My dear friends, we love you so very much,
If we had a mission here in heaven, you might say it would be to assist you in realizing your true nature. You are birthed from love, given life by love, and will return to love. Part of your journey on the earth is learning to expand love, starting for yourselves. It is easy to love yourself when you feel loved by another. It is a reality in heaven when you feel the love that unceasingly gives you life. It is also easier when things are going your way – when the traffic flows, when you find what you want at the grocery store, and when people are being kind.
It is not truly any harder to love yourself when others don’t or when things are not going your way, except for one minor detail. Most of you have been trained out of this very natural feeling of worthiness. There is no need to explain why. It is relatively simple. Others behaved the way they behaved, and you interpreted that to mean you were not worthy of love. Someone disapproved of your artwork when you were a child, and you felt you were not worthy of being creative. Someone frowned at your face, hair, or outfit, and you thought you were not worthy of love unless your looks pleased others. Someone treated you horrendously and in such a vile, abusive manner that you decided you were not at all worthy of love.
The empowering point here, dear ones, is that you decided you were unworthy of love, and while it is understandable that you would do so, you can change your mind! You can acknowledge here and now that no matter who convinced you that you were unworthy of love, the Divine begs to differ. You can acknowledge that no matter who treated you as if you were unworthy of love, the heavens want to treat you as the most worthy, precious, perfect being sourced from the light of love itself. No matter how conditionally others loved you, no matter what messages they sent, and no matter how conditionally you learned to love yourself, you can decide right here and now accept the fact – the spiritual truth – that you are worthy of love. Whether you feel it or not, you can decide here and now to accept this fundamental, accurate, unchangeable premise.
You are worthy. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of doing what you love. You are worthy of taking the time to do the things that add life to your life. You are worthy of being around those who treat you well and walking away or ignoring the opinions of those who don’t. You were created worthy, and nothing you do or don’t do, say or don’t say, can ever affect that worthiness because, dear ones, you are made (not were made) in the image and likeness of your Creator. Like your Creator, the truth of your being is pure light and pure love.
Some days you are aligned with that love and that light. Some days you are not. In some lives, you align with that light; in others, you do not. Your experience will differ, but we always hold onto our understanding of your true nature and your worthiness. Even the vilest among you are worthy of love. If they were to open up to that simple fact, they would not behave like those who feel so unlovable that they must hurt, manipulate, cheat, and steal to get a little piece of that sense of being lovable! Dear ones, the vilest among you feel the least worthy, no matter how arrogantly they profess their worthiness to others. We see inside hearts.
We also know that you are always being the best you that you can be in the moment. You can always be more. You came to expand! Nonetheless, in every moment, you are the best you that you can be right then, right there, right here, right now. In some moments, the best you that you can be is a person having a good cry because you miss someone, or you feel exhausted. Then in the next moment, perhaps the best you that you can be is one who gets a tissue and dabs their own eyes in the tiniest movement of loving comfort. Then perhaps in the next moment, the best you that you can be is one who sighs and says, “Well, I don’t feel like it, but there is more to do in life. I may as well go through the motions.” Then in the next moment, the best you that you can be is one who realizes that life is moving forward and there are some enjoyable moments.
And so, dear ones, as you accept this simple fact – that every moment you are being the best you that you can be – there will be a natural progression towards better. Be kind to yourselves now. Accept yourself now. In that acceptance, you acknowledge that you are worthy of love as you are here and now. In self-acceptance, you begin your journey toward true, unconditional self-love. You want others to love you no matter what. Choose to accept yourself as you are, doing your best and being the best you that you can be in this moment.
We in the heavens will never judge you. We know it is a courageous move to become human, to forget your worthiness, your nature, and the connection you have with all of life – all to experience variety, reach for more, and thus pull the energy of the Divine from its raw form into manifest reality. You, by virtue of being human and being there upon your earth, expand creation, expand love, and call forth the unmanifest into form. You are all so important. You are all so loved.
You are all so very worthy of all you dream.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels