Category Archives: Angels

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 04/15/2023 • What to trust…

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You are living in exciting times! So many of you are concerned about the state of the world, and yet from our eternal perspective, your world offers so many beautiful possibilities right now. You can connect with one another as never before. You can share information as never before. You can interact, witness, and experience more than ever before. The world has become your family and the entire earth your home.

Part of this is due to your modern technology. Your Internet opened up the gateways of connection for your entire world. Before this technology, most individuals grew up in relatively closed systems. They were influenced by friends, family, church, community, and maybe some carefully controlled news, but not much more. Now you can access ideas, inspiration, innovation, and just about anything you desire. You can make a recipe from a country you will never visit and encourage or assist a stranger you will never meet. More than ever before in human history, you are able to experience your connection with one another.

Likewise, your emerging technologies will give you access to whole new ways to combine information and bring your creative ideas into form. We celebrate your expansion and exploration. Technology does not control you, for you are the creators. You are the ones who choose how you will use it. It is neither good nor bad. It is simply a tool that obeys vibrational law in the same fashion as the rest of the created universe.

Use your technology with love, and you will find love. Use it with fear, and you will find the fearsome. Use it in anger, and you’ll connect with the angry. Nothing is outside of the laws of vibration. This is simply how your universe works.

In truth, the world is no better or worse than it was in ancient times. You simply didn’t have social media back then! You couldn’t see what others didn’t want you to see. Now you can. Now you witness the best and the worst of humanity. Now you can see things as they occur. However, what is revealed can be healed, and although some of the things you witness are horrific, the good news is that you – collectively – are doing something about them. You have taken those you will never meet into your hearts and prayers. Some of you have sent money or resources to your human family at one time or another in your life. Some of you have adopted children, signed petitions, or quietly sat in the comfort of your own home and focused all your love upon those less fortunate. Your connection is good.

With greater exposure to the world, however, greater discernment is required. More than ever before, it is important for you to manage your vibration so you can trust your feelings. When you are in a high and loving vibration, what feels good to you is good, and what feels bad is not what you want to focus upon.

This is especially important now because you cannot always trust what you see and hear. This is not a new phenomenon. There have always been “snake oil salesmen” who would put poison (or water) in pretty packages and sell it as a tonic. There have always been those who can tell a convincing lie or paint a false picture. With your social media, the Internet, and new technologies, the capacity to falsify information is even grander than ever! Then again, so is the ability to share wonderful ideas and information, connect in new ways, and embrace the fact that you are a human family.

So dear ones, keep reaching for better thoughts and feelings because you can trust yourselves in the energy of a high vibration. Don’t worry about who is telling the truth and who is not. Tell the truth to yourselves – that you live in a loving and magnificent universe that is always guiding you toward what you wish to experience. You are not at the mercy of technology, systems, or other human beings, no matter how imposing they appear. You are only, and always, at the mercy of your own vibration.

In a loving vibration, you align with the truth of the Divine within, and this Presence will always guide you in love.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Self Acceptance and Resurrection

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 04/08/2023

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You are in a season of renewal upon your earth. You are collectively and individually re-creating yourselves. As a result of the tremendous upheaval these past few years, you are discovering your hearts in whole new ways. You want to live more authentic lives, worry less about pleasing others, and be more concerned with pleasing the Divine within. This is why so many of you are exhausted. You can no longer push yourself in directions that do not appeal. You can no longer pretend you want to do things you do not. You can no longer spend your energy trying to change anyone else – for better or worse – without feeling frustrated if they do not want to change. You will find, however, that when you pursue your passions – anything that calls to you, interests you, or makes your spirit sing – you will find incredible resources of time, energy, money, and support flowing into your reality for in your truth, in your love, you tap into the fast-moving currents of love that are flowing upon your planet. We say this often, but it bears repeating. If you are tired, rest. Stop fighting yourselves. Self-Acceptance is the easiest way to allow your spirit to take charge and fix nearly any situation in your mind, heart, body, or life. Your body knows what it needs. Your soul knows what it needs. Your mind knows what it needs. In your times of rest, you are incubating new life. In allowing yourself to feel your feelings, you allow love to wash in after their release. In allowing yourself to pursue a passion, you are allowing love to carry you in its flow. In allowing yourself to dream, you are allowing spirit to share ideas. In watching movies, you give your overactive mind a rest. In spending time alone, you learn to relate more intimately with yourself. In spending time with others, you see yourself in the mirror. Whatever it is you feel drawn to in a given moment, accept it. As you accept yourself as you are in this moment, no matter whether you would traditionally judge the situation or not, you are shining the unconditional love of the Divine upon yourself. As you accept yourself as you are, at this moment, you are saying to the universe, I am worthy of love as I am. “I am who I am,” dear ones, is the name God gave to Moses when asked. “I am who I am.” repeat that often, or better, “I accept myself as I am… even as I expand into more.” As you accept your heart in a given moment, you open to new guidance in the next. As you accept your so-called negative feelings, they will be granted release, then settle. As you accept your joyous feelings, they will guide you on the path of passion. As you accept your boredom, you stop fighting yourself and allow creativity to arise. As you accept your desire to get in motion, you allow yourself to ride the waves of inspiration. As you accept your desire to overeat, you will learn that you’d rather be more comfortable. As you accept yourself without judgment or criticism, your inner teenager will no longer have to rebel, throw tantrums, or stubbornly insist on its right to “be.” As you accept yourself without judgment or criticism, your inner child will no longer have to justify, explain, or defend their desires. As you accept yourself without judgment you are admitting a glorious truth, “You ARE perfect as you are, even as you expand into more.” An acorn wants to expand into an oak. An oak wants to make acorns. The green acorns sit in the dirt until their little shells crack open in perfection, and they once again reach and stretch to become oaks. You, too, have many cycles upon your earth and in your personal lives. Honor them. You are in a cycle of recreation so it is particularly important to honor your own personal cycles. In this fashion, the very force of life itself that lives and breathes within you will be allowed to rise up, guide you in grace, and inspire you to the life of your dreams.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Dream your dreams. Find ways to love life. Act when inspired.

dream text on green leaves
Photo by Karyme França on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

So many of you put so much pressure on yourselves to”get moving,” 
“be productive,” or “do something worthwhile” when you might otherwise want to rest, ponder, and dream. You might not yet understand that in your rest, pondering, and dreaming, you are taking time to recalibrate your vibration into a higher and happier space. You are leveraging energy vs. action. It is wise to listen to these urges when they arise.

The tendency to be harsh with yourself when you are not producing is unnatural. It is not native to the soul to judge itself for any reason. You learned to use external criteria to evaluate your worth. Your soul already knows you are worthy. You learned to “make things happen by the sweat of your brow,” whereas your soul knows all possibilities already exist in the world of energy, or the “mind of God.” Your soul sees you as a human tuner who can tune into any possibility to call it forth into your physical universe.

Do an experiment this week. Pick something you enjoy – lemons, kittens, a necklace you liked, a scent, a song, or a movie. Anything you enjoy thinking about will work. Perhaps you’ll choose a childhood pet or someone you love who is in heaven. You can choose something you want to experience, such as a tropical vacation or some extra money. Choose the first thing that pops into your mind.

Now think about this person, thing, or situation with great love. Think about it or them with appreciation. Think about interactions you’ve enjoyed in the past or ones you’d love to have. Imagine tasting that wonderful meal, wearing that necklace, petting those kittens, or feeling the presence of your loved one in heaven.

The only criterion is that your thoughts must please you! They must make you feel good. If you can’t find ideas that feel good on your subject, choose a new one. Luxuriate in your good-feeling thoughts.

Then write down the object of your loving attention and let go. Go about your work. Stay as positive as you can. See what shows up. See for yourselves how the universe begins to deliver the essence of what you desire with only a little energetic attunement and absolutely no effort on your part. See what happens. If you don’t get any evidence this week, wait and let the universe work its magic. Your first indication that you are drawing something to yourself is that you feel good thinking about it. If that is already happening, you’re done until you receive an inspiration to act.

You just spent a few moments being incredibly productive. You just saved yourself minutes to a lifetime’s worth of effort. You just set the entire universe in motion to bring you more of what you desire. If you need to act, you’ll feel inspiration. If not, relax. Enjoy your day.

Creation, as we know it, is a process of imagining new ways to experience or express love. It involves attuning your vibration to these desires by thinking of them with love and then taking only inspired and guided action.

Sometimes, the action you are inspired to take will be minimal. What you desire can sometimes appear in ways that are hard to explain. Problems often take care of themselves. Schedules will reorganize themselves as if by magic. Elegant solutions will pop into your mind.  

In other cases, you’ll have to put forth significant effort to manifest a dream or solve a challenge. However, if you act only when inspired, your work will be effective, efficient, and meaningful. Inspired action from a loving vibration will never feel like a struggle. It will be a joy. It will feel wonderful.

The most productive and worthwhile thing you can do is to spend time loving your ideas, dreaming your dreams, and enjoying the anticipation of your desires. Then and only then, act when inspired.

Time spent attuning your energy to a loving state of being is priceless, productive, leveraged time. If we were to write a book on productivity, the message would be short. “Dream your dreams. Find ways to love life. Act when inspired.” We do indeed find long-winded ways to convey this message, and we repeat it often because we are working to take you beyond your conditioned struggles into a joyful reality that has always been there but is very new to much of the human race.

You don’t need to push, bully, or criticize yourselves to be productive. Negating or judging yourself by superficial standards is not helpful. Instead, remember that you are energetic beings living in an energetic universe where actions taken from a loving energy are efficient, productive, inspired, and effective. Acting from any other space rarely works well.

You can see so many examples of these principles. Some people attract relationships easily. They live and act from their own joy. Other people are delightful souls, but they live and act from a place of feeling unworthy or trying to get others to love them. As a result, they find relationships a struggle. If you want someone to love you, love being you.

Some people attract money easily. They focus on their abundance of ideas or a loving service they wish to offer. They feel abundant and therefore attract abundance. Others can give unceasingly, but with a focus on lack, there can be no return.

Some people seem “lucky.” They count their blessings, look for the good, and see opportunity. As a result, “luck” finds them. It isn’t luck, of course. It is just vibrational law. The so-called “unlucky” tend to focus more on what doesn’t work. They have come to expect frustrations and obstacles, and as a result, their energy does not allow for the flow, ease, and grace you call luck.

We understand that external life can trigger you to focus in undesirable ways. Ultimately, you get to decide what you think, where you place your attention, and how much time you will give to any topic. You get to decide to use your mind or to allow it to use you. You, dear ones, can choose struggle or choose ease. Instead of pressuring yourselves to “get going,” try “being.” Focus your energy on feeling good and thinking thoughts that uplift you. 

The most productive, effective, efficient action will always be that which you are inspired to take when you are in a vibration of love.

Remember, dear ones, from heaven’s view, everything you do or don’t do, as long as you do or don’t do it in a vibration of love, is worthwhile.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

A Moment is Enough

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 03/25/2023

lemon juice on selective focus photography
Photo by DESIGNbyJA on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

We have been working with you for some time to help you raise your vibration and trust your feelings as indicators of your guidance. As you move forward upon your earth, this will become increasingly important. You are learning to calibrate your energy, so you will clearly and quickly know what matches your vibration and what does not.

You are learning to be like a finely tuned radio, willing only to receive your chosen station. As you know, signals from many diverse sources bombard your radios – news broadcasts, weather, propaganda, opinions, music, entertainment, gardening, and so much more! However, if the radio is clearly tuned to a specific channel, then that is all it will receive and share

Similarly, you will receive and broadcast the vibrations you attune to. If you are attuned to joy, you will receive more joyful ideas, bump into cheerful people, and emanate joy. If you are attuned to sadness, you will attract others who may comfort you but not necessarily help you move toward joy. It may be challenging to connect with or benefit from those in a happier state. As you choose one more soothing thought at a time, you will shift out of this sadness into a more hopeful and helpful space.

If you are attuned to the vibration of dis-ease, physical or emotional, you will find plenty of information about how to heal. Without the clear guidance that comes with a focus on well-being, these options might trigger more stress and exacerbate the dis-ease. If instead, you are focused on anything that feels better, eagerly looking forward to what you can do when you feel well, or even just soothing yourself, you will be able to sort through the options and intuitively feel those that can help you the most.

Likewise, if you are attuned to hate – such as hating a particular political ideology – you will attract people, ideas, and articles to support and amplify the discomfort of your hate. By contrast, if you adopt a “live and let live” philosophy and attune yourself to loving the political ideals you love, you will attract people, ideas, and articles that help you promote these ideals in your world.

We want to clarify something here. The heavens and your angels can only support your loving vibrations. We never send you unpleasant people, ideas, thoughts, or situations. The world and other people do that quite well on their own. Instead, we send you joyful, soothing, or inspiring thoughts, love, and people with whom you can interact positively. We steer you toward helpful souls. If you are tuning in to even a little love, we can support that with all our hearts.

So, dear ones, ask yourself frequently, “How do I feel? How does my soul see this moment? How can I focus on things that feel better?” As you do, you consciously and deliberately use your minds as the tuners the Divine intended them to be. You start to take charge of your thoughts and thus your feelings, your vibrations, and your reality.

When you are in a loving vibration, you can trust yourself. When not, defer making critical decisions and drawing conclusions until you are. Nothing is more crucial than slowly and gradually improving your vibration, for this alone determines the degree of flow, grace, and guidance you can receive.

Don’t beat yourself up when you’re down. Self-criticism won’t elevate you. Instead, you can do something to change your mood and your situation. Reach for a soothing thought. Consider your options. Ask for assistance.

For example, if you feel stuck at the bottom of a stairway, you could say, “I am at the bottom,” do nothing about it and stay there, or you can take the first step. Perhaps you are disabled and can honestly say, “I am stuck here. I cannot walk up the stairs.” However, you can call a friend, ask for help, find the elevator, ask someone else to run your errand upstairs, or ask others for assistance to create a better space on the first floor if this is a living situation.

There will always be valid reasons to feel bad. The world offers them freely. You may have inadvertently created difficult conditions in your life to deal with. Others may have made decisions you wish with all your heart they had not made. You can remain stuck feeling down. We understand. We certainly don’t judge you. Or, you can take steps, one little thought at a time, to feel better. You can remain disconnected from grace, flow, and guidance or ease your way into it, one thought at a time.

Whether you do or not, we love you. We offer steady guidance, hoping you will be open to receiving it, even for a moment. You might feel miserable, but you can still listen to a small positive desire to stop and get a glass of lemonade. When you take that first sip, memories of carefree summers may come flooding back, and in that one moment of a higher vibe, we can get a thought through to you about how to solve your serious challenges.

Take heart, dear ones. You don’t have to exist constantly in a high vibration, although the more you do, the better you feel. Reach for those moments of good feeling, openness, and moments that remind you how deeply and dearly you are loved. It only takes a second of being in a higher vibe to receive the guidance that can turn your situation around.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Choosing to ride the joy waves :You have the right and the privilege of managing your own thoughts.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 03/18/2023

brown and black german shepherd puppy sitting on gray textile
Photo by Torsten Dettlaff on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There will always be things upon your earth to delight, and there will be things you can’t stand. As we’ve said many times, you get to choose in this buffet of experience and vibration. Are you going to focus on the rotten or the good, that which disgusts or delights, that which hurts or that which soothes?

It is a choice. If you were taught this as children, it would be easy to choose a focus on what feels better. However, most of you didn’t have this behavior modeled for you. When you were very young, you knew better. If you bumped your elbow or scraped your knee, you went crying for love. If a caring adult picked you up and soothed you, you didn’t stay hurt or sad for long. You enjoyed your bandaid and went back to play. In your innocence, you knew to reach for what felt better.

Likewise, if someone put food in your mouth that you didn’t like, you either vehemently spit it out or opened your mouth and let it dribble onto the table! You might have played with it, but in your innocent wisdom, you knew that you didn’t want to swallow anything that tasted bad.

When you were on the playground, and a badly behaved child hit you, you might have become upset, but soon you wanted to walk away and play with the kinder kids. You didn’t want to waste your time feeling bad. Something in you intuitively knew that this person wasn’t worth your time or attention. In your innocent wisdom, you chose to deprive them of you!

Over time, however, you witnessed those around you. You saw and heard people focusing on things that felt bad – world problems, family problems, financial problems, spilled milk, the “wrongness” of crayon drawings on the wall, etc. You started to synchronize your energy with those who influenced you. You are all empathic. You all can tune into the life around you. Children, especially, try to tune into and anticipate the energies of those around them.

As children, many of you tried to synchronize your energy with those who were important in your life. Others rebelled! In either case, your capacity to feel good was diminished. Synchronizing with or rebelling against a bad feeling both tune you into the bad feeling.

Over time you learned to compensate. You learned to analyze and develop justifications for feeling bad. Society certainly supports this. You will frequently receive compassion, sympathy, and assistance when you feel bad or experience unfortunate circumstances. However, if you’re flying high, only those with a similarly happy vibe (or those who want to be in that space) can celebrate with you. While we always support you in seeking or sharing love and compassion, we also encourage you to reach for better feelings rather than staying stuck in an unpleasant space.

You will inevitably see things and people on your earth that are disturbing. You will see those who are dishonest, greedy, and hurtful. You still have a choice, however. You can see them as your adversaries, or you can see them as we do – wounded little children reaching for love in childish ways. You don’t have to give them so much attention. You will see systems that serve only themselves. We see people who, in their ignorance, don’t know the magnitude of Divine abundance that is available when you live and work in a flow of giving and receiving. You can turn your attention to systems that operate in greater love and integrity, or you can be part of the change in your own sphere of influence.

You will hurt at times for various reasons. When you lose a loved one, stub your toe, or watch someone you love suffering, it is hard to feel the flow of Divine love that is always available. Nonetheless, one thought at a time, you can gradually soothe yourself, surrender to love, and allow better feelings. You may need to comfort yourself, reach for help, or use a helpful healing modality. You. may “turn the other cheek” and look away from those who can’t behave while deciding to focus on those who can. There are so many ways to reach for better feelings. You are never stuck in anything except your own thoughts. Change those, and your vibration will change. Your reality will adjust to match.

We have said this many times, and it is becoming increasingly important as your world offers such a diverse buffet of contrasts –  You deserve to feel good. You deserve to focus on and experience the things, people, and situations that uplift, inspire, and offer helpful solutions.

You were not born to learn through suffering, although you certainly can. It does cause you to reach for more and better. It forces you to look for the good out of a sheer desire for emotional survival. It can catalyze you to find great strength within yourself.

However, you can also learn and grow through inspiration and joy. You can see the world’s problems and quickly focus on the ideas and people that will create solutions. You can feel the pain in your body but turn to something enjoyable on your television, read a good book, or laugh with a friend to distract from the pain. You can relax and allow the body to heal and rebalance as it was originally intended to do. You can work with kind and loving healers or doctors who soothe you until, often with their assistance, you allow healing to take place. You can grieve over the loss of a loved one’s physical presence, even while you reach for the comfort and bliss of the heavenly love they wish to share with you.

You have choice. Most of you didn’t learn this, which is why we spend a great deal of time reminding you about what your soul already knows. You have the right and the privilege of managing your own thoughts. At first, your mind will seem like an untrained puppy running all over the place. Just as you might speak to that happy little being when you want them to cooperate, you can talk to your mind, “Sit. Stay. This is what I want you to focus on.”

When you focus on things that make you feel better, you give yourself a “treat.” – the best one of all. You plug yourself into the ever-present stream of goodness, grace, guidance, abundance, healing, and above all, love.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Love is flowing as never before. You might say, energetically speaking, that the baby has been pushed out of the birth canal after a long period of contractions.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 02/25/2023 • Things are not as they seem…

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Things are not as they seem. We are not talking about people fooling or trying to exploit you. We are talking about the massive stream of love flowing and growing despite all appearances. In the unseen realms, your human race is taking a gigantic leap in its evolution. Love is flowing as never before. You might say, energetically speaking, that the baby has been pushed out of the birth canal after a long period of contractions. Humanity and your mother earth have given birth to a new torrent of love by calling for it in your prayers and intense desires these past few years. You have collectively prayed as never before, and love is answering the call. It doesn’t look like love in many ways right now, but things are not always as they seem.

You bear witness to the disruption on your planet. We see the evolution. You are grieving the physical transition of so many dear souls who have left the earth suddenly. We greet them as they expand back into an unbounded love. You feel pain in your body. We see streams of love flowing into you that sometimes push up against areas of tension or physical blockage. You feel antsy and anxious about change. We see you in the eternal dance between head and heart, striving to drop into your hearts and trust the journey.

You are having a human experience, seeing through human eyes, and evaluating through your human conditioning. This can be very painful at times. As you learn to see beyond the world of appearances into a world where invisible loves streams unceasingly, you learn to dance in harmony with this flow in a way that feels better, creates better, and allows better into your life.

Many of you feel far less tolerant of bad behaviors and situations you’ve endured up until now. Your soul is calling you to better – either an improved attitude and/or an improved situation. We never want you to suffer through something you don’t enjoy. We would instead advise you to look for the good here and now and, as well, focus on your heart’s true desires. For example, suppose you have put up with someone yelling at you for years, and it still bothers you. You can start to focus away from the destructive behaviors by looking at their good points or your own. Or you can completely ignore the bad behaviors as if they didn’t exist.

You shift your vibration as you give less attention to what bothers you and more attention to what pleases you. You’ll be more open to guidance and ideas for improvement in this new and improved vibration. You may receive the courage to walk away from something that doesn’t work. You may be inspired to speak in a way that encourages a kinder response. You may receive an inspiration to ignore unkindness and see only good.

The inspirations will vary from one person and situation to the next. Nonetheless, when you find a vibration that is either neutral or more loving than the previous annoyance, you become open to receiving guidance. The actions you are inspired to take will be tailored to guide you on your path of least resistance and to lead you in the kindest way to what you desire. Your guidance will have nothing to do with changing the other and everything to do with empowering yourself.

Some of you are feeling new passions, new directions, new interests, or renewed interests. You feel your soul beckoning you forward with joy. Listen. Learn what you are interested in learning. Follow up on the ideas that feel good to you, even if they seem illogical. Spiritual logic involves doing what gives you true delight and expecting life to work as you continue to listen to your guidance dynamically.

Some of you are finally admitting to yourself that you need rest. In your silence and downtime, you will reconnect with your heart and soul and find those new directions emerging naturally as you stop trying to force yourself through life.

Be gentle with yourselves. As you move through this period of incredible expansion, sit, breathe, and receive our love. We never waver from love. We are aware of your circumstances and feelings but intentionally focus on the greater you, the greater life, and the life you wish to experience.

An example might be helpful. Imagine you have a young child screaming and angry because they want a cookie. You know that a cookie on an empty stomach will give them a sugar high and then a low, and based on prior experience, they’ll become tired and cranky before dinner. You know that they want to feel good. They want nourishment for their body, love for their soul, and tastes to delight the senses. They want to feel energized and happy. That is their more profound truth, although right now, at this moment, they perceive all these wishes as a strong desire for the cookie!

If you give in to the screaming demands, you will teach them that they can manipulate life and others through lower-vibrational behaviors resulting from feeling powerless. This might work temporarily, but as you can imagine, such behaviors will not serve them as adults! You love them. You want more for them. You want them to know the universe wants to meet their needs and desires in a better way than the seeming superficial solution. You want them to feel empowered, loved, and satisfied.

So you pick them up and hug them. You acknowledge that they want a cookie. You tell them you understand, and you have something even better. You tell them about the wonderful meal that you know they will love. You talk about making their favorite dessert! You let them know in every way possible that while you love them and understand their need for the cookie, you have all they want and more coming to them very soon.

If they are willing, they will listen, anticipate the meal, and release you to cook it! If they insist on the very understandable childish demands that things go their way now – if they don’t believe you love them and want them to have an even better experience – they will delay their glorious dinner and delicious dessert!

So too, your soul, your guardian angels, and the Divine hear your cries, but we also know the totality of all you desire. Sometimes we can give you the “cookie,” and it will satisfy all you want in that arena of life. Sometimes we see so much better. In all cases, we witness and have compassion for your feelings. We know where you are now. We hold our focus steadily on the future in which you will have all you want and experience levels of love beyond what you’d ask for. We look for openings to guide you on the path of your least resistance. Like a wise parent, we will comfort, love, and soothe you as much as you allow. By our very design, however, we cannot respond to lower vibrational demands when you are asking for a higher vibrational outcome. We hold the frequency of the outcome and guide you toward that.

We don’t dance in the density, dear ones. We invite you into your own light.

If you want to heal your body or emotions, we are here to help. Stop focusing on the pain or grief for just a few minutes each day. Sit, breathe, and receive our love while you dream of relief first and ultimately feeling wonderful.

If you want abundance, stop the ongoing worry and focus on lack. Handle what you must now, then intentionally shift your focus towards something better. Count your blessings, and remind yourself of prior “miracles.” Let yourself sit in silence each day. Think about how abundance would feel and trust the ideas that will come quickly. Many tell us they can’t stop worrying, but we lovingly disagree. You stop worrying every time you watch a good movie. You stop worrying every time you have a fun conversation with a friend. You stop worrying when you kiss your dog. You stop worrying when you focus on your grocery list. Whenever you focus elsewhere on something better, you stop worrying. You simply have to make that choice…often over and over again.

If you want more love, stop talking about how you were not loved, are not loved, and cannot find love. We understand you want human companionship and love. Of course! You are designed to connect and enjoy the radiant Divinity of one another shining upon you! You are designed to shine that light upon another. We want this for you if you want this for you.

You were not designed, however, to expect another to make up for what you perceive is lacking in yourself. Another person is not responsible for making you feel safe, beautiful, and good, alleviating your fears, or ridding you of loneliness or boredom. Dear ones, would you want someone else to ask this of you? If you wish to love, then focus on love – loving life, receiving the love of the grass under your feet and the warmth of the sunshine. Receive the love anywhere and everywhere that it is given freely. Give the love where you authentically can. In that stream, you cannot help but rendevous with more and more love! A person in love with life is loved by lovely others who are too.

We desire that you have all that you want for yourself and more. We will not waver from that frequency of love you wish to experience. We will not sway from our understanding of the love beneath all things. We serve you best by holding the highest vision for your life and guiding it to you as best we can and as much as you will allow.

Your world is in a considerable state of transition now. It looks chaotic, and from the human perspective, it is. But whether your world is rearranging, you’re cleaning your closets, emptying your pockets, or dumping out the contents of your purse, it is a fact that chaos often precedes greater order.

Things are not as they seem. The world of energy is loving and impartial. It responds to your every loving vibration with as much as you will allow into your life. As you become more authentic with yourselves and life, you allow more love to flow. As you accept where you are, you allow more love to flow. As you dream of more loving realities, you allow love to flow. As you allow others to experience according to their choices, you allow love to flow. This can only elevate your experience of life, the experience of those who wish to benefit from it, and the experience of love upon your earth.

It really is quite simple. You are encouraged to seek soothing and good-feeling thoughts and activities, even if that means ignoring destructive behaviors, turning away from doomsayers, and flowing love to those who insist on being negative. Even if you must be in uncomfortable situations and around unpleasant people, you can focus on the flow of love to you and outward through you, silently observing the conditions and beahviors while flowing love.

As you do this, you begin to witness life through the eyes of your soul. You start to live in love and be open to love and release more love into your own life and world. Things are not as they seem. Only love is beneath things, in the core of all hearts, and in all situations. You allow or resist it, but it lives, breathes, and flows unceasingly whether you experience it or not. You can experience it whenever you look within, look to the unseen, or even look around you and notice the good.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 02/18/2023 • Accepting Where You Are

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Right now, each of the 7.8 billion people on your planet is having a different and very unique experience of life. As we speak to you, we see a woman sitting by the pool behind her expansive home, juggling several charities she runs. She is concerned about the officers of one who doesn’t seem to be in alignment with her vision while simultaneously trying to coordinate dinner reservations with a group she must network with to fund her cause. Meanwhile, we see a young man who feels disempowered trying to figure out how to lie, cheat, and steal from those who care about him because he doesn’t understand yet that he is loved.

We see people waking up, walking to their market stalls before sunrise and firing up the burners beneath their woks, preparing their sauces and dishes to feed hungry customers later that day. We see brave souls rescuing wounded animals and courageous people rescuing children. We see people dressed in expensive suits going to their jobs in skyscrapers to negotiate with large companies that provide irrigation and energy systems for agriculture. We also see laborers toiling in the dirt to pick the lettuce that will feed these executives.

We see designers bent over the drawing board coming up with your future vehicles and artists passionately moving their visions from the invisible to the visible worlds. We see musicians packing and unpacking equipment to offer a few hours of blissful escape to their audience and electricians wiring outlets for their equipment. We see plumbers unclogging toilets, trash collectors and street sweepers keeping your neighborhoods clean, and cooks making food for the few or the masses.

We see mothers and fathers waking up early to take their children to school. We see children laughing in the playgrounds while other children sit huddled in dirty corners, hoping for food. We see the countless souls buried beneath the rubble of the recent earthquake, waiting for rescue or surrendering to their journey home. We see it all, dear ones, and we are with each and every one of you, all the time.

Whether you consider your experience glorious or terrible, we are with you, whispering loving encouragement to your spirit, reminding you of what you wanted to learn, how you wanted to grow, and how, even in the direst of circumstances you are seeking to give and receive love. We even see those buried beneath the rubble praying for their families as they surrender to the inevitability of their own journey to heaven.

Dear ones, you are always exactly where your vibration has placed you. We implore you not to judge yourselves or others by circumstance. You are not lucky if you sit by the pool and are not forsaken by God if you are in an earthquake. Some of those you consider fortunate feel far less love than those fighting for survival. Many souls, born and living in earthquake-shattered areas, are angels upon your earth. Some, before birth, volunteered to come, live shorter lives, and be part of a massive release of love within your planet earth. They knew their life and death would not be in vain but would further awaken the planet to your common humanity, compassion, and love. Even beyond the visible, they knew they would be part of vibrational unleashing of powerful frequencies of love. As they rode the wave of love released by your planet into the heavens, they felt the exhilaration of earth’s evolution and yours.

The majority of people in the earthquake-torn areas are generous souls, compassionate, caring, loving, and kind. Many barely have a loaf of bread for themselves, yet when they receive one, they share. Many have seen buildings crumble yet bravely return to rescue those trapped. Many have seen and felt horrors, yet their hearts remain open. These angels volunteered before birth to live in an area likely to go through such horror and pain, but from heaven, they were willing. Send them love.

If you sit in a comfortable life, do not make yourself wrong for this either. You have different lessons and different choices. You need not feel guilty for being alive, abundant, and well. If you were to give up all you had and die with those who left the planet, you would not do a bit of good. If you do what you can as you are guided, you become part of the collective awakening too – playing an easier role, to be sure, but still a part of this massive release of love.

Unleash your hearts, starting with yourselves. Choose to accept yourself, be kind to yourself, and then ask yourself quietly, “What do I feel called to do?” Maybe you are called to live your life in kindness. That is a vibration that is required right now. Trust that. You may be called to donate precisely one dollar to charity. You have answered the call of one person in need, and although you will not know them on this earth, you will someday learn about how that loaf of bread or first aid supply changed their life, gave them hope, and kept them going. You may be called to sit in spirit and ask to see who you can pray for on a given day. Trust the feeling or the image you see. Support someone in spirit. Perhaps you are called to ignore the world and play. Trust that. Lend your joy to the collective vibration because it is needed to uplift many who are in sorrow.

We are not talking about your actions in the physical world so much as the energy you emit. You would, of course, not “rub in” your well-being around those suffering, but you can quietly emanate peace, joy, love, caring, and compassion because those vibrations will touch them. You would not brag about your abundance to those in dire need. Still, you can instead emanate a vibration that says to the world, “God is generous, and out of the generosity of my soul, I am asking that all feel cared for, loved, supported, and protected.”

In the material world, do as you are guided, but in the spiritual realms, share your love, peace, joy, and compassion as vibrational contributions to humanity.

We don’t want a single one of you to feel guilty for living comfortably, nor do we want a single one of you who is suffering to feel forgotten, abandoned, or unloved. We wish for all of you equally an awareness of the love that flows unceasingly. We wish for all of you, equally, an awareness that you are all part of something so huge upon your planet in the history of humanity’s evolution that it is hard to put into words.

We are with the suffering right now. We are also with those of you who feel you “have it easy.” We are guiding all of you. We are comforting those of you in need. We are showing the way to the living so they can live their path and purpose, and we are holding the dying as they transition into the bliss of Divine love.

You are all, dear ones, despite appearance, or material condition, exactly where your soul has decided to be right here and now. You can of course, change that, but for now, don’t make yourself wrong. Don’t make others wrong. As the saying goes, you cannot judge a book by its cover. You can only know it by living the truth within.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Opening to Love’s Flow | The Angels via Ann Albers

Message from the Angels 02/11/2023

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

We know many of you are devastated by the massive earthquake that rocked your planet last week. Collectively, once again, the human family is realizing that you are all in this together. You are part of the earth – a living organism in which your souls are cells in her body. You have called for love, and yet there is so much resistance to love in so many individual lives that Mother Earth herself had to create a release for this pressure. She moves, shakes, and settles more deeply into a new skin, in much the same way you move, stretch, and shake when you feel the tension that must be released in your own body.

Each one of you is a microcosm of the whole. So many of you who are sensitive have been feeling this shaking and quaking in your own minds, hearts, and bodies. It is the movement arising from the spark of Divinity within, trying to help you settle into your new “skin,” so to speak. Collectively and individually, you have all changed these past few years, and it is not possible to backward.

You can no longer ignore your feelings without feeling increased emotional pressure. You can no longer ignore your body. You can no longer ignore that still, small voice calling you forward with love. It is becoming increasingly difficult and often painful to ignore your hearts. Imagine standing in a trickle of water. Resistance is no big deal. Now imagine trying to resist the flow of a vast and swiftly moving river. You would exert far more energy and effort to fight that flow.

We have been busy in the heavens welcoming home the countless souls who have transitioned in this recent quake. We have huge celebrations with them. They know that their death looks tragic to those of you here on earth. They also see and feel the love that has been released. They know that humanity is allowing it to flow in a greater measure even as we speak. Religious conflicts and cultural biases are put aside in such a catastrophe. You relate to one another soul-to-soul, ignoring superficial differences. You reach out to those you have never met. You share with those you will never know. You are finding your hearts even more deeply, dear ones, while loving and assisting one another.

You need not wait for disaster to release the love within. You need not ignore your hearts. Whether or not anyone told you how lovable, worthy, deserving, and unique you are, we, in the heavens, want you to accept that this is our view of your incredible souls! It takes courage to come to earth. It takes courage to dive into the contrast, perceived separation, and challenges that inspire such monumental expansions of love. You have only our love, our respect, and our support.

It is time to allow love to flow. Do you feel like resting? Shut your eyes for a few moments and relax. Do you feel like ignoring a phone call? Please do it. You can call back later. Do you feel like finding something that will inspire you? Then sit quietly and imagine feeling inspired. Ask us for help, and then listen to your heart when it guides you in the smallest ways. Tiny steps often lead to big revelations and big changes. Do you want more kindness on your planet? Then be kind, starting by being kind to yourself.

We are here for you. Not one of you is without angels, guidance, love, and support. Call on us. Shut your eyes, breathe, and receive our love. These are tumultuous times, but they are also times when there is great potential for love, expression, and a newly emerging world. Even as you redefine yourselves, embrace your worthiness, and intend for your connections, Mother earth is doing the same. Reach out to your brothers and sisters in need in whatever way you are inspired – with love, prayer, kindness, support, etc. Your world is slowly but surely moving into an understanding of its deep connections with one another and with the cosmos at large.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

You are all so very worthy of all you dream.You are SO Worthy!

the word worthy on a woven surface
Photo by Magda Ehlers on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

If we had a mission here in heaven, you might say it would be to assist you in realizing your true nature. You are birthed from love, given life by love, and will return to love. Part of your journey on the earth is learning to expand love, starting for yourselves. It is easy to love yourself when you feel loved by another. It is a reality in heaven when you feel the love that unceasingly gives you life. It is also easier when things are going your way – when the traffic flows, when you find what you want at the grocery store, and when people are being kind.

It is not truly any harder to love yourself when others don’t or when things are not going your way, except for one minor detail. Most of you have been trained out of this very natural feeling of worthiness. There is no need to explain why. It is relatively simple. Others behaved the way they behaved, and you interpreted that to mean you were not worthy of love. Someone disapproved of your artwork when you were a child, and you felt you were not worthy of being creative. Someone frowned at your face, hair, or outfit, and you thought you were not worthy of love unless your looks pleased others. Someone treated you horrendously and in such a vile, abusive manner that you decided you were not at all worthy of love.

The empowering point here, dear ones, is that you decided you were unworthy of love, and while it is understandable that you would do so, you can change your mind! You can acknowledge here and now that no matter who convinced you that you were unworthy of love, the Divine begs to differ. You can acknowledge that no matter who treated you as if you were unworthy of love, the heavens want to treat you as the most worthy, precious, perfect being sourced from the light of love itself. No matter how conditionally others loved you, no matter what messages they sent, and no matter how conditionally you learned to love yourself, you can decide right here and now accept the fact – the spiritual truth – that you are worthy of love. Whether you feel it or not, you can decide here and now to accept this fundamental, accurate, unchangeable premise.

You are worthy. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of doing what you love. You are worthy of taking the time to do the things that add life to your life. You are worthy of being around those who treat you well and walking away or ignoring the opinions of those who don’t. You were created worthy, and nothing you do or don’t do, say or don’t say, can ever affect that worthiness because, dear ones, you are made (not were made) in the image and likeness of your Creator. Like your Creator, the truth of your being is pure light and pure love.

Some days you are aligned with that love and that light. Some days you are not. In some lives, you align with that light; in others, you do not. Your experience will differ, but we always hold onto our understanding of your true nature and your worthiness. Even the vilest among you are worthy of love. If they were to open up to that simple fact, they would not behave like those who feel so unlovable that they must hurt, manipulate, cheat, and steal to get a little piece of that sense of being lovable! Dear ones, the vilest among you feel the least worthy, no matter how arrogantly they profess their worthiness to others. We see inside hearts.

We also know that you are always being the best you that you can be in the moment. You can always be more. You came to expand! Nonetheless, in every moment, you are the best you that you can be right then, right there, right here, right now. In some moments, the best you that you can be is a person having a good cry because you miss someone, or you feel exhausted. Then in the next moment, perhaps the best you that you can be is one who gets a tissue and dabs their own eyes in the tiniest movement of loving comfort. Then perhaps in the next moment, the best you that you can be is one who sighs and says, “Well, I don’t feel like it, but there is more to do in life. I may as well go through the motions.” Then in the next moment, the best you that you can be is one who realizes that life is moving forward and there are some enjoyable moments.

And so, dear ones, as you accept this simple fact – that every moment you are being the best you that you can be – there will be a natural progression towards better. Be kind to yourselves now. Accept yourself now. In that acceptance, you acknowledge that you are worthy of love as you are here and now. In self-acceptance, you begin your journey toward true, unconditional self-love. You want others to love you no matter what. Choose to accept yourself as you are, doing your best and being the best you that you can be in this moment.

We in the heavens will never judge you. We know it is a courageous move to become human, to forget your worthiness, your nature, and the connection you have with all of life – all to experience variety, reach for more, and thus pull the energy of the Divine from its raw form into manifest reality. You, by virtue of being human and being there upon your earth, expand creation, expand love, and call forth the unmanifest into form. You are all so important. You are all so loved.

You are all so very worthy of all you dream.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

The challenges and contrasts of the last few years have inspired your desires to grow at an extremely rapid rate – Messages from Ann & the Angels-

-01/21/2023 • Focus, Feeling, and Happiness

God wants every loving thing for you that you want.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You are here on earth during one of the most incredibly rapid times of expansion humanity has ever experienced. The challenges and contrasts of the last few years have inspired your desires to grow at an extremely rapid rate.

Your feelings are coming to the surface as never before. For some of you, this is incredibly exciting. You are reconnecting with dreams long buried as well as brand-new desires. For some, this is very frustrating because you feel your heart’s desires strongly but don’t yet trust the universe to bring what you desire to you. For others, it is a scary time because you fear that if you make the changes you want, you may upset your life or those around you.

Regardless of where you find yourself in this deep dive, the fact that your feelings are arising within is good. Your feelings point you to what you want to create and are indications of your guidance on the path.

If a thought excites and inspires you or makes you smile with joy, then you can safely assume that you are moving toward that which you are focusing upon. If you are crying over what you don’t yet have, the sad feeling is a strong indicator that you want something you don’t believe you can have. If you are angry, this means that a powerful force is compelling you to change either attitude or action, for anger is a force that propels one to expand in much the same way a force propels a sprout to spring out of the seed and grow towards the light. Anger indicates that you are strongly thinking thoughts or doing things in opposition to your desires and that something must change.

You can blame the outside world for your feelings, or you can look at their deeper value, which is to help you understand where you stand in the relationship with your greater self – the Divine within you. God wants every loving thing for you that you want. Are your thoughts in alignment with what you desire? Then you’ll feel good. Are your thoughts running contrary to what you want? Then you’ll feel less than lovely.

Suppose someone cuts you off in traffic. You feel bad. You think they made you feel bad. What makes you feel bad is, however, your own thoughts running contrary to what you want. You want to feel safe. You want to feel respected. You want to dance with courteous drivers. In God’s love, you are safe. You can choose to respect yourself. There are hundreds of courteous drivers on the road you can focus on, despite this one that is not paying attention. Your focus is your choice. Focus on what you want, and you’ll feel good. Focus on what you don’t, and you’ll feel bad. You might argue, “But this driver is not courteous! They are not respectful!” You may be 100% correct in your assessment of the reality in front of you, but your focus is your choice, and your focus dictates what you attract. This is simply how your world works.

Consider your economy right now. For many of you, simply focusing on the price of groceries is enough to inspire upset. However, think a little deeper, and you’ll see that the prices are not the cause of your upset. The cause originates within. Perhaps you think you must experience lack because of these prices. Maybe you resent those getting richer for reasons that have nothing to do with the actual value. Perhaps you feel frustrated with your own financial state. You are not in agreement with the Divine within. The Divine within can guide you to abundance. The Divine within would never waste time focusing on someone else’s lack of integrity. The Divine within would reassure you and guide you to new ways to experience prosperity.

Every time you feel bad, you feel this way because you are looking at life in a way that is different than the perspective of the Divine within. We would never argue that many external events and conditions make it quite challenging to see life through the eyes of God. Still, your true power is available when you align your vision with the power that creates universes.

Dear God, bless this angry, impatient, unconscious soul who cut me off in traffic, but I give thanks for the many kind ones. I give thanks for resting safely in your love. I give thanks for knowing that I cannot leave before my time, and if I focus on my joy, the beautiful day, and the beautiful drive, I will be steered around harm.

Dear God, I see these high prices for my food. I don’t like this at all, but thank you for helping me find and feel the abundance of your love, the abundance of your grace. Give us this day our daily bread, berries, beans, and meat! Give us this day our daily coffee and cream, our tea, our cake, and whatever else we desire. In you, I trust, not in man’s economy. I ask that I be guided to live in a Divine economy.

What if you are grieving dear ones? You are human. No one in heaven would tell you to feel otherwise. Nonetheless, as you begin to see through the eyes of the divine and your loved ones in heaven, you start to see your eternal nature and the bliss of your loved ones, and you begin to feel a love that was previously beyond your wildest dreams. It may take time, but this is available to you.

It is always your relationship with yourself, your soul, your Divine spark, that defines how you feel, no matter whether the outside works make it easy or difficult.

It is inner work to reach for the thoughts of your soul and the Divine within. It is often easier to let life and others sway your feelings and toss them around as if you are a ship on a stormy sea that you cannot control. The vessel cannot control the sea, but with a steady rudder and a firm grip on the wheel, it can hold its own course and navigate the storms. So too, you can remain rooted in your relationship with the Divine, with beauty, goodness, eternal truths, and love. In that reality, you will navigate your own course no matter what is going on in the world around you.

You don’t have to hate the haters “make” you hate.” You don’t have to let the warmongers inspire you to “warring” thoughts. You don’t have to let the economy convince you that you must experience lack. You don’t have to don’t let the storms of nature mean that your life or emotions are flooded with fear.

While the haters hate, you can focus on prayer, compassion, and love.

While the warmongers make war, you can choose love, peace, compassion, and kindness.

While your economies are strained, you can focus on God’s abundance and experience the very same.

When you face the storms, you can pray and ask them to be kind, or you can use them as an opportunity for a fresh start.

Love is always there for the tuning! Abundance is there for the asking. Safety is there for those who rest in God’s love. Place your focus there, dear ones, and you will find yourself feeling well, no matter what your outer world is doing.

You have permission to feel good. You have permission to be happy even when circumstances or people make it more challenging. We encourage your good feelings and have compassion for you when you can’t find them.

Be kind to yourselves. Honor your hearts. Then, when the world tempts you to feel badly, remind yourself, “I get to choose. I get to focus on what I choose and therefore choose how I feel. I get to decide if someone else will control my mind or if I will take charge of it.”

Happiness is easier than you think. You don’t have to wait for the world to change. You just have to reach to see life and yourself the way the Divine within you see all – evolving, emerging, and growing into greater love.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

you have the opportunity to re-create your life – and yourself– in every “new now.”

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 01/07/2023 • Making Good use of your New Now

white notes beside a pencil on brown wooden surface
Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Happy New Year! Happy New You! Happy New Now! As so many of you make your resolutions and intentions for the coming year, we remind you today that while your New Year is a beautiful marker and milepost, you have the opportunity to re-create your life – and yourself– in every “new now.”

You can celebrate each moment as a chance for a change. With every thought, every breath, and every choice, you can release the old and look forward to the new. In every “new now,” you can become a happier, healthier, more abundant, more loved, and more loving version of yourself. With every new thought, your life begins to move in new directions. Every moment, your body is undergoing massive transformation, with billions of cells leaving their little bodies and new, fresh, healthy ones being born.

Now you are new… and now again.

If you want to create change in your life, start now. Become new right here, right now. What thoughts no longer serve you? Are you tired of feeling tired? Then dear ones dream of feeling refreshed, energetic, and happy. Focus on any moments when you feel good. Look for them. Notice your improved feelings first. Think thoughts that don’t drag you down. Now. Right here, right now, think a thought that makes you feel more refreshed, energized, and eager for life on planet earth.

You might think to yourself, “I love my cozy bed. I feel so comforted by my covers and blankets. Right before I drift off to sleep, I feel refreshed.” You might think of someone who uplifts you, and suddenly you feel more energized. You might think of a food that thrills you, a song that makes you feel like moving, or a show you like. These are simple thoughts, but now, and now, and now again, you are made new.

You can create the new you, who you want to be, right here, right now, and now again.

So many of you want rapid change and yet refuse to change now. Many of you want to lose weight but focus on heavy thoughts. Many of you want to eat healthier but focus on punishing yourselves with diets that don’t titillate your taste buds. You could instead dream of feeling wonderful and eating foods you love. Then, dear ones, the new you, in your new now, will attract a “diet” or “healthy eating” ideas that turn you on as well as tune you up.

Many of you want to get in shape, but thinking about exercise feels like an exercise in drudgery itself. In your new now, it would be far kinder to imagine feeling good in your body and participating in an activity that makes your cells buzz with anticipation. If you use your mind in this fashion, it won’t be long before you want to move. You may be inspired to turn on one of your favorite songs and tap your toes. You may feel motivated to put on an outfit that makes you feel like moving. You may start to treat yourself like a beautiful and worthy person right here and now and wait till inspiration hits later. Now you are new. Why not create the new you that you want to be? 

Suppose you want to be more organized but feel overwhelmed. Imagine, right here and now, the feeling of walking in your home and knowing exactly where things are and what you are doing on a given day. Imagine flowing through your days with ease. If you don’t have a great imagination, look at pictures of organized homes and watch videos of people who seem to have managed their lives. Right here, right now, you can focus on the feeling you want to feel. Now is new. Now you can find and feel the energy you want to enjoy on a regular basis, and your days will begin to flow in a more harmonious way.

Suppose you want a romantic partner in your life. In this very instant, you can conjure up the lover within. You can easily, if you’re willing, find something or someone in your life to love and appreciate right now. Perhaps you luxuriate in your soft pillows or love the adoring way your dog looks at you. You can enjoy the intoxicating fragrance of a freshly squeezed orange for breakfast and look in the mirror with rapt appreciation, seeing yourself as you wish a lover would. Right here and now, you can begin to be the person that you imagine you will be in the relationship you want. Think about how you would eat, dress, speak, and act. Would you be a better you if someone were there to admire you? Now is new. Be that gracious, loving, appreciative, self-accepting version of yourself right now.

We could share examples forever, but the bottom line is simply this: In this new now, you can begin to focus with anticipation and joy on what you seek. In this new now, you can look for the good. In this new now, you can find the glass half full, the silver lining, and all that is right in your life. In this new now, you can start to become the person you want to be.

So this year, commit to being loving and kind to yourself. Commit to thinking thoughts that make you feel delicious. When old, exhausting or discouraging thoughts come up, do your best to switch to gentler, kinder, more encouraging ones.

You deserve your own love, dear ones. You deserve to feel good. You deserve to think thoughts that vibrate to everything and anything you want to experience here on this earth. The holidays are over, but you can get Present, and in each here and now, give yourself the gift of the life you want to allow and attract and ultimately live. Happy New Year, dear ones. Happy New You! You are already changed having read our words.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

no matter what is going on in your world, allow yourself to feel the miracle of light, the harvest of light, and the birth of light by simply sitting quietly on any silent night and realizing that in this love, all is calm, and all is bright.

northern lights over mountain and forest
Photo by Mohan Reddy on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Many of you reading this are celebrating your holidays at this time. However you gather, or whether you gather, you are embraced by those of us in the heavens. You are loved beyond measure and treasured, for you are a gift to the universe. Your every loving thought sends ripples to the far reaches of the cosmos. You, dear ones, are the peace in the silent night. You are the miracle of light in a world in turmoil. You are the embodiment of the values that help humanity evolve. You, dear ones, are a gift to Life itself. Receive our love, as we celebrate the gift that you are.

We would love for you to take a little time amidst your holidays to sit and allow the peace of heaven to wash over you. If you can, take a little time to receive the gift of our love. We love to share it. We hold the vision that you will believe and receive all you wish to experience in this life rather than struggling and striving and trying to figure things out. We would love it, dear ones, if you would receive the love that is waiting because just like your holiday season demonstrates – as you give, you receive, and as you receive, you naturally give.

In the stillness of a Silent night, a baby was born in a cave, in a manger. His mother watched in wonder. His father felt a sense of humble awe, trusting that God would guide him. They were young, unmarried, and far from home. Yet in their child’s eyes – as in the eyes of all newly born children – they saw the Creator’s love. You came into the world, allowing that love to look through your eyes. You, too, are a miracle of love, an embodiment of the light you celebrate. You still have that within you. Sit. Breathe. Receive. Allow us to awaken and bolster that light within so that you can feel the magnitude and miracle of your own being.

In the stillness of a silent night, a tiny bit of oil was lit in the lamp. No one expected it to burn for long. It was cold and dark, and times were dangerous. As the community members again dedicated their temple to the Creator, the light burned long and bright, miraculously so. That light burns within you. Even when you feel you have little left to give to your days – little energy, little time, little money – that light of the Creator is there, ready to burn within you, ready to guide you, prepared to be the beacon inside of you that lights your way. You are not alone dear ones. The light of the Source burns within.

In the stillness of many silent nights, seeds waited in the ground until they sprouted, grew, and gave life. There came a time after nature worked her wonders for the harvest – reaping the first fruits that are a marriage of light and darkness, sun and rain, and nutrients plus waste. Those who celebrate Kwanzaa also celebrate the strength and oneness of the light within.

Dear ones, you are nothing less than an embodiment of the light that creates universes. You are the light present in the child, the lamp, and those first harvest fruits. You are an individual in a human form, but in your depths, you are one with all that is good, pure, and holy.

So no matter what is going on in your world, allow yourself to feel the miracle of light, the harvest of light, and the birth of light by simply sitting quietly on any silent night and realizing that in this love, all is calm, and all is bright.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 12/17/2022 • Receiving to Give

a person hiding a gift
Photo by Any Lane on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You have a saying on earth that it is “better to give than to receive.” We would say it is better to exist in the flow of Divine love in which giving and receiving cannot be separated.

In this season of giving, sit with the Source and your angels for only a few minutes a day. Breathe and intend to receive love. This never-ending stream of love can help, heal, balance, inspire, and motivate you. It can remind you of your true nature and restore you to a beautiful relationship with yourself. The Source will not force this love upon you. You have free will. You can open to receive it, or not. When you do, it will recalibrate you – body, mind, and soul –  and impulse you to think and act in ways that benefit all souls involved, including your own. Your giving will become guided, natural, and joyful.

Some of you will be impulsed to give to yourselves first. Many of you have given a great deal to others and are now exhausted. At some point, your giving shifted from a joyful desire to share to giving out of duty, to earn love or affection, to prove your worthiness, or giving in the hopes that others would see what a good and loving person you already are. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with giving from an empty cup, it can’t last forever. You must allow yourself to receive love from the heavens in order for giving to remain a joy. Otherwise, you are spilling from an empty cup.

As you open to the never-ending stream of love, some of you will feel inspired to share the simple yet profound gifts of love, laughter, and kindness. Some of you will feel inspired to do things you love, thus sharing emanations of joy and peace. Some of you feel impulsed to share through passionate action. When you feel your connection to the Source, the impulse to share love comes in a variety of different ways, but always naturally, easily, and joyfully.

In this flow, you will start to feel more peace, calm, balance, and assuredness that all is right in your world. Everything you do from this natural flow will be a contribution in some fashion. If you feel impulsed to go shopping, you’ll be contributing to the economy, to the joy of those who work where you shop, and to those with whom you have synchronous “chance” meetings. If you are impulsed to give in more traditional ways, you’ll find that you give “from the heart” rather than from the head, and you experience a deep sense of connection with those whose lives you are impacting. If you are impulsed to sit at home and rest, you’ll feel the peaceful vibrations you are sharing with the world.

So now and always, give yourself, and therefore the world, the greatest gift of all. Spend a little time in reception of your Creator’s love. Allow yourself to open to the stream of life itself. Then, dear ones, in this space, whatever you do, wherever you are, you will give the gift of an open heart to the world around you.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Message from Ann & the Angels – 12/10/2022 • Moments of Contentment

cute tabby kitten on a sofa
Photo by Tranmautritam on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

If you were to watch a kitty sitting in a sunny spot in the house, a dog taking a nap near a family gathering, or a child playing with something that has captured their full attention, you would witness moments of complete and utter contentment. You would see souls entirely centered in the here and now, appreciating where they are and who is around them. Watching them, you too might sink into a delicious state of contentment, where – if for only a few moments – all is right with your world.

cute puppies resting together on plaid
Photo by Bruno Cervera on

This sort of contentment is within your reach at any time. It does not rely on anything external. You can create it whether the chores are done, the bills are paid, the bank account is full, or the lover is present. It does not rely on having a perfect family, job, home, or even a decent one. It requires only a willingness to pause, look around and appreciate the moment. It is available to those living in peace, and to those who live in areas of conflict and turmoil. It requires only a pause for presence, and a moment of silent appreciation.

Creating such moments of contentment helps you learn to look at “the glass half full” and to notice what is available to appreciate in the here and now. These moments of contentment will help you see the beauty in things right in front of you and enjoy what you would otherwise overlook. They pull you out of your head and plug you back into the present moment. They remind you that life is good in the here and now.

Moments of contentment, especially when created by choice, immediately raise your vibration. They are like waking meditations that open the heart. They remind you that no matter what you want, what you already have can be pleasing. As you experience this sense of completion here and now, you open the door to more – even before taking a single action. In those moments of contentment, impulses for inspired action arise.

We know the holidays can be emotionally charged. Some of you love them. Some of you dread them. For some of you, they are times of deep connection, while for others, the disconnect seems starker than usual. No matter where you find yourself on the emotional spectrum, you can create these moments of contentment, and in so doing, you will feel more loved and connected to yourselves, life, and the Divine.

No matter how busy you are, taking time for contentment creates a peaceful heart, and a peaceful heart allows your life to flow with greater ease. You accomplish more in less time when your energy is at peace. In these quiet moments of contentment, you can hear us more easily.

Don’t wait to find contentment in your lives, dear ones. If you wait for everything to feel perfect, you are chasing a moving target. You will always want more than what you have right now. However, if you can take the time to enjoy, appreciate, and be with what you have now, who you have now, and yourself as you are now, then, in that contentment, you allow more to come.

The holidays you celebrate began in quiet, humble atmospheres, in situations far less than perfect. And yet a single lamp stayed lit, and a baby emanated love in a manger. A star shone in a darkened sky over an earth with many turmoils. Nonetheless, those who took the time to behold the light felt peace, a stillness, and quiet contentment. You, too, can create such moments and, in so doing, know that all is right in your world even as it expands into more.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

man person cute young
Photo by Pixabay on

If your holiday activities activate joyful feelings, enjoy them! If they activate painful feelings, then it is time for a change.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 11/26/2022 • Have An Authentic Holiday Season

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

As you move into your holiday season, breathe. Remind yourself to relax, slow down, and enjoy the moment. It is better to do less with more love than more with less love. It is better to fully engage in the activities you choose rather than rush through them and, in so doing, miss the moments of your life.

The universe responds to you as you are now. No matter what you have or haven’t done for lifetimes, decades, or even in the past five minutes, now is all that matters. You are who you are because you are thinking thoughts now. You are experiencing what you experience because the universe is responding to your vibration now. Often what you are vibrating to is the result of many thoughts you have thought in the past. You develop patterns, momentum, and, therefore, vibrations that are well-practiced. Nonetheless, the universe is responding to you now and only now.

Suppose you were a musician. Imagine you practiced a song until you could play it by rote, only to discover a little later, that a few notes were off. You would have to re-learn the song. Teaching yourself the new notes might take a great deal of practice and perseverance since the old ones were so well-practiced. You could do it, of course. It would just take some effort.

Likewise, you have many practiced patterns of thought. Some are “on key” because they create feelings of love in your life. Some are off the key of love because they don’t make you happy. Some are complex notes – a little love mixed with a little less. It may take some work to practice new thoughts that feel like love. It may take some diligence and compassion for yourself to develop new habits. You can do it, however, and the rewards are well worth the effort.

The holidays, especially, have many practiced patterns of thought. Some activate beautiful feelings within you. A song, a smell, a particular food, the twinkling of lights, or the lighting of a candle can activate vibrations of warmth, joy, and comfort. For others of you, these can activate very painful memories.

If your holiday activities activate joyful feelings, enjoy them! If they activate painful feelings, then it is time for a change. Create new traditions, new beliefs, and new activities that please you more. Do this, whether or not the new is related to the old. You don’t have to celebrate just because everyone else is. You don’t have to mail cards, go to gatherings, or play special music if it doesn’t give you joy. You may prefer a quiet retreat or a simple gathering of friends. Do what makes your heart sing. Bring a new you to the present moment. Be like a child. Look for what is interesting, pleasing, and fun – wherever you are. A child may cry one moment but then quickly look for what is more enjoyable the next. So can you.

Dear ones, your holidays are meant to be a season of light. Emotions are running high this year, yet you can embrace the light and the love within you more dearly than ever before. Permit yourselves to slow down, savor the moments, and live in a state of love. What you do or who you are with, who understands, approves or not, is infinitely less important than whether or not you choose to honor your own heart.

As your world struggles to recreate itself, let the light of the season be born within you once again – in this moment and the next, with honesty, authenticity, and a commitment to your own good-feeling season.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 11/19/2022 • Living in Appreciation

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Those of you who are soon to celebrate your holiday of Thanksgiving know that the holiday centers around appreciation. You take time to appreciate family, friends, or some quiet time for yourself. You take time to appreciate a diversity of food, fun, activities, or rest. You take time to put the world’s problems aside so you can enjoy the things that truly matter in your lives – love, laughter, relaxation, sharing, & caring. Even if you spend the holiday alone in peace, you take time to commune with that which is peaceful and beautiful inside yourself. Dear ones, every day can be a day of giving thanks. Every moment offers opportunities for appreciation.

In traffic, you can appreciate your car, the songs on the radio, the person you love the most or the sky overhead. If you are ill, you can appreciate the warmth of a cozy blanket and a cup of tea. If you are feeling scared, you can appreciate a moment of laughter with a friend or perhaps a song that gives you a few moments of peace. You can step outside, pluck a blade of grass, and appreciate the miracle beneath your feet.

While the world rants and raves about its problems, you can see its miracles. While those around you might try to convince you of all that is wrong with life, you can seek out and appreciate what is right. While the doomsayers tell you the economy is failing, the world is coming to an end, and that your climate is going to hell in a handbasket, you can smile and choose to live in God’s economy. You can appreciate the moment in front of you – right here, right now. You can take a moment and marvel at nature’s miraculous ability to regenerate, sometimes without the slightest bit of help.

Dear ones, make every day a day of Thanksgiving. Make every day a day of seeking out things and people to appreciate. In the meanest of individuals – if you were to look hard enough – you could find something to appreciate. Perhaps they have a passion that comes out in unpleasant ways but is nonetheless still a passion. Maybe they are angry because they feel helpless, because in their depth they care strongly about an ideal. Perhaps the person who just cut you off in traffic is afraid of being late, but at least they care about meeting their commitments. We are not saying you should stick around for bad behavior if you can avoid it. We are not saying you should pretend it doesn’t exist, or give it another second of your focus. However, when bad behavior is unavoidably in front of you, you can still look around for something to appreciate.

When you don’t like something on the news, you can appreciate your remote control and switch the station! When the relative you try to avoid starts lecturing you, you can point out something about them that you can appreciate and then change the topic. “I love that you care about me so much. I love that you want the best for me. Thank you.” then change the topic or walk away. Or maybe you’re around someone ranting about their beliefs and trying to impose them upon you. You can easily say, “Isn’t it wonderful to be alive and to care about something so passionately! Better than being apathetic!” then switch the topic or walk away! You have the power to find something to appreciate in any given situation, and while some are certainly harder than others, you have the choice to align with the love that you are and feel good – or not. Your choice to focus on appreciation is for you first.

Dear ones, you are the lightworkers More accurately you are the light-focusers. You are the lights that can choose to shine your love upon the areas which you can appreciate, and in so doing amplify those vibrations upon your earth. Look for peace. Notice peace. Be peaceful, and more and more examples of piece will come into your field and awareness. Look for levity. Be lighthearted. Appreciate those who are and more and more of that energy will come into your awareness. “Seek and ye shall find,” dear ones. Seek things to appreciate, and you will find more and more wonderful things in your world to appreciate.

Spending your life seeking out things to appreciate enables you to open the windows of your perception to all that is good, loving, and beautiful. In so doing, you will see the light amidst the darkness, harmony despite the chaos, beauty, love, and grace, even in a world that is certainly stirred up at the moment.

You are the light workers, the light focusers, the appreciators, and the ones attuning your world into a higher, happier, more beautiful space… one moment, one soul at a time.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 11/12/2022 • Keep the Magnet On!

brown wooden love is lover decor
Photo by Shamia Casiano on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Breathe deeply. Exhale. The vibrations of all creation just flowed through you in that single breath. The energies of all you love and all you hate just flowed into you. Your intelligent body, connected to the Source, attempted to take in all of the frequencies that support its health, happiness, and well-being. Your mind selected and filtered the frequencies that match the vibration of your thoughts and the emotional charge around them.

You are in charge of what you take in and what you release. Your feelings tell you in a given moment precisely what vibrations you are resonating with and which ones you are not.

Suppose you are angry. You go about your day dwelling on frustrations. As you breathe, you resonate with all the frustrated people on earth. You resonate with things that will frustrate you. God and your angels emit only love, help, joy, kindness, and beautiful frequencies, but in your upset space, you selectively filter out the kinder energies and tune yourself into the not-so-pleasant ones ones. You turn on the TV and see an ad that upsets you. You get stuck behind people in traffic. Memories arise. Fears and feelings of helplessness arise. At some point, you may realize that you’re spinning into a very unpleasant and chaotic state of being and, there, a chaotic experience of life.

Perhaps you have a moment of awareness. You want to feel better and don’t want to feel like things are spinning out of control. You take a deep, slow breath and relax into it. As you breathe, even if only for a moment, you are a vibrational match to love. You chose to honor your desire to feel better. That is self-love. You decided to stop yourself from spinning into chaos. That is self-love. You chose to focus on something simple that you knew would help you calm down. That is self-love.

In that moment of self-love, you began to resonate with love. In that vibration, you are resonating with all that is good, beautiful, healthy, and happy. You are allowing the cells of your body, which are always calling for love to receive a healthy vibration. In this breath, you are unblocked, experiencing a greater connection to the Source, and beginning to turn towards a kinder reality. It is that simple.

Suppose you proceed with your day more relaxed, with a more objective perspective. You start to choose better-feeling thoughts. “That’s more like it,” you tell yourself. “There are things to be happy about. There are things to appreciate. I can acknowledge myself in this moment!” Now you are creating more positive momentum, and, like a snowball rolling, your day begins to improve until you feel loved and peaceful once again. It really is this simple.

Dear ones, if you truly understood the vibrational nature of your reality, choosing better-feeling thoughts would become your single highest priority.

As you feel yourself moving closer and closer to feeling love, you come closer to feeling the Source within. As you choose better-feeling thoughts, your system sifts through the soup of frequencies in each breath and resonates more clearly with those of love. As you appreciate a sunset and have a moment of appreciation, in that breath you are resonating with all who appreciate, all who feel life’s abundance, and all that is beautiful and there to appreciate. In that vibration, you draw more abundance to you, more beauty, more peace, and so much more love. All of this occurs in that one breathe during a moment of appreciation.

Some of you don’t feel you can manifest, but you can. You may think you’ve tried, but you may not realize that you oscillate between high and low frequencies so frequently. You don’t always stay tuned into a loving reality consistently enough to have your magnet draw the loving person, thing, or situation that you wish to you.

For example, suppose you want a lover. One moment you focus on the delicious thought of one. You are moving towards your lover. One moment you focus with appreciation on your sandwich. In that moment of loving your sandwich, you are attracting a lover. Another moment you are feeling pretty good about an accomplishment. You are moving towards your lover in that vibration of love. However, you get to the end of the day and get frustrated. “Where’s my lover? They’ll never come.” Now you’re not in a vibration of love. Temporarily the magnet is off. You get to the weekend, “I’m lonely. I’m miserable. I’m bored. I’m tired or doing things on my own. Those thoughts may all be true, but they don’t feel like love. You’ve temporarily switched your magnet off. Most of you go through life like this – on again, off again, on again, off again. Hence, it can take a while to attract what you want.

However, here’s the good news. You don’t have to focus on what you want at all. You just have to focus on anything that feels better. Love is love whether you are loving the thought of the future you want to create or loving your sandwich. Love is love whether you are loving feelings of being on vacation in your future or enjoying your chair. Love is love whether you are thinking of the partner you wish for with delightful anticipation or enjoying a moment listening to a beautiful bird singing outside your window. Love is love whether you are focusing on having a lot of money in your future and how fun that would be, enjoying a penny you found on the sidewalk, or opening the door for a stranger.

Maybe you can’t think positively about the lover that isn’t here yet, but you can still attune yourself to love! You can enjoy the day, the weather, your couch, your sandwich, and all the other good people, things, and animals in your life. In that fairly consistent vibration of love, you’ll still attract your lover.

Maybe you can’t think positively about the future of your world at the moment, but you can enjoy your tea, your coffee, the good people in your life, the folks that think positively and do good. As you maintain a fairly consistent vibration of love, you are helping to create the better world you want to see.

You can avoid focusing on a highly charged topic and focus on anything that feels like love, and in that vibration of love, you’ll begin to attract so much more of what you would love to see.

Love is love, dear ones, and no matter how you find it, focus on it, and most importantly, choose it, it is the highest, most beautiful, most magnetic vibration on the planet. Even if you are grieving, you can focus on the love and attract a connection with your dear one beyond your wildest dreams. Love is love.

Choose better-feeling thoughts –thoughts that feel more loving – as often as possible. In so doing, you allow yourself to experience a beautiful, happy, healthy, abundant life no matter what the rest of the world is doing. You can, one breath at a time, keep your magnet for love on and live a life that reflects that love right back to you.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 11/05/2022 • Focusing out of fear

woman with halloween pumpkin in park
Photo by Matheus Bertelli on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Many of you celebrated your holiday of Halloween last week. You make light of the fearful and dress in ways that express your fantasies, alter egos, and sense of humor. You share sweetness with the children and decorate with colors that even bring to life the relationship between opposites – orange, the color of vibrant, passionate life and expression, and black, the color of a womb-like stillness and potential. In so many ways, you temporarily free yourselves from the fear of death and bring it to the party of life, so to speak. Then on the very next day, many of you celebrate your connection with the dear ones in spirit, be it via All Saints Day, Día de Los Muertos, or a variety of other global holidays that celebrate man’s connection to those beyond.

We love these celebrations because they temporarily remind you of the love you have for those who are in the awareness of the eternal once again.

They help you make light of the thing you fear the most and acknowledge the life beyond. They allow you to play around with various costumes and identities and to connect with the innocent little ones who love their outfits, be it the ones they put on for the holiday or the physical costumes they were born within!

Can you imagine living this freely all the time? Can you imagine thinking of death and the things you fear and finding they are powerless to drag you into the depths? Can you imagine looking even at the death of a dear one and realizing that although you certainly miss and mourn their physical presence, they are present to you in ways far beyond what you experienced together as seemingly separate beings?

Can you imagine taking all your political, financial, and physical fears and making light of them as much as you make light of the fearful during your Halloween holiday? Dear ones, from the perspective of your human self, your fears feel grounded in “reality,” but from the perspective of your soul – knowing its incredible power to create – your fears are without a vibrational foundation.

We are not making you wrong for your fears! You are human, conditioned and taught through experiences to be wary of what might come. Being angels, we must remind you that you are spirit, vibrational tuners, able to attract safely, security, connection, well-being, and so much more. We must remind you that the minute you have a fear, you can take deep breaths to calm your biology and then, from a calmer space, remind yourself, “I do not need to create what I fear. Let me focus instead upon that which I love.”

The violence in your world has its roots in fear. The anger in the world has its roots in fear. The disease in your world has its roots in fear. Conversely, peace and harmony in your world are rooted in love. Compassion is born of love. Well-being comes from allowing love to flow freely through your physical vehicle.

You need not fear, dear ones. The external world has little power over those who manage their vibration consciously. Even if you’re not there yet, you can keep proving to yourself that you are a powerful vibrational being.

Take one thing you love and think of it often. It can be a quality like peace or humor. It can be a person that embodies the qualities you love to interact with. It can be an item or an animal. Focus on how much you love this. Think of how much you love situations or beings like this. Feel into it by imagining you already have this quality or being in your life and enjoy the sensations as often as possible. Then see how this focused love reflects back to you in your life.

At first, you may see only opposites as your old beliefs don’t let go easily, but if you persist, you will begin to see more and more evidence that vibration creates. You deserve to see all your fears and phobias in the same light as your Halloween figures and decorations – perhaps spooky but powerless to affect your reality if you vibrate to a higher love.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

The Angel’s Message this week.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

How could you ever believe in lack when the abundant generosity of the universe is present everywhere you look in nature? You want love and love is all around. You want to feel secure, and everything you need is there waiting to flow into your life. You want joy, and there is joy at every level – macro and microscopic waiting to be enjoyed.

Look at the flowers that bloom even more after you cut them. They love to delight you. Look at the grasses that, no matter how much you mow, offer a new and softer carpet upon which you can walk, and the animals can graze. Look at the trees, sprouted from seeds often tinier than the tip of your finger, that give with such abundant generosity they support entire ecosystems. The sunlight shines abundantly, and the waters are available for you to pray them into places of need. Your earth, dear ones, is pure love, giving so selflessly and in such abundance that her generosity surrounds you.

“Yes,” you say, “But earth doesn’t pay my bills!””She doesn’t stop people from destroying ecosystems.” “She isn’t bringing me a date!” There are so many arguments defending the illusion of lack. Technically you aren’t being paid by nature, set up on dates, or seeing her influence directly on your political systems. Nonetheless she holds steady in a vibration that supports each and every one of you as surely as God and your angels do the same. We never waiver in holding the vision of all that you desire. We never waiver in holding the vision of the best, most loved, most abundant, and joyous, version of you. We never waiver in our commitment to call you, with love, towards this reality. No matter how you argue for lack, we hold fast in our knowledge of abundance. No matter how hard you argue that you are unloved or unworthy of love, we love you.

So if you want a relationship because you want to give and receive more love, start to give and receive love where it is readily available. Let the sunrise caress your face and the breeze tingle upon your skin. Feel the solidity of the earth beneath your feet, securely holding you onto itself in great stability as your planet spins at a dizzying rate through space. Allow yourself to feel soothed by the music of life all around you – the song of the birds, the purr of your kitten, the happy panting of your puppy… your own steady and rhythmic breathing and even, if you listen closely, the life-giving beat of your own heart.

If you want more money, attune yourself to, and appreciate the abundance all around you. Notice the generous leaves that carpet and nourish the forest floor. Imagine the abundance of the oak tree whose acorns feed whole communities of animals. Look at a single plant in a garden, sprouted from such a tiny seed, now giving its food to the masses in as much abundance as it can.

Look at a puppy who gives love with such unselfish and joyous abandon. Look at the worms that till your soil so the plants can grow and the countless types of bees and bats that work tirelessly to pollinate your crops. See how many apples a single tree can give and how a tiny stream can nourish so much life around it.

Dear ones, as you start to tune into the vibrations of love and abundance all around you, absolute magic will begin to unfold in your lives. First of all, you will start to feel better. Nature is God’s news – good news. Nature is abundant, and the truth of Divine abundance feels good. Nature is love made manifest and not trying to be anything else… and love feels good. If you are willing to receive her gifts, both physical and vibrational, nature can help and assist you in finding the frequencies that allow you to receive all else you want.

The subject you ponder in a given moment is far less important than how you feel about it. If you think about money and feel despair, far better to look at a pine tree and notice its incredible generosity, thus tuning yourself to a frequency of abundance in which the money can now flow. If you want a relationship, but thinking of one causes you grief, then turn away and look at the birds who sing for the joy of it and for your delight. Receive the love offered by a single flower blooming only for your pleasure in that moment. Receive the gifts and the love all around you. Let yourself feel your own loving and appreciative heart. Do that often enough, and soon you will fall in love with life and attract love in every area of your life.

You don’t have to think of the things you want to manifest. If they inspire fear, doubt, or pain, better not to think of them at all! Far better to attune yourself in an easier way to the feelings you desire. Then, in that frequency, you will attract all that matches the feeling. Wondering with delight at nature’s capacity to give, her resourcefulness, her support for the life around her, and her unselfish nature will cause you to feel the unblocked support of the Divine. Perhaps, you will realize that you, too, are cared for in an even greater fashion if you can avoid blocking this abundance.

As we have said often, allowing yourself to feel good is allowing yourself to feel God. When you attune to these pure frequencies that nature offers – love, abundance, generosity, joy, peace, etc., you allow yourself to tune into the Creator’s love in a form that has no fear, no doubt, and no blockages to allowing it to flow freely to you.

Nature’s nature is to nurture. Receive her love. The vibrations in the human race are very intense right now, but nature freely offers a constant source of truth, love, peace, harmony, and abundance. Receive her love. Marvel at her generosity.

Let the others around you do as they wish, but know that in your attunement to these higher energies, you can live and incredible life in which all you desire begins to flow to you as generously and abundantly as nature itself.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 10/22/2022 • Do your Personal Rules Serve You?

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

One of the most loving beings to ever walk the earth said wisely, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, but give to God what is God’s.” There are, of course, laws you must follow by virtue of living in a given society or signing a contract with a landlord or an employer. However, there are many personal “rules” that you adopted because someone else told you – or is telling you – that this is the way you must live.

Look at the personal rules you follow by rote. Do the “rules” you learned decades ago resonate with you today? Does it always feel right to eat your dinner before dessert, finish your work before play, or make nice instead of speaking up? Must you finish everything you start, or are you allowed to put a book down if it no longer captures your interest? Are you allowed to rest when there are still things to do? To receive without giving anything but gratitude? Can you trust your body, mind, heart, and soul, or must you get the validation or approval of others? Are you satisfied with the way you look, or must you “gussy” up or trim down to fit a superficial image of perfection that was forced upon you?

While these things may seem small and unimportant, there is great value in examining your “personal rules” to see which ones genuinely resonate with your heart and serve you vs. those you are following because you learned to do so. When your rules honor your heart, you feel good. You are in agreement with your soul. You are happy and in a high vibration. You are attracting good.

For example, if you try on an outfit and disapprove of yourself, that feels terrible. Your soul sees you as beautiful, and it doesn’t matter who or what media told you that you must be thinner, prettier, or more stylish. A more authentic personal rule would be “I must please myself,” or “I must treat myself as the beautiful soul that I am regardless of superficial appearance.”

Likewise, suppose you learned that you must “work hard and earn your money” before you can relax. When dear ones, does that rule allow you to relax? If you feel passionately happy about your work, then you’re fine. If you feel burnt out, tired, and cranky, you might want to make up a new personal rule such as “I work best when I am in balance,” “I make time for myself to honor my soul,” or “I work hard and play hard,” or whatever suits your heart, your joy, and your authentic self.

So many of you are not happy these days. You are following the personal rules others set forth for you that do not agree with your own heart and your soul. See if any of these fit you, and you’ll see a few of the “personal rules” that no longer work:

  • You criticize yourself based on the standards you learned.
  • You feel you must be aware of what is going on “out there” even if it doesn’t make you happy to do so.
  • You can’t rest till the endless to-do list is done.
  • You can’t say “no” to another without feeling guilty, wrong, or like a bad person
  • You feel you must look a certain way, have a particular relationship, or earn a certain amount to be “successful” when the happiness you truly crave in a given moment is so much simpler.

What might seem unimportant in the greater scheme of your life is very important to your vibration, which always dictates what you attract or allow in your future. If you constantly force yourself to ignore your own heart, your heart will speak up more clearly –  often in the form of some discomfort, illness, or upset. We are not suggesting you must get rid of all your learned rules. Some of them serve you well. Brushing your teeth regularly, for example, contributes to a healthy mouth. Perhaps sitting quietly in the morning or cleaning up before bed serves you. Only you know which of your “personal rules” serve you vs. which ones you are serving.

We are not here to give you new rules. Rather we are suggesting that you drop into your hearts and have a look at which “personal rules” serve your joy. The energy on your planet is intense now. Each one of you is feeling, more strongly than ever before, the alignment or the disagreement that you are having with your own soul, which along with your angels and guides, is constantly calling you to the life that you have decided you truly want to live.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 10/15/2022 • Look for the Love!

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

In a world that feeds you a steady stream of drama, you can be at peace. In a world where the news would make you think things are spiraling down by the moment, you can discern a greater truth – love is everywhere – present, emerging, expanding, and interacting in the most beautiful ways! It is present in the interactions between caring human beings. It is present in the joy between you and the animals you adore.

Love flows through you as you lovingly water and trim a houseplant or plant a seed with loving hope in your garden. It is streaming into the meals you cook with love and the meals you reheat as you look forward to nourishing your body.

Love is in the grass under your feet, growing and reaching for the light. Love is in the coffee or tea that you drink. Your beverage originated in a seed that waited patiently for the rains, pushed through the surface of the soil, reached for the light, harnessed the energy of a star millions of miles from your planet, surrendered to the harvest, processings, and packaging, rode for miles in a box or bag or container via planes, trains, ships, and trucks, and then sits her, in your mug, allowing you to extract the best of its journey, all for your morning beverage. Love lives to love you. You live to love.

There are, of course, people on your planet who have forgotten the love attempting to push up from within them, as much as the force of life pushes a seed out of the shell. They fight it, resist it, deny it, and disbelieve it. They feel they must take matters into their own hands. Can you imagine a seed straining against the growth within, trying so hard to stay in the shell and dictate how it will receive the water that could soak into it freely? Can you imagine that seed trying to build irrigation canals to funnel more rain to itself because it needs more and more water to help it break free from its own resistance? We know this is a small analogy, but perhaps it enables you to see that those who resist the love trying to rise from within are straining, stressing, manipulating, bullying, angering, even killing when all they have to do is surrender to their own hearts.

Love is in a constant flow, continually expanding. Love is always calling you towards that which you truly desire. Love is saying, “Look over here. There is a person you want to talk to who has a bit of information about that job you want.” As you look for the item you want in your market, you notice a person that seems familiar. You have the urge to talk to them. Love is calling.

Love is present in the cells of your body inspiring them to inspire you by creating feelings from within. I am thirsty. Are you listening? Did you get that drink of water? Love is saying I need to stretch. You feel a tight spot and a natural impulse to move. Can you allow for this.

Love is present in the little bug on your carpet who is waiting patiently to see if you are going to kill him or carry him out. He is surrendered, knowing he can’t control you but must allow for love to carry him into nature or into the light. He has instincts. He’d rather live just like you, but he has no real fear of the illusions of death. He just asks for your love either way.

Are you open to love, dear ones, or are you fighting against its desire to reach you? Are you focusing on all that makes you sad, mad, frightened, doubtful, etc.? Do you believe in those who would have you think you are going to die, experience financial ruin, or be part of disaster if you don’t listen to their points of view? Or are you believing in love?

The Divine is Love. You are embodiments of the Divine, never separate from love. You breathe in love. Love makes your heart beat and your cells hum. Love is within every facet of creation – physical and otherwise, always calling you to greater love. When you are focused on feeling better and better, you are allowing love to seep into your awareness. You are like earth allowing the spring rains to soften and flow through it with nourishing waters.

Dear ones, you choose whether you believe in the ideas that being fed to you about how your world is spiraling downhill, how people are going mad, and how your earth is going to self-destruct… or whether you believe in love. We see a world, growing and expanding into greater love, even if it is going through a bit of the “teenage” phases of self-awareness. We see a world whose population is increasingly conscious of their connection with their Mother Earth and young souls coming in with a mission and inspiration to clean her up and live in harmony with her. Your problems today inspire solutions tomorrow. Generations who felt they could not change are being replaced by generations who will not settle without change. You are evolving, moving forward, not backward, into greater love.

So, what does this mean for your daily lives? Believe in love. Look for it everywhere. Feel the love in your coffee or tea, your blankets, the sunrise, the trees, the birds that sing to you, and the spouse who may be rushing to get to work because they care about the family. See love in the man who is scowling on the bus because he wants attention in his misery. He is crying for love. Pray for him. See love in the boss who is short-tempered because they care so much about doing good work, the helping hands of a clerk carrying a bag to the car for someone in need, the smile of a stranger, the person who lets you in while you are in traffic, and the one that doesn’t who is attempting, albeit awkwardly to love themselves and tend to their own schedule.

Love, whether buried deep beneath bad behaviors or easily visible, is there, dear ones. Can you make it a little game in your hearts, “Look for the love?” If you do, you will begin to discern it everywhere – where it is easily visible and where it is not. Those who behave badly will feel so much less threatening and personal. You’ll see them as souls crying for love. When you are connected to love, you’ll be guided and impulsed in ways that help you avoid the consequences of others’ bad behaviors.

You’ll feel better. Your life will flow. Good will come to you by surprise, all because you chose to embrace what you know deep down. “I am a spirit, having a human experience. I am sourced from love. I live in love whether I see it or not. I am love having an experience of it or not, whether I feel it or not, and so is everyone else.

Dear ones, love is rushing to your planet now in mighty streams. You have prayed for it, called for it, and directed it with your hopes and dreams for the better, increasingly so over the past few years. Open to it. Let it flow through your hearts with this simple game: Look for the love.

You are not only gifting the world with this game but opening up to all the love you desire in all the ways you desire to experience it!

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 10/08/2022 • Feel • Be Real • Let the Love Flow!

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There are so many “energy releases” going on around your planet right now. You see it in Mother Earth releasing energy via her storms and in human beings releasing energy in their own swirling outbursts. You feel this inside of yourself in various ways. Many of you have been more reactive than usual and less tolerant of behaviors that never quite suited you. Many of you are feeling strong surges of emotion that you’ve stuffed but can no longer ignore. Many more are having sudden physical challenges appear and then disappear just as quickly. On a happier note, many of you are also feeling a renewal of life, an urge to get going, or a desire for change.

Your upsets are shaking loose. The floods of tears are flowing, and the fires of your passions are burning brightly.

You can no longer make yourself wrong for being who you are in a given moment without feeling some pain. Your lives would be easier if you could accept yourselves – as you and your earth go through this incredible metamorphosis. The future butterfly does not make the caterpillar’s stillness wrong. The future oak does not belittle itself when, as an acorn, it bursts open. Nature does not judge itself in the process of evolution. We are gently and lovingly suggesting that you decide not to make yourselves wrong for the expansion and evolution that is in progress inside each one of you.

You are all being called to be more “real” about who you are in the world. You are learning to be more authentic in your conversations, your actions, and your choices about how you want to live your lives. You are learning to pay more attention to what you want to eat, what you wish to do, and how you want to express yourself in the world. You are all bursting out of old false personas and being called to be true to your own hearts.

So many of you learned you must fit an image of who you were told you “should” be instead of simply being who you really are. So many of you have been stoic when you really wanted the comfort of kindness. Many more have pretended to be “nice” when you were seething mad or ready to cry in pain or frustration. Most of you, at times, have pushed and compared yourselves instead of listening to your own bodies and hearts. A great many of you were taught to make others comfortable by suffering through the discomfort of stuffing or ignoring your own feelings. This does not serve you.

We are not suggesting you stay stuck in negative feelings. We are, however, saying if you wish to raise your vibration, you must start where you are at. You must accept yourself where you are. You must choose to love yourself as is whether you are joyous, angry, sad, frustrated, hopeful, hateful, or passionate. Wherever you are is where you begin.

Take a moment and think about an emotionally charged topic – the first one that pops into your mind. Get in touch with how you feel about it. Can you accept this feeling as is? “I am in love. I am really angry. I am just so sad.” Whatever you feel right here and now, simply own it. Then dear ones say the name of God as given to Moses, “I am who I am.” I am sad. I am who I am. I am upset. I am who I am in this moment. I am discouraged. I am who I am in this moment. I am so happy I could burst! I am who I am in this moment. We are calling you to see your perfection even as you expand into more.

If a little child has an emotional outburst, they would deeply resent you telling them how they should feel, or worse, to stop feeling at all. Hopefully, you would pick them up or speak sweetly and soothe them. Your acceptance and love will call them to a more positive and loving space. The same is true for you. If you tell yourself you should not feel as you do, you will feel that way more strongly. If you hug yourself and say, “It’s OK. I am. I am who I am in this moment and that is perfect even as I expand into more,” then dear ones, you will be soothing, calming, and loving yourselves. You will be inviting yourself to a greater love.

It is time to stop trying to please others or others’ beliefs, and to start pleasing the Divine within. We are not telling you to break laws of course, nor to do things that intentionally harm another. Instead, we are talking about paying more attention to how you feel and making choices that feel loving, better, and true to your heart. We are talking about listening to what resonates with your own body rather than any amount of well-meaning advice given by others. It is lovely to learn from others and take others’ views into account, but in the end, do what resonates with you. Think about what feels good to you. Act when it feels good and if you must do something you don’t care for, find a way, creatively, to find something good within it.

Being the real you in any given moment is how you open up the love of the universe! Being the real you in any given moment puts out a vibration that says, “I may not be perfect according to anyone else’s standards or even my own right now, but I choose to love and accept myself as I am. Even as I grow into more, I am perfect in this moment.” This is a vibration of love. This is a high vibe. This is an energy that permits you to be carried into kinder realities and to perceive your higher guidance.

You are perfect as you are, even as you expand into greater awareness.

Use your mind to sort, review, analyze, and create, but use your feelings to be the compass that tells you clearly, “Either I am in agreement with my soul’s view of life and myself here and now… or I am not.”

Dear ones, your soul is you –  the greater you. Your soul is already the energetic version of the expanded, loving, abundant, joyous being that you wish to be. Your soul is an extension of the Divine, eternally connected to the universe. The Divine knows how to get where you want to go, and as you accept yourself, no matter how you feel, no matter who you are or where you are in your life, then you open up the loving guidance and blessings that are always waiting to pour into your life.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels