Whatever it is which stirs your soul – just go and do it, be it and become it.

We are a moment of deep respite from the intensity of Cosmic Energy pouring in as now need to assimilate what came in such powerful waves upon in the last few weeks.  Indeed we are being given time to catch our breath before the next massive waves are upon us.

This is a time to simply allow yourself to take very deep breaths and to truly just learn to be.

I was watching a flock of birds the other day, and they were just enjoying themselves, flying up and down and in circles and indeed, they were having a ball!  I would have loved to join them in their frolicking dance –  joyful, graceful and beautiful!

Birds are messengers and when we are open to their messages, we find moments of inspiration, beyond anything we ever expected.  Even the songs the birds sing, have hidden messages, which only those who are tuned in will be interpret and indeed understand.

So often we forget to just dance, for the sheer joy of dancing, to allow ourselves to find joy in little things, and indeed to see and sense the exquisite beauty of Mother Earth all around us. 

To find time to listen to beautiful and uplifting music, to go and do what you have always wanted to do and has been on your Bucket list for some time. 

Whatever it is which stirs your soul – just go and do it, be it and become it.

More than this, to seek the sacred sanctuaries in the innermost heart of your soul, where you can become AS ONE with the Divine.  To me these moments are sacred and holy, and indeed filled with awe and wonder, as I experience Omnipresence, which indeed goes beyond words.

Indeed, just take time to breathe, to light up, to love, to sow seeds of inspiration, love and joy, wherever you go and radiate it out.

Judith Kusel


True leaders look to empower others. They are not elitist – they serve the whole, not the one. They lead by example.

June 10, 2021, trinityesoterics.com


Dear Ones, it is conscious leadership you seek as you shift into the new earth. You seek this kind of leadership in your teachers, your spiritual leaders, your inventors, your corporations, your politicians. This is also how you seek to lead yourself.

For the past several years the focus has been on power – what it is, what it isn’t, and how it should be used. There are core traits present in those who will lead consciously and appropriately. Those key traits are truth, transparency, integrity, and trust.

True leaders look to empower others. They are not elitist – they serve the whole, not the one. They lead by example. They support unity consciousness, not separation consciousness. They use wisdom and compassion in their decisions. The are led by what is fair, right, and just.

You are present on the planet as integral supports to the profound shift from 3D to 5D. As you step forward in your own embodiment process, we encourage you to choose to support those who also embody the traits you wish to see more of, consistently and mindfully.

In other words, as you seek to be the change and work hard to put action to your intentions, follow those who also seek to be the change themselves, and express that through their loving and unifying actions.

Always remind yourself that you are not alone, there are millions of beings, who are supporting the success of this Ascension Event. You can invite them to participate in your group during meditations. They keep sending positive vibrations to help you in the transformation of this beautiful planet.-Sananda-

June 10, 2021

Greetings Light Workers and Light Warriors,

I am Sananda, and I am happy to communicate with my beloved humanity about a few important matters. I daily observe Mother Earth from my ship New Jerusalem, and I also receive briefing all the time about what’s going on your planet Earth.

It saddens me that many of you still listen and follow the news and information, which caries negative energies and full of different types of implants. The news sources and some individuals under the command of Negative Entities continue to spread their propaganda about the possibilities of big scale catastrophic events like the creation of a Black Hole, which can swallow this planet, allow the Luciferians and others to come through it, or make exact copy of Earth with negative polarities.

Let me explain and assure you, dear ones, that this is not going to happen, Ashtar with his fleet together with Alliances are monitoring your world 24/7, and Galactic fleets are not going to allow to transpire any catastrophic incidents, which could destroy the whole Milky Galaxy. Many disastrous occurrences were already prevented by the Galactic Federation of Light with the help from many friendly civilizations.

Your only concern at this moment needs to be on how to stay in high vibrations, which is extremely important in your transition to New Earth. The Light Workers Communities quite often create meditation events, please, when you can participate in them. The Collective Consciousness has been on the rise for a while, and more people are getting awake with each day.

These are deciding and influential times for the transformation of the human civilization. Please, be more selective, on what you are watching, listening and reading, as some sources can be indoctrinated with negativity or implants. The desperation of the Darkness is very high now, because they know very well that their battle is lost.

The Light represents freedom and happiness, and the Darkness is all about destruction and suffering. Always remind yourself that you are not alone, there are millions of beings, who are supporting the success of this Ascension Event. You can invite them to participate in your group during meditations. They keep sending positive vibrations to help you in the transformation of this beautiful planet.

You are stronger then you think, look back and see all of the difficulties you overcame during the countless lifetimes you lived. When your DNA is going to be restored to the original 12 strands, you will stay in these physical bodies for thousands of years without even any need for healing technologies.

After your Ascension, all of you will able to be on Mother Gaia as long as you want without leaving your bodies or you can move around the Universes, Galaxies and Star Systems. The power of being immortal is coming back, which was taken away from humanity by the corrupted souls.

This is not a fairytale, it’s the real truth, just imagine for a second, how wonderful it will be for you living your life without any worries about your health, money and etc. The Golden Age is finally approaching to this planet, which suffered too long. Especially, the Light Community that went through a lot of hardships.

Please, never forget, who you are, the Light, and you came here to save this world from being destroyed. I am Sananda, and it was my pleasure to speak to all of you today. Thank you.

You are the Light and Love

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

You Are The Anchor by Grandmother Anna

You Are The Anchor by Grandmother Anna

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings, namaste, blessings, I am Grandmother Anna. It is a joy to be in your presence, bringing forth my vibration and truth into your awareness and reality.

Have you ever thought that you are a being of expression? You are a being of receiving; you are a being of flow. One of your main purposes in existence upon the Earth is to be consciously aware of the energy flowing from your being and what you are creating with it. It is to be consciously aware of what you are receiving, what you are bringing and drawing into your body, being, soul, chakras, thoughts, emotions, every aspect of your being and your reality. It is your mission and purpose to be aware of this flow and how you are in the centre of this flow.


You are the anchor of the Creator. You are the anchor of this two-way flow. When you are consciously aware of the energy you express, and the energy you receive you begin to dance with the Creator and with your Creations as you manifest them from within your being and your reality.

I invite you to contemplate what is happening in your reality that maybe is unbalanced, that you are not happy with or are concerned about, you wish to change or shift or alter? When you think of something that could be hindering you or occupying your mind, allow yourself to acknowledge:
What am I anchoring in this situation?’ What energies am I allowing to flow through my being from the Creator or simply from my mind, from my emotions?  What energies am I receiving? What energy am I receiving from the Creator, from the outside world, from my situations, experiences? What am I receiving? What am I expressing?

Therefore, what am I being? What am I anchoring? As you acknowledge this, you begin to understand how you are being present in the world, how you are being present in your physical body, and how you are being present in your reality. Thus, you can create a shift.

You can also ask yourself:

What do I wish to anchor instead? What do I need to anchor to make the necessary change, transformation or shift that I desire? Or what do I need to express from the Creator through my being? What do I need to receive from the outside world, and from the Creator? Therefore, what am I being, what am I anchoring? When you allow yourself to recognise what you need to anchor, what you need to be in that moment, in the situation you begin to acknowledge and create a transform thus, creating yourself as an anchor of a new energy. An anchor of a new aspect of your being thus releasing what is no longer needed. You are being present, grounded, anchored in a new way. You are being present, grounded and anchored in a new way as the Creator This is something I encourage you to explore in the coming days. It is amazingly simple process and yet it can transform your reality and your experiences as well as transforming your embodiment, the way you act and react within your reality and ascension.

As you recognise yourself as an anchor in every given moment of your reality and ascension, receiving energy from the Creator, expressing energy from the Creator, I encourage you to contemplate this. Recognise they are all the same, it is the same process and yet you can feel yourself breathing in, receiving energy from within your being and radiating it outwards thus, expressing and radiating the Creator. Receiving divine energy from the Universe of the Creator, from your guides and bringing it into your being, into your embodiment. Exhaling beaming out the energy of the Creator, inhaling the energy of the Creator. We can see that it is a flow, it is a process and although our perspective is slightly different, the process is the same. When we think of expressing the Creator, and when we think of receiving the Creator, it is still a good idea to recognise these two aspects because we ground two levels of energy. We bring forth a heightened vibration with each expression and with each receiving. We allow our entire being to receive, express, and to anchor. We involve our wholeness and our completeness in this process and that is what is needed in this moment. It is essential and important for us to recognise our wholeness, and completeness, therefore whatever our actions are we are in a space of wholeness and completeness of the Creator. Whatever we may be doing, thinking, or feeling we are coming from that space of entirety, the ultimate whole and complete vibration of the Creator, this is essential on the Earth at this time.

It is important to come to terms with yourself as an anchor, asking yourself in meditation, what does this truly mean for me? What practice, meditation, or thought process will allow me to really embody that I am an anchor of the Creator and anchor into the Earth of the Creator’s energy? This is something entirely personal for you to acknowledge, understand and to explore. What practice, what thought process, what meditation, what technique will allow you to really acknowledge yourself as an anchor of the Creator’s energy? It can be something that comes into your awareness, it may be a technique that you are aware of or a healing process that you are aware of. It may be something that you are doing for yourself, and maybe working or co-creating with another. It could be walking, could be running, could be exercise, whatever it is, it is very important that you recognise this process now and that there is something you can do to really heighten your awareness of yourself as an anchor. There is a need for you to have the perspective in your mind for you to really exist as, embody and walk the Earth as an anchor for the Creator so that everything you do, think, and feel comes from the knowledge and understanding that you are an anchor of the Creator’s light. You then approach everything you are and everything you create from this knowledge of being an anchor. You draw into your body more and more light, more and more vibrations and high frequencies. Like a lotus flower in the physical, your physical body, your chakras, your mind, your energy systems, your emotions all begin to open up and you blossom. You become your ascended master self on the Earth through this anchoring and grounding process because you are saying, not only to yourself, not only to the Creator, to the world that you are an anchor of the Creator’s energy light, truth, and love.

This creates an opportunity for great expansion, a great opening within your being, as a physical being upon the Earth. Therefore, spiritual energies, your spiritual aspect, your spiritual master self will be able to come forth because you are creating this opening, you are creating a very strong and powerful foundation. You are allowing yourself to open and become your truth. In many ways, we can think of it as there is nothing standing in your way, you are an anchor, you are bringing these energies into your being, into the Earth, into your reality. Everything within your being is opening up, your intelligence opens up, your intuition opens up, every part of your being begins to open, to express and receive this flow of the Creator and you anchor further. You become the Creator upon the Earth.  Not only do you recognise this, you really embody it and you experience it.

I am an anchor.

I am a Creator anchor.

I invite you to affirm this to yourself in the coming days:

‘I am a Creator anchor.  I am an anchor of the Divine energies and I co-create with the Creator in the physical.’

This means through your physical being, perceptions, expressions, receiving, attractions, through co-creation, manifestation, everything that I am and the truth of the Creator. Imagine yourself in this way, how will others perceive you now? Not that it matters how others perceive you, but what I am saying is that others will be inspired. You will be a strong foundation of the Creator’s light.  This will be magnetic, it will be inspiring, it will encourage others to be the same in your presence, not that you will awaken anything within them, nor that you will influence them. They will be in your presence experiencing this flow that you are an anchor, that you are so strongly grounded in your spiritual self and in the vibrations of the Creator that they cannot help but open and become their truth. It is not even about directing your energy; it is just about you being present as an anchor. It will transform so much within your world, within your reality, within Mother Earth and the entire world, it is immensely important in this moment.

Recognise yourself now as an anchor and allow yourself to realise that this is your pathway forward. Allow yourself to acknowledge what you become, how you become, in what way do you act and react. Do not try to guess, just allow it to be and you will see yourself transform, you will see yourself becoming something so amazing, beyond your imagination. I trust in you and I am present to support you and assist you in every moment.

You are a Creator anchor.

I love you always.

I am Grandmother Anna