Once people begin to understand that they are not alone in the Universe, and that they can accept help from the Star Nations—that they have family amongst them—well, that changes everything.-John Lennon Via Caroline-

A Message to Lightworkers – March 25, 2022

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

And so, in continuation from last week’s Message, our writer wishes again to speak with that presence you knew most recently on Earth as John Lennon . . .

COR: Greetings, my friend!

So many who read the March 18 Message said they were very happy to hear from you again!

LENNON: Well, I’m never short of ideas, so you’re likely to find me ready to chat at any time!

Greetings to all!

COR: I’m wanting to continue on with what we were discussing last week.

You talked about how “many who are Starseed have a hard time relating to Time” the same way Earth souls relate to it.

I’ve noticed that when people channel from ETs or Light Beings, and when our friend who is a White Knight of the Ashtar Command relays what his contacts are saying, they will use that word “soon”—and over the last few months, “very soon” fairly consistently.

This is difficult for most people!

To us, “soon” means “in a month or two,” but so far it hasn’t turn out to be that fast for most of what we are looking forward to. Full enactment of NESARA Law and Full Disclosure of the ET presence hasn’t happened yet.

You pointed out that what “soon” means to many beings, is that they can sense the potential of something building—that they are actually commenting on the fact that a certain reality is “building up to critical mass, before it becomes outwardly visible.”

Yet all of us are also in that reality, in a way, because all of us are also on the ships at night, full of anticipation of the Joy that awaits us.

But in those moments, we’re in the etheric!

We don’t experience Time that way while in an awake state yet, so we feel a bit let down some days.

LENNON: I would say, don’t judge along the old 3D lines of thought. You’re all experiencing plenty more than you realize.

For one, your brains are functioning differently now than they used to.

Your waking thoughts are taking on a higher order, and you are interweaving the high heart and its intuitive understanding with your thought processes more often, including the nonlinear view of Time.

Part of that is this powerful, sentient Light pouring in, which contains elements that Earth has not experienced in a long time—or a purer form of them than She has known for a long time.

And part of that is the fact that all of the energy in the cosmos has shifted to a higher order.

Everything is Ascending, and not only Earth.

So humanity’s inner Light is increasing, and so are your interdimensional awarenesses, your siddhis [advanced spiritual abilities] and clair abilities [clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, etc], and your memories.

COR: Memories of what?

LENNON: Other lives you’ve lived. Other planets you’ve been on, and other star systems.

Higher-level agreements, such as soul agreements and experiences. Higher dimensional music that you love. Colors you don’t have on the Earth plane.

It’s a long list!

COR: You were saying last week that it’s time we “started living as 21st century humans,” and accepted our birthright.

What birthright is that?

LENNON: You’re familiar with the fact that it’s not just your DNA and overall consciousness that got downgraded when the current usurpers came in.

With that, humanity’s self-image also got trampled.

You were Creator gods and goddesses, but over a few centuries, they managed to grind humans down to where you felt that life just “happens” to you, and that you had little to no control over your reality.

COR: And now we are realizing we create all of our experiences, yes.

Yet we are still subject to the astrological alignments we have no control over. No say on how long it will take the Universe to evolve.

LENNON: It is true, even given that.

You are still creators, because how you hold those issues in your heart-mind determines much of the quality of your day-to-day life.

You are the Universe—that’s the part you lost, and now you’re regaining it.

COR: I wonder how long it will take us to get that back!

Because most people are given very clear specifications in childhood about who they are, what’s possible for them, and what life is like.

We spend hundreds of lifetimes on this Earth, most of us, hearing very early on about what is NOT possible for us, so that over time, even the most forward-looking child is squashed into denial and a very small self-concept.

LENNON: These energies are reversing much of that.

Much of Awakening means re-membering. You are rejoining with lost aspects of your consciousness, and even bits of your soul held in other realms.

You are all healing the fracturing of soul and heart-mind, suffered over the centuries.

COR: So now I want to ask, What’s that got to do with the oncoming Full Disclosure?

LENNON: Everything.

Because as you reclaim your place as children of the Universe, and not only children of Earth, you begin to see that it’s not only the world that’s your oyster, but the All That Is.

COR: I wouldn’t know what to do with endless possibility!

I’m just thinking in terms of, How do we finally end wars on this planet? How do we get everyone fed and housed and assisted with medical issues?

How do we create fair government structures, and oust the frauds and deceivers?

My interests are more down-to-Earth at the minute!

LENNON: And that is best, because of course you and your Light Bearer friends are full of Love and concern for Earth life.

But everything is intertwined with everything else.

Once people begin to understand that they are not alone in the Universe, and that they can accept help from the Star Nations—that they have family amongst them—well, that changes everything.

Then the small self-concept dissolves, the lies and false programming fade away, and the true face of everyone and everything emerges for all to see.

COR: Then we really remember—we remember who we are, and who we’re meant to be.

LENNON: Absolutely!

This goes beyond what people image as individual, personal manifestations. This changes the whole playing field.

Because now you’re in the quantum.

Now your reach extends out as far as your higher good will allow.

COR: And then we are truly once again, a part of the galactic expanse—integrated with the other civilizations. Hopefully!

LENNON: They welcome you. We all do.

Naturally, some are more neutral than others, and some more wary of Earth civilization than others.

Yet many with arms held wide open.

COR: I hope they will be patient with us. We have a lot to understand yet, and a lot to remember.

Though we used to travel the stars, we haven’t for a long time.

LENNON: It will all come back to you!

In a sense, you never really left.

COR: Thank you, my friend. That gives me hope that we are nearly there.

LENNON: And so it is! Can you grasp all this as real in your heart-mind?

Then you are already there.

Namaste, friends!

We bow to the Divinity within you all.

Copyright 2022, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post, at: https://www.ascensiontimes.com/post/a-message-to-lightworkers-march-25-2022.

Thank you.

And those of the forces of light are many steps ahead of those of the forces of darkness. Many steps ahead, so that they can see what is coming, even before they put that plan into action.- Ashtar via James McConnell-

I am Ashtar. I come to be with you at this time, in these moments, these special moments that are upon you now, as all of life is awakening around you.

All of life is moving more and more into the higher vibrational frequency as life and energy continues to flood into the planet from the cosmic source. And yes, indeed, the fifth-dimensional sun is expressing through now more and more.

Up until recently, we and our ships have been holding this energy back so that it would not come too quickly into the planet, would not interfere with your central nervous systems, as they were not quite ready for this. But more and more now, this is being allowed to come through.

And as such, everything is coming down around the third-dimensional illusion. The house of cards is collapsing rapidly more and more now.

And those that have been in the shadows, those that have held the truth back from the population of this planet, are now being forced to bring this information forward now, even though they do not want to. They cannot hold it back. For they believe that they have to bring this information forward in order to stay in control. They have been tricked in this way.

For as this information comes forward throughout your internet and your many sources of media, the truth is coming forward. And as the truth comes forward, those that have attempted to hold it back are falling and failing rapidly.

Those of us in our ships that have been watching over this entire plan, helping it here and there wherever we could, wherever we were allowed to. More and more we are being allowed to give more and more assistance where it is needed, where it is called for, where it is asked to come forward.

We, of course cannot do it alone. You are our Boots on the Ground. You are the ones that are calling this energy forth, bringing it to you, bringing the truth forward in any way that you can.

And, as you have heard many times, this cannot be stopped, no matter what those of the dark forces attempt to do, those of the cabal, the Illuminati, the deep state, whatever you wish to call them.

They are no longer in control. Within the illusion, they appear to be in control. But they are not. Because the illusion of the third-dimensional matrix is just that, an illusion. The reality is coming forward more and more.

And those of the forces of light are many steps ahead of those of the forces of darkness. Many steps ahead, so that they can see what is coming, even before they put that plan into action. And as they [the dark forces] attempt to bring total chaos to the planet, the chaos that they then intended to bring order after, they are not able to do that any longer. Yes, they can provide the chaos. But they are not the ones to bring the order: you are. You, all of you, the Alliance, the White Hats, all of us working with those forces here on the planet: we are all bringing this about, bringing the end of the chaos.

And the chaos is coming to an end. First there shall be more chaos, though. More seeming chaos, I will say. For those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, it is not chaos. It is simply the falling of the veil, the falling of the illusion more and more.

And you all are in place now, just as you intended to be many, many thousands and thousands of years ago when you volunteered to be here, you are in place now, exactly where you need to be.

And more and more of you will feel the call now, feel the call that is reaching out to you to move you ahead upon your mission, whatever that might be. However you feel that you can contribute, now is the time to do so. Find it within your heart, within your high heart. Listen to the call from your Higher Self who is now not only whispering, but is beginning to shout more and more to you.

Listen to those whispers, and listen to those shouts, for it is all up to you, the collective you, as to how this will continue to play out. But play out, it shall.

Know that as indeed one of yours said earlier on your call, you have the power, each and every one of you has the power within you to blow this system wide open, to be those System Busters that you came here to be. So do it. Just simply do it. Whatever that might take, do it.

I am Ashtar. I so appreciate these times that I can be here to share with you, and to give you just a glimpse here and there, as you read between the lines, that myself and many of us as we bring these messages to you, what you call “little hints here and there.” For there are always those messages within the messages for you to decipher and for you to discern.

All of my peace and love be with all of you.

Go forward now and be those ones that you came here to be, those System Busters. For this system must fully come down before the new can arise from it.

**Channel: James McConnell

**Source 12

It is time for the old to simply pass away – not in screaming terror or agony – but in the peaceful, gentle transition that allows the humans, the children, the elders to gently step into a new Earth.

Divine Mother ~ Treading Upon the Face of an Archangel

agriculture atmosphere biology blur
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

This delightful Channelled Gem is lovingly shared by Andrew from his personal reading with Linda Dillon.

Greetings, I am Mary, I am Mare, Mother of the Infinite Eternal, Mother of One, Mother of All – and yes, of course, beloved son, I welcome you this day.

I welcome you not only to Terra Gaia, I welcome you to my Omniverse. And no, it is not time to welcome you home in that manner [chuckling] for as you know, sweet angel of love, there still remains much to do to assist the humans – the collective – as they move, they grow, they expand beyond divisiveness, beyond brutality, beyond violence, beyond taking sides into the Unity of One – for there is but one love, one existence, and it encompasses All.

But I did not come today simply to talk about the Universe, or even where the humans are. Yes, it is progressing nicely according to my Plan, which is quite different sometimes from the human plan; it matters not – adjustments are made. I come as Mother to speak to your heart, to speak to your soul, to speak to the physician and the star being and the human, and the gentle one and the strong one, the valiant stellar consistent one that you are.

Yes, you have been and are re-emerging. Now you may feel at moments, “Oh, I was downtrodden, I was depressed, I had a touch of despair.” But there are times, sweet one, when being put or placed or agreeing – obviously – to be put in abeyance, to be reconstituted while on planet, in form, while waiting for the grander expansion is absolutely necessary.

There are reasons why Gaia and I have created seasons and tides and day and night. There are times to withdraw – reconstitute, regenerate, reflect, reintegrate – and you have done this and now you step forth. You do not know the full magnitude of the adjustments and attunements that have been made, and you don’t need to, for it is a mathematics or physics or biology that is far beyond human understanding.

What you need to know is actually quite simple. You have and you are and you will be fortified. You have and you are and you will be protected. Whether it is in your humble abode or in a palace, we are protecting you. You have and you are and you will be part of the Unified Forces [of the Outer Galaxies] upon and above this beautiful Terra Gaia. What you are doing, sweet one, is truly stepping into, yes, of course, your Earthly self but also your galactic and intergalactic self. …

Think of your name as a mosaic. Think of your name as a mosaic that is a picture, nigh a creation of the totality of who you are. It is given and has been given years and years and years ago so that it would truly begin to anchor in all levels of your consciousness, in all levels of your being, so that as you step forth – gently, quietly, humbly, gleefully, in massive, extraordinary excitement and gratitude – that you know, not in an intellectual sense, not just in a mental-emotional body sense, but in an integrated wholeness of sacred purpose of the design that you and we have woven for this extraordinary time of the fulfilment of my Plan.

There are moments, sweet one, when you say. “How can this possibly work?” Yes, I have heard. No – doubt or questioning, that is not a misstep; it is only a misdirection when it becomes denial or detour and brings you out of balance. It is curious, is it not, that at a time when we are speaking to you – all of us of this Council and far beyond – that there will be the physical reality of partnership, of family, with the galactics and intergalactics, when in fact the family of humans is still so divided, so uncertain.

Now, you know your Star Family does not come – they’re not intended to come – as saviours because that creates inequality. Each race, each group, each being has unique gifts to offer to the collective, and it is in the harmony of family that this takes place. Humans – because of the abuse and the false grids – became far too used to asking to be martyred and saved. That time is over.

So as humanity – yes, this collective of Terra Gaians, and yes, of Nova Gaians – as they come together, it creates the environment to be able on equal footing – not identical footing; that will never happen – but equal footing to welcome, to interact, to conjoin, to join in joy with their Star Family.

If you look just simply at the bounty – and when I say “bounty”, I don’t mean oil and gold; I mean the beauty, the diversity, of what Gaia alone has to offer – it is magnificent! And that is one of the things – and there are many aspects to this – this is one of the things that has attracted your Star Family from far far beyond, not even in this Universe. This is glorious! This is the gift!

Can you imagine – and I know you have – when you are in your new home, which you have walked the halls of with me very often, but can you imagine living in your new home and someone coming and saying, “Why do you live in this shack? Why do you live in this pigsty?” It would be hurtful because you would be eager and excited… no, not in an egoic way, but to welcome people – beings – into your home. And that is what is going on. There are still many humans that think they are living in a pigsty or a shack, when in fact they are treading upon the face of an Archangel! It is incomprehensible.

And the shift does not just happen with humans coming to acknowledge, recognise, treasure, respect Gaia. It means that there can’t be any squabbles, fighting, of any kind upon this planet. It is the most profound disrespect. And it is disrespectful of individual freedom and sovereignty – and it is disrespectful certainly of me and of the Father and of All – and it is disrespectful of self.

So where the humans are right now is in this awakening, in this understanding, in this expansion that they don’t want to live in this squabbling squalor. And you, beloved one, you are the hybrid. You are the one that says, “Let us live in peace and harmony. Let us leave the old behind. Let us not create wars that can escalate and eliminate planets, which has happened previously. Let us live in the joy – the joy of unity, of mutuality.”

You have done well, beloved son, on your foray for you have re-gridded in a higher dimensional and human reality, and what you are doing is anchoring the New. It is time for the old to simply pass away – not in screaming terror or agony – but in the peaceful, gentle transition that allows the humans, the children, the elders to gently step into a new Earth.

So yes, this requires the patience of the elders, of the Wise Ones, the holding of hope, the holding and living of humility. You are doing all of this. So what I say unto thee, my blessed son, is embrace yourself as I embrace you; cherish yourself as I cherish you; respect yourself as I respect you; and let us step forth in partnership, in the unity of love that was and is and always will be, for we are One.

Go with my love and go, sweet angel, my beloved son… I give you not only my peace, I give you not only my strength, I give you my vision and I give you my joy. Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at https://counciloflove.com/copyright-notice/]

Becoming ensnared in the past will keep you there. Being grateful releases the energy so you may continue your Earth plane existence in more peace, love and happiness.

The Creator Writings ~ Be Grateful

It is time to release the thought of past negative experiences as wasted time. Each one of those experiences showed and taught you many, many things; what you really want, what you do not want, how you choose to be treated, what your expectations are and how fast you choose to grow.

Becoming ensnared in the past will keep you there. Being grateful releases the energy so you may continue your Earth plane existence in more peace, love and happiness.

~ Creator

As you align with love the truth of self all that is needed will be readily given because you will be in alignment with the whole of you.

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Deciding on love is not a small thing.

It is the high note of ascension.

It means that you are no longer reporting to the concept of the limited individual self.

As you align with love the truth of self all that is needed will be readily given because you will be in alignment with the whole of you.

A force that only a select few have mastered up until now.

This is the self mastery that you are here to bring to the collective.

The commitment to the masterful vibrational attunement of love.


When you get too specific with your manifestations you are trying to wrestle your dreams into submission

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Expanded Manifestation

When you get too specific with your manifestations you are trying to wrestle your dreams into submission. Can you feel how constraining that energy is?

Let them go! Let them expand and take on whatever form is for your highest good. Be willing to be shown what you couldn’t have imagined possible because the unfoldment, when allowed full rein, will never fail to surprise and delight you.

Your glorious, unique en-masse path to love and peace is in process. Each of you finding something interesting to do, say or react to moment by moment. Moments that will become hours and then a focus within days.

Dear Ones,

This transition phase continues to be en-masse activity.

Even though there have been times when some focussed on specific issues, never before has there been a worldwide focus. So it is you are feeling/sensing your way through this quagmire of experiences. And none of you awakened souls has the energy or the ability to be the leader of this movement.

You are floundering together. Perhaps an apt analogy would be your first day of Kindergarten before discovering that arithmetic, reading, music, or art could be interesting.

Of course, that last paragraph frightens you because you want someone to tell you what to do or how to do it. No one is wiser than you.

In your former outer-directed world, someone always took the lead. Even though that leader’s actions may not have necessarily rung true for you, their actions felt true enough for you to follow that being or objective. By doing so, you negated responsibility for “they” led you astray or in a direction that felt reasonably right for you. You were part of the crowd but most likely not part of the decision-making.

Following someone seems easier than actualizing your inner needs. Such is so because self-actualization is your new way of experiencing earth life. But except for earth lives and perhaps experiences within a few other locations, you are quite familiar with directing yourself and expecting the same of others.

You are and always have been a self-contained entity. It is only a few times in your entirety that you gave up that freedom. You are now re-claiming that right in ways you never have before while of the earth.

This topic may seem discordant because we, of the Universes, continue to prophesize that this en-masse phase will lead to global love and peace. Such is true because you are all focused on the same objective without an interest in claiming outer-directed power.

Some of you question our Kindergarten analogy, for those instructional methods were created by an outer-directed power. The difference is new Universal you has become that power. Because your overriding goal is shifting the earth from fear to love, each of you is discovering your love/peace interests and strengths.

The only power you now adhere to is your inner calling of shifting the earth from fear to love – a calling created by you en-masse and countless other Universal entities.

Your being has always been love-based. Part of that love was exploring as many emotions as possible while of the earth in physical form. You en-masse have now decided to experience earth love a bit differently – not as a should, as would be true in an outer-directed world, but as an inner need.

So it is your world seems topsy-turvy because no one is taking the lead. Even though there are a few beings here and there reiterating what you already feel, there is no systematic love leadership.

You are all moving to the same goal, but you are doing so with unique interests and skills. So perhaps one group is debating an issue, another group is physically engaged in a specific effort, and yet another group is writing, painting, or singing about the possibilities. Instead of leaders, millions are displaying the same goal in thousands of different ways.

You are in Kindergarten en-masse school, discovering that your new love/peace skills and interests are developing more rapidly than you now believe.

But because your world now seems helter-skelter, you pine for the seemingly outer-directed cohesiveness. A cohesiveness that no longer exists except for those few willing to follow an outer-directed leader.

Your world feels unwieldy and fear-producing because it is new.

Those who maintain that a specific person is their leader are not inner-directed. As a result, there will be groups surviving for a moment or two only to dissipate into nothingness as those outer-directed leaders move onto something else.

Even though this message likely appears doom and gloom, it is the opposite.

Your glorious, unique en-masse path to love and peace is in process. Each of you finding something interesting to do, say or react to moment by moment. Moments that will become hours and then a focus within days.

Allow yourself to flit from concept to action until you feel fulfilled.

The cohesiveness you were familiar with during your outer-directed life is no longer. Your new cohesiveness is of small, flexible groups that shift monthly, daily or minute-by-minute. Much like the difference between a professional army and guerrilla warfare which is flexible and malleable. Unlike anything you experienced before while of the earth.

Allow yourself to be amazed, perhaps even a bit fearful, as you discover your new interests and skills. Knowing that millions of earth beings are doing the same.

You are creating a new world tapestry – not by others designing the pattern you fill in with their required threads, but by creating the pattern your inner needs dictate for this new world of love and peace. So be it. Amen.

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Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.

You are ‘Rising above it’. You are lifting your Spirit into a place where you do not allow yourself to be affected by the goings on, because you have come to recognize that THE GAME is indeed, that. A GAME!…Many are choosing to become less involved in the rabbit holes…ONE KNOWS THAT TO INDULGE IN ONE’S OWN LOVE AND ENJOYMENT OF ‘THINGS’ IS HOW ONE KEEPS ONE’S VIBRATION HIGH.

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, March 20, 2022

Good morning to you. Straight to it. As more and more BS churns out to us … I become less and less interested in it, to the point of detaching from any form of emotion other than ‘This is all BS!’.

Nothing seems real. I look at others walking by and don’t feel part of the plot. Have I just become totally insensitive to other’s suffering, or am I becoming more ‘aware’? It’s like nothing makes sense, and I can’t be bothered to try and work it out! I’m not depressed, just curious.

Welcome and a Good Morning to you, Blossom, and those of interest in what we ‘churn out’ in these conversations.

Well, that’s made me giggle to start with! I wasn’t actually referring to you, more so the goings on of the Planet and discovering more and more lies. We have become so divided depending on what we choose to be fed, to the point that if you want to stay ‘in touch’ with someone, its best to talk about the weather, yet, that’s all BS too, although so many don’t know that!

Dearest Blossom, we can pick up on the Energy of many upon your Planet who are feeling the same way as yourself. Yet, we would look upon this as a ‘Growing pain’. Indeed, the more one becomes aware of ‘THE TRUTH’, the more one recognises ‘THE TRUTH’ within themselves. It is not that you have become insensitive … it is the opposite of this. You no longer choose to ‘buy in to’ all this nonsense.

You see, let’s look at that. There is a lot of focus on a war in Europe at the moment.To call that ‘nonsense’ would appear insensitive, would it not?

Let us look back on that. Nonsense = No sense. It doesn’t make sense and therefore, the more aware and alert to such ‘nonsenses’ that one becomes, the less the Soulself chooses to ‘buy into it.’

What’s with the ‘buy into it?’

Would we say, the less one chooses to invest one’s Energies into it. Sending Love to the entire Planet as all this takes place … allows you to become far more invested in the welfare of ‘All that is’, rather than be saddened and disheartened at ‘What you are shown’. For the TRUTH is being disguised to such a degree within this particular matter, that our suggestion is by far the most Enlightening process one can take, to assist.

So, this ‘None of this is real’ feeling, is what?

The understanding more of the self and that THE GAME one chose to come and play is ‘changing position’.


You are ‘Rising above it’. You are lifting your Spirit into a place where you do not allow yourself to be affected by the goings on, because you have come to recognize that THE GAME is indeed, that. A GAME!

We’ve probably spoken of this many times before, yet, when actually ‘Down here’ as a participating player, it doesn’t feel like ‘A Game’ at all!

Yet, is it not beginning to? Look at how you are feeling and expressing thoughts. You are taking your Soul into a different place … as if looking from above … would you say?

Sort of. Difficult to explain. ‘Outside of’ perhaps would serve.

Let us try and assist. If you were to be in our position, which you are not, yet, if you were, you would be ‘viewing and calculating maneuvers’ of all that is taking place, very differently from that which you are now.

A) because you are not ‘in it’.

B) because you can see it from an overall perspective

and …

C) because you would be able to see what is coming!

Now wouldn’t THAT make a difference to us all!? Feel free to beam me up just for 10 minutes … then plonk me back down and I promise not a whinging word will pass my lips again!

Blossom … Warriors of Light such as yourself and so many, many souls that ‘VOLUNTEERED’ to be here …

Remember that? You volunteered? You wanted to come and BE THE CHANGE?

Actually, I just have to take your word for that. Could it be I misunderstood the challenge?!

We understand of your jesting. Yet, it would do your Spirit much benefit if you keep reminding yourself of this.


Er … coming ‘down to’ sounds a bit odd.

We would say in terms of your Higher, Brighter self ‘coming down’ to a lesser Light in order to achieve the mission.


How excited you were. How determined. How psyched up you were …

Why is it that we have to forget this? Why can we not have that 10 minute recall to renew Strength and Courage and Hope and Trust?

It is there inside Each One of you. This movie of your mission. This is what drives you on. You KNEW there would be no recall.

Yet, you just said it is inside us.

It is. And as you move onwards and upwards you are not ‘Seeing the movie’ you are feeling it. Hence your detachment as you ‘feel’ your reality.

The reality being the new world? The Higher Brighter world?

Indeed, Blossom. Many are choosing to become less involved in the rabbit holes. They know enough for now. Enough to know that THIS ALL MUST END.





IMAGINE … ALL YOU WARRIORS OF LIGHT … and there are millions … and will be many more awake and aware of this … of themselves … as is becoming more apparent as ‘time’ unfolds …







And … BOOM!




THAT, BLOSSOM … THAT … when one REALLY TRULY ‘GETS IT’ … will have such an effect. There will be no need to have a ‘Birds eye view for 10 minutes.’

That will feel so unnecessary … because that ‘Birds eye view’ is your recall within you!


This all sounds wonderful … and TRUE! It feels TRUE. How I want to ask ‘when’, yet I know better.

Blossom … there is no time. This you know. There is the flow of Life and its unfolding and its experiencing and its experimenting.

We know through you of frustration and impatience.

Eh … not just me, I’ll have you know.

Check back on our words. We did not say of ‘your frustration and impatience’. Yet, you have let us know of the general feel upon your Planet. It is not about ‘time’ … it is about




Do you see? We cannot say … in three weeks, three months, three years … because it is not on a ‘time schedule’ … it is on an ‘Awakening schedule.’

With respect chaps … so many still asleep. I could be 952yrs old ‘when’ this takes place according to that proposal! Oh Lord … here it comes … I just picked up on your next sentence … Hit it!

OR …

Yes …?


THE EVENT! Round and round we go. I was talking with a friend about this … about everything that ‘Could be’ … … and the order of the day is ‘Who knows?’




Or, is it just fantasy? Is it what I think will make everything alright, so therefore, I’ll stick with that?

Fantasy? Reality? WHO KNOWS!

You’re kidding me, right?! That’s where you are choosing to end today’s chat?

It is indeed, Blossom.

If you could wink, I feel you would be doing so! Love you Guys … Until next time. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.

You have purpose dear ones. It is to emit the melodies of love. All else you do is for your own enjoyment. This unity and emanation with love is your most important purpose of all.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 03/19/2022 • The Silent Symphony

young asian female musician playing flute
Photo by Charles Parker on Pexels.com

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Each one of you wants to be a contribution to this earth. Each one of you wants to feel you have purpose and a reason for being. We know that in every moment you have a chance to make your life purposeful, precious, valuable, and impactful beyond words and your human capacity to comprehend.

Suppose everyone in the world was singing a tune or playing an instrument of their choosing. This melody of your song would reflect their emotions, thoughts, and feelings in the moment. Some of you would be playing symphonies of peace, whistling a happy, effervescent tune, or a calming melody. Some of you would be playing upbeat music that makes you want to dance. Some of you would be playing soothing or inspiring rhythms. Some of you would be playing angry discordant beats and blaring, unsettling melodies. Some of you would be playing sad haunting melodies. Others would be playing heart-stopping suspenseful melodies. Imagine for a minute, the absolute din of so many melodies, so many songs being played by the multitude of human hearts. What type of song would you be singing? What type of melody would you hum?

Now imagine that the intensity of your emotion determines the volume of each song. The happier you are, the louder your happy tune. The more peaceful you are, the more compelling your relaxing melody. The angrier you are the more impactful is your discordant melody. Can you imagine? It would be a din unlike any you’ve ever heard before.

Keep in mind that the music is based on your emotional/energetic offering, not your words. So those of you praying for peace, while sitting in fear are still emitting fearful melodies. Those of you fighting for even a good cause, while rooted in anger are still emitting discordant melodies. Those of you who labor in love, peace, compassion, or joy no matter how sad the world situation are emitting beauty and harmony. The words of your prayers do not affect the melody. The emotions beneath the words do. So suppose you pray with disgust for what you witness in the world. Your disgust is sounding the melody. Instead, suppose you have a moment of disgust, and then suddenly you focus on a world at peace, and what it would be like to see people hugging, helping, and laboring in love. Suddenly your discordant note is forgotten and you are playing a beautiful, harmonious composition.

This analogy, dear ones, points to the vibrational reality upon your planet earth, for each one of you IS emitting a silent symphony. As the world angers, the discordant energies stir. As the world prays for peace and gets in touch with their hearts, beautiful waves of energy (which are music to our ears!) begin to soothe and rock the hearts of humanity.

Your melody counts. Your vibrational emission counts. You might be the loving heart that sounds a loving note that helps the symphony of peace rise above the din of war! Your prayers for peace when they come from your love of peace are like beautiful instruments playing in a beautiful symphony.

We, in the heavens, are always playing the melodies of peace, love, hope, inspiration, and bliss. As more and more of you attune to these vibrations, emit these vibrations, and sound these notes, you start to lift the world up into a space where your notes join our own, where you can feel us, perceive us, and work with us as agents of peace upon your planet.

Don’t react, dear ones, to what you see on the news, other than to quickly make a determination that you will sound a note of love, a song of peace, a melody of hope. Join with us and be the changes you wish to see. You ARE making a difference. You are turning the tides. You are preventing what could have been a horrendous time upon your planet earth. Sing your silent soothing lullabies of peaceful frequency to those whose hearts are hurting so much that they create horrendous pain. Emanate your soothing vibrational notes of peace so those who are being hurt will know they deserve love and that love is there for them. Sing, if not with your voice dear ones, with your hearts, and sing the melodies you would wish to hear, to receive, and to participate in because these silent melodies of frequency are very real, and the changes they inspire in yourself, and the world, are very real as well.

We love you. You are coming into a new understanding of reality and your very important place within it. You are stepping into a world where you are the lights, the hopes, the inspirations, and the angels upon your earth. You have purpose dear ones. It is to emit the melodies of love. All else you do is for your own enjoyment. This unity and emanation with love is your most important purpose of all

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

The more you are able to hold your highest level of vibration the more you are helping the Light to overcome the dark energies.

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, March 18, 2022

As you might expect the Masters have something to say about our present period of chaos and St. Germain asks us to “Trust the Plan” and Sanat Kumara tells us that we are in the middle of the transformation of human society and the reconstruction of the World.

The goal is to moderate the greatest upheavals and prevent future trauma. Archangel Michael says Beloved Ones do not allow your selves to be distracted, yes by the chaos. Do not get caught up in the drama of white hats or black hats, good guys or bad guys. All beings are birthed directly from the Heart of the One.

More detailed accounts are held by Steve Beckow on his website Golden Age of Gaia.

18th March 2022. Mike Quinsey.

Without knowledge of the plan for mankind you cannot be expected to know what lays ahead, but be assured that actions are being led by the higher powers that oversee humanity’s experiences without usurping their freewill. You can help by remaining positive and not giving your energy to the negative forces by keeping positive and not getting involved with the negative forces. Use your understanding and knowledge to give strength to the forces working for the good of the planet and its people. The more you are able to hold your highest level of vibration the more you are helping the Light to overcome the dark energies.

We see the greater potential for success over the dark Ones, and you are well on the way to achieving the overcoming of their plans for control of the planet and its inhabitants. Already there are plans to help you restore Mother Earth from the damage committed through World Wars that still needs clearing and cleansing. We are ever by your side and await our opportunity to help you to successfully overcome the activities of the dark Ones. There is a plan to rejuvenate the Earth and restore it to its original beauty that is fitting for a planet preparing itself for Ascension.

We look beyond your present troubles and see a time when they have been overcome and peace has descended upon Earth. It will be a permanent change as you make your way along the path to Ascension. Present troubles will have been long forgotten with the assurance that the vibrations will continue to rise, to a level where the negative energies cannot exist. The dream of Nirvana will have come true and the nightmare created by the dark Ones faded into the dust of their making.

Our feeling is that an agreement will be reached that will put an end to the war in Ukraine, thus avoiding the potential for it to become more serious. The dark Ones had hoped that it would lead to another World War, but we have told you all along that it would not be allowed. Be assured that our influence and direct guidance will put your feet upon a path leading to total peace and happiness. It all takes time but it is important that you know of an acceptable solution to your worldwide problems. Again we stress that our help is permissible once you have made the decision to broker peace.

The changes cannot come too soon as conditions on Earth are causing many problems, they need worldwide help and a concerted effort by all nations to make good the damage and harm that has been caused over many, many years. The ultimate aim is to quickly restore Mother Earth to her original pristine condition and with the help of our ET friends it can be achieved in a much shorter time than it would without them. Having the assurance of being able to live safely and in relative comfort is a priority, and once achieved full attention can be given to raising the standard of living for all people.

There will be a much greater level of acceptance of the different customs and beliefs of the various religions that will be freely practised. The Human Race is one and a coming together will be a most natural development. We hope that you can accept the changes that are coming as they will birth a happy civilisation that can work together for the betterment of all people. The lack that you have experienced will become a thing of the past and all countries will work for the best outcome.

Meantime you have an uncertain future as you see it because of world problems, but be assured that the Alliance is doing their best to bring about an acceptable conclusion. In fact they have often prevented the use of nuclear weapons by making them and the silos inoperative. The authorities are aware as to who is controlling their use and fully realise that the restrictions will remain. It is all part of the gradual moves towards a peaceful existence, the warmongers are on their way out and all of their weapons will eventually be made inoperative. Of course the planet itself will be protected as it is now, so that no unexpected visitors can threaten or harm the Earth or its inhabitants.

By now you must realise that your freewill can only go so far and your actions are monitored. If you choose to indulge in wars you will eventually learn the futility of doing so as they have never solved the problems that have brought them about. Diplomacy and common sense will come to be seen as the way forward to settle any differences between you all. By preventing the use of nuclear weapons we have taken the first step that will lead to a peaceful planet. The rising vibrations will also lead to a more peaceful time and continue to do so until it becomes permanent. By then those who still carry the lower vibrations will have left the planet for a more suitable level that is compatible for them.

The new cycle was always intended to raise the vibrations, as the old energies have no permanent place in the higher realms. Be patient as the changes will take time and that includes the coming of many that will lead you into the New Age.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Imagine that events in your future could shift the events from your past which would alter your present “NOW”.

Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ Time is Fluid

assorted silver colored pocket watch lot selective focus photo
Photo by Giallo on Pexels.com

We are here to share expressions and beliefs about time. Time in your earthly hologame is a sacred belief. It is firmly anchored in your matrix and in all the programs that operate your mental activities. Most humans have some form of this rigid belief about time. Spacious time lives in the NOW.

Your beliefs/programs and your energetic stance of struggle creates time being rather restrictive. There are many rules and countless ways to measure time here in this dimension, in this matrix of earth planet and in this hologame, where you are presently focused.

We realize we have just pushed against your concept of time. We can sense your inner questioning about how this might work. Let us offer this; most all humans have experienced time being rather fluid. You can recall doing a job in which you were bored, time seemed to crawl and move slowly. Then there were times when you were totally engaged in a project or activity and time seemed to disappear and you wondered “Where did the time go?”

This is your perception of time. Remember energy follows thought. Time follows thought. Your thoughts about time arise from your belief system about time.

As a human you are engaged with time because it is one of the matrixes of this planetary game. However as a multidimensional being you can and do step out of this earthly limited matrix of time. Doing so is a matter of awareness and a matter of practice.

Again we say that time is fluid, it is not contained in your clocks or the pages of your calendar. Those are tools created as a way to speak of measuring this thing called time.

It is important that you continue to investigate and query your own personal time matrix. These are the beliefs that you were given by your family and society; they are only programs within your system.

If you could open up your personal file about time you would begin to understand it is just another agreement that you assumed because it felt solid and everyone said it was solid. In the earthly hologame it is a part of the game rules. Everyone will honor time and give it the power to run the show.

Or consider a willingness to look at your beliefs around this concept of time. Question your beliefs about time, notice how you worship time, how you covet time, how you wrap your activities in limited time. Notice your struggles and the seeming stress that is created from these beliefs. Notice how mass consciousness holds these beliefs about time.

We realize in asking you and others to look at the matrix of time in a new way is similar to asking a fish about the water in which it swims or the bird about the air in which it flies. In order to understand the concept of time that we are suggesting, one must first know and investigate just how the energy matrix of time controls and runs your life.

Begin to notice where time stalls for you and where you allow it to flow. Begin to notice how often you truly stay in the present moment of NOW. Practice bringing your awareness into each NOW.

Notice what you say about time and how you share with others your limited beliefs about time. “There is not enough time.” “I never have enough time.” “Time is running out.” “Time is speeding up.” You get the idea.

Honoring your multidimensional awareness and allowing yourself to stretch into that unlimited magnificent energy matrix that you and others truly are will certainly assist you in this interesting investigation and your insightful discoveries about time.

Play with this…allow this to be fun…it does not have to be so serious. Time is not as sacred as you and others have made it. It is flexible and it is fluid.

If time is fluid, how would that affect your day and your participation in your earthly life? Just for a moment, let us imagine that past, present and future are all happening and shifting simultaneously. It is only your perception that places them in their rigid placement.

Imagine that events in your future could shift the events from your past which would alter your present “NOW”.

As a multidimensional being this is how you would and could address this concept called time. As a being locked into the third/fourth dimension moving into the fifth dimension this is what is happening here on your planet.

The rigid beliefs that you have been taught about time and which are held as laws are just programs in your bio-computer. The rules of life on the earth plane are arranged around time. We can hear your comments about being late for appointments, waking up on time, catching a plane at a certain time, important dates and events happening at a given time.

We realize that time as you know it here on planet earth is important to recognize and be aware of because it makes playing the game understandable. However it is not the only recognized system of time in the universe. It is a limited system.

We are inviting you to sense your limited beliefs about time and then begin to allow your consciousness to become more fluid and watch how your perception of time becomes more fluid. Expand into the matrix of unlimited time, where with just a thought you could and would be anywhere on the timeline. Imagine with just a focused thought you could be present at any event or be present anywhere at any time.

Remember outside this reality, time is fluid and it is with your focused expanded consciousness that you travel time.

Play with this concept, allow yourself to imagine just what you would do if you could travel time. Where would you consciously go on the timeline? What event would you like to observe? Allow yourself to pretend or imagine the event in history in all its full color and sensations. Imagine that you could travel the timeline into your future. What would be happening? What might you be doing? Make it a playful and joy filled experience.

Imagine that you could go back to some aspect of yourself as a child and give that little self advice or comfort. Imagine being the future self returning during a difficult experience you had as a child offering to assist with this journey. Imagine that you offer strength, healing, and love to that little one.

Remember it is from the NOW that you can and do step out of time.
Notice and acknowledge yourself when you experience time as a new spatial form.
Notice and acknowledge when you experience a synchronicity or a miracle.
This is time being fluid.

We are complete. Be at peace, Beloved. the ‘team’

©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available

The old ways are no longer energetically supported. You will notice that it takes more and more effort to do things the old way. This is designed to get you to explore new and more empowered ways of navigating your life expression

March 16, 2022, trinityesoterics.com

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Exploring Empowered Navigation

photo of a person standing on footbridge leading to a lighthouse
Photo by Josh Hild on Pexels.com

Do you have a distrust of ease? Do you wait for the other shoe to drop when things are going well? Do you live by sayings like, “no pain no gain?” Do you feel struggle is noble or somehow necessary before you are worthy to receive?

All of these beliefs have been created by systems which taught that you needed to fight for what is yours, that you need to prove your worthiness, that there is a limited amount of resources, and that struggle is the norm. None of these beliefs are true!

Dear Ones, flow is your natural state of being, so having a distrust of the ease and support it brings you puts you in resistance to yourself and to your true operating system. It is time to step out of the old conditioning that has only served to keep you exhausted, having given you limited results into the full support, love, and guidance of the universe.

The old ways are no longer energetically supported. You will notice that it takes more and more effort to do things the old way. This is designed to get you to explore new and more empowered ways of navigating your life expression. You see, once you become too exhausted by an old system that gives limited returns, you will surrender.  That will be the entry point for the divine combination of the core elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust.

You will finally accept the system that can truly get you where you wish to be, and you’ll start to experience the love and support that have always been there for you. And the good news is that you can enter that system any time you like by making a simple heartfelt request to be led into the experience of more, allowing yourself to be led until you discover where your soul has been trying to take you all along.

Because you are creators, but you are not always manifestors. The manifestation part is where you have to be more conscious about what you’re doing. You have to align, you have to allow, you have to accept, and you have to keep putting your focus on what you have told the universe you want.

light man love people
Photo by Mikael Blomkvist on Pexels.com

The Path to Peace ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We very pleased to be connecting with all of you at this time because we can feel how much your consciousness is shifting as a collective, and we notice the effects that those shifts have upon you as individuals as well. We can see the possibilities opening up before you, and we know that all of the possibilities you have been creating in recent weeks have included peace on Earth. It is a very exciting time for humanity, because you have recognized the futility of conflict that involves bullets, bombs, and other ways of harming each other physically.

When you ask the universe for peace and harmony, it is automatically created, and then those realities that you have created start calling you towards them. That means you will feel the call to stop fighting with your loved ones, and you will feel the call to let go of those thoughts that put you in a state of tension and anxiety, or even fear. You will also feel the calling to meditate, to go out in nature, and to experience all forms of inner and outer peace that you can foster in your lives. When you answer the call, you not only achieve that state of being and tell the universe that peace is what you want, but you also bring those realities that you have co-created closer to you. You become more in alignment with what you say and think that you want.

You become more in alignment with what you have asked the universe for, and as we said, the universe delivers. Because you are creators, but you are not always manifestors. The manifestation part is where you have to be more conscious about what you’re doing. You have to align, you have to allow, you have to accept, and you have to keep putting your focus on what you have told the universe you want. And as you do this, you vibrate in harmony with what you want, and since there is no separation between you and anything in this universe, it is quite easy for you to find yourself experiencing what you want.

There is always a path, and in this case, there are many paths, as you consider peace on Earth and how you’re going to get there as a collective. The many paths are before you, and we can feel the effects they are having upon you as you listen more to that guidance, to that calling. As you put yourselves in alignment with peace, then peace is what you get. And peace is all you need to allow yourselves the natural raising of your vibration that occurs because you exist, because you are Source Energy Beings, and because you are on an ascension path.

There is nowhere for you to go but up into higher and higher frequencies, and there is peace in all of those domains, all of those realities that are of a higher vibration. Allow yourselves to go there and feel for what it feels like, for it is most certainly home, and it will feel like home to you and to all who join you on that path to peace.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”