What’s Your Central Sun?

lady in beach silhouette during daytime photography
Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com

Dear Ones,

Many of you are concerned that you are not ready for the final push, the birth of new you. Such concerns indicate your disbelief in your worth.

You most likely relish the thought of a new earth that someone will create and promote. But that someone is certainly not you, for you are just you – an ordinary earthling. A belief many of you hold despite eons of practice for this moment. You believe you cannot be an earth savior or angel because you are so average, so ordinary.

You likely relish those fairy tale and comic book characters who transform from ordinary to extraordinary with little or unexpected effort. You are those characters – the Clark Kent transforming into Superman. Do you not realize that your fairy tale and comic book characters are triggers to remind you of your greatness and skill level?

That last thought does not mean you will jump into a telephone booth – even if you could find one – and shift into a superhuman. Instead, each of you has a specific expert skill, not within the range of possibilities for others. A skill that is your secret gift to the world.

Your gift might be something you pined for or have utilized for decades. All that matters is that you use that skill however it is most comfortable for you. Perhaps you are a physical healer or a loving being comforting everyone just by being in their presence. Maybe it is the creation of something that future generations will utilize. Or beautiful artwork or music to provide comfort to those who connect with your artistic creations. It does not matter what your unique gift is, for each gift is necessary to help the earth and its beings shift from outer-directedness to inner peace and joy.

All you have to do to access your skills is follow your interests.

You are not a forerunner merely to take up a forerunner group slot. You are a forerunner because you are powerful and tenacious, as displayed by your ongoing need to shift the earth and yourself despite all odds.

You are exceptional with many skills. At the same time, you have a unique skill you honed for eons for this time.

No one reading this message can claim – even though you may want to so you can pander to your former worthlessness training – they are not skilled, exceptional, or ready. This time is what you hoped for, prepared for, prayed for, and diligently dedicated yourself to for eons.

Allow that sparkling, special new you to display who and what you are. This is not a time to be shy or nervous. This time, this place is your message to shine as brightly as you wanted for eons. Even though you are not better than others, you are different – just as Johann Sebastian Bach was different than Steve Jobs. Both created something that changed the earth in unexpected ways. They were the forerunners preparing the path for you.

It is time for you to claim your skills, your inner power, and your rightness to be of the earth now. Shrinking violets are no longer needed. Claim yourself so that those following can do the same, just as Steve Jobs, along with other tinkerers, created new skills and languages to help you communicate with one another in ways never before known. Stop pretending you are not equally skilled. And stop allowing others to force you to conform to what was.

What was is no longer – just as outer-directed you are no longer.

Shine, sparkle, and do so by claiming yourself fully without concerns about conceit, overshadowing others, stepping outside expectation boxes, or any concerns about staying behind the wall of 3D safety.

Your time is now. Claim yourself in all your seeming eccentric glory.

Your skills do not have to be otherworldly – they merely have to create a warmth and rightness within you. Perhaps you are a kind neighbor or the creator of something that will change the world. It does not matter. All that matters is that you feel right within yourself, knowing that this is your dream. That is your key place.

Even though there are other interests and activities you will likely participate in, your key place is your center, your personal sun, which will radiate out to any activities in which you participate.

Find and claim your personal sun.

No one other than you knows your personal sun. You will find yourself drawn to a particular activity – perhaps something you always found intriguing. Allow yourself to activate your central sun with a knowingness of rightness within you. Your personal sun will then radiate out to the appropriate stars of activity.

If you do not understand what we, of the Universes, are speaking of, ask yourself what brings you joy in your day-to-day life? What sparks your interest? Or what do you wish you had time to do? Perhaps you need to ask yourself why something has been or has become vital to you. Then, follow that question with how that information relates to your current life or how you wish it would. Most likely, the answer is part, if not all, of your central sun. Allow yourself to embed yourself in that activity or thought process, for you will feel somewhat empty until you do. Then follow that piece of knowledge with related activities.

Your central sun was honed through eons of practice to be the starting point of your new life in this new world. The aforementioned personal questions will lead you to your new world, as well as expose to you and others your superpowers of innovation and creation. So be it. Amen.

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You are here to Be, and to demonstrate the Love that you Are.

by John Smallman


Your divine and holy purpose – Being You Now!

All are one, and you all know that.  Yet, because of “the rules of the game”– being a human in form – you have allowed yourselves to forget this eternal and unchanging Truth. The awakening process, in which the human collective recently collectively agreed to participate, is now moving forward very rapidly.  You are seeing wonderful signs of this in many locations and circumstances – and yet you doubt! Let go of those doubts, for, like the illusion/dream, they are unreal.  To have doubts and dwell on them is a choice many of you keep making – choose not to do so any longer, and when any do arise into your conscious awareness dismiss them immediately, do not dwell on them.

Yes, many on Earth are experiencing major suffering, and “by being in the world, but not of it” you can be fully aware of this without entering into that experience.

Every time this awareness comes to mind due to yet another disturbing news item, or because someone you know and love, or even you yourself are suffering, remind yourselves that there is only Love.

Then send Love/Healing to whichever suffering one(s) you have become aware of, but without being drawn into that suffering and thus allowing your energy to be drained by any sense of guilt or shame you may feel in the awareness of knowing that all are one, and perhaps then feeling or believing that maybe you too are in some way responsible.

You need all your energy – and you have a limitless abundance of it in every moment – to be able to send the fullness of Love/Healing to those in need.

You have all experienced the powerful and uplifting energy of love and acceptance when in the presence of a very loving person.  Well, you all have that power, and when you choose to be at peace within yourselves, no matter what is happening around you, then it is fully available for you to direct to wherever you are intuitively guided to direct it.

You are, as we have discussed before, presently on Earth, precisely where you are now, because you made the wise, generous, and most beautiful decision before incarnating to assist as fully as you possibly could in humanity’s awakening process.  You are doing that now, so do not allow any ego-driven doubts of incompetence, guilt, shame, or unworthiness that may arise to distract you from your divine and holy purpose – Being You Now!

You are Love, you know this at the depths of your being, and yet your egos keep whittling away at your totally legitimate right to believe in and trust yourselves, your intuition, your inner knowing.  Their one aim is to distract you from your real purpose, which you so frequently doubt, by filling your minds with a flood of thoughts that serve absolutely no useful purpose.

You are here to Be, and to demonstrate the Love that you Are.  That is what being yourselves truly means.  Do not allow yourselves to get drawn either into thoughts or discussions about the immense harm that so many are causing, or about what others are able to do so much more lovingly and effectively than you.

You ARE where you are meant to be.  You CHOSE to be right where you are now because it is the most effective place for you to be right now, in this moment.  In another moment you may well be somewhere else, but right now you are here, you are meant to be here, so BE here.

In this present moment you are always exactly where you are meant to be, and this is true in every moment.  Yes, you may at times wish you were somewhere else, especially if you are undergoing any kind of suffering – physical, emotional, psychological, or spiritual – but understand that any personal suffering is a wake-up call to assist you in learning the lessons that you chose to place on your human life path, and to which, whatever the reason may be, you are not paying close enough attention.

Your ego-driven ‘roof-brain-chatter’ will attempt to distract you with thoughts such as “I don’t need this; this is not fair; I am really doing my best so why is this happening?”

Remind yourselves frequently that you are where you are by your own free will choice.  Obviously this often appears not to be the case, and your egos love to try, sometimes quite successfully, to convince you that something ‘has gone wrong.’

You may even succeed in convincing yourselves that this is true!  Dissatisfaction with the way your lives appear to be unfolding often occurs, especially when it involves intense suffering of any kind.  Remember, you are where you have chosen to be, so what are you doing or failing to do in this now moment may well be an experience to help you grow in wisdom and self-acceptance.

What you experience that upsets or disturbs is nearly always due to your own perception or judgment of an issue, not the issue itself.  It all comes back to trusting your intuition, your inner guidance, and then dealing with whatever arises with Love, instead of with fear-driven anger which is often a default mode for those in form and playing ‘the game.’

Whatever you are aware of experiencing as a human in form – peace, love happiness, pain suffering, or resentment – do take a time-out to remind yourselves that your true nature is Love, that you are always inseparably at One with Source, and you are in the situation that is delivering these experiences in order, by your loving presence, to assist others who are also undergoing various assorted difficulties.

This is not a case of attempting to be ‘spiritually significant’ in the eyes of others, because if you do come from your hearts, offering only love, you will be doing enormously successful spiritual work – and it’s hardly work!  Just being what you are – Love – is your purpose, as your presence gently nudges others towards their own awakening.

All are awakening now!  However, because the illusion is massively invested in time, the idea of all being on a path to awaken together is extremely hard for you to get a handle on.

Remind yourselves that the material world, form and substance, are unreal.  Only Mother/Father/God, Source, Love is Real.

You know this deep within yourselves, and as you choose to become increasingly aware of this, the worldly problems that all encounter will be less and less unsettling for you.

Trust in God, in Love, and in yourselves, because doing so is surrendering to the divine Will and thus allowing Love to empower and guide you in every moment of your human existence.

Yes, problems or issues will still arise, but you will find yourselves able to deal with them by addressing them lovingly, and then any egoic need to be in control will fall away, and you will find yourselves basically at peace and very much better able to assist others.

Then you will become increasingly aware of the peace and contentment that others find in your presence.

With so very much love, Saul.

If you really wish to be of service to others, put your soul growth and wellness first. That will allow you to create a firm foundation to truly help others from a place of empowerment.

photo of woman sitting on rock
Photo by Eternal Happiness on Pexels.com

January 23, 2022, trinityesoterics.com

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Wholeness is an Inside Job

Many helper souls have a strong tendency to put others before themselves. While your society has taught you that it’s noble, in reality that is exactly what leads to emotional and physical exhaustion. Some humans use helping as a shield to avoid doing their own healing and growth, and begin to define themselves only through their efforts for others. Over time, they will find those efforts will never feel like enough, and will become less and less satisfying.

Externals, no matter how well intended they may be, will never make you whole. Your wholeness can only come from within, by embracing and honouring who you really are and your sacred connection to Source.

If you really wish to be of service to others, put your soul growth and wellness first. That will allow you to create a firm foundation to truly help others from a place of empowerment. Disempowered helping frequently masks low self esteem and is out of balance. True service empowers everyone.

Message 63 from Healing Balm for the Enlightening Soul