weak in accordance with the amount of light the person absorbs, and that’s determined by whether their thoughts, feelings, actions and intentions emit high vibrations or low.

“Matthew said ‘revelations will emerge incrementally.’ How can people advance consciously and spiritually if they don’t know the truth about everything?” That is indeed a logical question. Let us answer by asking you to imagine how you would feel if you heard all of the following in one fell swoop:

You are a divine immortal soul and alternate between hundreds or thousands of physical and spiritual lifetimes. You are not a person who has a soul; you are a soul made of pure love-light energy living in a body designed specifically for the kinds of personal experiences you chose in a contract prior to birth. Your contract is part of an agreement with other souls sharing your lifetime, but all of that is forgotten when you and the others incarnate.

The origin of everything in existence in the cosmos is the love-light essence of Creator, Source, I AM, Oneness of All, the Totality. Creator chose the gods and goddesses who would manifest their respective universes and rule over them. There are seven universes and in this one, there is no heaven or hell. The universal law of physics automatically takes individuals’ etheric bodies and psyches to the area of a spirit world where energy is the same as the individual’s lifetime energy. Akashic records, which are inviolable, contain every moment of each lifetime of the soul.

Everything that exists is energy fluctuating at one frequency or another, nothing is solid. Like everything else in existence, thoughts, feelings and words emit vibrations. Science and spirit are one and the same, cosmic consciousness. Earth is one organism that comprises humankind, animals, plants and the Devic kingdom, and all are inseparably interconnected souls as parts of the Supreme Being of this universe. Rocks, soil, fire, water, air, wind, and even manufactured items have varying levels of consciousness.

What happens anywhere in this universe affects everything else everywhere else. What you think of as time actually is differing energy planes. The reality is the timeless continuum where everything is a series of events happening simultaneously. The universal law of attraction brings back to you from the collective consciousness whatever is the focus of your thoughts and feelings. That is how all individuals co-create their lives and collectively co-create the world. Co-creation is using Creator’s energy to put your ideas into form or action.

Countless civilizations are far, far advanced spiritually, consciously and technologically from people on Earth. Some live on motherships that have highly evolved consciousness and are miles in diameter. Earth is surrounded by small spacecraft and some extraterrestrials are living on the planet. Many times in the planet’s history people from other civilizations have resided there.

Some years ago a powerful light grid built by evolved civilizations forced the dark forces out of the Milky Way. The dark forces is a massive energy force field that meanders throughout the universe and is attracted to individuals and civilizations with tendencies toward greed, cruelty and power. Those individuals and populations become the forces’ puppets.

The puppets on Earth have controlled governments, global economy, banking, religions, western medicine, education, commerce, transportation, communication, corporations, entertainment industry, legal and judicial systems, agriculture, energy sources, military forces—everything that impacts life in your world. They start wars, commit atrocities, cause disease, poverty and famine, create divisiveness and bigotry, and put falsehoods in religions’ holy books.

Two kinds of ascension, planetary and personal, are underway and so is world transformation. The battle between light and darkness that is happening in linear time already has been won by the light, and in the continuum, Earth’s civilization is joyously flourishing.

That jumble of information is not in order of importance or well expressed, and no doubt we have forgotten numerous areas wherein factual information must replace blatant deception and mass ignorance by intention of the darkness. But surely that would be enough to overwhelm even the strongest mind if all of it were presented in one seminar.

Beloved brothers and sisters, if you didn’t realize before how extensive your knowledge is and how limited Earth civilization’s is, now you do. And if you ever wondered why all light beings in this universe would honor you for steadfastness in your mission, surely now you know.

With the unequalled power of unconditional love, we support you in every step of your Earth journey.



Suzanne Ward


Please send all questions and comments to suzy@matthewbooks.com.

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