A Message to Lightworkers – August 27, 2021

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective. This week’s Message is an excerpt from the Collective’s book, Earth Life Challenges: The Collective Speak on Dealing with Trauma and Life Changes. This is from Chapter 4, “On Facing Earth Troubles and Disasters”:

QUESTION: Planet Earth appears to be going through hell. War, destruction, poverty, starvation, terrorist attacks—these only begin the list of horrors.

Has the time arrived when humanity is able to digest the phenomenal reality of just how simple it could be to shift the Earth’s vibration?

Is it time to enter the next thousand-year cycle? An age foretold, with Peace and Light and beauty?

THE COLLECTIVE: This is one of the greater questions of your age.

For it has to do far less with “When” but “How” Earth and Her beings may rise in vibration to begin experiencing a far higher reality than you have seen in eons of your time.

We would say that one of the reasons you are experiencing the dissatisfaction you feel with how Earth is functioning now, is that you are yourself aware of your own ever-increasing vibration. You have an increasing awareness of how beautiful Earth life could be, if the majority held a higher consciousness.

This extends beyond the current Earth challenges. This issue extends into the entire realm of each person’s soul purpose, and why you are here.

When you move into that issue, as you lift above the chaos that is Earth’s current frequency, you enter a completely different realm.

At that point, you have left behind your attention to What Is, to outer circumstance. You have then reclaimed your magician’s ability to envision, to think in terms of what you will create next.

You are, in fact, asking a far simpler question—one of the few you ever need to ask: What did I come here to do?

How do I serve humanity’s and my own higher good?

How do I naturally live in the energies of Joy, Peace, and Divine Love, so that others pick up on the beauty of that, and aspire to live there also?

Even as you and millions of others are asking those questions, Earth is now entering the next age or cycle on Her timeline, and it is an age that extends very far beyond the thousand years you mention.

And to usher in this beautiful era of the Sat Yuga, as the Hindus call it—a time of unprecedented Peace, prosperity, progression, and beauty—you need not wait for things to improve, or wonder why things are moving so slowly.

We would call upon every heavenly help you could conceivably imagine, as well as your intergalactic brothers and sisters, and require their assistance at levels unknown and unheard of since the Fall of Earth into the third dimension.

And more than that, realize your own connection to these great beings! It is time to come out of the feeling that so many looking to the heavens have sunk into over the eons—this feeling that though you have cried out for help, none is coming to you.

Earth Herself cried out for help when the weight of this form of existence became too heavy, too painful, too damaging for Her to carry out any longer.

And the answer that came from higher realms was you.

You heard Earth’s cries, and you volunteered to step forward and say “Yes,” committing to living yet another Earth life on the most pained and troubled planet in the solar system.

You stepped forward with the mission of anchoring higher Light on the planet, in human consciousness, in this entire quadrant of the galaxy.

All for the purpose of not only establishing Divine Love as the new normal for Earth life, but celebrating it.

This is why we remind Lightworkers (or spiritual seekers, Light Warriors, Starseeds—choose any label you like—they are all too small to hold your true vibration) that you are not passive recipients of what flows before you as you observe life on your planet, any more than you need be passive recipients of what is happening in your own lives.

As co-Creators, you are here to change or influence something that you see has low vibrational purpose and intention.

You are here to realize each time you see a condition, thought, or emotion that is crying out for healing, renewal, or a new life, that you are the one who can lift it to a higher level.

This is why you cannot go it alone, dear ones.

You are in a human body, and the frailty and limits of that existence are considerable.

Everything unlike pure Love is now rising to the surface to be healed or transformed, while you experience cellular, heart-mind, and etheric transformation.

For that journey, and for all Earth journeys, you need supports, encouragements, inspirations. Call out for them, and demand them from your higher self. You will not be abandoned.

You will be led to exactly what you need, if you will only ask for this assistance.

We recommend to many that they listen to inspiring, high vibrational music whenever they feel to be at a low frequency in heart, mind, body, or spirit, or simply as a part of their day.

We recommend reading inspiring books that encourage you to turn your thoughts and energies—your focus and attention—to Abundance, Joy, fulfillment, Love, and living out your life purpose in joyful ways.

The best of these books will hold higher energies that do the job of lifting your outlook to where you see yourself not as the passive receiver of Earth’s current conditions, but as a powerful influencer.

One who helps to set the tone for how the world sees itself, and what it sees as necessary, possible, and real.

Your vibration alone influences thousands of people. You are even now beaming out a transmission of Light and higher energies that reach thousands of miles beyond where you now sit.

If you want to see more Peace in the world, you must exude that vibration as the New Reality.

We strongly suggest that you release all need to watch anything that is not Peaceful—to cease watching any film, television, news reports, videos, music (which often is not music, but chaotic entrainment) that portrays or describes acts of violence, whether between a few people or between whole countries.

Even economic news that takes a downward turn can feel to be a form of violence, as your subconscious will be quietly calculating, as you listen to the news report or commentary, how many thousands or millions of people will be affected by a “sudden downturn in the markets.” There is so much in that one phrase alone, oft-repeated in the media, that is intentionally designed to lower your vibration and set you into anger, hopelessness, and feelings of loss—that is reason enough to no longer listen to news reports.

We are aware that there are alternative news outlets, programs, and reports that are insightful on spiritual levels, and that seek the true nature of that which is being reported in the mainstream media.

Yet carefully watch your vibration as you listen to these—are you heartened by them, or disappointed? Are you feeling empowered, or weakened?

If you are feeling anything that is not positive and strengthening to you, do as any sensible parent would do, if your child was watching something that showed violence or some form of struggle without resolution in sight—you would turn it off immediately.

We say this not to discourage you from knowing what is happening in the world, but to limit your intake of that information (and you live in information-obsessed times), so that you are mainly taking in only that which feeds you on a soul level, not that which depletes you.

Dense or negative news will have a harder time wearing you down if you are in the habit of not listening any further than the first few sentences that introduce what is going to be announced or discussed.

That is often all you need to grasp the basics of a situation. And often, even that is more than you are truly interested in.

You have simply been mentally programmed to “need” to know what is happening everywhere, and to sink yourself into the hyper-emotional stance of most news reports.

That is the sort of holding-your-breath-and-wondering-what-will-happen-next unhealthy excitement—a concentration on the low vibrational—that we would like you to step away from.

It is vital—not just a nice idea, but vital—that you take time every week and in a smaller way, every day, to steep yourself in that which, for you, describes the New Earth.

Go out of your way to find beautiful and inspiring pieces of music or artwork, inspiring films, quiet and replenishing time spent in Nature, time with loved ones, reading inspiring stories, or laughing at comedies or a life situation, getting your diaphragm engaged in the process of expunging the deep emotions that lie buried there.

Just as it is vital to step away from consuming meat and dairy products, which come from violent industries that are harming your planetary climate and well-being, it is also necessary to step away from the toxicity of the digital environment.

This means moving away from both the devices themselves, and the content on them. And to stop allowing them to define your daily life.

We assure you, despite the appearance of the violence and chaos the planet has been steeped in for millennia, on the whole, this is a planet experiencing more well-being than disruption.

The question is, Where will you place your attention, powerful co-Creator?

What story will you choose to concentrate on, as representative of the New Earth that you and millions of other Light Beings are busy making?

Will you allow the old power structure to not only continue to train your mind and expectations, but to control your emotions and your highly defined beliefs and expectations of the world?

Or will you strike out on your own and decide Who you are, remember what it is you came here to do, and concentrate on—increase, in other words—those Earth experiences you would prefer existed everywhere.

We encourage all Light Beings (and you are all such) to realize your incredible co-Creative power, which lives within you at all times.

It is impossible that you would consistently look at your checking account balance or spreadsheet, and give thanks and bless and praise that “reality,” without seeing it improve in a short amount of time.

Never mind that your logical mind is saying, “But we’ve only got a small amount of money in there!”

You have chosen to see the Abundance that is within everything, and therefore, also within the open co-Creative field that is your accounts, your wallet, and your everyday life.

You have chosen to work with the energetic reality that is constantly open to being molded into some outer form, or renewed into a higher form.

In your Universe, what you focus on and call Reality can only increase. It promulgates, grows, extends to greater heights (or depths). It awaits your labeling of it and your feelings about it, before taking off in exactly the direction you have indicated it should pursue.

Yes, you are that powerful.

And if only two or three people in an entire city determine (particularly if they combine their focus and intention in a group effort) that pollution, crime, inequality, fraud, and toxicities of all kinds are now going to dwindle to record-low numbers in their town—this has a powerful effect.

Experiments have been conducted over the past few decades that prove that exact idea. As does your own life.

And so, take your eyes off of what you cannot stand—you are not assisting others or taking full responsibility for your inner life by allowing your vibration to fall. If there is a situation you hear of that you would like to actively help or send Light to, then do so.

But if a thing feels bigger than you, or feels unsolvable, let it go.

Hand it over to your soul, the Angelic legions, Creator God/Goddess, and say, “I give this to you. And I send healing Light, that your Divine solution be made manifest in this situation, now and always. I give thanks!”

Then go back to being a positive human being who inspires everyone they meet.

Go back to singing your song, and doing what is joyful to you, for Earth’s sake.

For this you came.

Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post, at https://www.ascensiontimes.com/post/a-message-to-lightworkers-august-27-2021.

Thank you.

You needed that oppression to stay in the fourth and third dimensions long enough to have a collective event that will be the ascension of all of humanity that is present on Earth.

Ascending in Spite of Your Oppressors ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been witnessing the struggle that humanity has endured with being oppressed, and we understand why so many of you are angry about this oppression. We understand why you are angry with government officials, cabals, and negatively-oriented extra-terrestrials, and we feel compassion for you for what you have endured there on Earth. We do believe, however, that we can help to alleviate some of the suffering that you’ve experienced by reminding you that you are very powerful beings and that you do create your own reality.

So all of the oppression that you have experienced has been necessary to give you the third and fourth-dimensional experiences that you have been able to have there on Earth. Were it not for the oppression, you would have moved through the third dimension very fast, and many of you would have shifted to the fifth dimension before the rest of humanity was ready. We saw this happen with the Mayans, for example, where many of the Mayans ascended because they were simply ready to. Now if this had continued on Earth, you would have had civilization after civilization ascending, and those who were not so fortunate to have chosen to incarnate in an advanced civilization would have endured even more suffering and even more oppression.

So those of you who have been holding the space for all of humanity and holding the higher vibration that you do for your collective have created a balance there, and that balance was necessary to give all of you the numerous experiences that you wanted to have before shifting. Remember that everything is a choice on some level. Just because you don’t remember making the choice to incarnate there and be oppressed doesn’t make it any less of a choice. Now that most of you who are awake have also become aware of your oppressors, you feel a great deal of anger and you want justice. You want to them to be taken down, imprisoned, and some of you even look for their deaths as a necessary punishment for what they have done.

But this is not how you evolve and ascend. You evolve and ascend through forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love. And that forgiveness is made possible by this understanding that you needed them to play the role of the bad guys, the dark ones. You needed that oppression to stay in the fourth and third dimensions long enough to have a collective event that will be the ascension of all of humanity that is present on Earth. So look for that knowing within yourselves, process your angry feelings, and get to the place of forgiveness and compassion for those who chose to play their roles, and we can assure you that those roles are not as good feeling as you might suspect.

Having all of that power and all of that money is meaningless without love. And some of these beings who have been your oppressors have even come to that conclusion through the lives that they have lived, and they will need ones like you who are awake to forgive them. And this is what we believe is necessary as well for the ascension of all of humanity.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Why do 1st Wave Ascension Light Workers don’t live yet 100% the lives they desire and are worthy for?

It is true. As a first wave Ascension, i have already done my work to shift the planet. And at times i just don’t get it why i don’t get to live the life i desire free and independent because my work has been accomplished and i know it. Well, for all those of you who are into the same wave The Arcturians share with us that : You needed that oppression to stay in the fourth and third dimensions long enough to have a collective event that will be the ascension of all of humanity that is present on Earth. It is true that in 2012, i left everything behind to propel myself forward into The Ascending energies thinking that was what i needed to do as my soul’s call, only to find in 2020 that there is always something that does not allow me, allow us to move forward as i/we intend to and that includes the restoration of the planet :Free Energy and Many more projects in line.

Truth is is this journey has been much longer than originally planned and that i thought it would be when i signed to incarnate into this life. I might not remember all details, yet it makes sense that i can get angry with myself for not choosing to get into it in a more smooth way whereas i have a more comfortable life because living in discomfort, oui c’est moi these past 33 years of my life.

Yet no matter what i always find the way to feel good in every moment and to accept and to truth and have faith. And my sharing this part of my story is to let you know that there has been a lot of work to be where we are today, not just from us the boots on the ground and all Ascended Masters, Elementals, Angels , Archangels and Mother Father God and i remain eternally grateful for my gift of life . This does not mean i won’t express my anger. Because Angry I Am and accept my emotion as it is.



On the Current Energies

Jenny Schiltz ~ Message from the Arcturians

August 26, 2021, jennyschiltz.com


Quick update on what is happening energetically. We are being hit with solar winds and Coronal mass ejections (CME). These injections hold incredible amounts of amazing plasma.

Plasma in the human body is known to take nutrients, hormones, and proteins to parts of the physical body that need it. The plasma that’s coming in from our sun is bringing activations and codes to our energetic bodies. Once it is in our energetic bodies then it begins to interact with the physical body.

The CME’s create geomagnetic storms that affect and weaken our magnetic shield on the earth and it affects our aura the same.

Many people experience headaches and sinus pressure, nausea, and dizziness. There can be body aches, bloating particularly around the rib cage/solar plexus area. Often this energy will bring about a deep purge, so you may be experiencing stomach upset. Ear ringing tends to be heightened during these events as well as dreams.

When I tapped into my Arcturian team during today’s Aura Cleanse they wanted to give a message:

“Your world is being bombarded with awakening codes. These are designed to clear the cobwebs of sleep and activate what has yet to be connected.

It matters not where one is in regards to their awakening process. All matter is affected in some way. The information coming in affects everything at the atomic level.

All is awakening, all is changing and we urge each of you to look at all around you with fresh eyes.

Ask that the lens and filters in which you perceive the world be updated and cleared of any distortions. It is this lens and filters that often keep souls consistently recreating what was, instead of what can be.

Through these energy bursts, all is shifting and awakening. For some, it will be monumental shifts and for others, it will be minute. It is through the shifting within that more will begin to remember their connection to All That Is and their place within creation.

This is an immensely exciting time, as many are seeing through the paradoxical nature of your reality. Seeing into the illusion will give the opportunity for what is not truth to collapse.

These changes being made within have greater potential to bring about healing, connection, and greater awakening when they are interacted with. Will all those not interacting still receive the coding? Yes of course. Yet as you know the minute something is observed the outcome changes.

What do you think the change will be if these energies are welcomed into the form with joy, excitement, and appreciation versus disdain, frustration, and a desire for it to stop?

One can be exhausted and still joyous. One can be in pain and still excited about the changes taking place. We see this much like a human’s labor. It is indeed painful for most, yet gone through with anticipation and joy. This is because the outcome is known and wanted.

You too want the outcome from all that is taking place, yet because it cannot be seen nor quantified, it is natural to lose sight of what is being birthed.

We say to you: Keep going, Keep growing and receiving, Keep opening. What you have been working lifetimes for is here to be accessed, the time is NOW.”

Thank you to all that support and share this work. It really means the world.


We have made it! -Judith Kusel-


Super Quantum shifts have now pulled us into the way of no return!

We have made it!

We are in the New Earth zone now totally!

Embarking on totally new territory in the Unknown!

There is much celebration, as the Universe was holding its breath and indeed because of the Lightworkers managing to expand their consciousness and vibrational energy fields in the last few months, and especially during the Lion Portal, we have are now lifted into the New Earth fully!

It is therefore essential that you ask that ALL of you, and all that you indeed are, and what you interact with and what is yours be lifted into the highest vibrational frequencies of the New Earth too.

Indeed this this is unprecedented – we have made it back into 5th totally, and now the next is to rise fully into the 7th and even the 9th for those who are ready!


We have arrived!

Judith Kusel

The way forward is to be yourselves!- Saul via John-

08/26/2021 by John Smallman


As you all – humans all over the world – move powerfully forward in your awakening process, open yourselves to the awareness that we in the spiritual or non physical realms are most enthusiastically supporting you and cheering you on.

You have made enormous progress during the last few decades, just as you all intended when you chose to incarnate and be present now in human form on Planet Earth to participate in this momentous event – humanity’s awakening from the dream or illusion of unreality.

It is approaching the moment of fruition far more rapidly than you can imagine, because, as the chaos and confusion that has arisen and is continuing to arise in many places has encouraged you to listen to your egos and doubt and disbelieve in God’s divine plan for you, you find it difficult not to focus your attention on reports from the MSM instead of on your trust in Mother/Father/God.

Yes, enormous amounts of ‘stuff’ continue to arise into your conscious awareness to be acknowledged, thanked, and released.  This is demanding the fullness of your faith in God’s Love for you, and in the individual strengths that you each possess so that you are not distracted by events that appear to indicate that conflicts and disasters – both locally, and planet-wide – are increasing and intensifying and threatening humanity with extinction.

Truly all is well!  You are not alone.  You are fully supported in every moment, so relax into your holy inner sanctuaries whenever you have a free moment during the day, and invite and allow your support teams in the non-physical realms to most lovingly uplift and inspire you as you connect with your intuition which is, in every moment, showing you the path to your awakening.

The way forward is to be yourselves!

Many of you are still uncomfortable doing just that, you often still feel a need to present yourselves in a less than fully open manner that you believe protects you from the negative judgments of others – but that is just your egos acting out of fear.  So remind yourselves to set the intent to be yourselves, and to be loving in every interaction with others, follow through on it, and you will then find that others will also respond to you in a loving manner.  Simply doing this is following your path, and will, as you become accustomed to doing so, bring you a sense of relaxation and peace.

Peace, of course, is your nature, it is an aspect of Love, but your egos live in fear and cannot be peaceful because they ‘see’ threats to their well-being everywhere they look and so maintain an intense sense of awareness of their environment – the one they create in your minds with thoughts – so that they will be ready to deal with any threatening situation that may arise.

As humans in form you do need your egos, because, being born totally helpless and dependent on your parents or caregivers, you need them to help you adjust to life in form and in learning to use your bodies to interact safely and effectively with others and with your physical environment.

However, as you well know, you are not your egos, you are not your bodies, they are both just artifacts or tools to assist you as you engage with physicality and the sense of separation it provides.

When you live from your hearts they both serve you very well, but when you live from your ‘rational’ minds it seems that they control and direct you.

You have all experienced events or meetings in which your emotions flowed through you very powerfully – maybe flaring up very suddenly – effectively taking control of you, and leading you to say or do something that you later very much regretted.  Therefore it is very important to be consciously aware that emotions will flow through you, possibly flooding your conscious awareness, and to not then react instantly by projecting them out onto others.

Yes, experience them, but do not express them until you have assessed whether that is what Love – your true nature – would choose to do.

This is why it is so important to be mindful.  When you are mindful you can recognize the emotions arising for what they are – moods, like the weather (which can be very violent), that will pass – and choose in the moment, with guidance from your hearts, whether or not it is appropriate to express them.  Your egos always want to express them in the moment, but you know from personal experience that to do so is often unwise.

On the other hand do not attempt to suppress or control your egos or your emotions, to do so is to block part of the life force flowing through you in every moment, thus building up pressure that will have to be released, possibly at a later but inappropriate moment.

Just be mindful of them, and be aware that they do not control you unless you permit them to.  You have all experienced small children explode in anger when they are forbidden or prevented from doing or having something that they believe they need right now.  You have learnt that gently preventing them is far more effective than responding with forceful anger.  Do the same with your own emotions and egos, because you will find that that works, whereas forcing them into submission causes you stress and pressure that you will have to deal with later, and which may well cause you pain.

So the message here is that yes you all have egos, but they are not You, and that engaging with them in judgment or condemnation results in them reacting like willful three year olds – you cannot reason with them.

Recognize them, but do not take them too seriously, when you do that you will often end up smiling to yourselves as realize what has just occurred – your egos tried to direct or control you by getting you to react to thoughts about a situation that had arisen – and you did not get drawn into a game you could never win, because there are no winners.

Be aware, be mindful as your egos seek your attention, and then respond with your hearts’ intelligence to bring Love to the issue.

Love is what You are, Love is your nature, so allow It to express Itself through you in every moment of your daily lives, and enjoy the resulting peace that you experience.

With so very much love, Saul.