Monthly Archives: December 2020
Italy Blows the Lid Off Vaccine Scam. Will No Longer Poison Citizens with Globalist Eugenics
What would your life look like? Where would you live? What would you do? What would be different upon your earth? Take time to immerse yourself in this fantasy – in a possible future that you, in this moment, are empowering with your focused attention.-The Angels via Ann-
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
You are all so very precious and so important to this world. You are the lights on the tree, the candle in the menorah, and the rays of hope that shine brightly in a world where so many beautiful souls are frozen in fear. Your light, your hope, your love, the present of your Presence, and the gift of your positive expectations are the most important things you can share with humanity during your holiday season.
Give yourself a little gift right now. Take a moment, and look deeply at your immediate surroundings to center yourself in this present moment. Breathe as if you could breathe your spirit into your body, just as a hand would slip perfectly into a glove. Now, no matter what your life looks like, no matter what the world looks like, imagine yourself in a life and a world that you love. What would your life look like? Where would you live? What would you do? What would be different upon your earth? Take time to immerse yourself in this fantasy – in a possible future that you, in this moment, are empowering with your focused attention.
Anytime you have a few moments, pause. Center yourself in the moment. Breathe your spirit all the way into your body, slipping in all the way down to your fingers and toes. Then, fully anchored in the present, dream up a beautiful future. Dream of a reality in which your life is filled with love. Dream of a world where there is respect for all beliefs and opinions. Dream of a human race that cares about your Mother Earth. Imagine people hugging, celebrating, holding hands, working on cooperative projects, glowing with health, and honoring one another’s differences. Dream about the most amazing life you could be living.
Every time you allow yourself to focus with love on this wonderful future, you give yourself and the world the gift of empowering the essence of that reality. Every time you allow yourself to dream with joy – without reservation, and without worrying about the how or the why or the when – in those moments, you are giving the gift of a beautiful future to yourself and your world.
Allow yourself this year, to experience your holidays through the eyes of a child. Allow yourself to dream of the best possible future, as a child dreams of the presents they will receive during the holidays. Allow yourself to look beyond your pandemic, your vaccines, your politics, your disagreements, your fears and frustrations, and dream of the things that you share as human beings. You all want love. You all want a sense of purpose. You all want health. You all want to feel safe. You all want freedom. You all want mother earth to share her resources for generations to come. Empower that future with your anticipation. Empower your present with your joy. Right here and now you have the power to create a better world. You have the power to empower love.
The rest of the world may take a while to catch up with your visions, nonetheless, the more of you that dare to imagine a kinder world, the quicker that reality will manifest around you. Even sooner, you will manifest a kinder life for yourself, and a life that you love.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Energetic Adjustments
December 11, 2020,
We understand you are in intense energetic times and this can be felt in a variety of ways. We wish to offer you some energetic adjustments you can use for common discomforts.
Unbalanced: If you are feeling unbalanced, this can be rectified by simply imagining a beautiful column of light that comes down from the heavens, right over your body, and into the ground below you. This is a very balancing practice that allows you to connect to your homes that exist both above and below the veil. This also allows you to be a supportive bridge of light between the two.
Spacey: If you are feeling dizzy, scattered, or unfocused, we suggest grounding. Get your bare feet onto the earth (or lie on Mother Earth, even better!). If you are not able to do that due to the climate or other restrictions that exist where you live, you can simply imagine yourself standing on the planet and having roots coming from your feet connecting you to the earth. Eating root vegetables, nuts, chocolate, a large meal, or engaging in any activity that is focused on the care and movement of your body can also be helpful.
General energetic discomfort: If you are just feeling uncomfortable with the energies, immersing yourself in salt water can provide a quick and effective energetic cleansing.
Out of alignment: If you feel out of alignment, meditation can be a great help. Or you can simply send your soul into a better alignment with your intention as you are in charge of your energetics.
Resistance: If you are feeling resistant to your now moment surrendering into the flow with the guidance of your angels or whatever higher being you enjoy working with or feel resonance with can bring immediate relief. Making a point to practice gratitude will also bring quick relief as it is impossible to be grateful and resistant at the same time.
Anxiousness: If you are feeling anxiety, presence is the key. We recommend playing a game we call “In This Right Now Moment.” Consciously look for what is happening right now that is working for you and supporting you. For example, you are warm, you have a roof over your head, there is plenty of air to breathe, etc. Being in the now moment is your power point, Dear Ones. Always remember that.
Collective Energies: If you are feeling highly affected by the energy of the collective, we recommend connecting with your heart centre and allow that energy to expand until it surrounds you completely with beautiful white pearly light. From that point you become the bringer of energy, not the catcher of energy. You can also choose to send love and support to the collective once you have decided to lead from your heart.
Feeling Overwhelmed: If you are feeling overwhelmed it is a sign it is time for you to ask for help and be willing to receive it. It is often difficult for those on the enlightenment journey to receive because it feels much more comfortable for them to give, but it is essential that you embrace being part of the flow of both giving and receiving. Plus it is giving others the joy of being of service to you! Allow yourself to be loved and supported from both sides of the veil.
These are just a few energetic remedies you may find helpful. We encourage you to get curious, experiment, and find what works for you. Of course, any energetic adjustment you make should be approached as a gentle and loving redirection, made from a space of self love, acceptance, and encouragement. What you are doing right now is no small feat, so we urge you to always treat yourselves with the love and understanding you all deserve.
You will be in a period of adjustment from now until the end of your year, fine-tuning your energetics in preparation of stepping forward into the new.-AA Gabriel via Shelley Young-
December 10, 2020,
Allow the waves of energy to wash over you, Dear Ones, because they are refining your energy and giving you exactly what you need. You will be in a period of adjustment from now until the end of your year, fine-tuning your energetics in preparation of stepping forward into the new.
Intend to accept these energies joyfully and with grace and ease, and you will be able to navigate these times with greater comfort and gratitude than ever before.
You Are Now Free to be Your Own Bank-Banker.
Global Banning of All Privateers.
”governments are the largest sponsors of privateers and because these privateers have got a mark a letter from a crown corporation to go and get entire groups of people entire nations fleets civil vessels whatever it is houses cars they’re all privateers are working on a mark i am banning this use as a result the government has to stay in the public and is not allowed to go into the private if they do i will disqualify your city-states as well”
The Wave Begins: Strong week ahead, Global activations.
Content is light-encoded to assist your journey.
Blessings Beloveds ~ Can you feel the wave beginning to crest? The upcoming waves of reality-shifting light are the strongest light levels of our process so far. This is a passage to rewrite HUstory: Master your own new narrative, internally and externally. You may feel tension, anxiety, bliss, clearing, freedom, all of the above … we are transforming. The old realities are being shaken by the higher vibration penetrating these realms. Flips in the collective narrative, revelations and positive sleight-of-hand plot twists are anticipated. Lucid dreams and visions may reflect the clearing of collective subconscious, overwriting of distortions, and revelation of organic realities. This is a very stimulating light. Use the tools in the Revelation Wave Ebook when you feel overwhelmed or anxious. CMEs, Solar flares and flashing activity are increasing in intensity. On a physical level, it appears as Solar flaring and plasma. In the etheric, these are influxes of light codes and frequencies; information to change our DNA, and our consciousness, so we may have a brand new experience. Allow yourself to pause, feel, release and realign. This is your Divinity returning to an active state of Presence. This wave changes our perception, inviting us to lift the self-imposed veils. New realities step forth. Bliss states are heightened as open hearts feel the truth of Divine Love and compassion. Self-realization overrides the separation of the old realities. Zero point states allow us access to who we are becoming, rather than just who we have been. Meditate on Zero Point within the Heart often. Expect rapid personal shifts during this auspicious and Sacred passage. As always, starseeds embody and anchor the New, and show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension. Global Ceremony: Welcoming the Light as One We hold unified ceremony throughout this passage. Join in wherever you are on this beautiful planet, and assist in amplifying the collective revelation of Ascension in this Now. Revelation Wave Gateway: December 12 – January 20 Cosmic activity heightened, Lightbody and DNA transformations, Heart openings, reality-shifting experiences, Revelation on many levels. December 12 -14: Global Grid & Gateway opening. Everything past this influx initiation point will be transformational for many. Simply your schedule, allow the light to change you. Plan to be outside – or at least offline – as much as possible for these three days. Unify with our Sedona collective December 12-14. Offline, just like the SUNday Unity Meditations, with special focus each day 8am-9am PST. We will have a live group in Sedona. Saturday December 12 12-12 Gate activation and meditation- 8AM PST/9AM MST SUNday December 13 8AM PST/9AM MST SUNday Unity Meditation Monday, December 14 8AM PST/9AM MST – Solar Eclipse Ceremony/ Revelation Code Activation Solar Eclipse & New Moon Monday December 14: Eclipse peak at 8:13AM PST Solstice Peak: Monday December 21 at 2:02AM PST Bright Jupiter-Saturn alignment in the night sky Revelation Wave Amplification Intensifies with the December 29 Full Moon – January 20 Reveal your True Heart: Choose your experience wisely. Log off and go within. The light is already affecting the grids, our hearts, our DNA, and our consciousness. Perhaps you have noticed the intensity growing over the last week. Mental, emotional, and physical detox is in progress. Tips and recommendations are in the free ebook. These consciousness-shifting light codes ignite our Crystalline DNA and perception of realities. It requires our conscious focus. Integrate, rest, hydrate, unplug often, connect with the Solar flashing and flaring activity, and give yourself the gift of Ascension – Now. My Annual Private Time Mid-December to Mid-January is a heightened spiritual passage for most. For me, this is when deep transformation occurs, and when I receive what will unfold for the following year. This wave brings the strongest transformational frequencies we have seen; a true shift in perception and what it means to be embodied as spirit in form. Integrating the new light and embodiment will need our attention. It has been a busy year, and we all deserve to enjoy, celebrate and receive this new light with ease and grace. I will be stepping away from online activities for a few weeks after the 12-12 eclipse events are complete. The newsletter will be our weekly point of contact, and I look forward to sharing the experience with you. From the Divine field of Love and Unity Consciousness, let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension! In Love, Light and Service, Sandra The Revelation Wave Ebook |
Choose Joy!
You are ready-AA Gabriel via Shelley Young-
December 9, 2020,
Dear Ones, you know this year has been unlike any other.
Allow your lives to be transformed. Trust the process. Get excited about where you are going and what will naturally open up to you after such a long period of sustained intensity. Know that you have been creating space for the new, and be curious and open to discover what that means.
If you follow your hearts and your dreams and are willing to receive and flow, there is much that can be accomplished as you step into the new, and yes, that means external forward movement after a year that has focused largely on the internal.
You are ready.
The Galactic Federation of Light Has Gathered Evidence of a Major Fraud by The Democratic Party (via Inger Noren)
On the occasion of the election in the United States, the incumbent President has ordered that this notice be issued to the people of the United States for information about election fraud in all the United States of America. It is of great importance that this announcement shows how great the corruption and fraud has been in the United States in connection with this election.</p> The Galactic Federation of Light has gathered evidence of a major fraud by the Democratic Party with the intention of winning the election for Joe Biden. This must come to an end before the time period of the incumbent president, who is still in power. This major fraud has been carried out by various actors who do not want to lose the power and influence that comes with having power in the United States and they wish to deceive the people with the belief that everything will be even better in the future. This fraud is evil. So far, none of their promises have contributed to anything better for the population but the opposite. It has contributed to the United States approaching the third world in poverty and suffering.</p> <p>The president wants this fraud to be made known to the people as soon as possible so that they can decide which country they want. Either go back to the difficult conditions that currently prevail or get an America with a flourishing economy, a strong business climate and a housing climate. This scam has been allowed for a long time and people need to know how everything is in the US Constitution and how the country is in relation to other countries that have passed America long ago. America will become the greatest nation again in the world and be a role model for the rest of the world.</p> <p>These frauds by the rulers of the Senate and of the Democratic Party in particular, owe to the people much of their freedom, prosperity and knowledge that have been withheld from them. This must end, and with the President and the rest of the population, there must be a change in many large bodies, companies and industries that have been governed by overly broad methods. The pharmaceutical industry, with its dangerous medicines that are primarily intended to harm the population instead of curing and helping, will be replaced immediately with medicines that cure diseases. The vaccines that are being developed now will be replaced by pure vaccines with components that contain substances that prevent diseases instead of severe side effects and deaths.</p> <p>The evidence of this electoral fraud in all states will be presented to the people and they will get the evidence they want for this to be credible. The President is very careful that this has been examined by the courts and all bodies that have a control function for this election. This election must be an election with no or insignificant mistakes in comparison with previous elections that have been plagued by doubt over all the years. The President promises that everyone involved in this election fraud will be arrested and there will be many arrests so that this does not happen again.</p> <p>The leaders of the world for all countries must now become aware that there is a shift on Earth and that there must be an end to these eternal wars that have ravaged the Earth for thousands of years. The President will have dialogues with all leaders in the world for a better climate, better life and equality between all countries. The segregation between different groups of people regarding race, religion, sexual orientation must end. It is of great importance that this work must be done in all countries for continued peace and for prosperity in all countries on Earth. This work will take time and there will be much unrest in the world when people find out how much they have lost and how many have suffered a lot unnecessarily as help and finances have been very close to providing a good life. The incumbent president only wants his people in America to have a good life with an economy that means not having to have several different jobs to survive. A housing market where everyone should be able to get housing at a cost that everyone can afford. With a health care system where everyone should have the opportunity for care, i.e. with a health insurance system that everyone can afford for hospital care. The infrastructure in America will change completely and with the help of the people and their election, the President wants this to begin immediately.</p> <p> </p> <p>Galactic Federation of Light</p> p>Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan</p> <p>Source: <a href=""></a></p> <p>The messages posted on <a href=""></a> can freely be posted by other Lightworkers with the proper recognition of the channel and the translator as well as the website source.
All Times Classics Short DJ SET.Celebration.Every Now.
Who is Donald Trump?St Germain via Sharon
December 8, 2020
Me: St Germain, are you there?
StG: I am.
Me: I have some questions. There’s a lot of different opinions about Donald Trump. Some people say he’s a saint. Is he?
StG: To them he is.
Me: But is he a saint?
St: He may be.
Me: Oh he’s not yet?
S: No. He may become such. It depends on how well he does.
Me: Is he any kind of master?
S: No, not yet.
Me: Is he close?
S: Yes.
Me: is he an incarnation of you?
S: he is.
Me: So you school him, teach him, guide him…
S: I do.
Me: So he’s an earthling.
S: He is.
Me: Almost a master. Okay. Up for sainthood on earth.
Who was Kennedy then?
S: He was an incarnation of El Morya.
Me: Why?
S: Because of his placement in the Age of Pisces; it takes the will of God, a blue ray to deal with the negativity he was dealing with then, which has decreased by the way, so we have my incarnation ushering in the new age of Aquarius.
Me: Makes sense. But there were a lot of Indigo’s that came in in the 1950’s and 60’s.
S: Yes, but not as leaders.
Me: Wouldn’t it have made more sense to have a transmuter of energies in power in that time?
S: No, a man who already knew his power was one that was necessary. And he was religious and believed in the power of God, so he was chosen.
Me: So do you appear to Trump, embodied?
S: I do. In private he speaks with me.
Me: What I find so hard to grasp is that you get a man who’s a business man, who’s had 4 trophy wives and has lived a lifestyle rubbing elbows with the Illuminati and now he’s turned tail and become a saint to people on this planet.
S: It depends which side of him you want to see. You live in duality, remember. It is possible to view him any number of ways – bad or good. It depends on how you choose to see him.
Me: I’m just finding it hard to trust a business man, that’s all. Especially coming out of our ruthless economic system.
S: That’s your background. We have placed beings of Light in all fields.
Me: I’d have an easier time trusting someone like Princess Di or Mandela. Or a Ghandi.
S: They had different paths to walk.
Me: I suppose it’s not up to me anyway. Okay, thanks St Germain. Just let the poor man finish his breakfast first before you start the day’s business because he’s probably run off his feet.
S: Remember, he golfs every weekend.
Me: Yeah, that’s true. Thanks very much. I had to put this to rest.
St G: You’re very welcome, Sharon.
Me: Love you. xx
Physical ASCENSION symptoms NOW
Monoliths! Galactics, Bowie, Future Humans.
Conversation with Divine Mother
Me:Divine Mother,I know that the purpose of living as a soul into a human body is to be of joy,of appreciation of what is and eager of what is coming,i totally resonate with Abraham Hicks sharings.My intention is to feel good all of the time which in other words means i am aligned with my Higher Self always, ascending smoothly being loving and kind to myself and all others.I am doing my work daily,many times a day,doing my meditation that serves the highest good for all,always thinking of all others.I know i belong to the team of Light workers that helped transition the planet in the higher dimensions and that my work is done in relation to this aspect.I know this has been the culmination of efforts we did to Ascend the planet,not only in this lifetime and also in all other lifetimes.I have done my work and when i say ‘I’ ,i am also speaking about all Light workers that are on the same train.We were expecting this massive transition to happen in Dec.21st 2012,then we have learned that we as a collective humanity,want and decided that all souls may be able to Ascend,always respecting their Free Will Choice.But then Mother,You know very well that I have done and I am still doing my work,on a daily basis,why is it that i still have to go through intense feelings of pains and suffering when my (our) work is already done and while i am/we are still doing our work in Faith and Trust,day in and day out?Why?
Divine Mother:My beloved son,in your question lies the answer of it.Evolution at a multidimensional level,happens in mysterious and magical ways that the brain is not able to understand.And i know you are not speaking of your mind or ability of understanding,you are speaking of your emotion of feeling Love,of feeling Good of Feeling More Than Fine(i see Divine Mother and Many Archangels Smiling).My son,we applaud you for you tenacity and stubborness in bringing out this message to the world.This is what makes you unique in your endeavors as each and everyone is unique and different in how they are able to bring forward their gifts of creation into The Golden Age New Earth.My son,i understand your frustration and like i always said,every time you feel so,send it up to me,send it in to me,as i am withIN and withOUT you.
Me:Yes Mother,i do and remember to do this everytime i feel intense pain and suffering knowing fully this is not me,i know :IAM the LOVE,IAM The Light,IAM the Truth.I KNOW IT!!!then if i know it and if i am asking you to take the pain from me,why is that at times it takes long time before it goes?like 2 days ago,it was so intense that it remained for almost all day and yesterday my ears were buzzing much more than usually so much so that i decided to go on a water fast for 24 hours,as to have enough energy to deal with this.Why can it not happen more smoothly in my body,feeling good all of the time,since i am already doing my work and i definetely did not come on the planet to meditate all day long?(i am hearing and seeing all Angels and All Company of Heaven laughing and smiling at me while feeling intense Love coming from them and The Divine Mother and Father,it is very colorful place,it feels blissful,it feels unconditional LOVE)
Divine Mother:My beloved Son,we appreciate your humor ,not in a sarcastic way,as you know and i say it for all your readers.We Love You and Me and Father Feel Your Pain.Remember?We are ONE and THERE IS NO SEPARATION.Feeling pain and going into intense suffering in your case,is because you feel the pain of the collective of Humanity which for the moment is very intense indeed,many are awakening every second globally and the awakening is painful for them and since All is ONE,you are getting a glimpse of what the collective feels in this now.We applaud you for doing this work,we support you and are with you all of the time.The Human experience on this Ascension Journey is being recorded and this is how The Supreme Creator knows more about expansion within a Human Body.You all are born perfect and magnificent in the image of The Supreme Creator.And as such,indeed to feel Joy all of the time is the purpose of Living a Human experience.So when such pains from the collective is being felt by you,send it to me.Send me also the surplus of Joy you may have also !This also happens.It is all about Divine Neutrality,being at the zero point in alignement with Who you are really are and being in that place indeed feels good.And being in that place indeed attracts more experiences to expand.And if there is no feeling of unease how do you know that you are expanding?It does not have to be pain or intense suffering.This is an old program that is getting flashed out for your body as we speak.Use The Violet Flame of Transmutation of Magic of Alchemy to do its work.We know you do my son and we say for all your readers.We Thank you All for your service in reading these words.We love You.
Me:Thank you Mother,I Love You,We Love You!
It is 7am and I go enjoy now a nice breakfast.
Nikos Akrivos
This year, 2020, was about the destruction of 3D structures and pouring the foundation of your new life.
Dear Ones,
You are likely angry, afraid, and feeling vulnerable. Not because you need to, but because your being is shifting so rapidly, you feel the need to hold onto what you once knew – including holiday celebrations.
Even if you were to celebrate this holiday season as you did in 3D, you would feel out of place. Your words would be a bit scrambled, and your actions not necessarily as you or others expect.
You have difficulties acknowledging you are evolving rapidly, that nothing that was is any longer. So even if you replicated the most joyful 3D holiday season you ever experienced, it would fall short of your expectations.
You are no longer you. Nor are your friends and relatives who they were. You can label that uncomfortable feeling politics, COVID, or anything you wish that is outside your being. But the truth is, you are different. Think of celebrating the holidays as an eight-year-old and an adult. Different joys, different experiences, and different activities. So it is for you. Because you are no longer of 3D, you cannot recreate or fully enjoy any 3D experience.
In truth, many of you pine for Hollywood’s holiday version even though you may never have experienced it.
So it was for your 3D lives. You had 3D expectations that were never fully met. Perhaps the expectations of a few earth beings were met. But even they suffered or responded according to social rules. Do this during the holidays, even though you are exhausted. Do this on this birthday and that on this designated special day. Such, of course, will be different in the future.
The joy of your new life is that you can create anew. For is not the story of the Hollywood holidays, one of love and joy?
Many of you want to know how you are changing and what will bring you joy. Again, looking outside yourself for answers and directions. Even though such is the 3D way, it is unknown to any dimension beyond 3D. For you are the master of yourself.
So it is 2020 has allowed you to stop and re-evaluate your actions and interests.
Before this year, many of you expected that stop to happen in a flash. You would have been upset knowing you would be housebound or curtailed in certain ways from continuing your 3D life – even though you are no longer of 3D. It was a grand plan designed by you en masse to stop your world in ways you would never have agreed to consciously. This year and some months beyond have been the great awakening or ascension many have waited for.
Some of you are now concerned you did not make the most of this time. That despite all, you continued your 3D activities, perhaps even thoughts. Such concerns are to be expected for 3D personal, negative judgment has been rampant throughout your 3D lives. Your interest in reading this material should inform you that you are much more advanced in your new life than you now believe. So are millions of others. And by the beginning of 2021, all of you will be even more advanced in thought and action.
Allow yourself to feel the joy of achieving all you wished to achieve in 2020, knowing you built your beyond 3D structure. And that 2021 will enhance that structure based on your interests and joys. You have or soon will be creating that which is most important to you – not to impress your family or friends, but because doing so provides joy and contentment.
Some of you have also discovered what you no longer wish to do. Perhaps you no longer wish to work from home. Perhaps you have discovered a new business model, a need to nurture yourself or to help others. It does not matter. There are no longer any right answers – only your answers. A concept that is difficult for many of you. Because you are not necessarily certain what your answers are. You wish to re-enact the joys of 3D without the possibility of doing so. And you continue to discover answers to what your new life and, therefore, joys might be. You are in a personal void as you likely have been for some months – confusing you and others.
Know that by the end of 2020, your clarity, as well as those awakened or awakening, will be more finite. For 2021 is about adding to your structure. This year, 2020, was about the destruction of 3D structures and pouring the foundation of your new life.
In 2021, you will create the framework for your new life and new world. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:
GLOBAL LIVE ‘I AM’ Mantra with White Cloud . DEC 21st 11am.
11AM Brisbane Time on Dec.21st. (2AM CET)
JOIN WHITE CLOUD AND THOUSANDS OF OTHERS CHANTING THE MANTRA TOGETHER. I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM. Monday, December 21, 2020 11:00 am | (UTC+10:00) Brisbane | 1 hr Be Sure To Check For Your Local Day & Time Ways to join: Join from the meeting link… Join by meeting number Meeting number (access code): 126 477 2714 Meeting password: VKeAQY38Mj7 Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only) 1-844-621-3956,,1264772714## United States Toll Free +1-415-655-0001,,1264772714## US Toll Join by phone 1-844-621-3956 United States Toll Free +1-415-655-0001 US Toll Global call-in numbers | Toll-free calling restrictions Join using Microsoft Lync or Microsoft Skype for Business Dial Need help? Go to We have plenty of seats for everyone to join us, but as a precaution, if you experience problems getting in to join us in the ‘meeting’, you can join the YouTube Live instead. Of course, we won’t be able to see you like all others, but at least you will be able to participate. We plan to begin the YouTube Live on time (maybe even a few minutes before, just to be sure). Just visit my YouTube Channel, and you will see a video for the Live. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS A MOMENTOUS, ENERGETICALLY TRANSFORMING OCCASION. SEE YOU THERE!
Galactic Federation of Light Special Message.
On the occasion of the 2020 US election, this announcement is of the utmost importance to inform the American people about what has happened in the election of the two candidates regarding the US Constitution and the election of the President. We in the Galactic Federation of Lights have observed a large number of fraudulent ballot papers, among other things, to ensure the democratic election of the president. This is not in accordance with the regulations of the security of the American people. The incumbent president is the rightful president who is elected by the people without fraud in his ballot papers. Evidence of this electoral fraud will be announced to the people for knowledge of how everything has been presented by the incumbent president and also how the democratic leader has snatched ballot papers to try to win this election through lies and slander. The evidence of this electoral fraud has been reviewed by the courts that monitor and approve the election of the President and they have decided that this should be stated in a message to the people by President Donald Trump. Furthermore, this electoral fraud has given a concession to victory for the incumbent president and will from now on refer to the incumbent president as the winner of this election. This electoral fraud has previously been a problem in previous presidential elections and has occurred in every election in the world, but this electoral fraud has taken far too large proportions and must make the people aware of the frauds and lies that have been given to the people for a very long time. This will mean that the incumbent president will be the one who will clear out a lot of the members of the Democratic Party and also change the infrastructure that has prevailed for a very long time by bringing the American people behind the light that everything is just as it should be with lies and betrayal about a better life for everyone. Instead, they have contributed more suffering to the people in the form of poverty, hunger and homelessness. This must end and the incumbent president will help the American people to a better life in the form of a new infrastructure that will apply to everyone, that is, everyone will have the opportunity to receive medical care, have a roof over their heads and avoid starvation. The large pharmaceutical companies that provide medicines to be able to cure covid-19 quickly will be available to everyone and the medicines that harm instead of cures will be removed and replaced with medicines that really cure and do not kill. As for the new vaccines that the various pharmaceutical companies have developed, they are unfortunately still very dangerous to use. Much has been corrected in these vaccines but they are still not something that people should take for prevention. These vaccines can be directly lethal with additives in the form of programmed components to keep people in control and turn them into slaves, among other things. It takes several years to develop such a pure vaccine that it is safe to give to people for adequate protection against diseases. No vaccine can be developed in such a short time as it has been done now and get them totally clean to help people form antibodies against diseases. Being vaccinated now means that you may not see the side effects until a long time to come, but then they are all the more serious and can cause lifelong suffering if you do not die from them.</p> <p>It is very important that people are informed about this. No one should be forced to be vaccinated and everyone should fully understand what it means with these vaccines. Many people still want to get vaccinated to stay at the forefront of development for the continued work of trying to be part of the scientific development. No one can deny this to anyone because it is the free will that applies to human beings. Much may change for the better for the people and the American people will be the first to be affected. Europe will eventually follow and then the rest of the world. No differences in equality between countries in the world, but there will be equality between rich and poor countries. No difference in groups between people and the great segregation in the United States, for example, will eventually be smaller. People will realize that the difference between them is not so great either in skin color or when it comes to religion. These are major restructurings and it will take time before this change is noticed, but it is towards this development that everyone is approaching. This pandemic has been able to make people think about how their lives can work in the future. This closure has had a purpose in this regard and to get people to go into themselves in order to get an idea of how they would like to live their lives for themselves but also for the rest of the population of the world. 2021 will be a year of great revelation in many respects that will shock the world and also be a wake-up call for better or worse for everyone in the population. It can be very turbulent for a while but also a stance for a better and more peaceful world for all. The Galactic Federation of Lights Many thanks. In loving service. I AM Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan ""
all is proceeding according to plan.
Arcturian Group Message 12/6/20 via Marilyn Raffaele
Dear readers welcome, always know that our messages are sent on energy streams of love and encouragement for we are well aware of your weariness. Know that all is proceeding according to plan. The “plan” may not fit your idea of a high resonating spiritual plan but know that all is as it must be in order for those still heavily entrenched in the third dimensional belief system to begin opening to higher ways of seeing.
Never forget that you chose to be on earth during these times of chaos and confusion. No one is ever forced to incarnate (although some younger souls occasionally need strong encouragement). You were those spiritually prepared and strong enough to live lives of Light during times of dark while helping others through example and words.
Be at peace by staying centered in each now moment. Meditate often. Frequent meditations can be just a simple, gentle resting in oneness with Source done throughout the day. These meditations need not be long, just a second or two at your desk, in the bathroom, washing dishes, etc. but frequent short meditations help to keep you centered and eventually become your state of consciousness.
The shorter meditations do not eliminate the need for longer ones. Longer meditations without a lot of three dimensional “hoopla” allow you to more deeply connect with SELF and signal to your Higher Self that the you are ready for more. Let your intuition guide you but never sit for hours waiting for or expecting some three dimensional concept to appear for this simply puts you in a mental state rather than the alert awareness of true spiritual meditation.
Know that when meditation is entered into with the pure intention of more deeply connecting with Source rather than the seeking of some perceived outcome, something ALWAYS happens, but often on levels that you are as of yet unable to access. Meditation, which is your alignment with Source, always bears fruit and will manifest outwardly in some way when least expected. Don’t look for or expect effects of some kind during or after meditation for they simply represent three dimensional concepts about meditation. Yes, there may be experiences, but allow them don’t create them.
Always remember that you are not just a physical body with a consciousness. You are individualized Infinite Divine Consciousness with a Light body. In the density of third dimensional energy this real and permanent Light body remains present. The material/ physical body is a mind formed interpretation of the Light body formed from and reflective of consciousness–mind interpreting consciousness in/as the outer. “What do I hold in my consciousness?”
Much that is being presented through media sources is not wholly accurate. It is colored and given in bits and pieces designed to add drama to world events. Living as a spiritually centered observer helps avoid getting caught up in and aligning with the lower resonating energy of the dramas. Always allow your intuition to guide you and step back if you find yourself becoming emotionally caught up in some event or piece of news. Let the negative emotions that may arise flow through and out without claiming them as being personally yours. This is being in the world, but not of it.
As you learn to trust and rely on your intuition, your inner guidance, it becomes easier to quickly ascertain when something is being made up in order to manipulate others into thinking or believing in a certain way versus being the truth about it. Most of you are already receiving intuitive information about all sorts of ordinary things, but continue to doubt and compare it to what others may think. The more you trust and rely on your intuition, the stronger and more accurate it gets.
Many are going to be exposed for what they really represent. At first you will be shocked, but then will become more open to change regarding many commonly accepted beliefs and actions. Stand aside and allow the process because you are those aware that something much bigger than the general public understands is taking place. Never allow the outer scene to drag you back into a sense of separation from Source and others.
Fear is no longer a facet of your consciousness because you have evolved beyond the need for it but will be occasionally tempted to invite it back in. When the temptation to give power to fear or other negative emotions arises, don’t resist but simply pause and silently remind yourself; “I AM”. These two words carry powerful high dimensional energy that will re-center you when and if embraced spiritually.
The energy of the three dimensional world is rapidly changing and manifesting outwardly as chaos. When high resonating frequencies of Light pour onto low resonating ones, the result is the stirring up of everything in and of a lower resonance. Higher resonating frequencies dissolve the lower resonating ones and this is taking place now in the world where many do not want anything to be dissolved.
Those who do not understand what is spiritually taking place believe that everything must return to exactly the way it was but this will be impossible because the energy that maintained and sustained many three dimensional creations in their present form no longer exists. This is why we continually advise that you allow the process. Trust that everything is unfolding according to plan. The world has entered an evolutionary shift and attempts to stop it will be futile.
In order to live from a level of spiritual trust, a person must first fully embrace and accept that Divine Consciousness is the reality of their being. In spite of what you have been taught, the reality is that you are not and never have been a fragile human being in need of constant protection from every good and bad belief floating around in three dimensional collective consciousness. It is time to actually and without conditions, excuses, doubts, fears, false humility, or appearances, accept your Christhood.
In order to do this you must be willing to let go of the beliefs and practices that helped you at an earlier time but which you have since outgrown. NOTHING CAN MAKE YOU MORE SPIRITUAL THAN YOU ALREADY ARE AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. Can you accept this and trust that your Divine SELF knows how to live ITself as you without your help or is the prospect of moving on without familiar metaphysical and religious tools and practices just too scary?
There is absolutely no judgement in these words for we are fully aware that not all are ready for this leap, but those who want to ascend into the higher dimensional frequencies that are becoming available at this time must decide which side of the fence they want to be on. Low resonating energy cannot come with a person into the higher frequencies, which is the reason clearings of old energy from cellular memory, consciousness, and energy fields have been taking place. For those seeking true spiritual realization, it is no longer possible to live with one foot in the three dimensional world and the other in truth.
Clinging to outgrown spiritual practices meant to bring a person closer to God after once realizing that you have never been separate from God, creates a deeper sense of separation than before. There is nothing wrong with these practices in and of themselves. They served you well in the past and continue to assist many out of their long held concepts about God as being an unapproachable man in the sky. However, most of you have “been there, done that”.
Some who are very spiritually evolved and ready for their next step, continue holding to practices, rites, and rituals that they have long outgrown in the belief that these things take them deeper and will push them further along the road to realization. No dear ones, at some point you must accept that you already are everything you have sought through these practices. When enough old energy has cleared and spiritual readiness is determined by the Higher Self (not you personally), realization happens.
Acceptance of this dissolves the driving need to do, do, do, allowing one to simply be. Life becomes much easier when the responsibilities and work of “saving” yourself is given over to Divine Consciousness. You no longer worry about saying or thinking the right or wrong thing or doing something not considered “spiritual” because you now realize that everything is already spiritual. The intention underlying every action is what causes it to resonate with a lower or higher frequency. You have lived many lifetimes unaware that you were powerful beings, creators, embodying all the qualities of Source, but you know it now and must at some point actually accept it.
Most of you studied in the mystery schools and may still carry the energy of tools you learned and fully embraced while there. All of you at some time or another took vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience during one or several lives lived in convents, ashrams, or monasteries. Until cleared, the powerful energy of a vow taken sincerely and with an open heart will continue to function and manifest as life experiences.
Example; There are some who experience financial lack their entire lives regardless of education, practices, right actions, etc. For them it may very well be that a vow or several vows of poverty are still very much alive and well in their cellular memory. When issues of lack consistently manifest, reassess your beliefs regarding lack and limitation, recognizing that lack has no law to support it because God (your true self) is Self sustained and Self maintained. Lack perfectly manifests the belief in separation.
It is a good idea for every person to sit quietly with no distractions and consciously state their intention to once and for all completely clear any remaining energy from vows, promises, and or attachment to another from this and all other lifetimes. Use whatever words you want to because it is intention that is important rather than words. You need only do this once, making it an ongoing practice simply gives these old energies new life by endowing them once again with power.
You have reached a place where you must accept that there is nothing you need to “do” in order to be spiritual. Most of the time you won’t even “feel spiritual” so don’t look for that as a measure. Feeling spiritual is a myth perpetuated through organized religions, movies, TV shows, and holy cards.
Spirituality is simply the ability through spiritual growth and evolution to meet every experience with love. It is going to work, raking leaves, buying and selling, cooking, taking care of someone, etc. etc. from a consciousness that knows and trusts that your Higher self knows where you need to be, when, and how to get you there.
With so very much love,
We are the Arcturian Group 12/6/20