Tag Archives: Manifestation

You are honing your unique interests – and determining where you want to fly next…You are a new being, surrounded by millions of new beings, each dancing to a new reality.

a man practicing contemporary dance near the concrete wall
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

Dear Ones,

You are starting to disassociate from that which no longer holds your interest.

You are honing your unique interests – and determining where you want to fly next. So, your attention span is shorter than in the past. And it is often splintered by a need to pursue yet another interest.

In 3D, you had a somewhat expected routine. But because such is no longer true, it is discomforting. One night, you might sleep for ten hours and the next for five hours. Or you might love reading a book and suddenly become bored with the content. So it will go from one activity to the next. There are no longer any givens. You cannot expect anything of yourself, much less those you are close to. Everything and everyone is new.

You will be confused and maybe a bit frightened. Not because what you are thinking or doing is wrong but because it is different. What was is no more, including you and those you love.

Everything and nothing feels like work. But you have yet to explore activities that provide pure joy because you are in the “I thought I liked that, but I really don’t” phase. Such will be quite evident during this holiday season. Your expectations and that of others no longer feel interesting or exciting – just drudgery.

Leaving you feeling somewhat lost. Not because you are, but because what was is no more. And what is – is being created. You are discovering interests that seem difficult to explain to others. Just as is true for them.

No one can tell you how to behave or speak in this phase. And the same is true for those you interact with. Some interactions will sparkle. Others will feel flat and lifeless even though you attempt to bring joy to the conversation or activity, resulting in your exhaustion and their anxiety or anger.

You will not find many commonalities among those you have depended upon for months or decades. It is as if you are singing a new tune, and they do not understand you or want to. And you will find the same with them.

This phase is about discovering yourself without the added responsibility of ensuring the comfort of others. It is about free-ranging emotions and actions. The same is likely true for those close to you. If others are not on a similar path of finding their unique interests, you will likely no longer interact with them or do so on a limited basis.

This time may seem lonely and yet refreshing. Like describing how wonderful your recent trip was to someone who has no interest in travel. Forcing you to find commonalities of interest with your no-travel friend or to fly into your interest without concern about who, if anyone, wishes to participate.

Finding your unique path is not a group effort.

So, at times, you will interact easily with many beings, and at other times, you will be more comfortable alone as you fly from one activity and interest to another. You are discovering yourself and your path.

This self-discovery is a highly individualized activity that will take many twists and turns.

Perhaps you worry that you will be isolated or lonely. Quite the contrary. You will significantly expand your being by discovering new interests. You will wish to be with one friend as you find a new joy together, only to lose interest without warning and fly to another point of interest. Like bees flying from one flower to another.

But you will not be lonely. Instead, you will be stimulated by your variety of interests and how those interests eventually tie together to create your new being and unique path.

This self-discovery will be a meandering path that will surprise and delight you – and others as they discover their path, creating a sparkle like the stars in the sky, shining brighter and brighter with the excitement of self-discovery.

You are a new being, surrounded by millions of new beings, each dancing to a new reality.

You helped create this new world. Now, you are creating your new being, as are many. So be it. Amen.

LifeTapestryCreations.com. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via WordPress.com. Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (LifeTapestryCreations.com) and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

We here to smooth the effects of the storm.

It has been repeated from many sources that we in the storm and i am here to remind you that we are here to smooth the effects of the storm by being the love we came here to be. IAM In love with The Self and in love with All Life I AM. When you finally learn that all emotions exist within and you are in control, your entire world will shift. #feelmorethanfine

In addition to that i invite you to do the Light work guided by Patricia in her newest vlog.


You want more money? Try this.

In this video i speak about creating more financial flow in our life in a very practical way that works at all times. It is based on the rule of what we send out is coming back to us always. If we send out love, loves comes back. If we create music, music comes back. If we give money , money comes back. I always give at least 10% of my monthly income to spiritual charities or other according to inner guidance. Every time i give money i recognize that ”this is a gift of love i am giving back to God in appreciation for my gift of Life. And in fulfillement of the law of the circle i receive 10x of what i give from the infinite flow of Divine Abundance : All the money that i give is blessed and returns back to me 10x. ” This is a powerful way to create more financial income. This is also an opportunity to call upon your generosity to contribute if you feel so for the work we are doing here at Feel More Than Fine to keep you up to date with the most accurate high vibrational channeled messages to assist each and everyone on your Ascension journeys.

Donations are welcome here and again remember to speak or think and feel into this powerful mantra : ”this is a gift of love i am giving back to God in appreciation for my gift of Life. And in fulfillement of the law of the circle i receive 10x of what i give from the infinite flow of Divine Abundance : All the money that i give is blessed and returns back to me 10x. ” Also after making a donation, doing a little dance or a jump or a spin will greatly raise your frequency, results guaranteed!!! 🙂



Patricia Cota-Robles

February 26, 2022
  The incredible opportunities the masses of Humanity have experienced since the inception of this year 2022 have paved the way for the next Quantum Shift in Mother Earth’s Ascension process. More people than ever before are now able to lift above the chaos manifesting in the outer world effectively enough to hear the Inner Guidance of their now fully integrated I AM Presence.   The Heart Commitment that each and every one of us made prior to our embodiment in this lifetime to assist Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her in our own unique ways during this Ascension process is now beginning to resonate in every person’s conscious mind and feeling world. The Company of Heaven has affirmed that this realization within the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity will motivate changes in people’s behavior patterns and belief system that will lift them up enough to perceive the opportunities happening on Earth in new ways.   As we assimilate the NEW frequencies of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love and the Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness that are now gently influencing every particle and wave of Life on Mother Earth, you and I have the ability to assist the masses of Humanity to the next level of their Awakening. Everyone has free will of course, so we cannot just do this for them, but you and I and every other willing person have an amazing ability to help in the process.   The Company of Heaven has reiterated time and time again that the Universal Law is: “The call for assistance must come from the Realm where the assistance is needed.” Since we are One with every man, woman, and child on Earth, and since we are indeed embodied on Earth ourselves, we have the ability to invoke assistance from every person’s I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven on their behalf. The Company of Heaven has clearly demonstrated that when we invoke the Light on behalf of our Sisters and Brothers the Floodgates of Heaven open.   Many of the masses of Humanity have been so manipulated and controlled by their own and other people’s fear-based, fragmented human egos that they do not even remember that they have an I AM Presence or that they are a Beloved Child of God. They are oblivious to the wondrous events occurring on the Planet. These are the souls that continue to act out adversely in spite of the pain and suffering their actions are inflicting in their own lives.   The millions of people who are Awakening and making the choice to move into the Light on their own are not the Ones who need us. It is our Sisters and Brothers who have forgotten who they are and the fact that they are One with all Life that need our help at this time. Contrary to what we may think, they are not acting out in the adverse and appalling ways we are witnessing because they are evil. It is due to the fact that they are so trapped in the illusion of separation and duality that they think the only way to survive is to lie, cheat, steal and kill. These are the very people we are being Called to help. These are the people who will make the most positive difference in our lives when they Awaken and choose to stop Creating such pain and suffering for Humanity.   Today, the Company of Heaven will join us to empower an Activity of Light that has been building in momentum for several years. Because of the shifts that have taken place in 2022 so far, this Gift from On High is now able to affect every man, woman and child on Earth in more powerful ways than ever before. If you have the Heart Call to participate in this Holy Endeavor, please know that Lightworkers around the World and the entire Company of Heaven are joining with you.  
I AM Loving My Sisters and Brothers FREE
  I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. As One Collective I AM Presence, the Sons and Daughters of God on Earth now merge our Unified Heart Flames with the Heart Flames of our Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity. Together, as we Breathe our newly Elevated Holy Breath, every person on Earth is lifted into a higher frequency of Unity Consciousness. This monumental shift of Consciousness is being accomplished by every person’s I AM Presence in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.   Beloved Father-Mother God, we ask that you now greatly intensify your Comprehensive Divine Love and your Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness within every person’s Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame. As this occurs, we experience this Sacred Fire flowing through every person’s 5th-Dimensional Heart Chakra until God’s Comprehensive Divine Love and Cosmic Forgiveness envelope the entire Planet Earth. As this tremendous influx of Light bathes the Earth, every facet of Life is lifted into a Higher Order of Being.    Each person’s I AM Presence now Creates a sacred space in which they are able to open their 5th-Dimensional Crown Chakra of Enlightenment to full breadth. This allows each person to Ascend ever higher into the Awakened State of Unity Consciousness, Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life.   As this occurs, multidimensional and multifaceted 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light expands from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God into every cell of Humanity’s Earthly Bodies allowing our I AM Presence to take full dominion of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies in ways we have not previously experienced.   Now, all is in readiness. Through our I AM Presence, every person is participating at both inner and outer levels in this Activity of Light which is raising the Consciousness of the masses of Humanity and assisting every person to now tangibly experience the Enlightened State of Unity Consciousness through his or her newly empowered Creative Faculties of Thought and Feeling.   Through my I AM Presence I now reach up into the Infinity of my own Unity Consciousness. I clearly perceive that as I AM lifted up ALL of Humanity is being lifted up with me. In this frequency of Unity Consciousness, I see that Humanity’s free will is at long last becoming One with God’s Will.   Instantaneously, I see the Truth of every person on Earth. I see ALL of my Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity, even the most recalcitrant or asleep souls, as precious Sons and Daughters of God, no matter how far their behavior patterns or their life experiences may be from reflecting that Truth. I perceive all of the painful human miscreations associated with my Sisters and Brothers as innocent primordial energy entering my awareness now to be Transmuted back into Light and Loved FREE.   I happily greet all of these Sons and Daughters of God and all of their misqualified energy the same way my Father-Mother God would greet them. I greet them with Comprehensive Divine Love from within the embrace of Eternal Peace, Detachment, God Confidence, Supreme Authority and Cosmic Forgiveness.   I AM enveloped in an Invincible Forcefield of God’s Infinite Light, as I invite my Sisters and Brothers into the Kingdom of Heaven within my Heart Flame. I hold them in my arms of Light as I would an injured child. They cannot overwhelm me or control me in any way. I simply hold them and Love them until they surrender to the Love of God, desiring on their own to enter the Kingdom of Heaven within the Divinity of their own Heart Flames.   Now, rather than feeling rejected and thus perpetuating their negative behavior patterns, my Sisters and Brothers feel accepted and Loved as the innate Sons and Daughters of God they are. They voluntarily release themselves into the Light, and they begin to KNOW that they are ONE with ALL Life and that ALL Life is Divine.   I rejoice that every person and their unascended energies are finding their way Home and I release myself into the Peace of KNOWING: “My I AM Presence is handling ALL imperfection perfectly.”   As these Sons and Daughters of God Awaken and surrender to their I AM Presence, they begin to remember who they are and why they are on Earth during this auspicious Cosmic Moment. With this Sacred Knowledge, they once again find their proper place in the Family of Humanity. In perfect Divine Order, they are set FREE to live and Cocreate the patterns of Love, Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life that are now being revealed through Mother Earth’s new contingency plan.  And so it is. Beloved I AM That I AM.   Dear One, as you empower this Activity of Light by envisioning the highest good for all of our Sisters and Brothers during this Cosmic Moment, ask your I AM Presence what you can do to help implement the Heart-based patterns for Mother Earth’s NEW contingency plan on behalf of ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth.  
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles

Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440    www.eraofpeace.org
  This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.  
Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
 ©2022 Patricia Cota-Robles

Transitionning into the New Financial System.

I decided to write something exclusively about our New Financial System (also called Quantum Financial System) seen from my perspective because the old Financial system (fiat) is one that has played a very significant role in our lives for so many years and generations. And maybe you find that the way i express myself is a little funny/strange since i speak of it in the past, witnessing currently so much of it collapsing in all levels. (Archangel Michael : When the system finally does collapse the new one will already be up and running, so there will be little work in order to create a transition. The ones who are going to crash the economic system are you. Not the Alliance, not God – You will do so. | FEEL MORE THAN FINE)

But, you coming on this website, know very well, i am not about speaking of what is rather about creating the new.

Yes, i am in full appreciation of what is and live in the now and enjoy every moment in my life however this may appear and also feeling so much eagerness of what is to come. Usually in the early morning hours i feel more about going into meditation, yet this morning a voice guided and inspired me to write specifically about the financial system. In a flash moment everything that i and we have been through individually and collectively because of luck of financial means strack me all at once. I thought to myself, wow! a world where this burden is lifted and money is available like the air we breath for all, how much will our lives change just because of that? In this moment i have again pictures and memories from all the suffering we have been through in our lives, all the wars, all the sicknesses, all the losses, all the negativity, all the separations with partners, lovers and loved ones generations after generations. Yes, it is very painful. Luck of financial means was a huge limiting factor of our freedom and freedom of expressions in so many levels. And indeed this has all been created by a Consciousness of separation from God Source Creator as an experiment in order to witness what does not work as souls living in our costumes called human bodies. I am sure you reading this right now , unless you were born into extreme riches, can feel the heavy weight and extend of traumatic experiences we have been through both individually and collectively. Very possibly it is something that still is present in your subconscious acting without you even know anything about it and governing your thoughts and day to day actions. And so now i want us to do something together as we are guided and supported by Saint Germain, Archangel Zadkiel, The Dragons of the Unlimited Unconditional Love and The Amethyst Crystals across Earth that invite us to cast all these memories and all causes into the violet flamme of Transmutation and Tranfiguration : Transmute Transmute by the Violet Fire All Causes and Cores not of God’s Desire x 3.
See and feel all these memories vanishing for ever asking that all subconscious memories be also cast away for ever in this now.
Breath In Deeply, Breath Out Completely x 3.
Allow the Violet Flamme do the work, it may take a few moments, it may take a few days or weeks, depending on where you stand in your journey.
Every time that a bad memory of luck and limitation comes into your mind Blaze the Violet Flamme and cast it away, thanking it for the lesson.
Thank You Memories for your lesson and Thank You All Light Beings for assisting me and all Humanity.
Breath In Deeply, Breath Out Completely x 3.
Feel The Power of Gratitude in this now. Feel it within all your cells and in through and around all your protons and electrons , radiating out to all Life. Breath it In and Out. Feel It. Be It. Let your Gratitude be heard out out loud if you like: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU GOD CREATOR SOURCE! I LOVE YOU. YOU ARE ME, I AM YOU! IT IS JUST WOW!WOW!WOW!
And as we move through these next weeks entering 2022, allow the new to shape itself without trying to control, just feeling into the joy of A world where money will be available for all like the air we breath in order to create The New, in order to support what one loves to do loving what one does guided by Higher Self in aligment with God Source Creator that is ONE and The Same for All.
I invite you to feel into what freedom will do in people’s lives, to feel into the extend of release of technologies like Free Energy and Healing and Rejuvenation Medbeds/Celestial chambers and Hover / Flying Cars and Abundance of Fresh Organic Food and Water for all and Homes of their likes to live in for all and everything else that your beautiful minds can conceive. Feel into these images ,into these visions, drawning and writting them down and writting next to it : THIS OR BETTER! Because Truth be told, the world that is about to unfold shortly and i am speaking of months here will be unrecognizable and for much much much better that our minds can not conceive yet. (Do you remember how personal computers changed your world? Multiply those changes by 10,000, and you will barely conceive of how different your world will be within months. | FEEL MORE THAN FINE)

Our best tool is to feel into those and attract those. Feel into a Financial System that is available for all : You want to create something that makes your heart sing? here you go, as Quantum Technology reads your thoughts and intentions calculating all factors to check if your intention serves The Highest Good for All Doing No Harm.
Feel into the new and let it be magnetized in your reality in this now as New Earth is already here.
Feel into all that.
Feel More Than Fine.

Nikos Akrivos

PS. i made this dance track on 432hz a while ago, this is perfect creation/manifestation tool to dance it all out once you read this post 🙂

When the system finally does collapse the new one will already be up and running, so there will be little work in order to create a transition. The ones who are going to crash the economic system are you. Not the Alliance, not God – You will do so.

I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Light Angelic Warrior Group.

We are nearing a cross point, an apex in the journey of rectifying the wrongs on planet Earth. This cross point will appear slowly within the next couple of months. It involves the crash of the economic system and it will begin to appear to all that it is happening.

When the system finally does collapse the new one will already be up and running, so there will be little work in order to create a transition.

The ones who are going to crash the economic system are you. Not the Alliance, not God – You will do so.

You are wondering how you will do this. You will do this via your thoughts. You understand that there is a new quantum computer system running on the planet, and you believe it is already underway and it is. However there are two systems running concurrently – God’s system and the system of evil. It is a question of which system you invest in, which system you believe in, which system you question as being faulty and which one you see as being more powerful.

Why do you not believe that the process of people waking up on the planet is so important? It is the most important factor in all of this. You are going through an individual experience collectively. This collective must stand on the side of God, the side of goodness, so more and more people continue to wake up.

The key factor in all of this is the mind, not your physical reality. Yes, people continue to struggle within the confines of the old economic system, but their minds seek out a better way of life for themselves and their families. Yes, people watch the news and they are upset with what they are seeing, but their minds are seeking out a better way of life for themselves and their families. Yes, they continue to get masks, perhaps they feel helpless and get inoculated in order to keep their jobs, but all of these things are making them think of a better way for themselves and their families. As they always have done!

The energies incoming now are the better way. These energies will now sync with your minds and what you desire to create. Most people on earth want better for themselves, and now this will be created – because it can be. Restrictions imposed upon your minds in history disallowed for this to happen. Now it can happen because these restrictions have been removed.

That is the difference. It is what your minds want, not what you actually are living right now, that is your future. You all want better for yourselves, and so it shall be.

Know that for many years, eons in fact, while humanity on earth was deposed, their minds asked, begged, prayed and wished for better. It could not happen because of restraints put upon you by the intervenors. Now it can happen because these restraints are gone. Your minds can now resume the task of recreating your world. Keep wanting better for yourselves, and when opportunity is created, take action. The only thing standing in your way now is your belief in the old, so release it. Embrace the new, use your imagination to create goodness for all.

On that note, today’s task will be to focus upon Australia. The original natives are suffering from prejudice and you see now that this is about global genocide. Please focus your Love and Light, your prayers on Australia in general and on these peoples specifically and strengthen them in order to strengthen their minds.

This is all about manifestation, nothing else. This is a battle of the minds – the minds of the demiurge as it seeks to destroy you, and your minds as you seek to find freedom from this scourge.

I am Archangel Michael. I am with you, you are with me, we are powerful, we are Legion.


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Manifestation Skills practice.

person sitting inside car
Photo by Roberto Nickson on Pexels.com

One of the many things i practice manifesting is my next Vehicle, be it Electric or Hover Car. I feel myself driving it, i hear the silent motor, i have few pictures of various models i would like to drive and daily i am doing this work feeling into it, among other things, describing with at least 12 different words how does it feel…after 21 days, it is fully integrated in my system and now i am having fun doing this wherever i am. Nothing matters more than to feel good. And doing this feels really good and by doing that i am serving the collective as one keeping their vibration high is more powerful than millions who are not. I Am a Source energy Being living in this body and i know it and that is why i always get what i want or better!
So i invite you with this to practice and see how this works for you.
For me when walk in the streets in a city where there are almost no electric cars at all well, i manifest daily at least 3 or 4 times of those driving around. Universe always confirms what happens in my Creation Vortex.

Feel More Than Fine

white and black car parked
Photo by Burak Kebapci on Pexels.com

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Moving Towards Your Dreams

August 15, 2021, trinityesoterics.com


We would like to offer you a different perspective on manifestation today. At its core, manifestation is an energetic meld where you incorporate the creation into your own energetics, and it incorporates your energy into itself. It is moving into union.

If you can see it as an energetic shift, you can understand that your grander creations may take more time, where a much smaller manifestation, such as a cup of coffee, would be easier to include into your energetics. This explains why if a person does something once, they can do it again quite easily, because they have already incorporated those energies into their field.

A large manifestation will take on its own unfoldment, and will likely need to be done incrementally. Your acceptance of the process has everything to do with how quickly it will manifest for you, because you most easily shift energies by being in a state of complete acceptance.

Moving into doubt, frustration, or resistance to the process would stall it by moving out of acceptance and trust with the process into denial of the process, which would make the completion of the meld impossible because resistance is “no” energy.

Imagine you and your manifestation running across a field towards each other with open arms. You dictate the forward movement because your free will is paramount. When you are choosing to move forward with your dreams, even if it is only incrementally, you support the forward movement of the meld. When you stop, because you are in charge, all responding movement stops, as well.

So stay open to your dreams, Dear Ones! Understand that all creation is a beautiful mix of energies wanting to swirl and combine in the most wondrous ways. Just like any energetic shift, big changes may take a while to integrate into your reality, and smaller ones might happen with very little effort at all.

Staying open and trusting the process is how you support your success, and if you understand the energetics of the process, you will be able to stay grounded in the anticipation and cooperation of the unfoldment of the creation of your dreams.

Sharing my Ascension experience

It has been a while since i wrote a blog, sharing my Ascension experience. Truth is , i have been busy meditating and clearing the path while feeling the awesomeness of non resistant thought and ‘speeding up the process’ it relates to where attention goes energy flows. I watched less movies for entertainment and created again my own as i would like to experience my future life. Since i know that i am the Creator of my own reality and what i want to be manifest is meant to be. And yes indeed, i must admit there have been moments that i pushed the button a little but too much while now i am in this loving space of understanding that since IAM already enough and whole and ONE with GOD, there is no need to push more rather enjoy the process along the way keeping the balance doing my sacred work going within, becoming from Some ONE to No ONE and then to Every ONE, every Thing. every Where at all times = The Eternal Now. This was a wonderful work i must admit to integrate in my daily habits few more pieces like feeling and writing chapters about my future Life with as much detail as possible.

So now that i am writing this, it is almost 16h00 here in Greece, it is 40 degrees celcius outside and i am about to have my Raw Vegan lunch that i prepared a while ago. My diet is also shifting towards eating less food than ever before, this as a consequence of transformation of our Ascending body from carbon based to crystallin cells as the more we do inner work the more the Light feeds the body, there is less appetite for solid foods for me and more for liquids and luckily enough i found a local store here that sells raw vegan ice cream!!! once in a while it is nice to have them ready instead of making it myself as i do all my foods each and every day…because around here there is no restaurant that serves vegan and organic…besides with all the restrictions for now i don’t even feel like entering any of these places . Being in the knowingness of the Light Body as a powerful Armour that boosts the immune system, no jab , no masks and no PCR tests for me since the very beginning. I live my life continuing what i did before expanding each and every day, much less friends around physically but with so many in the ethers knowing fully that this is the process to attract all those like minded and like hearted in our New Earth communities. I am walking my talk and i am eagerly anticipating what is to come while appreciating what is with ease, grace, flow and playfulness and fun fun fun times.

I hope this serves you in your journey



ps.i know the picture has nothing to do really with this post and yet it really does if you look for deeper meaning because this is also part of my experience as Ajjuna who stands in the middle told me in a private message : Everybody is so thankful to you . And yes i don’t usually share any of these messages but i thought why not share once just for the lucky ones who read this post.

And don’t you love it knowing that children go to sleep knowing that they are safe and sound with their bellies full ? 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 This is one of our projects that once the prosperity funds are here we will be supporting further…meanwhile we give small donations that make big difference to the lives of all these children. If you wish to donate go to charities, choose one or more and make yours.
