Plato via Erena Velazquez | June 1, 2021

June 1, 2021


I am Plato the Athenian Philosopher, and I have been asked by Light Beings to speak to humanity today on their behave.

I was born and lived in glorious Athens, Ancient Greece a long time ago. Philosophers from different eras studied my work in written dialogues. I was fortunate and blessed to be born in a wealthy Aristocratic family, and to live until my early eighties of a human life.

Many historians have been fascinated by my name‘s origin of Plato, as my birth name was different. I am originally from the planet Plato a faraway star cluster. I arrived to Mother Earth as one of many other volunteers with the mission to enlighten the population and free them from the control of Dark Entities.

I was able to bring some significant advancements in the Ancient Greece, such as the Platonist school of thought and the first Academy of higher learning institution of Western world and etc. My purpose at this moment is to explain to you how important it is for you to understand, and to see that everything and everyone are connected in the Cosmos.

Light and Love spreads positivity and destroys the Darkness. The negative behavior brings only unfavorable results. A lot of your modern scientists, philosophers and inventors are suppressed emotionally and financially by the Dark Entities. They kept everyone for eons in illusion that there is no existence beyond Earth and that only life is on planet Earth. Also, they controlled all of development and growth of the human civilization.

Numerous planets are resembling and look like Mother Gaia, and some of them got destroyed by the corrupted souls, who first conquer the world they invade, and then they make the whole civilizations go extinct. Same destiny was carefully planned for this planet. Fortunately, the inhabitants here are going to stay safe, as you are protected by the Light Beings from out of space. The Collective Consciousness is also on the rise, and it’s getting close to reaching the critical point needed for Ascension.

In this part of the Galaxy every day millions of ships pass by. Eventuality in the future, the humanities advancement is going to surpass many other civilizations as a result of Starseeds, who carry immense knowledge, experiences and who live here on Gaia. All of you came from different Galaxies, Universes and Star Systems to rescue and save this world.

These negative entities are always trying to confuse and bring negativity to the Light community by sending misinformation on many subjects like that the soul can be switched during your sleep, no one can touch your soul. It’s one with Father, who created everyone, and you can also surround yourself with a special protection by asking Prime Creator. Another example, the Greys are not allowed to enter the Earth orbit, so they don’t have any bases here.

My recommendation please, listen to your soul and you are going to immediately recognize the truth from a lie. I am Plato, and I am delighted to delivery this message to all of you. Thank you.

You are the Knowledge and the Power.

Release the old idea that sacrificing yourself is noble and follow your own path of joyful service -AA Gabriel via Shelley Young

May 31, 2021,

Many enlightening human beings have trouble receiving. There are multiple reasons for this, but one that is rarely mentioned is that empaths are very uncomfortable receiving from the energies of martyred service. They simply do not want to receive if it comes at the discomfort of another.

This is because they inherently understand they are here to anchor the energy of win/win scenarios where everyone benefits from giving and receiving. At the core of this is joyful service, and that is a major aspect of the shift you are in.

When you are in joyful service people feel safe to receive from you. They do not fear there will be strings attached because they understand your service serves you as much as it serves others. If everyone would simply follow the service path that brings them the greatest joy, there would be someone to happily meet every need and no reason for anyone to feel bad or deny the gifts you have to offer.

Dear Ones, giving and receiving are major aspects of both the flow of the universe and your highest service. Release the old idea that sacrificing yourself is noble and follow your own path of joyful service and you will find giving and receiving will become much lighter and readily accepted by all.


Michael’s Message
WISDOM TEACHINGS FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * JUNE 2021TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE  AN OVERVIEW OF THE “STATE OF THE EARTH AND HUMANITY”            Beloved masters, allow us to give you a brief overview as to the “current state of humanity and the Earth” from our perspective. Imagine that you are viewing your planet with our visual capabilities from one of the great Light Cities high above the Earth. We see the greatest and the most minuscule solid forms and structures, but we also see and sense the vibrational patterns and colors radiated forth from every animate and inanimate object on Earth.  We constantly observe and monitor the changing patterns within the Earth,  the oceans, the atmosphere and Auric Field of the Earth,  as well as the activities of your sun and the Elements of nature.  We see the areas, both large and small, that are beginning to radiate the brighter, harmonious colors and vibrations of the Archetypal Planes of Consciousness of the Fifth Dimension and the new Divine Blueprint for the Age of Aquarius.  These are the places which are beginning to firmly anchor the radiant gifts of Love/Light from the Celestial Cities of Light and will eventually be the Sacred Sites of the future.             When you come together in common purpose with your Soul families to reaffirm your commitment to fulfill your Divine Mission, we watch as a beautiful column of Light pours forth and fills your group Pyramid of Light, as well as your personal pyramids, and then connects with the City of Light nearest you.  If you could only see the magnificent geometric patterns of Light that begin to flow forth into your personal pyramids of Light, as you activate the trickle-down process of anchoring this magnificent gift within yourself, with the remainder flowing down into the core of the Earth, and then out your Solar Power Center (both front and back).  This rarified energy infusion creates a sacred space around you, and it gradually radiates forth in greater and greater concentric circles, connecting eventually with the compatible energy of other Light Bearers.            The darkness and the shadowlands are becoming more pronounced and apparent as the Lightness of Spirit begins to create greater and greater pockets of contrasting vibrational patterns.  We see the maelstrom of chaotic, hate-filled energy as it creates vortices of  death and destruction. Just as the Adamantine Particles of Light, activated by your loving intention, send forth vibrational patterns of joy, peace, abundance and harmonious interactions –  the darkness, devoid of the major portion of Spirit’s Light, creates and radiates forth pain, suffering, fear and devastation.            There is a great drama being played out on Earth during this epical time of change, and you must remember, both the innocent and the not-so-innocent made an agreement at a higher level of awareness to be participants in the chaotic battle of evolution and transformation.  It is part of your basic human nature to resist change and to fear the unknown, until you are well on your way to becoming en-Lighten-ed Spiritual/human Beings who view events from a higher vantage and a non-judgmental point of view.             To help ease your suffering and sorrow at the loss of your beloved ones, please know that they are in vibrant good health and more alive than ever.  They are basking in the limelight of love and devotion of their Soul families and many wondrous angels and Beings of Light in the higher realms. Their deaths are not in vain. They will return, if they so desire, fully empowered to help create and enjoy the new peace, prosperity and unity consciousness of the future. Through the heightened abilities of your mind and heart, remember them and send them love, and then sit quietly as they radiate love and joy back to you. You may not be able to see them but they are not lost to you.             The best and the worst of each and every country are being brought into the limelight so that all citizens of the world can see the fallacies, short-sightedness and deception –  or the wisdom, truth and integrity of their leaders. When you, the Light Bearers, become focused, pro-active and wise enough, you will demand and insist on leaders who serve the highest and best interests of all the people.  You will empower leaders who are not afraid to go against popular opinion in order to make drastic, fair and much-needed changes, leaders who will be Spirit-inspired and dedicated to equality, peace and prosperity for all people and not just the select few.            Remember, when you are infused with the Light of Spirit, it affects everything and everyone around you. As your radiance grows and expands, you will draw more and more like-minded people into your sphere of awareness. The spiritual trumpet to awaken is growing louder, and it is reverberating throughout the land into the most sparsely populated places of the Earth, as well as the most densely populated areas. The Light has no favorites; it will infuse and bless anyone or anything that is receptive to and in harmony with its transforming, invigorating energies.            You must also be aware that some dear Souls will not be able to stand in the aura of your Lightness, for it will be too uncomfortable. Whether intentional or not, they will try to throw you off Center and re-establish the status quo –  or keep things as they were in the past –  no matter how chaotic or unsatisfying.  It is more important than ever that you, as the transducers and transformers of the refined Creator Light, stay focused and steadfast as you strive to incorporate and radiate more and more of the refined Light of Creation out into the world.             Many around you will wonder and ask why you have changed so much, and why you are no longer willing to participate in the old games of drama and lower-frequency entertainment. As you move further up the path toward Self-mastery, the energies and actions of others will affect you less and less.  As we have often told you, first you must teach by example, via your intentions and actions, and finally through words of wisdom offered at the appropriate time. However, if those around you are not willing to learn to act and react in a more positive, harmonious way through observation or to listen when you offer loving suggestions and moral support, it is important that you withdraw from the drama they are creating and assume the stance of an impartial observer.             Seekers of wisdom and Self-transformation learn from their own actions and reactions, whether positive or negative. From a Spiritual point of view, negative events offer an opportunity to learn which course of action brings forth the most positive results. Your Higher Self always tests  you, over and over again, until you reject those things that are not in your best interest and authenticate that which is your truth.                            As you move forward on the path of evolution, you will transcend the astrological influences that you brought forth to experience in this lifetime. You are also being offered a golden opportunity to activate, incorporate and use a full measure of the qualities, attributes, virtues and aspects of all three God Rays, as well as the wondrous qualities of all the five higher Galactic Rays for a total of twelve Rays of God Consciousness for this Sub-Universe.             Heretofore, humanity has been limited to the Seven Rays of Solar Consciousness. You may call upon any Avatar, ascended master, archangel or Celestial Being to OverLight you and assist you to attain your highest potential. As you balance and harmonize your entire chakra system, you will have more vitality, and you will radiate more of the life-giving elixir of life down into the Earth and to humanity. You will become a microcosm of Light within the Cities of Light that you are endeavoring to create on Earth. We must also inform you that along  with these wondrous gifts comes a great responsibility: YOU MUST WALK YOUR TALK AND FLY YOUR VISION FOR ALL TO SEE,AND YOU MUST ALWAYS SHARE YOUR LOVE/LIGHT.Allow us to give you some further guidelines of how to live each day as a Self-master:
>>  Always align with your highest truth. Trust your Higher Self’s inspirational nudgings, which are usually the first impulses or answers you receive to a question or situation.
>>  Your response to any situation, whether positive or negative, should always be projected enfolded in loving energy.
>>  Unhappiness and discontentment always come from not living your truth at whatever level of awareness you are currently functioning within. Your lessons of life are always presented to you at your present level of understanding. 
>>  As you evolve toward mastery of Self, your lessons and challenges become more subtle and are usually not as dramatic or as far off “Center.”
>>  Do not always express or project your emotions toward others. Allow yourself to feel and express whatever emotions you are experiencing but analyze and resolve them within your own sacred space. Speak and share only to clarify or clear up a misunderstanding,  and always share your thoughts through a filter of love and compassion. That is the way of a master.
 >>  You must learn to receive with as much love and enthusiasm as when you give to others.
>>  The more love and respect you feel for yourself, the more you will radiate love and respect to others. See love radiating forth from your Solar Power Center in an infinity sign, and feel it magnetize loving energy back to you in many wondrous ways.
>>  You must learn to identify the source and deal with your own negative thought forms. Often your negative feelings are picked up from those around you, especially if you are a very empathetic person. Learn to surround yourself in a sphere of Golden/White Light in which nothing of a lesser vibration can enter and disturb your tranquility.  
>>  Everyone on Earth is in the process of clearing ancient memories and thought forms of the past.  Be a passive observer when these feelings roil up within. Do not claim them; just observe and state to yourself, “This is anger I am experiencing,” or fear, depression, guilt, or any other dis-empowering emotion.  Envision a blazing ball of Light descending from your Higher Self and bursting into a million tiny crystalline diamonds and rippling throughout your body, transforming and balancing all discordant energies within.  Do this as often as necessary.>>  Be an observer of the process, so that you are not sending forth any negative vibrational patterns into your auric field, as you learn to constantly stay within your “Center of Love and Power.”>>  Shut off your Mental Auto Pilot and become the director of your journey and your experiences.  Tune into your own mental radio station, and seek thoughts, vibrational patterns and sounds that are uplifting and empowering.  Negative, critical thinking is composed of lower, disruptive frequency patterns.  If you don’t like what is happening in your world, lift your thoughts and change your mind so that you are projecting balanced, uplifting frequency patterns of thought and intentions.>>  Learn to think with your whole brain, meaning use both your linear, analytical, outward- focused left brain along with your intuitive, creative, inward-focused right brain. Tap into your genius potential, or the Light Packets of wisdom stored within your brain in membranes of Light, which are attuned to higher dimensional intelligence or the “cosmic storehouse” of knowledge.            Beloved Bearers of Light, as you integrate more of the plasma of renewal, and become harmonious purveyors of Light, we are now able to interact with you and work through you to create wondrous new things, and miracles beyond your greatest imagining will abound. We enfold you in the Light of Life from the heart core of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. I am ever near to guide and protect you.
I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included. 

Beyond the Veils

Dear Ones,

We, of the Universes, wish to congratulate all of you for allowing the energies now pummeling the earth to become part of your new being. It is as if you graduated from a university with special honors. For if you are reading this message, you have evolved far beyond the point you anticipated before birth in this earth life. That is not to say those not readily accepting the energies are bad or slow learners. But instead, that they are in a different phase than you. We wish to address your new being instead of encouraging those following to hasten their pace or reduce their fear. Those of you at the forefront are discovering the new thoughts and actions we have addressed several times. But by doing so, you are beginning to feel lonely in new ways. Such is true for those of you in relationships, as well as those in more isolated lifestyles.  This loneliness has little to do with your romantic relationships and everything to do with discovering your Universal family, your beings. Now that you crossed beyond the veils, you are ready to rediscover those you have been interacting with within your dream state, in-between earth lives, and likely, throughout many of your earth lives in various ways. Perhaps you heard or read that you are never alone. Such has always been true. But until now, you were unable to access your special friends, family, and cohorts beyond the veil – except in your dream state. Most of you still believe you cannot do so. We beg to differ. Even though you tend to label any new skill as possible for others but not you, you can access your Universal beings whenever you wish. And when you dare, you will allow your beyond the veil family and friends to project a physical presence.  Most of you do not believe such is possible. That you are not that skilled or spiritually talented. In truth, you merely need to release your disbelief to know you are not alone in your sleep or wake states.  You have no difficulty believing you travel the Universes in your sleep state, yet you cannot imagine you are skilled enough to do the same when you are awake.  It is time to shift your beliefs – both of your skills and your world. Many of you are in awe of those who channel, time travel, or do whatever you feel is a difficult Universal skill. Yet, you wish to do the same. It is time to accept your new being in all its glory. For you are not the you that you believe is true. It is as if you are a new fairy princess believing you are the Cinderella of yesterday. So you continue your Cinderella house cleaning duties while your nasty sisters direct you to do this and that. And all you would have to do is wave your hand, and the tasks you were once responsible for as Cinderella would be completed by your magic skills. Even though your skill level has increased immensely in the past few weeks, you do not believe such is so.
Perhaps you remain in your cocoon state or have a few AHAs, but that is not enough for you to believe you are a Universal being fully able to do what you find interesting – in your wake state. There is little skill difference between your wake and dream states. Of course, many of you will immediately attempt to verify our words and fail. It is not because you are not capable, but that you are not yet ready to do so.  There is nothing you need do now other than be aware of your abilities – all of which will become clear once you truly feel the need to exercise those skills. Cocoon now or slip out of your cocoon. It does not matter for you are on a unique path. But once the loneliness we speak of begins festering in your new being, realize you are fully able to quench that need when you wish with your new skills. And once you do, your friends and family beyond the veil will entice you to new worlds, thoughts, and actions. Some of which will be applied in your current world, while others will be applied in different places and times. You are a new being with new skills, which will be expressed when you need to do so.
Not because of shoulds, but because of loneliness, boredom, and new interests.

So be it. Amen.
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Archangel Michael – Angel Warrior Group Results, May 30 2021

I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angel Warrior Group.
We are on our knees with reverence for you who came forward to hear the call to action. We thank you most graciously for your energies.
Although there are still captives within the Chinese base, we have removed all but three of them. Approximately 20 were removed this week with your help. This week was a resounding success!
Yes, there are peace talks again in the Middle East. You can thank yourselves for this as well. The will of the people is being heard: You want peace. When you exert that will by bringing your higher energies to bear upon that region, peace will come. It is the people’s will.
This week, we would like you to continue your efforts with the Chinese Chimera base but we also require your assistance with the base in the Congo (Africa). The queen has been taken long ago, but there still remain pockets of workers that are reproducing, snatching humans for food, and continuing to attempt to take hostages.
Yes, Sharon, they are snatching those from the surface they can utilize to their own ends.
As for the Chimera breeding programs, we have most of the breeders in our sights, and these people will be protected. You can forward that message to your contact, if you will.
Me: Yes, absolutely. I will. Thank you Michael!
I am Archangel Michael, most appreciative of your loving efforts and humbly asking you to continue to serve.

Touch & Play parties – Let’s Celebrate Our Freedom!

Now you can book ”Touch & Play” for summer of love parties. Mixing high vibes 432 hz techno beats with aura painting makes you shine!

All our profits are donated to children’s wellbeing in developing countries.

Email us at :


I ask you this…is not the Divine living within everything?…including a vaccine? Whatever one thinks and feels, one creates.-JFK via Losha-

JFK: Postscript re. the Vaccine, and Our Future 5D World!

May 29, 2021

Message from John F. Kennedy

My beloved Patriots, Lightworkers, and all who are working for the Light…welcome, welcome!

Before I begin my message, I would like to address my most recent message through Losha, regarding the Covid-19 vaccine.

In it, I stated that the vaccine had the ability to “upgrade” the galactic DNA which is not of the Light, that is inside you…there have been both light and dark galactic species inlaying their DNA into your physical vessels throughout the millennia. As such, the vaccine has recently been altered by the benevolent galactics to provide the upgrade about which I speak.

Now, there is one caveat to what I am proposing…one must “believe” the vaccine can truly upgrade your DNA, as opposed to killing you, as is being purported by many. Yes, there have been deaths related to the vaccine…however, just as with any other cabal-created event, those who have crossed over from the vaccine have generally been fulfilling their “contracts” with God and are blessed and protected in all ways. As many of you already know, each person has their own contract to live out in this lifetime, and each of you is contributing greatly to the greater good for all!

The reason I brought up such a controversial and extreme subject in the beginning was to demonstrate the power of “creating our own reality”. There is fear being generated on both sides of this issue. Now, since the vaccines have been made more benevolent in the last few months, it then comes down to whether or not one is willing to reach outside their comfort zone and “believe” that the vaccine can indeed be beneficial, rather than destructive.

My Losha took on this very challenging “test” for herself because she is learning that she can truly change her mindset regarding a very extreme topic, such as the vaccine. Prior to receiving the vaccine, she was very “anti-vax” as you would call it. Now she has proven to herself that she can indeed change her mindset, and create positive outcomes under even the most challenging of circumstances, and she continues to utilize this way of thinking now and is experiencing beneficial outcomes, no matter the subject. I ask you this…is not the Divine living within everything?…including a vaccine? Whatever one thinks and feels, one creates.

Again, I state that neither I, nor Losha, are advocating that anyone else receive the vaccine, unless they are truly open to changing their way of thinking about it, and to see a positive, instead of a negative, outcome. Therein lies the difference I am addressing.

I understand there is a plethora of “evidence” out there indicating the opposite of what I say, is true…and I leave the decision of which you will choose to believe, up to each one of you…and I send all of my Love and Protection to shine upon you.

With this said, I believe this matter to be closed, now. Thank you.

Now, let us move on to much more joyous topics…that of our brand new world…and within the United States, our newly restored Republic. I am so very happy that we are getting closer and closer to this reality.

As I mentioned earlier about creating our own reality, that also applies with regard to our new world which we are currently “creating.” It is being created with every thought, action, and feeling that each of you experiences. Even though there are still some rather daunting and challenging events which need to happen first (in order to help wake up those humans who are still “sleeping”), those of us who are already awake must remember that each of us is integral to “creating” our future world.

You will hear of many sad and upsetting events which will cause you to feel helpless, however, you are not. These moments are the exact times when all must send Love to those who are in peril, but also to send Love to yourselves, so you might be able to look beyond what is happening in this 3D world, toward your future 5D, world. That is where your thoughts, deeds, and prayers are needed most, right now…your 5D world!

Your 5D world is based upon the Love that is shared for one another, and the actions of “community” become so very important…and it is here, NOW…and it requires each of you to contribute positive thoughts and emotions toward its creation.

However, if you allow yourself to stay mired in the 3D way of thinking, which is primarily “negative” in nature, it will take much, much longer for your 5D world to manifest. I personally believe you all have suffered long enough under the cabal’s dark ministrations, and you now “deserve” the better life which all beings in the Universe truly deserve. It is our inalienable right. You have heard that before, yes?

I wish you all could see how glorious your future is to be…it would make your heart sing! I would join in the singing with you, however I was never blessed with a voice that could carry a tune very well, so I will leave that to you (smile).

As I have said many times before, I Love each of you with all of my heart, and I am watching over you, always. Until we speak again.

Your ever-devoted, Jack.

Channeled by Losha.

Revelation & Dismantling in the Eclipse-Solstice Passage

Blessings Beloveds ~

May consistency concludes with CMEs, flares, and strong dismantling energies this weekend.

Revelation is interwoven with the dismantling of distortion. One world collapses, another is birthed.

Profound inner shifts are possible during this passage. How we react, self-correct and realign during peak energies determines our trajectory. Vibration = vibration. Self-Love and Self-Revelation are deeply connected. Qualify the light you emanate with the frequency of Divine Love, moment by moment.

This passage requires personal dismantling of outdated beliefs, habits, distortions.  This helps us to be stable, balanced wayshowers as the external revelations challenge the collective. As mentioned in the video below; do the good work now, surrender outdated perspective and beliefs now and this passage will be easier.

Balance with creativity, movement, conversation and action in the direction of your New Earth Now dreams. Manifestation is somewhat instant in these energies. Change your frequency, stay open to quantum Divine Will, and the highest intent will come into form.

Two videos this week

First Up: What is unfolding with these cosmic events, within and without.
watch HERE

Second: Three weeks to the Convergence! Video overview of presentations and how to participate.
Watch HERE or click the image below.

See you on SUNday for the Global SUNday Unity Meditations.

Infinite LoveLight to all during this profound passage.  Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,Sandra

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Meeting People Where They’re At, Part 2

May 24, 2021,

We’d like to further yesterday’s message about meeting people where they are and navigating the vibrational layers between you and others.

Imagine a two story house with a basement. The basement could be considered 3D. There is not a lot of light on this layer. It is quite an uncomfortable space to try to thrive in. Many on this layer are in survival mode.

The main floor is 4D. It has much more light and provides more comfort, discovery, and sustenance. The upstairs is 5D. This is the layer that is far more comfortable, supportive, and holds the energy of rejuvenation. It is where you can just be. The attic is where the angels, masters, and higher guides reside.

Most people who have not begun their enlightenment journey would be in resonance with the basement. Others who are firmly on their enlightenment journey are spending more and more of their time upstairs.

The people in the basement have some idea that there’s a floor above them. They may even occasionally go up the stairs and explore it a little before the go back to the basement. But they really don’t have much of an awareness of the upstairs or attic because there is too much space between them and that area.

You, on the other hand, remember the basement because that is where you started and you have awareness of both the main floor and the attic from where you are. To meet people in the middle you would go to the main floor and encourage people in the basement to meet you there.

Do you see? It is a layer that you can both access with relative ease and a place where you can see and acknowledge each other. And while there may be some people who aren’t quite ready to come up the stairs to the higher floors of the house, you are all occupying the same building and are equally valued and loved no matter where you are choosing to spend the majority of your time.

And rest assured that all beings, no matter how stubborn or stoic, will eventually tire of the lack of support in the basement and will seek out the light.

Surrender to the loving, better-feeling impulses within. This is your guided, grace-filled path to the manifestation of your dreams.

Messages from the Angels
My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Be gentle with yourselves. These are intense times upon your planet earth. A mighty force of love is cascading into your planet right now and it is stirring up all that was once stagnant, releasing all that was once stuffed, and pushing up against all the walls of your resistance to love.

This force of love is catalyzing the massive awakening that humanity, collectively, has prayed for. You are re-birthing yourselves, and birth can either be a glorious experience of surrender, or a tough process of pushing past the pains of resistance.

You may feel this birthing in many ways. You may find yourself thinking differently about what you want or who you want to be. You may feel outbursts of emotion – profound love, or sudden tears of anger or frustration. You may have physical conditions suddenly appear to be revealed and healed. These strong waves of love are purging you – mind, body, and soul – of all that no longer serves so you can become and experience more of what you truly desire.

Think of a seed. It lays dormant in the dark cold ground all winter. It is content within its shell until springtime. As the sun warms the soil, and the rain waters seep into the shell, the force and Source of life itself stirs within the seed, impulsing it to sprout. The sprout grows within the confines of its shell until, at long last, its desire for expansion pushes up against the shell. What once protected is now confining. The force of life within that sprout will summon a mighty energy to cast the resistant shell aside, so it can grow into all that it is destined to be.

So too, a caterpillar who was once content to crawl on the ground is suddenly impulsed to attach itself upside down to a plant, spin a cocoon, and surrender to its own process of death and rebirth. The force and Source of life is the impulse that guides it. The Source of life is growing and expanding into something greater within. Eventually, the cocoon that once protected becomes confining. The butterfly must exert a mighty force to reach past the resistance of its former security blanket in order to become all that it is destined to be.

Your mother earth is no different. As she stirs within her own heart and soul, she shakes, and suddenly the crust cracks and hot magma from within her beating heart rises to the surface creating new land, new soil, new life, and new opportunities for all that live upon her. A mighty force is required to overcome the resistance of the crust in order to allow the creation of new land. There would be no life on earth without this process.

A mother feels life stirring within her. Eventually baby and mother receive an impulse, and both must surrender to the contractions to allow for the birthing to occur.

You too are experiencing the impulses of the force and Source of life within yourselves. Many of you are feeling an urge or impulse to try something new. Some of you are feeling urges and impulses to do things you’ve long put off. Some of you are feelings the urge and impulse to simply rest and relax. Some of you are feeling the impulse to love yourself more by making healthier, happier choices for yourself. You might have an impulse to take a class, clean out your closet, take a nap, change your career, shift your relationships, create better boundaries, to share your heart with love, walk away from a situation with an awareness of how it once served as a protective shell from which you are growing beyond.

Moment by moment, this force and Source of life within impulses you to take the kindest, easiest, healthiest, and happiest next step on your path.

To the degree that you surrender to these natural impulses to create a more loving reality for yourself in each moment, you will feel better. To the degree you resist these natural impulses to create a more loving reality for yourself in the moment, you will feel worse.

While most of you were taught that feelings such as inner conflict, stagnation, and anger are the result of undesirable conditions in the outer world, we’d like to share a more powerful perspective with you:All negative feelings come from resisting the loving impulses that are trying to guide you towards what you – yourself – have asked for.

The question is not, “does the outside world make it easy for you to feel loved and loving in a given moment” but rather, “Are you allowing yourself to feel loved and loving in a given moment?”

You learned, for example, to blame your inner conflicts on the external world. In reality, all inner conflict results from your mind being conflicted with your heart in a given moment. Give yourself permission to listen to your heart. Suppose you want a new job. You feel you should look for a job, but you want to rest or call a friend. The Source is guiding you to rest, or call the friend. Your mind is telling you to act. Surrender to your heart. Perhaps in your resting you’ll relax and hear your guidance. Perhaps in calling your friend you’ll get an idea or a tip on how to find the perfect job. Surrender to the force of life guiding you. Choose to trust in the unfolding journey, in your guidance, and in perfect universal timing.

Likewise, many of you have been taught to blame feelings of stagnation on external situations. In truth, stagnation results from you thinking that your feelings don’t matter. They do. Care about how you feel. Choose a thought or action that feels a little better each time you can. If you are sad, that might be a good comforting cry. If you are upset, you might need to vent in a safe and healthy way. There is always the next best loving step to take. Drop into your heart and reach for it with your intention. Ask, “Heart how can I best love myself now?” Listening to your own heart’s desire to feel better creates movement.

As well, almost all of you have been taught to blame your anger on others or external life situations. You say, “This made me angry,” or “They made me angry. Nonetheless, without its human label, “anger” is the same force that causes the seed to sprout past the shell, the butterfly to climb out of the cocoon, and your Mother Earth to erupt in a volcano in order to create new life. It is the forceful push of the birthing contractions, and the push you sometimes need to expand, grow, and give yourself permission to shift your awareness into a kinder and more loving reality.

For example, you get angry at a person driving erratically in traffic. Of course, you don’t like this behavior. Of course, you’d prefer kindness and sensitivity, but why the anger? Why not just roll your eyes and go back to enjoying your drive? In this case, the anger is a force saying to you, “Stop giving other drivers power over your peace and your life. You alone have control over your vibration. Take back your mind. Take back your power.” Focus back on a wonderful song on the radio, a conversation with a friend, or the peace of the drive and suddenly anger is gone.

You would almost certainly be angry at someone who lied, cheated, betrayed you, stole from you, or abused you. The burst of anger is saying, “Of course you don’t want this behavior in your life. Move forward as fast as you can. Stand your ground if you must. Speak your truth if you must. Take action for justice if you must, but after that don’t give them another ounce of your precious life, attention, and energy. Let’s create better!” Anger is a force propelling you forward into a kinder, more loving reality.

Dear ones if you can look at your feelings this way and realize that all positive feelings indicate a surrender to the loving impulses of the Source, and all negative feelings indicate a resistance to the loving impulses of Source, then you will more quickly move in the direction of your happiness, health, peace, serenity, security, harmony, and resonant connections.In each moment, no matter who has done, or is doing what in your life, reach for the best feeling thought that you can. Be kind to yourself. Get the help you deserve when you need it. Listen to your body. Put good things in your mind. Accept yourself as you are. Love yourselves dear ones as you wish to be loved, for you are all worthy. Reclaim your God-given power to be happy and to create the life you truly want, one kinder thought at a time.

As you learn to surrender to being kind to yourself, and doing what is right for yourself, then the people who have wronged you, the ones you fear, and the ones you thought had power over you will simply become irrelevant to you as you move forward into your own loving life.

Your vibration is what is relevant. Your joy is what is relevant. Your relationship with the force and Source of life within is what is most relevant of all.

You are nothing less, Dear ones, than the power that creates worlds experiencing itself in countless forms. You are loved. You are guided. Your unique perspective and desires matter. We want for you the best of what you want for yourself.

Surrender to the loving, better-feeling impulses within. This is your guided, grace-filled path to the manifestation of your dreams.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Things normally move very slowly on Earth but from hereon they will come more quickly as you now have a focus on the future that you desire.

28th May 2021. Mike Quinsey.

Matters are now moving on very quickly and at last the end is in sight of all the problems associated with the coming of Covid19. It is a situation that was allowed to take place, and used to give you more time to think carefully about changes to your way of life. Much has been learned from the lockdown, and there is no doubt that it is obvious that many aspects of your way of life will have to be changed for good. We see it as part of your experience that has caused you to take a deep breath and consider how you could make your experiences more appropriate and uplifting. You will make the decisions with our prompting although as we have told you many times, the final choice will be yours in accordance with the freewill given to you. We see the potential for you and wise decisions will ensure you have chosen correctly.    

Although it will not necessarily seem to you that you are passing through one of the most important periods in your lives, you should be aware that you are setting out a plan for your future. For certain it will be full of promise and take you quite quickly into a new phase of your lives where the “promised land” is yours to create. You will have so much more help and gradually the negative forces will lose their ability to interfere with your plans for a free and beautiful Earth. The Human Race is by nature gentle and loving and as the vibrations gradually lose their instinct to fight for what they want, there will be a natural move towards a peaceful and happy society that works for world peace. You are at the door of all that you could wish for yourselves and soon it will open for you.

There have been earlier civilisations that have travelled this road and inevitably they saw that there is only one way to total peace on Earth. You have learnt that “love thy neighbour” means worldwide regardless of the colour or beliefs, and when you take it to heart and put it into practice you will find others will respond to it and such differences can be overcome. We say again that “You are all One” sharing your individual choices so that all learn from each other. No one group is superior to another, they are simply at different stages of their evolution. By nature the human instinct is to help others when in need but the dark Ones have played upon those differences to cause separation amongst you.

Because the Earth is of the lowest vibration it is home to all types of humans, some being of such a low level of evolution they are virtually no different to what they were hundreds of years ago. Clearly such a mix creates its own problems, yet in essence all are souls on a pathway back to the Creator. However, there is naturally a time when certain groups take a different path consistent with their level of evolution. That time has come for you and each group will take an appropriate one that suits their level of understanding. It comes about because souls begin to understand their true origin, and with the acceptance of eternal life, understand that each soul has all the time it needs to evolve. There is no pushing or limits set for development and all can take it at their own pace.

You will find that more help will be given to you as you progress and it is always consistent with your needs and never set too high. So it is not as you might say “pushy” and it is accepted that there will be times when you will stray off your path, but that is taken as inevitable and that you will find your way back to it. It is all experience which makes each soul unique. At this stage no one can claim to know the whole truth but some souls are naturally more advanced. The most important aspect of progress is that a person believes in God regardless of how they see God, it ensures that they are on the path to light and eventually they will find themselves holding the truth.

Even with the low vibrations on Earth a soul who has found the truth will draw away from the lesser vibrations and should never look back. You can be sure at this stage you will get ample help to continue on the correct path. Even now you are helped at this stage and there will be no going back as the Light remains with you. It brings about a peaceful embodiment that remains with you for all time. It is also your protection against the lower vibrations as you are surrounded by them. Your presence amongst others is going to create a peaceful energy that some will feel and be drawn to you. It is the positive energies in your aura that cause this attraction. It makes people feel better and literally can even be healing.

Things normally move very slowly on Earth but from hereon they will come more quickly as you now have a focus on the future that you desire. In next to no time it will become apparent that everything has speeded up and you can be sure that already there are moves to bring the new into operation, the ideas are there already and all it needs is the intention to make them become your reality. In part the souls who have the knowledge and abilities to introduce new ideas are ready to make their knowledge known, and we see many new inventions and ideas materialising. The dark Ones can no longer stop them coming to fruition or simply keep them for their own purposes.

Take heart Dear Ones nothing is quite as bad as some believe it is just that your media is still controlled and the good news is often suppressed. It gets through somehow but not to the general public who are left in ignorance. But that will clearly have to change before too long and you will eventually get a Press that reports the truth and is not distorted in any way. There are already plans for what you might call a “truth channel” and it is on its way. So keep your vibrations high and do not let them be influenced by false news.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

 Mike Quinsey.Love,Nancy

You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself,for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.ReplyReply AllForwardEdit as new

The Event could be imagined as a positive electro-magnetic surge that melts the blockages in your ‘junk’ DNA and in the 95% of your brain that you are not using. These two biological changes will transform all life, completely…The Med Beds will allow for all of humanity to have enormous assistance in the detoxification and refinement of their physical forms.

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Become 5D Ready

May 27, 2021,

A: You, humanity, are like a water balloon that is so full of water/energy that you are about to make a collective ‘pop’, and when you do, the Universe will know.

J: Are you talking about emerging from the ‘new big c’, or the EBS or the Event, or something different entirely?

A: The Event. It is close and getting closer. Despite what you may see, the vibration is increasing steadily on the planet and when you are able to sustain the vibration you will make the jump.

J: What vibration level? How? To where?

A: The Event could be imagined as a positive electro-magnetic surge that melts the blockages in your ‘junk’ DNA and in the 95% of your brain that you are not using. These two biological changes will transform all life, completely.

Illness will cease to exist, imbalances or addiction, temperament, habits that do not serve you… these will be seen as the effect of old programming and effortlessly left behind, like toys you have outgrown.

J: Great! So we don’t need to do anything – just wait!

A: Wouldn’t that be nice?! We know you ask tongue-in-cheek, and it’s an important question. Consider swimming: the water will hold you, but only when you have learnt and practiced the skill of using your body in a way that compliments the medium of water.

The 5D will hold you, and allow you to create unimaginable events, circumstances, health, experiences… but only when you have learnt to hold your body in a way that is aligned with that energy.

J: So, what does that mean, and why am I already feeling like I have failed? I don’t mean to be rude, but how do we hold such a high vibration with the lack of nutritional quality in food and water, not to mention frequencies from mobiles, wireless this and that, air pollution… The list is endless and overwhelming.

A: My dear friend, breathe…



Firstly, we never expect you to do it all; what matters is that you engage with your health, your physical sovereignty, your divine vessel. Begin with any aspect of your health that appeals to you, whether it is simply making a switch in diet, in what you drink, in exercise or – if we may be so bold – the radical departure of thanking your body for giving you the opportunity to be here now. Without your body, you could not access this experience.

We have seen enough of your world to know that humans at best ignore their bodies, at worst they hate them, and in the middle, they worship them.

J: Wouldn’t worshiping the body be good?

A: Worship always comes from the mind, from a feeling of inferiority and fear, not from the heart which knows only love, equality and respect.

J: Nice point!

A: Each and every precious soul has a different journey which must be respected. Your awakening is not just a spiritual awakening: it is also a physical awakening. You will bring your bodies with you into the 5D, so it is best to begin to gently prime them, to entrain them in the practices and routines of the 5D. What you do now, from and through love and respect, for your bodies, will make the transition easier, smoother and swifter.

Become more familiar with nature, with light, with breath… these are the fundamental aspects of your being in the 3D/4D and especially in the 5D.

J: I’m sorry to say, I’ve never been an outdoor person; it’s always too cold.

A: Layer up! External air …

J: I note you don’t say fresh air!

A: We would not lie to you. There are areas of your planet where the air is clearer, but fresh air is not currently possible on your planet. It will become so. The waters will be cleansed and purified, the earth will be made rich and fertile.

But we cannot and will not override your free will journey and self expression. You must begin first.

We can offer endless inspiration and assistance if we are asked, but we cannot and will not rob you of your victories, your insights, your growth. We are here as coaches, not surgeons. And very soon, it will become understood why surgery is no longer necessary.

J: Do you mean Med Beds?

A: We do. The Med Beds will allow for all of humanity to have enormous assistance in the detoxification and refinement of their physical forms.

J: You did that for us.

A: Only when the vibration was conducive to it: you must always act first. We will take 10 steps to meet you, if you just take the first step.

J: Very Jesus-like, if I may say so, but I feel that’s a conversation for another day. Thank you for this.

(c) Jennifer Crokaert 2021

what is the purpose of this phase and how is it serving me?

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ How Does it Serve?

May 27, 2021,

Dear Ones, the unfoldment of your journey is always serving you. If you are in a lull it is because you are in a phase that requires you to rest, receive, and integrate. If you are in fast forward movement, you are experiencing the next level that has opened to you due to the work you have done in your lull period. One serves the other and both serve you, always.

So rather than going straight to resisting the phase you are in, why not start to ask, what is the purpose of this phase and how is it serving me? This will bring much more comfort to your present moment and allow you to harvest the inherent gifts of where you are with much more grace and ease.

Medbeds / Celestial Chambers Update

The world is about to take a giant quantum leap into the revolutionary ‘New Age’ of healing technology systems that will become an integral part of transforming the way our traditional medical communities heal and remedy the masses with plasmatic use energies and healing frequencies.

Can you dare to imagine at some point in the future of the world, hospitals will play a very different role, they will be fortified with many unique quantum technology devices; lasers and Med Beds; Big Pharma will be eradicated; this futuristic technology will promote longevity and humanity will be free of the masses suffering from strokes, heart disease and many other diseases that contribute to the evils of ill health.

The third leading cause of death⏤is hospital stays and procedures, and many are unwarranted.

No doubt, this is definitely one of the most profound technologies and said to have been used in the secret space program for over 80 years; imagine health care and maintenance so advanced that it can turn back the hands of time erasing the physical; mental and emotional scars and battles of the everyday traumas of life and aging process through the technologies of frequency healing and quantum devices.

They will arrive in the very near future, although exact dates have not been released yet. Tesla Technologies and Jarad Rand are two primary forces behind the Med Beds and said that the time frame of our abilities to utilize these modern-day free energy-based “Fountain of Youth” healing devices could start with the rollout as early as late 2021. More dire estimates say it could take up to ten years, depending on the environment of society.

So mind-bending are these medical advancements that can grow back missing limbs and organs within hours. Advanced medical technologies literally rejuvenate the DNA, RNA, cells, muscles, ligaments, bones, organs, senses, and systems within the human body.

Med Beds are the destination of perfect health and wellness, and civilization as we know it is now within that journey.

Video: Holographic Medical Pods & Secret Space Programs Voiced Over

When this earth-changing re-atomization process known as “Regenerative Technology” is released to the public, it will reduce health care costs to nearly nothing at about 20%.

This revolutionary technology is said to have been in existence for at least 80 years. Once classified, the covert technology will be released to the public via the military. It is said to have been utilized within the “Secret Space Program.”

There is speculation of how much control the public investors will hold as there have to be measurements put in place to safeguard manipulation and greed. Remember, we’ve all experienced bouts with the weaponization of all things good and bad; deep state operatives exist in all industries.

The military-industrial complex once controlled and operated these patents, and many others, dangling them in front of us through their deep-state owned Sci-Fi and Hollywood movie productions.

These medical miracles perform and support diagnostic procedures, surgical repairs, cellular, DNA, reconstruction, and regeneration through free energy systems via Tesla energy coils, new anti-gravity, and replicator devices, correcting all human bodies’ imperfections.

There are said to be three different types of Holographic Med Beds, each one performing a specific healing modality as they will be used in conjunction with trained medical supervision, returning our physical bodies into the most optimal shape without having our organs removed, use of radiation and chemotherapy or being sliced and diced.

This also means that our bodies will be free of the dysfunction of disease and scars, we won’t need to be rehabilitated as our organs, bones, and all systems within our bodies will be fully repaired. It sounds too good to be true, but this is the quantum leap into the new Aquarian age of healing, and before long, every country around the world will be ready to receive its supply of Holographic Medical Beds.

We have seen no people so determined as yourselves, to rise up to where the impediments of the past, including war, famine, and overt control over modern life, are no longer being tolerated…And yet, you are yourselves the captains and commanders of those vessels that you look to the skies for a glimpse of!

A Message to Lightworkers – May 27, 2021

by Caroline Oceana Ryan | 

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you again today.

We see so many now asking to understand why such great numbers of people are leaving the planet through one means or another.

And asking as well to know why it is that things appear to be getting worse, not better, despite much talk for a very long time about a New Earth, and higher energies.

And again, we will simply say that much must be dissolved, and other situations and beings must move to a higher vibratory level, before anything so idyllic as what you have envisioned can come to pass.

It is so that you have already journeyed far, and are tired many days.

Tired physically from not only the demands of work and/or family, and the ongoing pressures of life on a planet that is not quite sovereign yet, yet also from the ongoing infusion of higher energies.

These are requiring every cell, every particle of your being to rise to a new and higher expression—that of your true self.

You are of course also tired mentally and emotionally, not only from the news that reaches you through your media channels, but from the old trauma and energy interferences you still carry from many centuries of Earth lives.

Photo by Lynne Newman

You are understandably tired from the ongoing shifts and apparent interruptions to “normal life” that have to do with your Ascension journey, and the dissolution of the old order.

Yet for each of you, the greatest change of all is your witnessing all that is not your authentic self letting go and releasing you, as you release it.

We cannot emphasize enough that these pressures are taking their toll—all the more apparent in these pre-solstice days, when the powerful energies of the May 26 full moon lunar eclipse are still being felt. 

It is important to take more time to rest and restore yourselves now, in this time of powerful rebirth and transformation.

At this time, your spirit and psyche are coming into their own in ways you have never quite bargained for, one might say.

We want to say in fact, that you are now Lighter in your travels, though you may have assumed that that was always the case—that your etheric travels have always been fluid and filled with endless potential.

Yet this is new, your increased etheric presence and connection to that etheric aspect—the spirit aspect that travels at night to varying dimensions, Earth kingdoms, planets, Inner Earth, and elsewhere.

That aspect that communes with varying kinds of beings in different environments, depending upon your purpose and your Earth mission.

Many of you are in fact sea beings in human form, who travel to speak with sea animals, the Mer people, the plants, rivers, and mountains under the Earth’s seas, whether to assist in their development or in their healing and detoxification from the waste and excesses of the modern world.

Some of you are beings of the air or the Earth, and so to speak with the rock and mineral nation, or to meet with high councils of Crystal beings, or to fly with dragons around or inside the Earth—none of that is new to you, and all of it powerfully layered now with even higher intent and purpose than before.

We have seen no people so determined as yourselves, to rise up to where the impediments of the past, including war, famine, and overt control over modern life, are no longer being tolerated.

Photo by Jerry Moriarty

You are greatly assisted by the current energies, which are made to constantly ring in your cellular vibratory rate at increasingly higher levels.

Those higher frequencies are not so much intrusions in your day, as they are reminders of your true selves, and your true home.

All of you who have volunteered to come in at this time have experienced Earth and other planets at far higher vibrations than where Earth now resonates.

So that with your very presence, you are calling Her forward, and with Her, all of Her many beings.

“And what of the others here, you may ask, those who are not fully human?

“Those who are descended of the fallen Angels—or descended from the invaders who long ago came to Earth and decided to make it a slave planet, a place of loss, death, and shortened life spans.

“Those who have exploited her Being so as to worship their own false sense of power. 

“Shall they also Ascend? And how much longer are we to labor under their madness?”

We are often asked how much worse things will get, or will humanity fall into extinction before the long nightmare is ended.

And we will say, you are not headed for extinction as a race or a planet, as this will not be permitted, despite appearances at times.

You have many times been held separate from what would have most assuredly spelled the end of this planet’s life by nuclear arsenal, which in the case of Earth’s current timeline, has been prevented from deployment, or taken away and detonated well outside of Earth’s atmosphere.

You have never been alone in this, dear ones.

And as always, we must point out that you did not come in to be rescued, but to actively create the sort of autonomy and exercise of free will—of empowered consciousness—that could only be dreamt of in previous times.

Yet you look too often outside yourselves from some help to arrive from the sky.

And yes, we are able to encourage and assist.

And yet, you are yourselves the captains and commanders of those vessels that you look to the skies for a glimpse of!

You simply lack conscious memory of those roles and capabilities.

And yet increasingly—yes, you are beginning to remember.

So perhaps, do not so quickly curse the incoming energies, though they may some days cause headaches, dizziness, tiredness, or a release of old grief as you detach from old Earth traumas, roles, and constrictions.

That Light now arriving and permeating your being is exactly the assistance you yourselves chose to receive.

The energetic codes you are now downloading into your human systems are supporting you perfectly in your new growth and realizations, despite the outer roadblocks thrown in your way to hold you back, energetically or otherwise.

They cannot, for you have chosen as a race of beings to Ascend to where those attempts are utterly incapable of deterring you from that which you designed before incarnating.

And so, when you next board your favorite ship to convene in council or private discussion with soul family members, or travel to a healing temple in Inner Earth or your favorite planet, or commune with the creatures of the wild—in your sleep state or as your higher self, yet you are there, nevertheless!—recall that this is what you chose.

That the day for denying What Is has well passed.

And that even in this moment, of all moments, apparently full of despair, treachery, and the undoing of an age, there has never been such a beautiful world.

Namaste, friends!

We are with you, always.


Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post.

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Feeling Good is Feeling God.