THE FINAL STEPS OF OUR 40-DAY PURGING PROCESS Patricia Cota-Robles December 2, 2021 The Company of Heaven has been guiding us through an unprecedented 40-day planetary purging process. They revealed that with the monumental shifts of energy, vibration and consciousness that have taken place within the Earthly experiences of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth so far in 2021, the way was cleared for a greatly accelerated purging of Humanity’s painful miscreations. Our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Father-Mother God have affirmed that the events unfolding on Earth at this time are affecting in positive ways every person, place, condition and thing on this Planet. These events are being victoriously accomplished through the Divine Intervention of every person’s I AM Presence whether the person is consciously aware of it or not. The Beings of Light said every person was able to participate in Cocreating these events through their I AM Presence because the masses of Humanity have reached a critical mass of Divine Love. This was accomplished through the collective Lightwork and the Heart-based patterns of Divine Love being both invoked and expressed by millions of Sons and Daughters of God all over the World. This includes YOU. Even if you were oblivious to the magnitude of what your Light and Love were contributing to Mother Earth’s Ascension process leading up to this 40-day purging, our Father-Mother God want you to know that you have been an essential part of this process. Every prayer, every meditation, every Loving thought, word, action or feeling you have expressed for any part of Life has been woven into Humanity’s Collective Cup of Consciousness which has now reached a critical mass of Divine Love. Our Father-Mother God said it is impossible for us to fully comprehend with our finite minds what this means, but the floodgates of Heaven are opening and the way is being cleared for Awakening Humanity to Cocreate with the Company of Heaven the miracles necessary to Transfigure this sweet Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her into the Heart-based patterns of the New Earth. The Beings of Light have affirmed that this 40-day purging process specifically involves the dismantling, the crumbling away and the dissolving of myriad social structures that have manipulated, controlled and suppressed the masses of Humanity for aeons of time. All of these negative patterns and structures have been held in place through the fear-based consciousness of separation and duality. This distorted level of consciousness manifests through the behavior patterns of greed, corruption, the abuse of power, hatred, ignorance and the willingness to respond with violence, all of which are void of Love. This 40-day purging process began when we entered the 11:11 Portal of Light on November 11, 2021, and it will be brought to fruition during the December Solstice. The first step of this 40-day process began with the influx of Light that occurs every year on November 11th, 11:11. Eleven is the master number that reflects THE TRANSFIGURATION FROM THE PHYSICAL INTO THE DIVINE. Every man, woman, and child embodied on Earth has the sacred geometric codes of 11:11 imprinted within the Divine Potential of our RNA and DNA structures. These codes are activated by our I AM Presence when we move through various phases of our Ascension process. On November 11, 2021, our I AM Presence activated these genetic codes in NEW and profound ways. This accelerated the Divine Alchemy of Humanity’s Transfiguration from carbon-based planetary Beings into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Beings. Since this purging process began on November 11th, we have experienced several influxes of Light that have been secured in the physical plane of Earth through the Heart Flames of Awakening Humanity. This week we are anchoring the Light of the final stages of a very powerful Eclipse Series that began on November 19th with a Full Moon partial Lunar Eclipse and will be brought to fruition on December 3rd and 4th with a greatly intensified New Moon Total Solar Eclipse. The completion of this Eclipse Series is paving the way for the Activities of Light that will take place on December 12th. On December 12th, 12:12, we will experience a multidimensional Celestial alignment that will open a Portal of Light that has been building in momentum for over 500 years. The influx of Light from this Portal will intensify until the Activities of Light that will occur during the December Solstice, thus preparing the way for the Birth of the Life-transforming New Year 2022. December 12th is a powerful day in its own right, but this year the influx of Light that will bathe the Earth on 12:12 will be exponentially intensified due to the recently activated 11:11 Divinity Codes in every person’s Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Strands of DNA and the powerful Eclipse Series we have just experienced. It is not by accident that December 12th is the day of celebration that turns Humanity’s attention to the Virgin of Guadalupe who is an exponent of the Divine Feminine which reflects the Love Nature of our Mother God anchored in every person’s Heart Flame. 12:12 is a Sacred Geometric Code that was imprinted within the DNA of Humanity by our I AM Presence after our fall from Grace. The Divine Intent of this code was for it to serve as a catalyst for Humanity’s accelerated Awakening once our I AM Presence was able to activate our Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA. That DNA activation occurred on the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence in August of 2019. On December 12, 2019, which was numerically a 12:12:12 day, every person’s I AM Presence successfully activated our 12:12 Catalyst Codes for the very first time. Since that time, our I AM Presence has been using our 12:12 Catalyst Codes to Awaken us in powerful ways it was not able to utilize prior to the activation of our Twelve Solar Strands of DNA. The Catalyst Code 12:12 aligns with the Sacred Geometry associated with our Solar System. We have Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Strands of DNA, Twelve 5th-Dimansional Solar Chakras, Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity, Twelve Constellations in our Zodiac and Twelve Ages in our 26,000-year Precession of the Equinoxes. This is why we hear so much about the power of the 12 times 12 and the number 144 or 144,000 in relation to the events associated with Earth’s Ascension process. This is an amazingly powerful time. In spite of whether or not we are consciously aware of the magnitude of what is occurring through all levels of consciousness on Planet Earth, we are moving forward in the Light in ways that are affecting every person, place, condition and thing on Earth. We are being told by the Beings of Light that this facet of the Divine Plan is unfolding in perfect Divine Order and that our deliberate cooperation with the Company of Heaven is succeeding in miraculous ways. As we move through the final weeks of 2021, we all have the opportunity to intensify the Light we are adding to the World. The Beings of Light told us when we began this process that the most powerful thing Lightworkers can do to assist with the dismantling phase of this Divine Plan is to blaze the Violet Flame in, through and around all of the crumbling obsolete paradigms from the past and ask that the Will of God and the Immaculate Concept for this phase of Earth’s Ascension process be God Victoriously accomplished in perfect Divine Order. We were told that the next vitally important thing Lightworkers are being Called to do is to focus our attention and our Divine Intentions on Cocreating the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. The brand new patterns that are now being released into the Mental and Emotional Strata of Mother Earth are encoded with a NEW contingency plan for the Healing and Transfiguration of Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her. The Company of Heaven said that the level of resplendent Light contained in these new patterns will only be perceived on a conscious level by Awakening Humanity if we are able to reach ever higher into the frequencies of Unity Consciousness now present in every Heart Flame. Assisting Awakening Humanity to reach this level of Unity Consciousness is the Divine Mission we are ALL being Called to assist with during the remaining weeks of 2021. Soon we will be held in the full embrace of the 2021 December Solstice. During that Celestial alignment the Light of God will flood the Earth and empower Humanity’s Lightwork in new ways. The Company of Heaven said the unfathomable influx of Light that has affected every facet of Life on Earth during this 40-day purging process is accelerating Humanity’s, the Elemental Kingdom’s and Mother Earth’s Ascension in Life-transforming ways. Our Father-Mother God said we will all become consciously aware of the specifics of these changes as we progress through the New Year 2022. The events unfolding at both inner and outer levels at this time are paving the way for monumental shifts that will occur after the Birth of the New Year 2022. These shifts will affect every part of Life belonging to or serving Mother Earth at this time. So, Precious Heart, stay focused on the Light and “Keep on keeping on.” God Bless You, Patricia Cota-Robles Era of Peace PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909 Fax: 520-347-5440 This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization ©2021 Patricia Cota-Robles |
Archangel Ariel: The King Incarnation
by Jahn J Kassl, December 1, 2021,
Translated into English by EraofLight from the source:
Editor’s note ~ Because this is a translated piece, any editing could potentially alter meaning, so it remains exactly as posted. The message is a good one.
Where the journey goes
Awaken and look into the depth of your soul! Realize who you are and who you will be forever ~ divine consciousness manifesting unconditional love for all life on Earth.
Beloved people,
The days are demanding everything from you! Where is the journey of humanity going, and how will this game end?
Restlessness and uncertainty are spreading and more and more people are losing their grip on the world and their orientation.
Especially those people who have no inner connection to themselves and to their eternal soul are now getting caught in the whirlpool of disinformation, confusion and deception. They are not able to see what is, and they are not able to see through what is being played. Thus these people remain the plaything of those forces, which strike the last blow.
Many people will leave the earth
Many people are taken from the earth and will leave this earth.
The unity of all people can only be achieved with people who are ripe for it – and so it happens now that the oppressed have to leave this earth with the oppressors.
What is praised as a blessing brings death, what is dressed in a promise of salvation brings the disease. Many succumb and will succumb to the gene therapy of Corona vaccination.
The warnings are thrown to the wind and the danger that comes from it cannot be seen by these immature souls.
So it happens that people end or shorten their lives with this choice. It is the people who are not ready for the change that follows.
Much the same was decided on the soul level. For each person chooses for himself when to end a life on earth and when to attain mastery – and for mastery, that is, the moment when a person decides to live the last of his lives, the kingly life on earth, only a few are ever ready.
So do not worry when many people leave this earth. It happens in harmony and in knowledge with one’s own soul plan.
Each soul chooses and decides before its life as a human being, which experiences are to be made and which abilities are to be acquired, and each soul knows when and how to end a life.
Effort of tested souls
Everything and everyone is taken care of. As change takes place on Earth, many entities from the subtle realms look to you with admiration and recognition.
You are the ones you have been waiting for and you are the ones who are leaving the old behind and realizing the new life with people who meet in peace and appreciation.
This effort requires mature and tested souls. A young soul with little experience on this earth would have a hard time finding its way even under optimal 3D conditions. Such a soul is overtaxed with what now shows itself on this earth.
So it happens now that some awake and the others slip into a deep sleep:
- Those who cannot guess and see the evilness behind the subject of Corona are meant.
- Those who refuse any clarification and believe the lies presented to them, those are meant.
- And meant are those who have no power of discernment and cannot separate good from evil.
While the circle of this life is closing for these people, the people who are concerned with change are finishing their last circle of life on earth.
The king incarnation
It is the King Incarnation that you are in when you see the meaning and divine order in all the madness of these days. If you do your part to change and maintain the connection with your soul and God – like the most precious thing in your life ~ then you are in your king incarnation.
Evil recedes as soon as you recognize it and put it in its place. Satan no longer has power over you once you see through his wiles and no longer succumb to the art of his seduction.
The truth of this time is that each person will be reminded of his destiny by fate and either make his contribution or be taken from this world.
The time is ripe for mature souls, the time is ripe for those who want to crown their lives and put themselves at the service of the earth as fully conscious human beings.
And you no longer remember the I.
With infinite love,
Archangel Ariel
All of the remedies are in place to remove the rest of the dark ones who have turned away from God. The battle is nearly complete.
Here’s the latest from Apollo:
“We are here today to bring you an overview of what is occurring on your Earth, your solar system, your galaxy and beyond. All of life is excited about the elimination of the dark ones who enslaved (dark reptilians and Draco’s) beautiful earth. They thought it was there for the taking and they took, and they took, and they took. And now they have been removed and will not be allowed to do harm again. All of the remedies are in place to remove the rest of the dark ones who have turned away from God. The battle is nearly complete. Life on earth has been saved and the earth will be turned into the promised land of heaven. The light beings who made this possible will be greatly rewarded. It could not have been accomplished without you. Soon you will find yourselves celebrating. You will come together in love, harmony, and joy. Peace and happiness are only part of your future. We will all be meeting each other and loving the New World together. Thank you for your diligence, dedication and your hard work.”
Credit Picture: Nikos: Me and friends celebrating 100% healthy with like minded and hearted friends in November 2019 with meditation beginning and end of the celebration in London, UK. (MorningGlory)
Greetings I am Mira. I am pleased to speak with you. We acknowledge your forbearance and your ability to adjust and adapt during these unusually challenging times. Your efforts are being acknowledged. You will be rewarded. In the long run all of your challenges will be forgotten. You will rest in the renewal of the new earth. You will find happiness and joy daily in your lives.
You are moving into what was once called “the promised land.” When this was written, few knew what those words meant. You only had what you were experiencing at that time, and it was most challenging. In actuality, the message was coming from the Creator with the energy of all the love and support that could be given. The words anchored in the timing for the new age, the new earth, the age of Aquarius.
The earth is welcoming this new age. She is taking back her power and will create a glorious New World along with humanity. There is already a blueprint for the New World. Much cleansing needs to take place. It requires a full-blown Great Awakening of those who will be living on the planet. You will also have an influx of wonderful galactic beings who will also assist with technology and other forms of assistance to bring this about.
Since we are in the Earth Council, we are attuned to what you are experiencing now, and we understand how you are feeling. Most of you are adapting well but can still not make much sense out of that which doesn’t make sense. We suggest that you don’t even try. We see the overview and we understand why these imbalanced energies are working so as to be seen for the great awakening. They are not intended to make sense, especially for those who are already awake. The others are experiencing the extremes, and some are still not questioning.
Please take a note that many are popping up all around the planet. This is happening increasingly in large numbers for their awakenings. Some are faster than others and it takes time. We understand how your patience is wearing thin and we ask you to even become more patient. This patience is part of the awakening. Your nervous systems are on edge and your sensitivity and empathy levels have greatly expanded, especially in the last two years. You have your physical ups and downs as the light, the planetary changes, the eclipses, the sun, the earth along with evolving consciousness, are managing the planetary shifts.
Our beautiful light beings, ground crew, are being looked after and protected. We rely on each one of you to accomplish your mission. You are facilitating the giant shift on the planet with your energies and your consciousness. You are dedicated and committed to the work that needs to be done. We are working with you along with many other star systems. We have a vested interest in your well-being because it affects all of creation. You know that and you must understand how important this work is to all of life. We love the earth. We love you.
Let the beauty and the light shine in your hearts, dear ground crew. The worst part of the mission is nearly complete.
We are sending all our love to you. I am Mira.
It is God’s response to Gaia’s request for world transformation to come more swiftly so her peoples can live freely, joyously, peacefully and harmoniously, be nourished in body, mind and spirit, and all their needs supplied in abundMatthew’s Message for Dec. 1, 2021ance.
December 1, 2021
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As the year is nearing its end, many are wondering if traditional religious services and festivities with family and friends ever will be like they once were.
Yes indeed, dear family, absolutely you will be able to enjoy all of this season’s celebrations without mandated restrictions and requirements, and, with recent developments, it could well be holidays in your new calendar year. (1)
The very beginning of this strong possibility was almost 90 years ago, when God authorized some powerful civilizations to beam light to Gaia so she could jar her planetary body loose from deep third density and embark upon an ascension course. It was her desire that her entire population advance spiritually and consciously so they could go with her into higher astral planes.
Back then, most of her civilization were slumbering in what was familiar, but as volunteers from spiritually evolved worlds started incarnating on Earth, the light they radiated added to the light being beamed from afar stirred some people “to see the light” and awaken. As time passed, others did, too, then more and more and still more.
But a goodly number of souls adamantly kept refusing the light. Gaia sadly concluded that she could not wait for them to give up their preference for darkness and, heartened by the millions upon millions who were embracing the light, she kept her pace steady toward her destination in high fifth density. As energy surges propelled the planet into successively higher planes, gradually the pace increased.
This brings us to your last two years. What happens on Earth affects the entire universe, and what Gaia and her peoples around the world have been enduring has emanated low vibrations and adversely impacted other worlds. The Illuminati’s recent action was the last straw, so to say, and additional civilizations started beaming massive amounts of light to Earth so everything can occur faster. Thus, karmic lesson completion, truths emerging, resolution of conflicts, corruption uprooted, and circumstances lining up like dominoes to remove all remnants of darkness are in high acceleration.
That many distant civilizations now are intervening in a process that will benefit them is neither self-serving nor denying Earth’s peoples the right to manifest the kind of world they want. It is God’s response to Gaia’s request for world transformation to come more swiftly so her peoples can live freely, joyously, peacefully and harmoniously, be nourished in body, mind and spirit, and all their needs supplied in abundance. That is what her peoples want, too.
The inpouring of light will enlighten and embolden the masses who believed the blatant lies about the “pandemic.” They will start joining the people who are heeding the honest medical specialists and refusing to be vaccinated or wear immunity-weakening masks and they are protesting lockdowns. The loss of God-given and constitutional rights is nearing the boiling point, and what is upcoming can rightfully be called the peoples’ revolution against evil.
Since the Illuminati’s laboratory-made coronavirus failed to cause billions of deaths, they have been making fortunes from covid tests and solutions falsely called vaccines; and, aided and abetted by mainstream media, politicians and scientists in their ranks and those they control are claiming covid variants have become part of life so even infants need to be vaccinated. However, their dark agenda always has called for much more than satisfying avarice and power over the populace, and recently they released another, stronger, lab-manipulated virus to do what the coronavirus didn’t.
Our September 2020 message includes information that virus transmitted to a highly evolved soul we know well. That dear soul shared with us the following message she received from the new virus:
November 8, 2021
“Hello. Thank you for speaking to me today. I have been waiting for you, as the call was sent out for this conversation. It’s an important one.
“You were told that I am here now, released this season as the next in the line, a virus created again in the image of darkness. Even more so, as the dark forces are desperate to keep their control. They want to keep their domination of the planet and its people intact. I was created to go deep in the dark. To wound, to kill, to snuff out much of humanity.
“But, yet again, this will not come to pass. The Light has infiltrated their plan once more, the same as what happened with the other virus strains. As the Waves of Light poured into my dark blueprints, I was lightened, changed, alchemized. I am still quite intense for some people and still sending some home if it’s part of their life plan to leave, but not the mass of people I was created to kill. I have a different purpose and energy signature now.
“And I am different from the other viruses, as I have been released at a very different time on the planet compared to when they were released. The energy is so different now compared to only a few years ago. There is more Light and more people carrying that Light, and my job will be different as it will be more about awakening.
“I will be cleansing bodies and fields of their old patterns, wiping the slate clean so they can become new. Not an easy process, and oh, the human body of some will indeed suffer through the power-wash I deliver; yet others will experience a lighter dose of cleansing through my touch. And then there will be those dear souls who choose to leave their bodies behind. However, even in their leaving, they will become more Light. All is by agreement.
“The ones who stay and run the course of my illness, those folks will never be the same. Their evolution will be served as they dance in more Light! And oh, the dark ones don’t like this at all. Not one bit do they like this! Their dark plan has been changed once more by the Light. And even more so because, through me, these humans are changed. Cleared of the old, they will wear a corona of Light! An initiation. A path to a higher truth. Though it’s certainly not an easy time for the initiates as my energy can feel so heavy, but certainly not the dark plan seeded on the Earth. It will not bear the fruit it was intended to do. Those poisonous plans will not come to fruition. Eventually all the poisons will disappear from the Earthly experience and there will only be Light!
“Thank you for listening to me today. Have heart that no matter what you see rolling out this season, things are not as they seem. But of course, you know that. And whenever you hear of someone who has invited me in and they are struggling, send them Light. Send them Love. And send them rainbows. They and I will evolve with the Light that you send. It is so needed. It is always needed, especially now in the midst of this World Initiation. Thank you for your Lightwork, and I will now bid you adieu.”
Once again a virus has been infused with the capacity to doom dark intentions and assist Earth’s humankind’s evolution.
Knowing their latest attempt at mass depopulation has been another failure, the Illuminati are desperate. They also are tenacious. Most likely they will order their minions to create chaos geographically and economically everywhere they can, and your new year will be strikingly active as the recent intensification of light undergirds the efforts of courageous leaders to end dark control of your world. By being calm, confident and cheerful, you will uplift and enlighten persons who don’t know that what appear to be dire situations are reasons for great optimism.
It is not only their recent failure that is causing the dark ones’ desperation. Those who caused the “pandemic” or committed other crimes against humanity are being arrested and, on the basis of irrefutable evidence presented at trials, found guilty in your justice systems. Some have been executed, others will be and some will spend the rest of their life in prison. These procedures will continue until all such criminals around the globe have been brought to justice.
The universal law of physics that pertains to justice is lifeprint reviews in a spirit world. Those are like life-long movies wherein the individual feels exactly what was felt by everyone whose life he or she affected, and for the aforementioned individuals, that punishment will be much, much harsher than any penalty your verdict-givers mete out.
Now let us return to the spirit of this season of gift-giving and celebrations, and let us gift you with gentle reminders for joyously celebrating life:
Let love be your foundation. This starts with loving self, having self-respect, self-worth and self-confidence.
Be fearless—there is nothing to fear!
Live in harmony with all of Nature.
Visualizing Earth immersed in golden-white light fills you with light as you send it throughout your world, and the light in a genuine smile has incalculable ripple effects.
Recognize and feel grateful for the blessings in your life.
Trust and heed your soul’s messages to your consciousness—conscience, intuition, instinct, inspiration and aspirations.
Time in solitude and silence nourishes the soul. So do animal companions, laughter, soothing music and lighthearted entertainment.
Do not judge others—you don’t know your own soul contract, much less anyone else’s.
Be forgiving. Persons you feel have done you wrong may have helped you advance in soul growth. Forgive yourself, too—if an apology to someone is in order, offer it and release the low vibrations of guilt.
Cherish beautiful memories and let go of those that are hurtful.
Divest yourself of trivial matters and direct your energy into avenues that will help you along the path to self-discovery.
Words have vibrations—choose your words carefully, respectfully, kindly.
BE what you want in your life and your world: love, joy, kindness, compassion, respectfulness, generosity, helpfulness, honesty, forgiveness and gratitude.
The sum of those reminders is Do unto others as you would have them do unto you and Live from your heart. As God said, “Absorbing light is as simple as Be kind” and “The heart is the seat of the soul”
Beloved brothers and sisters, you volunteered for one of this universe’s most vital missions—saving the souls of Earth’s civilization. Enter your new year with the joy of knowing “Mission accomplished!” In the continuum, the peoples are flourishing in Earth’s Golden Age.
All light beings in this universe honor and support you with the unequalled power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward
Note from Suzy: Heartfelt thanks to all of you who have written appreciation for Matthew’s messages. Dearest wishes for your health and happiness in our new year.
For a wonderful heart-warming reason, the January message will be later than usual—eight of my family are coming from Panama and the Netherlands for the holidays!
Please send all questions and comments to
All messages from December 2003 to date are archived on
Please forward the link to receptive family and friends.
If you would like to order any of the books, please go to Bookshop on that site.
Enjoy chapters of Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven on Matthew Books YouTube channel.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Making Space for Each Unique Unfoldment
If you have been rejected in a relationship that you know you have been loving and appropriate in, and you have been committed to your own growth and evolution, it is not you who has been rejected by the other, it is the new level of growth that would be required of them in order to continue the relationship. They are simply not ready. Let the connection go with as much love, grace, and understanding as possible, for many will surprise you with their growth and be ready to rejoin you further along their journey.
It is very common for people to join paths for a period of growth and experience, and then need to split apart in order to find their own strength, empowerment, or any other expansion that can only be done on their own. Once that is accomplished, often souls will come back together and pick up where they left off. Your unconditional love and inclusion leaves the door open if/when that growth occurs.
We urge you during these times of energetic intensity to avoid absolutes and allow the unfoldment. You will find many surprises along the way. Those you thought would be next to you through the whole journey may suddenly branch out on their own. Others who you may think would never be ready to level up may suddenly experience such a leap of growth they are right back on the path next to you.
And for others, staying separated might best serve the growth and evolution of both people involved. Saying ‘never again’ will close an energetic door and restrict future options, while saying ‘not right now’ will help you move into acceptance and keep you open to future reconnection if the time is right.
The fact that the darkness is being revealed shows it’s losing. And this is cause to celebrate, not to be in fear…Choose to experience ascension in the smoothest most blessed way, in divine perfection of dance with the universe and watch your reality shift.
Archangelic Collective 11/28/2021
We are the Archangelic Collective. We are surrounding you in an orb of our light, of our love. We wish for you to be deeply aware of the cosmic upgrading that is taking place not only around our beloved Gaia but also with every one of your cells, and within this space quadrant as a whole. For all is being changed, all is being upgraded or downgraded, there is no middle line. Those who do not choose one path are choosing another.
We are the Archangelic Collective. A new cosmic grid has been placed around Gaia for further protection. Many of you are experiencing upgrades in your protection as your intensity of involvement on the spiritual planes deepens further. All of you reading are warriors. Some are warriors for the dark that may be reading, for they have another agenda. We send them light and we send them love and deep compassion from the heart of Creator. Regardless, security protocols are upgraded. You have all been assigned an archangel of your choosing on the inner planes. We hold the light, we hold the line. And we do not put up with any shenanigans of the dark. This one had a negative entity try to get into her home yesterday and it was easily thwarted, immediately her ship stopped the movement of entry and we wish for you to know that this is the case for any of you. You have us to call upon. You likely are an aspect of one of the many of us and you need not be afraid.
(They are showing me the starry night sky over Bethlehem. They are showing me the Christmas story.) The shepherds were afraid of what they could not understand. The Pleiadian ship in the sky that danced and lead, they could not understand it but they could feel it. They could feel the thrum of excitement, of an elevation of light quotient and vibration around them, creating a sacred space. We wish to have you understand, to feel that you are this same light that awakened the world through Yeshua 2000 years ago. You have this light quotient of Source within you. Your are like the Bethlehem ‘stars’ that are shining very, very brightly on Gaia at this time of what appears to be crushing darkness but that could not be further from the truth. The fact that the darkness is being revealed shows it’s losing. And this is cause to celebrate, not to be in fear.
We are the Archangelic Collective. We not only weave our presences throughout time and space but we shine through all of it. We are shining on you now. Feel our wings of light enfold you and know that you are divinely protected, shielded from the entities that wish to harm. All shall be returned to them 100 fold. As you are the lights in the darkness, know that the darkness sees it and is attracted to it, and know that you are lovingly and fiercely protected. Keep your vibration high to remain fully in this vibratory field of peace and protection. Fear drops vibration. You know this. You have nothing to fear. Choose to experience ascension in the smoothest most blessed way, in divine perfection of dance with the universe and watch your reality shift. It will not make the news go away, or shift the outer world but your outer world will shift regardless because your insight, your inner vision, your inner truths will have shifted, for you will have claimed yet a little bit more of your god self and become rooted deeply in the unshakableness of faith. Of faith that the light is within you and that is enough, for that is all there is. Do you see? (They are showing me a massive clock with golden and copper gears being swapped out for crystalline gears. I am seeing this is like a surgical procedure of sorts and all of these strong angelic warrior hands are assisting, swapping out the gears. I am seeing dark gears melt into mist as their vibration is too low to stay as the entire ‘clock’ of Gaia is being upgraded.)
We are the Archangelic Collective. The clock we were showing this one relates to your inner workings of your inner selves, as you accept more and more of the crystalline codes that are bombarding your planetary sphere, more and more of your inner gears, your understandings, your programs, your inner sight will be upgraded as well. Your entire world is becoming crystalline and those who are of another vibrationary index will not linger. Choose the ascension road that is the highest and best, the most perfect timeline for you to dance with these energies in bliss and union. (They are showing me people trying to dance but continuing to step on each others’ feet and it is more painful than fun. Then they are showing me Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers dancing in old movies and it is effortless, beautiful.) Yes, feel the flowing of the dance. Allow the music of the higher melodies of ascension into your cells and dance through these times with the ease and grace of the masters that you are.
We are the Archangelic Collective. Peace beloved ones, you are well watched over.
~ galaxygirl
The Quantum Financial System, free energy, new internet and etc. have been already set up and ready to be used for months now. Just keep trusting and do your part sending Light and Love to each other to help speed up the process of moving to a New Earth.
Sanat Kumara via Erena Velazquez | November 30, 2021
Greetings Beloved Ones,
I am grateful to come today through Universal Channel. It has been awhile since my last message. I have been very busy in helping and assisting your planet with her dimensional transition to New Earth.
I am happy to see that more and more people are getting awake and starting to question their reality. The Dark Souls are trying to interfere with Ascension Process. The Divine Plan can’t be stopped. To get to this victorious moment, it took thousands of years.
For many of you, it feels like nothing is changing, the corrupted souls are still in charge and controlling the global events, because you don’t see everything, what is going on. Every day a new group of people stands up against the World Order that dictates, on how to live your lives.
The ones, who want to eliminate humanity, are running out of ideas, like bringing a new virus. Even the non-believers are getting tired of their dirty data not being based on any scientific evidence. They forgot that each of you carry the essence of God within you, and the spark of this essence is going to ignite the rest of population.
Humanity is tired and exhausted of the constant lies and scare tactics coming from the governments and Fake Media. People standing up and saying ’No More’’, ‘’We Want To Be Free’’ and etc. This planet is transforming very rapidly to 5D. The main players are leaving in a hurry, as they know that their time is up and nothing can save them. Only the minions are still trying to run the show, which is not working anymore. The plan was to kill 90% of population, and then create special work camps and keep the rest there.
Their agenda is failing, and the alliance continues to clean up and rescue women and children from being tortured and killed. The Quantum Financial System, free energy, new internet and etc. have been already set up and ready to be used for months now. Just keep trusting and do your part sending Light and Love to each other to help speed up the process of moving to a New Earth.
Some of the souls, who volunteered to help with the metamorphosis of Mother Earth, left their physical vessels due to being inflicted with different diseases. The rest of you have big responsibilities to assist through Ascension, by letting Love & Light spread and doing your daily meditations.
The Darkness fears Light, as it burns and causes them pain. Nothing stays on the way to transform this planet, you need let go of the past and low energies such as anger, anxiety, hate, distrust and etc. You need to finish and fulfill your duties here to create a Paradise. Thank you Universal Channel.
Sending my Support and Love
Your Destiny Is In Your Hands
Sanat Kumara
The young system busters are here :)
A second-grader from Florida, who was suspended 38 times for refusing to wear a mask to school, told the local board that they should be in jail. Fiona Lashells, 8, confronted the Palm Beach County school board and told the board members how she felt about their rules. Fiona has been through the wringer with multiple in-school disciplinary actions.
Someone had to say something – I’m glad she did.
December: True transformation is upon us.
Received through email, i invite you to take note of the dates and meditate with our global tribe in these specific times and of course every SUNday at 5/8/11 am PST or 3/6/9 pm Greece
Blessings Beloveds ~
Into the Divine passage we glow. This passage is transformational, and true transformation has its challenges.
The December – January Gateway is the strongest Sacred passage of the year. Eclipses initiate transformation, the 12-12 amplifies Divine Mother in the core of Gaia, Solstice brings Zero Point alignments, and cosmic activity blasts open the stargates within and without through the third week of January.
We can use these unique frequencies and Gate alignments to attune our process, make rapid shifts and reveal higher trajectories.
The veils are thinnest during this time; we may communicate with our higher levels clearly, directly, and receive wisdom for our path.
Consistent Crystalline plasma waves (quite psychedelic to witness), magnetic shifts, and new stargate flows support global transformation.
December Unified Events
Friday December 3: Solar Eclipse 11:33PM PST
A good moment to be outside and assist the new stargate openings. Open as a pure conduit. Focus on Freedom through the Heart Stargate. Place your hands on the ground, connect with Gaia, and say the word Freedom as you radiate LoveLight to all of Creation.
SUNday December 12: The 12.12 Gateway
The 12-12 Gateway is a powerful influx of Zero Point and Divine Mother frequencies. Gatekeepers and Gridkeepers, we are out on the land to RECEIVE these influxes on behalf of all. SUNday Meditations will be strong – try and synch with the 5AM, 8AM or 11AM PST sessions.
Tuesday December 21: Solstice at 7:58AM PST
Resurrection energies amplified. Death and rebirth in Zero Point. A profound reconnection with Source/Infinite Creator/Godhead will occur for many. Global meditations and ceremony focused on revelation, resurrection and heart opening. A Divine week for inner revelation to be physicalized, in order to affect global trajectories for 2022.
Zero Point Energies Shifting Realities
It’s a chaotic yet powerful acceleration. Remember this is what we are here for; to facilitate the New Earth transformation. Show the way of Divine Neutrality, Peace, and Unity Consciousness. To Love, not to judge. Applied Unity Consciousness: Everything we do personally, affects the whole.
These frequencies read our Divine DNA like a quantum archive. The Light KNOWS you, Gaia knows who you are and why you are here in this Now. Self-Realization of the Divine Self and Source is fully supported during this passage. Use the Light wisely, dear hearts.
With our Crystalline structures activated, we are able to receive more information and activation frequencies. Have you noticed how expansive and radiant the SUNday Unity Meditation fields are Now? This is a strong passage for Unity Consciousness, and all of the Heart-based gifts and skills it provides.
You might notice the push toward a new expression; Zero Point cuts through the illusion to reveal what our highest trajectory and choices are. Revelation of this higher path requires change during this passage; dismantling of the old can get intense. Have faith, stay centered, maintain balance while honoring the Divine shifts.
Eclipse-Solstice Webinar Replay
We had a powerful online event last weekend covering these new energies, transformation, resurrection, heart opening, and preparing for 2022.
I spoke about my own transformation and experiences, and the Masters had guidance on the dissociation sensations of this phase.
The Unity field is palpable, and our transformation is evident. The replay is available at
SUNday Unity Meditations
This is a profound moment for physicalizing higher choices, and unifying in peaceful meditation. Our quantum, telepathic connections are amplified with these waves of plasma.
It’s hard to describe the new frequencies distributed and amplified each week in these meditations. I dissolve into the beauty and intensity of Divine LoveLight flowing in our sessions.
Participate in the Global Unity Meditations to assist in co-creating the highest experience for all concerned. Blessed are the Peacemakers, dear hearts. All are needed in thought, feeling, word and action. Details at
Send Love and Crystalline Plasma to all of HUmanity as often as possible.
In Love, Light and Service,
ABRAHAM HICKS ~ Put Your Focus On This, & Manifestations Will Come So Easy, IT WILL BE ASTONISHING!
You will be the ones to demonstrate what is possible, so long as you’re not doing it for the sake of the ego, or to prove to people that you were right all along.
We Needed to Get Permission to Give You This Message ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very pleased to be able to give you the following transmission. Sometimes we must get permission from the higher selves of each individual who will receive the message before we can proceed, and that was the case this time around, because we only can give you that which will serve you vibrationally, spiritually, psychologically, and in every other imaginable way. That is why we sometimes need approval before moving ahead with a transmission. This transmission is about the way you all are shifting energetically as awakened ones, as what we refer to as ‘The Awakened Collective.’
You are there to shift before the rest of humanity, but to also be able to lower your vibration enough to still serve them is of paramount importance. You cannot just leave the rest of humanity behind, as some people have speculated. That’s not the type of shift you signed up for, and it’s not the one you are going to have, but you do have to serve as examples to the rest of humanity. And therefore, holding you back from showing your true selves is not working anymore. You must be allowed to operate as your fifth-dimensional selves, with a higher percentage of your light body turned on. You must be able to demonstrate the powers that you have been honing throughout the time that you’ve been awake, and that means you must have access to more of your gifts and abilities and also your fifth-dimensional abilities.
So there is a certain amount of limitation that is being lifted from the consciousness of each and every member of the awakened collective, because it is time for you to demonstrate what is possible to everyone else. That is why Yeshua walked on water; it was not to show off. It was to demonstrate what was possible. And so, you will be the miracleworkers. You will be the ones to demonstrate what is possible, so long as you’re not doing it for the sake of the ego, or to prove to people that you were right all along. It will be used sparingly for those who are ready to awaken and who need that little nudge, who need something that they can sink their teeth into so to speak, and that’s what you will give them in those moments.
But you will also be operating more as your higher selves, more with those light bodies, which will give you a different energy field. You will appear in a different way to people, and they will be inspired by you and want to know what your secret is, but this time you won’t be telling them about your diet, your skin care regimen, or the supplements you’re taking. You’ll be telling them about consciousness, about who and what they really are, and about the power of focus, the power of intention, the power of vibration. These are the lessons that people need at this time, and they need to know it so much more than they need to know about what’s going on out there in the world, behind the scenes, in the dark shadows. And so, we speak directly to the awakened collective, because we want you to know how your roles are changing, how your bodies are changing, and how your consciousness is changing, because it’s time for you to be who you really are and to not let anything or anyone stand in the way of that.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
We know that you are going to make it as individuals, and as a collective, and we know that you have the potential to enjoy the experience more.You don’t have to see it as something you just survive, but rather, it can be a ride like none other, a joyous journey, where you are prancing through fields of tulips.
Is Humanity Going to Make It? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are awakening within each and every one of you pathways to new realities, new timelines, new experiences, new energies, new versions of yourselves. We help to make it possible for you all to believe in the validity these new aspects of life on Earth, these new potentials for all of you. And we do that in a variety of ways. We hold the knowing so strongly within ourselves, as we connect with you, and as we sprinkle the energies that we do into your fields, that you cannot help but pick up on that knowing. We are to you what another human being is who knows exactly what they are doing and how to handle a situation that you would find anxiety-provoking to say the least, and when you are in the presence of that person, your anxiety is automatically diminished by their certainty, by how positive they are that they can handle the situation at hand.
We know that you are going to make it as individuals, and as a collective, and we know that you have the potential to enjoy the experience more. You don’t have to see it as something you just survive, but rather, it can be a ride like none other, a joyous journey, where you are prancing through fields of tulips. You have the ability to choose, and you have the ability to vibrate in harmony with the better experiences, the better timelines, the better versions of yourselves. You do get there with help; there’s always help.
When you are born, you have people there with you, adults, usually your parents, who know what to do. They know a little bit more about this world that you have forgotten so much about, and that gives them the capacity to help you in a variety of ways, and most often they do. You benefit from the stability of their energy, the fact that they know how to get food and get it to you, how to get clothing and put it on you, and so on. Everyone has help all the time, and then when you receive help, when you become the stabilizing force for humanity, or for those close to you, then you get to transform someone with your presence, with your knowing, with that certainty that you now have that everything is going to be all right, that humanity is going to make it, and that this shift in consciousness is inevitable.
It’s the ride you signed up for, and it’s the only game in town, so you might as well play it consciously, and you might as well have fun while you’re doing it. We are sprinkling those energies into your fields right now, because we want you to see your own potential. We want you to see how good life there on Earth can be and will be if you allow it to be and if you choose it to be, and we are here for you eternally to hold that space, just as we know you are there to do the same for your fellow humans, and you have our infinite appreciation for spreading the energies around.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Transitionning into the New Financial System.
I decided to write something exclusively about our New Financial System (also called Quantum Financial System) seen from my perspective because the old Financial system (fiat) is one that has played a very significant role in our lives for so many years and generations. And maybe you find that the way i express myself is a little funny/strange since i speak of it in the past, witnessing currently so much of it collapsing in all levels. (Archangel Michael : When the system finally does collapse the new one will already be up and running, so there will be little work in order to create a transition. The ones who are going to crash the economic system are you. Not the Alliance, not God – You will do so. | FEEL MORE THAN FINE)
But, you coming on this website, know very well, i am not about speaking of what is rather about creating the new.
Yes, i am in full appreciation of what is and live in the now and enjoy every moment in my life however this may appear and also feeling so much eagerness of what is to come. Usually in the early morning hours i feel more about going into meditation, yet this morning a voice guided and inspired me to write specifically about the financial system. In a flash moment everything that i and we have been through individually and collectively because of luck of financial means strack me all at once. I thought to myself, wow! a world where this burden is lifted and money is available like the air we breath for all, how much will our lives change just because of that? In this moment i have again pictures and memories from all the suffering we have been through in our lives, all the wars, all the sicknesses, all the losses, all the negativity, all the separations with partners, lovers and loved ones generations after generations. Yes, it is very painful. Luck of financial means was a huge limiting factor of our freedom and freedom of expressions in so many levels. And indeed this has all been created by a Consciousness of separation from God Source Creator as an experiment in order to witness what does not work as souls living in our costumes called human bodies. I am sure you reading this right now , unless you were born into extreme riches, can feel the heavy weight and extend of traumatic experiences we have been through both individually and collectively. Very possibly it is something that still is present in your subconscious acting without you even know anything about it and governing your thoughts and day to day actions. And so now i want us to do something together as we are guided and supported by Saint Germain, Archangel Zadkiel, The Dragons of the Unlimited Unconditional Love and The Amethyst Crystals across Earth that invite us to cast all these memories and all causes into the violet flamme of Transmutation and Tranfiguration : Transmute Transmute by the Violet Fire All Causes and Cores not of God’s Desire x 3.
See and feel all these memories vanishing for ever asking that all subconscious memories be also cast away for ever in this now.
Breath In Deeply, Breath Out Completely x 3.
Allow the Violet Flamme do the work, it may take a few moments, it may take a few days or weeks, depending on where you stand in your journey.
Every time that a bad memory of luck and limitation comes into your mind Blaze the Violet Flamme and cast it away, thanking it for the lesson.
Thank You Memories for your lesson and Thank You All Light Beings for assisting me and all Humanity.
Breath In Deeply, Breath Out Completely x 3.
Feel The Power of Gratitude in this now. Feel it within all your cells and in through and around all your protons and electrons , radiating out to all Life. Breath it In and Out. Feel It. Be It. Let your Gratitude be heard out out loud if you like: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU GOD CREATOR SOURCE! I LOVE YOU. YOU ARE ME, I AM YOU! IT IS JUST WOW!WOW!WOW!
And as we move through these next weeks entering 2022, allow the new to shape itself without trying to control, just feeling into the joy of A world where money will be available for all like the air we breath in order to create The New, in order to support what one loves to do loving what one does guided by Higher Self in aligment with God Source Creator that is ONE and The Same for All.
I invite you to feel into what freedom will do in people’s lives, to feel into the extend of release of technologies like Free Energy and Healing and Rejuvenation Medbeds/Celestial chambers and Hover / Flying Cars and Abundance of Fresh Organic Food and Water for all and Homes of their likes to live in for all and everything else that your beautiful minds can conceive. Feel into these images ,into these visions, drawning and writting them down and writting next to it : THIS OR BETTER! Because Truth be told, the world that is about to unfold shortly and i am speaking of months here will be unrecognizable and for much much much better that our minds can not conceive yet. (Do you remember how personal computers changed your world? Multiply those changes by 10,000, and you will barely conceive of how different your world will be within months. | FEEL MORE THAN FINE)
Our best tool is to feel into those and attract those. Feel into a Financial System that is available for all : You want to create something that makes your heart sing? here you go, as Quantum Technology reads your thoughts and intentions calculating all factors to check if your intention serves The Highest Good for All Doing No Harm.
Feel into the new and let it be magnetized in your reality in this now as New Earth is already here.
Feel into all that.
Feel More Than Fine.
Nikos Akrivos
PS. i made this dance track on 432hz a while ago, this is perfect creation/manifestation tool to dance it all out once you read this post 🙂
Do you remember how personal computers changed your world? Multiply those changes by 10,000, and you will barely conceive of how different your world will be within months.
Dear Ones,
We, of the Universes, have spoken several times about how chaotic the next few weeks will be – for all earth entities and the earth.
Even so, you often feel as if you have correct answers and directions. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth, for those directions have not yet been created. Your assumptions about your correctness are based on your 3D earth experiences instead of a new world.
Granted, you have some inkling of what you want your new world to be. You dream of a life filled with peace, contentment, and joy. Dreams little different than your concept of a heaven filled with angelic beings dressed in white with golden halos and a loving countenance.
What you now define as peace and contentment has little to do with what your new world will be like.
That is not to say you have never experienced what you are about to create, but instead that you have only done so in dreams and fairy tales. For your fairy tales have more to do with your new being than any of your earth lives.
Your thoughts likely revert to the emotional and physical pain your fairy tale characters experienced instead of their happy endings. Not because you are limited in your vision, but because you seldom experienced happy endings in any of your earth lives.
Many of you think of financial abundance as a large part of your new peace and contentment. Such might be so. But instead of the primary reward or goal, financial stability will be a portion of that contentment.
Financial markers have been promoted worldwide because commerce, outer-directed power, and industry were the power holders throughout 3D earth. So it is you believe that once you have financial abundance, you will be content. Even though such might be true, 5D and beyond contentment is more than finances. It is about waking up every day excited about the experiences that are before you or you created. It is about love for yourself and the love of others – connections of love and joy instead of power struggles.
Money will be a minimal portion of who you become.
You will not ignore or deny financial freedom but instead, accept it as part of your new world. Not something you strive for, but something that happens automatically as you create what you need when you need it.
The old world view was that you might be rewarded with financial freedom if you worked diligently or were born or married into a wealthy family. Economic freedom was never a 3D given. That freedom was a golden ring almost impossible to grasp as your 3D merry-go-around spun faster and faster, creating stress or physical illness within you.
Financial freedom will no longer be a goal, for it will just be. Similar to having air to breathe. This is a new age in a new time with new factors to assimilate or achieve. Finances are of the past. Creating a new world is your future.
Most of you reading this message have difficulties conceiving of life without financial goals, distractions, or fears. You are so enmeshed in the economic realms that no other world seems possible.
Perhaps it will help you better understand this concept if you address it from a historical perspective. Initially, humans were most interested in maintaining their physical bodies through hunting or gathering. Those who were better hunters or more industrious became the leaders, and eventually, kings and queens or whatever title comes to mind. In turn, the majority forced those kings and queens to allow a bit more even distribution of power and money. A few hundred years later, democracy became a key concept even though the envisioned distribution of power and money was never completely actualized. Such is what those of you in 5D or beyond will be creating.
Even so, finances will be part of your world until those of you, in power of yourselves, understand that, like Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ, you have always had the power to create a life of peace and joy; you just never realized that truth. Or, more important for this message – it was not time for you to realize that part of your being.
Such is your history but not your future.
It is time to shed your preconceived ideas of how or when you will be content and in peace. For you do not yet fully understand what contentment and peace mean in your new world.
Do you remember how personal computers changed your world? Multiply those changes by 10,000, and you will barely conceive of how different your world will be within months.
So stop worrying, planning, or anything other than resting and relaxing as your physical, emotional, and spiritual being accepts the sometimes overwhelming energies flying through your being and world the next few weeks. Expect nothing of yourself, for now, other than adapting to and accepting your soon-to-be new world. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:
A disruption of energy serves to bring clarity — bless it.
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel ~ Bringing Clarity into Chaos
A disruption of energy serves to bring clarity — bless it.
Dear One,
The Divine Presence is an energy which is omnipotent, everywhere present and has infinite capacity for good. This energy flows through you and surrounds you at all times. There is never a time when you are not a part of this energy flow of God, which is Divine Love. In this you can place your trust.
You can also be assured that regardless of where you are or what the situation is, all energies flow to the highest good for all concerned, at all times.
Just as a storm can clear the air with its cleansing rain, a disruption of energy also serves to bring clarity.
This disruption is a blessing that may come disguised as that which you do not want in your world. Sometimes knowing what you don’t want is the quickest way to knowing what you do want for yourself in all situations. Clarity of mind is necessary in order to bring about that which you would like to see manifested in every area of your life.
Daily life is the cosmic educational system. Every disruption of energy has something to teach. You are here to learn and to grow from your experiences. It’s important to remember that it is possible to learn from Joy as well as pain. This is your choice.
A disruption of the status quo creates change. Though change is often uncomfortable, it is intended to bring you continually closer to God. This is your larger life goal, and it’s helpful to remember this “bigger picture” when changes occur. It is often the energy from a disruptive circumstance that can propel you to your greater good.
Changes are upsetting because you do not know what is coming into your life and this may cause you to feel fearful. But please remember that whatever comes to you can be a significant opportunity for spiritual growth and that you have Angels to walk with you through these changing times.
You can ask for what you want. Claim the greater good that will come from the disruption that has occurred. Ask for the perfect outworking for all concerned in any situation. When you desire that which is for the highest good of all, you set in motion the forces of the universe to support you. All that you need is miraculously provided when you are in alignment with your inner being.
So when upsets happen, bless them. Write them down, place your hand over the writing and imagine brilliant, divine light, which is God’s healing energy, working through the situation. Claim Divine Order and know that God and the Angels are available to assist in a perfect outpouring for your highest good.
Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel for today:
A disruption of energy serves to bring clarity — bless it.
Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
When the system finally does collapse the new one will already be up and running, so there will be little work in order to create a transition. The ones who are going to crash the economic system are you. Not the Alliance, not God – You will do so.
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Light Angelic Warrior Group.
We are nearing a cross point, an apex in the journey of rectifying the wrongs on planet Earth. This cross point will appear slowly within the next couple of months. It involves the crash of the economic system and it will begin to appear to all that it is happening.
When the system finally does collapse the new one will already be up and running, so there will be little work in order to create a transition.
The ones who are going to crash the economic system are you. Not the Alliance, not God – You will do so.
You are wondering how you will do this. You will do this via your thoughts. You understand that there is a new quantum computer system running on the planet, and you believe it is already underway and it is. However there are two systems running concurrently – God’s system and the system of evil. It is a question of which system you invest in, which system you believe in, which system you question as being faulty and which one you see as being more powerful.
Why do you not believe that the process of people waking up on the planet is so important? It is the most important factor in all of this. You are going through an individual experience collectively. This collective must stand on the side of God, the side of goodness, so more and more people continue to wake up.
The key factor in all of this is the mind, not your physical reality. Yes, people continue to struggle within the confines of the old economic system, but their minds seek out a better way of life for themselves and their families. Yes, people watch the news and they are upset with what they are seeing, but their minds are seeking out a better way of life for themselves and their families. Yes, they continue to get masks, perhaps they feel helpless and get inoculated in order to keep their jobs, but all of these things are making them think of a better way for themselves and their families. As they always have done!
The energies incoming now are the better way. These energies will now sync with your minds and what you desire to create. Most people on earth want better for themselves, and now this will be created – because it can be. Restrictions imposed upon your minds in history disallowed for this to happen. Now it can happen because these restrictions have been removed.
That is the difference. It is what your minds want, not what you actually are living right now, that is your future. You all want better for yourselves, and so it shall be.
Know that for many years, eons in fact, while humanity on earth was deposed, their minds asked, begged, prayed and wished for better. It could not happen because of restraints put upon you by the intervenors. Now it can happen because these restraints are gone. Your minds can now resume the task of recreating your world. Keep wanting better for yourselves, and when opportunity is created, take action. The only thing standing in your way now is your belief in the old, so release it. Embrace the new, use your imagination to create goodness for all.
On that note, today’s task will be to focus upon Australia. The original natives are suffering from prejudice and you see now that this is about global genocide. Please focus your Love and Light, your prayers on Australia in general and on these peoples specifically and strengthen them in order to strengthen their minds.
This is all about manifestation, nothing else. This is a battle of the minds – the minds of the demiurge as it seeks to destroy you, and your minds as you seek to find freedom from this scourge.
I am Archangel Michael. I am with you, you are with me, we are powerful, we are Legion.
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega
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Rejoice that the negativity presently surfacing is helping to awaken a sleeping majority to a state of awareness that is interested in bringing about change .
Arcturian Group Message 11/28/21
NOVEMBER 28, 2021
Dear readers, we come to you in love with words of encouragement as the world around you appears to be crumbling in so many ways. Obsolete traditions, beliefs, and rules about the “right way” to do everything born of beliefs in duality, separation, and two powers are in fact crumbling in order for new and higher forms of them to manifest.
Be not afraid dear ones, as you look out onto a world that seems to be collapsing under its own weight of negativity and violence for in reality all is proceeding according to plan. You may think that it certainly doesn’t look as if anything positive is happening, but the beliefs that have created unfair laws, wars, and separation between people and other life forms are beginning to be recognized for what they represent by increasingly more people.
We have spoken often of love as being the energetic connection between all individual expressions of Divine Consciousness. Love connects all forms of life and all kingdoms (animal, plant, elemental, as well as human) because there is, always has been, and only ever will be ONE infinite omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient Consciousness the world calls God. The ONE expresses ITself in infinite form and variety but the realities of ONEness can only express outwardly through individual states of consciousness.
This is why it is useless to tell someone to be more loving because they can’t be more loving than their state of consciousness allows. In and of themselves, humans have no love to give because all love is in and of God flowing through individuals at the level of their attained state of consciousness. Spiritual evolution gradually expands and opens a limited human state of consciousness to where it can begin to access and flow the qualities of their already fully present ONEness.
There is no unexpressed consciousness. A consciousness already filled with beliefs of separation, duality, and two powers will automatically express these beliefs in and as material form.
Compassion, patience, gratitude, courtesy, etc. are facets of love, not human characteristics. They flow through, not from individual consciousness. This is true of all God qualities–abundance, harmony, intelligence, wisdom, peace, completeness, wholeness, law, cause and effect etc. etc. You are witnessing the struggles of a world in the midst of awakening out of a universal consciousness of separation and into one that reflects the connection of ONEness.
Many are feeling the urge to make things better for those they see struggling and are reaching out with their talents, abilities, and goods. This indicates that their consciousness is opening to love and the idea of oneness. Many who have never before felt a desire to help others are being touched by the adversity they see around them and are acting on it. This is how spiritual evolution works, step over step, lesson after lesson, until at some point these reminders are no longer needed and the soul flies free as ITself.
Take advantage of these powerful times because they offer opportunities to be the Light that will bring change while at the same time shining a path for those confused and in fear. You need do nothing or say nothing other than perhaps a smile, a hand on the arm, or a look into someone’s eyes that says; “I know and acknowledge you who really are”.
Your acknowledgement of another’s Divinity in spite of outer appearances can lift or even heal them if they are the least bit receptive (able to align). Some are simply not ready or are choosing not to move spiritually forward and that is fine because free will allows everyone to move at their own pace. However, you who are spiritually awake have already chosen to evolve or you wouldn’t be where you are now or reading these messages.
Trust. Trust that your Higher Self is guiding and drawing to you the experiences that align with your highest good which at times may not seem very good if judged by human standards. Trust that your Higher Self knows you inside and out because your Higher Self is YOU, the YOU that has never left full awareness.
It may seem as if nothing is happening for you, but once you say “I am ready. I want more. I want to spiritually evolve…” the spiritual train leaves the station and for a while it can be a bumpy, painful ride because spiritual evolution is the process of dissolving all that is false in order to bring forth that which is real. It is the clearing out and then moving on from the energetic clutter accumulated through having lived many, many lifetimes immersed in the the third dimensional belief system.
Allow your personal journey to unfold, trusting that your Higher Self is running the show and you will find that the right opportunities to assist or contribute in some way will be drawn to you. You need not go looking for things to change or fix, but rather your ability to simply hold the Light of truth will automatically draw to you the people, places, and situations seeking Light in some form because energy always seeks to align with like energy.
Resist the temptation to look back with longing at “better times” which in reality are simply concepts. In order to move forward physically, emotionally, and mentally, the good and the bad of the past must be let go in order for the higher and better forms of your highest good to manifest. The past is complete and finished energy. To continue looking to or longing for something from the past serves only to block what may be awaiting ahead for you.
Some continue dwelling on the past in the false belief that everything was better then. The past can look better in many ways when compared with today simply because the negativity and darkness now being exposed was hidden in the past, covered up, and not discussed openly but was just as fully present. Rejoice that the negativity presently surfacing is helping to awaken a sleeping majority to a state of awareness that is interested in bringing about change .
Your work as awakened beings of Light is vital to the ascension of the planet and is why you chose to leave your comfortable seats in the balcony where you could have remained as observers. The guidelines for living on earth at this time are to witness and be aware of what is taking place in the world without allowing your energy to align with the lower resonating negative energy defining much that is now happening.
Clear your energy field with Light often and don’t be afraid to ask your Guides for help if or when you feel yourself slipping into alignment with some negative situation or person. It is easy to slip into lower resonating energy when out and about or in crowds. Remember that even though you are surrounded by three dimensional energy, being of it is your choice.
Some who came to serve have gotten lost in the hypnotism of the three dimensional experience, but most are holding true to their mission in spite of many ups and downs.
Remember, all is proceeding according to plan–a Divine plan that no three dimensional thinking, action, or belief can divert because…
God alone is power.
We are the Arcturian Group 11/28/21
Happy Holidays – Just Add Love!
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 11/27/2021
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Upon your earth, something magical transpires over the holidays. A vast majority of you take time, no matter what is going on upon your planet to love. You take time to love your homes. You take time to share love with those dear to you. Through charitable acts, you share love with those less fortunate and those whom you will never meet. You put on beautiful music, set a festive table, and take time to prepare meals with love. You share of your hearts more easily with one another as you run your errands, and you take the time to focus on the only thing that will matter at the end of your lives, which is Love.
Your planet’s light increases during each holiday season, and has done so for ages… in times of peace and times of war, times of well-being and times of sickness, times of abundance and times of lack. No matter what is going on externally, you take time to focus on love. We have watched throughout the ages as even those in war-torn countries, who had very little to give, would gather up natural materials and make a little decoration, or scrape together a few fresh vegetables from the root cellar and share a big pot of soup.
Dear ones, you are incredibly resilient, resourceful, and always able to find ways to express love no matter how great or how small. The scale of your actions never matters. The energy behind them always does.
So this holiday season make it your resolve to be part of the lights of Season. Light up your world with love. Be kind to strangers in the stores as you run around, or if you don’t, leave a little note of love for those who deliver your wares. Write your cards, if you send them, and then hold them to your heart and say a heartfelt prayer for them before you send. Wrap your presents with love. Pray that the receiver feels your love. Make your meals with love and bless the food before you eat, so that it nourishes and nurtures you. If you put up decorations put up ones you love and donate the rest.
We need your love and light upon the earth dear friends. Whatever you do, do it with love. Even things that don’t seem at all related to “spirituality” are spiritual if done with love. You can choose to be part of a rising tide of love.
You can choose to let your words and deed proclaim, “God is alive. Love is alive. Well-being is alive. Abundance is alive. Peace is alive…. and I know this to be true because these things live in my heart, emanate from my heart, and are indeed the “reason for the season.” For just as love was incarnate in a manger, and the lights miraculously burned in the lamp, Love and miracles await those who are willing to focus upon them.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels