I have because I AM.

The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele, Jan. 30, 2022

Welcome dear readers,

As you are well aware, the world is presently experiencing a great deal of confusion and stress especially for those who are unaware of the ascension process taking place and many are saying to themselves, ” I don’t want to be here any longer.”

As a result many have left or are choosing to leave and Covid has provided an exit point. You must remember that because of free will every soul chooses on a deeper level whether to leave or stay although very few – or even individuals themselves – realize this.

We spoke in our last message about relationships and the Mystical Marriage. We would like to add that when spiritually prepared, their balancing of male and female energy (the Mystical Marriage) begins automatically and without conscious effort through choices and life lessons whether the person is alone or in a relationship. The type of relationship makes no difference–heterosexual or homosexual.

In the third dimension, relationships are often judged as to their rightness, wrongness, correctness, or even “sinfulness” based on how they align with certain religious or universal beliefs about what constitutes a proper or “God” endorsed relationship. There is no such thing as a sinful or wrong relationship if love and respect for both is present.

The two major stumbling blocks in every person’s journey out of a three dimensional state of consciousness are relationships, which we have already discussed, and abundance. Mankind has suffered under the burden of lack and limitation for a very long time not realizing that they themselves were continuing to maintain and sustain it through their belief in it. The belief in lack is firmly established in universal collective consciousness and pervades every aspect of life on earth.

​You have all experienced forms of lack and limitation especially in earlier lifetimes when extreme lack was accepted as normal. The energy of these experiences has been stored in cellular memory and carried into the consecutive lifetimes of almost everyone making lack the dominant belief system on earth.

assorted vegetable lot
Photo by Matheus Cenali on Pexels.com

Abundance is every person’s natural birthright but because most remain ignorant of their true Self, the world as a whole continues to believe that it must struggle, work hard, steal, beg, and suffer even for the most basic of what may be needed. Lack and limitation on all levels (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) is simply the material manifestation of the belief in duality (have/don’t have) and separation (separation from one’s good and God).

​You are ready and prepared to move beyond the firmly established false beliefs that surround lack and limitation by actually accepting that you are in fact a Divine Being, not a limited human being subject to all the good and bad floating in the collective. You are God individualized and therefore embody all that God is and cannot lack simply because the idea of lack does not exist in Self-sustained, Self-maintained Divine Consciousness. If it did, it would be held in place by Divine Law forever, never to be removed.

The first step toward moving into a consciousness of abundance is to get the flow going. Donate what you not longer use or need, put something in the tip jar, give your time and energy to someone or something that needs it. When you pay bills, realize that because there is only one, the money is flowing from your right hand to your left through you from an Infinite Source within rather than from your personal three dimensional sense of supply which must always be limited because of the belief in duality whether at present there is a lot or a little.

It doesn’t matter the amount, start with one penny if that is what you have. What matters is the consciousness with which the giving of anything flows; “I have because I AM.”

As God Beings your resources are unlimited. Observe the infinity of the blades of grass, trees, etc. always multiplying. Multiplication is Divine Law. Consciously acknowledge and begin to express money, goods, time, love, service, creativity, etc. in awareness of your Divine completeness. As we have said many times, Consciousness is the substance of form and if you continually make “I don’t have” your state of consciousness, then mind, which is the interpreter of consciousness will see to it that you manifest exactly that.

​Many say they have tried these practices and they don’t work, everything just remains the same. You must remember that in order for any idea on any level to become a manifesting state of consciousness it must first come into one’s awareness, become knowledge and acceptance, and then practiced. This is true of everything whether it be learning to drive a car or attaining the consciousness of a spiritual truth.

As a person continues to remember, know, and practice sharing and giving from the realization that it is flowing through them from an unlimited self-sustained, self-maintained Source and not personally from them, it gradually becomes their state of consciousness and what is needed (not just wanted) begins to flow more easily and naturally, and often from where least expected.

Remember that as an individualization of Source, God, Divine Consciousness, you are the fullness of God and not just a part. You only believed that you were a limited human being because over the course of living many lifetimes permeated with false beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers you became hypnotized into believing that you were separate, less than, and worthless unless you conformed to specific societal or religious laws and standards of perfection.

​The evolutionary process does not take place in one moment, but rather unfolds as each person moves into spiritual readiness for their next step. The old, dense, and obsolete energies that have held you prisoner for so long are now clearing personally and globally and being replaced with higher dimensional frequencies of Light that will allow you to more easily experience reality.

As you rest in and trust the truth about yourself and others, fear will begin to drop away, life experiences will seem easier, and you will discover that you have become a teacher, way shower and Light for those still struggling and seeking. Many of you are already there. Yay!

We are the Arcturian Group 1/30/22

Donations are welcomed

Jesus Through John: Intend to be Fully Integrated within the Field of Love

The collective awakening of humanity is proceeding apace, so do not allow yourselves to be unduly disturbed by the less than uplifting stories that the MSM focuses on, and then publishes with monotonous regularity in order to spread fear and anxiety.

There is far more going on in the world, and of a far more uplifting nature, that is clearly indicating that your awakening is progressing quite beautifully.  The divine Will is always achieved, so release any doubts to which you may be clinging, even inadvertently.

Often unsettling thoughts, feelings, and emotions flow through your minds far too freely, without you being aware of what they are – just that . . . thoughts, feelings, and emotions – they are not you, but, to you, they feel like you.

Part of being human, with a veil hiding Reality from you, is to identify yourselves with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and, of course, your bodies which are your central sensors through which all that occurs in your immediate vicinity is experienced – and none of this is Real, i.e eternal.  To allow yourselves to become aware that this is unreal can be very difficult because it is so deeply ingrained, and because you have been doing it for such a long time . . . all your lives!

The personal identities by which you choose to identify yourselves have seemingly been validated since you were infants, because you have been taught, and have therefore believed, that that is who you are.

When you are older you can look at your birth certificates and confirm that identity, given to you at birth by your parents, and established by law.  But beneath that belief you have an awareness of yourbeingness, and that beingness is who you truly are, and if that awareness is acknowledged and accepted, it will show very clearly that there is no separation, that you are One with Source, even though you will still retain and use your personal identity as a human in form.

But that identity will no longer need to be defended against your own egoic opinions and judgments – negative or positive – or those of others, because it is just a convenience for your use while you are in form.  It is not who you are, you are far, far more, in fact you are unimaginably vaster and more powerful than, as a human limited by form, you can possibly apprehend.

This conscious acceptance of your human identity’s temporary and unreal nature will lead you to total self-acceptance and peace as you start to know yourself right now as an eternally beloved child of God, no matter what may be going on in your human lives.

You are of God.  As an analogy you can think of water as “of the ocean.”  Like water, your apparent separation from God is very temporary indeed, in the same way that all water returns eventually to the ocean.

To awaken is to become sufficiently aware to allow yourselves to know yourselves as One, inseparable from Source, and enveloped in the infinite energy field of Love which has no beyond because It is All.  The peace and comfort that knowing and accepting that Truth will bring you, when you choose to do so, is indescribable.  A most wondrous state of bliss awaits you in that moment.

This is why going within daily, to your holy inner sanctuaries, is an absolutely essential daily routine.

Going within to meditate, to relax for a moment from the concerns of the day, or just to be quiet and separated from the rush and impatience of daily life is the path to that awareness.  It does not matter what method – if any – that you choose to use to slow down and quieten the ‘roof-brain chatter.’  Just sitting quietly watching the noise and chatter arise without engaging with it is, of course, a state of being aware.  

This awareness helps you to find the Real self beneath all the noise.  Your egos will attempt to get you to focus on an ‘important’ thought or issue, because if you consider it important it is much easier to distract you into engaging with it.

The trick is to immediately remind yourselves that in this quiet time nothing of importance is going to happen that needs your immediate and undivided attention, and then settle back into the quietness.  It may only last a few seconds, but, as time is but one of the unreal aspects of the game of form, during those few second of now much progress can be made in strengthening your consciousness of being aware of being, of releasing you from the apparent need to attend to that almost interminable thought-flow.

You are, each and every sentient being, in every moment of your eternal existence, One with Source.

That state is unchanging and unchangeable.

Therefore, during those daily moments of quietness, remind yourselves of this Truth, and then reset the intent to be only loving whatever arises, and intend to be fully integrated within the field of Love, receiving, sharing, and extending Love to everyone presently in the process of awakening, and certainly, of course, to any who may appear to you to be attempting to disrupt or prevent humanity’s awakening by encouraging division and conflict.

You are all dearly loved, so please extend and share that wondrous and constantly flowing divine Gift with all of humanity as you complete your awakening process!

Your loving brother, Jesus.

My presence inspires kindness in others

January 27, 2022, trinityesoterics.com

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Statements of Empowered Choice

Many of you have a reluctance to be seen as you really are due to past experiences where you were not accepted in that truth. You may have been shunned, judged, abandoned, or ridiculed. Many of you are working on the healing of that core wound in order to step forward into your highest life expression.

While it might seem natural to try to undo that old wound/fear by replacing it with a new empowering statement that included safety…seeking safety, in a sense, can indicate that you still believe there is something you need protection from.

A better approach might be to use a new energetic declaration such as ~

“My presence inspires kindness in others.”

Can you feel the difference? The energy of the new statement allows you to shine in your truth, and because of that empowered choice, receive the treatment you deserve. It encourages you to be a leader, and to hold the energy for others to meet you in that space.

That, Dear Ones, is Mastery.