we are encouraging you to give yourself the freedom to try many things! As an enlightening human, you may very well be drawn to having your hands in many pots at once. This allows you to move with whatever the energies are supporting; to experience your many gifts, talents, and interests. It also gives the Universe many different revenue streams to serve you through.

February 2, 2022, trinityesoterics.com

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Flow and Bloom in Your Own Way

Many of you were raised to choose one thing that you wanted to be when you grew up. As young adults, you were expected to pick a career path and stick to it. Not only were you expected to stay on that path for decades, you were taught that it really didn’t matter whether you liked it or not, what mattered was putting food on the table.

While these beliefs were pushed upon you by your parents or grandparents because it was believed to be good advice, it was created from times of lack. Most of these ideas were born from times of war or depression, and they were survival based.

Dear Ones, you are not on the planet just to survive; you are on the planet to thrive! As multidimensional beings, you are always changing and evolving, having many different gifts and interests. Think of how much the energies have shifted over the past year, two years, five years…ten years! It is a very rare thing to be an exact match to who you were years ago.

So we are encouraging you to give yourself the freedom to try many things! As an enlightening human, you may very well be drawn to having your hands in many pots at once. This allows you to move with whatever the energies are supporting; to experience your many gifts, talents, and interests.  It also gives the Universe many different revenue streams to serve you through.

If you follow your heart and the nudging of your soul, you will not only find great satisfaction in allowing yourself to express yourself, you will make great discoveries along the way. Let go of the idea that you can only ever be one thing, and allow yourselves the freedom to flow and bloom in whatever ways bring you joy.

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, February 1, 2022

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council serving full-time on the Earth Council. You currently find yourselves in an uncomfortable state on the planet Earth. It is not simply Mercury Retrograde this time, but a combination of energies that the dark forces have used to try detaining you from your missions. I am here to establish that their ploy will not work. Their narratives are already failing. More than half of the population has awakened enough to question everything. Little by little their failures are piling up. They are appearing to us as a heap of trash to which we would like to apply a match!

They have underestimated you, us, and all of creation who are here right now to watch their downfall. Their old rules no longer apply. They have no more power. They are using what resources they have left to try to make life challenging and to get you to give up. You have been double crossed at every turn, but you are onto them, and the rest of humanity is beginning to see.

You will find others in your lives beginning to have trouble accepting the truth because they have been brainwashed. I will tell you that the light is so strong, and it is going to become even stronger. It will force out many of the blockages that have been programmed into the brain. Some of you thought they would never awaken. You could be surprised when some begin to ask you what you know. They may even apologize, although it could be difficult for them, for how they have treated you.

On the Earth Council we are constantly observing humanity and all of life. The earth is ready to become her full new earth. She is your Earth Mother and wants to hold your hands as you become your higher dimensional selves. All evil and darkness due to the programming will be rooted out. You’ll be standing with Mother Earth in Divine celebration of your freedom.

The divine feminine energy is blossoming like a flower. She is strong and sacred, nothing to be skipped over, and will make a huge stand for all of the children of the earth. The days of suffering are at an end. The wrongs will be righted and there will be a complete redistribution of resources for everyone.

You will no longer be torn down for any reason but will be lifted up into the light of your I AM presence, of your true self. In so doing you will be extremely powerful. Mother Earth is beginning to show her true force. Those who have tampered with her for their own financial gain will be quaking and shaking with the power of the light. They will vanish in the shadow of their darkness while unable tolerate the light.

Please be vigilant. Pay attention if something doesn’t feel right. These are turbulent times. Stand strong. Trust your guidance. Know the tricksters are trying to confuse you and to get you to doubt yourself. It doesn’t matter because you will have the final say. You, the people, are taking your planet back. It doesn’t matter what they want because they will no longer be on the earth. They will have no power over you. This is all a lie and falsity.

When this is over we will light a match to the garbage and say “Goodbye.” Then, let the celebrations begin. Love will always lead the way.

I am sending you all of my love from the Earth Council and from the Pleiadian High Council.

We are with you! Mira

Freedom convoy 2022. Check Mate!

The Queen is moving and since not even a fake king in house when New Earth flag positioned tomorrow Feb3rd in Ottawa it is Check Mate.The revolution will not be televized but you ll see it on my fb wall, on this website and on telegram too.😊

Pictures speak for themselves, besides what is being shared all over the places.