Increase in military activity

Do not panic, do not be scared , unless you work of course against humanity’s best interests. It has to go through this way for the highest good for all.

Remember: “War” is for the purpose of declaring martial law. Declaring martial law is for the purpose of announcing the fall of the cabal and the return of the Republic.

No need to worry. This is what we’ve been waiting for. (Steve Beckow)

Military action across planet to move to second phase.

Increase in military activity now given green light.

Increase in military activity (

Balance, laughter, joy, gratitude and appreciation are vibrational tickets that allow you to move from one dimension to another.

Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ A Bigger Playground

October 18, 2021, via email

We are here inviting you to acknowledge who you are and to begin to step into your mastery. We continue to offer you simple ways to shift energy throughout the day; again we remind you that gratitude and laughter are powerful tools to shift energy.

This practice is most important because as you begin to shift your vibrational offerings, this shift allows you to begin to move into different dimensions. Remember that the dimensions are nested levels of vibrations of energy and consciousness.

We are inviting you to practice ways of riding these intense energy waves that are being generated from the stars. All are watching and observing your planet and the skillful aware manner that you manage frequency, energy and vibrations. This is your time to shine. This is your time to own the ability to move from one dimension to another with ease, grace and skill.

Remember that you are first a divine energy being and that divine energy is what animates and creates your physical form.

Everything you experience as solid and “real” are vibrations of energy, held or locked in place by belief systems. If for a moment you could set aside all the mental programs about your reality, you would experience an entirely different perspective of what you call reality. Practice letting go of your perceived ideas of what is real. Practice asking yourself often, what am I creating with my energy, vibrations, thoughts right now?

Make it a conscious practice of shifting or pivoting from a low vibration/frequency of worry, stress, fear or anger into one that is gentler and uplifting. Practice turning up your volume so to speak to one of loving kindness and grace. Each time you shift to offering a higher vibration/frequency you are capable of moving to a higher dimension. Become aware of these subtle shifts in your awareness.

In the holograph of the corridor of time your sages and wise ones have all spoken of the ability to shift from one dimension to another or one state of awareness to another. They have offered suggestions of prayer, meditation, fasting…the shamans and mystics have offered mind altering herbs and ceremonies of dance, drums or sounds to bring a shift of consciousness. There are scores of methods, pathways and tools that have been offered to humanity throughout your history.

All these suggestions and techniques are for the important purpose of shifting your awareness to understand that the world you view is only one small perspective of the whole. There are levels and dimensions and timeframes in which an aware individual can experience and, so to speak, ‘travel’. This is our invitation to you.

Let us give you this example; imagine a young child is raised in a small house, all their needs are met. They are happy and their entire world that they consciously know is that small house. They become an adult yet never venture out of the small house, believing that the space of the small house is all that exists. Their parents only know and see the small house as reality. They are taught nothing more. Everything they experience, all their beliefs and mental programs tell them that reality is this one small house. As long as they do not believe, they cannot see a different reality.

Imagine now that something happens and they are shocked out of their stance and beliefs. They briefly catch a glimpse of a bigger reality beyond the small house. This is the beginning of expanded awareness. They are shocked, even amazed. They might even question their own beliefs; perhaps there is more than the small house. They even share with others about this new reality that they have seen. Everyone invalidates them, shames them, even mocks them. They begin to doubt what they experienced.

This is what is happening on your planet right now in a big way. People are being shocked out of their stance of what’s real. When no one believes them, they doubt their own experience. It then becomes frightening, it is fearful and they have a tendency to run back into the small house rather than explore the new reality.

Another example here, you have the television in your home; even though it is turned off at this time you could simply activate it and there would be a program or news or movie. There are various selections and offerings here to view, different realities so to speak.

Imagine all the assembled electronic equipment called TV, is much like your brain. You can switch the channels, you can find a memory of the past which invokes emotions or you can review a channel of your worries or you can envision and get a sense of your possible futures.

Yet you are still in the small house, or you are still in the box of the TV. You are still in your small mind; you are still in your beliefs about this limited reality.

We are encouraging you to step out the door and embrace the countless realities that are only a frequency/a vibration away. Allow yourself to imagine traveling to the stars. Allow yourself to imagine being a tree, a rock, or some animal, what might that feel like. Allow yourself to see energy in its different forms without an overlay of your beliefs. Allow yourself. It is a practice. It is an intention. Allow your imagination to be free.

There is much assistance being given at this time to awaken humanity to the rich tapestry of multi-realities. It is a bigger playground…a freer playground. It is riding the energy flow, it is reading the energy signature of the moment.

It is opening the door to all possibilities and stepping into an awesome new awareness of being unlimited. As a multidimensional being and a galactic citizen, now think of the size of your playground.

As you increase your personal vibration and frequency you operate at a higher resonance. This invites the expanded reality; the bigger playground is open to you. Balance, laughter, joy, gratitude and appreciation are vibrational tickets that allow you to ride into realities of wonder and awe. Balance, laughter, joy, gratitude and appreciation are vibrational tickets that allow you to move from one dimension to another. Be at peace, Beloved the ‘team’

©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

The earth was designed as a Universal vacation spot of sorts. To experience emotional sensations as well as enjoy the beauty and love provided by the earth’s environment. That earth vacation spot was tainted by those who wished to emphasize other aspects – most notably fear…

Fun is in. Work, pressure, shoulds, and have tos are out.

Enjoy your life. Most importantly, shift your beliefs and thinking from shoulds and have tos to relaxation and pleasure.

closeup photo of man close eyes and mouth
Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas on

Dear Ones,

You likely feel emotionally exhausted. The energies bombarding the earth the past few weeks have made your days and nights light up with new information, as well as shifting your actions and reactions.

Even though this is what you hoped for throughout this transition, the recent energies were stronger than ever before. It is time to rest to fully integrate these energies.

So it is you are in the midst of an earth energy lull, allowing you to sort out your new information and actions.

This lull will likely produce a sensation similar to completing a major work project despite disjointed instructions as you were doing so. But after, your days seemed empty without the hustle you became comfortable with to complete the project on time and within budget. At the same time, your body was screaming for rest.

So it is now. You are entering a short rest stage that might produce some fun but is more likely a time to regroup and regenerate. The energies will soon rev up again to a speed you will easily adjust to – if you allow your being to rest when it calls for you to do so.

You are determined to complete all you need to complete before the end of this calendar year. So perhaps you feel you cannot let up – that you have no time to regenerate. The opposite is true. This is a new world where pushing yourself beyond exhaustion is no longer a rewarded effort.

In 3D, many of you lived by the belief that hard work would create what you wanted or needed. That if you fully devoted yourself to a job, your children, or your relationships, you would fulfill your 3D needs. Almost like a three-legged stool with one leg much longer and stronger than the other two. The result was – as can be visualized by that example – everything was out of balance.

So it was in 3D. Focusing on one or two issues to the detriment of other parts of your 3D life and world. As most of you determined, economics was the overriding 3D emphasis creating pockets of wealth for some and emotional, physical, and economic neglect for the larger population.

In your new world, there are no larger legs in that three-legged stool. Hence, there is no need to push yourself beyond endurance to achieve anything.

The earth was designed as a Universal vacation spot of sorts. To experience emotional sensations as well as enjoy the beauty and love provided by the earth’s environment. That earth vacation spot was tainted by those who wished to emphasize other aspects – most notably fear.

What you are addressing now is how to return earth life to its original vacation, loving environment. So it is you are returning to self-love. A self-love that no longer allows you to push yourself so dramatically you cannot enjoy the earth’s beauty.

In 3D, you rewarded yourself for a job well done as you plodded along in a work environment that did not include walks in nature, family time, or time for you to heal. All of that was held at bay until you were a senior or wealthy enough to retire. Most often, you negated the beauty of the earth, your Universal vacation for forty or more earth years.

You are beginning to balance your interests and time. What do you wish to do? Not what should you do, or have to do? What is your body, your inner voice begging you to do? That is your only job. The earth cannot return to the vacation mode it was initially designed for if everyone continues to push themselves into a work mode – whether for a job or in relationships.

Perhaps you wonder why fear was introduced to the earth if a vacation mode was the dominant theme. We, of the Universes, can only respond that once entities began exploring the possibilities of growth and learning on the earth, the consensus was that fear would be fun to explore. Once fear was introduced, it continued to replicate and expand to the heaviness that is now the dominant 3D theme.

Your role was to shift the earth from fear to love. So you have, and so you are by listening to your inner voice. An inner voice that is screaming for fun and rest until the next energy burst arrives.

Of course, you continue to have shoulds running through your being. Your new role is to ignore those shoulds unless they feel fun and exciting. You are balancing your three-legged stool for the first time in eons.

Listen to yourself, for you are screaming from within that the fear mode is no longer valid. Fun is in. Work, pressure, shoulds, and have tos are out.

Enjoy your life. Most importantly, shift your beliefs and thinking from shoulds and have tos to relaxation and pleasure. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

Ascension is a process of integrating increasingly higher vibrations of Divine love.

October 17, 2021,

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Freedom and Breaking Down 3D Grids

J: What would you like to discuss today?

A: We would like to discuss freedom.

J: Unusual! Go for it.

A: Where do you see yourself as trapped? In what ways do you see that you are stuck, powerless or a victim? What do you avoid, and pretend you don’t notice that you are avoiding?

Each beloved person has areas in their emotional world where they feel that they have been beaten, where they have to endure what happens next, where they are without the power to exercise their divinely given sovereignty.

We would like to suggest that this is the time to take back your sovereignty. We are not saying to react, to lash out, or to be reckless. Not at all. Those are 3D responses based on fear programming.

We are suggesting a 5D mastery approach that uses intention and attention to create change and transformation. During your day, if you pay attention to your decisions, you will begin to notice little clues that show where you are bound by a distortion that is not love, but fear.

These little awarenesses are to be noticed joyously. They are inviting you to welcome home the parts of you that, over this and many other lifetimes, have been closed off from your conscious vision. You are returning to your fully healed expression of self, as you move deeper into the ascension energies.

J: Oops! “…move deeper into the ascension energies”? What do you mean by that?

A: Ascension is a process of integrating increasingly higher vibrations of Divine love. This begins slowly, building, growing and expanding, until it finally explodes. There are human experiences that will remind you of this process!

J: Think I’ve heard it all now, coming from a Galactic!

A: We return to our initial point! Fear has been programmed into humanity for millennia. It has become so deeply ingrained in your collective psyche that you are often unaware of just how pervasive it is, and how much it shapes your daily decisions ~ or lack of decision.

Simply by coming into this awareness, you bring embedded negative programming into consciousness. With the intention of healing yourself and humanity, you dissolve the bondage of fear, creating new pathways for choice. In this way, you are assisting everyone; you are freeing the collective consciousness, not just yourself…but everyone.

J: What do we do once we notice it?

A: Dissolving works on two levels. The first is bringing it to awareness: when you are aware, if it is a disintegrating program, it will begin to dissolve as your awareness inspires you to make new decisions. If it is deeper ~ either within you or the collective ~ it will require some patience to work through it, and sometimes energy work is very helpful in this instance.

We would also like to add that the Galactics are assisting humanity by actively dissolving these negative programs at a global level so that each person can rise up and through the limits previously imposed by the distorted negative programs.

J: How are you doing this?

A: Two ways: we are raising the vibration through what would look like collective love meditations with the intention of raising the vibration of humanity; the second way is through work with Starlink to beam an increasingly high vibration into the Gaian energy field.

J: You work with Starlink? I mean, I’m surprised you mention it, you haven’t before.

A: There is much that has not been said before, but you are now coming of age, Galactically speaking. You are about to learn a lot more in a relatively short period of your time that will make the love, care and connection that we feel for Gaia and humanity very clear and apparent.

J: Bring it on!

A: We have!

(c) 2021 Jennifer Crokaert

The fact that you are getting anxious and excited is letting you know you are preparing to land.

October 17, 2021,

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Energetic Upgrade Towards 2022

You are currently shifting towards the energies of 2022. This is a vast energetic upgrade, a larger shift than you normally experience stepping into a new year. It is so big that you have begun this in earnest since the equinox. The energies you are experiencing, along with your responding releasing and integrating, is allowing you to step up onto a series of platforms, one at a time, that are up-levelling you in preparation of stepping up and into 2022.

For this reason, many of you are in a state of flux, and whenever you are in a state of flux it is not the time to manifest. Anything that would be a match to you today, might not be a true match for you next month. These times allow you to continue to evolve and grow, and to get clarity on who you are now compared to who you used to be and what you would like to create once you arrive in your new destination.

You might think of it like climbing a mountain. You climb and make progress, then you stop and rest to avoid altitude sickness. You know the camp is temporary and designed for you to acclimate before you continue your journey. Isn’t it interesting that so many ascension symptoms are similar to altitude sickness?

As you get closer to the energies of 2022, you will find seeds of ideas starting to drop in ~ new inspirations that are starting to take hold and sprout.  You’ll discover new potentials that have become possible due to your latest vantage point and level of attainment. These are little exciting glimpses of what all the hard work you have done has been preparing you for.

So be patient, Dear Ones. Allow the process. Move with the energies and thank them for their wisdom and guidance. Acknowledge how far you’ve come and how profoundly different you are now than you were not that long ago. Listen to your heart that knows that all is unfolding beautifully. And most of all, know these are the exact times your soul could not wait to experience.

The fact that you are getting anxious and excited is letting you know you are preparing to land.

JFK: Time to Focus on Yourself…for All of Us!

October 17, 2021

Message from JFK via Losha

To all my beloveds…I am here! I am watching over you all and assisting in our greatest ever “comeback” for Humanity! We are prevailing, I promise you that!

We are going to send the cabal the biggest message ever…we do not back down, we do not cower, we do not waver! We awakened ones are the biggest threat ever to the cabal and their overlords (dark galactics). They know already that they are done…what is going on now is just the “cleanup on Aisle 10!” (smile)

As for what each of you can do individually to assist in this cleanup, I would encourage you to look inward more, and pay attention to what emotions are stirring within you, and where those emotions may have first originated in your lives.

As an example…Losha here was noticing that she was thinking a lot about the young daughter of one of her friends’ lately, and Losha began to get emotional about it. Well, she allowed herself to express all the feelings she was experiencing (a close friend helped her), and it turned out that it brought up a very frightening situation that Losha experienced with a girlfriend, when they were both the same young age as the friend’s daughter. It was a very good release for Losha and she learned that she was not “responsible” for the traumatic situation which occurred earlier in her life.

There are many people out there who say that one can heal themselves without having to actually experience the emotions attached to the issue…well, I do believe that one can heal the many smaller issues without delving into the emotions…however, when one is realizing the issue is a much larger, emotionally-laden one, then it becomes almost imperative to attempt to process the emotions, also. (1)

Now, even though dealing with your emotions sounds very heavy and not at all exciting to do…I know that many galactics, archangels, and many other beings have also been saying the same thing in messages recently, just with different words.

This topic of going inward is not new to humanity…they have been examining their own emotions for a very long time…and that is because it works.

The feeling of becoming unburdened and liberated from those heavy, stressful, and sometimes even debilitating emotions is like no other feeling…it feels almost miraculous! And you have yourself to praise for being courageous and bold enough to resolve those issues, once and for all!

I congratulate all of you beautiful seekers of your Truth…because that is what you end up discovering when you look inward…your Truth…and that is the very powerful feeling that you will feel inside!

One of the ways that you can truly quiet down all of the outside “noise” that surrounds you daily (so you can do your inner work) is to “uninstall” all of the apps on your computers and phones that are spewing fear and negativity. I will add there are even many Truther and Patriot sites which are not providing positive insights and information. If what you are reading does not make you feel good inside then quit reading it! It is as simple as that!

Now, I realize there are many reasons why you might feel that you should continue to read the information which is negative in nature…because in some cases, it is still the Truth…and yes, some people in the population need to hear this information…however, you do not.

Many of you who are reading this message are advanced enough in your spiritual understandings as to know that you no longer “need” to follow these types of information being disseminated…you are past that level of need…you understand it all enough by now, so you can now use that time to address other areas of your life.

Now, this is a very big compliment to all of you, please know that! I am not telling you something you do not already know for yourself…I am just reminding some of you of it, at this time.

Now, for those of you who follow this “intel” information, and various videos regarding disclosure, etc., because you are so anxious for the tide to turn and you are wanting to do your part in all of it…well, I tell you this now…if you truly want to help all who are working to defeat the cabal so we can usher in our New Golden Era, then focusing on yourself first and foremost, is the most important thing you can do toward achieving that goal…because the increased Light from all of you is the biggest fear of the cabal…they literally cannot live in the Light! Hence, that is why they have been pulling out all the tricks they can to dim your Light…but it is not working!

So, as each of you beautiful souls work and focus on yourselves more and more, the brilliant Light which shines outward in ever-increasing volume and frequency, will quite literally, end the cabal’s existence, once and for all.

So, even though going inward is not always enjoyable to do…your Light shines ever more brightly each time you do!…and that, my dear Lightworkers, is the very best and most important thing you can do to help us to save Humanity!

I am sending each and every one of you so very much Love! I am always with you, and I can’t wait to meet you all!

Your ever-devoted, Jack.

Channeled by Losha

This week we ask you again, to send positive energy to the Internet platforms that you use, and to continue sending white light to the planetary grids. Much transmutation is being done in order to clear the timelines for ascension and it is being done by you.-AA Michael via Sharon-

Sunday, October 17th, 2021
I am Archangel Michael with a message of love for the Angelic Warrior Group.
We find ourselves at a telling time in this war to restore Godliness upon planet earth. It appears war will break out in many spots on the planet. What is being done to calm these spots? What is being done for the people on that soil? What is being done to stop the Red Army in its tracks?
We of the divine councils are watching. We of the divine realms are watching. How effective are the energies we have been sending you? What effect will they create within you and upon planet earth?
There is so much still that must change, so much within your minds and within your lands. Reporters, yes, you are reporters now, not just Anons, not just truthers, you are Reporters for the Light, are reporting the progress, slow as it may seem to be to you, but they are reporting accurately nonetheless. You have what you need to know.

Many search for more information. Many search for daily details. Many search for wisdom instead of foolishness you are all accustomed to. Many search for truth instead of the lies.

There is only one Truth: God will prevail. He is creator of All, and he will win this battle. Yes, it is a battle. The war has been waged throughout the galaxy already, on many levels. God is the only power there is. To misuse God is not power, it is disempowerment. It cannot win.

You are the representatives of Mother and Father God upon planet earth. How do you use your power today? In service to the One, to the All, or in service to self? This is being shown to you all now upon this planet.

This week we ask you again, to send positive energy to the Internet platforms that you use, and to continue sending white light to the planetary grids. Much transmutation is being done in order to clear the timelines for ascension and it is being done by you.

New realizations, new wisdoms, new knowing is coming to you all as the darkness clears and your mind vibrates higher. Trust these new energies. The dark can no longer match what is being given to you now. It cannot vibrate this high.

May peace reign across the planet and in your minds, may peace be with you and all whom you love.

I am Archangel Michael. We are the One. We are the All. We are Legion.


As we now are truly anchored in the New Earth we are in a totally new life new beginnings, new creation.

I know the Old Earth has been left behind.

For me it has been in the last two weeks, especially, the creating of a totally new life, in the New Golden Age.

I feel myself now just like an onlooker every now and again, of what is unfolding, in the Old Earth, but from the higher perspective and distance of the New Creation, the New Earth.

This morning the floodgates have opened from the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, and flooding the New Earth and those in it with the keys and codes of Illumination. Thus the illumined higher heart, and illumined soul.

This is accelerating the creation of the new Illumined Age of Unity and Oneness, Harmony and Peace.

More than this, The Sun Discs have been fully reactivated and are being returned, en mass via Sirius.

As we now are truly anchored in the New Earth we are in a totally new life new beginnings, new creation.

Thus unknown and unexplored.

Yet deeply remembered by our souls.

Some of the very High Orders of the Cosmic Hierarchy have returned and are overlighting this process.

This is unprecedented.

This is the hour as we are now in the middle of the 20 year timespan cosmically declared, as the planet ascended and will reach its conclusion by 2032.

New activities, less dense food, friends etc. will begin to manifest as you are able to release your old concepts and beliefs…Change is upon the world dear ones, it is not coming, it has arrived.

Arcturian Group Message 10/17/21

OCTOBER 17, 2021

Dear readers welcome to our messages that are presented for the purpose of bringing hope, information, and Light to you during these times of chaos and confusion. Never doubt that all is proceeding according to plan.

It is very easy to slip into fear and doubt when observing all that is taking place in the world at this time. Many unceasingly continue in their attempts to keep the status quo in place while at the same time some are using the presence of surfacing dense energy as an excuse to do whatever they please. All feel the incoming energy of Light and empowerment, but individuals can only interpret them according to their state of consciousness.

Duality and separation govern the third dimension and manifest in every aspect of daily life. Human minds see and judge the world through the collective three dimensional belief system. Change is bringing fear to those unaware of earth’s ascension process. They fear that any change to what they know and are comfortable with will result in the loss of much that they have worked hard to attain even if their present situation is painful, unsatisfying, and less than ideal.

A human mind without input from Divine Mind is only able to interpret life in terms of black or white because it is based in beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers. The pairs of opposites will always manifest outwardly for those who hold duality, separation, and two powers in consciousness as truth. Some may go for a long time seeming to have everything in their favor with the good of duality manifesting, but sooner or later some facet of the other side of duality will manifest because consciousness is always expressing itself.

You are the creators of your world because you are consciousness and consciousness is the substance of form. There is no un-manifest consciousness. Whatever is held in consciousness as truth and reality must express because Divine Consciousness is always expressing Itself in and as infinite form and variety and you are that same Divine Consciousness. Ask yourself; “What am I choosing to create?”

All old, obsolete, and false beliefs still active in cellular memory as well as in the earth herself are being exposed by the presence of the intense high Light frequencies now pouring onto earth as part of the ascension process. Individuals in alignment with the rising dense energies feel empowered to act them out which is what is behind the seeming increase of crime. Others who are aware of what is taking place with regard to the surfacing of old energy are using these times to clear themselves of it and move forward.

Everyone is feeling the new frequencies and is being effected by them. Those who are spiritually asleep and unaware of the ascension process are finding themselves physically, emotionally, and mentally struggling with issues that never before touched them and wonder why. Many will seek counseling, health issues will pop up when least expected, and some will think they are going crazy because their thinking has become confused. Blame, regrets, anger, depression, self loathing etc. are surfacing for all because there is only one.

Many are choosing to leave and Covid has given them the “out” they sought. Many more will be leaving as events unfold because they cannot or are choosing not to align with the higher frequencies of the ascending world. Some simply know on a deeper level that they cannot attain the higher frequencies required in this lifetime and are choosing to leave in order to return at a later time into a higher resonating earth. Know that the human death experience is always a choice. For most it is not a conscious choice, but nevertheless is always a free will choice.

Know that there never was and never can be a “hell” as has been taught by religions for eons of time mainly for the purpose of controlling the followers. Divine Consciousness is only conscious of ITself because IT is all there is and therefore knows nothing about illusions of pain and suffering or even punishment. If these concepts were in and of Divine Consciousness they would be held forever in place by Divine Law and no one could ever rise above, change, or remove them.

However, if a person dies in a state of consciousness that is filled with beliefs of hell and punishment they may very well experience their creations until they are able to see through the illusion. There are always Beings of Light and Guides standing by ready to assist each and every soul the very second they reach out in any way for help. No one is or ever can be lost for nothing exists but Divine Consciousness.

Present times are not for the faint of heart but never lose sight of the fact that you chose to be on earth at this time and were fully aware before incarnating of what it would entail.
The increasing presence of high frequency Light energy and the fact that people are spiritually waking up is causing many beliefs, traditions, societal rules, and laws to crumble and dissolve into their own nothingness because all that has formed and held them in place is the belief in them.

Most things you will be happy to see change or disappear but a few things that you enjoy may also fall away. Never forget that anything real never dissolves or permanently disappears for Reality is held infinitely in place by Divine Law. Some things you have loved and may be feeling sad to see go will re-appear in new and better forms.

For example many of you are finding that you no longer seem to have anything in common with people you once felt very close to. Some entertainments, TV shows, books, etc., no longer hold your attention as they once did or have begun to feel boring and uninteresting. Favorite foods may no longer agree or seem to have no taste. You will not be needing as much material food because as you spiritually evolve you are fed more with energy. These experiences are taking place because you have evolved and are no longer energetically in alignment with many of the things that up to now have been a large part of your life.

Because love and friendship are spiritual realities (oneness), new and satisfying relationships on all levels will reappear if that would represent completeness for you (completeness for some may be to live alone). Because Divine Consciousness is self sustained and self maintained, that which you need or will make you happy cannot help but manifest in your experience once this truth becomes your attained state consciousness. New activities, less dense food, friends etc. will begin to manifest as you are able to release your old concepts and beliefs.

Trust and allow the process dear ones, both within and without. Trust that there is a Divine plan unfolding that cannot be stopped or delayed by human thinking or activities.

One with God is a majority.

Many of you are finding that you prefer to stay quiet and away from the hubbub of the outer world at this time and that is fine. Others of you may be guided to take actions of some sort and that is fine as well as long as you trust and allow your intuition to guide you. Much is happening in the outer world and is going to continue happening for a while yet.

Your job as a Light worker is to hold the Light at all times and in all situations knowing that your consciousness imbued with Light is with you wherever you go. Some around you will feel this Light and be attracted while others may feel it and be repelled but this is not your concern. Everyone’s journey is their own personal journey and it is never the responsibility of another to heal, change, fix, or save them unless they reach out.

Never attempt to change the thinking of another for contrary to what many believe, this is not spiritual work but rather the expression of a belief in separation–that some people are not one with Source and need you to enlighten them. The person you attempt to enlighten may actually be very evolved and experiencing a chosen lifestyle/lesson/experience. Honor the free will choices of all unless you are asked for guidance or information at which time you can lovingly tell them what you know or observe.

Because you who resonate with these messages are spiritually awake and aware, your work at this point is simply to acknowledge the Divinity of every person and life form you see, interact with, read or think about. Most of you have already evolved beyond feeling a need to fix others because you know that in reality everyone is already perfectly ONE with Source and you no longer judge by appearances.

Change is upon the world dear ones, it is not coming, it has arrived. You are going to witness the dissolving of many beliefs within your present systems of education, science, medicine, law, religion, etc. concepts and beliefs that have been accepted as being high intellectual truth. This will create outcries and resistance from intellectual communities, human minds who believe that present facts and information represent the highest reality.

Stand back and observe the world from that safe and secure place of Light within your heart knowing that nothing can make you less that who and what you already Divinely are.

Be the Light, see the Light, and live the Light for you are the Light.

We are the Arcturian Group 10/17/21

Donations are welcomed

I am ready to come with my team to help humankind. We have healing chambers, what your civilization desperately is in need of, you call them med beds. These chambers can heal any disease, give a full rehabilitation of the body, change an old person into a young one again and etc. -Mira through Erena Velasquez-


October 16, 2021


I am Mira from the Pleadian High Council, and I am happy to send today this communication. Your planet Earth is in transition from 3D to 5D, this has been going on for many years. Right now, it’s in the final stage of transformation, for which I have been waiting for a long time.

I am happy for humanity that you are very close to becoming a free society without being influenced by anyone, especially by the Dark Ones. I have been observing Mother Earth from my ship, and I can see her metamorphosis and expansion in size. Your planet is going to become much bigger and move closer to the center of the Milky Galaxy.

Everything what is happening now on Mother Gaia, it’s not coincidental, Prime Creator and Supreme Father saw the future, and they created the Divine Plan regarding your Ascension. All of the events happening are based on that plan.

The full Disclosure is going to happen, when all of the hidden truths are going to surface about the Dark Entities, who have been controlling every aspect of your lives for a very long time. As soon as this happens, then the Galactics are going to be allowed to land on your beautiful planet.

I am ready to come with my team to help humankind. We have healing chambers, what your civilization desperately is in need of, you call them med beds. These chambers can heal any disease, give a full rehabilitation of the body, change an old person into a young one again and etc.

So far, this technology is not brought into existence by the human civilization. Many incredible discoveries such as the Tesla free energy and etc., will become available to serve your world. Great times are coming, we are going to celebrate them together. Meantime, don’t give up and have faith in that the Light wins over the Darkness.

I am Mira, and I am happy to communicate today. Sending my strength and courage to all of you. Thank you Universal Channel.

Be Patient and Don’t Give Up

My perception is magnifying.

close up photo of butterfly perched on flower
Photo by Joseph M. Lacy on

These last days, more than ever i am experiencing a magnification of perception of all things. I feel more present than ever with every little thing i do, be it looking myself in the mirror, during my meditation, when i prepare food, when i walk, when i eat, when i drink, even when i am busy of social media! Yesterday i had the inner nudge to just let go everything i usually do and treat myself to a nice walk, do some shopping, be out in the streets , smile and greet as many as they are receptive to it, i feel like i want to hug every one ,i feel i want to share my energy with all those around me! This must be it, the beginning of 5th dimensional life expressing in the here and now, even when those around me have no idea whatsoever , except of those that i really take time to hung around with, that includes my parents…as soon as i decide to go and get busy with my stuff, they are like : where are you going? stay a little longer…in my almost 51 years of existence ,living mostly far away from family in other countries and even when i was a child being raised by my grandmother while parents were working abroad, this is all feels new to me. And i must say i do my best to hang around as much as possible and there is so much i can as the inner calling for self love lets me know that it is time to fly high in my own company. Never before have i enjoyed my own company than now. I had many partners so far in my life and these past 20 months i have been all by myself and pretty much enjoying myself so much so that i don’t know when will i get again with some one…just this time i feel that the one that will show up will happen through magnetics and out of the blue when i least expect it. In the mean time i enjoy the beauty of my own company and constantly reaching higher states and deeper truths and how exciting this has been so far, even if i had some moments of intense pain…in this moment I Am Flying! my wings are wide open and i enjoy this ride so much that i am eager to explore more, eager to travel again without all the restrictions anywhere (i didn’t do the jab, no PCR tests for me and no wearing mask either :)))))). I am eager to begin with our humanitarian programs to help people help people!!! There is such a need of prosperity funds in this now! In all countries across the planet, there are so many in search of monies to buy grosseries and pay bills…i am part already of few groups and all i can say is Thank you God for having already received moneys to assist them, thank you Spirit of Money to assist us in the journey , to assist every human being to be benevolent working for the highest good for all, thank you, thank you, thank you.

So for now, i remain in this blissful state, knowing fully that this how more of what i want and need is magnetized to me. It is all about the way i feel and i feel so good! I Feel More Than Fine! And so It Is!

Nikos Akrivos

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 10/16/2021 • Are You a Reactor or Creator? : As you focus on appreciating all you have and appreciating the thought of all you dream of having, you start to feel good.

woman in white shirt and blue denim shorts lying on bed
Photo by Artem Podrez on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

It is time upon your earth to ask yourself, “Am I a reactor, or a creator?” Are my feelings based on reactions to what I see around me in my external world, or are my feelings based on the kinder, happier thoughts I choose to embrace in my inner world?

Do I live in the 3D paradigm and feel my fate is determined by external conditions and how I manage to control the external world? Or am I willing to embrace a 5D reality wherein I value my focus in my inner world, knowing that as I emanate a vibration I draw unto myself the very same?

If you are a reactor dear ones, you hear the news and you feel controlled by it. You see something you don’t like and you feel helpless to feel anything but sad or angry. You see someone doing something you don’t like and you react in fear, sadness, or anger. You can at times be elated when you see what you like, but you will be equally disappointed or upset when you don’t.

As a reactor, you will feel victimized, or enslaved to conditions around you. You will believe that others or situations “make” you feel a certain way, whether good or bad. This is indeed the paradigm in which the majority of you were raised, and the paradigm that the majority of people on earth embrace at this given moment. It is, however, a paradigm that disempowers you. It makes you feel limited to endure what you experience in this time, this space, under these conditions, with the human beings around you, dealing with virus and those variants, this supply chain, that politician, this relative, that boss, and we could go on and on forever. As a reactor, you give your power away to the world around you.

As a creator, you know that the vibration you emanate is what attracts or allows like vibrational things, people, and situations to you. When you vibrate with love, you see love, allow love, and attract love. And if by chance you bump into the souls whose personas and behaviors you don’t like, you know you can choose to feel good by turning your thoughts to loving the light within them, or that failing, by turning your thoughts to anything else, real or imagined that you do love. You do this dear ones because you want to be in charge of how you feel. You want to decide how you vibrate. You want to attract or allow only the vibrations that you choose to attract or allow into your life.

We hear your very understandable objections. “I am loving but not everyone loves me back. I focus on winning the lottery but I can’t pay my bills.! I focus on kindness and tolerance but there are so many souls I can’t stand in this world.” Dear ones, we hear you. Nonetheless, in these very statements, you vibrating with the things you do not want to attract. You are upset. You are angry. You are frustrated and blaming the external world for your feelings. You have been taught, conditioned, and validated in this belief system, and yet we are working as diligently as we can to help you learn a new way of being – a way that is kinder, more empowered, and more beautiful. We are helping to usher you into a new paradigm wherein you take your place as nothing less than magnificent beings – creators, not reactors.

As you focus on the kind people in the world, you will notice more and more kind people. You will feel better and better. As you imagine and feel, kind and loving interactions in all areas of life, more of those will be drawn into your reality. At first, you will only feel better due to your own thoughts, but those better feelings are an indicator that you are vibrating at a higher level. Soon, in this vibration, your outer world will start to mold itself around the inner.

As you focus on appreciating all you have and appreciating the thought of all you dream of having, you start to feel good. You start to feel abundant. These feelings are your first indication that you are vibrating at a higher level. Soon, in this abundant vibration, your outer world will start to mold itself around the inner.

What you love and appreciate will always multiply, even if you love your complaints! Far better to love and appreciate all that you enjoy, or even all that you enjoy thinking about!

If you want a loving partner, treat yourself as if you had a loving partner. Treat yourself like the love of your life. Look forward to what you will share, how you will uplift them, how you will luxuriate in their love. Enjoy the thought of your future love until it becomes so real and so beautiful that you find yourself emanating love, vibrating love, and in love before you even meet. Then dear ones in that high vibration you will feel delicious, and you will know beyond a doubt that you are attracting a beautiful relationship.

Don’t look around a be a reactor. “He/she isn’t here! I did that but they’re not here!” Stay in the space of being a creator, “I feel love so strongly they can’t help but find me! It will be icing on the cake when it comes because I’m in love now! Life is beautiful! You’ll see couples in love and instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you will be a vibrational match to love and you’ll think to yourself with great delight, “I am going to have that because I’ve decided to create it!” This is a huge contrast dear ones from being a reactor, who wants someone to react to so you feel better, and who reacts to the fact that no one has shown up. You can feel the difference as you read our words. Choose the ones that empower you.

Your world is in a state of extreme contrast. This birthing is a long one dear friends. Humanity with its tendency to react has prolonged many situations in your world that need not have been so prolonged. Yet you are still heading for greater love, greater tolerance, greater freedom. Sometimes change takes longer due to the fact that so many react!

There are many things you disagree with. There are many people with whom you will disagree. That is OK. But ask yourself often, “Am I a reactor or a creator?” If you catch yourself reacting in a way that makes you feel good, that’s fine! But when you catch yourself reacting in a way that does not inspire make feel good, remind yourself, “I am a Divine Creator! I get to choose how I feel! I get to choose where I focus! I get to choose to imagine a better world and feel good about it, or at least a better world for myself. No matter what the world is doing, I get to be happy. No matter what problems I see, I get to focus on solutions! Whether or not I get my way in a given moment, I can find a way to be happy even if I am only imagining better! No matter what anyone else is doing or saying, even about me, I get to decide how I feel and what I think about me!”

Dear ones, it is nothing less than the spark of Divinity within you reminding you of these very truths. You don’t have to insist the world agree with you. You don’t have to defend or justify your views. It is nothing less than the spark of the Divine within you inspiring you to think the thoughts that feel better, to choose the feelings that feel better, and to always move ever closer to the love, joy, abundance, freedom, and empowerment that you seek.

While it is a fact, you were conditioned to react,

We would lovingly debate, it is kinder to create!

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Image yourself as a wave in the ocean or a waterfall. You are the water, the energetic flow itself, pouring forward so perfectly. -SPIRIT OF MONEY through Caroline Ocean Ryan-

view of waterfall
Photo by Pixabay on

A Message to Lightworkers – October 15, 2021

This week’s guidance is again channeled from the Spirit of Money, part of the overall Spirit of Abundance:

COR: Greetings, my friend. I have more questions for you this week.

SPIRIT OF MONEY: Greetings! As ever, I am happy to assist.

I encourage all to speak to me individually whenever needed.

COR: Thank you! My question today has to do with balance.

I have found that as you said last week, many Light Bringers are highly empathic, and that in our generosity and kindness, we tend to give our energy away very easily.

That is probably accidental for the most part. We care about someone, or see someone who is suffering—they could be a stranger beside us on the bus, or a loved one, or someone on the television screen, thousands of miles away. But we see them having a rough time, and unconsciously, in a desire to heal or assist them, we send our energy out to them.

Which sounds wonderful, but I’m wondering, on behalf of all kind, empathic people who desire to heal others—how do we assist others in a way that we are not giving our life energy away.

Because those moments weaken us, not just emotionally and physically, but also financially.

This is part of what you were speaking of last week—that our “energies too often empty themselves out,” including your energy, which relates to ours so easily.

You said that “the life energy reserves of the over-giver flow out without boundaries, without a stopping point. “So that you are in essence, saying to the Universe, ‘I don’t really exist. No need to send me anything. I’ll just give it away as soon as I get it. Flow it to those who need it!’ ”

SPIRIT OF MONEY: We are very happy that you have raised this point.

This is painful to us—how people who are so generous, and through whom so much Abundance of all good things could flow, will live in a state of deficit within their own energies.

And yes, that is often a statement to the Universe that they are better off having nothing themselves, since they feel it is best that others have it. This can become pure self-negation. An ongoing vibration of “I don’t count for much.”

Alas, this leads to many millions have little or nothing at all! Far from helping humanity, it stalls your forward movement.

COR: Yet for most empaths, this is a reflexive, instinctive response to seeing others suffering.

We aren’t thinking at the time, “Oh, I’m giving my energy away! I need to stop that, before it leads to health issues or money shortages. I’d better keep my energy in my body.” Many would say, “That’s just what happens when you care about people. It’s selfish not to.” That kind of habit can also draw people to us who act needy, but who are actually able to do for themselves. They sense intuitively how unconscious and maybe compulsive we are in our giving.

Then whether they mean to or not, they make use of that for their own interests.

SPIRIT OF MONEY: Yes, and this is a very big issue, dear ones!

We will say also, that those ones who have attempted to pour our essence into a very dark channel for thousands of years, have also created energy traps in your overall system.

So that having more money than is needed for immediate survival is often taken to equal selfishness. And a vibrational broadcast goes out over the planet more or less constantly, using your financial institutions as power points on that grid.

That transmission speaks to human consciousness, saying that they must either pledge themselves to the dark order and, as some would say, “sell their soul” to it in order to own a great deal, or “stay spiritual” and do without.

A ridiculous and unnecessary choice, when your Earth is so Abundant by nature!

Most assuredly, there are some who avoid that energy transmission, and who live in the middle.

They have money, yet are joyfully generous and kind, without over-giving and without having a compulsive need to rescue others. We will say however, that these persons are in the minority. And that often, this kind of life is what that person deliberately wrote into their life chart before incarnating. They shall have challenges in life, most assuredly. But not the same financial challenges as those who worship us, or those who fear, deny, or vilify us.

Or those who feel unworthy of us.

Let us speak on the issue of rescuing others, for that impulse tends to come from those who themselves have a fear-based aspect of their consciousness they have not yet gotten under control. You are yourself fond of saying that it is vital to respect another’s path, and that includes allowing them their inner and outer struggles. Empowering another to more easily tap into their own strength is one thing, rescue quite another! And our energies, and that of other forms of Abundance, do not flow happily to the one who attempts to rescue others, as that too is a poverty consciousness.

It follows the idea that there is a shortage of solutions, inner wisdom, and open potentials in the quantum field, that those who are struggling can tap into.

Naturally, there are those who are utterly helpless, such as those who are in an emergency situation, or impoverished and abandoned children, for example.

And some have chosen the life of rescuer to these, such as emergency workers, or a Mother Theresa sort of figure.

Yet for most people, this is not their chosen role. And so let us look at this way: You have heard that your ET friends and family members are aware that it is not permitted that they should suddenly land on Earth in order to protect and rescue the masses. They respect your free will! And they see you working with the higher Light now flowing onto the planet, to create your own solutions and renewal.

And so—how are you, as beings who are also in this Universe, exempt from that same Universal law that your galactic families must follow?

Respect it! And learn to give without feeling you owe your life energies to others! For you do not.

COR: So we should just send Light to those who see struggling?

SPIRIT OF MONEY: Send Light, and the thought/intention of “I see you coming through this with Grace and inner empowerment. Your higher self, your soul and guides, are leading you perfectly now! I give thanks for them, and for you.”

Know that as you say that to them, within your own heart-space, you say it to yourself as well.

COR: As we speak on energy losses, I want to ask you about debt, which I feel is a deficit of life energies. Yet there are people in debt financially who are not over-givers. They may be of either a high or a low income. Where is the dividing line, where debt is concerned?

SPIRIT OF MONEY: First, debt does not actually exist. It is a falsely created concept.

It was created in your world to hold the average person—those who are not self-proclaimed royalty or otherwise part of an elite—in a place of ongoing disempowerment, both outwardly and energetically.

There is no such thing as “negative money.” It does not exist except in people’s minds, and within the “narrative,” the cultural fiction of this strange, crude, and unnatural system that humanity was shoved into centuries ago.

Yet of course, it is troubling to billions of people, for the simple reason that to be in debt weighs one’s energies down on several levels, while the fear of a “low credit rating” can impede one’s inner wealth and outer progress in the world.

And so, yes, it is an issue. Yet we would ask that you stop bowing to debt, all of you, as if it were your master.

That was the original plan, and it needs to end now. Make your payments as you must, but make enjoying your currency and saving it for yourself also, even in small amounts each week, far more of your focus than the “repayments” which have taken over modern life.

And so, the dividing line is, Where are you putting your attention? Your emotional energy? Your mental energy via thoughts and mental habits? When you think of your financial situation, do you image a cup everlastingly emptying out before it can ever even be filled? Or a cup that is joyfully overflowing? These symbolic images well outweigh the mental training of the mind, even one that has survived centuries of oppression. We encourage all to take their eye off of what they “owe” these (also false) institutions that “loan” currency to you, and to concentrate on the beauty, the power of the energy of flow, wherever you find it.

It is everywhere in Nature, and it amazes us that so many miss this.

It is the blood that flows in your veins! The wind that flows through the trees! And the water that flows through your rivers and streams and oceans.

How is the Earth to function, without the energy of flow?

This is where your wealth (well-being) lies also. Yet you must embody that energy. Focus on it with your heart-space and allow its energies to fill you.

It will often mean relaxing when you fear that money is not flowing in your life. Tensing up by giving way to fear will choke and close off your energy channels. So find a way to relax and be calm, and stay there as long as possible, dear ones! Every day, you are looking now to encourage more flow of all good things, including currency, into your life. Yet the energy of that joyful flow is generally not present, except for those who revel in my energies and in all Abundance, and who desire more, while giving Thanks, feeling its presence is already with them. These persons focus on not on what makes them unhappy, but what they desire, knowing that energetically, it is already with them.

Have you noticed that what you focus on is what comes to you? Yes, you may wish to call this a “law of attraction” situation, yet it is much bigger than that.

Either you are aligned with your higher aspect, which is Abundant in all good things, or you are not. And so we ask you to not focus on what you falsely owe in this corrupt “system” you were still in at the moment, but on the energies of Flow itself.

Image yourself as a wave in the ocean or a waterfall. You are the water, the energetic flow itself, pouring forward so perfectly. Rushing forward joyfully, never running out.

Nature regulates Herself perfectly, so as to never over-give and never be without. It is false, manipulated environmental systems that have brought drought or flood to various regions, for the most part.

Though those excesses can occur naturally, they generally happen to balance out an imbalance somewhere in the ecosystem.

Were Mother Earth still respected, without the clearing of trees and plowing through of mountains and blocking of rainclouds, much would be well that is currently troubled.

You are not separate from what are known as the laws of Nature. You are also subject to these, so pay attention to them! As with the Earth, you too are seeking to rebalance now. This can feel drastic and uncertain some days. Yet the outcome will be glorious.

COR: Can we overcome the low vibrational transmissions you spoke of that are meant to keep us down, whether financially or otherwise? Can we retrain our energies to flow as Nature does?

SPIRIT OF MONEY: Most assuredly! Your great spiritual teachers and masters have done just that.

Yeshua fed the 5,000 from only a few loaves and fishes, did he not? How do you suppose he did that, except that he ordered the Universal Law of Increase to go into that food (focusing on that particular flow of energies as he gave Thanks—a crucial component!), so as to magnify its energetic presence.

Magnification of any good thing is always possible. Yet the flow of Increase must be called forth.

You are not taught these laws of energy, though they were taught long ago.

Time to bring up these teachings again, spread them around, celebrate them!

COR: I would say so, my friend! Absolutely.

How do we help people get past the “money isn’t spiritual” idea? Because those same people often live in near-constant deprivation, and no one deserves that.

SPIRIT OF MONEY: We quite agree! And this is a very great subject, and one we could speak for hours on.

Yet we will offer just this one idea for now: Everything is energy, and ALL of it can be used for good! How could it be otherwise? Is this Universe based on Light, or on shadow?

COR: I would say Light. The shadows can’t exist without the Light.

SPIRIT OF MONEY: Yes, exactly. Many forget that. They think the two are equal, and that the dark could overcome the Light if it tried hard enough. It could not.

COR: Even on this troubled planet?

SPIRIT OF MONEY: On a single planet it could, yet your Universe is being bathed in such powerful Light now, and that includes the Earth! And so, no—on this timeline, the Light is winning.

COR: Some look to this new era, the Sat Yuga, to sort of save us.

They are asking, “Where exactly is this new era of Peace and Prosperity? Why am I still doing without?”

SPIRIT OF MONEY: And we would say to them, it is already here, within you, as with all else in your experience.

You evolved to where you became a self-perpetuating, co-creating Being in the higher realms. So how is it that that would be lost while living on any planet, even in a physical body? You looked forward to the intriguing challenge of remembering how to create while in physical form!

COR: The adventure has been a bit much for some of us!

SPIRIT OF MONEY: Yes, of course. So many chose an overly ambitious life journey. Yet that is typical of humanity. You tend to envision something great, feeling that you will deal with the obstacles as they come up.

COR: Yet the obstacles are all around us! They’ve been here for thousands of years! What were we thinking?

SPIRIT OF MONEY: That question more relates to past Earth lives than this one.

These new empowering energies, this beautiful and unprecedented Light transmission flowing into you now, is lifting so many to remember their true origins and true capacity to create, whether it is in a form of financial currency or some other beautiful thing.

In past centuries, this would have been far harder. Yet the old energy traps are failing now, and these dark transmissions we spoke of—they are greatly lessening in effect, in the current atmosphere.

The machinery behind them is being dismantled from within.

COR: And yet, so many still struggle, despite the work of the Light Forces, and our own inner vision.

SPIRIT OF MONEY: Less time spent counting outer results, and more time dedicated to focusing on the joyful things you have already created, is what is called for there!

Point of focus: Always and forever, on the beauty and fulfillment you see around you, or hold within you, and carry with you vibrationally. And wish to create more of.

And at that point, dear ones—you are joyful and fulfilled, whether your desire has shown up yet, or not!

COR: Yes, indeed! Thank you, my friend. We appreciate your beautiful wisdom.

SPIRIT OF MONEY: Honored to assist, as always! We shall speak again, dear ones. Namaste!

Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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There is much resolution for your past occurring at this time.

October 14, 2021,

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Clearing Space for the New

There is much resolution for your past occurring at this time. While it may seem relentless when old memories and hurts come up for examination, there is an energetic dismantling of karmic threads, soul contracts, and past vows or belief systems happening that is indicative of the releasing of old roles that no longer serve you due to your growth and evolution.

This dismantling may be taking place through conscious memories, energy healing work you are drawn to do, or it could be happening organically through the sleep state.

What we wish for you to understand is that if these old painful memories or issues are coming into your awareness, it is not an indicator that you are broken or that any of your previous healing work was not effective. It is an energetic clarification process that requires your awareness on one level or another for release.

It is clearing space for you to embody more of who you truly are, and for you to shift into a new higher vibratory state that is in line with the energies of where you are going.

Evolution is a process, and the depth of the work you are doing could not be done all at once. It would be too overwhelming for you. You are moving at the fastest pace that is sustainable for you. We urge you to remember that during times of energetic intensity.

You are masterfully moving through this great shift of the ages even if it feels messy and challenging for you at times. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be, that you are being guided and loved through it all, and the anxiousness and impatience you feel is part of the excitement of preparing to step fully into the new.

You have the power within you, and the power comes from your full recognition that you are not only connected to Source, and that Source is not only a part of you, but that you are Source. And what could be more empowering and satisfying than knowing that ultimate truth and then living your life accordingly?

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very excited for humanity at this time because of the monumental leaps forward in your spiritual evolution that you still have in front of you. We know that many of you just want to get to the finish line as quickly as possible, but when it comes to spiritual growth and evolution, the joy most certainly is in the journey, and you are journeying up and up and up, higher and higher into a state of consciousness that will make the one you are currently in unrecognizable to you. That is how much you are transforming; that is why this shift in consciousness is such a very big deal and why so many are talking about it and anticipating it.

You all have had so many experiences already there on Earth, and you don’t need to keep recreating the same experiences over and over again, unless there is something about that experience that you want to have over and over again. Perhaps on the soul level, you want to forgive the person who steals from you, or you want to respond to a situation without fear, or hate, or anger. Whatever your reasons were for creating what you created, you did it consciously and for the purposes of growth. Experiencing that growth is something you can only do from the perspective you are in right now, where you don’t even recall wanting to have that experience. And in some cases, you couldn’t even imagine why you would want a particular experience.

It is a time there on Earth where doing, acting, thinking, and even speaking are far less necessary components of life than they have ever been before, and the reason is that letting go, surrendering, accepting, and even forgiving don’t require you to do anything, or even to say anything in most cases. Sometimes there is thought involved, but the thought comes after the acceptance. The thought affirms what you have already felt within yourself. You understand at a certain point that there is no need to resist anything about your personal reality or the world as it is today because that’s not where your power lies.

Your power always lies in your ability to vibrate in spite of conditions that make it challenging for you to be in the state of being you want to be in. That’s the journey, and that’s the fun part; the fun part is the recognition that you have the power within you and that you had it within you all along. Using that power is a wonderful feeling, a liberating one, and one that many on your world have already experienced. That means it’s in your collective consciousness. You have access to it; there is a roadmap that someone else created. And so, even though you are making this giant, monumental leap forward in your own consciousness evolution, you are not the first one to do it.

That makes it easier on you, but it’s still as satisfying as if you were the first one to do it on Earth in the entire history of humankind on Earth. That’s what we want you to realize. What we are proposing to you is far more satisfying than railing against your life or the world as it is today in a futile attempt to change it through action. You have the power within you, and the power comes from your full recognition that you are not only connected to Source, and that Source is not only a part of you, but that you are Source. And what could be more empowering and satisfying than knowing that ultimate truth and then living your life accordingly?

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Q Phones!!!!






The true meaning of love is: freedom in security. -Jeshua through Pamela Kribbe-

Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua

Dear ones, I am Jeshua. I am here in your midst and I connect with your hearts.

You are dear to me; feel my love and warmth. You are all in need of warmth; you have missed warmth and love in your lives. You have come to Earth with a memory, an inner knowing, of what love is. You knew the unlimited, absolute love, not the dependent, possessive love which is so prevalent on Earth. You knew a free, open love which gives the other person the space to be who they are and also gives you the space to be who you are. In that free space, you can feel safe and secure, anchored in your own being.

You have come here to bring that kind of love onto Earth. You are lightworkers, carriers of a new consciousness. But in order to spread that light and love here, it is necessary that you first recall it fully. The true meaning of love is: freedom in security. And that happens when you are allowed to develop yourself to the fullest – radiant and powerful – but at the same time, very gently and with tenderness. That is your true nature; that is who you are. You are an angel who has come here to plant the seeds of light – remember that.

But doing that here is an extremely difficult task, because when you were born as a baby, you entered into oblivion and you lost the memory of your origins. You absorbed all the heavy human energies – the fears, the sadness, the pain – which dominate the human atmosphere on Earth and you took them on. Often, in the first half of your life, you become lost in these energies, because you identify with them. You are unable to distinguish between that which you absorbed and that who you truly are, so you lose your mastery of life.

But at the very deepest level you know that you made this sacrifice in order to eventually transform, from within, the heavy human energies on the Earth; to ignite the light from within. That is the purpose of your jump into incarnation on Earth. And you have come so far already that you have begun to wake up inwardly. You are gradually remembering who you are: the lightness and freedom of that; the flexibility of your true nature.

Right now, at this time, allow those feelings to awaken, quite deliberately, in all the cells of your body. Your body is a conscious being, not just a hunk of matter. It lives from what is inside you and your consciousness is its highest authority. What ultimately determines the condition of your body are not material influences. In the end, it is you who determine that condition through your own choices by way of your consciousness.

You are now aware of your light, your origins, your angel being. Let go of the bondage of the human atmosphere of the Earth so that, as much as possible, the human energies of despair, pain, and suffering do not affect you. You are filled with light, it flows in and around you, it is you! The light does not come from above, or from without, it comes from within. You draw down your soul and welcome it on Earth.

Now imagine the color of your soul and allow it to flow through your aura from your head to your feet. Make your soul welcome and know that you are independent of the heavy and disturbing influences in the human atmosphere. Find that original core by going to your heart. Sense how there is a crystalline source of light there. And in that crystal, in that source, is a knowing, an inner feeling, which offers you everything you need. Feel the clarity, simplicity, and love in the energy of that crystal and know that you are free.

Now look at a situation in your daily life which causes you to feel heavy or agitated. Imagine that the light in your heart flows toward this heaviness and surrounds the situation with your inner light, the light of your soul. Then see your response to the situation: either you leave it be or you try to transform it; either you move toward it or away from it. Feel free and untethered to do whichever you feel is right. You are not dependent on anything or anyone else for your choices. Your divine core is eternal and wise, and enormously strong. Let your light shine freely – do not be afraid.

This light is what is needed on Earth. There is a lot of pain and suffering on Earth and you have been a part of it. You know what it is to suffer pain, to be blinded by illusions of fear and helplessness. This experience has given you a deep humanness and is part of your path of becoming fully conscious. Accept this experience, but step out of it and become free of it. Remind yourself of who you are – you are a teacher! You will plant the seeds of consciousness, and you are free to experience joy and to let go of suffering while doing it.

Thank you so much for your attention; I love you all.


Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: The “Injection” and Ascension

October 13, 2021,

A: Greetings and blessings to you all.

J: Someone emailed to ask if you would comment on ascension, and those who had the “injections.”

A: We would be delighted to comment. The first thing that we would wish to say is that there are many competing narratives around the injections. The different narratives reflect the different aspects of time/space reality that commentators are accessing:

  • Some access the scenario which seems successful, but ultimately betrays, injures and kills;
  • Others access a scenario where the injection has no affect on those who take it;
  • Yet others see a partial negative impact from accepting the injections.

All are true, because time is not linear.  All realities described here are playing out simultaneously. However, the time line of the greatest majority is the one on which we are currently focused ~ your now moment.

For clarity, we would suggest that we need to go back two paces from the question. This is not so much about the injection, but about the sovereignty engaged in making the decision to take or reject the injection. When a decision is made that is free from fear, and aligned with the inner knowingness and inner resonance, the result is different from a decision taken through fear or coercion.

The degree of sovereignty employed in decisions is the barometer for ascension, not the injection itself (or anything else you would give power over you).

Sovereignty can be engaged prior to the injection or after the injection. The injection is the catalyst, not the cause. So if one awakens after the injection and comes into full sovereign alignment, they place themselves on the ascension timeline. Those who, at a soul level, decide to remain in victim mode, or in slave mode or in passivity, align themselves with a different experience of ascension.

J: So what does that mean? Sorry to ask such a crude question, but will some ascend and others not?

A: Yes and no.

J: Brilliant! That cleared up a lot!

A: Let us consider ascension this way: Ascension is an energy vibration, a frequency of the divine. The closer you are to that frequency, the more clearly you can receive that energy. If you are not closely aligned with a frequency ~ like a radio for example ~ you will hear some of the music, but it will not be so fulfilling an experience.  It will be partial.

Translating that, (before you ask, Jennifer!) we mean that they will benefit from as much of the ascension energy as they can hold.  What they cannot hold will be held “on account” for them, until such time as they are able to resonate with it more fully.

The Divine is not an autocrat or harsh.  The Divine energy is infinitely loving towards all beings.  This wisdom shares only what is aligned with each being’s highest self. You would not give a priceless sports car to an 8-year-old who can drive a go-kart! You would wait until they were able to appreciate the car and use it appropriately. So it is with ascension energy: it is held in trust for all, and as your resonance comes into alignment with it, you access more of that energy.

But there is another aspect to this question that we would like to address: beneath this question we sense fear, concern, apprehension.

These are emotions that are not aligned with the energy of ascension, and while we understand them, we would like to suggest this: every soul has made their choice aligned with their higher self. It is only then, in response to the soul’s decision, that the Divine pours forth the ascension energy, which is like an explosion of love from the heart of the Divine.

No one is forgotten, ignored or left behind.

Everyone is gifted an abundant experience that is tailored to their higher self’s decision. No one is left behind. So do not fear, dearest hearts. Can you trust that there is an infinitely compassionate wisdom beneath this entire experience?  Come into your sovereignty, your light and your love. In that way, you assist everyone in refining their frequency so that they may accept even more ascension love.

(c) 2021 Jennifer Crokaert

Humans and Computers | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart

person walking between green forest trees
Photo by Luis del Río on

October 13, 2021

To those who donated to our Agape fundraiser on gofundme, we raised a total of $1,579.00. Ivo and I are very happy to have been able to donate to the foodbank, and we urge all of you to continue to donate as your heart feels drawn to do so.

This weekend, I found some Thanksgiving specials here in Canada – turkey stuffing was 75 cents a box so I bought a bunch and dropped it off in the donation drum. That’s all it takes, folks, just a few dollars when you go shopping.

Speaking of shopping, I’m starting to see some shortages. This was dry cat food I was looking for so I suggest you stock up if you haven’t already and make sure to remember your pet food as well.

Humans and Computers

Response to Corey Goode’s post about brain chipping: “As an ascended human, I am capable of doing many things without the use of my hands – by only using my mind! All people will be able to do this when they reach a high enough frequency. Humans can interface with the crystals in their computers and shut them off, for example, without touching them. I see electricity coming out of my palms and the energy of the breath leaving my nose. Indulging in this kind of technology will only prohibit us from discovering our true reality and the divine abilities of a human. Thus far, technology and industry have been used to keep these gifts from us. That has to stop.”

I love being from Vega, a Vegan consciousness. I love that Ivo has taught me all these things and more!

Ivo has told us this in one of our books, which one I can’t remember off the top of my head. And I’ll let him deliver this message again as a reminder to everyone and also for people who haven’t read the books.

Ivo: Thank you, my love. The way computers are used out in the galaxy is to ASSIST our excellent minds, not to replace them.

When you think to microchip your body or your brain into a higher functioning state, you are negating your own natural powers because most likely your brain will continue to vibrate at the level of the chip. With technology on your world advancing as quickly as it is, your chip would become outdated in a hurry. This would require some type of new programming to be installed via the internet and your brain would be limited to enacting in any way that the computer chip would have you enact. It would certainly impede your normal functioning because it is not meant to be there and its frequency is too low.

You would be stopped from ascending at all, because a bio-bot cannot ascend, and that is what you would then become – a bio robotic. Our technology is indeed sentient, but it has not undergone an ascension process – it was created using the unified field. Yes, we can utilize the unified field to create sentient technology and even new life if we wish to. However, we do not.

This is another good point: those of us out in the galaxy are capable of resisting impulses to explore if in fact we deem it to be detrimental to human life. On planet earth, this is not the case. Currently exploration of technologies is underway that will adversely affect life on your planet. This is a question of vibrational frequency.

If Corey Goode does not believe that a human mind can interface with technology and run it, then he does not even have as high a frequency as Sharon, because Sharon has done it and can do it at will. Yes. But yes, Sharon is a Vegan master goddess of the divine feminine Light.

Me: Suffering from amnesia, just to qualify that.

Ivo: Yes, this is true. The main point that Sharon wishes me to make in this video is that technology and industry have been used to prevent the discovery of the innate human capabilities. Your automobiles have been utilized and developed to prevent you from discovering that you can bi-locate and simply float around. Your telephones have been developed to stop your discovery of the fact that you are telepathic and can speak to anyone on the planet that you wish to at any time. Your televisions work the same way – as does your internet – it is a communications system that has been given to you to thwart your realizing that you are telepathic as all humans are. That is another reason that they have attempted to keep you from realizing that you are not alone in the universe, because how else can we speak with you unless we use telepathic mind connection?

When you continue to believe in these implements, you are simply focusing on the use of your intellectual mind and continuing to neglect your intuition.

You are capable of bi-location, you are telepathic, you are also capable of moving through what you call solid objects because these objects are not solid – they are made of the same stuff of life that you are – energy, and so you can walk through them when you train your mind that you can.

Energy is malleable and all is energy. It is a question of training, but all humans have the innate ability to do all things on earth that are done in the universe. What did Jesus do? He walked on water. He split the water apart – yes, it cooperated with his request, and he walked across the sea. He levitated. Something you are also capable of .

He healed the lepers. You are capable of self healing and of healing others through frequency. Sharon has done this as well.

When he was murdered, he created a new physical body in which to live.

Me: Yes, the problem I got when I went to see a chiropractor and ended up very dizzy. I stopped it through just lying down and focusing energy on my inner ear.

I just checked on the post. One of my comments was “Chip! My ass!” and Corey responded with, “Careful. They might take you up on that.” Yes, it was funny, but I responded with my declaration of sovereignty – nobody has a right to my body but me! Nobody! I take full responsibility for it and the state it’s in and in its healing. But nobody will touch me, and nobody can cuff me either if they decide that they want to. I already have an agreement with Merton in my ship flying above me that if they come for me, he’ll beam me up to his ship and take me away. I live by universal law – God’s laws, and not these human made criminal rules.

Ivo: Yes. The key to achieving these abilities lies in a few things. First of all, your intention. If your intention is to glamorize the self, to prove one’s self powerful to even one’s self, it will not work. The key to developing these abilities is to be of service to others. When you are of that mindset, your natural energies flow better. When you are of the mindset of service to self and perhaps self flagellation, then it will not work because God does not work for Him self, He works for All. He is not a selfish God, nor should you be.

The other is focus of the mind. The Rosicrucian book you read (“Wisdom of the Mystic Masters” by Joseph Weed) had exercises to increase your mind control. I should think, though, with fighting mind control daily, that should suffice. Having the intention to give your mind and your body to God every day is the right intention to start your day with. Spending it in fear and in service to the self is the wrong intention.

The other way to help yourself focus better, and you are realizing this, my love, because this too is part of your enlightenment on earth: What you eat is very important. Eating foods that do not cause inflammation is important for your brain to operate properly. Detoxing and ridding yourself of stored chemicals is important. Also, for you, keeping your blood sugar from spiking is important because you do not want to become diabetic. The diet is enjoyable and the cravings are decreasing. And you are forgetting less and words come more easily to you. Yes, we realize that the ascension is a difficult process for your body to endure but feeding it good food is a beneficial activity at this time. Eating natural foods with no sugar and additives is a worthwhile investment for your health.

Jesus never worried about having enough to eat. That is because he ate little but could create what he desired. Imagine you should be able to do that. Your turkey dinner would be created by you and you could serve a company of a dozen tonight.

Me: Yes, Happy Thanksgiving Canadians (It’s October 10th when we’re channeling this).

Ivo: But you must see, though, that having a turkey all for one’s self will net you nothing. It is that you have the intention of sharing it with others that you would be able to manifest it. Jesus is a universal master and came to share his knowledge with those upon earth and these people are still upon earth now, however in different form. So the knowledge might be distorted but it is not lost.

Me: I want to add that another master is St Germain. If you read about the things he can do as a master alchemist. He creates right out of thin air. How cool would that be?!

Ivo: And I have said to you my love, and you have been shown, that you DO create out of thin air. The games you play with your prosperity symbols, the green automobiles, and the empty parking spots in the parking lot IS you creating out of thin air. Energy is being commanded by your mind to create what you want. St Germain can do this instantaneously. For you it takes a little longer, a few hours or even a day. St Germain also creates what you call solid objects rather than creating scenarios as you are doing, but it is in principle the same thing: Alchemy.

Me: What if I wanted to create a gem like he does?

Ivo: You could do it if you practised and focused on it.

Me: Cool.

Me: Yeah, back in my hater days I used to say Jesus walked on water because he didn’t know how to swim. It’s funny looking back but yes, I can see I had to make peace with religion and Jesus because I wasn’t going to escape him, not in this western world anyway. And not with my earth brother being a Baptist minister either.

Ivo: Yes. You have made peace with him and he comes to you on occasion.

So, we have made our point again and wish people to remember what we have said before they receive any kind of bodily microchip. For those of you who already have multi-dimensional capabilities we realize we’re preaching to the choir however, it is always good to have this fresh in your minds.

With this I will leave you for today. Thank you my love, for your indulgence.

Me: You’re welcome Ivo.

YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

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Feeling Good is Feeling God.