You are all great Warriors carrying the Light. You are all remnants of past great civilizations who have embodied again at this time to change the course of history. You are here to break the codes of death and aging. You are here to set belief systems on a new spiral – a spiral upward toward immortality, instead of spiraling downward toward death.
This is a great breakthrough for humanity, for without this change humanity on Earth would be doomed to continue third dimensional reality. So, the part you play is crucial. As you change your belief system you change the belief system of the critical mass – which in turn will change the codes of death to reflect the codes of Immortality as they were originally intended to work. Our DNA was and still is, originally intended to create Immortality – intended to allow us the choice of determining our own life spans – of determining how long to remain in our current incarnations. It was never intended that we live only a few decades and then die in total separation from the Creator.
For life is all One, and your lives were meant to reflect the wholeness and oneness of creation; and your lives were meant to be Immortal, so that your earthly life spans would spiral through the decades bringing you more and more wisdom as you spanned the course of time. For the longer your earthly life spans, the more wisdom you garner and the more evolved you become. Shorter life spans only limit your evolvement and can cause endless incarnations to achieve the same thing.
So we come to you bringing great hope, bringing you the knowingness that you are all programmed for Immortality. Bringing you the knowledge that you are Immortal Beings playing a great role on Planet Earth, and that Planet Earth is playing a great role in the Cosmos.
I Am Adama, High Priest and Ascended Master in Telos, a Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta in California
Copyright © Dianne Robbins
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Daily Archives: December 9, 2021
if you can anchor it you already contain it, so anchoring is moving a step further in your manifestation process.
December 8, 2021,
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Gift of Embodiment
Anchoring gets you and your preferred energetics into your body willingly. So many on the enlightenment journey focus up and out of their bodies. Again we say that you cannot experience embodiment without being in your body!
There are many, many gifts of being in the body. If you are currently experiencing ascension fatigue, can you cast your net wider into a new possibility that being in your body can be a great joy, and not a burden? You get to do that by choosing whatever energy you wish to anchor and embody.
Can you open to the idea of your body and energetics being a joyful expression of self? Rather than dreading energetic intensity and the ascension symptoms it may temporarily cause, can you include a space of wonder for the fact that you are integrating so many higher vibrating energies into your experience?
Can you move into the embodiment of joyful service to yourself and to others through the energy you anchor? Again we point out if you can anchor it you already contain it, so anchoring is moving a step further in your manifestation process.
There are so many new potentials that are ripe for discovery for you, Dear Ones, in this corridor leading up to 2022. Play and explore, and invite lightness back into your journey!
Pleiadian December 2021 Message
Beloved ones we greet you,
Your earth plane is fast approaching the ‘big shift’, which is destined to unfold as you complete the cycle of 2021 and rotate into the next energetic cycle of 2022. This will be a completion of an essential phase of your time of preparation, and 2022 will herald in the beginning of a new era of consciousness for you and the planet. All of you who are on an awakened path on Earth are on the cusp of great change and self-revelation. We, the Pleiaidians call this next step the biggest energetic transfer ever to take place during this current transition of Earth.
At the very moment you enter the frequency of 2022 a multidimensional energetic ‘Split’ will impact the entire sphere of the earth plane. The Split is not a separation, you have been in separation for lifetimes, rather it is a naturally happening of returning to the original state of Oneness. The ‘Split’ can be likened to an opening in a dark sky, the clouds open and the Sun streams down onto Earth and into you. Those of you who are aligned to your Hearts will be ready to orientate and enter this higher dimensional environmental light that will open at the time of the ‘Split’. At that moment you will be launched into an expanded alternated reality timeframe. This is where those of you on a conscious path will be relocated, relinked into a higher consciousness network. This alternate reality space reopening is destiny in motion, a part of the unfolding of the Aquarian Age.
At the very moment, of the ‘Split’ you will be merged, within a oneness flow. You will become aligned within a higher light consciousness, which is only one aspect of the whole. You are to take your unique place within the sacred redefinition of Earth’s magnetic light as these shifts within the Split occur. These alternate reality, multidimensional frequencies forge open a blessed environment, an alternative experience for you to enliven yourself. Remember you are not separate from these spaces of light which are re-emerging, you have never been separate. This is a returning to, a reunion to sacred components of your Higher Self that are held within these higher realm alternate realities.
These alternate reality spaces have always existed on Earth. This is the first time that you are ready as a collective community to begin to orientate organically back into these sacred spaces as a natural extension of your daily experiences. Through living within the essence of these alternate reality spaces you will begin to engage differently within your life. Your consciousness will evolve, aligning deeply to your Higher Self components. These spaces are designed to realign you into a stabilized state within the more expanded light consciousness state of your Higher Self.
Only through your Heart will you be able to fully engage through these alternate reality spaces. You Heart will become the essential tool for you to first orientate and then engage within an entire metamorphic process. Your Heart will become a stabilizing element for you within these higher realm light spaces.
These expanded states are expressly designed to align you into component levels of your Higher Self and then create an anchor within the very center of your multidimensional Heart. This upcoming time is intended for your rapid transmutation. You being revealed to yourself, you gaining a higher understanding and insight of your own unique divine component.
The sacred Vortexes, Sites and Portals are now holding vibrational mirrors of this higher consciousness essence in readiness for the ‘Split’. These sacred spaces will continue to build in vibrational patterns mirroring these powerful light reflections, expanding in momentum throughout the planet leading into the time of the ‘Split’. These frequencies are geared to evolve as the sacred patterns accumulate together, forming a spiraling crescendo of light. This spinning light will explode and form a brilliant wave of consciousness at the time of the ‘Split’, as the energetic moment of 2022 unfolds.
Powerful forces have entered your planet this month, designed to support all awakened communities that are scattered throughout the earth plane. As you draw nearer to the end of December an expansive vibrational light pulse will begin to emanate from within the Magnetic core of your earth. This light pulse will begin to interact directly within your Heart cells in preparation for the ‘Shift’. This pulsation is designed to shift the energetic origin of your Heart’s framework, realigning your Heart into a multidimensional fluid frame of light vibration is readiness to enter these alternate reality spaces.
Each community base is playing a pivotal role right now, bringing forth a sacred signature within each communion setting. As you gather within your groups be conscious as you align to one another. Spend moments of stillness together while linking into your Heart center, form an energetic circle and create a circle of Heart’s. Each one of you holds a unique divine vibration element within your Heart, collectively you can form a powerful circle of light which will impact the Earth’s balance of light in readiness for the time of the ‘Split’.
Your Heart center is limitless in its capacity to hold the multidimensional frequency of your Higher Self light. The sacred force, the power you hold within the true pure existence of your Heart is unimaginable to you at this juncture. At the time of the ‘Split’ your Heart’s true natural potential will be revealed to you.
You will be ignited by this light vibration within every cell in your physical body, like a pure flame that will mirror through all aspects of your cellular makeup. Your DNA will go through a rapid repositioning process. Simultaneously sacred encryptions of your Higher Self will be re-established within your brain cells, setting in motion a reorientation within your Being, opening you into a deeper alignment to Truth.
As the energy evolves the frequency of the of 3rd dimension playout on your planet will become more magnified and at a certain point there will be a fracturing within the drama. The illusion will begin to lessen its hold, so that you find yourself engage more readily away from the illusion and align to Truth. What is essential right now is for you to remain mindful to simply witness the playout of drama on the planet while consciously choosing to move beyond drama and align to your Heart connection.
Every time you consciously create this action of alignment your Heart cells transmute. Each time you choose to move beyond the illusion through your Heart there is a quickening within every cell in your body. You create the building blocks for an expansive framework within your Heart through a conscious choice action by you. Your Heart sets in motion a ripple that moves outwards across the entire earth plane promoting great change. There is a need to energetically prepare for the upcoming ‘Split’ through a combined focus within your Heart and at the same time letting go.
As the ‘Split’ happens you will reunite into a higher consciousness reality. You have never been separated from the divine consciousness. This sacred aspect of your Higher Self has always been a presence in your lives just beyond the veil. As you move closer to the end of this year a series of veils are designed to lift to create revelations of Truth, this is your destiny in motion.
Each one of you is destined to play a major role during this upcoming Shift on Earth. As you actively choose to engage deeper within your multidimensional Heart your frequency of light expands and interacts within the energetic framework of Earth supporting the balance of light on the planet. It is essential to realize how your individual divine frequency impacts Earth and the entire Universe. Collectively your unique divine frequencies of the Oneness help to maintain a working balance of light for the entire earth plane.
You are being asked to open your awareness and to create building blocks within your multidimensional Heart now in readiness for the Split. As you allow these sacred transformations to build within your Heart space you are being repositioned to align within your next step of your transitional unfolding.
As you enter a new phase of your enlightenment at the timeframe of 2022 an essential aspect of your mission is self-realized as you move into another arena, an expansive multidimensional frequency within your multidimensional Heart. As you enter these higher energetic reality spaces you are restored back to your Blessings, these have always been carried within the extension of your multidimensional Heart.
Through the ‘Split’ you begin a new pathway into a self-realization process of knowing and knowledge. You will naturally reopen into another form of rebirth that will become manifest through these alternate reality spaces. The power of the higher realm light held within these alternate realities on Earth will undergo a complete metamorphic shift and you are destined to thrive as you access this higher essence framework of light within your Heart.
We wish to acknowledge the vibrational presence your collective and individual paths create at this juncture. Through your dedication to your awakening the timing of the ‘Split’ is made possible. Understand that only those of you in human form, through the instrument of your Heart will the Earth’s vibrational links be enabled to shift back into a sacred realignment with the entire resident Universe. This is what has been foretold in the sacred Prophecies.
We, the Pleiadians are transmitting a constant series of light initiations during this last calendar cycle leading into the Split. We hold our commitment to you steadfast throughout this sacred time frame of destiny. We bring the gifts of the light to you and the planet at this juncture.
These light initiations are dedicated for the expressed purpose of you engaging and realigning to the creations of the sacred redesign within your physical and energetic body. We hold a stabilizing Platform of light to support you into these unique and powerful realignments for the preparation of your returning – both leading into the ‘Split’, at the time of the great ‘Split’ and after the great ‘Split’.
We give you a sacred sound to place within your Heart daily to support this transmutation process in preparation of the ‘Split’.
Sacred Sound, ANAE ENSTAHNNN… (pronounced – anay enstarnnn…)
Hold your hands on your chest (which is the central space of your Heart) Bring your awareness to where your hands connect to the physical body.
Place a Conscious breath, like a soft wind into your Heart. The Conscious breath is a breath in the mouth, and it is released out the mouth. This does not replace the normal breathing cycle.
Place your sound, ANAE ENSTAHNNN… into the space of your Heart. As many times as you feel.
Witness how your Heart unfolds with the unique frequency of your sounds. Let go and align deeper to your Heart.
Note: You can work with this process cycle as many times as you feel to in your day.
We play a pivotal role during this intense recalibration of Earth. You can call on us for support knowing ahead of time that you will require a series of energetic adjustments within your systems as you move through these series of intense realignments from December, January, into February and beyond. We remain fully committed to our mission, and unlike any other time in the history of Earth our ongoing support is paramount in importance as you navigate through this transitional juncture.
We witness you in love.
The Pleiadians
Navigating the Madness!
Your own life flowing beautifully, smoothly, with Joy and fulfillment, is one of the greatest things you can offer your planet.
A Message to Light Bringers – December 8, 2021
Today’s message is an excerpt from the Collective’s new book, New Earth Journeys: The Collective Speak on Dealing with Personal and Global Crises, which releases on Amazon on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, and is now available for preorder.
As with all their books, each chapter begins with a question or two from Light Bringers around the world.
This excerpt is from Chapter 9 – “On Collective Consciousness and Assisting Others on Their Path.”
QUESTIONS: How can we, as individuals, help change the collective consciousness in order to effect positive changes in the world?
I feel that until the collective consciousness is aligned, positive change will not happen.
* * * * *
As a Light Being doing my best each day to bring in more Love and Light for myself, what are the best ways I can assist others on their individual paths?
THE COLLECTIVE: We shall speak to these issues together, as they interweave.
Know that every form of assistance you bring to others begins with the support you offer yourself.
Others look to you, a bright Light in this Universe, for guidance not only via your words, actions, life choices, but mainly by the feeling of your presence and overall energies.
And so the first step on the journey to changing the world, as we note elsewhere, is not so much engaging in demonstrations, emailing government representatives, signing petitions, or stating clearly on what you do or do not support, though certainly these can be positive at times.
For increasingly now, any real life change, and any form of assisting others, always begins within.
Begin with asking yourself how positively you feel about life. Especially during these challenging times of transformation, ask what your overall emotional set point seems to be.
These will clue you in to how brightly your Light is shining—how much ease and Joy there seems to be in the Universe, according to your life energies.
From there, the question will be how to begin to raise that frequency to where your feelings about life flow at a higher level.
There are many ways to raise your vibration and general feelings about life. Daily practices that assist in this way can be a great help, if they are the right ones for you . . .
How can you tell? Almost right from the start, the right practice will give you a feeling of relief or Lightness in your heart-space. Then as you continue with it over time, you will gain a feeling of calm or Joy, perhaps inspiration.
We would begin each day in quiet, welcoming the morning with Thanks in your heart.
Going into Thanks and Appreciation not only for all you have and all you have come through thus far, but for all the good that is to come.
Appreciation for the morning itself. For the Earth Herself. For your own life!
Your own body and breath. Your senses. Your chosen time upon the planet. Or all of that, however you wish to phrase it.
After you have gotten dressed and had something healthy to eat or drink, starting with plenty of pure water, you might then go into a space of quiet in which you meditate in whatever way most appeals to you. You might wish to follow a guided meditation, or to go into deep silence, or to visualize.
Or most beautifully, image that you are drawing the Light of the higher realms into every cell and particle of your being.
Then request direction for your day from your higher self. You might ask, “What do I need to know right now?”
This helps you create your day from a place of higher Light and inner balance, rather than simply following the left-brain’s dictates on what you must get done today. Of course you will have responsibilities.
Yet before you fully begin the day, close your eyes and image the day going beautifully—everything done with more than enough time to spare. Fun moments for you and others, full of humor and connection to Nature, as well as demonstrations of Abundance, Love, encouragement given and received.
You can also offer the tone of “Om,” or of any mantra that speaks to you now. Recall that Sanskrit is a language of tonality and pure vibration.
The syllables spoken don’t simply “mean” one idea or another. They are the vibrational expression of it. “Om” being the tonal vibration of the All That Is, or the Universe.
So that as you chant, you align with the vibration of the particular reality that that mantra resonates with. This is powerful! Choose a mantra that most suits what you wish to affirm, create, or offer Appreciation for.
As you continue to calmly resonate with the vibration of that mantra, its inner Joy, reassurances, and outer fulfillment will flow to you in perfect time and way, as assuredly as you breathe.
After this, we would find a way to stretch the body for a bit—some cannot go without their steady yoga practice. Others prefer a morning walk, or some other exercise that affirms health and movement.
This offers the body a chance to meet the start of the day with something positive. In this way, you return to conscious movement.
You reassure the body that you will be joined in this day, not moving thoughtlessly through it, issuing unconscious demands and feeling separate from your body, as if it were only a material tool, and not a sacred gift.
You chose to be here in the physical! However you can, honor all your aspects.
Your own life flowing beautifully, smoothly, with Joy and fulfillment, is one of the greatest things you can offer your planet.
If something is troubling you, take time to write out how you are feeling in a journal, or in some other way express what is troubling you.
Allow those emotions to come out, rather than denying them until you feel they have dulled sufficiently that they are no longer grabbing your attention.
When that happens, the body and your already very full subconscious must carry the weight of yet another life experience that is unfulfilled, unresolved, and heavy to bear.
Worse yet, that sadness, anger, or shock will find ways to express itself in ways you do not like, yet do not immediately connect to the unresolved emotion.
For many, this means an addiction of some kind that masks the unhappiness, or is a distraction from it. That might mean addiction to work, internet, or television.
It might mean addiction to drink or drugs or food, or to serial connections that are not solid relationships, and which can leave one feeling even more empty and restless.
For others, it means a life of dulled emotion that blanks out so much that occurs around them, as they prefer to not know the real truth of any one situation—the deeper truth, and the inner result of that in their own and others’ lives.
This compulsion that human beings show to hide and deny their emotional reality, and their true inner needs, is something that has been used to control your thoughts, words, and behaviors for thousands of years.
It is a misdirected masculine trait—what some call a “wounded masculinity.” It has been pushed upon children of both sexes—”Don’t cry! Are you a baby?” A young boy showing emotion is still often accused of “acting like a girl,” meant as an insult.
This kind of masculine dominance is then further escalated in the lives of young people. While growing up, and as they go out into the world, they are told that winning, action, and accomplishment are all that matter.
Those cultures that are more heart-based, where emotion is allowed to be expressed, are often mocked by the cultures that are more mind-based. Those in the latter tend to pride themselves on never “letting their emotions get the better of them.”
Yet suppressing emotion and ignoring old, unresolved trauma does not create control over them. They will find their way to the surface, one way or another, sometimes in behavior and moments of triggered emotions that anyone would find difficult to process or control.
Many men prefer to be angry, rather than to allow their grief to flow as it naturally must, in order for them to process that feeling.
We would challenge men of the current generations to realize how completely this cultural expectation has failed their fathers and grandfathers over many generations.
And to see that, in these times of powerful Light flowing onto the Earth, awakening so much in each person, now is the time to allow healing. Even if that means rewriting or ignoring the conventional rules.
We would likewise challenge men to not leave the issue of their own spiritual growth to the women in their life, to take care of for them.
This is a tendency we see often, whereas a balanced masculinity will lead a man to want to know his life purpose and the state of his spirit, and how moving further into Light consciousness can assist every part of his life.
We know that as you realize your own wounded inner life, you will move to heal your inner child, your past life selves, your ancestral lineage.
A man on an honest spiritual quest will seek to fully embrace both his masculine and his feminine aspect in mind, emotions, and spirit.
He will have come to realize the wounded masculinity of the men who were there (or not there) for him as he was growing up. And he will have consciously moved to heal that aspect of his spirit and psyche, along with other aspects of his life.
You may be thinking, “Healing just myself? Is that the way to assist humanity’s consciousness now? Is that the best way to help others?”
And we would say, healing yourself may appear to be outside the realm of helping others.
You may feel that logically, encouraging another’s spiritual growth, or just listening as they pour out their troubles, is much more important than attending to your own life journey.
“Surely I can do both!” you may think. And we agree.
Yet we will say that for your own life to flow beautifully, smoothly, with Joy and fulfillment, is one of the greatest things you can offer your planet, and everyone you meet.
Your own celebration of life will lead you to fully see and appreciate all around you in ways that cannot occur until you begin to uncover your true self.
That is particularly so now, as the sentient Light particles flowing onto your planet are assisting so many in finally resolving issues they have carried with them, lifetime after lifetime . . .
New Earth Journeys is now available for preorder on Amazon.
For information on how to claim your Preorder Bonus Gifts, just go HERE
to the book’s page.
Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan
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