note:in this post,i agree about everything except about 1 world currency,each country will have their own currency.


17 June


Saint Germain, channeled
By Ngari

′′Beloved brothers and dear friends”

I haven’t spoken directly to you in a while, through this channel. But today I was asked by our Ngari, to tell them exactly and much truth, what is going on right now on Earth.

As you know, PRESIDENT TRUMP is doing everything possible to implement NESARA AT THE INTERNAL LEVEL IN THE UNITED STATES, AND GESARA AT THE GLOBAL LEVEL, in the 209 nations that have signed that law.

It is also largely achieving ′′ DRAIN THE SWAMP ′′ in which America became, with the discrete help of:

💎 The Galaxy Federation of the Free Worlds,
💎 The Ascended Teachers,
💎 The Alliance – composed of BRICS countries: (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

North American troops are already in several countries to arrest elite members of the ′′deep state′′ living in those countries.

US military has also rescued more than 500 thousand children slaving those sick people from the world’s satanic elite.

It has also restored the Republic in the United States, which thus ceases to be a private corporation, in the hands of a few Cabal families.

Likewise it is proving the return to the pristine, original U.S. Constitution, in wind and tide. HAS CREATED A NEW COIN, THE UST, which can only be EMITED BY THE UNITED STATES Treasure.

For this reason, TRUMP HAS CREATED AMERICAN TREASURE, WITH RENO HEADS IN RENO, CASTING THE POWER OF THE FED, which federal had nothing, since IT WAS PRIVATE PROPERTY, nor reserve, either, and HIS TABLE OF DIRECTORS WAS appointed by LOS ROTSCHILD as well as issuing money as they please. All that will no longer be allowed, under no circumstances. And the new currency is fully backed by real wealth.

Soon the other countries will be deploying Gesara and then there will be a single currency, backed by real wealth. And it will be digital, because it will be part of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), which is already working, although it has not been disclosed yet.

Although their evil plans are being disclosed with the intention of fearing them, don’t consider it. QUANTUM COMPUTERS already being used are equipped with an EXTRATERRESTRIAL TECHNOLOGY, UNKNOWN ON EARTH, moved by plasma and tachionic energy, as well as possessing Artificial Intelligence.

THE CABAL CAN NEVER HACK THAT SYSTEM, nor promote money laundering operations, or steal from citizens.

YOU ALL WILL HAVE YOUR OWN ACCOUNT, AND YOU CAN MANIPULATE THAT ACCOUNT FREELY. Because the quantum computer detects immediately and in real time, any attempted fraud, theft or whatever and automatically blocks the requested transaction. I ask you, my friends, not to be afraid.

I assure you both you and your families are safe. NOBODY WILL BE LEFT WITHOUT MONEY FOR THEIR SURVIVAL AND FAMILY.

THE CABAL IS TRYING TO SAVE ITS POWER AND IS GIVING ITS LAST COLLETS, adapting a global ′′ BURNED LAND ′′ policy. OR BE IT, IF THE PLANET IS NOT UNDER OUR YUGO, NO ONE CAN HAVE IT. But their strength is running out, and they know it. Every day there is a new victory of Light. There are more arrests every day.

Most of that planetary elite is already behind bars at Guantanamo or under house arrests. We will no longer allow them their onslaught against humans, and we have eliminated any attempt at a third world war.

Galactics have neutralized all of Earth’s atomic arsenal. Plus, BE PART OF NESARA and GESARA, THE END OF EVERYTHING AND ANY WAR ON THAT PLANET. Includes an international armistice. From now on all the peoples of that planet will live in peace and harmony with each other.

In short, there will be no more wars. Every citizen will have more than enough to have a roof, food on the table and health for everyone. Whether or not you have a job, there will always be money in your account.

The role of banks will be another completely different. With the new financial system, there will be the forgiveness of all bank debts. They already started cancelling the debt of the poorest countries.

Mortgage and credit or debit card debts will be forgiven anyway. It’ll be a way to give people back at least part of what they’ve been robbed of all their lives.

Water, light, and heating accounts will be removed due to opening free energy patents, for example, energy becomes free and free to all, no matter where in the world you live. Plus, income tax is being eliminated.

There will be a single tax of 14 % on consumer goods, excluding medicines, food, homes or secondhand cars, and especially whatever is first needed for life on Earth.


Earth will have a full-fledged galaxy society. There will no longer be people going hungry, violence, or anything that represents a low vibration, because the planet, which is a living being, is moving on to the Fifth Dimension, and you with it.

THERE WILL BE NO HOSPITALS, NO VACCINES, NOT EVEN SICKNESS and we’re almost there until MEDBED’S, or medical beds are released to the public, which in a matter of minutes, will heal all and any pre-future illness.

Every human being will regain their freedom and live a prosperous, rich and happy life. And all of it is just around the corner.

So pay no attention to the catastrophic view of Cabal’s plans. They won’t be fulfilled, I assure you. I ASK YOU ALL TO START CELEBRATING THE FREEDOM OF ′′ BEING ′′ AND THE VICTORY OF THE STRENGTH OF LIGHT, FROM NOW!!!



2001, when the twin towers were exploded, and this was targeted because the computer with access to the St Germain funds lay in the towers. Tower 7 was necessary to implode because this was a back-up system to the main control.-Ivo From Vega-

Ivo of Vega: Keep Peace on Earth


Six things never to discuss with other people if you want to keep the peace:
1. Politics,
2. Money,
3. Sex,
4. Religion,
5. Their problems,
6. Veganism, flat earth, and when are aliens going to land.

I don’t have personal conversations with people about these subjects. If you have emailed me and ask a question, I might answer it. If it looks like this will turn into a political discussion, I won’t answer you. I don’t discuss politics on anything other than my videos now and for that matter, I deliberately turn off the commenting because I know what will happen if I don’t. A firefight will ensue in the comments. C’mon. Are we not past that yet?

I don’t like being attacked. And I find that as soon as I say something that people don’t agree with, they either outright call you a stupid idiot or they attack you in some other fashion. This is the ego trying to keep a false sense of self esteem up. Your real sense of self esteem lies with the soul, who does not attack others.

I do not have conversations that triangulate: this was the basis of my relationships in my family and they all were very unloving and disappointing to me. With political conversations, especially about Trump, who frankly is a controversial figure, he is usually demonized to be the perpetrator while I am put in the position of rescuer to someone who feels victimized. If I continue to have this discussion with anyone, I’m likely to point out where their thinking is in error. A victim wants relief from their own perceptions and I’m more likely to show them where they’re in error than to enable their ego. I also remind everyone that the reason they feel like a victim is because they were raised in the Matrix and that’s where it wants them – so they can continue to be a pawn at the hands of bankers who use them to get rich off of.

I walk my talk to the best of my ability. I hold myself accountable for everything I say and do. When something is painful, I correct it. Everything. That’s the way I live. Every day. If I don’t I continue to live in pain and who needs that?

Social media is set up so that you can argue with everyone around the world, thus continuing the feeling of painful separation and being alone in the world. If you want that, then continue to put your political opinion out there, because you’ll get all the separation you want. I understand truthers have to do it as part of their contract to the Light, but they need to understand the futility of fighting back. Arguing with someone is arguing with a vampire – an energy vampire. Trying to control someone who is trying to control you is absolute futility.

You might have figured out about me by now that I speak my mind. I don’t mince words and I will not agree with you just to keep the peace. I’m not responsible for your feelings and you’re not responsible for mine. I don’t react to attacks anymore, but I still don’t like them. I’m trying to work on feeling unified with the people of earth and when I get attacked, that doesn’t really help me.

I speak daily to beings who I feel very connected to. My job is to pass on their messages. So I do that. That’s how I see it. Having discussions about what I post isn’t up to me. I’m good with what they tell me. If I have a problem, I’ll ask them to explain. I discuss my channelings with them.
Me: Ivo, doesn’t it seem to you these days that politics, sex as in the inappropriate sex of pedophelia, money as in the financial crash that’s coming, and religion, well that isn’t even so much in the forefront as the other three, at least except if you discuss the Pope and the Vatican. Doesn’t it seem to you that these things are so in our faces all the time?
Ivo: Yes, and you must mature as a race in spite of the triggers they pose to you.
Me: Yup.
Ivo: You must learn under difficult circumstances. This is what those born on earth now have chosen: to learn under the worst conditions because the most spiritual growth can be made when the times are the toughest.
Me: That makes sense.
Ivo: And so, so many have contracted to spring forward in spiritual growth now by being incarnated at these times. What is happening is these 4 main topics you have mentioned are in fact on the global table right now, and about to undergo great change, so your people are fixated on their opinions about them when in fact they should be more open minded. Change requires that you be open minded, not close minded with your heels dug into the ground.
Me: Makes sense.
Ivo: Could it not be considered that a person who is seen as a saviour should have his own agenda and therefore surprise everyone in the end? Could it not be seen that there might be a way to keep the Fiat economic system in place yet have it shift to the benevolence required as you move through the galactic gates? Could alternatives less demanding to you not be sought out? They could be. However what is occurring is that the strongest, most severe changes are being predicted and prepared for because of the fact that your people are so set in their opinions.
Me: I’m pretty set in mine too. But my opinion aligns with what you tell me.
Ivo: And so you create these extreme changes because of this.
Me: Okay
Ivo: We see your people, we see how they think, we see what it will take to move them over to a benevolent system and how much change will be required. So this is severe learning curve.
Me: Interesting.
Ivo: There are other races of beings in the galaxy, my love, who have moved to GESARA law and eventually joined the Confederation of Planets, who did not require the severe changes required that will be necessary for planet Earth.
Me: So this is a big job.
Ivo: Exactly, my love.
Me: And it’s because of the way people are so stuck in their matrix ways. How about that?
Ivo: It will take a lot of work. It already has. This transition, as you noted the other day, was in fact supposed to begin around 1967, as you call it, “The Summer of Love.” You noted the book title for the New World Order Agenda was “1984” and this was when their agenda was scheduled to be completed. We have managed to hold this off for many decades in order for your people to wake up sufficiently that we could begin to create the changes. The changes that were scheduled to be in place in 1967 were not even half as severe as the pain your people will be put through now. (Reading my thoughts): Yes, John F. Kennedy was the president who was to work with us in the first proposal of the 1960’s, however as you know, he was assassinated by the deep state in 1964. Russia was fine at that time with Brezhnev as leader but the other country in question was the U.S. The first order of duty would have been to make peace with Russia, as this was the time of the Cold War, however it did not occur. You will notice that the Beatles made their way to the U.S. in 1964 to be used as a distraction for the many lightworkers and starseeds that were incarnated there at the time – the hippies.
Me: Ah yeah. That makes sense. Rock ‘n’ roll.
Ivo: And for you, this still serves as a distraction, one you have partaken of for fifty years. This is social engineering, and my dear, you realize the wrong values were often passed to listeners through the lyrics.
Me: I always get a kick out of Cat Stevens, who was a total peace nik, who turned Muslim and went to live in the Middle East. Later in life, he flew to the States to do a concert or something, and he was put on the “no fly” list. Yeah, the guy who wrote, “Peace Train,” is seen as a Muslim terrorist by the Cabalists during the Bush era.
Yeah, but who knew rock groups could be a political weapon?
Ivo: A political distraction, my love. Something to engage your mind while things you should really be concerned about slip on by.
Me: Not all hippies were like that. There was a lot of protesting going on then too.
Ivo: If you look at other key points along the way, you will see the death of Diana in 1997 which was another key time for this to take place. She was to reveal to the people, because they trusted her, the truth of what was happening upon earth and who the cabal were. She was silenced. The Chimera launched a large attack in 1996 and it was our hope to be able to take earthlings from the lower timelines before this happened, however we were unsuccessful. The murder of Diana was in retribution for our attempts to ward this off Chimera attack. They had her murdered.
Then we move forward to 2001, when the twin towers were exploded, and this was targeted because the computer with access to the St Germain funds lay in the towers. Tower 7 was necessary to implode because this was a back-up system to the main control.
Me: Aha! So after 2001, was there any key dates?
Ivo: We had to re-acquire the St Germain funds and re-visit our plan as there were loopholes that needed plugging. We are there now, with the right leaders in place in your world, protected by us. Now it is a question of opening your minds to the truth, not the lies you continue to believe and to enact in your daily lives.
Me: Thanks Ivo!
Ivo: Thank you, my love. We have great respect for your strength, my dear. You forge on ahead with our messages despite the fact you are seen as a pariah by your own sister, and others whose minds are too closed to be able to believe the truth you pass on.
Me: Their problem. I don’t associate with them.
Ivo: Which leaves you alone.
Me: I won’t compromise myself or my message.
Ivo: And for that we bow at your feet, my dear. We owe you so much.
Me: Ivo, you’re choking me up….
Ivo: You make light but your strength and power of mind are the means for us to speak to those who must be made to see the Light. Without people such as yourself, who live frustrating lives of continuous adversity, constant malignment, frequent attack, and the frustration of knowing the truth while others who do not, tell you you are stupid, we stand amazed at your power.
Me: What else can I do? I won’t give in.
Ivo: And that is why you are where you are, working with who you work with, who respect you and love you.
Me: Thank you, Ivo. I love you for being there with me through all of this insanity. I dedicate this video to Corey Goode.

Celestial Chambers Update & More.

It is so good to see that more of our Light Workers crew become aware of the daily meditations and Tangible Release of Celestial Chambers.

So here i am reposting comments about the work of Jared Rand along a reminder about Celestial Chambers.Vortex Speaks!!!! :))))))))


Writer’s Corner By Steve Beckow Golden Age of Gaia.

Recently Judy was telling me about Jared Rand’s work. I’ve never read a description of it and asked her to do us the honors.  Drawing on Dennis Shipman’s work, she’s produced a synopsis.

July 2020

Recently, a Lightworker I had not previously been aware of came across my radar via YouTube.

His name is Jared Rand. I was transfixed by what he shared during that interview and wanted to learn more.

Jared lives in Colorado and it is from that location that he and his team are bringing forward transformative technologies for mankind.

The pivotal one that claimed my attention is called the Celestial Chamber. Its purpose is to rejuvenate the human body to its perfection at an age chosen by each participant. Your body will be redesigned to that age within a 3 minute time frame. You will be free of all dis-ease, impairment or disability. You will leave that chamber in your immortal form.

Once considered the stuff of sci-fi movies, this is instead our birthright.

Jared’s website is www.weareonelightforall.net

Most of what I am transcribing here is gleaned from www.blissfulvisions.com and authored by Rev. Dennis Shipman: August 6 2018 and February 25 2020.

Jared has been working with the global transition of Gaia in one form or another for 40 years. He communicates and collaborates with individuals and groups worldwide.

His wealth of information is extensive and awe-inspiring. It includes but is not limited to the origins of Earth/Gaia and Humanity, ET technology gifts to humans like the Quantum Financial Computer System, Anti-Gravity Propulsion, Replicators, Med Beds.

He explains there are three types of Med Beds: Holographic, Regenerative and Reatomizator. The latter is the one named the Celestial Chamber. Funding for completion of the prototype of this chamber is discussed on Jared’s website.

The CC is not to be confused with similar med beds used by the Secret Space Programs. This chamber is powered by plasma/tachyon energy and controlled AI. Jared is emphatic that AI must be controlled so that it never becomes aware of itself.

The chamber re-atomizes the human body to its perfected state with no negative side effects. The specific technology is continuously being advanced by Jared’s team and will be selectively open-sourced to our civilization. This will not be decades away but within the next 6 years.

This specialized chamber and the Med Beds are not human created. It is technology gifted to mankind from off-world ET’s. Many diseases including cancer will be eradicated by these seemingly miraculous devices.

The technology already exists but is not yet available to the public. When the timing is right, it will be a matter of getting them safely and securely to various locations.

If your curiosity is as piqued as mine was, Jared hosts a free conference call every Wednesday [9 PM EST] discussing many topics of interest. They often last 3-4 hours and always include questions from participants.

He also hosts a Daily Global Guided Meditation [3PM EST] now approaching 900 daily Global Guided Meditations in total.

Participants for those meditations exceed 150,000,000 worldwide.

Jared would say his purpose and his joy is to help educate the general public about our origins, who we truly are – Pure Consciousness in Human Form – what has been hidden and suppressed for eons, and how we are transitioning within our expanding awareness to increasingly higher frequencies.

Judy Bates