You are all great Warriors carrying the Light. You are all remnants of past great civilizations who have embodied again at this time to change the course of history. You are here to break the codes of death and aging. You are here to set belief systems on a new spiral – a spiral upward toward immortality, instead of spiraling downward toward death.
This is a great breakthrough for humanity, for without this change humanity on Earth would be doomed to continue third dimensional reality. So, the part you play is crucial. As you change your belief system you change the belief system of the critical mass – which in turn will change the codes of death to reflect the codes of Immortality as they were originally intended to work. Our DNA was and still is, originally intended to create Immortality – intended to allow us the choice of determining our own life spans – of determining how long to remain in our current incarnations. It was never intended that we live only a few decades and then die in total separation from the Creator.
For life is all One, and your lives were meant to reflect the wholeness and oneness of creation; and your lives were meant to be Immortal, so that your earthly life spans would spiral through the decades bringing you more and more wisdom as you spanned the course of time. For the longer your earthly life spans, the more wisdom you garner and the more evolved you become. Shorter life spans only limit your evolvement and can cause endless incarnations to achieve the same thing.
So we come to you bringing great hope, bringing you the knowingness that you are all programmed for Immortality. Bringing you the knowledge that you are Immortal Beings playing a great role on Planet Earth, and that Planet Earth is playing a great role in the Cosmos.
I Am Adama, High Priest and Ascended Master in Telos, a Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta in California
Copyright © Dianne Robbins
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