Daily Archives: July 28, 2020
hi precious heart thank you for joining us for our weekly vlog in the two vlogs preceding this one the company of heaven shared with us how very easy it is for us to reclaim the covenant we made with our father mother god prior to our embodiment the divine intent of that covenant was to ensure that the sons and daughters of god would have a constant flow of god’s abundance throughout our earthly sojourns unfortunately once we fell into the abyss of separation and duality we developed poverty consciousness that ended up creating a monetary system that has caused us to block the flow of abundance from our father mother god prior to our fall from grace we did not function with a monetary system therefore money was not a factor in whether or not we had things we needed to survive once we developed the oppressive mindset of poverty lack and limitation however we felt money was necessary in order to barter for the things we needed to sustain our earthly bodies now having money seems to be the only determining factor in whether or not we are financially free no matter how much prosperity we have in other areas of our life if we do not have money we are not financially free once we complete our ascension into the fifth dimensional frequencies of the new earth we will not need money to survive but in the meantime we need money so this week the company of heaven wants to remind us of the key to our financial freedom we have probably all heard about this essential key to our financial freedom but we have often rejected it because of the manipulative way in which it is usually presented before i was shown the bigger picture and decided to set aside my preconceived skepticism and take the chance of experimenting with the information being given to me by the company of heaven i too rejected this concept i am delighted to say that after experimenting with this information in my personal life decades ago i proved the truth of this information to myself beyond a shadow of a doubt for this reason i ask you to please set aside any preconceived notions you may have about this subject and just listen to this information with an open heart and mind pay attention to how these words resonate in the divinity of your heart flame it will be well worth your time and effort this information changed my life by increasing my flow of money first let’s briefly talk about the universal laws that determine the ebb and flow of our money money is just energy and every particle and wave of energy in the physical plane is subject to the laws of physics which are reflected in what is known as the universal law of the circle the law of the circle is another way of describing the out breath and the in-breath of our father mother god the law of this circle is demonstrated in the activities we refer to as cause and effect radiation and magnetization reaping what we sow action and reaction and giving and receiving there must always be a balance between these two activities for every cause there is an effect and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction if these two activities are not balanced a block is created that limits the flow of either the out breath which is the energy we are sending out or the in-breath which is the energy flowing back into our life what is blocking god’s flow of abundance for most people is that they are using all of their life force to make money in order to buy the things they need just to sustain their earthly bodies these are the very things that our original covenant with god promised to provide to all of us as described in vlog 175 all we need to do to fulfill our part of the covenant is use our gift of life which is our life force in ways that will add to the light of the world when we spend all of our life forced to make money to pay for the things that our father mother god and the elemental kingdom already provided to us for free it means we are not balancing the out breath and the in-breath of our life force this is like not giving anything back to god in love and appreciation for our gift of life which blocks the flow of god’s abundance if we want to attain true financial freedom we can easily correct this situation all we have to do in order to fulfill our part of the covenant with god is use a portion of our money to add to the light of the world remember like attracts like if we want to increase the flow of money in our life we must fulfill our part of the covenant with god by adding to the light of the world with our money it is just that simple when we are only spending our money on our bodily needs such as food clothing shelter utilities transportation doctors medical and health needs and on and on a block is created that keeps us trapped in poverty in order to remove this block we need to use a portion of our money over and above what we need for our bodily needs in ways that add to the light of the world this means not just paying for the things our father mother god gave to us for free in their covenant but by donating an additional portion of our money to persons places conditions and things that are enhancing life on this planet and literally adding to the light of the world this precious heart is the key to financial freedom i know that on a logical level this may not seem realistic after all how could spending more money increase our financial freedom but that is exactly how the law of this circle works like attracts like whatever we are sending out through our thoughts words actions and feelings goes out and returns to us this is true whether we are sending out love joy and happiness or anger frustration and hatred it is also true if we are sending out money our problem is that we have been spending just enough money to cover the costs of our bodily needs which our father mother god and the elemental kingdom already gave to us for free this is like not giving anything back at all to balance our part of the covenant with god consequently no matter how hard we work it seems as though we receive back just enough money to cover our bodily needs if we want to attain financial freedom we need to give an additional portion of our money back to god in appreciation for our gift of life i know that when we are financially strapped the thoughts of having to spend more money and other ways can feel overwhelming but if we truly believed and accepted that by doing this we would increase our flow of money back into our life we would not hesitate to do it i realize that leap of faith is sometimes difficult but take some time this week to contemplate this truth let your i am presence awaken this inner knowing in the divinity of your heart flame your i am presence wants you to be financially free and will help you to grasp the magnitude of what this essential key will really mean as far as creating your financial freedom hopefully you will feel motivated to experiment with this vital key to your financial freedom if you do this is the best way to begin the process first of all decide in what way you would like to use a portion of your money to add to the light of the world imagine that you are wealthy and that you have all the money you need to survive and much much more what would you like to financially support that you feel would benefit humanity and the planet the most there are literally thousands of people places and organizations that would fulfill that requirement which of these options are you drawn to the most which ones make your heart sing that is where you need to start donating your money when your money is supporting something that makes your heart sing it is much easier for you to trust the process and to release your donation without fear next your attitude and consciousness with which you donate your money to add to the light of the world is very important before you give your money to whomever or wherever you have chosen to give it consciously affirm in the recesses of your heart flame this money is a gift of love that i am giving back to my father mother god in appreciation for my gift of life then take a moment to truly feel the gratitude and love you have for our father mother god and your gift of life maintain that attitude and consciousness with every single donation you make dear one god bless you and i wish you god’s infinite abundance here and now i look forward to being with you next week