Daily Archives: January 14, 2022
Doing just this – finding a little bit of joy each day – raises your own energy levels and increases the intensity of the Love flow across the planet
Your presence on Earth at this moment is not a chance accident or occurrence.
Your Presence on Earth at this Moment | Saul via John Smallman
(John Smallman)
2021 was a year of “stuff” arising for most people on Planet Earth, and 2022 will be the year in which it all falls away. The human collective, every human presently incarnate on Earth, made enormous progress during the year that has just ended in acknowledging, thanking, and releasing old karmic ‘stuff’ that has been weighing them down for a long time. Now, as they begin to feel much lighter and far more positive about life, they will find themselves uncovering reasons for joy every day in their daily lives. Doing just this – finding a little bit of joy each day – raises your own energy levels and increases the intensity of the Love flow across the planet, the life force that vitalizes every living form.
Love is the energy, the power, the potential that enlivens the world of form and matter, and there is never any lack because It is always abundantly present. To be depressed – a state that many experience at times, or seemingly constantly – is to partially close yourselves off from It, whereas to be enthusiastic about life is to open yourselves to It. You do have a choice in this, so if it seems to you that you do not, then go within to your holy inner sanctuary and visit with your support team in the spiritual realms – you all have a spiritual support team permanently alert and waiting for you to choose to connect with them – and ask them for help. THEN LISTEN! Your egos always have expectations which are seldom helpful. Listening patiently and quietly without egoic expectations is the key, then trust! You will receive an answer, a message, or an an intuitive knowing that is totally appropriate, although it may not be what you expected to receive, so do not rush to dismiss it, just let it settle gently within you, and come back to review it later.
Whenever you go within to your own holy inner space – and you do need to do this at least once daily – make a point of bringing to mind something for which you are grateful. Everyone without exception has something (most probably many things!) for which to be grateful, and do not allow yourselves to focus your attention on aspects of your life or of the world outside that displease you. Many of you experience an almost constant stream of thoughts about what you dislike or what you believe prevents you from being happy and content. Dismiss those thoughts or choose not to focus on them, and instead remind yourselves: “Here I am, an immortal being, a child of God, who is eternally and infinitely loved by Her, no matter what feelings of guilt, shame or unworthiness I may be clinging to, and which I need to release!” Just reminding yourselves of this divine Truth about yourselves should raise your spirits, and facilitate your ability to remember an aspect of yourselves in which you truly are of loving service in the world.
Everyone presently in human form on Earth chose to be here because they wished to serve humanity during the collective awakening process. Everyone of you is in service to the collective just by being and by intending to be a loving presence in every moment of your earthly existence. It may seem to you that you are not doing anything of value with your life, but I assure you that your presence on Earth right now is essential! You may well be getting no sense of this, no positive feedback of any kind at all, nevertheless, I repeat, your presence here now is essential! Trust that you planned your present life, mightily assisted by your spiritual support team, with great love and wisdom because you knew that what you had to offer to humanity’s awakening process was indispensable and could only be offered by you.
Each day set the intent to be only loving, to demonstrate love in action just by being present and aware wherever you are – in the supermarket check-out line, interacting with your employees or business subordinates, filling the car with gas, walking down the street – and loving all those with whom you interact in even the smallest way during those wonderful opportunities that arise daily to allow you to share and extend love. That is why you are precisely where you are right now. Your presence on Earth at this moment is not a chance accident or occurrence, it is the divine Will unfolding perfectly, and it is also your will unfolding — the intentional plan you designed and put into effect by incarnating. If you cannot see any spiritual purpose in how your life is unfolding, then, as I suggested above, go within and ask for guidance. You will always be answered promptly and lovingly because you are always heard.
The life that you have been experiencing up to this moment, and which you are now continuing to live is the one you planned before incarnating. It can very likely seem to you to have no clear spiritual manifestation because it seems to you to be “just more of the same old stuff,” so just remind yourselves that releasing that ‘stuff’ is a major aspect of your pre-incarnational life plan. At the very moment that you were born you were immediately placed upon your perfectly designed life path. However, you were initially in a state of forgetfulness to allow you to grow from infancy into mature adulthood, and you had planned that at some point during that process you would start to become aware that your human life does have a spiritual purpose. You are most definitely now following that path which is absolutely perfect for you. It just may be that once you started to become aware of the possibility of this being the case you were hoping and expecting it to be rather more interesting, important, or dramatic than what you are actually experiencing right now. That is your ego attempting to distract you, by persuading you that you have something far more important to do – perhaps by drawing your attention to other ‘wise and deeply spiritual gurus’ – and that you should continue to seek it out, thus demonstrating to others how seriously spiritual you are! It can be a very effective distraction as it encourages you to seek publicity through your words and actions, when in fact just by being yourselves – without adding any bells or whistles – and allowing Love to flow freely through you, you are living your essential and most holy purpose quite perfectly.
Be You! There is no one else you can be, and give thanks for your magnificent and divine purpose as a human on Earth now, brilliantly and beautifully assisting in the collective awakening process. That is why you are precisely where you are, so do not accept any of the utterly invalid arguments or negative self-judgments with which your egos may present you, as they urgently seek for you the distractions and drama with which they imagine spiritual significance will provide. You are way beyond the nonsense of being spiritually significant, you are an absolutely perfect divine being eternally at One with Source. When you awaken into full awareness of this sacrosanct truth, as you will, you will once more recognize and delight in the wonder of who you truly are as all doubts and negative self-judgments just dissolve.
With so very much love, Saul.
You are all, in addition to being the architects of the New Earth, the wrecking crew of the old one.
A Message to Lightworkers – January 13, 2022
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective:
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.
We are aware that many of you are feeling uneasy regarding how the world is going at present.
You may be feeling uncertain about your work, and therefore your financial income, remaining strong while an economic slowdown occurs in the wider world.
You may be feeling uncertainty regarding your own or your loved ones’ health and well-being.
And most of you are wondering when NESARA will finally happen.
You are looking for signs that it will unfold soon, and wondering at times, as you look out at the world, whether humanity hasn’t been a bit abandoned by those of a higher vibration.
And we will say, you could never be abandoned—and so, do not abandon yourselves!
We speak often on the issue of realizing your own amazing ability to stretch out a hand, metaphorically speaking, and create from your own intention, projecting your desire into the Universe and calling in the highest form of what you wish to create.
You have this same astounding ability to touch another on a heart level in some beautiful way each of you greatly needs.
And to likewise encourage yourself each day.
There will indeed be days when you see the systems around you fading and dissolving, and feel isolated or alone as a result.
You are all, in addition to being the architects of the New Earth, the wrecking crew of the old one.
Remember that, and value the chance to be here as the old structures fall and crumble to dust.
Value the chance to rest and be quiet at times, and to quiet the mind from its relentless questioning and demands for answers.
Value the in-between times, when you wish things were different—calmer, more sensible—as this too is a form of moving forward.
In those moments, put down the heavy burden of working hard to birth new forms of Earth life.
Admit you are in a limited human body with limited conscious perspective, and hand over to the presence of Divine Love all that troubles you.
It may seem to be an odd contradiction, that we spend so much time assuring you of your innate strength—that you are powerful etheric beings in physical form, who have come in to rebirth your planet, and to help rebirth humanity.
Yet we wish also to say, that you are all of you in ”detox” mode at present.
The sentient Light codes flowing to Earth now are in constant energetic dialogue with your body, mind, spirit, and energy systems.
As a result, you are in a stage of cleansing and renewal that entails releasing much that you cannot take with you into the fifth dimension.
This is similar to when someone decides that “I will no longer gamble” or “I will no longer eat sugar or most grains,” or “I will release the need to watch television each night,” and so on.
The body, and brain’s the neural pathways, so well-worn and accustomed to those activities, can react with shock at the loss of them.
They will feel the missing element, and mourn its dismissal.
A bit of a resistance then comes up, because the human mind and body love routine, and feel safest living inside that.
There are also biochemical reactions that habits offer—not only reactions to food, drink, and other substances, but to habitual outer movements.
Yet as a new space is cleared—as an old habit or addiction is released, to make way for something far better—that openness holds a stunning beauty, despite discomfort and unsureness.
The realization of new possibilities can occur, even as the body, ego-mind, and personality work hard to adjust.
This is where you are now, in many respects, dear ones!
It is important to allow this moment in your life and on your planet, even though you wish it would hurry up and be finished.
That is understandable, and yet—transitions must occur.
To cross the ravine, you must first walk the bridge from one side to the other.
There is a reason why, when people are rock climbing or crossing a very high bridge, someone will offer, “Don’t look down!”
If you knew the immensity of the task you are even now fulfilling, you would be astounded by it, and perhaps wonder if you could ever complete it.
Yes, you are at a dizzying height, and may well feel physically dizzy and exhausted some days, as body, mind, and spirit reach new heights, and throw off the density of old vibrations.
Yet you are moving through the needed steps to completion, in beautiful ways.
Speak with this new higher Light flowing in now.
Let it know you would like a Lighter heart, and a mind and body that are able to more quickly adapt to these new energetics, in calm and graceful ways.
Yes, this is possible. You need not feel stuck in transition or detox mode any longer than necessary.
You can begin even now to move forward to a calmer place.
Many of you use Emotional Freedom Technique (known as Tapping) to move from a stuck place in your daily habits or your thoughts and emotions.
This very helpful tool is a way to enact energy work on your own inner life, in empowering ways.
And so as you tap, you might begin by affirming three times that “Even though I have no idea where this Earth is headed—where I am headed at the moment!—I still deeply Love, accept, and honor myself.”
Then you will move on, not to denying your emotions and mental stresses, but to embracing the.
Let them speak up, as you would allow a distressed child speak of their fears, as you tap through the meridian points on the face and upper body:
“I feel very unsure . . . This is difficult . . . so much is unwritten . . . I welcome the New Earth . . . but this is a new situation . . . very unsure . . . I don’t know how to handle these stresses some days . . . afraid for my loved ones . . . not sure about myself some days . . . it’s very unsettling . . . “ and so on.
In the next round, or a few rounds after that, once you have released your emotional response fully, you might feel a bit more positive.
And so you might say, while tapping through the points:
“I know that all I need to do, is stay in the present moment . . . keep returning to my breath . . . talk to my Spirit team each day . . . know I AM loved, and lovingly guided . . . knowing all is well . . . “
It may take you a few rounds to get to where you move naturally to feeling positive enough about life that you can begin affirming the positive.
Do not push—allow yourself to get out as much upset or confusion, or feelings of abandonment or uncertainty, as needed.
There are no “losing” moments here.
The point is to be honest with yourself about your own vulnerability—to allow yourself to feel it fully, and to only move on when you are ready.
Remember that some part of you, even within your Earth body, is full of courage at all times, or you would not be here now.
Call on that aspect, and let it come forward.
You have asked that this be your time, dear ones—humanity’s time to stand up and count itself as independent from the powerfully corrupt.
Your complete willingness to allow the vulnerability and uncertainty you feel at times, while feeling empowered and in Joy at other times, gives you more strength, not less.
This New Human you are fast becoming does not stop caring or honoring themselves or others when faced with opposing views or circumstances.
Allow this time of questions and impatience, knowing you are able to move up in vibration whenever you choose, or as soon as you are able.
You are a part of this great stream of conscious living Light that is pouring onto the planet now.
You are part of the great Creator presence that has directed its flow through your galaxy and Universe, and Who could never stop loving you.
The reality of that is constantly with you, no matter what may occur around you.
Be of good cheer, dear ones!
All is Well, and All Shall Be Most Well!
Namaste! We are with you, always.
Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post: https://www.ascensiontimes.com/post/a-message-to-lightworkers-january-13-2022.
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