Monthly Archives: November 2020
Life’s…meaning is to be in eternal joy and at One with Source.-Saul via John-
Saul Through John: Not one of you is here by chance, by force of circumstance.
We are watching humanity, from here in the spiritual, or, if you prefer, from the non-physical realms, in wonder and amazement as you continue to accelerate along the collective path of spiritual evolution toward your inevitable and imminent awakening.
I know you all keep hearing from your guides and channels that your awakening is imminent, and then you look around you at the worldwide fear and confusion and your doubts arise.Let them go!
You all know deep within yourselves, in your heart centers, that ALL is well, that there is nothing to fear, and yet, doubts still arise within you.
They are, of course, aspects of the collective ‘stuff’ that is arising to be released, as humanity moves through the awakening process, as is also the chaos, uncertainty, confusion, disagreement, and vociferous divisive argumentation that you see reported in the news, and which is also constantly being repeated on all the social media channels.
Do not spend time there because it drains your own energy fields and adds to the collective and damaging divisiveness. Instead, go within – even if you do not get any sense that it is meaningful or worthwhile for you to do so – because when you do you strengthen and intensify your individual energy fields so that they can integrate more fully and effectively with the Tsunami of Love.
You are all extremely powerful beings, even though you probably do not feel this, and when you individually set the intention to be only loving, whatever may arise in your own individual lives, or worldwide, it is exceedingly effective, and, of course, you incarnated to be in form precisely to do this at this moment in humanity’s evolution or, more accurately, its return to knowing itself as Reality.
Not one of you is here by chance, by force of circumstance, everyone incarnate, in any moment of humanity’s history, is always incarnate because of a wise and loving choice they made before that particular incarnation.
Life has a unique and specific meaning that is paramount and absolutely clear to the entity experiencing it, except when, by their own choice, they are experiencing separation as an individual in form – your apparent present state of existence – and have forgotten what it is.
Life cannot be without meaning!
It was given a divine meaning purely by the fact of its creation, and that meaning is to be in eternal joy and at One with Source.
As a human, awareness of that divine and magnificent truth is hidden from you solely because of your choice to experience separation, which is a state of unawareness.
There are very few among you who are unable to recognize that unawareness in others as they struggle through life with their human intent focused almost entirely on survival, and yet for yourselves it often seems that you are aware because of your own purpose and intent to survive.
However, survival is not your purpose, and is notoptional or short-term, it is eternal, and no matter how you live your human lives you are always eternally One with Source. Nothing can change that, and your ‘survival’ is divinely guaranteed.
Nevertheless, for most humans it appears that life is or will be short, and that it inevitably ends with the death of your human form.
However, as you evolve spiritually through countless human lifetimes, you do at some point – maybe after only a few incarnations, maybe after thousands – become aware that life is far more meaningful than you had realized, and you start opening to life’s true meaning – Love – and then you start to seek It out.
Not romantic interpersonal love and intimacy – although you will undoubtedly also seek that – but your divine Source, Mother/Father/God, from which you have never for an instant been separated, but from Whom, as a human, it does seem that you are totally separated.
That apparent state, when you become aware of it during your spiritual evolution, is extremely painful for you. It is painful because to feel separate from Mother/Father/God, Source, LOVE, is unbearable. As I and so many others keep on reminding you: “There Is Only LOVE!” Therefore to be separated from It would mean that your existence had been terminated!
Deep within you, as a human apparently separate from everyone and everything in your environment, you do have a sense, an almost forgotten or inaccessible knowing, that life should be utterly and completely joy-filled.
You know that something is seriously amiss, and to avoid experiencing the intense pain of that, you bury that knowing by engaging as fully as you can with the dream/nightmare that is the limited life you are experiencing as a human in form. That is, of course, totally unsatisfactory, leaving you with an intense longing for something more – more meaningful, in fact JOYFUL – and yet it appears that such a state does not exist,and therefore, cannot be attained.
Therefore, once again, I ask you to Celebrate, because I can absolutely assure you that you ARE going to awaken into the infinite JOY that is REALITY, LOVE, your true and eternal state of existence.
Celebrating raises your frequency, allowing you to begin feeling the first stirrings of knowing that you are One with and in the Presence of Love, where you have always been, and where you absolutely BELONG.
You have just very temporally (time being unreal) forgotten that YOU ARE ALWAYS INSEPARABLY ONE WITH SOURCE, MOTHER/FATHER/GOD, REALITY, LOVE, IN ETERNAL JOY.
With so very much love, Saul
Your Energetic Signature-AA Michael-
Telepathically whisper to each soul you see, whether in your physical presence or in the media, “You are loved.”-The Angels via Ann-
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 11/14/2020 • Giving up is giving in
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Your world looks to us like a choppy sea right now – stormy on the surface, and yet always calm and peaceful in the depths of your being.
On the surface there is great division.
In the depth of your shared essence, there is unity.
On the surface there is a clashing of ideas.
In the depth of your shared humanity there is a unification of ideals.
On the surface there is disease, anger, frustration, fear.
In the depths of each and every soul willing to surrender to the love you are made of, there is well-being, peace, security, and an awareness that you are all moving towards a better, kinder, and more unified world.
The birthing pangs continue on your earth. Just as a mother giving birth must surrender and exert an incredible labor of love to assist in the emergence of her baby, so too you – the light workers – are going to be called upon to surrender to the events you cannot control, and exert an effort born of love – to be love, to pray for love, to be peace, to pray for peace, to be the light and the love that you truly are.
You will not assist your world by joining in the chaos. You will not assist your world by any stance of righteousness,judgment, or superiority. You will not assist your world by trying to force light into anyone’s darkness.
Instead be the light. Be the love. Be the peacekeeper. Be the one who gets up in the morning and appreciates your pillow for cradling your head at night. Love the soap and the water in your shower. Love your breakfast. Give thanks for your home. Give thanks for your family. Pet your dog. Praise your children. Appreciate your partners. Then pray dear ones, for all human hearts to be uplifted. Pray for the hurting to be soothed. Pray for the fearful to feel God’s love. Pray for yourself to be at peace.
When you look at someone, imagine the spark of light in their hearts growing brighter until you imagine them glowing with this light. Telepathically whisper to each soul you see, whether in your physical presence or in the media, “You are loved.” Do this for all souls – not just the ones you agree with – for all, regardless of beliefs or behaviors, are sourced from the very same light.
As you silently bear witness to the inner light, you help others remember who they really are. As you telepathically whisper to souls, you send a vibrational wave of love to them, which their soul will energetically interpret and feel.
Your emanation of love might be the one that calms the hurting heart of a person who is about to become violent. Your telepathic whisper might be the one that soothes a soul who was in such pain that they were preparing to exit the planet by their own hand. Your love might be a wave of peace that lifts a spirit before they fall into the depths of despair and resignation. You may never meet these souls. You may never know them. Nonetheless, in the depth of your shared essence, you are connected, and your love matters. Your vibration matters.
Love – consciously, intentionally, in every moment you possibly can. Love your technology. Wash your dishes with love. When you are driving in your car, or doing mundane tasks, repeat simple truths as if you could whisper to all souls. “You are loved. You matter.” Say, “I love you” to anyone, anything, and everything you can, even if in the privacy of your own heart. “I love you world. I love you dear stranger in the grocery store. I love the light within you dear soul on the news whose words I can’t stand. I love you human race. I want you to know you are loved.”
You are all loved – more than you can ever imagine. You are guided. You have legions of angels and other-dimensional beings sending light to your planet right now. You have a team to personally support your every thought, word, and deed of love.
As for your help. When you are upset, breathe slowly and deeply and search with your feelings to feel our love. Breathe. Focus on any good feelings in your body. Imagine you are loved and surrounded by a warm, fuzzy field of comforting light, because you are. When you are afraid, ask us to help you rest in the peace of the Divine. Breathe. Imagine you are surrounded by angels. Imagine your home and your neighborhood or business glowing with, surrounded, and protected by the light of the Divine.
Affirm that wherever you live or wherever you go, the space in you and around you is a sanctuary for peace.
Dear ones, you can either allow peace to rise up from the depths of your being, or you can allow the world to infiltrate your mind with its chaos. Focus on that which you gives you joy, peace, contentment, inspiration, and hope. Know that just as easily as you can choose a new thought, you choose a better, higher, more loving, and peaceful vibration.
You are lights upon this earth. You are the midwives of a new and greater reality. You are the hands, the eyes, the heart of the Divine. Love everywhere and anywhere you can, for no emanation of love is ever insignificant. Your seemingly small choices may well be the vibration that shifts the balance in a hurting heart, or a hurting world.
God Bless You! We love you more than you can possibly imagine.
— The Angels
Art Work:Mark Eden.
The Heavens rejoice and greet you with love and blessings for your grand future.
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Nov. 13, 2020
From a message by the Divine Mother through Linda Dillon on the 8th November 2020 titled “Universal Mother Mary – My Divine Pause and the American Elections”.
“This Pause gives you the time, the critical time, to go deeply within your heart and truly examine what lies there. This Pause that I give you, gives the time to be the observer. You have done the participant, now be the observer and look to behaviours, look to attitudes, look to kindness, to sweetness, to fairness. Do not delude yourself on one side or the other with conspiracy theories. You are living in the country of St Germaine based on freedom and equality and a democratic process that allows for the expression of choice…of your freewill choice – that has not been interfered with…and it will not be!
So this is your time to come into yourself and forgive yourself for righteous attitudes, for blame and shame and guilt…and then to forgive everyone involved. Then to turn the page, not through violence, not through disinformation or misinformation but claiming your co-creative, human, Gaian, angelic, star-being creative power, to bring forth worlds that work. Why are our skies not filled with our brothers and sisters from the skies, from the stars, from the galaxies far away. They do not reveal themselves because they come in peace and if peace does not reign, then why would they wish to engage with you?
They come to gift you technology that is beyond your imagination, that has the power to give you that quantum leap in communications, in healing, in what you think of as science, They do not give it so that it can be owned or abused. They are waiting for all of you in this collective awakening. When I said, when I have declared that this year of 2020 would be a time of rebirth…yes, I know that none of you thought that is what I meant, but this is your chance. There are crossroads in each life, and in the life of each generation, in each millennia, in each planetary system…and there is only one choice…and I know you are capable of it…and it is the choice of love to allow for diversity of every stripe and colour, that each being has the freedom, the spaciousness and yes, dear heart the resources to fulfil their dreams, their purpose individually and as part of this collective.
You’ve spent much time individually and collectively, looking over your shoulder to look at past grievances, rights and wrongs. Look ahead, look at what you are proceeding to, look at what you wish and what I am creating with you…go to the silence. Go to the echo chambers of your heart, for that is where you will hear me, that is where you will feel me, that is where I will comfort you, restore you, energise you, heal you, and when you do this not merely for yourself, for a nation, for the entire collective. Energy travels surely you have recognised that fully and completely. Do not think that we are not overseeing, over lighting and fully engaged in your process. I AM! Go with my love, I step aside but not away. Farewell Mother Mary”.
*From a message by St. Germain through James McConnell on the 11th November 2020. Titled “Trust the plan – the truth shall set you free”
The truth is coming forward as disclosure and the truth shall set you free, to be revealed from many different sources, mainly different directions. Freedom is at stake not just in this country (U.S) but in the entire planet. The world must be free and shall be free of the dark forces whom are following a plan, but it is an old vibrational plan. It is a three dimensional illusionary plan, but you of the higher forces, of the light forces and President Trump are following a higher divine plan, which carries higher vibrations with it. It is destined that the one who has been President will carry on. Freedom is being orchestrated here not just for this country but of the entire planet.
There will be no New World Order, when we have said you are the Light Warriors and no longer the Lightworkers, we speak to those who are resonating to these words. Make your own news and create your own reality here, be in the moment and carry it forward into truth, into love that is coming in each and every one of you. More and more as your fourth chakra begins to open wide, believe and trust in the plan. Trust in the independence not only of the country, but the entire planet. Be calm in the storm that is coming, do not allow everything that is happening around you to take hold of you – you take hold of it, that is where you need to go now. Share the light, spread the light every chance, every opportunity that you have. Speak your truth loudly now to everyone, anyone that will listen. You will have the knowing to speak out, you all have the power to speak out and the knowing.
St. Germain.
13th November 2020. Mike Quinsey.
If you have not yet realised it, you are faced with making a decision as to which path to take. One is the continuation of the old ways and beliefs, while the other one takes you onto a higher path directly to the Light, it is a choice that will determine where your future lies. Mother Mary has made it quite clear as to what would be required of you if you choose the Path of Light, and it simply comes down to the question as whether you are ready to take it. Be assured if you are not ready you will get equal attention, and all the help and experience you might need to successfully achieve your goal.
You are in a unique time when Higher Beings can look forwards to meeting up with you. It doesn’t take much imagination to realise that you have a golden opportunity to leave the lower vibrations behind for once and for all time. The future for ascended beings is so wonderful and almost beyond description. Can you imagine a state of utter bliss where only the truth exists and the negative forces are non-existent. It is what you have worked for over millennia of time, life after life in the toughest and trying situations and yet you have finally come through with honour and integrity. The Heavens rejoice and greet you with love and blessings for your grand future.
Meantime you are present on Earth to enjoy and witness the changes for the betterment of mankind. Mother Mary has made it quite clear as to what is expected of you, if you are to continue your upliftment into the higher vibrations. Love and compassion for all life forms is a necessity in a situation where “All will become One”. Do not worry if you struggle to come to terms with what is now needed from you, there is always help and guidance around you. Just remember to ask for what help you need and be assured that it will come to you.
Can you feel the excitement around you as what you have achieved is miraculous, from a time when it was doubtful that Humans would raise their vibrations sufficiently to pass the marker. You have every reason to be proud of yourselves and celebrations will be in order in due course. It may take you awhile to understand what a great achievement it has been so you are entitled to feel proud of it. Others may try to distract you from your path but just nothing can throw you off it, as you show your determination and strength. There is still much work to be done but we are with you all of the way. Keep calm and be assured that all will work out as planned”.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
It is a period of profound manifestation that is occurring behind the scenes in preparation of being born into your tangible reality.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Delicious Anticipation
November 12, 2020,
Dear Ones, we would like to invite you to change how you look at being in a space of not knowing or no movement. We would call such a space a pregnant pause.
A pregnant pause is a time when things are in the process of energetically coming together to take on form. It is a period of profound manifestation that is occurring behind the scenes in preparation of being born into your tangible reality.
It is a time that cannot be rushed. It is also a time that does not take one second longer than it has to. It is a process that is divinely timed to assure the success of what is trying to make its way to you.
So what do you do when you are in the pregnant pause? All the things you would do during a pregnancy. Practice good self care. Dream. Learn. Rest. Prepare for the accelerated movement that is sure to follow. Trust the process is one that creates miracles and hold the space with delicious anticipation, wonder, and gratitude for the magic that is working its way to you.
Bridge over troubled water. Blossom and White Cloud.
11/11 Unification into Friday 13th November 2020 – The Dark Spell is Broken
When the trinity is complete, the earthling will be invincible again. The Father will reign in your hearts. There will be no more Illuminati.-El Morya through Sharon-
I am hoping that this channeling will help all of you who can’t forgive themselves for some of the things they have done. What El Morya is saying here is that you acted without wisdom for example, so what do we do? We call ourselves “stupid”. When in fact you were learning to balance the God-fire within your heart. It has nothing to do with stupidity. We have to stop that judgment entirely.
I saw my entire life and all the lessons laid out before me as he channeled this. All the times I kicked myself for falling for something, for the times I’d let my friends down, for the times I let someone walk all over me. They were my teachers and you have your teachers too. This is why Ivo says life is love in action. You’re learning to be powerful, loving and wise by going through the muck you go through every day. This is God’s love in action, to help you draw closer to Him.
El Morya: Wisdom is a gift conspired through Love and through Power. I said that and I meant it. Do you see how you grow? There is the three fold flame in your heart and it must become balanced. When you look at the aspects of the three fold flame you see how you are out of balance, do you not?
Loving without power
Loving without wisdom
Empowerment without love
Empowerment without wisdom
Being wise without love
Being wise without power
Whether you realize it or not, you are all on a path to achieve self mastery. And the mastery is mastery of these three things. Life’s circumstances come to you to help you grow in any of these three areas.
When you look around earth today, do you not see many examples of these in action?
Me: Are you kidding? I WAS so many examples of these in action.
El Morya: So you were learning. You all must learn to balance these three facets of God’s power within you.
Loving without power: You see this. You see the frail, beaten down mother who loves all with abandon yet fosters no love for herself. This is loving without power. You feel sorry for people such as she.
Me: Yes.
El M: Loving without wisdom,
Me: Oh forget that, I was a master of that. A master of disasters.
El M: But you learned.
Me: I can think of so many examples of mistakes I made, or I dated men and didn’t realize they were into ego games I was so desperate for attention. I didn’t realize they wanted to show me around for the sake of rubbing it in their friend’s faces, of showing their friends up. I didn’t realize they were this egotistical.
El M: Yes. Now you have your perfect mate.
Me: I do.
El M: And you see empowerment without love all the time. Reference your politics. They hold all the power yet they are unkind and unloving behind your backs. And the people realize this but they allow it to continue. This is because they are unwise and without power. They have given their power away, which is unwise. Do you see? Perhaps they are loving the wrong people as well.
Me: I get it. I could write my life’s story just looking at these six sentences.
El M: You have many of your medical professionals who understand the human body but are not tuned in to the human heart of the patient. They are wise perhaps but lack love, which makes them foolish.
When the three are imbalanced, one may predominate but the other two must also balance up. To have one but not the other two is to fall very short of the mark. To have two but not all three still requires many hard lessons.
Me: Yes.
El M: Earth now suffers from a regime that is empowered but unlovingly so. They are unkind to say the least, but now they will be usurped, as all upon the planet are becoming more empowered. Many are capable of loving, many are capable now of the wisdom to see, and now they will take back their power. When the trinity is complete, the earthling will be invincible again. The Father will reign in your hearts. There will be no more Illuminati.
Me: Great. Can’t wait.
El M: It is happening now, my child. Just look as your world opens its eyes.
Me: Isn’t it wonderful?
El M: There is childish play, the casting of insults. This is empowerment without love, empowerment without wisdom. For if that one person who cast the insults would only see themselves reflected back in others’ eyes they would feel the loss of respect for them.
Me: Yeah, they say fake it until you make it. I like that.
El M: When you respect your contemporaries one day but not the next, then you are still capable of respecting them. You have fallen short and perhaps your flame is a bit low on that day, work again to raise it to burn bright again.
Me: Yes.
El M: Earth is a hard school, but such a wonderful opportunity.
Me: Yes.
El M: I will go now. You are fatigued.
Me: Thank you Father, I love you.
El M: And I love you too, my child.
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11/11 After Math.
Look.We all have been traumatised.There is not one human on the planet that has not been traumatised.
Traumas from this life and also traumas from past lives, on and off this planet.Have you heard the expression:We are made of Stardust?It is all in our DNA.Our DNA is being activated and with it brings more awareness that needs to be seen and acknowledged with disciplined introspection.In other words embracing our own darkness and bring balance with Light that we allow flow through us.The more we allow, like for example with meditation, the easier it becomes and the easier our lives get.We have in our DNA a lot of information originating from other Star systems too, to be precise all of them!!!This is why it is being repeated over and over again it is not about politics or religion or anything out there, it is about the relation one has with the self, it is about self love, it is about knowing the self ,it is about ‘who AM I?’
Our own darkness is not an enemy, it is part of who we are and it needs to be seen and embraced like a child that is very afraid.It needs tenderness and care and patience and love.It needs breathing, it is needs Faith.When one does this, one discovers neutrality within =balance within which then expresses itself in the outer world more and more.Do we want to live on a loving and forgiving and peaceful and abundant planet?We MUST Love and Forgive and find peace within us for the self and all others.No politicians can make us do that.No drugs or toxic substances or mainstream media can do that either.We are born magnificent.And to find our magnificence is about feeling into it.’’IAM a Magnificent Multidimensional Being of Love and Light and Truth.IAM.’’
IAM in big letters because EVERYTHING IAM is of GOD and GOD is everything.
The time of distractions is done.The truth is setting us free.
Free to be part of the much wider galactic family rushing in as we have entered The Age of Aquarius ,The Golden Age of our existence in 5D,6D and 7D.
11/11 energies have done their miracle and even those not aware of what i just wrote have successfully received those energies.Humanity is rising and as Humanity rises ,expect more chaos to be seen in the outer world till its finally balanced at some point when more and more learn to live in peace and Divine Neutrality and Unconditional Love for one another, even with disagreement and differences.
EveryONE is different and so very special.EveryONE plays their role that they have agreed before incarnating.
Let’s appreciate everything and move on in Celebration as Celebration keeps our vibrations high with the intention to be always loving and kind with the self and all others no matter what arises.
Let’s observe less and imagine more what is that we want.What is that I Want?and what gives me joy brings with it The Highest Good for all too.
Nikos Akrivos
Political Playing Piece-Ivo of Vegan through Sharon-
Trump says: The FDA and the Democrats didn’t want to have me get a Vaccine WIN, prior to the election, so instead it came out five days later – As I’ve said all along!
Me: Yeah, I wasn’t going to anyway, but I especially wouldn’t be having any of this vaccine coming out…..
BECAUSE it is for starters, a political pawn (a manipulation of the public), and if they waited till the election was (falsely) called to release it, then with it being a political pawn and not there for the good of the people, what they hell is in it anyway?
If you think there isn’t all kinds of stuff in there to stop your DNA from evolving, you’re kidding yourself. We are evolving now. They couldn’t stop us lightworkers so they are finding other ways to keep us under their collective thumb.
Why wouldn’t they release the vaccine before Biden was falsely declared president? Because they want to make it look like he was the one who is saving Americans from Covid, not Trump. He’s not going to get the win. Three states already have turned to reveal their true winner.
I just came across this in an article about how the Illuminati transgenders boys to become prominent ladies of society. Case in point: Madonna, Sarah Jessica Parker, Big Mike Michelle Obama, and that blonde woman on Dynasty whose shoulders were bigger than her hips, way bigger. Crystal somebody. The article pointed out: VACCINES CHANGING THE CHROMOSOMES OF OUR CHILDREN. They hate women. They hate the divine feminine, the earth mother and Mary. But we’re coming back and we’re coming back strong. The Illuminati’s drive for male domination is going to all kinds of lengths. They want to convince you that boys are girls and that women have no place in our society. That’s what they’re trying to do.
I know there are people who transgender for compassionate reasons and I support that. But this isn’t a compassionate reason; it has to do with genocide of the female and total toxic male dominance. That’s a completely other issue.
Many of the women you idolize these days are transgendered boys. Look at Madonna’s sinuwey muscles and the fact that she even is that muscular in the first place. Sarah Jessica Parker is another one. Then there’s Michelle “Big Mike” Obama who has trouble hiding from us the fact he’s a well endowed male. I’ve heard even that these transgendered men then disappear into society again after they’ve served their role, and simply go back to being males. Kamala Harris is said to be another one.
THEY HATE WOMEN. That’s what this is about. The only way they can keep this world off balance as it is now is to disempower women.
I’ll link the website below that I got this from: “Important vaccine info. The more ya know the better!WI-38 is the cell line from a female (carrying two X chromosomes) injected into the male (Who carries only the one X chromosome and the weaker Y chromosome). You now have an overload of the X chromosome.
There are vaccines with male DNA too. The MRC-5 is the code given to the fetal cells line used to cultivate vaccine viral components, only from male aborted fetus. When girls are injected with a vaccine containing MRC-5, they aren’t just getting a Y chromosome but yet another dominant X chromosome on top of the two they already have. All of this is to destroy the natural male and female. Paying homage to Baphomet, the androgynous goat deity with male and female parts.” I edited parts of this out.
Like we keep saying, they want to play God. Only they want things set up their way, not the way God intended.
I remember when I was a teenager, horny as I was for guys, I suspected I could be bi-sexual. I had all my vaccinations when I was a child. Now I know I am completely straight, no inclination to be bi at all, and I believe that’s due to ET intervention. Here I am, prodigy of Athena, here to bring back the divine feminine to earth, to re-anchor her, thinking she was bi-sexual. Again, I have no problem with people who are LGBTQ, it’s just that I’m not.
Ivo: We had to work with your DNA to overcome what they had done to you with those shots.
Me: So they’re meant to interfere with your normal biological processes?
Ivo: Of course. Very much so. They are intended to make you into a child of the God of Saturn, the Goat Master. Baphomet is bi-sexual and so they want all to be on earth as well. That way, of course, the feminine can never become dominant because she is bi-sexual. With testosterone in one’s system, the male will always dominate.
Me: I see. Oh yes, folks, that’s what you’re subjecting your child to when you get them vaccinated. You have to go way down the rabbit hole to really understand these satanists at every level. Here they are trying to play God. And they’re doing it with your children.
Ivo: Why do you think they are called, “Kids”? Because the kid is a child of a goat, and that is Baphomet.
Me: They’re trying to turn this planet into one big Hell, one of their own design.
Ivo: Yes.
Me: And again, folks, you have to ask yourself, “If everything on this planet costs money, why are they giving you vaccines for free?” In Canada, anyway. I don’t know if they States pays for vaccines, but we don’t. They’d give them out to anyone who wants one. I haven’t been innoculated since I was a child, and as Ivo has said, they have had to overcome the damage these shots have done to me. For crying out loud, next thing they want to do is for us to grow horns.
You have to remember, folks, we’re dealing with people who are expert geneticists. Manipulating DNA is what everyone out in the galaxy does, for good or for evil. Why do you think that the galactic humans are all so beautiful? Because they want themselves that way and they have changed their DNA to allow for it.
What goes on on this planet is an extension of the galaxy. We’re not unaffected by what goes on there. We’re part of it whether we know it or not. Do you really need a shot to avoid getting the flu? If you get sick once in a while, big deal. Take deodorized garlic every day. It kills viruses. I realize people are very unhealthy these days and not very resistant to the flu. Kids get sick with colds all the time. We just think it’s normal. Suppose you started to question the normalcy of this, because it’s not normal for humans to be sick.
Ivo: It is not. I have never been ill and I am 350 years old. My DNA is normal and my body is in balance with my spirit. The reason that earthlings are not as healthy as I, is because of this intervention. Your planet is overrun by satanistic extraterrestrials with an evil agenda for you. You must come to terms with this and override their efforts to control you now otherwise it will only become worse for you.
Me: I have spoken to a human named Berladier. He was a red haired giant with curly goat horns. Berladier was the father of a family that was going extinct. Only his children were left with nobody to breed with. He said he was an old species of Lyran that was dying off.
Ivo: This is a good point, my love. Humans can grow horns. They can change their appearance in any way they wish. Your DNA is all encompassing. However, the form you have now is considered optimal for life experience for the human soul.
Me: Come to think of it, Ivo, I used the word “Horny” earlier in this message, and now we’re talking about turning humans into goats. Perhaps there is a correlation between sex and evil when we use this word. So I’m going to stop using it.
Ivo: Yes. Some of the Illuminati’s lingo does reach the surface population.
Me: Hmm.
Ivo: The fact that Berladier’s species is dying off is indicative of the fact that his is not the optimal design for the galactic human: ours is. Yours is particularly optimal however it has been and is being tampered with. Do not trust your medical science. Do not allow them to inject anything into your body.
Me: I don’t. I haven’t had a shot in ages.
Ivo: You have had an I.V. In a plastic bag running through a plastic tube.
Me: How else are they supposed to do it?
Ivo: They have other substances that are more neutral for the human being. Imagine a baby that is premature being IV’d with a plastic bag and plastic tubing? It speaks highly of the strength of the soul that this baby should live with these things being done to this. Your medical science is bedknobs and broomsticks.
Me: Yes, we have to reconsider everything. We can’t overlook one thing. We all seek balance whether we know it or not, because in balance there is power and love, but we are so off kilter here it’s not funny anymore.
Ivo: Correct. Examine everything. Everything you felt was good for you will be exposed.
Me: Man, we’re in for a huge shock.
Ivo: It must be done for your own sakes.
Me: Thanks Ivo.
Ivo: My love, we have worked with you throughout the years to keep you and your DNA on track to accomplish what you have set out to do here. But when you help us by not getting vaccinated and eliminating your toxic diet, it is much appreciated.
Me: Thanks Ivo.
Trump Winner=Light Has Won.
Before anything,please know that what i post here has nothing to do with supporting politicians and it has to do everything about sharing the wonderful news that The Light Has Won and all see is the gradual manifestation of this fact into 3D World,which is btw is no more 3D,we have evolved further than that.Collectively we are in 4D and many already know how it feels to be on 5D,6D and 7D.
And so these links confirm what i know already in my heart for quite some now.
1.The One Who Has Been President Shall Carry On-Saint Germain via James-
2.Ashtar: People love Trump, and love is winning.He Will Win.
3.Elections & Disclosure -Prime Creator via Susie Beiler-
4.Key people must be removed in order for the Light to prevail. :
”Sharon: In four years, when Trump has served his term, what will happen then? He’s not going to be eligible to be re-elected.
Ivo: Others will step up to serve after him. Others who are willing to be transparent and heavily audited, because earthlings will not trust that readily. They will be very wary of new politicians because they were so fooled the first time. They will not allow it again. Out of this mistrust will be born a new system of transparency. There will be watchdog groups that will report to the people. You are seeing the beginnings of this now, as new social media reporters emerge, those aligned with the Light.”
11/11 Energy Update.Using The Violet Fire of Transmutation on All Levels.
Elections & Disclosure -Prime Creator via Susie Beiler-
An amazing channeling that confirms information i have been sharing here about the elections,Trump being the one who is continuing with the presidency of USA along so more information that may be shocking for some to hear.Oh and if i share here it means it resonates with me.
To watch the full transmission, go to to create your free subscription.You’ll find episode 121 at“
CELEBRATE!-Jesus through John-
Jesus Through John: Your Awakening is Happening Now
Life is Good!
However, if you focus on what you do not like in your own individual lives this does not appear to be the case. I would therefore remind you . . . AGAIN, that Life is eternal.
Life manifests unmistakably and completely palpably, constantly and eternally, in the Presence of Source, with Whom each individual conscious living entity is One in every moment without interruption. Because there is only Source, Mother/Father/God, Love, THERE IS, AND CAN BE, NO SEPARATION . . . EVER!
Where you are mainly focusing your attention – on being a human on a small planet in a VAST universe – distracts you from allowing yourselves to know yourselves as you truly are, divine Beings infinitely loved by God, Who never judges you.
There is NO judgment! Judgment is an aspect of the illusion that you invented and use to divide one another into good, mediocre, and bad, depending on your own individual, and mostly horribly confused perceptions of another, or many others. This has caused such enormous suffering throughout human history that the collective has finally decided and set the collective intent to awaken from the dream/nightmare that you seem to have been undergoing as reality since the beginning of time.
Your awakening is happening now, and consequently all that is not in alignment with Reality, with Love, to which humanity has been clinging in fear, and then expressing in anger, judgment, and condemnation of one or many others, is arising in the collective consciousness to be acknowledged, thanked for the lessons with which it has presented you, forgiven for the suffering it has caused you, and released, thus making an enormous amount of ‘space’ available in the collective dream/nightmare for Love to flow in and awaken you into the Joy that is Life, that is Reality.
So, to reiterate, yet again, you are divine beings, always infinitely and eternally loved by God, having a brief and unreal experience as a human in form.
That form appears to you to be totally real – the senses with which your bodies are furnished are intensely sensitive – because you wished to experience separation as fully and completely as possible, and, consequently, that is how you do experience it.
Nevertheless, you do have to differentiate between what is good and what is not good, namely between what it means to be loving and what it means not to be loving.
At the deepest level of your being you do know this, you can most clearly differentiate between these two states – even though there is truly only one state . . . LOVE – but, because of the fear that the sense of being separated from Source instills within you, you actually find yourselves cognizant of myriad differences – myriad forms of goodness and myriad forms of evil – and spend inordinate amounts of time discussing these apparent differences, and then making judgments about them.
And the reason for this? It is because the sense of separation that you are each experiencing individually makes you appear to be quite different from one another, while at the same time showing you that you are indeed all human.
You then pay attention to the evil that is so evident all over the world, and come to the conclusion that you need to gather in families, groups, tribes, and even nations to fight and destroy the evil that you so clearly recognize in other families, groups, tribes, and nations.
However, humanity has, as your history makes abundantly clear, been doing this for much longer than is recorded in your ancient annals, and it has never worked!
Conflict always leads to further conflict, because those who are defeated know that they are in the right, and therefore, when they rebuild their strength, they will engage again with those who defeated them, seeking to avenge themselves for the wrongs and suffering inflicted upon them . . . and so it has been going, on and on.
Now, humanity has finally decided collectively that “Enough is enough!” And the results of that decision can be seen most clearly in the world around you as seemingly more and more divisiveness arises between people planet-wide.
This divisiveness is clearly visible for all to see, and can be seen to be accentuating and intensifying the differences between you, and accentuating and intensifying the need to destroy and conquer all that is evil in the world. And that realization – the need to conquer and destroy evil – is finally being seen for what it is . . . Humanity’s death knell!
People are coming to the realization, on a MASSIVE scale, that major changes in the way in which you interact with one another worldwide are vital and essential NOW!
So, in spite of what is being reported on the mainstream media, and in many other places, the present chaos, confusion, and seemingly increasingly divisive behaviors and actions demonstrate very clearly indeed that humanity is waking up massively, and becoming aware in this now moment that change is essential now.
And, although it is not yet being generally reported, the effects of this globalchange of heart by humanity is leading rapidly to a cessation of unloving behaviors in many areas where such a concept was, until very recently, thought to be impossible.
Therefore, CELEBRATE!
As I have told you before, celebrating raises your frequency, because in celebrating you honor one another, and when you do that you offer love to one another, further raising your frequency toward full alignment with Love.
Full alignment with Love is the aim of your spiritual evolution, but, because there is only Love, which is utterly non-judgmental and unconditionally accepting of every one of God’s beloved children – and ALL are God’s beloved children – your awakening will occurbefore you are fully aligned with Love.
On awakening you will then be led Home into full alignment with Love, your true and natural state, by your support teams in the spiritual realms who are most eagerly awaiting that magnificent moment, and who have prepared a most wonderfully welcoming Homecoming for you all.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
I Create.
Diving into our powerful co-creative abilities feeling into each outcome.As you read you assist in allowing this to attract it faster in our reality.When 2 or more of us come together,that is where our power lies.
I Create The Highest Good For All.
I Create Abundance and Prosperity For All Humanity.
I Create that All Children are Safe and Sound
I Create That All Men and Women are Safe And Sound
I Create Celestial Chambers for everyone on the planet.
I Create Beautiful Eco Sustainable Communities where we live harmoniously with one another.
I Create Free Energy and Awesome Mobility for everyONE
I Create the cleaning of Oceans,Rivers and the Reforestation of all Lands
I Create Homes for all Homeless.
I Create the most Posititive Ascension Timeline for everyone on the planet.
I Create a Planet that is loving ,forgiving and with respect for All Life.
I Create Basic Universal Income for everybody on the planet.
I Create Basic Health Care and Care for free for all :Children,Elders,Single Mothers or Fathers and for all in need.
Please add your creation and share with others my dear.
Intention is the plan.
Frequency is the plan executing itself.
Feeling is Frequency work.
Feel More Than Fine!
I also created a House Music Dance Track on 432Hz where i speak these words,adding movement while listening and /or speaking out the words is a very powerful way to co-create.
The One Who Has Been President Shall Carry On-Saint Germain via James-
Listening to yourself will do more for the earth and its inhabitants than any groupthink.
Summary of Brenda’s November 6, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You no longer need to follow others in thought or deed, for you’re a self-contained powerhouse. In 3D, you looked outside yourself for protection and direction. Because you’re a self-contained being, no one – including self-help gurus – can make you more whole or powerful.
Dear Ones,
Many of you have returned to a 3D stance that all will be right with your world if this happens.
There is no outer “this” that will make your life better.
Granted, you might accomplish this. Or you might interact with someone special in your mind who encourages you to be someone or something. Those interactions have little to do with what is inside you. You are no longer part of any group. And even though you might tap into the joy or angst of certain groups, that angst or joy is not yours.
It is time for you to fully claim you. Unlike when you were a young teen needing to think, act, and speak as others to ensure your group membership.
Who are you? Not, who are you when you are part of a group?
Such does not mean you must remain in a cave so others cannot interfere with your thoughts and actions. Instead, that you listen to yourself before listening to others – no matter their importance in your life.
You did not complete the transition phases you have to date only revert to the dictates of others. You are different than others. But then, such is true for everyone. No one is now as comfortable in groups as humans were when the earth was fully 3D.
Even though 3D beings will likely want to be part of a group, they will find it more difficult to do so, for this is the era of the individual.
Those enmeshed in 3D will discover that even though some of what others of 3D are declaring seems right, most of their 3D beliefs do not track for them. ThreeD bonds are weakening to the point of becoming nonexistent. Such is so for several reasons, not the least of which is that 3D is dissembling rapidly.
Which has little to do with you, for you are no longer of 3D. It is past time for you to whine or become angry with those who think or act differently than you. You are not part of their group or any group. Yet, many of you function as if others need to know how wrong they are.
The thought that others are wrong indicates you wish to remain part of a group. It is time to allow others to find their way.
Your concern is that the thoughts and actions of others will not mesh with yours. Yet, that’s exactly what you dreamed of for eons. You cannot live in two worlds. Others no longer think or act like you, for you are now in free form.
Of course, it is somewhat difficult to let go of the need to be like or with others, just as was true as a teen. But you are not a 3D teen. You are a Universal angel fully capable of following your unique path and interests.
This new earth is not about groups of like-minded humans, forcing others to declare their groups’ rightness. It is about unique individuals daring to be themselves and exploring that which is of interest to them, even if it is of no interest to anyone else.
The new earth is not about group think or action. It is about the uniqueness that creates anew.
Even though the United States continues to have ripples of dissension after three hundred years of a governing experiment, the young people of the 1700s who created that experiment thought outside the box for the times. Multiple the thinking of those young adults three hundred years ago by 100 fold or more to know how unique your thinking is becoming.
It is time to function in a new mode – and so you are – just not as rapidly as you wish. Many of you are now stuck thinking you must support this or that group even though your inner-being informs you that such is not part of your action plan.
The angst many of you are feeling is your inability to move beyond groupthink. Even though your inner-being is ready to fully function as an independent being, your 3D memories are pulling you back to what was instead of what is.
That last statement is not to for you feel guilty or angry, but instead to inform you why you are feeling uncomfortable. It is not about worldly actions or nonactions. It is because you are not honoring yourself.
The question, “Who are you?” is not a future thought, but instead an immediate need.
Your being will relax when you allow yourself to listen to your inner voice. Who are you? Not who should you be or who do others want you to be, but who are you?
Stop worrying about world events and listen to your inner-being. Doing so will provide more answers and actions than ever were possible in 3D groupthink. No longer are there “good guys” and “bad guys” as you once played as a child to prepare you for 3D life. There is only you, your interests and, therefore, needs.
Listening to yourself will do more for the earth and its inhabitants than any groupthink. Groupthink was yesterday. Unique directions created by you are tomorrow. Tomorrow is here. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:
Things are Happening For a REASON – Have Patience!
United We Stand
JUST GOT 4,444 subscribers on our FB community.
We also got a more private group here where we share messages that many are not ready to receive as yet.
Thank you Universe for this confirmation!