You were chosen specifically for this time and you have done well, very well.

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian high Council Through Valerie Donner March 31, 2023

black and white laptop
Photo by Prateek Katyal on

Greetings: I am Mira. I am from the Pleiadian high Council, however, I work full-time with the Earth Council for the ascension of the planet.

Ascension is the focal point on the Earth right now. There’s nothing more important and it is moving swiftly in this process. This is a transitional time for the planet. It is not time to follow the anxious path but to follow the path of light. Some of you may be having recurring dreams, or new dreams, about what you will be doing and are learning about yourself. Some of you may be very tired and need a lot more sleep. Quite a few of you are being affected by all of the solar activity, which is necessary for the activation of the wave of love, also known as the Solar Flash.

Please be assured that all is in good hands, that the Creator is with you, along with the most adept and experienced designers of light and creation. You have nothing to worry about. There are some who do not believe in The Event but they will experience it regardless. The best thing to do now is to allow your body what it needs if you experience some of the energies from the solar activity. This has sped up rapidly in the last few months.

You have a few more hurdles to go through as you make your way fully into the fifth dimension and higher. Your bodies are still adjusting and adapting to these energies. You may have new preferences for food, what you want to wear, who you want to be with, and what you are doing. Please pay attention to what you are doing and with whom you are spending time. See how it feels to be with some of these people. Do you feel uplifted and inspired, or drained? Your energy is valuable and important. It needs to be directed in the correct places. You also need to keep your frequency high and not let others lower it by their behavior or frequency. This can be challenging.

Make room in your life for all that uplifts and inspires you, and for what brings you joy and happiness. Create this in a context of beauty and sweetness. Allow magic and miracles to flow in abundance for everything that you need. Pay attention to everything that is going on around you. Listen to your body’s senses and what it is telling you under every circumstance in which you find yourself. What feels right and what doesn’t? This is all a part of the great awakening.

There is a deepening going on within humanity that touches the heart and soul in a profound way. With this deepening you will only do that which resonates with your heart. Therefore, you will be making new choices and changes that are in alignment with these feelings. The depth takes you to the truth, and, of course, the truth will set you free.

It was set up to be this way so that humanity could find its way out of the darkness. For too many incarnations on the Earth, humanity has had to muddle through life based on lies and deception. The light has touched the hearts of humanity so that this old overshadowing will no longer be able to exist. This is part of Ascension, I am happy to say.

Before you came to the Earth you made a promise to the Creator that you would see these times through. You said that you would provide your light, your love and your energy to assist in raising the consciousness of the Earth and all of life. You were chosen specifically for this time and you have done well, very well.

Thank you! We are grateful to you for all that you’ve done being the best of the very best of ascension teams. You are the chosen ones and you are deeply loved and appreciated throughout all of creation.

I am Mira loving you in every aspect of this ascension process.

You are privileged to be on the Earth at this time. I think you know that because this is a huge grand shift of monumental proportions. You came to be on the planet right now. -Apollo through Valerie Donner-

Straight from the Heart

March 31, 2023

Dear Ground Crew:

Here is the latest from Apollo: “This is what I want to say to you today. You are privileged to be on the Earth at this time. I think you know that because this is a huge grand shift of monumental proportions. You came to be on the planet right now. We want you to know that all is well from our perspective. We are at the initial phase of gathering some of you together to assist with envisioning and co-creating the New Earth. Some of you may be in shock at the “Call into Action” that was originated from the Galactic’s and called forth by Lumina. Others were ignited right away. Regardless of what you are doing now, it is important you listen to the call in your heart. Ask how you can participate in raising the consciousness of the planet to bring in more light and co-create the New Earth. Right now this is a formless form of capable beings who are being called together to make this possible. You’ve been prepared for this before you incarnated. We know you will accomplish and achieve all that you designed for your project. Please heed my words. Back them up with some action. Start somewhere. Get creative. We are with you! Thank you!”

In case some of you did not read the last message from March 17, 2023 it was entitled “A Call into Action.” Some of you were able to make the call so the process has been started. Lumina did a powerful light activation for the group. Some people said it gave them a boost of energy to do more of their work. It was profound. An email group was started along with a Signal group.

These are the questions to ask yourself:

  • What will the New Earth look like?
  • What will the New Earth feel like?
  • Where would you like to place your energies and your heart’s calling?
  • Who would you like to work with and what causes do you want to put your energy into?
  • What you do you feel the priorities should be as we step in the higher consciousness?
  • Do you have a certain role that you feel you’ll be playing in the ascension process for the New Earth?
  • What are your passions for how to choose to live in new higher consciousness?
  • What are your gifts and what is your expertise? This could be something like entertainment, music, art, technology, education, research, science, medicine, working with children or animals, or library sciences and administration.

Lumina is a powerful leader of the New Earth. In this activation she lit the switch to ignite the fire on the Earth. It is all going to be new and the old world will disappear. It is already happening. The portals and floodgates of love that only heaven can design are now open. The New Earth will be a place where all will want to visit. The colors will be vivid with lots of new hues. There will be rainbows everywhere with sparkly sunlight that will fill the air. You will breathe every breath of clean and pure energy light. You will see it in everything.

Dream your dreams. Find ways to love life. Act when inspired.

dream text on green leaves
Photo by Karyme França on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

So many of you put so much pressure on yourselves to”get moving,” 
“be productive,” or “do something worthwhile” when you might otherwise want to rest, ponder, and dream. You might not yet understand that in your rest, pondering, and dreaming, you are taking time to recalibrate your vibration into a higher and happier space. You are leveraging energy vs. action. It is wise to listen to these urges when they arise.

The tendency to be harsh with yourself when you are not producing is unnatural. It is not native to the soul to judge itself for any reason. You learned to use external criteria to evaluate your worth. Your soul already knows you are worthy. You learned to “make things happen by the sweat of your brow,” whereas your soul knows all possibilities already exist in the world of energy, or the “mind of God.” Your soul sees you as a human tuner who can tune into any possibility to call it forth into your physical universe.

Do an experiment this week. Pick something you enjoy – lemons, kittens, a necklace you liked, a scent, a song, or a movie. Anything you enjoy thinking about will work. Perhaps you’ll choose a childhood pet or someone you love who is in heaven. You can choose something you want to experience, such as a tropical vacation or some extra money. Choose the first thing that pops into your mind.

Now think about this person, thing, or situation with great love. Think about it or them with appreciation. Think about interactions you’ve enjoyed in the past or ones you’d love to have. Imagine tasting that wonderful meal, wearing that necklace, petting those kittens, or feeling the presence of your loved one in heaven.

The only criterion is that your thoughts must please you! They must make you feel good. If you can’t find ideas that feel good on your subject, choose a new one. Luxuriate in your good-feeling thoughts.

Then write down the object of your loving attention and let go. Go about your work. Stay as positive as you can. See what shows up. See for yourselves how the universe begins to deliver the essence of what you desire with only a little energetic attunement and absolutely no effort on your part. See what happens. If you don’t get any evidence this week, wait and let the universe work its magic. Your first indication that you are drawing something to yourself is that you feel good thinking about it. If that is already happening, you’re done until you receive an inspiration to act.

You just spent a few moments being incredibly productive. You just saved yourself minutes to a lifetime’s worth of effort. You just set the entire universe in motion to bring you more of what you desire. If you need to act, you’ll feel inspiration. If not, relax. Enjoy your day.

Creation, as we know it, is a process of imagining new ways to experience or express love. It involves attuning your vibration to these desires by thinking of them with love and then taking only inspired and guided action.

Sometimes, the action you are inspired to take will be minimal. What you desire can sometimes appear in ways that are hard to explain. Problems often take care of themselves. Schedules will reorganize themselves as if by magic. Elegant solutions will pop into your mind.  

In other cases, you’ll have to put forth significant effort to manifest a dream or solve a challenge. However, if you act only when inspired, your work will be effective, efficient, and meaningful. Inspired action from a loving vibration will never feel like a struggle. It will be a joy. It will feel wonderful.

The most productive and worthwhile thing you can do is to spend time loving your ideas, dreaming your dreams, and enjoying the anticipation of your desires. Then and only then, act when inspired.

Time spent attuning your energy to a loving state of being is priceless, productive, leveraged time. If we were to write a book on productivity, the message would be short. “Dream your dreams. Find ways to love life. Act when inspired.” We do indeed find long-winded ways to convey this message, and we repeat it often because we are working to take you beyond your conditioned struggles into a joyful reality that has always been there but is very new to much of the human race.

You don’t need to push, bully, or criticize yourselves to be productive. Negating or judging yourself by superficial standards is not helpful. Instead, remember that you are energetic beings living in an energetic universe where actions taken from a loving energy are efficient, productive, inspired, and effective. Acting from any other space rarely works well.

You can see so many examples of these principles. Some people attract relationships easily. They live and act from their own joy. Other people are delightful souls, but they live and act from a place of feeling unworthy or trying to get others to love them. As a result, they find relationships a struggle. If you want someone to love you, love being you.

Some people attract money easily. They focus on their abundance of ideas or a loving service they wish to offer. They feel abundant and therefore attract abundance. Others can give unceasingly, but with a focus on lack, there can be no return.

Some people seem “lucky.” They count their blessings, look for the good, and see opportunity. As a result, “luck” finds them. It isn’t luck, of course. It is just vibrational law. The so-called “unlucky” tend to focus more on what doesn’t work. They have come to expect frustrations and obstacles, and as a result, their energy does not allow for the flow, ease, and grace you call luck.

We understand that external life can trigger you to focus in undesirable ways. Ultimately, you get to decide what you think, where you place your attention, and how much time you will give to any topic. You get to decide to use your mind or to allow it to use you. You, dear ones, can choose struggle or choose ease. Instead of pressuring yourselves to “get going,” try “being.” Focus your energy on feeling good and thinking thoughts that uplift you. 

The most productive, effective, efficient action will always be that which you are inspired to take when you are in a vibration of love.

Remember, dear ones, from heaven’s view, everything you do or don’t do, as long as you do or don’t do it in a vibration of love, is worthwhile.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ You Were Born Ready for This

Dear Ones, all living creatures on the planet, including you, are geared towards evolution. There is an innate wisdom within you that will guide you if you take the time to quiet your mind and listen to your inner knowing. You are in unprecedented energies, which means you are experiencing them for the first time. You would not send yourself onto a planet to experience this being unprepared!

You have everything you need to be successful. You have your own inner Wise One who is more than prepared for the times you are in, and you have an entire team of helpers ready to assist and guide you if you need extra help. It is time to trust your ability to intuitively move through the shift with the same built-in instincts that animals use to adapt to new conditions. You don’t need to hone it,  develop it or have it given to you ~ it is already part of you. You simply need to accept that it exists, and allow it to lead the way.

And while you are driving the shift through your conscious desire to evolve, the shift is also serving you by allowing you to hone even more skills. Not knowing what is next allows you to open to new possibilities, and to navigate one now moment at a time. Intense energies teach you to prioritize self care and tend to your needs.

Not knowing, along with energetic intensity, creates the perfect circumstances that allow you to get more comfortable with surrender, and flowing with faith and trust ~ the exact elements of the Divine Combination that is the operating system of the higher energies and the empowered human being.

Do you see? You are doing a magnificent job just by being you. You were born ready for this. You will not mess it up, we promise. In fact, the shift is well under way, and there is nothing that can stop the momentum it has gathered now. So rest

easy and keep doing what feels right and aligned for you. Phase one is complete, and phase two is where it really starts to get interesting.

Stellar (New Album 432hz) – Nikos Akrivos Be The first to listen here.

High vibes everyone,

i have been busy in the studio creating some tunes to uplift everyone through dynamic meditation, here is a preview of the first 3 tracks.

Lightworker is a track i created offering a dynamic meditation combined with the rhythm of your breath in a slow bpm. Follow the rhythm of the beats and my voice to expand your Light in through and around you. INjoy.

As we welcome New Earth let us gather again physically , celebrate and share our love for one another and all life in clarity and authenticity!
Keep on dancing!

Now i invite you to rap along this mantra 🙂

press play and keep on moving to the beats 🙂

We are rising rising and we keep on dancing.
No time for Drama, instead sing along this mantra:
I Am peace, I Am Love, I Am Light
on a multidimensional flight
I Am Joy, Freedom and Prosperity
I Am God Being Creator for eternity

Surrencer. Trust . Allow and Receive
What your deepest desires

The Golden Age is here
living young
in a physical body
for a 1000 year
If you like it and want to be so,
your higher self, knows so.

Lyrics : Nikos Akrivos

Your self-love awakening has created many unexpected shifts within your being – not the least of which is your need to care for yourself before others.

Dear Ones,

You do not always understand why your actions and words are now so different. You, a known caretaker, seem colder and more distant. Where is your heart?

Just as your new being is shifting, so are your heart’s actions, or in this case, caretaking actions.

You once assumed caretaking was an indication of how loving you were. But in truth, caretaking, loving others despite physical or emotional harm to yourself, was not love; it was what you thought love should be.

True love is not loving someone to the detriment of yourself – as displayed by abused spouses or parents. Such love is not from within; it is fear-based.

You once believed you would not be loved unless you dedicated yourself to the well-being of others.

Love has now shifted into a knowingness that you must care for yourself as well as others – often displayed with a more standoffish approach. A bit like expecting your child to pick up their toys no matter how long it takes.

You no longer feel the need to protect or save someone from themselves. Nor do you feel the need to listen to their latest fear or ailment once you know intuitively that neither is appropriate for the situation.

Your self-love awakening has created many unexpected shifts within your being – not the least of which is your need to care for yourself before others.

That last statement likely sounds cold to those of you who have not yet experienced this situation with your family, friends, or co-workers.

The first time you state that others can take care of themselves or complete a project without your assistance, you will feel mean and wrong. In 3D, you would have assumed both labels within your being and from the people with whom you interacted. In 3D, “no” was labeled as mean, tough love, selfish, cruel, and thousands of other words indicating you were wrong and society was correct.

Such labels no longer apply. Not because society has shifted that dramatically but because you have. What you once acted upon based on expectations of yourself and, more importantly, society, you are now saying “no” – not in a loud voice, but with a quiet self-love voice that others do not always understand. For where is their caretaker, their cleaner-upper, their emotional servant?

You have not become so cold you refuse to help others. But instead, your aid is now based on your inner feelings instead of social shoulds. So some family and friends will be horrified by your words and actions, for they seem so anti-social, so not what society indicates you should do.

This is an expected shift.

In 3D, you were never trained to experience or express self-love. Instead, your emphasis was caretaking others despite what you needed or wanted. Sacrifice was rewarded. Self-love was labeled anti-social. Those people who practiced self-love before this transition were labeled mean, ungrateful, selfish, and outside society.

The difference between self-love and self-aggrandizement is your inner voice. Your inner being helps you understand the difference between heartless actions – which will result in great inner pain – and heartful actions that will help you sparkle. You are currently learning to discern between the two.

A discernment that is confusing. Even though your inner voice is easily accessible, so are the social rules you are familiar with. And if you follow your inner voice, there will be times when society indicates you are wrong or a bad person.

Will you be strong enough to negate the former rules of your 3D life? Of course. That is, when you are ready to do so, for this is your progressive lesson plan in this new world.

You started with the basics and are graduating to self-love for yourself and others. For there will be times when you must allow others the freedom to be themselves, just as you allow the same for yourself.

But in doing so, some of you will feel you are no longer needed or important. That is until you realize that self-love does not require stepping back, stopping, or hindering your inner development because someone wants you to care for them.

This is a new world in which self-love and love are becoming the key elements in your life and the life of others. Allow yourself to flow into it without self-fear, self-anger, or self-debasement. Your time has come – as is true for all those of the earth who wish to evolve into a new loving being.

At the same time, those who wish to remain in 3D fear are not your concern. They are evolving as they want – as are you. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Play this game to get closer to your desired reality/manifestation. #feelmorethanfine

High vibes every ONE!

These past days have even more been intense with energies from Source cleaning the old debris we no longer need and of course as within so without, we witness even more the destruction of the old structures that includes financial markets and exposure to all those that have used all their mastery to keep their illusion real. We can all collectively witness this now, one way or another and this movie is about to get really really good. So once again, i invite you to take your pop corn and have fun with whatever you observe in the outer world and before anything else make sure to go within for at least 15-20′ to align with your higher self and keep the high vibes juices flowing as much as you can. Playing games to keep vibrations high like writing down every day all things I am grateful for and play a nice tune i like and keep saying thank you and dancing works the miracle for me right after i have breakfast in the morning hours. Did you ever try this ? Here is the feel more than fine tune i produced a while ago. I invite you to do this right now :

  1. Write down all things you are grateful, make a list of at least 20 things.
  2. Play this and dance !

A Moment is Enough

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 03/25/2023

lemon juice on selective focus photography
Photo by DESIGNbyJA on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

We have been working with you for some time to help you raise your vibration and trust your feelings as indicators of your guidance. As you move forward upon your earth, this will become increasingly important. You are learning to calibrate your energy, so you will clearly and quickly know what matches your vibration and what does not.

You are learning to be like a finely tuned radio, willing only to receive your chosen station. As you know, signals from many diverse sources bombard your radios – news broadcasts, weather, propaganda, opinions, music, entertainment, gardening, and so much more! However, if the radio is clearly tuned to a specific channel, then that is all it will receive and share

Similarly, you will receive and broadcast the vibrations you attune to. If you are attuned to joy, you will receive more joyful ideas, bump into cheerful people, and emanate joy. If you are attuned to sadness, you will attract others who may comfort you but not necessarily help you move toward joy. It may be challenging to connect with or benefit from those in a happier state. As you choose one more soothing thought at a time, you will shift out of this sadness into a more hopeful and helpful space.

If you are attuned to the vibration of dis-ease, physical or emotional, you will find plenty of information about how to heal. Without the clear guidance that comes with a focus on well-being, these options might trigger more stress and exacerbate the dis-ease. If instead, you are focused on anything that feels better, eagerly looking forward to what you can do when you feel well, or even just soothing yourself, you will be able to sort through the options and intuitively feel those that can help you the most.

Likewise, if you are attuned to hate – such as hating a particular political ideology – you will attract people, ideas, and articles to support and amplify the discomfort of your hate. By contrast, if you adopt a “live and let live” philosophy and attune yourself to loving the political ideals you love, you will attract people, ideas, and articles that help you promote these ideals in your world.

We want to clarify something here. The heavens and your angels can only support your loving vibrations. We never send you unpleasant people, ideas, thoughts, or situations. The world and other people do that quite well on their own. Instead, we send you joyful, soothing, or inspiring thoughts, love, and people with whom you can interact positively. We steer you toward helpful souls. If you are tuning in to even a little love, we can support that with all our hearts.

So, dear ones, ask yourself frequently, “How do I feel? How does my soul see this moment? How can I focus on things that feel better?” As you do, you consciously and deliberately use your minds as the tuners the Divine intended them to be. You start to take charge of your thoughts and thus your feelings, your vibrations, and your reality.

When you are in a loving vibration, you can trust yourself. When not, defer making critical decisions and drawing conclusions until you are. Nothing is more crucial than slowly and gradually improving your vibration, for this alone determines the degree of flow, grace, and guidance you can receive.

Don’t beat yourself up when you’re down. Self-criticism won’t elevate you. Instead, you can do something to change your mood and your situation. Reach for a soothing thought. Consider your options. Ask for assistance.

For example, if you feel stuck at the bottom of a stairway, you could say, “I am at the bottom,” do nothing about it and stay there, or you can take the first step. Perhaps you are disabled and can honestly say, “I am stuck here. I cannot walk up the stairs.” However, you can call a friend, ask for help, find the elevator, ask someone else to run your errand upstairs, or ask others for assistance to create a better space on the first floor if this is a living situation.

There will always be valid reasons to feel bad. The world offers them freely. You may have inadvertently created difficult conditions in your life to deal with. Others may have made decisions you wish with all your heart they had not made. You can remain stuck feeling down. We understand. We certainly don’t judge you. Or, you can take steps, one little thought at a time, to feel better. You can remain disconnected from grace, flow, and guidance or ease your way into it, one thought at a time.

Whether you do or not, we love you. We offer steady guidance, hoping you will be open to receiving it, even for a moment. You might feel miserable, but you can still listen to a small positive desire to stop and get a glass of lemonade. When you take that first sip, memories of carefree summers may come flooding back, and in that one moment of a higher vibe, we can get a thought through to you about how to solve your serious challenges.

Take heart, dear ones. You don’t have to exist constantly in a high vibration, although the more you do, the better you feel. Reach for those moments of good feeling, openness, and moments that remind you how deeply and dearly you are loved. It only takes a second of being in a higher vibe to receive the guidance that can turn your situation around.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

By functioning from within 5D consciousness, yourself, you can create your own personal 5D reality.

Vidya Frasier: Creating Your Own 5D Reality

assorted color great board decor lot
Photo by Tim Mossholder on

Waiting for humanity to finally shift into 5D can get so discouraging — especially if you’ve been waiting for this event for quite a while and you’ve been excited about it.

The world’s continuing chaos and humanity’s sluggish progress in waking up to what’s really happening can make it seem as if nothing will ever change – except maybe for the worse. It’s enough to make you want to give up on all your dreams for the future.

Yes, you can accept that the Earth Alliance is likely doing their best; they probably didn’t realize just how widespread and deep the corruption has been. And yes, you can understand that maybe they do have things kind of under their control at this point, as some people claim; perhaps they simply want more people to wake up before they really step in and take some control of what is happening.

But sheesh! How much longer are they going to let things go on this way? How many more people are going to have to die? How many more are going to starve or slip into poverty? It’s enough to make you lose faith and want to give up.


And yet, if you really understand how 5D works, you can realize that at least you, as an individual, don’t have to wait for this new higher dimensional reality to completely arrive on the planet in order to  experience it for yourself. You can create it now in your own personal life.

You can understand that this can occur by shifting into 5D frequency yourself – and then watch how your life starts to shift in order to resonate with this higher frequency.

You can begin to experience a sense of peaceful well-being on a daily basis, excitement about what you’re involved in, and a profound feeling of love and gratitude in your heart, no matter what is occurring out in the world.

You can actually realize that incredible miracles are occurring in your life. You can see that you are being gifted things you didn’t even know you needed till you received them. And you can find yourself suddenly surrounded by people who seem to resonate at the same frequency as you – soul tribe members you would never have thought you’d meet.


You finally learn what the phrase “consciousness creates reality” really means. It becomes clear that it doesn’t matter what is still occurring out in the dying 3D world. By functioning from within 5D consciousness, yourself, you can create your own personal 5D reality.

You may still find you have to continue to go out and function within the 3D world for periods of time; but you won’t be caught up in it. You won’t let it get you down. You will carry your 5D Bubble around with you, wherever you go.

Of course, this isn’t necessarily easy to do on a constant basis. There are likely inner forces that are pulling you down, as old traumas, woundings and negative emotions continue to arise in their process of releasing – as well as the ongoing outer challenging conditions in the world you still have to deal with. But it can be done. The 5D energies are now flooding the planet, here to assist us in this process.


I’ve recently created a two-part series on YouTube to describe this process of creating your own personal 5D reality. I first briefly review what the term “5D” refers to, because there does seem to be some confusion out there about what it is, especially for people new to the term.

And then I describe the aspects of both 3D and 5D consciousness, as I understand them – and I also insert a short piece on what I consider to be 4D consciousness. Within this discussion, I describe how the shift into 5D consciousness can be made on an individual basis, thereby creating a new reality for yourself.

In hearing these descriptions, you may discover you are already falling less and less into 3D consciousness and are experiencing at least certain periods in your life you could call 5D.  It is very exciting!

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Divine Mother: The Golden Age is Here

My beloved sparks of light, aspects of the Divine Self in form, I greet you with great joy and celebration. You have turned the tide. The apex of the storm has passed. Now, let us unpack that statement a little more.

I do not mean that in the morning everything is different. Every jewel you have ever discovered within yourself was the result of a dark night of the soul. You had to burn off the ideas of the ego-mind to arrive at a spiritual truth.

You know that all Divine gifts arrive wrapped in a challenge: so too, the Golden Age. The energy of your triumph is here. The dark has been defeated, they cannot win.

You have been overshadowed for your entire life; your psychic, mental, emotional and physical energy was sucked from you. You wonder why you feel tired, lethargic, uninspired, even helpless and hopeless: this was one of the great reasons.

You are now overlit. The negative forces are vanquished. You will feel the lightness begin to rise within. You will feel a sense of freedom and flow that is unexpected: the gentle emergence of hopefulness and optimism.

For decades, people spoke of a pole flip: that shift has occurred, but it wasn’t from North to South – it was from negative polarisation to positive polarisation.

Your dedication to dissolving the darkness in your own life ~ to understanding the challenges you experienced were the keys to unlocking the exact wisdom and insight you required ~ is now being rewarded.

The time of those who place greed above people is over. This dawning is not just the new lunar year, nor the new solar year, but it is the dawn of a new age: the Golden Age.

You, my precious army of Light workers, will be amazed at how your efforts and projects will begin to succeed almost miraculously, with minimal effort, in a way you have never known before.

You Light workers will bear witness to how easy and graceful life can be. You have done the inner work, so your energy clearly matches the higher vibrations of the light. You are in the flow. You are the flow. This is Your Time.

And so I must also return you to the packaging of this Golden gift ~ the outer wrapping of challenges. Light workers have been dedicated and determined in dealing with their challenges, in healing every wound and healing their broken hearts with love and compassion for all.

Those who have not yet done the work must first deal with their challenges, their blind spots, their biases and their emotional wounds; all in order to reveal the great treasures inside and outside them. This is why so many Light workers have incarnated as great listeners, as teachers, as healers ~ even if this is not how you see yourself, you might have glimpsed the healing impact you have , because others have noted it ~ and now they will seek you out.

Every community has Light workers who incarnated within it for this moment; every family has ‘an odd ball’ who incarnated for this moment. You are my embodiments, shining my love for all to feel.

Call on me, whenever you feel overwhelmed or confused. You have been here for me, your work has created this great new dawn.

I am always here for You.

For Light workers, the unwrapping of the Golden Age, the grounding and manifesting of its energies will have some challenges, but you are and you have more than enough to succeed in this moment.

For those beloved aspects of me who came here with the agreement to only awaken in this now moment, there is a lot to assimilate. Their challenges are many, their learning curve is exceptionally steep.

My love is here to guide you all, assisting in every moment. Remember to call upon me:

I Am You and You Are Me. We are One.

Note: I want to draw your attention to a post from Narendra Mishra, The Divine Mother is Real, that shows how the Golden Age is manifesting now.


The ‘curtain’ between the spiritual world and the physical world is exceptionally thin, and those of us who have eyes to see will, indeed, see. The post is an invitation to us all. Trust the miracles that will become much more frequent. Trust your divinity. In previous ages we were told the ‘Gods’ walked among us, now not only are they walking among us now, they are inviting us to realise our divinity, to realise we are God, and to release that divine spark within.

Copyright © 2023 Jennifer Crokaert YouTube

The 40 days after the equinox, which will bring you to the end of April, is a very potent period for manifestation and creation.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Moment is Now

thoughtful lady meditating in nature
Photo by Audrey Badin on

The 40 days after the equinox, which will bring you to the end of April, is a very potent period for manifestation and creation.

What dreams have been waiting patiently for you to give yourself permission to recognize and grow, not just for you but for the highest good of all? What have you always wanted, deep in your heart, but never had the courage to see if it could become a reality for you?

Not only is it time to connect with your truest desires, which represent the full and authentic expression of who you really are, it is time to anchor so deeply into your faith and trust that you give them everything they need to open up for the next incredible chapter of your life. All the work that you have been doing has been for the period that you are in right now, Dear Ones.

The moment is now.

We urge you to remember and apply what you know, settle into being your truest you, and allow the unfoldment to lead you from there. It will serve you, and your planet, beautifully.

Your vibrational matrix gives the appearance of the galaxy in all its expanded wonder…As more humans begin to expand into their multidimensional aspects, they will become pioneers in this field of aligning, balancing and untangling the energy weavings. Vibrational medicine is the beginning of this awareness.

Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ Vibrational Matrix

We are here to share ideas of the vibrational matrix that creates you, your body and your reality. We will share about the personal matrix, the vibrational field of each human. For it is this energy matrix in which all aspects of life begin.

It is within the energy blueprint, this template, that all life is formed. All life forms on planet earth are held as a blueprint or template in the subtle realms. This energy grid, the sacred geometry of the universe, the master pattern, is held in the sixth dimension.

Each human being resides focused on planet earth in the third and four dimensions. As a multidimensional being, however there are aspects of each human that also reside in the other dimensions. So it is from the sixth dimension that the template of who you are in your present form is held. It is the sixth dimension which holds these master patterns.

We realize that we have expanded your belief of who you are and we can hear your mind questioning, how does this work. Let us say this, imagine yourself as an aspect of divine mind, and the seed matrix of your physical form is held as an energy grid in the sixth dimension.

We have shared the importance of recognizing the energy or vibrational matrix of your reality. The matrixes of your reality are made up of the individual matrixes or energy grids coming together in a new form or weaving.

An example would be a group of people with a common interest who come together and meet regularly; there is a matrix that is formed from their personal energy fields weaving together. The longer they gather, the stronger the matrix. Their ideas, emotions, thoughts and beliefs all are a part of this vibrational field.

Remember, everything that exists here in form has a matrix. It is these energy fields, these matrixes, that form larger energy fields and hold the collective thought forms and beliefs of mass consciousness. So from that awareness, let us now bring you to your personal matrix and blueprint.

What you see and sense as solid and in physical form is only this matrix. It is from this matrix that all change within the human form can be made. There is an awareness and understanding that is taking place in the expanded minds of many humans at this time. The concept that everything is made up of energy vibrations before it becomes form has been taught and expressed by all your sages and wise awake ones.

The physical body offers a multitude of grand and rich experiences. It is important to honor and include all the senses. It is also expansive. We have been offering you ideas and thoughts about the vibrational matrix of each individual human. This vibrational matrix has many names: aura, charisma, magnetism.

First let us say that you appear to us as vibrational patterns; weavings of energy, light and sound. These patterns and weavings shift and move in constant flow and fluctuation. Your vibrational matrix gives the appearance of the galaxy in all its expanded wonder.

Your scientist and those who are sharing the insights of quantum physics tell you that the human body is mainly space. It is not solid, even though it appears as a solid and it feels solid. It is space, and your atoms shine much like the stars in your night sky.

We are inviting you to stretch into the realms in which you might see your form as we do.

There are some human beings who have the ability to see the vibrational matrix of each human form. They can see the energy weavings of color, sound and light. Most humans can sense, feel or even hear the vibrational matrix of another.

The ability to see, sense or hear this vibrational matrix of another will become more common as each human expands into their multidimensional awareness.

There will be inventions of many sorts that will read and translate these vibrational matrixes. This will greatly assist in the rebalancing and alignment for the well-being of each human being.

We would like to share with you what the vibrational matrix contains and how it is formed. Just as the human vehicle is formed in the mother womb, so begins the energy weaving. Each human form is a collection of vibrations that entwine into patterns.

This vibrational network is created by emotions, thoughts and experiences. Everything that the human being experiences is translated into this vibrational matrix, this vibrational interlace or energy fabric.

The experiences here on this planet and in this dimension are not supportive to the expansion and strengthening of the individual vibrational matrix. The dysfunction and unconsciousness that is commonplace within humanity has created tangles or blockages in the weavings of the energy fields of individuals.

These energy tangles slow or block the flow of divine life. The results are a humanity that is dying.

It is the vibrational matrix that holds the patterns and weavings for the formation of the human body with all its interrelated and interdependent elements. Every cell and atom vibrates at a certain rate, the bones, the blood, all the organs, every aspect of the physical form is held in place and created from this vibrational matrix. The physical form matches the vibrational matrix.

This is a rather simple way to state an incredibly complex concept. Those who are aware and expanded have seen, taught and written about aspects of this concept. When there is a flow of energy between your divine blueprint held on the sixth dimension and your physical solid form here in the third/fourth dimension, all is well.

You experience your personal well-being, others experience your charisma, and life is a full expression of balance and well-being. This state of perfection expressed in the human form is both the ideal and the goal.

However, the personal matrix and energy field is affected by all that it encounters. From the moment of conception, and all the while the body is being formed in the mother’s womb, there is an exchange and blending of the matrix. The family genetics are woven into the matrix; the parents’ strongly held beliefs and emotions are woven into your personal matrix. From the beginning years of childhood, all the experiences and encounters are woven into the personal matrix. The experiences that are painful, scary, fearful or limiting in any way are also woven in, more as blockages or tangles of your energy flow.

It is these blockages and tangles that we would like to assist each human in releasing so that there is a flow once again from your divine blueprint.

As more humans begin to expand into their multidimensional aspects, they will become pioneers in this field of aligning, balancing and untangling the energy weavings. Vibrational medicine is the beginning of this awareness.

Remember that energy follows thought. You can begin to untangle any aspect of your personal matrix by the very thoughts that you hold and express.

Vibrational medicine as it is being called works on these subtle levels to untangle and release any blockages held from past memory, or even the tangles that were given at birth from the family matrix. This is the work that is being done at this time by many awakened beings; it is coming in many forms and in many ways.

So allow yourself today to play with this idea and all of the implications.

Become aware of the places in which you are expanded and the places in which you might have an energy tangle. Remember that this is not a task, so be playful and joy-filled in your discovery and expansion of reading your own and another’s vibrational matrix.

Be at peace, Beloved.

~ the ‘team’

©2023 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

Your 3D fear life is over. You are new, and so is the earth. You are now thoroughly enmeshed in a new world of love.

Fear No Longer Dominates

human hands forming heart on white surface
Photo by ATC Comm Photo on

Dear Ones,

There is no longer a need for fear – at least fears that last weeks, months, or years. You are a new being in a new world.

At the same time, you need to address those fears that still seem to pop up daily, whether minor or life-threatening. For you are in the process of creating new ways of addressing fear.

Your 3D fears were the accumulation of your fears in this life and past lives. So most often, a possible fear became reality as you consciously or subconsciously worried about past occurrences.

Now that you transitioned, your fears are more like clouds in the sky – here one day but not the next. This shift confuses you, for you wonder if you should worry or if you are creating a fairytale that will come crashing down because you are not prepared for the worst as you were in 3D – day in and day out.

There is no longer a need to fear your fears – or to allow time to process most fears because they are now fleeting.

Fear now carries as little weight as 3D love once did.

In 3D, everyone looked for love – especially romantic love. Movies, books, and community interactions evolved around finding and maintaining love – as if love were an allusive and precious something that must be grasped before it faded or disappeared.

Fear was always an essential part of your 3D life – despite the belief in and need for romantic, parental, and community love. Perhaps you fell in love and wondered how long it would last. Or you were part of a family that did not or could not display the love you needed. Or your friends were not as loving as you hoped. So even though you may have discovered love, that love was often colored with fear and trepidation.

The reverse is now happening. But perhaps not as rapidly as you would like because you have been love-starved for 3D eons.

At the same time, your fears are shifting from preeminence to becoming a small part of your emotional repertoire.

You are just beginning to understand this new language of love. A language that will dominate your life forevermore.

Your new love language gives little credence to what terrible things could or should happen. Instead, it focuses on the positive elements of your being. This is sometimes a difficult piece to process, for even though you are used to being afraid, you are not that comfortable loving your life and knowing that it will only improve.

Of course, your media has not yet tapped into a world beyond 3D. For media follows advertising dollars. So while you are seeing and hearing negative, fear-producing media pieces, your inner-being is becoming more blase about fear than ever before while of the earth.

Your media no longer speaks to or for you.

Granted, some continue to accept and even demand a fearful life. They are the earthlings following the dictates of the latest broadcast.

You are no longer in that fear arena, as is true for millions of beings now of earth. Instead of being enmeshed in that fear-based milieu, you surprise yourself with your calm demeanor. At least calm after you try to frighten yourself with little success. Even though there might be some anger or surprises, the fears of yesterday no longer seem that important.

That is not to say you should not be frightened, but instead that you are having less and less success scaring yourself. Your life has evolved beyond yesterday’s fears.

You are increasingly awakening to a feeling that all is right in your world despite something that would have once created fear. And unlike your former 3D life in which you most often thought that maybe your life would be ok if this happened, but because of the overriding fears tinting your thoughts and actions, this never happened.

You are a new being in a new world. A world that reduces fears to manageable, short-term segments. Love has become the dominant theme.

You no longer need to fear the future or anything that happens unexpectedly. Or that you will not have a loving life. Nor do you need to fear that even though others might have a wonderful life, you have so much bad luck you believe your love and laughter expectations need to be minimized.

Your 3D fear life is over. You are new, and so is the earth. You are now thoroughly enmeshed in a new world of love.

And you are not alone. You and your earthly cohorts dominate this new world.

Expect love and joy. And know that fear is now a shadow you sometimes address but no longer dominates your life. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Xi Jinping flies to reconcile Russia and Ukraine.

🇨🇳🇷🇺 Xi Jinping flies to reconcile Russia and Ukraine – The Australian

According to the publication, the talks between the President of Russia and the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China can become an event that can change the world.

The main result of the visit of the PRC President may be a plan for a peace agreement, which may provide an opportunity to resolve the Ukrainian conflict.

Choosing to ride the joy waves :You have the right and the privilege of managing your own thoughts.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 03/18/2023

brown and black german shepherd puppy sitting on gray textile
Photo by Torsten Dettlaff on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There will always be things upon your earth to delight, and there will be things you can’t stand. As we’ve said many times, you get to choose in this buffet of experience and vibration. Are you going to focus on the rotten or the good, that which disgusts or delights, that which hurts or that which soothes?

It is a choice. If you were taught this as children, it would be easy to choose a focus on what feels better. However, most of you didn’t have this behavior modeled for you. When you were very young, you knew better. If you bumped your elbow or scraped your knee, you went crying for love. If a caring adult picked you up and soothed you, you didn’t stay hurt or sad for long. You enjoyed your bandaid and went back to play. In your innocence, you knew to reach for what felt better.

Likewise, if someone put food in your mouth that you didn’t like, you either vehemently spit it out or opened your mouth and let it dribble onto the table! You might have played with it, but in your innocent wisdom, you knew that you didn’t want to swallow anything that tasted bad.

When you were on the playground, and a badly behaved child hit you, you might have become upset, but soon you wanted to walk away and play with the kinder kids. You didn’t want to waste your time feeling bad. Something in you intuitively knew that this person wasn’t worth your time or attention. In your innocent wisdom, you chose to deprive them of you!

Over time, however, you witnessed those around you. You saw and heard people focusing on things that felt bad – world problems, family problems, financial problems, spilled milk, the “wrongness” of crayon drawings on the wall, etc. You started to synchronize your energy with those who influenced you. You are all empathic. You all can tune into the life around you. Children, especially, try to tune into and anticipate the energies of those around them.

As children, many of you tried to synchronize your energy with those who were important in your life. Others rebelled! In either case, your capacity to feel good was diminished. Synchronizing with or rebelling against a bad feeling both tune you into the bad feeling.

Over time you learned to compensate. You learned to analyze and develop justifications for feeling bad. Society certainly supports this. You will frequently receive compassion, sympathy, and assistance when you feel bad or experience unfortunate circumstances. However, if you’re flying high, only those with a similarly happy vibe (or those who want to be in that space) can celebrate with you. While we always support you in seeking or sharing love and compassion, we also encourage you to reach for better feelings rather than staying stuck in an unpleasant space.

You will inevitably see things and people on your earth that are disturbing. You will see those who are dishonest, greedy, and hurtful. You still have a choice, however. You can see them as your adversaries, or you can see them as we do – wounded little children reaching for love in childish ways. You don’t have to give them so much attention. You will see systems that serve only themselves. We see people who, in their ignorance, don’t know the magnitude of Divine abundance that is available when you live and work in a flow of giving and receiving. You can turn your attention to systems that operate in greater love and integrity, or you can be part of the change in your own sphere of influence.

You will hurt at times for various reasons. When you lose a loved one, stub your toe, or watch someone you love suffering, it is hard to feel the flow of Divine love that is always available. Nonetheless, one thought at a time, you can gradually soothe yourself, surrender to love, and allow better feelings. You may need to comfort yourself, reach for help, or use a helpful healing modality. You. may “turn the other cheek” and look away from those who can’t behave while deciding to focus on those who can. There are so many ways to reach for better feelings. You are never stuck in anything except your own thoughts. Change those, and your vibration will change. Your reality will adjust to match.

We have said this many times, and it is becoming increasingly important as your world offers such a diverse buffet of contrasts –  You deserve to feel good. You deserve to focus on and experience the things, people, and situations that uplift, inspire, and offer helpful solutions.

You were not born to learn through suffering, although you certainly can. It does cause you to reach for more and better. It forces you to look for the good out of a sheer desire for emotional survival. It can catalyze you to find great strength within yourself.

However, you can also learn and grow through inspiration and joy. You can see the world’s problems and quickly focus on the ideas and people that will create solutions. You can feel the pain in your body but turn to something enjoyable on your television, read a good book, or laugh with a friend to distract from the pain. You can relax and allow the body to heal and rebalance as it was originally intended to do. You can work with kind and loving healers or doctors who soothe you until, often with their assistance, you allow healing to take place. You can grieve over the loss of a loved one’s physical presence, even while you reach for the comfort and bliss of the heavenly love they wish to share with you.

You have choice. Most of you didn’t learn this, which is why we spend a great deal of time reminding you about what your soul already knows. You have the right and the privilege of managing your own thoughts. At first, your mind will seem like an untrained puppy running all over the place. Just as you might speak to that happy little being when you want them to cooperate, you can talk to your mind, “Sit. Stay. This is what I want you to focus on.”

When you focus on things that make you feel better, you give yourself a “treat.” – the best one of all. You plug yourself into the ever-present stream of goodness, grace, guidance, abundance, healing, and above all, love.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

As the Deep State Winds Down

I love this semi-cryptic description of free energy and scalar weaponry:

“In the outer regions of space outside the Earth’s hemisphere, Electromagnetic Radiation in its raw form … creates solar heat and electricity – which is used for advanced weapon systems in aeronautics and satellites for classified military projects across the world.”

Electromagnetic Radiation in its raw form! Let us not use the words “free energy.”

Years ago only dedicated whistleblowers like Col. Tom Bearden were talking about the use of scalar weapons and the existence of free energy. And even the use of scalar energy in healing technologies. (1)

Do I hear anyone latching on to to the obvious and overwhelming benefits of energy from the Void? We have the answer before us. Any takers?

Granted that up till now it has been a little like volunteering to be a clay pigeon for Big Oil. (2) But now the discussion is entering more popular arenas.

Next stop: Elon Musk introducing free energy on Twitter.


The cabal’s plans for the pandemic were many-layered and extensive.  But like all their plans, they depended on having access to wealth, controlling the financial system, and controlling the media.

The cabal’s access to wealth is under attack on numerous fronts – examples are the Global Currency Reset, the Quantum Financial System, and President Trump’s EO sequestering the wealth of human-rights abusers. Without wealth, the cabal can’t operate.

The financial system they controlled is rapidly collapsing.

The rumors are that control of the media is next. That could be coming with a wipe of the Internet and migration to the Starlink system.

As for the folks supposedly travelling or in “hospital” but really migrating to the nuclear bunkers, they needn’t worry. Nuclear weapons won’t operate.  The only nuclear winter they’ll be surviving is a winter below ground, on whatever amenities are available.

The deep state is winding down.

Feeling Good is Feeling God.