Interest, not dominance, is new you. Something you will learn throughout 2021.

Adding Your Puzzle Pieces

Dear Ones,

You are likely no longer comfortable being the source of others’ jokes or the instigator of downplaying others’ importance. You are discovering an inner voice that often stops you in mid-message or sentence. A voice that invalidates what you once thought or said. For you are beginning to lead with your heart instead of social norms.

Perhaps there was a time when you made fun of a certain person or action. But doing so now does not provide you with the same feeling of conquest. It merely makes you sad. For you are a different being with a different focus, and most importantly for this topic, different needs.

Your needs before your transition and the energies of this December were often to be better than others. And to project that difference, you needed to make fun of their mistakes, their being. You needed to talk down to them and about them. 

You are discovering that doing so no longer gives you the same high, the same feeling of satisfaction. Instead, doing so makes you feel different, a difference you are beginning to explore. Some of you will display those unpleasant feelings physically. Others of you will merely lose your sparkle, your sense of fun. For in the past, “getting one over someone” was fun, but it is no longer.

You are a different being. It does not matter if your former targets have changed. For you feel bad even if they have not. You express fewer negative, hurtful comments, for you no longer wish to live in that world.

Such will not happen in a few minutes or even a few days. Instead, you are shifting in that direction daily. You might still enjoy teasing someone – until you do not. We are merely informing you that new you will have different feelings and actions – from the heart instead of the mind. 

Conversations will likely be confusing for a bit because one of you will speak from your heart and the other from his or her mind. And perhaps those of you speaking from your heart will be hurt until you build your strength in that area. Similar to building your physical body at a gym, your heart instincts will become stronger the more you use them.

You will find less need to tease, to pretend something is, that is not, to spread “little white lies,” to try to be better than someone. 

In 3D, better than someone was a key survival element. Beyond 3D, following your heart is the key. You will discover interests and people that speak to your heart regardless of the panache such interests or people might have in the greater society. It will no longer matter if you are the best at something. Interest, not dominance, is new you. Something you will learn throughout 2021.

You are building your structure on the 2020 foundation you created—a structure right for you and no one else. You are beyond living for others in whatever form that takes. 

That is not to say you will be isolated for the opposite is true. As you develop and explore numerous interests, you will tap into larger and larger groups of like-minded people. The difference between doing so in 3D and dimensions beyond is you will connect with like-minded and like-hearted others.

You will have little need to compete, to outshine, to be better than. For your new interactions will be like a giant puzzle in which the pieces lock together easily and effortlessly. You might wish to explore one area of the puzzle for a bit and then move to another, only to return to the first area – or not. And doing so will not reduce your interactions or your love.

This is a new world dominated by the heart instead of the mind. Your interests will be heart-based instead of mind directed. Eliminating the need for competition, greed, or self-compensation.

Instead of a tall building of have and have-nots based on greed and better-than as was true in 3D society, your new world is a flat puzzle in which every puzzle piece is equally important and beautiful. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

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Celebrate the fact that you are not alone. Celebrate the fact that all you do is now divinely guided, because you asked.-AA Gabriel-

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel ~ Opportunity for Celebration

December 27, 2020,

All situations are opportunities for the Divine Light to shine through you as times of celebration, not fear.

Dear One,

Your life is divinely guided and directed at every moment. Calling on the Angels for assistance gives you a direct link to your greater good and aids the wisdom of the universe to flow through you. When you dwell in fear or doubt, this constricts your perception and does not allow the natural out-flowing of good to come through you into your world.

Whatever situation is occurring in your life, allow the Divine Light to show you the possibility for benevolent outcomes. Ask for Creative Solutions for the highest good for all concerned. This will open the door for the Angelic forces to begin their work. Receiving the assistance of the Angels is truly a cause for celebration. Celebrate the fact that you are not alone. Celebrate the fact that all you do is now divinely guided, because you asked.

You can believe you have to do it all by yourself if you choose. However, with even the smallest intention to receive help, with the slightest hope that good can come of the situations in your life, and the willingness to release the fear that entraps you, Divine Light will flow to you in abundance. This will bring inspiration and guidance for your next steps, and will allow you to actually do that which will be in your highest good.

You are the one who takes the steps, no one can do this for you. But when you walk, you will be held in the arms of the Angels of Light. We are asking you to walk in Trust and Faith.

We are also asking you to be clear about your intentions for your life. These intentions have the power to create your world as they become living fields of Divine Light. When you know which qualities you want to have, ask for them directly. Do you want more love in your life? Or peace in your heart? Or financial abundance so you can live with more freedom?

Ask for these qualities and give yourself the time to breathe them into your being. Breathe them in and walk in the trust that you will be supported for your highest good. Then take the steps you are inspired to take, knowing you are being guided every step of the way. Have faith in the Divine Light that will never leave you. It can only grow stronger every time you imagine that you are surrounded by it.

Your imagination carries the key to your future. Imagine only that which you want to fulfill your life. Give no energy to fearful thoughts. Love is the only truth. You are being blessed now with the light of the Angels, the holy messengers of God’s love.

Call on your guardian Angel often and never doubt this presence in your life. Know that whatever situation you are experiencing can be transformed by the power of Divine Light. Receive this light and celebrate.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

All situations are opportunities for the Divine Light to shine through you as times of celebration, not fear.