Cease And Desist Groups Europe.

Cease and Desist groups are taking over all over the world. We The People are called for action. To know more about it, join your country’s group. This is only for Europe:For Europeans Note: Queen Romana’s main channel is https://t.me/romanadiduloIF you are not a Citizen of the individual Countries listed below or living in it – please do not join. Links to join:

Albania -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/xl_xbNZut6BlNWRh

Austria -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/6SWA63HALbY5OWM5

Bosnia -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/4rT93MPQRGM2NzFh

Bulgaria -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/cYga2PaG4_IxYWQx

Belgium -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/y-BOvUyXLhBmYTMx

Cyprus -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/NKqDrugTLFhmZWIx

Czechia -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/nkpyAOM6ts0wOWYx

Croatia -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/usT26MemcqJkOTIx

Denmark -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/j9rapdEYiXo3ZDYx

Estonia -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/a85Q3qwZmWhkZWEx

Finland -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/GKW-tqoeLjo2MWUx

France – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/SorvcoifyPcwYjAx

Greece – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/JTaNRrDb4N82OWUx

Germany – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/rwow5izlOBg3MDJh

Hungary -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/sI82x1XpBnE2MzAx

Ireland -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/kTnXyFCJQd5jZjIx

Italy -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/ebfbKEJvOTowYjZh

Kosovo -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/qxhgJn_Vl202YzMx

Latvia -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/Oazbrp8Kn85kYWQx

Lithuania -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/_VpaI3IKSK9iM2Zh

Luxembourg -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/vdbHuPIvyG8wNjhh

Malta -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/4_YwPVj5lzIwZmQx

Macedonia- Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/vW13NI_YtVxmZGQ5

Montenegro -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/UblYRPnm0BgzYzNh

Norway – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/UqsgMS2ayWc3OGEx

Netherlands -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/e0p4wLdgTRA5ZmYx

Poland -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/FJQ70UTRZkRhYmMx

Portugal- Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/-0suom37EuMwMDEx

Romania -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/qXTK7j9bDJtkNTIx

Slovenia -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/fLhteunnYRQ3YWRh

Slovakia – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/tQZ5MdLwJAJlMjc5

Serbia -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/udLgU8K6WQ8yNDU5

Scotland – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/X7lbuU0LWMJkMDQ5

Spain – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/39xGHYS3jcMyNzNh

Sweden – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/wBxtRIh4EUViNmU5

Switzerland -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/eRFC7PPE7Zo2NDZh

Turkey -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/ZdVpIGfxVVJjN2Yx

UK – Cease and Desist https://t.me/joinchat/5kMZpNrhOuFjOTcx

Ukraine – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/eXGP_RsT_kI0MDUx

🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 Q 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 Q 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 Q 🐸🐸🐸🐸

Peace and Prosperity. Or perish.I don’t play Politics.

HRH Romana Didulo, Head of State and Commander-in-Chief,Head of Government of Canada, Queen of Canada/President of Canada #WWG1WGA🙏🇨🇦🇺🇸🌎🐸https://t.me/romanadidulo

Telegram: Contact @romanadidulo

T.METelegram: Contact @romanadidulo

You can expect to start seeing manifestations coming faster and faster, as the energies keep increasing in their speed and their vibration…You will demonstrate your ability, the results that you get from practicing.

Mastering the Creation of Your Reality ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been focusing quite a bit of our attention on your ability to hold your vibration in a particular frequency, and we are very pleased to report that humans have been showing a greater ability to stay in the vibration of your choosing for longer stretches of your time. This is a skill that you need while you are still fourth dimensional, because you need to hold that vibration for a longer period in order to manifest something and know that it was you that was responsible for the manifestation. So it is very empowering. It also keeps you feeling the way that you want to feel, which is even more important than the manifestation part.

In a fast-paced society where people are often rushing around and giving their attention to whatever is grabbing it, it is very important for you to be able to hold a vibration, and it is a skill that indicates to us that those of you who are doing it have been able to tune out the physical realm long enough to relax into your internal realm. You can only really be aware of your vibration by going within, and when you are willing to go within, you are capable of accessing the vibration of your choice and holding it. But like anything on your world, it takes practice. It takes your time, your attention, your focus, and your effort, and we want you to know that the effort you have been putting forth has been paying off.

Those of you who have determined for yourselves that it is an important skill to have are noticing that your lives are getting easier. You are noticing that your powers of manifestation are increasing, and you are noticing that you are in the mood you want to be in more often than not. Now, the tricky part will be sharing this ability with others in such a way that they will be able to notice the difference in their own lives. So those of you who are holding meditation classes, sound healings, and gathering together in groups, holding various intentions, you are the ones who are mastering this ability and figuring out how to help others in their quest to feel that they have a sort of mastery over the physical realm.

Remember that you have all been masters in at least one previous lifetime on Earth, or perhaps elsewhere in the galaxy. So you are remembering abilities like this one, and it is through your practice and your continued interest in all things spiritual that you have come to this point. You can expect to start seeing manifestations coming faster and faster, as the energies keep increasing in their speed and their vibration. And this is one of the many ways that you will serve your fellow humans that you have there in the fourth dimension. You will demonstrate your ability, the results that you get from practicing, and you will figure out ways of teaching them how to master vibration. And in mastering their vibration, they will master the creation of their reality, and that is what so many are looking for at this time.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

If you are focused on expanding love ~ your love for yourself and your love for others, you are in complete alignment with the Divine Plan. You are effortlessly creating external change, through your internal transformation.

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Xiaera: Are You Distracted?

August 19, 2021, jennifercrokaert.com


Beloved sisters and brothers, it is our great pleasure and honour to revisit you this day. You are both on the cusp and in the moment. This is an historic moment that those of the dark side have tried to steal from you, to vanish from in front of your very consciousness, but they could not, as they had stepped beyond the laws of the Divine Oneness.

This is the legacy that you were always destined to experience, and although it has been delayed more than you may like, it is in perfect alignment for this now moment.

The truth is unfolding in layers; what seems “true” one day, is revealed as lies in a subsequent now moment. ‘Truth’ as you understand it, as you conceptualise it, is a process; it is created in layers, and each layer reflects your consciousness at that point in “time.”

It is for this reason that there are many layers of “truth” all being shared in this now moment, because there are many layers of consciousness currently co-existing in your now moment. These will very soon converge around two dominant “truths” that reflect two dominant world views and two consciousness vibrations.

For this reason, we ask, are you distracted? Are you externally focused? Waiting for revelations and change? Waiting to be “right?”

Or are you internally focused?

This journey is a journey of consciousness, first and foremost. The external landscape changes to reflect the evolution in your consciousness. Your ascension is what matters.  Your ascension is the focus and the pivot point, your alignment to your Divine Self, your Christed Self, your inner Yoda…  That is the focus.  That is the engine of all external change, truth and evolution.

Look inside! Look at your heart, your actions and motivations. Become as clear as you can be: that love is the super-power of your evolution.

At one level of consciousness, love of self is seen as a failing. At a much deeper level of consciousness, love of self is seen as the quantum power driving this evolution. Without surrendering to the totality of who you are ~ the light and the shadow ~ you cannot embrace the totality of another in compassion and understanding.

The wise men and women who walked your planet were revered for the love they extended to others, but they all began with love of themselves ~ that was gateway to the ocean of love.

By truly loving yourself, you mark yourself as a Master, where upon you are accepted into the ocean of love, so that you may bathe in it and allow the love within to flow from you to all around you.

So we ask you: Are you distracted? Are you looking at the external world waiting for change? Or are you focused on the real transformation at hand: the evolution of consciousness, the Ascension?

If you are focused on expanding love ~ your love for yourself and your love for others, you are in complete alignment with the Divine Plan. You are effortlessly creating external change, through your internal transformation.

(c) 2021 Jennifer Crokaert www.jennifercrokaert.com