the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Safety through Surrender
May 26, 2021,
We understand many of you are seeking structure to feel safe, but the structure you truly seek should be malleable and support your flow and evolution. Control cannot do that. You wish to make things predictable through your control but the only thing that control will always provide is slowly sucking the vibrancy and flow of what you are trying to hold onto.
As you become more adept at moving with the new energies, you will come to understand that it is the structure provided by the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust that will always bring you the support, guidance, and movement to continue to experience your highest outcomes. It will provide the sustenance your dreams require in order to continue to unfold and evolve. It is the system you can trust to support your evolution and the evolution of all the things that are dear to you.
It is safe to release the old ways of control and micromanagement and see what your soul has always intended for you. More often than not you will be delighted to discover it is so much more than you ever could have dreamt possible. There is a world of wonder waiting for you, and you get there through the core elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust.
About Spirituality, Truth and The Big Picture- MICHELLE FIELDING –
Meditation,Visualization, Celebration, Repetition. #feelmorethanfine
Truth revealed makes many angry. For your own good make it your intention to be loving & kind no matter what arises at all times. And if someone is angry around you or in your environment ,make sure to not take it personnally as every time that someone is angry ,this shows clearly their own battle with the Self. Also do not engage in any way because this may take you out of your own balance and centre. Mastery is about remembering at all times : IAM the Love , IAM the Light , IAM the Truth and this is the only real thing that i have the freedom to chooce to be and feel at all times .Remember a moment in your life where you had such a good time ,feeling satisfaction about everything that it did not matter what others around you say or do :Yes, you were in the clouds and while it is good to be grounded it also good to be and feel into that state as the more you practise this, the more you attract of the same experience. This is a vibrational Universe :What you feel and think ,you attract. Remember this next time you see a post on social media you disagree strongly or when you speak with a friend that may trigger you to loose contact with your foundational Truth. It sure takes practice and that is the reason that taking the time to go within 15-20 daily will boost your power to remain centered and calm at all times creating the reality you so wish to experience. And yet all we are asked to do is to be happy all of the time. Not happy with the conditions of the outside world but happy within which is the only authentic JOY as True Love is without conditions .Appreciation of All That Is and Eagerness for what is coming are the keys that allows us to operate with ease and grace and flow.
So to resume : Meditation, Visualization, Celebration, Repetition.
Full Moon Sunrise Moonrise Meditation
Eclipses & Solstice: Deep Transformation, Ascension Intensity
Ascension Beats – Keep On Keeping On DJ SET.
Once you accept your true being, your Universal power, there is no need to fear anything…Any action you take now will be about exploration and fun.
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry A summary of Brenda’s May 21, 2021, channeled “Creation Energies” show at As you move along your unique path, you’re discovering not all are affected the same way by eclipses, super moons, or any energies. Some of you are finding hidden dust bunnies creating sadness or fear. Others, especially those just awakening, will be in full fear. And still, others will feel as if they’re playing a video game they can turn off whenever they wish. “It’s Their Dark Night of the Soul, Not Yours” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for Life Tapestry’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information. Dear Ones, Many of you are discovering new interests or strengths, not necessarily because you want to, but because circumstances force you to do so.That last statement will frighten many, for 3D fears are highlighted with earth changes. The changes we, of the Universes, speak of have more to do with your perceptions than the 3D promoted fear of change.Many of you respond that buying a home, pregnancy, or a new job is filled with joy. Such was only true in 3D to a certain extent. Even though the event might have been joyous, your 3D world made certain your joy was tinged with fear. “What if I can’t afford the house payments?” “What if I don’t like being a mother or father?” What if, what if, what if.Your new you changes will initially continue your fears because you have been taught to feel or project fear despite the joy attached to an activity. It will take a while for you to fully accept that change has always been part of your Universal life and always will be.Now that you no longer depend on others telling you what you could or should feel, your joys will soon no longer be tinged with fear.Once you accept your true being, your Universal power, there is no need to fear anything. Even though that last statement likely seems too good to be true now, that is how you are evolving.Before your transition, you accepted the fears of your friends, community, and ancestors via your DNA, discussions, or reading materials. Fear touched every aspect of your life – covering your 3D joy with a layer of fear.Once you declare sovereignty over your being, your fears will dissipate, for it will no longer matter what others think of you or the limitations you might have once believed about yourself.You can no longer make mistakes, because you will not be interested in actions that do not expand your being. Even though such was always true, your society trained you to believe otherwise. The difference now is your command of yourself.Perhaps you are contemplating a change of your community, school, or a relationship. In the past, you were trained to believe you might make a mistake, that you did not have all the information, that only those wiser and better than you could provide the assurance you required.New you does not care if an action does not turn out as you originally wished for you will merely flit to a new activity. You are no longer limited in scope or action – something you have never experienced while of the earth.Will you make mistakes? Maybe. But those mistakes will no longer be mistakes but instead learning experiences. For your Universal being is most comfortable flitting from action to action. And reporting the results to any who wishes to know why and what happened.In 3D, your actions were most often based on social shoulds, so you often selected incorrectly to continue the image you wished to project within that society. Perhaps marrying the wrong person or staying in a relationship or job to appease your parents or community. Or having children even though you never pined for children. So many actions performed because of shoulds instead of wants or curiosity.Now that you no longer need to report to anyone in your circle, community, or family – unless you want to – you are free to flit from one activity to another. And you are encouraged to do so by your new segments and interests.You are free to roam, remain stationary, or select or not select.At the beginning of your flitting, you might question your interest or need. But by the time you allow yourself to be fully enmeshed in your new being, you will discover a freedom that is difficult to put into words.There will no longer be that little voice asking you if you made or are making a mistake. Your inner voice will merely rejoice in your new freedoms. For you would not be interested in a particular action unless you were called to do so by your inner voice. Your voice of self-love and action.You are truly new. Allow new you to permeate your decision processes. Then allow yourself to explore without worrying about the outcome – what others will think or that you might fail.Any action you take now will be about exploration and fun. Fear is no longer your primary goal or need. Your exploration of joy is. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link: |
Soren of the Pleiadian Delta Forces – The Chimera Wars
The Chimera Wars
May 23, 2021
Me: Soren?
Soren: Yes?
Me: You’re around?
Soren: I have some time to talk to you, Sharon.
Me: We’ve been asked to help with the underground Chimera wars. I guess there are reports that they’re using Pleiadians to create loosh by killing them and incarnating them over and over, as well as Resistance members who may or may not be Pleiadian.
Soren: They’re also from other planets, Sharon. The Resistance is about 50/50 earthling versus other races.
Me: Thanks for that. Nobody knows much about them.
Where are you located right now?
Soren: I’m in my ship. We’re focusing our energy on China.
Me: Where the earthquakes have been?
Soren: Well, it’s a larger area than that. China is a big country and it has a large underground population, as you may know many Chinese are abducted and used as slaves underground.
Me: I saw many people of many races.
Soren: There’s a large kidnapping business going on in China. They take them into bases around Zhang-Xi.
Me: Sorry, I’ll have to look that up. Hang on. I’ve got Zhang-Xi yan. Oh, on the coast south of Shang-hi. That makes sense. Coasts are great places to have bases as well.
Soren: Well, they’re all over.
Me: Can you give us an update on what’s going on there?
Soren: Of course. There is a large Chimera population there in China and a few other spots around the world. Me: I’m sensing Iceland. We were also told by AA Michael about Johannesburg and the Drakensberg mountains.
Soren: There too. But Sharon, these creatures all have hierarchies. When you go for the top of the hierarchy, the rest don’t know what to do with themselves. They tend to surrender more easily when the main hierarchy is taken out and arrested.
Me: Oh, that makes sense. Like if someone arrested the bosses, we’d all have a day off. LOL
Soren: They really don’t know what to do with themselves when their bosses are gone, that’s how much they depend on their top echelons.
Me: Hmm. Says a lot for independent thinkers, doesn’t it? We don’t give up so easily.
Soren: Which is a good point, Sharon. Everything in their army rests on the top levels. When these levels are gone, the armies don’t know what to do, especially since they follow instructions given and have no prior notice of what they’re to do next. They really don’t think for themselves at all. That’s our advantage. If we were to lose Ashtar, and we won’t, but hypothetically, were that to happen, another would step up to replace him but his commanders would know what to do. We would still be united in thought and would work congruently.
That’s our advantage. And we have systematically taken advantage of their weaknesses.
We have their top echelons surrounded. There are a few other smaller pockets but the main ones were under China.
Me: Awesome! Now what about the poor Pleiaidans and Resistance members? We’re sending them light.
Soren: This is great, Sharon. Because we don’t have the full compliment of earth energies to direct in our efforts via Gaia, we need your help. You’re the ones plugged into your solar suns and you have the energies of these suns at your disposal. The ones from Alcyone are particularly helpful.
Me: The central sun, yes.
Soren: It’s possible to protect these Pleiadians from the reincarnation process they keep putting them through. They’re worn down and of low frequency again. If they can gain your energy, they would be able to fight for themselves.
Me: Would it be possible for anyone to go down into the bases and help them?
Soren: Physical removal? Yes, but difficult because the bases are so well defended.
Me: I saw a ship near my house today, a saucer. It just showed itself for a split second then disappeared. You guys are that close to earth’s surface right now. Are you like that in China too?
Soren: So close? Yes. We’ve breached all their levels of defense so now we’re dealing with the underground and these bases can be well defended.
Me: I just had a crazy intuition, Soren… one of us could merge with a Pleiadian or other Resistance member that’s being held hostage by the Chimera, and then when we merge with them, we would give them our energy and they would be able to free themselves. We’d also be able to get a look at the bases and see what’s going on for ourselves.
Anyone game to do it?
Soren: You would be strong enough to do this Sharon. I can give you names of some of the hostages.
Me: That’s cool, yeah!
Soren: Okay, names are Tirona (a female), Yelandra (a female), Corwin (a male), Drakyl (a male). These are Pleiadians. If they were all freed, then it would be possible to release the remaining members.
Me: How many are there?
Soren: About twenty or so, we think.
Me: How long have they been captive, and how did they get there?
Soren: Yes, some for 50 years. They have downed their ships, or captured them on the surface. There was a war going on for many years that ended in Project Mjolnir, and in this war some hostages were taken. As for Resistance members, many of them are either earthlings or Pleiaidians on the surface working in espionage as well as other acts of sabotage against the dark alliance.
So they’ve been kept for this time, a time when the Chimera and others of the Dark Alliance need to resort to efforts they haven’t made before.
Me: We’ve liberated a few people from the bases. I have a report from Pleiadian Tamara and her son, as well as earthling Dayla who was used as a breeder. Why am I hearing the name Dara?
Soren: She wants to merge with you so you can liberate her from the base.
Me: Oh, okay. I’ll work on that tonight. We’ve got to move those people out of there.
Soren: Thanks, Sharon.
Me: Thanks for your intel, Soren. We don’t hear much up here these days.
Soren: You have enough to contend with, I hear, but thank you for your help.
Me: I’ll put this out on Monday. You should start getting help Sunday night because of Archangel Michael’s request but with more people focused on it through hearing this video, you should get a higher light quotient headed your way.
Soren: Thank you.
www.sharonandivo.weebly.comYoutube: SharonandIvoofVega
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Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Meeting People Where They’re At
May 23, 2021,
As you continue to shift and evolve along your journey, it may create an energetic gap between where you are and where others around you are. This is quite a normal aspect of the shift. This is where your wisdom comes in. If you wish to connect with others who aren’t occupying the same vibrational space as you are, you must meet them where they are.
Different energetic layers open as you move along your enlightenment journey. This is the natural outcome of evolution. What this means is you all have access to energies you have already evolved beyond. You can dip back into them but you would not find it comfortable to stay there.
But people do not have at will access to higher vibrational energies that they have not yet evolved into alignment with. This explains why others can’t understand you or meet you where you are. Simply put, their layer is open to you but yours is not open to them yet.
So we highly recommend if you are wishing to connect with others that you meet them in the middle. With your love and compassion, feel into the highest energetic point they are capable of and connect with them there. There is always a point, if you approach with understanding and openness and a willingness to simply accept people where they are where you can connect.
We suggest using the universal desires for peace, safety, acceptance, and acknowledgement as your common denominators, for those are the points where hearts can open to each other.
Why You Don’t Need to Fear Any Cabal ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are opening many gateways, many portals, at this time to allow in more of the higher-dimensional energies, more of the codes and information that you need as a human collective to bring yourselves to a higher level of consciousness there on Earth. We have been monitoring your absorption of what we have been delivering to you over the past several months, and we see that there are more individuals than ever before who are on Earth who are there anchoring in the light, more who have a desire to be of service, and more who can handle what it is that we are delivering to you.
The more time you spend in meditation, in nature, resting, relaxing, and hydrating, the better you are receiving all of the gifts that we have to offer you. We want you to recognize that you don’t have to do anything to earn these gifts; these are upgrades and activations that humanity is ready for, and anyone there on Earth can step up and be a recipient. Anyone can be a conduit at this time, because that’s how much it is needed. That’s how much you all are thirsting for these energies, for the knowledge, the wisdom, and the unconditional love that come from the higher realms and that continue to bombard you all the time.
But if a person is not open, then those energies have very little effect on them. There is still an effect, however, and this is one of the reasons why you don’t need to fear those who are playing in the dark. You don’t need to fear any cabal or any group, because of these energies. They cannot coexist with them. They have to leave, or they have come to the light. And so, you can relax in regards to all that you have heard may be going on behind the scenes on your world. It is like fire being put out by rain. It’s a natural process. The two cannot coexist, not for very long.
And that is what is happening on your world right now, and it is reason for you all to rejoice, because you did it. You increased your numbers to such an extent that these higher-frequency energies, these codes, and this information has already been grounded and anchored into your world to the extent that was necessary to bring about the coming changes that you have there on your world. So much is happening right now because of all of you, and so much more will happen because of your openness and your willingness to stay there on Earth and endure all of the many challenges and all of the hardships that you have had to face in this single lifetime.
And those of you who have been there for so many lifetimes have really laid the groundwork for what is to come. The new Earth has been created by all of you, working in harmony, working in concert with one another. And there is so much that you have yet to discover about the Earth you are on right now, but it is all happening, and it is all happening now. And we want to thank you and reward you with even more, because we know you can handle it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
High Vibration Master Class: A 3-Week Course – Starts May 31st – Register Here
Trust, relax, and allow through realizing that you never need to inform the Infinite intelligence of your very own SELF what you need because your conscious alignment with IT will automatically express outwardly in ways that represent wholeness and completeness for you.
Arcturian Group Message 5/23/21
MAY 23, 2021
Welcome, dear readers.
It is plain for all to see that the world is filled with change, chaos, and confusion but in spite of it, the old familiar ways of dealing with these issues die hard. Commonly accepted solutions of the past remain ingrained in the collective belief system and continue to influence those in positions of power even as they fail in the presence of a rising consciousness on earth.
New and higher frequencies simply cannot be made to fit into molds created to accommodate the denser energies of duality and separation. As the energetic frequencies of earth rise, ideas and beliefs still in alignment with the old will not be in alignment with the new unfolding belief system. This lack of alignment will cause many “tried and true” ways of resolving issues to fail simply because the substance (energy) that has sustained them in the past will no longer exist.
Never forget that consciousness the substance of form and the unfolding spiritual awareness of increasingly more individuals will serve to automatically bring about new and higher forms of everything in all areas of life on earth.
Recognize and resist the temptation to recreate something in your life that feels complete or finished even if it was a happy period of your life. Follow your inner guidance with courage when it tells you that it is time to “move on” for often the pressure to recreate or keep something going that is finished comes from others– friends, family, or even some religious group.
There are some who thrive on the glories of the past, reliving them to self and others while seeking to keep them alive through groups, clubs, and periodicals that focus on the particular time or events being glorified. This statement is not meant to denigrate the bravery or fruitful experiences of the past which will always be with you, but is to help you understand that living in the past is a backward step dear ones, regardless of how seemingly better the old days may seem in comparison with today.
Evolution is the ongoing journey every soul makes through the good and not so good experiences of many lifetimes in order to finally reach a point at which they are ready to awaken into a realization of Oneness. Spiritual evolution can never be controlled, stopped, or governed by human thinking no matter how seeming better or worse the experiences of some earlier time were.
Be patient with the process dear ones, for the new can not appear overnight. That which is well established in the human belief system can only gradually dissolve, being met with resistance and fear by those comfortable with the status quo. There are many who continue to rely on three dimensional or religious opinions and beliefs about life regardless of how painful their personal situation may have become. This is particularly true with regard to relationships.
You have reached a place of spiritual readiness enabling you to stand back as a beholder rather than someone constantly struggling to heal, change, or fix self and others with outgrown tools. This does not mean you will never again be guided to use ordinary methods to alleviate the suffering of someone, but means that while doing it you remain aware that in the reality of ONE nothing needs healing, changing, or fixing.
Many of you have or soon will attain a spiritual level that is ready to accept and integrate the fact that all qualities embodied in God/Source/ I AM, are and always have been fully present within you. Seeking Divine qualities (completeness, wholeness, harmony, abundance, intelligence etc.) outside of Self rather than from within where they exist in their fullness is the result of the belief in two powers that brought about the duality and separation that constitutes third dimensional energy.
This does not mean that serious spiritual students must never take the human footsteps that may assist him at some point, but does mean that the footsteps are taken with spiritual awareness and trusting intuition as to when they are no longer needed .
Creations formed out of three dimensional beliefs, rituals, and concepts, will always contain elements of duality and separation that result in the creation being sometimes successful and sometimes not. This is why so often sincere hard work and dreams fail, having been created from energies based in duality and separation which is all that is available to the unaware.
When you go within and allow yourself to rest in the reality of YOU, you open the door to all that the real YOU is. Never forget that your oneness with Source automatically constitutes your oneness with all that Source is. Meditation is a silent listening for the “still, small voice” which you may or may not actually “hear” because this is not the goal of meditation. There may come a “knowing” about something rather than words. It is an individual’s intention to align, listen, and rest in an awareness of oneness that is important.
You never need to tell IT what you need or want because IT is YOU. Using meditation as a time to relate a list of wants and needs indicates a belief in separation. Everything you have been seeking, is already fully present because IT IS YOU, not the human concept of you, but the real YOU– Divine Consciousnesses individualized.
Meditation is a silent resting in the awareness of your completeness and no words or thoughts are needed. Thoughts of all kinds will come floating by but do not resist or make a power out of them. Simply allow these thoughts to drift through and back out again without focusing on them while you rest in Oneness.
Ponder and practice every truth you become aware of until it shifts from being intellectual knowledge to being your state of consciousness. Many of the ordinary problems and the issues of daily living will begin to automatically fade out of your experience without you even noticing as you live each day silently resting in and aligning with the reality of your own Divine Self-hood.
Consciousness is the substance of form, because Consciousness is all that exists, IT is omnipresent. Every person’s state of consciousness (the ONE Divine consciousness individualized), manifests as their life and experiences. If a person’s consciousness is filled with beliefs of duality and separation then that is what they will create. You are creators because you are God beings having a human experience.
In the presence of realized truth (not intellectual knowledge, not words in a book, not some repeated mantra) the unreal simply does not/cannot exist and will create forms that reflect the substance of pure Divine Consciousness.
Those of you that align with these messages or any mystical teachings of oneness are ready, beyond ready, to allow meditation to be what it is meant to be, conscious alignment with the already fully present I AM that you are. Many of you have been knowing the truth and meditating for a long time but continue to think of yourselves as separate from IT and spend meditation periods seeking it. There comes a point where each must accept that they already ARE IT in order to BE IT.
Go within often not to speak, try to create, force something to happen, or to seek some perceived outcome, but rather to simply align with IT. Do not attempt to understand what IT is for the human mind is incapable of comprehending IT. Many try and many think they have succeeded, but the Infinite can never be understood by the finite so don’t try. When you are ready IT will reveal ITSELF to you.
Mediation can never bring something to you that is not already fully present within YOU. The time has arrived for every serious spiritual student to accept that they already are IT and that meditation is simply time set aside to rest in this awareness until at some point meditation becomes a permanent state of consciousness and is simply lived.
Withdraw from today’s constant barrage of news and human opinions. It does not mean you cannot be informed, but rather means that you no longer choose to watch, listen, or engage 24/7 in the illusions of the three dimensional world. Doing this constitutes a giant step for those accustomed to staying informed and giving opinions on everything happening in the three dimensional world.
When you align physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually with the good and evil of the world, you give power and reality to appearances which are manifestations of false beliefs with no real law to support them or hold them in place. When you make something a power you give it substance because energy is what maintains and sustains form. Every “war” launched on some disease, situation, or belief simply serves to create more of it, not less.
Begin to translate all appearances into the reality that underlies them. (War–oneness misinterpreted through beliefs of separation) Observe and do not deny the outer scene, but translate it through the realization that God never has, never will, and never can express ITself as war, disease, pain, lack. etc.
Trust, relax, and allow through realizing that you never need to inform the Infinite intelligence of your very own SELF what you need because your conscious alignment with IT will automatically express outwardly in ways that represent wholeness and completeness for you.
Listen and rest within often in the realization that IT is always fully conscious of ITself as YOU.
We are the Arcturian Group 5/23/21
you will be amazed at how calmly and confidently you can start to navigate your world.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Using Presence to Overcome Fear
May 22, 2021,
A common current message in the collective lately is don’t be in fear. If you understand fear is a contraction and contrary to your flow, you can see that fear is not a forward moving energy. But simply telling others not to be in fear is not necessarily helpful if they do not have the tools to move beyond that fear.
In fact, it can put them into a deeper state of powerlessness because they will know that the fear is not helpful but they will feel even worse about themselves for not being able to shift out of that fear. It puts them into even deeper resistance to themselves and their emotions that are simply seeking acknowledgement and healing.
Fear is simply an activation that occurs when a part of you feels unsafe. Berating yourself or others for that natural feeling will only compound the feeling of the lack of safety. You simply cannot resist anything into healing because healing is a flow and resistance is contrary to flow. So what do you do about fear?
The first thing to do is to ground into your present moment. The vast majority of the time your fear is a projection into the future but the reality is you are fine in your now moment. Using your awareness to notice all the things that are working for you in your present moment takes you out of the energies of the wounds of the past and the unknowns of the future. Breathe. Find the things that are supporting you and feel the safety that exists for you in that moment.
When fear rears up it is because there is a part of you, an inner child aspect or fragment, that is desperate for your love, attention, and protection. Imagine that little aspect of self. What does he or she need from you? What did they need that they didn’t get that you are now fully capable of providing as an adult now? Hear them. Acknowledge them. They have had to get really loud to get your attention.
Now that they have it, the healing can begin. Open your arms and gather them up, and feel the relief they experience when they are accepted and reintegrated into your loving care.
Fear can also activate when the future is unknown. The way to settle this fear is to deepen into your faith and trust. Work with your guides. Use the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust to navigate the new energies. Be willing to receive. Start to open to the idea that change can bring in wonderful things for you. Remind yourself that you are a piece of God, and as such, precious and cherished and lovingly guided at all times. Align with higher vibrational energies in whatever ways help remind you of your own wisdom and connection.
The way beyond fear is to lovingly shepherd yourself forward as the wise and conscious adult you have grown into. Big changes don’t have to be done all at once, but rather by making your best choice one now moment at a time. Call on your higher guidance, give the parts of yourself the love and reassurance they need as they need it, and simply take one empowered step at a time and you will be amazed at how calmly and confidently you can start to navigate your world.
You are spiritual athletes! Focusing on taking things one now moment at a time with clear but broad intention is key.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Accelerated Flow
May 21, 2021,
Many of you are at a point in the integration of the new energies that you will be starting to experience super accelerated flow. This is due to the fact that you have released much of the old and have been poised and waiting for the wave of transformation to sweep you forward into the new. That wave is now catching many of you and carrying you forward.
Despite the fact that many of you have been in a pregnant pause or a lull phase for what feels like a long period of time and have been waiting for forward movement, this sudden movement can come with its challenges. You may feel excitement/anxiety much like riding a roller coaster. You’ve been in line waiting for your turn so you know you are more than willing for the experience but your reactions can be multifaceted once you get into the energy of the ride.
It can be disconcerting to be in a slower energy of a lull for a period of time and then suddenly have to start thinking on your feet because you’ve entered fast flow. Even though you have spent a lot of time in preparation, it is still swinging the pendulum to the other end of the spectrum and it can take a moment to orient yourself. It is much like needing your full awareness after being suddenly woken up from a long, deep sleep.
You can think of the long lull so many of you have experienced as the training period and now you are actually starting the race. There are demands on your body that must be met in order to be able to keep up. Hydration and nutrition are key to support your body, as is tending to your emotional state through the guidance of your inner wise one. You are spiritual athletes! Focusing on taking things one now moment at a time with clear but broad intention is key.
These are the times you have been waiting for. Be ready to move and enjoy what is opening to you, for you have worked hard to arrive at this place. There will be plenty of time to process the nuances and implications of your discoveries when the flow slows again, as it always will, to support your highest good and overall balance.
keep on keeping on
21st May 2021.Mike Quinsey.
We see you rather confused and worried about events on Earth that every now and again take a turn for the worse. Be assured that what you are seeing is the final outworking of old ways of dealing with each other. There is less enthusiasm or support for them and there will be no place for them in the coming higher vibrations. How many more times will you try to settle your differences by using force when diplomacy, common sense and a desire to create a peaceful dialogue would result in a peaceful solution. The people tire of violence being used to settle differences and are rising up in anger at their leaders, who seem unable or unwilling to seek answers that bring peace. Eventually common sense will prevail, but how many more unnecessary deaths will occur before peaceful negotiations take place with the necessary “give and take” that will enable success without bloodshed. Peace will come and not a single drop of blood need be spilt in the process.
The biggest change you will experience is when compassion takes a prominent place in your life. With it comes caring for all life that is seen as precious and a gift from The Creator. For centuries Man has fought battles with those considered to be his enemies, and very few attempts have been made to understand the meaning of their differences. Now there is a movement growing that has become tired of the destruction and loss of life, and is beginning to protest loudly to encourage people to sit down with each other and talk peace. Why does it have to be that way when an end to war is inevitable and could have been avoided in the first instance. Before long it will all change, it will be the people who demand an end to confrontation and hostilities, and their voices will be heard and positive action taken as a result.
The thought of permanent peace is so uplifting and attainable if those in power approach it with the right frame of mind. It would be a new era when the establishment of peace was foremost in people’s minds. What rejoicing there would be and old differences could be put behind them for good. It would be quite a surprise to many people as to how quickly friendly relationships could be established and renewed. Everyone benefits from peace and those dealing in armaments would be the great losers, because on many occasions they have played one side against the other for profit with little care about the loss of life.
With big changes there are always losers and the closing of the big stores top that list. It is really a case of moving with the times and the needs of the people. Covid19 has caused a lot of pain and hardship, yet has also given everyone the opportunity to consider what they want out of life. After all, everyone is being affected by the changes and having to consider what is best for them where the future is concerned. You had known for some time that changes would be inevitable if you were to keep pace with the changing needs of the people. The recent period has shown the depth of some problems and given you every opportunity to put things right. You cannot cling onto the old ways that are unsuited for the new way of life that is emerging.
It is some 200,000 years since intelligent life forms such as you know them first came into being, and in that relatively short time they have experienced the depths of the dark energies yet evolved. They have survived and finally risen up in your life times to achieve the opportunity to ascend. There is a plan for your future but how you get there is largely up to you, and if you keep projecting thoughts that are positive in general terms rather than in detail the best results will be yours. You are already laying down the foundation for what you would like to see, and the potential is undoubtedly far greater than you could presently imagine, however keep an open mind that will allow for the unexpected.
After all you have left the old behind that has no future and you can expect many exciting changes that will raise your quality of life. Bear in mind what we have often mentioned in terms of “small” is beautiful because it is going to be the key word, small but able to provide everything that you are likely to need for a pleasant and undemanding life. All that you have experienced has led you to this point, and you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. You are ready to take more steps to increase your knowledge and understanding, and there is nothing in your way to stop complete success.
There should be joy on Earth at what the future holds yet the uncertainty and doubt that exists prevents many souls from grasping what there is for them. Clearly the old habits still exist but the futility of matters such as warlike actions paints a different picture. Such ways of conducting yourselves are being opposed by the people and their voices will be heard and acted upon. They can no longer be ignored but if they are your leaders do so at their peril and they would face the collective power of humanity. Those who would act in accordance with the changes called for patience and wait their opportunity to come forward and carry out the wishes of the people. Their day will come very soon when the changes shall speedily occur.
Mother Earth is already making preparations for the changes and the cleansing of it. Man has poisoned the Earth with chemicals and destroyed so much of the woodlands and the land itself. Yes, we are aware that there are groups who care for the Earth so much that they try to lessen the damage and restore it, but it is a mammoth task that can take some years to come to fruition. However, at the appropriate time we will lend a hand as what can take you years to put right we can see to in a very short time. Some of you wonder why we do not go to the trouble to put the wrongs right, but it is your responsibility to make good the damage you have caused. However, when you show willingness to act we are only too pleased to help you out.
You have a nice expression “keep on keeping on” and it is appropriate for the present time, as you must not lose sight of your path to Ascension. We keep reminding you because it is so important to you, as the dark Ones will try anything to distract you from your goal. We of course hold the upper hand and do everything to encourage you to keep to your dedicated path. We are with you all of the way and will use our influence to help keep you on track.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.Love,Nancy
You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself,for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.
You might be wondering at this point how it is possible to know when the higher frequency energies are coming so that you can be prepared. At this point, it is a good idea to be prepared all the time.
Are You Prepared for The Shift/Event? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have finished our evaluation of the human collective consciousness and its ability to handle higher frequency energies. Here is what we have discovered. Not everyone responds in the same way to higher frequency energy. Those who are unprepared for it completely have quite a few ascension symptoms and can sometimes even experience a sort of mental breakdown, or even a seizure. Those who are awake, but have not been preparing themselves for the higher frequency energies, might experience some bodily sensations, some weird dreams, and some physical dehydration. Those of you who are awake and do expect the higher frequencies as they come in have beautiful experiences where you tap into new abilities, where you know yourselves as your higher selves for periods of time, and you also have many other positive outcomes.
You might be wondering at this point how it is possible to know when the higher frequency energies are coming so that you can be prepared. At this point, it is a good idea to be prepared all the time. Don’t just wait for a full moon or a solstice. Make sure that you are always hydrated, always rested. Make sure that you are constantly grounding, feeling your emotions, connecting with nature and opening yourselves up to receive. The experience of a heightened energy download can be one of the greatest experiences of your life. It can also be one of the worst. It really does depend on the environment those energies are stepping into. If a person has a lot of unresolved, unfelt feelings, higher frequency energies can bring them all to the surface. If a person is not taking care of themselves physically, the energies can intensify their experiences of the illness or pain.
And as we have said, you might as well stay prepared because you are getting closer and closer to ascension every single day. Ascension will be the ultimate download of higher frequency energies. Preparing yourselves for that major event that is coming in your lifetime is a very sound spiritual practice. But all of the things we have given you here as a way of taking care of yourselves and preparing higher frequency energies are also just good, sound practices for living a happy, healthy, fulfilled life.
And so, in many ways, those who are completely unaware that a shifting is occurring can be preparing themselves subconsciously. Certain individuals know that something is happening without putting it into words. And so, you see, it really does not matter what you believe. It does, however, matter whether you listen to your inner guidance, and your inner guidance is always telling you the same things that we are. So we recommend that you listen and that you feel for these energies every single day. The first thing you can do when you wake up to prepare yourselves is to take the temperature of the energies that you can feel and see what the universe has in store for you. When you are prepared for anything, you have a much easier time of being there during this very tumultuous and shifty time of ascension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Smashing the Money Myths
We are here offering our invitation and celebration.
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ Codes of Light
May 20, 2021, via email
We are here offering our invitation and celebration. It is an invitation for you to remember your magnificence. And the celebration is honoring the awesome event that is taking place within the consciousness of Humanity.
We do not have to remind you of the past events that caused the entire planet to shut down. That shutdown, the ramifications of which are still being felt by you and the collective, offers the greatest gift. The shutdown that was experienced by your entire globe has been the setup for the rebirthing of a new level of consciousness.
When Humanity experienced all their normal activities removed, they were forced to make a shift within their own being. The isolation and the stillness that was provided caused a pause to take place within each individual Human and also with the entire collective of Human experience.
It was not just an experience felt by a few, it was an experience felt by everyone. This shutdown, this still point, was the pause in preparation for the next stage of your own personal evolution as well as the evolution of Humankind.
There are still pockets of resistance; there are still those who insist that their point of view is the only way. There are those who are engaged in actively keeping negative and misqualified energies charged. There are those holding on to the old paradigms and old limited programs. There are those who continue to honor hatred and prejudice. Their actions make up most of your news broadcasts.
However there are other events that are not making the news. These events and energies are truly magnificent and awesome. They are subtle yet extremely powerful. Many individual earthwalkers are feeling these energies; they might not have words to explain what they are feeling, yet they know something is certainly different.
There is a new cycle of existence that is being birthed. Your planet is undergoing a tremendous shift of evolution. There is an awakening taking place in the consciousness of individuals and groups of individuals. This awakening is contagious. These transcendental energies are being felt by everyone.
Ancient wisdom is being revealed; hidden mysteries of nature and the powers latent in humankind are being triggered. Everything in nature is but the materialization of spirit. It is being revealed that there are other levels of consciousness and beingness that are wanting to interact with humanity and your planet. This is a reality that many have believed yet never was there proof of this possibility.
We might say celebrate what is coming, yet perhaps it is best to buckle your seat belt and prepare for takeoff. Your planet and all its inhabitants are in for a wild ride. There are numerous solar flares and cosmic downloads being presented. These waves of cosmic energy are triggering everyone to wake up. These energies are invitations for humanity to rise up beyond form and take its place as co-creator in the creative process.
You are being reminded that you are a divine being who has experienced a multitude of experiences on the timeline in other star systems. You must remember that you carry latent, veiled packets of light that are coded in your very DNA. These packets of light are being activated and awakened. They have perhaps been dormant within you, awaiting just the right moment of powerful cosmic energy to trigger them to come forth.
Many of you have been drawn to visit special ancient sites and countries, never truly realizing that these sites or the energies of these countries were triggering your codes of light. Many of you have read books that came into your life at just the right moment causing you to make a major shift in how your viewed your world or your personal experiences. Consider for a moment that these are not accidental happenings; you have been on the path of your own personal awakening since you took your first breath.
Realize that your divine lineage, your star lineage, has been coded to hold the frequency intended at this particular time. Realize that there are personal codes and gifts. However, we are speaking of codes of light that have a planetary benefit for humanity. This is what is being activated within you. You are a master; you came to this planet to assist in the evolution of consciousness at this time.
This planet is being readied to move to a higher dimension and frequency. This can only happen when humanity as a whole is ready. The fifth dimension energies are pressing upon your very reality. This understanding and awakening is stirring within you. This past shutdown that you experienced allowed you to consider the possibility that negativity and misqualified energies do not serve.
As a divine master you have known far different experiences and have lived in another dimension or star system in which divine grace, love and spiritual light was the true frequency field. This might be one of the reasons that you never felt comfortable here in this dimension on planet earth.
We say to you now, you are here to anchor the truth of divine grace, love and spiritual light. You are here to anchor peace on earth. You are here to heal your wounds. You are here to transform any and all negative and misqualified energies you have experienced.
Be in your joy. Be grateful of being alive. Be grateful for being fully embodied. Ask yourself each day how can I make this day the best I have experienced. Make a point of living from your heart. Make a point of forgiving others and healing all past hurts.
You have the awesome ability to make each day, actually each moment, your very best. Stay conscious, stay present in the moment. Be kind to yourself and to others. Give yourself grace and recognize your blessings. Practice the spiritual and the physical activities that enliven you. Remember to love yourself.
We love you and extend our deep gratitude for your courage to be here at this time of tremendous change and challenges. You are doing great work. Please allow yourself to be acknowledged. We are your friends and are always available to support and assist you. Call upon us and all the other divine beings and masters of light. the ‘team’
©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available
The dark ones are weary too. They see the futility of their actions. They are now in more of a knee-jerk reaction to events than well thought out and planned and orchestrated offensives. They are holding on by the seat of their pants and the fabric is growing quite thin. Hang in there, sweet one.
Mellianna to T, May 14-19, 2021
May 14th
“Judgment Day” draws near. The Collective is calling for it and so it shall be. As you’ve so rightly stated it will be very tumultuous but necessary. A mother gives birth and it is very painful but necessary as it is a part of the birthing process. The end result, of course, is Joy of a newborn.
And so it will be here. Joy will follow the pain. You are more than ready, sweet one. However, many, even most, of your fellow Gaians are not. And that is as was expected. Many have had signs to offer them new knowledge, new insight but have refused or denied it. Many are caught up in their version of reality. Nonetheless, it is time. Be ready to broadcast the Love that you are. It will be in extremely short supply.
May 15th
Greetings, sweet one. It is another beautiful day, is it not? Expect more beautiful days going forward until such time as all days will be beautiful, including when it is raining, snowing, blowing or whatever. Mother Gaia is firmly in charge now. And she is “petal to the metal” now. She is as eager to restore Her perfection as you are and is doing so already. The next several days will bring much surprise and joy. Much of this revelation will be in ways you could not have foreseen. So in that way it will be particularly sweet. Our advice now is play, play, play! It is your nature and your grandson has it down cold. Follow his lead.
May 17th
[I was filled with doubts this morning about my role]
Blasphemy. We are on the verge, sweet one, of a TOTAL paradigm shift. Don’t be throwing in the towel so close to the “finish line.” This mood will pass. Your life will ease considerably so hang in there. It does feel a bit heavy right now but that is being created by the Dark Ones. They are at their wits end trying to figure out what to do next to “stem the tide.” But, like the tide, there is nothing they can do. It is over, fini!
May 18th
Abundance beyond your wildest dreams. And we are not talking just about money, though that is certainly a central part of it. We are also talking about an abundance of joy, of health, of happiness, of awareness, and on, and on, and on…! The time is very near. Keep your eye on the target.
May 19th
The time grows shorter as the days grow longer. Not much longer, sweet one, not much longer. We understand the frustration. [An image popped in my mind of an old cartoon of the end of a marathon, where the runners were so exhausted they could not break the tape. Some were chewing on it. Some were laying on it, and some were trying to pull it apart with their hands, but none were successful] Yes, the cartoon is a perfect metaphor for today. All are weary, but not just you.
The dark ones [I immediately questioned the use of small caps here as she had always referred to the dark ones before as the Dark Ones. See May 17th entry, for example.] (Yes, sweet one, we changed the “Caps” intentionally.) The dark ones are weary too. They see the futility of their actions. They are now in more of a knee-jerk reaction to events than well thought out and planned and orchestrated offensives. They are holding on by the seat of their pants and the fabric is growing quite thin. <grin> Hang in there, sweet one.
Beloved Ones, as you are going through your moment-to-moment experience, you are creating each experience from within your feeling state.
AA Michael Energy Update“Greetings, Beloved Ones.We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…
Things are shifting rapidly and many are feeling unsure as to where they are in this process and how this will all turn out.
Beloved Ones, as you are going through your moment-to-moment experience, you are creating each experience from within your feeling state.
At the center of your creation is the vibrational signal that you are radiating and which then returns the energy back to you in form of an experience.
Your environment and everything around you is prompting thoughts, feelings and most importantly the desire for improvement.
Your asking with your feelings and thoughts is instantly creating the answer and it is then on its way to you.The only way it can then enter your experience is by your maintained state of harmony.
The longer you are able to maintain your state, or return to the state of harmony, the faster you are able to experience your desired reality.So, how do you do that?
Start your day with appreciation, meditation and connection to your I AM Presence of God. (Your I AM Presence is the individualized aspect of God that is assisting you in your Ascension.)
As you are going throughout your day, pay attention to the way you feel and what you are thinking.
If you think and feel anything less than harmony, take a moment and ask for your I AM Presence to return you back to Divine Harmony.
Place your hand on your heart center, breathe a few deep and slow breaths and allow for Divine Harmony to enter your heart…
After a few moments, you will begin to feel more at peace and in Divine Harmony.
Then all the experiences you have asked for can begin to reach you and enter your experience.
Even if you are not consciously asking for something specific to manifest, when you are in Divine Harmony, your I AM Presence is able to bring you many blessed experiences and move you upwards into your Ascension.
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
Thank you, Archangel Michael!
Channeled by Asara Adams.