Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Receive Our BlessinG

December 17, 2021,

Shelley’s note: I must say today’s daily message was a total surprise for me. In almost ten years of doing these messages he has never offered anything like this. I think it speaks not only of the importance of the times we are in but also how much support we have through it all. May you enjoy your blessing and may it help you ride the waves into the new.

Dear Ones, we would like to offer you an energetic blessing today to assist you with the final shifts you are moving through as you prepare to step into the energies of 2022.

Simply still yourselves for a moment and with your inner voice, state your intention to receive our blessing. You may feel tingles on the head. You may feel heart expansion. You may feel a minty sensation under your nose or a cooling on your chest. You may hear ringing in the ears. You may feel momentarily teary. All of this is absolutely wonderful!

You may sit in the energy as long as feels good to you, and you may ask to receive it as many times as you like. And if you have felt nothing at all, it does not mean that you did not receive our blessing! It just means the best way for you to receive it was the subtlest way, but make no mistake, it is settling into your energetics as beautifully and efficiently as it is for those who have a stronger physical experience of it.

If it makes you feel better, you can always ask for a sign that you have received our blessing. Keep your eyes open for a little piece of magic to present itself to you as confirmation, and it will surely come.

Allow us to love and guide you. Allow us to make our presence known to you. Allow us to experience this glorious shift on the planet through you and with you, as your devoted servants and biggest cheerleaders.

You are loved and honoured through it all.

Peace amidst Conflicting Forces

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 12/18/2021

man in red jacket sitting on rock in river
Photo by cottonbro on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

As you look into your world and witness the turbulence, know that you can be the peace. As you see the storms caused by the clashing forces within human hearts you can be the calm. As you see the illness, you can choose to be carriers of well-being. For in every situation dear ones, there is a stream of great love and grace attempting to carry each individual –  and the collective human race – towards the loving realities that you all desire, and in every case, there is either a willingness to focus upon and attune yourself to those realities or a resistance that causes great turbulence within and without.

Much of your world is in a state of inner conflict right now. Never before has there been such strong and passionate desires calling forth greater love, and never before has there been such corresponding resistance.

Human hearts are crying for change… as long as others are the ones who change. Human hearts are calling for unity… as long as others believe the same as they do. Human hearts are calling for well-being… while focused on illness, and the list goes on. In so many cases right now upon your planet earth, you are calling for solutions and a higher vibrational reality, while at the same time focusing on problems and living in a lower vibration.

If you want to be a loving person but spend time hating someone or some group, you feel inner conflict. If instead, you offer yourself compassion and grace until you can do the same for others, you will feel at one with your true, loving nature.

If you want peace but get worked up over disagreements with others, you feel inner conflict. If instead, you remind yourself to live and let live, to change what you can and accept what you can’t then you are well on your way to peace.

If you want kindness, but feel vengeful, you feel inner conflict. If instead, you begin to be kinder to yourself until you can be kind to others, then you are on the road to a kinder reality.

Like a cold front that runs into a wall of warm air, you feel the stirring of opposites within you whenever you call for one thing and yet focus upon another. Conversely, you feel the stable and steady stream of love from the Source when you call for something and focus on it with great love, joy, or anticipation. For example:

If you call for a relationship and focus on it with delicious anticipation you are congruent with your desires and you feel amazing. If you focus on your loneliness, you feel only inner conflict.

If you call for abundance, count your blessings, and appreciate what you have, then you are congruent with your desires and you begin to feel abundant even before the money inevitably arrives.

If you call for health and well-being and focus on the times when you felt well and wonderful, or imagine what you will do when you get to feeling well and wonderful, then you’ll heal and be filled with well-being. If instead you obsess about what is or could happen to your body, you’ll feel a conflict that could even make you sick.

Dear ones, the inner conflicts are becoming more pronounced as your world calls for an ever-increasing flow of loving energy. It is more important than ever before to make sure your thoughts are lined up with the reality you wish to experience. In that reality you will feel peace, joy, love, hope, anticipation, and more! In that reality your manifestations will come far more quickly. However, if you focus on thoughts that oppose your desires, you’ll feel the inner conflict more intensely as well. These storms within lead to the storms in the external world.

If you can’t think of something you desire for yourself or the world with anticipation and joy then shift your focus to something else for the time being. Allow yourself, in any way you can, to focus on any thought that engenders the good feelings of love, anticipation, kindness, joy, appreciation, etc.

In this vibration of joyful, loving, kind expectation, you will transcend the circumstances around you, align with the Divine, and find yourself carried forwards towards a more glorious and loving reality. In so doing, you will weather the storms of life with grace, and build a new and better reality.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels