In very practical terms this means you will feel happy and free when you let yourself be who you really are in a given moment and when you choose to feel as good as you can, regardless of the conditions and behaviors of those around you.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You have a saying upon your earth, “A rising tide raises all boats.” We would add, “as long as the rope that tethers the boats to the dock is long enough to withstand the tide!” Can you imagine what happens to a boat tethered by a short rope during a high rising tide? You already know the answer – either the rope must break, or the boat will flood.

Think of yourself as one of those little boats tethered to a dock. imagine the dock is the foundation of beliefs you have espoused throughout your life – who you thought you must be in order to consider yourself a good person, what you decided you must do to please others, what you feel makes you lovable, worthy, desirable, spiritual, what you believe makes others lovable, who believe others must be to be good people, etc.

To the degree that you have granted yourself the freedom to decide which beliefs serve your heart, your joy, and your loving true self, and which do not, you have granted yourself a longer rope. To the degree you feel controlled by these beliefs, and controlled by others, you are tied to them by a very short rope.

So here you are now, flooded by tidal waves of the most intense and beautiful energies of love the planet earth has seen in centuries. Like those little boats, you are either riding the rising tide of love by being true to yourself in a given moment and allowing others the same, or like a boat on a short rope you are feeling the tugs, pulls, and strains of being tied to unloving beliefs and behaviors while the rising tide of love strives to set you free.

In very practical terms this means you will feel happy and free when you let yourself be who you really are in a given moment and when you choose to feel as good as you can, regardless of the conditions and behaviors of those around you.

Conversely, you will feel strained, frustrated, angry, stuck, or exhausted when you are tethered to “who you think you should be” and when you allow your joy to depend on the conditions and behaviors of others around you.

For example, suppose someone makes a request of you. If you honestly feel like doing it and you do, you’ll feel happy, abundant, and inspired. If you don’t feel like it and you kindly decline without any guilt whatsoever or offer an alternative plan, you’ll feel good as well. In both cases, you’re riding the rising tide of love by loving yourself enough to honor your own heart and inner compass. You’re loving the other enough to be honest with them. Whether or not they accept your authentic answer with grace depends on the length of their own rope.

Now suppose you don’t feel like doing this favor, but you do it anyway. You make nice, do it out of duty, or because you feel must in order to be a loving person. In this case, you’re actually being unloving to yourself and dishonest with the other. You are tethered to beliefs about who you “should” be, and you are straining against the rising tide of love. As a result, you’ll likely feel tired, bitter, resigned, or simply out of sorts depending on the degree of disconnection from your true feelings.

Similarly, if your happiness depends on the agreement or behaviors of others, or upon external conditions in your world, you have tethered yourself directly to them with a very short rope! You will feel the stress and strain of tugging against the rising tide of love that wants you to give yourself the freedom to create and to be happy regardless of the external world.

Dear ones, it is no longer possible to comfortably resist the love rising up within each and every one of you! Honor your own hearts. Be true to yourself. Love yourself enough to be lovingly honest with yourself and therefore lovingly honest with others. Love yourself through your less-than-loving moments and have the compassion for yourself to choose the next best feeling thought. Choose your own feelings. Create your own reality through a higher vibe and live your lives freely – untethered from the behaviors or beliefs of others.

And then when you are authentically able to do so, love the light – however dim it might be – within the “unlovable” enough to pray for their upliftment. As you fan the flames of truth with your prayers and loving intentions for all beings, you allow the rising tide of love to raise you up as well.

The tides of love are rising up within you. Don’t fight them dear ones. Be gentle, kind, and loving to yourselves. Untether yourself from external conditions. Breathe, receive, and know that love very much wants to “float your boat” and carry you upward into a kinder, more honest, authentic, and harmonious reality. It may be a bit bumpy as you learn to untether yourselves – both individually and collectively – but more and more you are discovering what the freedom to love yourself and others truly feels like. Soon very soon, if not already, you will find that it feels very much like heaven on earth.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

You have created amazing change in unprecedented time. You are through the veil. You are now in a very different time-space, and your now moments will begin to flow with greater ease, grace and speed.

June 11, 2021,

My dearest brothers and sisters of the Light, you have done it!

You have created amazing change in unprecedented time. You are through the veil.  You are now in a very different time-space, and your now moments will begin to flow with greater ease, grace and speed. We salute you and we cheer you.

With all this being said, we do not wish to suggest that the process after lift-off in your space crafts is easy; you may feel pinned to your seat, you may feel that you will pass out from the power of the G-forces, you may also feel the excitement of moving past gravity and wondering what weightlessness will be! The now moments after take-off can take a toll on the body and the mind, so caring for yourself is more important than ever. If you are exhausted or depleted in any way, you cannot care for yourself.

Allow me to share some insight into life on our craft. We consider our craft our home, but it is also an extension of us, a consciousness that is linked to us and to our well being. If we neglect ourselves and if we get run down, our craft suffers and all our team suffers. That is not a good thing to happen in space!

For this reason alone, it makes sense that caring for ourselves is a central priority.

This does not mean that we are arrogant, demanding, spoiled or greedy. It means that we are lovingly disciplined in noticing when we are feeling tired.  It means we would eat foods that are wholesome, uplifting and blessed.  It means that every day, we align with our service to the divine and our galactic family of light.  It means that we enjoy nature (we have some creative ways of doing that!) and it means that we spend time alone every ‘day’ to connect with our inner wellspring of divine love and light.

So, while there is great celebration at the level of light you have integrated, we must lovingly urge you to move into self-responsibility for your well being. Holding and expanding this new level of light means you must honour, respect and care for your wondrous self with the same care and attention you have lavished on others up until this time.

Care for yourselves with the tenderness of our care for you.

As more people step forward in their awakening process they will be seeking community.

June 11, 2021,

There is a misconception that those who were drawn into cults were weak-minded. In truth, the vast majority of people who end up in cults are drawn to them because they resonate with the higher principles of service, community, and unity consciousness.

All areas where there have been misuses of power are up for review, and cults are an example of how people gather with the best of intentions to serve the whole only to give their power away to the one. This is particularly difficult to detach from because those involved entered with a true desire to do good and it may involve reevaluating all of their beliefs.

In fact, when it comes to cults it is common that members do a better job of walking their talk than the leader does. It can be hard for them to discern which spiritual beliefs are valid and true and which ones had been twisted and used against them.

As more people step forward in their awakening process they will be seeking community. It is time to create these communities in ways that serve the whole and allow people to serve and express themselves in ways that are safe and empowering.

True leadership will lead people to their own wisdom, and honour them in the expression of it. Individuality will be celebrated as will growth and wellness. People will be not be told what to do but rather guided into connecting and listening with their own wisdom.

If you have been in a cult and have gotten out, we urge you to understand you are not dumb and there is nothing to be ashamed of. It was your goodness that led you there and that goodness is still there within you. You must take time to unpack all of your spiritual beliefs, one by one. With your wisdom you will start to see which are valid and which had been used inappropriately.

This is an opportunity to not throw out your spirituality but rather to hone your discernment. All true spiritual teachings support the empowerment, wellness, and freedom of all involved. Use that template as you unpack your beliefs.

If you love someone who has been in a cult, understand why they found it appealing. It is important not to shame them. Be consistent and loving. It is incredibly difficult for them to rediscover their true identity outside of the cult they were in. It is a process.

  • Encourage them to find their core truths and to explore and express them in ways that aren’t hurtful or disempowering.
  • Let them know they don’t have to give up their spirituality as it is a major part of who they are.
  • Ask them if they were the leader of a group and if they were leading by love what choices they would make and allow them to observe the differences between their choices and how they were treated.

It is there that the contrast will be come clear. Give them the space to figure it out and get that clarity without your interference and judgment.

Understand how difficult it can be to give up an attachment to a dream. They need time to grieve. It is likely they have a strong desire to serve. As they get more clarity, help them figure out how they can honour their desire to serve in healthier ways that serve everyone involved, including them.

And most of all, love them for being the tender, caring souls they are, for that is what they were trying to express all along.