The goal is to unlearn ,NOT TO learn.
There is no NEED to be worried over the performance or in relation to aesthetics, there is no NEED To fake.
Each movement is right.
The goal is not to be disciplined, beautiful, strong, confident, coordinated, as we so often taught in dance.
In many ways, this dance is the antithesis of everything we’ve learned that dancing is supposed to be.
The whole being is allowed to melt in the rhythms, allowING ITself to relax and let CRAZY wisdom guide EVERY movements.
No dance experience is necessary, just the desire to move.

DANCE MUSIC  432 HZ &  528 HZ:Dj Nikos Akrivos



FRIDAY 29 TH JANUARY 2016 : 17H00-20H00 AND




A few mixes 🙂






Making Contact With Our Galactic Brothers and Sisters/Accelerating The Time for The Event and Massive Landings.

Making contact in a half asleep state with our galactic brothers and sisters can be super Fun and of course accelerate the time for The event when the massive landings will take place.

We practised this with my partner and personally i saw them being teleported from their inner planet then fell asleep while she asked for confirmation of their presence and heard few people next door making noise twice.She asked for more pleasant sounds and the people started to laugh.

Before you go to sleep take a shower to raise your vibration.

Lie in your bed and stay without moving for about 20 minutes.

Put your hands on  your belly.

Set the intention to meet with The Pleiadians,The Arcturians ,The Andromedans or your favorite galactic race.

Open your eyes and see if you observe any shadows in your room.

Remain Calm.

Ask for a confirmation of their presence on your body or something external.


Join us every Sunday 19h00 at our weekly event meditation.



Evidence of Pleiadians Ships making Contact and Barbara Marciniak who has been channeling  Pleiadians Message for many years now.






Lucid Dreams/Learn To Fly

Last night i had an amazing experience,i found myself flying and following a guy that was using a futuristic air flying surf. My view was breathtaking and exciting  at the same time as i knew somehow that i was safe.This is what Lucid Dreaming is all about: to be aware that your are dreaming in your dream.

How was I Flying?By using my wings!

To be able to lucid dream in a consistant /conscious way you need to follow a certain way of sleeping.

I usually go to bed at 22h (between 22h and 02h is the best time for the body to regenerate) then wake up few hours later to read ,do some yoga , meditate or create music depending on my levels of energy.An hour later i tend to go back to bed and this is the time where i am lucid dreaming.

Try for yourself. The feeling of it when you wake up is amazing,you are living another life where there are no 3dimensional limitations and that is brining a lot of satisfaction to your being.

Being able to lucid dream consciously is also helping to manifest better reality in our life.


Feel More Than Fine

Nikos Akrivos




When you want to create something new you will need to let go of something old


My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Always when you want to create something new you will need to let go of something old. If you want beliefs that work better for you, you have to work diligently to release old ones that don’t. If you want a new house, you must release the old. If you want new clothes, you must clear your closet, and if you want a new relationship you must give up hanging on to all that has gone before.

In truth, your past exists only in your mind, because in truth it is gone. It has washed away like water in a stream and you only carry with you what you remember and what you judge. As soon as you can love the past for what it brought you and taught you, then dear ones, it is over. The energy is released and allowed to flow from you, into the heavens where we, the angels, will help turn it into something so much better. Very much like donating fertilizer, when you give us your past pains, sadnesses, fears, unmet hopes and dreams, and ask that we transform them to love, we will. Like cleaning out your closets, dear ones, regularly giving us your heavy energy will allow you to breathe, and to make room for the new.

Place your hands just in front of your navel as if you are ready to catch something that will be released. Take a breath. Feel any area of your body, mind, or soul that feels heavy. Imagine as you breathe in deeply, that you are gathering this energy into your stomach. Then, as you breath outward imagine you release this dense energy in the form of a ball that gathers up into your hands. It may look dark, cloudy, or simply dense, if you are visual. It may feel prickly, heavy, or just unusual if you feel, or you may just imagine it. Keep breathing in this fashion, gathering heavy energy into the stomach with a slow breath in, then expelling it outward into this ball of energy in your hands. When you feel the ball has become quite heavy, and you are feeling much lighter, hand it upwards to the heavens, and we will take it from you and transmute it to love to be recycled into the universe.

Do this frequently dear ones, perhaps after work each day, or at least once a week. You clean your homes, wash your cars…why not clear yourself on a regular basis so your light can shine more brightly, your body can feel much better, and your mind can be at peace.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels


6 fingers :A Sign of Evolution.High Six!!!!

David Wilcock talked about 6 fingers printing on a stone of Padmasmbhava,giving the message of evolution for humanity:

”A Tibetan Legend of a man who descended down from space. Leaving hand prints into the stone, with 6 fingers on the hand”

”…ET Human Padmasambhava, came from space in an egg, taught the monks of Tibet how to turn into a light body. takes 7 days. Your body shrinks down to about 9 inches tall, rainbow appears of the hut. Then people start to see them in their dreams…”


Find more about David’s Blog/Predictions right here:

hqdefault (1)In 2014 i have posted a  link sharing this in my video but strangely is doesn’t work anymore.Here is the video:

and here are few more videos with 6 fingered families proving this:



Why i don’t drink the toxin that kills cells called alcohol.

A few years ago when i used to dance,dj or party in clubs i was always having some alcohol in small doses believing everything i was told ,like for exemple that wine is beneficial to my general well being.

Till i had few ‘accidents’,like for exemple having sex with a girl that i couldn’t understand why i find  in the same bed next morning ,not to mention the big headaches ,the overall depleting of energy in my body,mind,spirit complex and the dramas following with my sex partner.

Take a look at this article back from 2011:

There is no such thing as a safe level of alcohol consumption.


And i want to add that alcohol is not only bad for our physical body,for lowing our vibration and making our immune system very weak,one drop of alcohol is enough to stop the connection with our soul which in turn disconnects us with our higher self.

This has as a result to manifest things we don’t want in our lives.Very simple to verify that,look the chaos around us and you know what i mean.



Feel More Than Fine

Nikos Akrivos


Remain Excited.A newer, fairer monetary system, prosperity, and of course, new governance.

Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

from Planetary Activation Organization

Despite disappointments, remain focused on your vision and the prize it contains. You are a powerful people and we come only to acknowledge and support you.


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

13 Caban, 10 Chen, 12 Manik

Dratzo! Many expected operations were delayed by overly cautious and unnecessary security developments. Those who temporarily control these funds are deeply worried and hence have reverted to a process, which allows them to work initially at a snail’s pace. This diverted operation has slowed the deliveries and altered when these monies are to be delivered. It is now at a pace more deliberate than we were initially given. Again, these funds are in the hands of those who feel more comfortable with a tempo that is filled with a series of special checks at each stage of this operation. This employs a special way to secretly move vast sums across borders. It is our belief that this slower process is doing two things. First, it has greatly slowed a number of future announcements that are to signal the start of new governance and those that are to begin a global currency reset. Second, it has slowed down the preliminary schedule for mass arrests and for the rechartering of the world’s fraudulent banking system.

These delays are yet another sign of how difficult it is to swiftly move against the old, dark order, which has ruled this realm for millennia. Even though we possess the tools and the evidence to defeat these odious ones, it is very difficult, even after a series of agreements to speed up this vital process. The dark realizes the extent to which the Light forces are permeated with those who know how truly devious are the ways of their former dark lords. This old “history” has again and again produced caution even when it is not really called for. We deeply apologize for these ultra-slow actions. It is hard to move when a way of doing things is challenged. Your world is now deeply embedded in this set of old procedures. It is our challenge to change this and allow a breath of fresh air to permeate this operation. Hence, we expect that this process is to begin quite shortly. Even those filled with caution are in truth committed to this grand transformation of this reality. Thus, the old ways are to be finally cast aside.


As this process of change continues, remain focused on victory. We are thoroughly convinced that everyone is determined to terminate the hideous ways of the dark cabal. This cabal has used its power to frighten, distort and confuse all. We are aware of how these methods have gradually left many exhausted when they try to do anything positive. Despite these unwarranted fears, some degree of action is actually taking place. It is not easy to defy those who you have feared for so long. Such an action is nevertheless happening. A thing necessary for an alteration of the very core of this reality is occurring. The dark now knows that its days of mind-bending control are over. The time for many key announcements are upon us. These are to start a massive domino effect, which is to change your realm forever. This includes a newer, fairer monetary system, prosperity, and of course, new governance. Prepare to be amazed and honored by what is presently to happen!

As you move into this new era, be aware of what this truly means. The old perceptions that you have carried with you since childhood are no longer to fully apply. This is to be the start of a new reality for all. Long ago, you became the pawns of a dark overlord group that created a class of minions, which we call the dark cabal. This cabal defied Heaven and over the past few decades created a realm, which they intended to run as they pleased for an eternity. This wish has been dashed and with what is happening, you are to shortly see them arrested and temporarily separated from you. This group of charlatans is to be tried and their ill-gotten gains redistributed among you. Take this time to appreciate what is happening. You are to receive your freedom and be given an opportunity to participate fully in your affairs. Do not take this opportunity lightly. Be diligent and ready to be an everyday watchdog. Freedom is a duty to be watched over carefully! Come together and ready yourselves for new responsibilities.


Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! You, dear hearts, are on the very edge of a new reality. Those who were put in charge of delivering a grand prosperity to you are finally prepared to finish a long process that began many centuries ago. Our purpose in assigning them this great responsibility was based on their honesty and deep diligence, which permitted us to know that at the right divine time this grand task was to be done. The moment for this sacred completion has now arrived. We are most happy that you are about to receive the many blessings that are due you. The time to end your enslavement in this dark land has come. You are to receive liberation with these blessings. The time of your enlightenment is to be started at last! We are also readying our lessons for you. These are to teach you about your origins and the reasons for your divine mission on this world. This is to be explained further by your Agarthan cousins.

As we approach this most exciting time, it seems as though this world is untouched by what we say and feel daily. Much of what is changing is doing so in a way disguised by the old. Despite this, it is only a sham that you observe. This insane realm is full of tricks. The dark understands what Heaven is doing. Despite disappointments, remain focused on your vision and the prize it contains. You are a powerful people and we come only to acknowledge and support you. This world has shown its cruelty and its consequences. This set of odd causes and effects is ready to be transformed. The Light has come and it is in the final set of procedures to transform your worries into wondrous things you have long dreamed of! The glorious moment of new responsibities for you and us is now arriving.


Use your vision and your true dreams to guide you. Heaven understands whom you really are and is showing you the way toward a new reality. It is Heaven that has sent you on this final path that leads to full consciousness. We are simply a divine instrument of this sacred journey. This time in our mutual history is just beginning. You are in the process of preparing your body and Soul to transform into the crystalline version, which is your fully conscious self. You have been spared the immense difficulties created by this journey and in its stead is a poor reflection of your limited consciousness selves. Even though this has allowed some pain and discord to continue, be grateful that it has not been the apocalypse that it could have been. You are now in the final phases of a new realm. Your way is cleared for victory! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we carried on our mission to provide you with an overall report on what is happening on this globe. The dark has lost and all that drags this out is a final need to be cautious and slow. Your blessings are coming and you are to quickly see them appear before your startled eyes! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

More from the Galactic Federation


UFOs – Are You A Believer?

Watch These Footages and Let Your Heart Answer.

Rest assured that from Now and on All Extra Terrestrials Are Here in the name of Unconditional Love in support for Humanity who is slowly waking up from a 13,000 Years Sleep.

Anything you hear about negative aliens is nothing else but a man made story to spread fear.


The New Jerusalem Mothership parked in front of Venus as explained by Sananda/Jesus channeled by Kathryn E.May



Nothing Spookie as this video mentions.



‘I allow myself to receive love with ease.’Archangel Metatron.

‘I allow myself to receive love with ease.’
(Inhale deeply and exhale.)
‘I easily access my will power; it is a positive influence in my reality.’
(Inhale deeply and exhale.)
‘I am now consciously aware of the shifts occurring within my being.’
(Inhale deeply and exhale.)
‘Through acceptance of myself and the Creator I am my soul, accessing my truth I feel myself to be a new and
enriched version of myself.’
(Inhale deeply and exhale.)

We Are Electromagnetic Beings/Holistic Life In Modern Cities.

Our blood stream is like a current of electricity creating a magnetic field around our body.Anybody who has a basic notion of physics can understand this and a child that makes the experience playing with magnets will get this very fast.

The magnetic field around our body,also called aura can be seen by specialised instruments and by people who have developed the ability to see it.Whether we see it or not,it is always there in the same manner that positif and negative coexist in a magnet.

The magnetic field around our body can also be compared to the function of vibrator of our mobiles telephones or even better exemple to the function of vibration on sex toys that can be high or low.A strong magnetic field creates a high vibration, a week magnetic field or aura a low vibration.

High vibration means that we are strong in our body,mind,spirit complex.Low vibration makes our immune system weak and therefor we can get ’sick’ very easy.

In order to achieve a High Vibration daily and especially for those of us who live in cities,big or small,a holistic approach integrated in our life style is calling.Here are few basic steps till you manage to create your own way that talks more to you.I invite you to:

1.Become  Vegan,Learn Tantra,Laugh often.

2.Be Thankful,Meditate and Ask Protection from Your Angels

3.Breath properly.

4.Stretch and Move with your favorite activity.

5.Learn Techniques to Ground and Center Yourself(Reiki/Chi Gong,Yoga)

6.Take off your shoes and walk barefoot ,search for direct contact with Mother Earth.Best option : walk on green grass on a rainy day.Dare to take off your clothes and let the sun , rain ,air touch your skin.

7.Intend to be around high vibration people.Low frequency will always rise to meet the higher one,which is also he principle of resonance in physics.Party Time!!!

8.Spin 33 x 3 times a day clockwise as explained on my youtube video that i post here along The Mayan movement.

9.Listen to music attuned on 432 Hz or 528 Hz,i post few mixes of mine here.Avoid as much as you can waves from wifi,bluetooth,radio and of course TV.If not possible ask The Angel of Quantum Cleansing Oustacarti to help and protect you and your house.

10.Avoid at all cost cigarettes,alcohol,drugs,animal products that create holes in your aura and block you from connecting with your higher self.

11.Sleeping between 22h-02h is the best time to help our body,mind,spirit regenerate.


All Humans we carry the living library of the whole existence in our ‘junk’ DNA.It is waking up and Father Mother God is experiencing Life through us.

This is The Secret and The Gift called Present.

Making the best to elevate ourself is the way to true peace  in our world and the only way to be in service for our planet as Earthlings.

Let’s reach for the stars and be soon with our galactic brothers and sisters that are also looking forward to be with us guided by  the most radiant of our brothers, Sananda aka Jesus Christ.

Do you believe in UFOs?

Feel More Than Fine

Nikos Akrivos

I speak of more than just the abundance of money, but also the overture of the song of Peace, Joy and welfare of all of the people.

Another great message from Hatton,Galactic Federation of Light as channeled by Nancy Tate.

Love Is Always The Answer

Message From Hatonn -Channeler Nancy Tate – 1-4-16


Good morning! I am Hatonn, and I am here this day to tell you of a rapid change that is about to unfold. Yes, there is an ongoing motion that is bringing in what is needed for the joyful exuberance of the times of pleasure and the waywardness of that which is in abundance in more ways than you have imagined.

I tell you this because there are many reports out there in the lines of communication that say the opposite. They are bringing forth that which they determine to be the opposite of what they see in the foreground. They do not want the people to be ready for what is coming, and so they seek to overcome that which, in many instances, is already in place for the freedom of this land to be shown in so many ways.

Take a moment and sit in silence as you think about what this can mean for you. This is the opening of so many ways in which you will be living the new freedom that you are helping to bring to the people. I speak of more than just the abundance of money, but also the overture of the song of Peace, Joy and welfare of all of the people.

There is coming a wave of energy to this planet that will be felt and lived in so many ways. It has already begun, dear ones, as so many of you have seen. There will be many more examples of how to live the abundance of this planet without it having to represent having millions of dollars in your hands. Not to say that won’t be forthcoming, but till then there is an onslaught of wealth of the heart and soul that is reaching out to work itself into the lives of so many people.

It is time for you all to see what is coming forth from the hearts of so many. It has been making changes for some time, and now those changes are coming to the forefront in the news and even next door for many people. It is a façade of being without that is being brought to the open as no longer being the truth.

Yes, I am saying that all around the globe people are being set free from the devastating lives that they have been experiencing. It is coming from the people who have the ability to step forward and hug their neighbor. They can reach out to those who cannot afford the next meal in their day, or cannot place themselves in a bed of comfort at night. There are many people who are reaching out to help thy neighbor, and it is working in so many ways. That is the power of Love, my dear ones. Living the Love is the best way you can help thy neighbor as you help yourselves.

In closing this message, I say to you all to watch for the next cloud in the sky as it reaches its epitome of color and changing shape. It will be speaking to you and letting you know that it is with you in ways that it cannot show at this moment. However it can give you the truth in motion and expression that there is coming a brand new day of Love and expression in everything on this planet and throughout the universe. You will be seeing it in so many ways and it will tell you that you are walking your talk and singing your dance throughout your life. It is a wonder to behold! It is a beautiful sight to see and to live as you look around you and see the smiles on the peoples’ faces as they feel and recognize the face of family in you.

You are One with us all! We love you and we see and feel your ability to step forth in your lives and be the One who lives in Love forevermore.

Thank you so much Dear Hatonn,

Much Love,

Nancy Tate





Galactic Federation of Light Cover Up and Truth JFK , Obama and Ashtar Command.

Governments will never say the truth that we already know in our hearts.

If we want to reach for the stars we got to show to our galactic brothers and sisters that we can live in peace as one human race in the golden spiral of evolution.

Here is a video of ET broadcast on BBC TV in 1977 from Vrillon,representative of Ashtar Command of the Galactic Federation of Light along with few more videos of people testifying about GFL on the mainstream news.

And here is a message from President John Fitzgerald Kennedy always alive on a space ship.






JFK: “We Are the Light of Love – Nous Sommes Unis”

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference – November 24, 2015

“Greetings, my Fellow Citizens of Planet Earth! I am President John Fitzgerald Kennedy of the United States of America. And the dream I dreamt has never been more alive than it is in this moment for, you see, when I was the President, I had the dream for the World! But as the leader of what was deemed to be, at least one of the most powerful countries in the World, I had the vision that I could make great changes. I had the vision for bringing the World to Peace!!! And while, yes, as President, I had to make decisions to stand up, and sometimes to send military personnel to places where wars were going on; nevertheless, I held fast to that vision, as did my brothers, my family, and many, many citizens of the World.

“I was regarded with mixed feelings. There were those who felt that my human side was a bit excessive, shall we say, but that is of no consequence, because my legacy to the World was not of, third dimensional vibration, but rather High Dimensional Love!For it is only through True Love, Unconditional, Compassionate, Forgiving – and, yes, with Gratitude for the wisdoms gained – that true Peace on Earth can be accomplished. And this was what I chose to further, because I knew that I had a Mission!!!

“Now my father thought that that Mission lay with my older brother*, but he left his body, and it fell to me. This is not the first time that this kind of an event has happened on Planet Earth. But I did get elected to the Office of the President and there was not a day when I did not confer with my brothers** and others who shared my vision.

“And, yes, I knew about the space programs and, yes, I knew that at some point the Ashtar Command and our Galactic brothers and sisters would be able to come forward to help make the Peace and to help keep the Peace!!! For I knew that it was not the few who were at that time seeming to be in charge,but I knew that there was a vast company, ready to come in and be of assistance and, indeed, I gave permission. That is how I was taken up on the ship and a clone was put in my place on that day in Dallas. I still live in my body! And thanks to the technologies that I have been able to avail myself of while on the ship, I’m in pretty good shape for someone my age – a human that is – and I shall return, because there are many that I have special connections with – Love Connections!!!

“There were many who recognized the Light in me, and they began shining their Lights even brighter. And there were those who lit the candles and the Eternal Flame*** to let me know that we do share this Love, this Connection, this Light. And so you see, even though it might seem as though my life was cut short, my legacy has lived on and grown even stronger and more radiant!

“Now I do not give myself full credit or, I should say, the totality of the credit. I give the credit to you, my Beloved Fellow Citizens! I honor each and every one of you, and your lives.Some of you are back for the second time since you lived when I was President. I honor you for your commitment, for your quest, your determination and your accomplishments in bringing in the Light, keeping the visions of Peace on Earth in your Hearts and fanning it into this beautiful flame which is predominating in the Hearts of Humanity!

“Do not be discouraged! Do not be deterred at all in your Missions. For I promise you, I see the Lights of all of you, and I know that you and those who are committed to this Worldwide -below, on and above – have joined together in the greatest assemblage of Light Beings and Light Workers ever seen, and that you are successful in accomplishing the Mission of bringing the World into the Light, the LoveLight, the Higher Dimensional Destination, which has always been the promise that you made long ago and far away. And I was among you then!!!

“And so – and so, my fellow citizens. It is to keep the Lights bright. It is to SHINE THE LIGHT for those who are in charge of making the various Announcements that will truly open the doors to the Golden Age! You all so deserve to enjoy it, not because of what you have done as much as because of Who You Are, Beings of Light, Beings of Love. So stay the Course and know that I am with you in my Heart, and that I share the LoveLight with you!

“You know, there are many events which are called ‘events of terrorism,’ which are taking place in the World. It is to shine the Lights of Love upon ALL involved with Compassion. There is a Great One who stands with me now. You know him as Sananda.And there is a quote that has been given to him, or ascribed to him, which is Truth. And it is to apply to all, and that quotation, of course, is ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.’ Well, I tell you, Beloved Fellow Citizens, it is for all of us to forgive – ourselves and everyone else – because we all share the same energies, the same knowing!!!

“And for those who insist upon remaining in the dark, it is to steadfastly shine the Light for them as well, that they, too, may come Home. And if they choose not so to do, let them find justice, but send them on their way with only Love and Gratitude for what they have taught, because they are teaching the World right now that violence is what the World wants to end! The Consciousness is calling for Peace on Earth, and that Peace is found in Love!!!

“So let us celebrate together the return to Love, the lighting of all of the flames, or the candles. Where once I stood in a place in the country of Germany, and proclaimed for the World to hear, ‘Ich bin ein Berliner.’**** I now join with you in saying to the World, all of the World, ‘NOUS SOMMES UNIS!!!‘***** And so it is!

“Thank you, my Beloved Citizens, Fellow Citizens of Planet Earth.We travel the Path together.We are the Light that we have beenwaiting for!!! Peace unto all and Joy and, most of all, Eternal, Unconditional and High Dimensional, Divine Love. Thank you!Namaste!”

* Joseph Kennedy, Jr
** Robert and Edward Kennedy
*** The Eternal Flame is on JFK’s grave in Arlington National Cemetary
**** “I am a Berliner” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ich_bin_ein_Berliner
*****”We are United”
Transcription by Marta.
Given through Susan Leland, November 24, 2015. www.AshtarontheRoad.com

December 28 2015
“I have heard you say over and over how light filled Obama is …..I just don’t understand how you can claim he is the light.”
Ashtar:  The violent and greedy actions you have mentioned – and which we do not give energy to by repeating them here – are indeed most difficult to comprehend, unless you understand that they are being perpetrated by a large number of dark hats, not by President Obama himself. This is all according to their programs and plans to completely take over the World, and these third dimensional situations are coming to an end!
Obama’s role is to put the Light upon them, so that Humanity can understand the Truth of what has been going on in the World.  He has prepared diligently for this, and remains true to his Mission, despite daily attempts to assassinate him and his family. He is the ninth member of the Syrian Council of 9, and is mentored by Lord Morya.  
One thing more about the U.S. Presidency – there are many levels above this office which were created by the dark hats many years ago, and the President is very often not even told what is happening.  An example of this is the secret space program, although Obama does know about it – he was taken to Mars when he was 18, but he left, once he saw what it was about.” 
If you have a question for Ashtar, you can email it to him here:
He will select one or two questions to answer in our emails – they will not be posted on our website, or answered privately. Please ask about ONE topic only! Be sure to include at least your first and last initials, and the state or country where you live!!!


Call upon the powers of Oustacarti, the Angel of Quantum Cleansing, call upon the powers of the Unicorn whose fine light can clear and transform from the harming effects of Wifi,Bluetooth & Radio Waves-Hilario

January 3, 2016

Beloved Ones,

It is in love and light and truth that I, the Ascended Master Hilarion, step forward at this time in order to provide you with guidance and understanding. Open then yourself to me, hear my words, hear my wisdom, let my truth surround you, flow through you, aid you, that you might use it for yourself and others, that you might take it forward at this time, that you might benefit all those that have eyes and ears to see, recognize and know the truth, that it might grace the minds and hearts of those who are in most desperate need. In love, in light, in truth, I speak the words that the world needs to hear.

The world begins with each person, with each individual, and so the words that I might offer you and for all those other individuals whom you might share this understanding with, is that there is a need now for cleansing – for cleansing on the quantum level, for transmutation of the microscopic energy that lies between the atoms and the molecules of the mind, heart, spirit and soul. These forces are so minute that we might forget that they exist, that we might believe them to be nothing of concern, nothing at all; forces that surround us at all times constantly, working their way in to our feelings, our life, our being.


The energies of the radio and the microwave, of the blue tooth and the wi-fi – the invisible forces of light and life, energy and power that would do us harm; they clog the flow and grace of our life and being. They hinder us and harm us and we must not fall into the trap of thinking that they are insignificant and not worthy of our attention because they are. Call upon the powers of Oustacarti, the Angel of Quantum Cleansing, call upon the powers of the Unicorn whose fine light can clear and transform. Call upon the magic of the unseen and let it lift and clear and free you from harm.

I have spoken about the importance of quantum clearing. I realize this must seem a thousand miles away from the problems of your world and yet, people do not fully comprehend the true potential danger of how insidious this energy is, of how harmful this energy can be, of how it affects us and how it damages us, of how it weighs upon the nervous system and threatens to influence our thoughts and feelings detrimentally.

7449864 orig

There is a tendency you see, to look to the larger causes, to look to the problems in the world which seem big and overwhelming, to content ourselves with feeling that there is nothing that we can do about these things, that we are too small, when in truth, some of the problem lies not in the macrocosm but in the microcosm and how it affects the greater world, how it affects the consciousness of the people, damaging the thread of Light that binds us all together, damaging the energy that holds all as One, breaking down communication, making it impossible for people to hear each other and know the Truth.

(Note from Scribe: I have been hearing so many stories of our younger generations who seem addicted to their cell phones, to texting, to playing games on them constantly, to the point that they do not know how to interact with real people and this is creating a gap in the human web of life, I feel, for we need to connect with each other through our personal attention, interacting and sharing our energy with each other through our hearts and our minds.)

Balance is also key, the need to balance the heart and mind, the left and the right brain, the need to balance action and inaction, the need to know when and what must be done and how. It is not easy, but balance helps. Balance can restore truth and peace and a deeper sense of oneness. You must look then to the path of alchemy for some solution, for in the mystic marriage there is hope, you see. In the mystic marriage and its union and its promise of union, there is hope. When the inner masculine and feminine co-join and combine as one, peace flourishes.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here

Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.



Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Happy New You – The Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Happy New Year! Although we live in a timeless, eternal series of present moments, we know that all of you upon the earth love to celebrate the passing of time. You love to have your “landmark days,” those moments when you can say, “Finally, it is time for a fresh start!” Today I will begin anew!

So dear ones, what would you like to see different in this upcoming year? What would you like to create? What would you like to change? Instead of making the traditional resolutions, ask yourself instead, a few different questions: “Who would I like to be, by the end of this year?” “How would that person act?” “What needs to change in my life to become that person?”

Would you like to be with the love of your life? How would you act if you were already there? How would you treat yourself differently? How would you change your home? Would you like to be a person without debt, feeling very abundant? How would that person act? How would that person manage their money? How would that person speak and think about money? Would you like to be a more loving person? Starting now, how would that person treat yourself? How would you treat others.

Dear ones, do a simple exercise – Imagine you are already in the life you want. Instead of imagining all the external circumstances, imagine how you would feel, how you would think, how you would speak and act and treat yourself. Then begin to feel, think speak, and act that way now. If you want love, speak lovingly about yourself and others. If you want more abundance, speak abundantly. If you want a happier reality, eliminate negative speaking and self-defeating actions. Be the person you want to be now. Then your life will shift accordingly.

You can be abundant in your soul now. You can treat yourself with love now. You can acknowledge, validate, and celebrate yourself now. You do not have to wait for your external life to change. It is in your power to shift your energy, and therefore to shift your life. You can change yourself inwardly first, then watch the outer reflection begin to shift.

Dear ones, Happy New Year. Happy New You. Happy whomever you would like to become, starting right here and right now, in this very moment.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels


The PRINCIPLE of RESONANCE in physics states that when two frequencies are brought together, the lower will ALWAYS rise to meet the higher.

The Arcturians ~ Genetic Activation of The Hueman Race & Successful Mission Completion of ALL First Wavers

By LIGHTLOVER1964, 01/01/2016

The Arcturians- The Genetic Activation of the “Hueman” Race and the Successful Mission Completion of ALL First Wave Volunteers.


January 1,2016.

It is with Peace,Love and Boundless Joy that we join YOU in this incredible moment of this NOW of this “New Year”.

The Magnitude of what has been accomplished by ALL on Earth cannot be expressed in words.

The Incoming Source Evolutionary Energies are supporting and assisting in fully anchoring the Christ Consciousness across all grids.

The forerunners,(galactic volunteer souls AND hueman souls),have cleared from Within all necessary grids and have fully stepped into their Christ Avatar Self.

Humanity is beginning to remember that there infinite ways of experiencing this Creation, descension is NOT the only way.
They are remembering WHO THEY ARE.
The Master Angelic Blueprint Race.
High Heart Chakra activations are NOW accessible to ALL who wish it upon Earth.

The cycle of descension has shifted and the cycle of ascension has begun as per the Principle of Rhythm pertaining to the 7 Hermetic Principles which govern this Universe.(http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/kyb/kyb04.htm)

As more begin to Live in their Heart, the frequency(consciousness)of the planet will rise.
Eventually the whole race will ascend out of duality beyond the 3d and 4d.
This happens one soul at a time.

The Hueman race has begun ascension out of the 3d matrix collectively.

The PRINCIPLE of RESONANCE in physics states that when two frequencies are brought together, the lower will ALWAYS rise to meet the higher.
This is why volunteers incarnated on this Earth, to assist, as per this principle.

As ALL the first waver’s inner grids shift and align fully to their Christ Avatar Consciousness, so will outer dimensional grids begin to manifest for the Collective, as they begin awakening the Seed of Divine Love from Within.

This is Divine Source Consciousness made manifest.

This is why volunteers and first wavers didn’t have to DO, they just had to BE.
(Principle of Resonance)

Volunteers experiencing Creation in other dimensions in Heart unity consciousness, incarnated on Earth across different timelines, when The Soul of Earth,Gaia, called for assistance as she awakened and remembered.

Their Galactic Race having ascended from 3d separation dimensions and matrices in other realities, as there are infinite experiences of separation across the Omniverse.

This is why their individual soul energy signature is different that the indigenous signature of the planet and the souls within it.
This energy disparity is why they feel like they were “dropped off at the wrong planet” and never quite fit in from infancy, because energetically they did not.
They do not come from a dual reality.

Volunteers are from across ALL realms and dimensions.
ALL RACES in this reality are represented.

They are souls that chose to incarnate to assist in ascension and descension of planets, galaxies, universes…this is how they walk in service to The Law of One.

They anchor in the EVOLUTIONARY SOURCE ENERGIES, acting as transformers so that the energies can be assimilated into the grids and NOT affect the holographic matrices, causing major geoeffective catastrophic changes.

So ascension can occur without catastrophic results.

This allows for those souls that wish to experience ascension unconsciously to continue to do so without disruption in their reality hologram.

Volunteers follow the Universal Law of Non-Interference, ONLY anchoring the energies into the chosen holographic reality.

Once this is accomplished, it is up to EACH (human and galactic) soul within the matrix to chose to awaken and ascend out of this dimension…or not.

Their frequency carries a stronger “seed” of connection to their home planets.
Just as Humans carry the frequency of the the Divine Blueprint of this Divine World, this Earth.

These are called starseeds yet that itself is an illusion of separation, for ALL are “starseeds”, ALL are “seeded” from the stars.
ALL are Individual Divine Fractals of Source Light as Frequency experiencing separation infinitely.

All Huemans are starseeds.

Assistance and support is only rendered when asked, as it cannot be imposed upon another Being as this is a FREE WILL UNIVERSE of spiritual evolution.

When The Soul of Earth,Gaia, asked for support and assistance, ALL Heard in their Hearts.

First Wavers are souls that chose to walk in service to The Law of One and begin the shifting of the frequency of the Planet by being the first to restore their inner grids, restoring their DNA to THE ORIGINAL HUMAN DIVINE BLUEPRINT.

They are BOTH Human Souls and Galactic Volunteer Souls.
They chose to be the first ones to shift physically.
Volunteers are all first wavers but not all first wavers are volunteers as human souls also are first wavers.

IN THIS NOW ,ALL First Wavers have accomplished their soul mission of anchoring The Christ Consciousness across all inner grids, therefore affecting all outer grids.

Some are exiting this reality and going back to their home planets bringing back a wealth of information to assist their worlds, and many other worlds in ascension.

Many are choosing to remain in physicality and continue to restore their DNA here and assist the grounding of The New Era.

For many that chose to leave this reality, yet their bodies have made the shift, new soul contracts are being made with Walk-Ins.

As the frequency of the planet arises, higher frequency souls are able to incarnate, therefore continuing the cycle of ascension.

As frequency increases, higher vibrational thoughts and solutions are accessed by the collective.
There is always a “solution” to all 3d manifestation in the higher dimensions.

Global issues cannot be solved by the same level of consciousness which created them, they are accessed from a higher level of consciousness.
Solutions are accessed when individual frequency reaches the frequency of said solution.

Second and third wavers will continue to physically assist in the continuation of the planetary awakening and raising of frequency by stepping fully into their Light.
This is as per the principle of resonance.

Earth is, was, and always will be “Heaven”.
The Divine Blue Print of the planet is “written” with The Source Vibration of Unconditional Love.
1d and 2d souls vibrate at the frequency of Oneness with Source and anchor in the Energies of Unconditional Source Love at physical level.

They are the Divine Foundation of the planet.

The Divine Blueprint CANNOT be altered but
It CAN be covered by Illusion.
This is how density is manifested and 3d can be experienced, through matrices of illusion.

The deeper the illusion, the further the ability to experience physicality and separation, the greater the Joy of Remembering.

It is up to each soul to remember, by clearing all illusions which cover it so that they can “see” it again.

They are the GUARDIANS of this CREATION, with all DNA tools available within to carry out said task.

They are supported by ALL Service to Others Races on this Earth from All dimensions.

Within human DNA, there is the Divine Blueprint of ALL the Races in this galaxy.
This is what is called “junk” DNA.

Humanity is able to restore ALL genetic damage done in descension of ALL Galactic Races.

GOLDEN RACES(Christ consciousness frequency), are in all universes as they have the potential to vibrate at the highest frequency and restore DNA damage.
They are the “solution” to 3d consciousness genetic manipulation not for the highest good of all.

The Principle Of Resonance made incarnate.

Humans are able to ascend from WITHIN by connecting to their Hearts FIRST of all conscious 3d races.

By carrying ALL galactic DNA, they assist ascension of ALL Races.
This process cannot be stopped once initiated by the Hueman race as a collective.

Huemans carry the ability to shift the consciousness and assist in ascension of all galactic races.

This makes humanity the most sought after race by those which cannot ascend on their own out of this dimension, cannot repair their own DNA damage, for they cannot rise to a higher dimensional frequency and access the solutions needed to restore their race back to their original blueprint genetically.
Service to Self realities are not able to continue eternally, eventually they are unable to continue and must shift or become extinct.

As a lower consciousness they do not wish for other races to awaken out of duality, no longer within their control.
Their greatest fear is for humanity to awaken to the truth of who they are.

This is why Earth is “fought over” for control, for the human race is a
Created from the Highest frequency of consciousness, Unconditional Source Love.
Humans can manifest without the need for machines, through emotions, which makes us the most powerful, in their “view”.

They fear us for this reason, and do everything to keep us from the Truth.

Races in service to self covet our abilities,and the energy of humanity feeds them as they cannot go within, they take, yet cannot receive, cannot continue without outside “fuel”.

Humanity is the “savior” race, if saving is the chosen “illusion”.
Humanity has been under the illusion of needing to be SAVED, when in truth they ARE the “Saviors”.

****(There is an etheric implant-SAVIOR-“needing to be saved, being a savior”, which is tied to the second etheric implant of “CRUCIXION, ((crucifiction))”.
This is the energy of guilt and shame, power and control, which must be removed in order for the soul to ascend out of 3d.
ALL etheric implants work together to lower the frequency of the soul, making it unable to ascend out of the matrix. They were put in place by service to self races to keep humanity from awakening to the truth of who they ARE. ALL can be removed by multidimensional energy healers or by each individual soul as they step into their sovereignty and command it to be so. Go Within and you will know how to proceed)****

Huemans were created by the oversoul of service to self(creator race that see their creations as resources with no free will), and the oversoul of service to others(creator races with free will to create).
Both needed in a DUALITY experience in a universe of free will as per the 7 Hermetic principle of Duality.

In this dimension, some call the master service to self race the “Draconians”, a divine humanoid reptilian race.
Some call the master service to others race as the “Paa Tal”, a divine humanoid angelic race whose name was given by the Draconians meaning
“Insanely Strong Ones”.

Both come from another duality universe.

Humans are angelic/reptilian genetic hybrids.

The Ascended Reptilian Races are master geneticists who brought forth the Divine Blueprint of all unconscious human body systems which allow for physicality.
Such as breathing and the beating of the Human Heart as examples.
This is why the human fetuses look reptilian during early stages of development.

Within these two oversouls(angelic and draconian) are ALL the Races across all dimensions experiencing creation of free will in this Universe.
They are the original separation from Source which created this duality universe to experience further duality and separation.

All races contributed to the genetic makeup of “Hueman” DNA for this purpose of duality.

Due to this, Huemans in physicality have the ability to express all the Divine Gifts and Abilities of ALL the races and vibrate at the soul signature of the highest frequency.
They can be multidimensional while still incarnated and fully access all dimensions.

It is on this “Living Library”,Earth, upon which walk ALL RACES that choose to experience physicality can beginning at 1d and ascend in a continuous path of expansion.

Humanity holds Within their DNA the Divine Blueprint of ALL, so that races experiencing service to self could alter their DNA as they descended further into physicality, yet have the ability to access their divine blueprint upon ascension.

They are the “key holders” to ascension for ALL the races in 3d physicality.

As the Hueman Race ascends out of 3d, they clear from Within ALL genetic manipulation across ALL grids.
As they clear inner grids, outer grids across all dimensions are cleared.
This begins the DNA restoration of ALL galactic races involved in this reality.

EVERY animal, plant, all the elements and elementals, represent a galactic race genetically involved on this earth.
THIS is also in the DNA of every human being.

We are the Living Library, holding the frequency of all souls upon this incarnation.

Every human has the ability to activate their DNA when connected to their Heart.
Once the process begins, it cannot be stopped.
Unless the physical body cannot make the shift, this is chosen at soul level.

That is HOW many races are experiencing this magnificent Earth.

This is why this planet is called a “Living Library”.

The records every race to ever experience earth in any of its dimensions is kept available for ALL in the Akashic Records of the Planet, and within the human DNA.
This information assists infinite other universes in their ascension out of duality.

“Starseeds” incarnate to assist their planet out of duality while maintaining holographic integrity.

The Hueman race is now able to step into the higher dimensions and continue their ascension and restoration of DNA with no outside interference, as their frequency as a collective has increased and can no longer be altered.

Spiritual and physical evolution continues as per FREE WILL for ALL beings on this planet.

The Golden Era of the Hueman Race has begun.
A new Creation never experienced before.

We are the Arcturians.
We ARE you,for within YOU, YOU carry our divine blueprint DNA.
Just as you carry the divine blueprint of all the Angelic Races.
Our Love for you is infinite as we have been with you, holding the knowledge of sacred geometry and of time/space movement, light/sound healing, since the beginning of “time”.
For YOU as asked to do so by You.

Reach out to us if called from Within to do so.

It is THE greatest joy we can experience when connecting to our beautiful Hueman Family.
We are in awe of all you do.
You are an amazing Miracle of the Universe.

We send you our Unconditional Love Eternally.

*****From the Arcturian Aspect of Myself, Ariam, I bring you ALL Blessings.*****

In deep gratitude and In Service from my Heart.
I share my Heart and Love with ALL.****

Happy New Year to All on this Earth!

May ALL find Peace Within, as we All step into this New Creation Together.

Follow Your HeartShine Your Light






Cool Things to Learn from The Pleiadians.

Last night i wanted to make contact with our galactic brothers and sisters from The Pleiades and i saw them being teleported from Inner Earth or Their Inner Planet towards my direction.Unfortunately for me i fell asleep.

Barbara Marciniak has been channeling for many years.

We invite you to Just lie down,listen and learn.






You Are God/Life on Another Planet

Many have been dormant and we’re each waking up at various stages…nothing can ever remain the same in a Multiverse Creation which expands at an astounding rate of 100 MILLION TONES x 5 per SECOND…currently we are not equipped to grasp the Magnitude of what took place which plunged so much of the lower densities in such darkness and extreme suffering for countless gazzillions of sentient beings but soon enough we’ll be able to see, understand, process and continue on with preventing from repeating our past and maintaining peace and harmony throughout this galaxy as we free ourselves with unimaginable intervention from higher realms…is said that a NEW MULTIVERSE is about to be started RIGHT FROM THIS VERY PLANET where we are now, as we ascend…based on NEW blueprints…whatever “errors” have been done, overlooked and went out of control in the “past” will never EVER be repeated ANYWHERE ELSE in Creation…vigilent LIGHT warriors, Light workers and LIGHT CONFEDERATION containing hundreds of thousands of planet members OF WHICH we are soon to adhere as a newest planet member will make sure to micro/macro manage this part of Cosmos that we will never go back to where we’re emerging out of…a NEW GALACTIC CONSTITUTION called GALACTIC CODEX will be implemented for all…those who are unwilling, not “ready” to evolve, to move on, is said they’ll be gently and lovingly transported ON THEIR OWN FREE WILL to similar HOLOGRAPHIC WORLDS of their choice where they can continue to learn and grow…since THIS planet will go CRUELTY FREE, A SUFFERING and KILLING FREE ZONE…evolution takes place on 2 levels: spiritual and physical…as above so below…it also happenes slow and in quantum leaps…here, now we are at the threshhold of making a QUANTUM LEAP in consciousness evolution with effects on our physical bodies we can’t begin to imagine…immortality in physicality is not very far, as even 3D science has come to agree on and share… this pic and links contains most of what we need to know about what takes place now and some glimpses into our past and very possible near future as we co create it.

Life on another planet.

Fascinating details… they DON’T eat other beings…in PART 2 amazing details about it…

for DECADES, many people have been Somehow contacted by more advanced (far more advanced) civilizations from within this galaxy and beyond…with vital messages for humanity

these people are known as contactees…

most have kept secret their journals and experiences until a certain time when they’ve decided or been guided and asked to release the information for humanity…
for many reasons…

recently such detailed website has released astounding information…






How, When did it all started?

this website has been shared originaly via:

which both are main portals of communication for planetary liberation and things to come shortly in this world…and beyond

Life as we know it will be no more soon enough, in a most POSITIVE UNimaginable way…





Manu V Pleiadian

This rise of personal empowerment is to enable you to swiftly solve most of your present problems.

Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

fromPlanetary Activation Organization

In short, you are about to reinvent how your world operates. This is just the start of what you are to quickly accomplish. This realm is as well to see a new birth of freedom and equality!


Sheldan Nidle


Understand that GOD’s WILL is not human will.

Beloved ones we are the energies that are referenced to you as GOD and we are here to continue the guidance in accordance with the Will of GOD.

That which has held you all in chains is now releasing, the optical illusions that have been presented and which have been taught to the human race as “reality” are now beginning to dissolve fully for TRUTH JUST IS. 

At this time we place the following coding in your outer waking reality to help with this process:

33 22 777

We ask for all to understand that GODs WILL is not human will and that human will is now being released in order that harmonization with the wider universe can be reached. The old earth reality will continue to push human will for this reason, for human will is the falling to the optical illusions presented in the belief that they are real.

As the optical illusions now begin to dissolve then freedom will be discovered and with freedom comes the gift of life in TRUTH. 

We are the energies that are referenced to you as GOD and we walk with you always. 

(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved


Truth Code Ministries

The Christ and Mary We Never Knew -The New Scriptures and Autobiography Written by Sananda/Jesus.

 I have just finished reading the first part of the true story of our beloved brother Sananda (Jesus) as transcribed by his twin flamme Kathryn (Mary) in her new book ‘Who Needs Lights’ , i am sharing with with you here the first part,you can also use this link to know more about it:

Who Needs Light 


Introduction (revised 2015)

by Sananda/Jesus
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, PsyD


Most of you have known me by my given name when I was here incarnated – Jesus, or Yeshua ben Joseph, my family name.  Sananda is my ancient soul name, given to me at the time of my soul birth, and so you might think of it as my “real name.”  I come at this time to speak with you because I wish to correct some of the untruths that were spread about my teachings along with the facts surrounding my incarnation on Earth as Jesus.

I wish to emphasize that I am not the story here.  The facts of my life are relevant only because they shape people’s understanding of what I stood for and taught.  I have also included a short autobiography, written after the 24 messages, to further clarify some of my personal information.  I hope it will be used simply as a footnote or as an invitation to get to know me better.   As the Veil of Forgetfulness thins, you will feel my presence close to you, sending you my unending love.  I hope to strengthen that relationship with every one of you.

In her book Who Needs Light?, Kathryn collaborated with me to write the chapter called “The Christ We Never Knew.”  I am asking her now to begin presenting my teachings to you directly – in unedited, unadulterated form – unlike the documents you have had available, until now.  We are less limited these days by the language we use, since more people speak English than spoke my Aramaic language 2000 years ago.  We also have more control over the translations than I did then.

Kathryn has given her permission to be the scribe who will present these teachings to the world, for she knows the intentions of my heart and will faithfully transcribe my words just as I intend them.  Our relationship is close.  Our story is told by Mother God as transcribed by Kathryn in the Addendum that is to always be included with these New Scriptures along with my Autobiography.  I have chosen my scribe carefully, and she has been tested to the limits of her endurance.  She has proven herself steadfast in the principles of Oneness I teach, regardless of the challenges we have presented to her.  I feel completely confidant in asking her to do this important work for Us during this historic time, and she has agreed to take on the responsibility.  I thank her for her loving and tireless service.

I ask that these lessons be distributed in their entirety – unedited and without commentary.  Any translations must be authorized specifically by Kathryn and me.  The chapters work together as one Book of Teachings.  As long as those standards are met, we offer the New Scriptures freely to the world.

Much of what you will read in these New Scriptures will surprise you because it is unlike the picture of me you have been taught to believe and because, in these messages, I have focused on political and economic as well as spiritual matters.  I have done this because it was decided – in consultation with the Company of Heaven and with our beloved Creator – that it was time for Earth’s people to understand that there is no separation between public and private life.  This is increasingly true as the vibrations rise on the planet in preparation for your Ascension to higher dimensions.

The Cosmos is guided by a specific and immutable program of Universal Law, which includes as one of its tenets that feelings and thoughts are the medium of creation.  It cannot be otherwise, but this is a new idea for most of humankind.  What you believe, you create.  What you fear, you create, and what you oppose, you strengthen.  Even more powerful is the energy of Love, for Love can overcome fear and any dark belief system or thought form.  You are now, in the beginning of the 21st Century, engaged in the end game that will see the finale of the struggle between Light and the illusion of darkness.

The Chapters I have given here are for the purpose of clarifying the difference between darkness and Light and for helping to clear away old, destructive patterns of thoughts and behaviors.  I have watched as many of the darkest teachings have unfortunately been shored up by the distorted “religious” teachings that are supposedly based on, or affected by, my teachings.

I regret that a new religion was created in my name.  I had no intention of being the center of any organized movement.  I do not endorse “Christianity” nor any other religion.  Humankind has reached a level of maturity that will allow for freedom of thought and for freedom from constricting dogma that sometimes passes for moral teachings.

I came here to teach unconditional Love, the Love of our Creator.  I came to use my understanding of God’s Love and Light to help people heal and to alleviate the suffering caused by oppression of all kinds.  I do the same now, with an audience that has access to a far more sophisticated understanding of science, politics and economics than those I was addressing in the Middle East more than 2000 years ago.  We also now have access to the internet as a way of sending out the message across the globe.

I hope you will pass on this message as widely as possible, to help raise the consciousness of the entire planet at this time of preparation for the Great Event, the project you and I have been working toward for eons: The Ascension of all humankind along with their beloved Mother Earth.

It is a glorious time.  It is a time of hope, community, harmony and Love.  Yes, of course there are signs of chaos and upheaval, but they are the final writhing of the beast before its departure into the archives of memory.  You are free.  It is now a matter of claiming that freedom and celebrating together as we lay down the foundation for The New Golden Age on Planet Earth.

I will be with you, working closely with the Company of Heaven to assist you in your transition.  I wish to encourage and support you, and with the help of our “boots on the ground” – our worldwide network of incarnated Lightworkers – to give you concrete help to raise yourselves up and out of the thick and heavy darkness you have endured for centuries.  Join with us now, for you are a Lightworker too.  You will find fellow seekers and guides along your path who will recognize the truth of my words and the Love in your hearts.  Together, we will manifest our Dream.

In service to humankind, I am Sananda/Jesus


Chapter One (revised 2015)

The Lesson of ONE

As many of you know, we are preparing diligently for the release of Prosperity Funds for the good of all humankind, to free all from the grip of economic slavery.  There have been details throughout the process that needed to be ironed out.   A few of these details have had to do with hidden power structures that secretly and overwhelmingly controlled the financial and political systems on Earth.  One such example is the Vatican bank.

The Vatican Bankers had to be convinced to give up their hold on the funds that had long ago been designated for the Greater Good, so that they could be distributed.  Pope Francis presented them with an offer they couldn’t refuse, and he issued a decree allowing for their arrests. They were given a short span of time to change their minds voluntarily. The Pope has shown himself to be different from his predecessors.  Reforms have been unfolding gradually by most standards, but remarkably quickly compared to Papal tradition.

The Vatican officials have been steeped in centuries of secrecy and absolute financial power over the entire Western world.  Most people have no idea of the enormous wealth and the civil edicts that are still in place, which give the Church ownership of all the lands that have ever been held by the Crown of England, along with all the lands that were allied under the Axis powers, and all the countries of South America that have adopted the beliefs of the Catholic Church.  This includes nearly all of Europe and the Western Hemisphere.  So, as you may have suspected, the Catholic Church is the most powerful consolidated political force on the planet.

The protectors of the Vatican Treasury are well aware that loosening their hold on the bank funds would be the end to their personal power, and the end to the myth that the Catholic Church as an institution was ever a well-intended religious order.  Of course, there have been many devout and well-meaning Priests, Bishops and lay worshipers, including the current Pope Francis I, but the institution in Rome has always been interested primarily in political and economic power to control the world.  This is coming to an end.

Many who are not religious in their current lives are unaware of the worldwide implications of how the dissolution of the Catholic Church will affect the lives of everyone on the planet.  This is the ultimate inevitability – the complete dismantling of the Church in all its pomp and wealth.  It will also mean the end of the psychological and religious stranglehold it has had on its people.  I can hardly emphasize enough the enormous effect this will have on freeing the minds and hearts of the people.

It may seem strange to some of you that it is I, the one who came to Earth as Jesus, who is at the forefront of this apparent attack on the religion that was ostensibly established in my name.  I assure you that I would not and never have supported the establishment of any large organization which called itself “Christian.”  I was opposed to the building of great temples; this was an important part of my teachings.  Above all, I would never have supported teachings that were designed to enslave the thinking and behavior of any of my students.

I, Jesus, Yeshua ben Joseph, was raised a Jew.  I practiced the principles and ethics I learned at my parents’ knees, and I never left behind the essence of those teachings, which encouraged a strongly ethical and devout way of life.  I was interested in expanding the limits of Judaism to create a practice based in the simple understanding that Love – the Love of Creator and of one’s fellow creatures – was the only principle needed to live a good life.

I taught that turning away from dogma and rote practice of any rules is the first step in turning toward God.  You see, in terms of the practice of the day when I lived, I was a radical/libertarian/free-thinking agitator.  This is the reason both the powerful hierarchy of the Jewish community and the Romans were suspicious of me.

Any and all other Fundamentalist sects operating in the areas where I traveled would have been opposed to what I taught as well, for I stood for the freedom of each individual to freely communicate with God, unhampered by any dogmatic human opinions or prejudicial ideas.  I taught that there was no need for priests or intermediaries.  All human beings are possessed with the innate ability to communicate telepathically with their God, their Angels, and even with their ancestors.

Does this sound to you like some airy-fairy New Age extremism?  Well, the New Agers have promoted their own misunderstandings as well.  Namely, that spirituality is supposed to make you feel good, as an end in itself.  I will address many such falsehoods within these New Scriptures as we talk together.

This is a new phenomenon, is it not, your ability to read the “scriptures” as they are being written, in my own words?  I will be here soon to affirm these words in person, but it has been decided in our Council that some preparation would be very helpful for all of you.
Now that our background information is complete, let us begin with the first and most important lessons I will present in these pages.

1. God is Love.  I, Sananda, the representation of God, am Love.

2. I speak the words our Creator has breathed into my mouth, as I will do faithfully as long as my life as a soul goes on, eternally.

3. God does not punish or pronounce judgments.  Free will requires that humans direct their own path to higher learning.  There is no hell other than the one you create in your own minds.

4. After each lifetime, you have returned to the higher dimensions where Love is All, where you planned the elements of each life, depending on what you felt you needed or wanted to experience and achieve.

5. “The New Scriptures,” as we have called this collection of teachings, are the words of Mother Father God / Source directly through me.  Many of the old “Scriptures” have been reinterpreted or purposely distorted to serve the wishes of those in power, in order to remain in power.  We must begin anew.  If you wish to quote me, please use these teachings rather than ancient texts.

6. I will speak only in words of encouragement that will serve to enlighten and uplift humankind to rise above the fear, divisiveness and hatred that has been the way of life on Planet Earth for millennia.

7. I do not come to establish a new religion, not by any name.  I wish to teach The True Way – communication with God and all conscious beings in Love, Compassion, Harmony, Forgiveness and Joy.

8. Any teachings that engender feelings of fear, guilt, separateness from others, superiority over any other living being, or any rift between an individual and their True Being is not the Word of God and will not be found in my words.

9. There have been beings of darkness inhabiting and overseeing Planet Earth in the past.  The Higher Souls who created and managed the “Matrix” of financial, political and social control are now gone, by decree of our Mother and Father, the one we call Creator, and they will not be permitted to return.

10. We are all Galactic beings, with genetic origins from far-flung planets.  There are no superior races, and there are no “aliens.”  We are all Star Brothers and Sisters.

I AM One with God, as you are.  WE ARE ONE.  This is the lesson I bring to you in Joy and in unending Love.  You are God, as I AM.  We cannot be separated because we are not separate.  No physical distance, no idea nor belief can keep us apart.  We are destined to live in harmony and peace, in absolute Love.  So be it.

I am Sananda, and I approve this message, with Joy and Hope in my heart.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, 2015


Chapter Two (revised 2015)

The Trinity Includes Mother God

The True Way

Today is a brand new time for Planet Earth.  It is a time of change, a time to leave behind old ideas, no matter how precious they might have been to you.  I regret that I am now in the position of having to revise the religion that was established in my name, but the misinterpretations of my teachings are so rampant that I must set the record straight.
Wouldn’t you want to do the same if you knew you were misquoted so frequently and so deliberately it changed the message that had been the work of your heart and soul?
It is not a matter of pride for me.  It is a matter of Truth.  The ones we call Mother/Father God – Creators of our Multiverse – which currently consists of ten multi-dimensional Universes – and I worked together for eons developing the plan for Planet Earth.  Our Dream of the Blue Planet was always that she and all upon her would be able to descend into lower vibrations, to create a 3rd and 4th dimensional world for humankind to experience with free will and to offer Mother/Father’s children an arena to learn and practice co-creation.

Of course the only way to experience free will is behind the Veil of Forgetfulness, since that is the only way you can feel separate from Universal Law.  Being veiled and feeling separate allows your senses to suggest to you that things “happen” independent of one another.  You feel dissociated from the cause and effect dynamic that is so obvious to us in higher dimensions.

You see, in higher dimensions, although we have free will, the outcome of every major choice is so apparent and obvious that there is far less latitude to experience imbalanced or aberrant choices and behaviors.  It is easier to foresee the outcome of your actions when the possibilities and probabilities are laid out before you in vivid color.

The fruition of the Dream was to be the day (in cosmic terms, of course) when Terra, Planet Earth, would rise again to the 5th dimension and beyond in triumph with her beloved family of humans, animals, plants and other sentient beings.  All were to rise along with Terra in a glorious Ascension that would lift the entire Cosmos along with her.  Yes, it was what we foresaw, and what we expect to see now.  Our faith in humankind has not been misplaced.

Even though the dark ones slowed the process by creating havoc with the thinking and feelings of the people, humankind has shown the resilience and true nature of the Adamic race.  As a race, you have clung to your ability to sense what is fair, right, just and true.  You do it with your sturdy hearts and with your far-ranging minds, and you also cannot help but turn to some form of Faith when you feel yourselves slipping.

You are built for flexibility, courage and determination.  These are qualities that  provide a powerful foundation for your Creativity. You see yourselves as chaotic, unable to control your emotions and your thoughts.  You feel at the mercy of your instincts, your experiences and your environment.  We see you as brilliant, lacking only the skilled coaching that will help you raise yourselves to the levels of intelligence and command you were created to embody.

This is the purpose of these messages: to help you raise the vibrational level at which you operate in your everyday lives to the point where you will be able to ascend with your dear Mother Earth in the very near future – and by that we mean months, not eons.  Some of you are ready now, but the promise of Ascension we all made to each other long ago in the Dreaming Time was that all would come together.  We envisioned creating the most wonderful, joyous uplifting of hearts to carry every one over the threshold into the 5th dimension at the same time.

Now, by “everyone at once,” we did not necessarily mean in the same exact moment.  You will each make your Shift when you feel ready.  Some have been preparing for years, and will sail through on the first wave because they are fully informed of the discipline and elevation needed to make the transition.  Others will take a few more weeks or months to acclimate to the idea that their entire lives are going to change, regardless of whether they hang on for dear life to their old familiar ways or not.  And of course, the old familiar ways for many are steeped in religious tradition.

It has been an area of conflict across the globe – one religion against another   – with each claiming to be The One True Word of God.  Dear friends, I can tell you now with complete confidence, there is no one true religion at this time on Planet Earth. There are many truths and many falsehoods in every religion, from Christianity to Islam, from Buddhism to Hinduism, from distorted New Age views to the tribal belief systems of the most remote forests and mountains (although some of those come closer to Truth through their simple acceptance of God in themselves and in every living thing).

Preserving Mother and Father’s Sacred Teachings
I do love to use parables and living examples when I tell of the lessons I pass on to you, yet I will limit my descriptions to the common, everyday events you all experience now, as I did 2,000 years ago.  Much has changed, and the descriptions and the language have taken on very different nuances from what it was then.  This revision is long overdue.

I hope to do a better job this time of recording my own words for all to read, and I will express the lessons directly and simply, as it is your habit of doing now in the 21st Century.  I will also be present with you through Kathryn so we can carefully oversee the publication and translation of these messages.

Today, it is possible to write these words with the help of my dear Kathryn, and to send them out to the world electronically, with the expectation that soon  millions of people could be reading them.  This is the reason I ask that no alteration be made to the text, and that translations be authorized personally by me through Kathryn.  These ideas are difficult enough to get across without well-meaning reinterpretation or inaccurate translation.

With that international, multilingual audience in mind, I will begin with the most basic teachings first because those are the ones that have been so misunderstood in the old Scriptures.  I have chosen to present these teachings after years of previous messages and conversations channeled for everyone by Kathryn from Mother/Father God and the Company of Heaven. This offers us the advantage of their words having set the tone for me to follow.  In that way, their words provide an important context for offering my simple lessons.

Lesson One stated that All is One.  All consciousness is connected therefore all beings are connected to each other and to God.  This is true not only for Earth, but also for all the far-flung beings, planets and stars of the Cosmos.  All is One.  All is God.

Now, in Lesson Two I will explain the relationship you have known as The Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Creator/Source, Father and Mother God together, hold the position at the top of the pyramid that represents the Trinity.  They are the Creators of All Creators, the Beginning of all Beginnings and the Mother and Father of All.  The separate description of the Father position emphasizes the Father element of Creation – the inspired envisioning, the dynamic forces, the outward impetus of Creativity.  He is the initial spark that lights the fire of Life.

I, Sananda am the Son of Creator.  I will now expand that to include my Twin Flame, Kathryn, who is the other half of my soul, the glaring missing link in the ancient story. (Note: My previous Twin Soul was indeed Lady Nada, who fell into darkness on Earth, as Mother God explains in her Addendum included at the end of these scriptures.  Kathryn is the soul created millions of years ago by Mother and Father to take her place at my side as my Twin Flame).

Together, Kathryn and I represent the Son of Man, which includes every man, woman and child.  In doing so, we have been charged by Mother and Father God to carry, to embody the Christ codes for the Earth Project.  These codes are the high dimensional frequencies of Christ Consciousness that once guided higher dimensional Earth, and will now restore the Planet and Unified Grid of Earth.  Everyone has inner access to these codes, as will be made known in the coming weeks and months.

Mother/Father God, the Twin Flame of the Created Multiverse combined, make up the Holy Spirit.  This Mother position represents the inner gestation, the ever present nourishment of Love, the birth process through which all beings, all planets, all Created forms of life come into being. Hers is the long-burning flame that nurtures and sustains the span of all Created Life.

The patriarchal description of the Story of Creation left out the ones who give birth – the Mothers who are an essential part of the process, just as women are essential to the thriving existence of humankind.

The original tendency to name only the men, their exploits and their strengths, gave an entirely distorted picture of the value of women in the life and governance of the Planet.  I will try to begin to right that wrong in these writings.

Contrary to the teachings in the Bible, Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute nor a fallen woman of any kind.  She was a strong and intelligent woman of great dignity.  Mary Magdalene was a primary incarnation of Kathryn.  She was my beloved wife and the mother of our children.  The degraded depiction of her was an example of the degradation of women which would last until the present – with some small progress being made, mostly in the Western cultures, during the last 120 years or so.

Mary Magdalene, heart of my heart, soul of my soul, and Love of my Life, would have been the model for strong and righteous women through all these years.  Instead, the group of men who compiled the stories for the Bible three hundred years after my death, made the conscious decision to wipe her existence out of the minds of the people, and for all intents, they succeeded.  By separating us, and creating a picture of me as a celibate, unattached, single man, they told a lie that deprived the people of the truth – that I was a loving and devoted husband and father.

It was the beginning of what came to be known as the War of the Sexes.  For us, Mary Magdalene and I, as Yeshua, there was no war.  It was and is a strong and intimate equal partnership, based on the mutual respect and enduring Love which sustained me during my life challenges as much as did the Love of my devoted mother Mary, father Joseph, and my extended family.  It was this picture of strength through family Love they wished to eradicate, for it is the basis of a culture of happy and independent people.  Individuals who form strong, supportive family and community structures are less vulnerable and less dependent on outside resources, such as government and religious institutions, and therefore they are less easily controlled and less tempted by promises of power or material indulgence.

Following the Biblical rewrite of my life, the Big Lie left everyone confused and uncertain about what their primary relationships should be.  Relationships between men and women, women and their children, and men and their children were all redefined and distorted.  Does being of service to God mean you must be celibate, separate and alienated from the opposite sex?  Certainly not.  The appeal of a solitary life is strictly a personal choice.

Does it mean an attraction to an adult of the same sex puts you at risk for disapproval and punishment from God?  Absolutely not.  Your choice of lifestyle, in terms of who your intimate partnerships are, has nothing to do with your devotion to God, except in the quality of the Love you share and the Compassion, Kindness and Forgiveness you practice in your interactions with one another.

Instead of turning to each other for the comfort, nurturing and friendship present within the close family relationships that so inspire us to feel the glory and presence of our Loving God, people were asked to turn to a priest or minister for forgiveness, guidance and solace.  This created a power structure in which the institution of the Church (any church) and its doctrine becomes the authority over the people, and whereby the church carries the right and responsibility to interpret God’s Word and God’s Will for the people.  This was never God’s intention nor mine.

I suggest the elimination of all religious structures, other than perhaps gathering places where people may share in celebration and fun in the conscious joy of being in God’s loving embrace.  I also suggest the elimination of all doctrine, dogma and rules.  The only guidelines we need are those included in the simple lessons I am presenting here, to live in Kindness, Harmony, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion and Joy.  Love expands the heart and mind and brings joy to all who experience it.  If it does not have that effect, it is not Love; it is something else masquerading as love.

God is Love.  Creator is Love, and this is our highest example of Unending Love.  Mother/Father God are Love, individually and together.  This leaves no room for judgment, vindictiveness or blame.  God does not punish.  Only humans under the influence of dark energies are interested in talking about, thinking about and envisioning punishment and suffering for so-called “sins.”  God does not even consider such things.  I do not teach or encourage such thinking.

We know that oppression breeds anger and tends to create competition and conflict between and among the people.  We are confident that – taken out from under the yoke of economic, religious and political slavery, relieved of imposed guilt, shame and resentment – free men and women will begin to experience themselves as the kind and loving race of Creator Beings they are capable of being.

Our intention is to show the way to an end to divisiveness, duality, separation and alienation.  The alternative will be that which has been within your true core all along: Generosity of Spirit, Kindness, Acceptance, Friendship and Service to Others – all others – and to the Planet who has been your loving Mother.

I am Love.  I am your Sananda, the one who has given my life in service for the enlightenment of humankind. All humankind is created in the image of God.  It is my Path to demonstrate and teach the True Way, the way of Love, so that every human being may discover that you are all Gods.  You are Light, and you are Love.

We are One.  Sananda

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, 2015


Chapter Three (revised 2015)

God Does Not Punish

Punishment Is Cruel, Unacceptable and Ineffective

It has long been believed that God punishes those who do not believe in him, or that those who do not accept the concept of One God will be condemned to a terrible afterlife.  Along with that belief system is often included the belief that those who do not accept me, Jesus, as their Savior will suffer a similar fate – burning in Hell or being cast out of the glory of Heaven.

I wish to state emphatically and without conditions that none of these beliefs is true.  Let me respond to each part of these familiar and pervasive notions.

God does not punish, and neither do I.  We see punishment as cruel, unacceptable and ineffective.

There is no place, Hell.  You create your own life and the conditions of your afterlife by your own actions and efforts during your lifetimes on Earth and elsewhere.

Creator is the beginning and the Source of All.  There is One Creator.  The One we refer to as The Father of Creation is indeed our Mother/Father of Creation.   They are One, yet they understand when you refer to them, Father/Mother/Source, as “they” or “them.”

They do not require or prefer that anyone worship them.  They are Source, the Creator of all Creators, the God’s God, as you might say.  They created me, and they created the Company of Heaven, the Ascended Masters and Archangels – who co-create with Mother and Father and who oversee the progress of Earth and every known Universe.

Mother/Father God have been known by many names: Yahweh, Jehova, Ra, Allah, Shiva, Alcyone, Mother Sekhmet, Isis, to name a few.  Notice that most of these names are male.  This will change, to reflect the truth of their equality.  Father says, “Without Mother, there is no Father.”

I do not think of myself as your Savior, and I do not wish to be worshipped.  I am the one who is here with my Twin Soul, Kathryn.  She is well-known in the higher dimensions.  Kathryn and I are charged by Mother and Father God to guide and to oversee the Ascension of all humankind of Planet Earth.  We work closely with the Ascended Company of Heaven as well as with the Galactic Federation of Light, headed by our brother, Commander Ashtar. It is our great desire to be of service, and to offer Love, comfort, healing and support to all, regardless of what religious practices they have aligned with in the past.  I see all as my Brothers and Sisters.

The Soul Purpose of the Earth Project
Mother/Father God and I, along with The Company of Heaven and all humankind, designed this Earth Project to allow the greatest possible opportunity for growth as souls – those souls who come to experience the challenging learning environment which is life on Planet Earth.

God is Love.  I am Love.  Compassion, Forgiveness, Hope, Harmony and Joy are Love.  When you feel and act on these feelings, you are One with Us, and We are One with You.
There is another common misconception I would like to address here.  It is that what we expect of you as human beings is obedience to our Word.  Your definition of obedience carries with it the idea of subservience to another.  This is not what we wish for or desire.  Human beings on the 3rd dimensional Earth plane have free will.

Human beings are intelligent and capable of independent thought and action during their incarnation on the Earth plane in its 3rd dimensional state.  This dimensional condition has offered a special challenge.  Without knowledge of what is past or future, or what exists outside your Earthy existence, you are required to find your way to the highest level of functioning of which you are capable.  In the process, you also discover the innate connection in your hearts to your Creators, to me and to the other Masters and Angels who are your family of Light.

We celebrate your independent growth and exploration.  We do not wish to suppress or to limit your discoveries or your learning opportunities.  With this as the backdrop for your growth, we understand that all explorers will experience mistakes, mishaps, accidents and even deliberate deviations from what would serve the Greater Good.

We see that you use your mistakes to learn and to evolve to higher consciousness.  This learning process on Earth has been a many-lifetime process, and we have willingly waited, watched and listened with patience as you have worked your way through trial-and-error experiences until finding your own inner guidance, your connection to God.

We do not interfere in your lives, even when things go badly, or when you indulge in what you might call criminal behavior or destructive actions.  We are bound by our contract with you to allow you to work through your lessons throughout your lifetime until you find your answers by experiencing the consequences of those actions.  We understand that this may occur either within a single lifetime, or during your afterlife review, when you see your own actions through the feelings and the eyes of those you affected.

There is no punishment for transgressions during any life.  Even murder may be understood as self-defense and therefore forgiven.  Those who have lost a connection to their hearts and to Divine Will, who have become Dark Hats by choice and by preference are welcomed back into the fold if they should desire to be in the Light.  If not, they may eventually request to be un-Created, their molecules dispersed into the All That Is, but that would only be by their own choice, not ours.  Also, in every case, we extend maximum support, encouragement, healing and incentive to aid every soul to return home to the Light after any harrowing or extended experience in lower or dark dimensions.

Because we understand and see that your lives here in human bodies are but a moment in the experience of your life as a soul, this existence is no more important or precious than any moment in your soul development.  We value human life as a part of the Great Plan of Soul Ascension, not as an end in itself, because there is no end.

We see you as souls in Ascension, housed temporarily in the bodies you have accepted to carry you through this lifetime. The gender, environmental conditions and challenges you were to experience here were planned by you, your Higher Self, during your sojourn with us in higher dimensions.  In spite of our deep compassion for your difficulties, if we were to intervene to prevent the pain or challenges you experience here, we would be breaking the first Universal Law which is upheld by Creator.  The first Universal Law is that of non-intervention by one who has power or influence over others.  It has sometimes been referred to in science fiction stories as the Prime Directive.

We know from our perspective and from own experiences that once this lifetime is over, pain and suffering are gone, serving only as the memory and impetus for greater depth of understanding, empathy and compassion for others.  From this higher dimensional perspective, shared by all souls between incarnations, the greater the challenge – which may even include pain, starvation, suffering and violent death – the more powerful the learning experience.

We understand that this higher dimensional perspective is opposed to what you feel and think during your lifetime here, and we are sympathetic about the conflict you experience when you see others suffering.  We encourage your efforts to alleviate suffering on the planet, but we have also cautioned you that individual contracts must not be interfered with.

Currently, because the soul of Mother Earth has ascended to the 5th dimension, and because you are expected to move with her as a group, all soul contracts that called for great challenges and difficulties are hereby suspended, provided your Higher Self is in agreement with this action.  Any agreements that remain in effect would have been previously planned with the unique conditions of the approaching Ascension in mind.  This does not mean the end of your learning process here.  It is the responsibility of each soul to assess and to understand what this new freedom implies.

We admire and respect the progress a soul is able to make in the direction of feeling, seeing, thinking and knowing the Love of God during a life in 3rd dimensional reality.  Rather than obedience, which would be imposed from without, we understand that to find our way to balance, clarity and Love by following our inner compass is a triumph of growth. The inner-directed ability to reach a high level of consciousness while still on the lower vibrational Earth plane is Universally seen as a triumph of soul development.

Because of the myriad of difficulties a soul may experience in one lifetime on Earth, this Project is seen throughout the Cosmos as a highly-respected endeavor – something like the Olympics of soul growth – and a much-desired opportunity.  The privilege of being able to spend a lifetime on Earth has long been seen as a highly-prized test of one’s mettle, resilience, stamina and Faith.  Mother and Father ask only that you respect your opportunity to experience life here as the gift it is, and that you use it accordingly.

We ask that you consider these words carefully.  Ponder them well, for in this message we give you the answer to your question: What is the meaning of Life?  When you understand fully the meaning behind this Project that was of your own making, you will also know that there is no reason for complaint, no oppression of your Self by Us.

There is no reason for self-inflicted guilt for what you regret, what you have done so far, because at any moment, you can turn to the Light, join with Us in Love, and you will at that moment achieve Salvation, of your own accord.  Salvation, from our perspective, means relief from delusion, darkness, anguish and pain. The result of such salvation is Ascension to a higher level of consciousness.  This is the goal of all souls in the Cosmos.
Join Us in Love, Peace, Compassion and Harmony, and you will know the Joy of One.

I am your Sananda, in loving service to our Creator and to all humankind.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, 2015


Chapter Four (revised 2015)

Truth Replaces War

Worldwide Transparency and Disclosure Are Immanent

As a community of souls, we are taking part in a phenomenon that has never been tried in just this way before anywhere in the Cosmos.  You will notice how different my approach is now that I am able to talk with you about your heritage and about your biological connections – your genetic relationships- to your Star Brothers and Sisters.

Two thousand years ago, I could not speak so directly about these truths.  Of course I did talk with those you call my disciples along with my family and friends about our Star family, but all reference to these things were removed from my teachings and from the teachings of my brothers and sisters who served with me.  The deletion of all information about our Galactic family was an attempt to make humankind believe we are isolated and alone in the Universe, while replacing the truth with the all-encompassing programming of thoughts, beliefs and emotions that has enslaved much of the planet until this day, but now, a new day is dawning!

There will be no secrets about the actual contacts that have been made with others from distant planets and star systems in the coming days of transparency and disclosure. By the time I return to walk with you again on dear Planet Earth, you will already be learning all about your true history and the existence, technology,  support and love of your benevolent Galactic family.  The contacts have been frequent in recent years, and there have been a number of cases where “alien” (better referred to as “Galactic” or “cosmic”) technologies that were offered to humankind were co-opted by the Dark Hats rather than being used for the good of all.

There have also been contacts in the past by others, such as the ones you call Grays and the ones called Reptilians.  It was their wish to achieve a complete takeover of the Planet.  Your Dark Hats on the ground who were influenced by them – those we have called the “wannabe’s,” “Archon Alliance” or “cabal” – had the same inclination.  Each faction thought they could outsmart the other to gain the upper hand with the purpose of controlling the population and resources of Planet Earth.

You can be assured now that their dark machinations were eventually turned back on themselves, insuring that no dark faction would ever attain what they imagined.  They always underestimated the power of Light and the determination and endurance of the humans who lived and worked in the Light.  We have now overwhelmed the power structures of the Dark Hats, who have always been inclined to turn on each other when things became difficult.  This tendency alone demonstrates the greater power of the Light, for we have an inborn desire, even need, to come to the aid of those who need us.

The road has been long and arduous, but with each passing day by your Earth clock, the way is clearer and the Lightworkers are stronger.  The gathering force of Light cannot be denied, suppressed, blocked or sabotaged.  Trying to hold back the Light would be as impossible as trying to hold back the tide.  You might call it a groundswell of Love and good will.  It is lifting the tired spirits of all, bringing comfort where there was pain and soothing traumas both physical and psychological, as people awaken and acknowledge the brand new feeling of being truly free to Love.

With this surge of increasing Light, you are newly in Love with yourselves, your partners and neighbors, your babies and your friends.  You see and feel the aura of Light around those you never noticed before, as you begin to see your own.

Yes, you have been tested, as you planned to be.  In the throes of it, it is often worse than you thought it would be in your optimistic planning stages. This is why it is so important that your Higher Selves are always there to protect you and to ease the pain.  Your family of Light, which includes your Higher Self and Twin Soul, constantly sends you support and loving encouragement, so that you do not give up.

In the end, nearly all of you cling to life with great tenacity, in spite of your complaints during the hard times.  No one knows this better than I do.  I was aware of what was coming in my life as Jesus, and still there were moments of unbearable pain.  Like you, I felt the pain of betrayal by my fellow humans as intensely as I felt the physical pain.

Let it be known here that Judas did not betray me.  He was my most trusted, beloved friend.  He was the only one to whom I could entrust the difficult responsibility of revealing my whereabouts when the time came.  There was no one else with the strength of Faith and loyalty to me whom I knew could accomplish what needed to be done without a moment’s hesitation or any residue of regret.

Even though most of those who turned against me in the end were not close to me, it still leaves a deep feeling of sadness to see fellow humans support an attack on one of their own.  Any child who has been teased by a crowd at school, or who has been disowned by their family for some ideological infraction has felt this deep sense of horror and despair.  Why do we turn against our own?  Through pain, trauma and suffering, we became vulnerable – enough to allow ourselves to take on the programming that leads us astray and keeps us cycling and recycling within destructive systems of beliefs and behaviors that are not natural to our true state.

When Truth Is Revealed, War Becomes Unsustainable and Obsolete

This is our work now, Dear Ones.  We must pull together to heal the duality and contrived divisions that have pitted one human against another.  We will ensure that this time, in the transition to the New Golden Era, no one will turn against their fellows to persecute, judge or condemn.  The days of war – war over religion; wars of ideology, based in hatred of others; wars of greed – will no longer be permitted.  War itself is never justifiable.  War becomes obsolete and unsustainable the moment people acknowledge they are stronger working together than they are in opposition.

You have been so steeped in the thinking of lack, competition and fear that it is no longer obvious to you that most, perhaps all the wars on the planet were deliberately instigated to profit the ones in power, and especially the ones behind the ones in power.  It was not difficult for those in power to foment discord among populations that were already oppressed, angry and hungry.

It is an old trick to set an arson’s fire in order to be the one to rush in to heroically put it out, gaining fame, fortune and allies in the process.  All these Truths will be revealed at last.  You will learn the True history of your planet, and when you do, your hearts will swell with Love for your fellow sufferers.  You will also find relief when you are given confirmation that what you suspected was true.  All was definitely not what it appeared.  When you fully understand who truly benefited from your prejudice, your mistrust of others and your religious conflicts, you will find it much easier to let go of the convictions that were implanted in your unsuspecting child brains without your permission.

Suspicion, or hatred of those who superficially appear to be a bit different from one’s self, is not an inherent human quality.  Notice how dogs of all breeds naturally approach each other with tails wagging, how birds of all species flock together, and how easily one family of elephants, or bears, or geese will mingle and even assist one another, when their territories are not restricted in such a way as to create want.  It was not a difficult leap of intuition for leaders to understand that all they needed to do to control their “flock” was to limit their resources and inform them that it was the immigrants, the Jews, the women, the Blacks, the Armenians or the Shiites who were to blame.

Yes, you have been the targets of massive mind-control and social-control experiments.  For a time, it was somewhat successful, but always there have been some who saw through the schemes and demanded liberty, fairness and equality.  I was one of those people, and you are too.

You are not alone.  Your numbers are growing by the day, as mass media loses its grip to the wide-open possibilities of communicating the truth across political and social boundaries through the internet.  While the open forum of the internet does invite fear-mongering and fraud, it is less controlled and therefore a better source for Truth than any of the mass media outlets you have now, which have become propaganda machines for the corporations who pay their bills.  It cannot be otherwise.  Whenever money enters the mix, there is the opportunity for misuse of power.
Ascension Means Total Healing and Restoration – And It Is in Progress Now!

Now, let us address a current question in many of your minds.  What is Ascension, and when, if ever, will it occur?  Most of you are familiar with the story of my Resurrection.  This was the example we wished to give you of what Ascension is.  If there are those who doubt there is an afterlife, I can assure you, it is not an afterlife; it is Life Eternal.  Each person finishes this present incarnation by going to the Light to resume life as a soul in a lightbody which is what you might think of as your “normal” state, since this sojourn on Earth is just a short phase in your life as a soul.

This time you will not only travel to the 5th dimension, but you will be able to do so without the death of the body you are currently inhabiting, unlike your previous lifetimes.  This time, you have the option to be completely healed and restored to a healthy body and to take this body with you.   You will be able to make changes in the appearance, size, shape and possibly even gender of the body you will retain in the 5th dimension.

This may sound like magic to you, but of course magic, by your standards, does happen in higher dimensions because Creation occurs with the combination of thought and feeling, not through the manipulation of material substances with your hands, as you know it here.  This is the world you can look forward to.  It is the Promised Land which has been foretold in your ancient texts, but it is better by far than anything we can put into words for you here.

The 5th dimensional world of your near future truly is the place where the lion lies down with the lamb because all creatures, human and otherwise, will be sustained with a diet of vegetable and fruit matter, and none will need or want to consume their brothers and sisters.  Weather changes will make possible a planet completely covered with lush vegetation, plentiful gardens and people and animals who are free to express the fulfillment of their souls without concern for things like money, hunger, war or physical danger.

Communication will be telepathic, immediate and perfectly understood.  Transportation over long distances will be accomplished by individual or community spacecraft.  This is not a science fiction dream.  It is the current reality on many other planets in the Cosmos – this and more.  Your Star Brothers and Sisters are circling your planet now, to bring you their technologies, their knowledge, and their help in fulfilling the Dream of Ascension.  All the Cosmos awaits your Awakening.

You are so loved, so respected and admired throughout the Multiverse that all eyes are turned to observe your wondrous progress in raising your vibration from immense density under the influence of organized dark forces to real and lasting freedom.
In this and later chapters I will encourage you to focus your energies on making the strong connection between the centers in your brain, your heart and your solar plexus (your will) so that you can make the leap into the world that awaits you.  This is the organization of Self that allows you to live in Pure Love, with your deep connection to Source, to me, and to your Higher Self, which is the part of your soul that remains in higher dimensions at One with God.

You are the Creator Race, made in the likeness of your Creator.  This does not mean you are completely identical to Creator.  It means that in your progress toward Enlightenment (literally, embodying Light), you grow ever closer to the perfection of One.  We are all moving toward that glorious finale – becoming One with our Creator.
Speak with Me Anytime

In the course of your growth, you have come closer to Us, more able to hear Us speak to you, in your dreams, in your moments of reverie, and now, through these messages.  It has speeded the trajectory of your progress, and it now makes it possible for Us to reach everyone on the planet.  Speaking with Us is something each of you is capable of, and we warmly encourage you to try.

Awaken, Dear Ones.  Put down your instruments of slavery to your jobs – your mobile phones and computers.  Look around you at the beauty you have missed.  Look into the eyes of children, at the glowing sunsets and the sparkling dawns.  Your Mother Earth is cleansing herself; you are being protected from nuclear dangers and overwhelming pollution.  The era of the destruction of the planet and the slavery of all humankind is now over.

There will be no more wars, no more mass genocides or catastrophic loss of life, as long as you continue to ascend with your dear planet.  She has already left the realm of Death, to be reborn and renewed.  She is pacing her transition to continue to help you, to sustain and provide for you.

Begin with the knowledge that all living things are conscious beings.  Every animal, vegetable and mineral is made up of the consciousness of Creator.  You, as part of the Creation of All Things, have a living relationship to all those conscious beings around you and throughout the Cosmos, whether you acknowledge it or not.

Mother Earth is filled with Love for her children, just as We are.  Mother/Father God stand with you in Love and Light to urge you forward into the most exhilarating, triumphant Right of Passage ever known.  No soul will be left behind; no Child of God will be ignored or passed over. Each and every one has worth, and all are honored equally.  Arise, Children of Earth.  It is truly time to meet your Maker, and you will be delighted to learn how loving, compassionate, patient, understanding and good-humored they are.

You can listen to Mother/Father God and to your Ascended Masters speaking to you, to other listeners and to each other on the historic radio shows and their recordings found on www.BlogTalkRadio.com/ChannelPanel.  The Company of Heaven uses this show, along with the messages given through Kathryn, as the official historical telling of the Earth events as they progress and unfold towards Ascension.  The archives are available to all for free.  You will be amazed and delighted to join in the conversation.  We wish to invite you, to speak with you, and to listen to your voice, in the company of your loving brothers and sisters in spirit, the family of your hearts.  I join you on these calls as well.

I am your Sananda, the one you have known as Jesus, the one who loves you so.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, 2015


Chapter Five (revised 2015)

It’s Time to Reclaim Your Higher Intelligence

It Is High-Time to Reclaim Your Limitless Intelligence

The skies are turning bluer, and the people of Planet Earth are turning their faces to the sun.  Folks everywhere are feeling the Light that bathes you all, blessing you with the Love of God as you go through your days.  You can feel the lighthearted vibration of your dear Mother Earth, who is celebrating her new birth, her Ascension into the 5th dimension.

You are being invited to join in the uplifting energy being sent to you from Creator, our Mother/Father God, to lift your hearts and to help you experience the power of being connected with your heart, mind, body and Divine Will.

Your true heart, or as I prefer to think of it, your body/soul/mind, is the place in your heart where you can think, feel and know things that your brain alone cannot comprehend.  You are complex beings, humankind, and you have the ability to establish the neurological connections within your body in an untold variety of ways.  Most of you have been trained to adopt the configuration that allows you to think only with your brain, bypassing the greater intelligence of your heart, your body and your soul.  It was believed, under the sway of your “scientific” approach that “rational” thinking is superior to ideas and thoughts which are influenced by feeling.

This arrangement is very unfortunate, since it makes you far less intelligent and creative than you would be had you retained and developed the whole body intelligence you were born with.  This has at last been “discovered” by your scientists, but it has not yet changed the way you educate your children or the twisted cultural values that praise mental prowess as strength of character while often diminishing emotional intelligence as a frivolous expression denoting lack of discipline.  I will have suggestions for you here to help you restore your innate connections to the power of your heart.  As many of you have discovered, meditation is a powerful tool for restoring yourself to expanded creativity as well as peace of mind.

The Great Power of Simple Meditation

Let us discuss for a moment how meditation can change your relationship with yourself.  You are familiar with prayer, and the calm feelings it brings when you send your entreaties and your expressions of gratitude to God or to other Masters.  We hear your prayers, and we work with what you ask of Us, in cooperation with your Higher Self.

We cannot go against your Master Life Plan for this lifetime, which your Higher Self oversees, yet we are always here offering you support.  We always offer Love, Compassion and Acceptance.  As it has been traditionally practiced, prayer is a one-way conversation from you to Us.  We wish to open that channel to allow for two-way communication now instead.

The great power of meditation combines a calm and focused attitude similar to prayer, but with your channels open to receive communication from Us in response.  Prayer is often used to plead with Us, for mercy, or to stop the pain in your life or in the lives of others.  We are not usually in a position to answer these kinds of prayers because these events are not caused by God unto you; they are usually a part of the individual Life Plan which you worked out in cooperation with God, your Higher Self,   your Guides and your many Helpers.  Every time you call, we immediately respond to offer relief in accordance with your needs, Life Plan and Higher Self guidance.

Now, meditation is a more open form of communication.  It allows you to transform your systems to receive on a higher wavelength, so that you can hear our answers to your prayers.  We prefer this conversational approach.  It may feel odd to those of you who feel over-awed by the presence of your Masters, but we wish to assure you that none of us desires to be worshiped, or held at a lofty distance.  We are here to serve you, to teach you, to cheer and to inspire you and to offer you the Love of our hearts.  I wish to communicate with you, heart to heart, as you might say.

Think of this as an activity similar to attending a seminar or a personal tutoring session with your favorite college professor.  The teachers are not different from you in kind; they are more advanced along the path of learning by virtue of long years of study and discipline.  This simply means that they have cultivated a more expanded capacity to Love, and they wish to help you with your own progress.  This is the way we see our work.

Begin to Think of Yourself as Your Higher Self

We welcome close communication with those who are ready to move ahead in their soul work.  This soul work always involves some form of the progression I have mentioned earlier: learning to take command of your own feelings and thoughts; healing from the traumas and painful memories of many lifetimes; clearing away the old patterns you learned to think of as “who I am” to make room for the true, brilliant and free Self you can be and – underneath it all – already are.  These themes, these rungs on the ladder of learning and Ascending, are Universal, yet the way you live through them on the journey of your soul’s evolution is wholly unique.  You are the artist and engineer crafting your adventures, your lessons and your lifetimes.

I urge you to begin thinking of yourself as the one who is your Higher Self.  In this picture, you embody the sum of all lifetimes, all knowledge and all growth.  Your current personality, along with the collection of ideas, thoughts, feelings and beliefs are just the accumulation of responses to what you have experienced in this particular lifetime, a tiny part of the soul you really are.  Begin a great leap in your evolution in this very moment by moving your awareness back away from your Self to get a long-range perspective of this body, this short lifetime, and the timeline you have experienced so far.  See this life as a part of the enormous whole that is your Cosmic Self, and see that Cosmic Self as a part of the whole of the great reality – which includes all of Creation!

When you meditate on this vision of yourself within the Cosmic whole, you will begin to see that you are neither a small insignificant speck nor a limited and finite human with 80 or 90 years’ existence.  You are a necessary cog in the great wheel of Life, a crucial part of this Earth Ascension, and a beloved Child of Creation.

Every feeling/thought, every action, every lifetime plays an irreplaceable part in relation to all others; you have touched innumerable other souls and have been touched by them.  There is no insignificant nor expendable Being.  There is no meaningless nor unnecessary event.  There are no accidents that do not play an important part in the unfolding of the shared Destiny of humankind.  From this perspective you may easily see the Truth: you are precious and vital.

When you look at yourself from this perspective, you will begin to understand how we see you. Every one is precious; every being is unique.  We feel immeasurable Love for you.  You are the hope for the future of our ambitious project.  You have all worked with me on this project throughout many lifetimes here on Earth.  Each of your lifetimes have been your way of progressing along your soul path to a higher level of enlightenment.  In this way, you have done your own part in creating the rising tide that elevates everyone on the planet.  In addition, you have done your part in the interplay with others – your soul mates, acquaintances and friends.

All of you have agreed to lives in which you inspired others through the expression of great compassion or tolerance.  At other times, those of you who wished to advance in your Ascension even made the sacrifice of playing the role of the oppressor,  challenging others to organize against and rise above the oppression to become advocates for the Greater Good.

You see, this is the powerful irony in the experience of life on Earth.  When people are put in the most difficult situations, it brings out the courage, the conviction and the highest level of dedication to the Light.  Ironically, this is the model that has been adapted for training soldiers, who face the most difficult challenges in battle.  This training is popularly called boot camp.  Yes, this is the way the Universe sees your sojourn here – you are seen as Light warriors and this is why we are in admiration of your progress.  There are other ways to evolve as souls, but none so arduous, thorough, and in Cosmic terms, holding the potential for such rapid change.

In the short period of about seven thousand years, this civilization has evolved into a relatively effective overall arrangement in which most of the people on the planet are fed, clothed and sheltered to such a degree that the population has grown exponentially.  In spite of areas of poverty, your life expectancy has risen across the globe, and there is the growing popular belief that medical care, literacy, availability of clean water and sufficient food is a right all should enjoy.

Kindness Is the Gold That Paves the Streets of the New Golden Age

The ambitious goal, the full commencement of the New Era of Peace, has not yet been achieved on Earth, but the seeds of success have taken root in the heart of the whole planet.  Even with the interference of those in power who would put their own greed before the wellbeing of others, groups of private citizens continue to achieve astounding progress through humanitarian programs.

We in higher dimension can see the trajectory of your efforts.  You have been receiving innumerable upgrades and enhanced encoding to aid your progress.  These planned enhancements have been delivered to you through energetic Events and Gateways which have all originated from the Great Central Sun.  The Projects in motion now have a natural impetus to move you toward fruition in the high energies that continue to flood the Planet and uplift you in every way.

Acts of kindness performed yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that have already taken flight to spawn further generosity within others.  The actions of those reading these messages are shifting the frequencies experienced by many from tentative hopefulness to excited anticipation.  You can all feel something coming. Something exciting and fulfilling is about to break through into consciousness in yourselves and in the larger world.  It is unstoppable.

It is a time of foment, a time of questioning of old ideas and old ways, including two major areas:  1) the religious belief systems that have become rigid, exclusionary and destructive to human happiness, and 2) the economic beliefs and operating systems which have allowed and even encouraged the destruction of Mother Earth herself, the one who has given life and sustenance to all.

All this will change. It is changing as we speak!  I am here to give support and encouragement to those who have followed their deep inclination to raise themselves and their fellow humans, to participate in acts of kindness and generosity – even when no one is watching them.

The unsung heroes among you are many, and they form the Legions of Light which will become the foundation for the New Golden Age. I commend you, and all who are newly awakening from their slumber.  I greet you with open arms and welcome you to the glorious march toward liberty, equality and the deepest happiness that arises from the sense of Oneness with each other, with Mother and Father and with me.

We are here for you in every moment, awake or asleep, and we are whispering in your ear even now as you read these messages.  We are One.

I am Sananda, the author of these messages, and the one you knew as Jesus.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, 2015

Chapter Six (revised 2015)

Awaken, Heal, Unify

Every Day the Veil Is Thinning

Today is a historic time.  By today, I do not mean this date; I mean this week/month/moment. You are involved in a project that has been unfolding for millions of years. Many have asked:  “But we are just a small planet out here in the Milky Way Galaxy.  What makes us so special that the whole Universe is paying attention?”  This is a good question.  It is true we are a small part of the whole in terms of size, but this is not an important measure in Cosmic terms.  I will tell you why.

All the Multiverse is connected.  All is One, therefore anything that happens anywhere – in any dimension, along any timeline – has a ripple effect on all other beings and events, changes the trajectory of a timeline for other beings and planets as well.  We are so interconnected that a decision made on Venus or a collective choice made on Arcturus all have an effect on Earth.   The reason Earth is so important at this moment, on this timeline is many-fold.  I will give you an idea of some of the important variables.

As a Galactic species, Earth-dwelling humans are known for their combination of mind and emotion, which gives great power to their ability to create.  You are learning about manifesting what you want, and the application of the Universal Law that nothing can be created or destroyed, but can only be transmuted.  You, as the I AM Presence, God, have the power to change everything you touch, everything you think about, with the power of your minds, as God has.  You have been like toddlers playing with fire – you have had no idea of the effect of your actions on your planet, and you have had little or no understanding of the impact on conscious beings around you.

The Veil of Forgetfullness, which has kept you from seeing your personal past, your planetary history and your place in the Universe, is lifting now for many of you, as it will eventually for all of you.  You are beginning to notice that your knowledge of the world around you is expanding; you may feel yourselves becoming more telepathic, more aware in every way.  This is helping you to restore you connections to yourself as the sacred being you are, to your Higher Self, and to Us.  Yes, you are sacred beings because you were created by God.  Everyone around you is sacred too.  Your planet, your flora and fauna, even the rocks and soil under your feet – all are sacred forms of Life, a part of the whole formed by the Godhead.

You are the creation made in the image of our Mother Father God, as the ancient teachings tell you.  This is not a whimsical description.  It is Truth.  The sum total of all beings on Earth is God; every part of that whole is God.  I am God, and so are you.  It has been decreed throughout the millennia that you would one day rise to fulfill this promise of creative power in Love and Light, for that is God.  You have been tested intensively because the training to become a God-in-action is a serious responsibility.  This is why the Earth Project was originally designed.  It was to be the proving ground for souls.

Your Purpose Is to Learn to Co-Create
Nothing is more important in the training of a soul than to learn to fully accept and acknowledge the power of one’s ability to create and to be in full command of that power. There must be no lapses, no forgetfulness, no denial of the nature of that power to uplift or destroy in the blink of an eye.  This lesson is indeed a challenging one.  It takes thousands of lifetimes to truly absorb the deeper meaning of how your actions are felt by others.  This has been your path, to learn, to experience all kinds of lifetimes, and to internalize the Truth of your nature and your responsibility to use your power judiciously and only for the Greater Good.

You will know if you are well prepared for the higher dimensions when you carefully examine your response to the words you are reading here.  Are you disbelieving?  Are you scoffing at the idea that you have great power, listing in your mind all the seeming evidence of your own powerlessness and helplessness to have an impact on your own life?  You are showing yourself, Beloved One, that you have not learned the lesson of One.  You are not seeing, therefore you cannot see the evidence that is before you.

The remedy to this common ailment, human blindness, is to breathe in the air of Source, feel your own Life Force coursing through your veins, and shake off the fogginess of illusion and delusion.  It is time for you to awaken your heart, for it is the source of Wisdom, Vision and Truth.

You have been trained to think only with your brains, even to ignore the voice of your heart in favor of playing with ideas inside your skull.  This is blindness.  Those ideas inside your brain were put there by someone in your environment, your culture, your religion or your family. Many were put there by the cabal to control and enslave you.  They are not your own thoughts and ideas, yet you hold them to be true and even precious.  At this time in your development, and given that you have these new lessons to help you make this transition, it is willful blindness to rely on your brain to guide your life decisions.

Look inward, Dear Ones, to activate and energize the Source within you.  These bodies you have been given for this journey are the expression in the flesh of God’s wisdom, compassion and Love. You do feel pain.  It is the corrective response that stops you in your tracks to alert you that you must protect your sacred self.  You feel great joy, exhilaration and fulfillment when you move into the Light.  You are capable of great Love, and when you allow that blessed emotion to guide your every moment, you will feel the bliss of being One with me and with our Creator.  No external difficulty or challenge can break that bond, once you have taken it as your own.

You have free will.  You can turn your back on the dawning wonder of Ascension.  You can clutch your belongings and the ideas and concepts you were taught, holding onto the past because it is supposedly all you know.  Yes, in your brain, it may be all you know, but in your body, in your heart, in the chakras making up your complex system of responses to this lifetime, you carry the wisdom of the Ages.  Open your mind (the eternal Knowing which transcends this present brain), and allow the flow of Light and Love to wash over you.  The Source of All That Is is Love. You only need to allow yourself to open to it, and it will sooth and heal your sore heart and mend the body that has been so damaged by the toxins of a life steeped in darkness.

Healing Is Always a Shared Experience
Many of you are aware of the healing sessions we have asked our family on the ground, the Lightworkers, to conduct across the globe in private sessions, at retreats and through the internet.  Many have come to be healed, and many more have volunteered to join in the offering of healing energy for their brothers and sisters.  Look, Beloved Ones.  You will see that together, day by day we are proving “the power of intention.”  If your intention is to heal and be healed, it will be done.  In the process, you have proven to the doubters that humankind is indeed a generous and caring race.

Whenever anyone anywhere is engaged in healing, although the focus is on whoever is inviting and accepting the healing, the healing energies impact everyone.  As a person is healed, it literally paves the way for others to be healed as well.  Your healing is dependent on you in that it is your solemn invitation to be healed that causes your transformation, in accordance with your willingness to activate and receive the healing.  In this way, the healers as well as those being healed are restored across Earth in a momentous and lasting up swell.

Together we change the world, one healing at a time.  We are demonstrating that there is really no such thing as an isolated healing experience because as each healing takes place, the “sickness” that the individual has carried loses its power, and others learn to shake off the ideas and feelings that served to feed and maintain the illness they have been carrying.

The Skilled and Beloved Arcturian Healers
The Arcturians, for those who are not familiar with this name, are a highly evolved and extremely skilled group of beings from the planet Arcturus who have studied humankind closely. The Arcturuans have been fascinated with the heart/mind/soul/body organization in this species of humans, and they have worked hard to understand the complex interactions between emotion and thinking.  They have developed very advanced and effective technologies to eliminate disease and to balance all the systems of the body.

The Arcturians are completely dedicated to their work, and they give themselves wholeheartedly in service.  We work in cooperation with them, directing the healing energies of Love and Light to increase the healing and to seal it in place.  Each one who receives a healing or who witnesses it being done will feel the powerful effect of our combined energies on all the systems of the body.

Every person incarnated upon Earth, including you, has a healing team that is with them the entire time they are alive.  This specialty team of advanced and loving beings helps you in the preparation for your life plan and stays with you from birth, until you have successfully completed your life review when you return to the higher dimensions.  Your healing team is comprised of:  Galactic Federation of Light (The Great White Brotherhood) specialists, Arcturian healers, members of your Galactic and soul family and your Body Elemental.  Your Body Elemental is a being of tremendous Light, who remains with you throughout all of your Earth incarnations.  Your Body Elemental is freed from this tremendous service once you ascend.  Your beloved Twin Flame, also known as your Twin Soul, participates closely in your on-going healing as well.

Ultimately, You Cure Yourself
Our numbers are growing.  As each person joins the worldwide group of those involved in healing, the power of One increases, giving us access to an increasing flow of Light, which we then focus to activate even more healing.  A large part of this process is to stimulate and Awaken the powerful human immune system, which has been asleep and suppressed by the owners of the bodies who are entirely unaware of their own abilities to heal themselves. This, of course, has been a part of the control mechanism of the Dark Hats.  The medical establishment has unwittingly played into this by encouraging people to think they are at the mercy of illness and disease and need a professional to do something external to “cure” them.

We have  emphasized that no one can cure you but yourself.  We can guide, support and focus the energy needed to change your body from disease to health, but without the conscious awareness and cooperation of the one being healed, it will not “take.”  You can restore the feelings of sickness and helplessness and can defeat the healing process if you are not aware of this tendency in yourself to slide back into a state of darkness.

Healing at this time requires that you raise your vibration into the 5th dimension. Ascended Masters, Gods and Goddesses, Angels and Enlightened Beings of all kinds do not get sick because they are vibrating at a level that does not allow for any foreign influence to enter the Lightbody.  You can do the same.

Join the Healing Crusade of Earth
You know me as the one who went out among the people to heal.  I am that same person, the one you knew as Jesus.  I am now able to teach the healing principles – which made my healing efforts so effective in my days on Earth – through the wide reach of the internet and through the unified efforts of healers and channels worldwide.  I invite all to join us in this historic process.  Our intention is to heal all of humankind, immediately.

The energies have risen on the planet to allow a higher level of conscious awareness and a complete communication through the Golden Christed Crystalline Grid around the planet which now connects us all.  There is no limit to the number of people who can join with us in this tsunami of healing that is also being rightfully called the Tsunami of Love.  You may join us, through your thoughts, actions words, imaginings, deeds and intentions, and you can carry the knowledge presented here to every corner of the planet.

Do Not Alter Our Words
Translations of these written messages are now being done in most of the major languages of the world.  I only ask that all translators ask for my individual approval.  I will work with each translator I have personally approved to insure the accuracy of meaning and intent of each message.

Now, this brings me to the question of false divisions that are created and maintained by the rigid practice of dogma as it is passed down by individuals over the ages.  Truthful teachings have often been misinterpreted and changed, in order to obscurethe wisdom of the Enlightened Ones whose words were originally intended to illuminate and expand the hearts and minds of their followers. This is the difficulty we have always seen in giving written teachings to humankind.  Words that were intended to uplift in a given situation, in a given time and place become, over time, hardened into a set of rules meant to suffocate and oppress.

The example of the teachings of Mohammed, the great prophet, are another example of this tendency.  His words have been taken as permanent Law.  This was not his intention.  In his Earth incarnation, he had no idea of the power his words would carry centuries later.  Every nuance, every suggestion has been taken as “the Final Word.”  This was not the spirit of his work here.

Mohammed came to Earth at a time and place of terrible oppression and abuse.  It was his wish to begin to free his followers from the stifling practices of his time.  Chief among these were the abuse of women and the lack of attention to spiritual practice.  It was not his intention to institutionalize practices that would denigrate or disenfranchise women. In his day, the idea that women could have at least half the value of men in legal terms was a tremendous leap, but it was not intended to be the end of progress.  By freezing his teachings in time, the dark ones have used his words to oppress and destroy, as have many of the Christian teachings about the Devil and sin.

Mohammed was the human incarnation of my beloved brother, the Master Lord El Morya.  His incarnation was fully overlighted by me and by others of the Legions of Light.  Like me, he did not see himself as the exclusive Messenger of God, and he did not wish to be worshiped.  He is as dismayed as I was to see his words used to foment hatred, divisiveness and war, against the followers of his brother Jesus and others.  We are One in our wish to bring change, to open hearts and minds to the New Scriptures, which are the work of All channeled through my voice to the entire world.

My dear brother Mohammed is here working with me, and he too approves the message of Love and Light we present to you now. We are delighted that, because of your steadfast efforts to raise yourselves in the Light, we have finally arrived at the time in our journey where many details of your history are to be revealed.  The true identity of our beloved Mohammed was the Master El Morya. It is now the appropriate time to reveal that El Morya is Ashtar.

The great success of Mohammed/Ashtar’s teachings was his ability to refocus the attention of the people to include spiritual practices into their daily lives.  The institution of the ritual of prayer five times a day broke the materialistic, self-centered focus of the people of the time and helped to raise their consciousness in preparation for the events we are experiencing now.  Muslims, who fully understand the expansiveness and the message of Love Mohammed intended to express, will find no conflict in the words you read here. The same is true for all Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian and Pagan followers.  We, who are at One with the GodHead, are One in our hearts as well.  We all wish the same thing:  the successful and glorious Ascension of humankind, together.

As you can see, if you have read these messages with care and awareness, we are not specifying any particular rules, practices or customs (religion) to reach the intended goal of Ascension.  The era for those time-specific and culture-specific practices is past.

We are now a global community, and we need an open and inclusive approach to lifting our vibration to achieve the goal of peace for every being on Earth, regardless of what religious affiliation they may have adopted, or even what species they may be.  All are welcome.  All are included.  There are no exceptions; there are no exclusions.  All souls must be enfolded into the family of One, as the sacred Beings they are.

I send you Love and Light, the adoration of your Creators, and the hope of all the Masters in Heaven when I say to you:  Awaken Dear Ones, and take your places as the Creator Race, the promise of all Goodness in the image of your Creator, our Mother Father God.

I am Sananda, the one you knew as Jesus.
Channeled originally by Kathryn, 2015 revisions channeled through Christine, New York, 21 July 2015


The chapters from here on are under review.  Please wait for the revised version before copying or resending.  The process is in motion – all will be posted as revisions are completed.  In the meantime, please Sign Up to receive each chapter as it comes out.  We know you will be excited by the finished text, which will then be published as a complete manuscript in book form.

To hear the ceremony in which all Reptilians were taken to the Light, go to  HYPERLINK “http://www.blogtalkradio.com/channelpanel/2013/08/23/removing-all-dark-entities-from-the-planet” http://www.blogtalkradio.com/channelpanel/2013/08/23/removing-all-dark-entities-from-the-planet
Healing and Training for Ascension programs and spoken channeled messages through Kathryn are all archived at  HYPERLINK “http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ChannelPanel” www.blogtalkradio.com/ChannelPanel by date and title.
Go to  HYPERLINK “http://www.FreedomClubUSA.com” www.FreedomClubUSA.com to read the papal decree and the explanation of its far-reaching meaning.

Many excerpts of channelings and health programs are presented on our YouTube channel under Kathryn E. May.
All other references to channelings and programs can be researched on www.whoneedslight.org.



Revised April 30, 2015

by Sananda/Jesus
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May

I would like to tell the story of my life as Jesus.  I am Sananda Kumara.  This is my spiritual name – my soul name.  When I came to Earth, I was given the name Yeshua ben Joseph, but those who knew me when I was young called me Emmanuel.

I will tell you many things that do not agree with the story of my life as it has been told in the Bible.  Some of these corrections have been published in my New Scriptures, which were also transcribed for me by our trusted scribe, Kathryn, who has agreed to take these messages and present them to the world until I am able to come to you in person, and we will teach them together.  Some of the basic information also appears in her book, “Who Needs Light?”  However, I will now complete the story by writing my own biography.

I do this not because I care about whether people know me or not, but because of the implications it holds for my teachings.  I do wish to bring accuracy and clarity about the message I intended to carry to Planet Earth, and it seems that now is a good time to do that.

I will try to give you a picture of the basic elements of my life, and I will touch briefly on my fundamental beliefs, which are far more simple and consistent than the Bible stories would have you believe.  I came to tell of my love of God, of the wonders of God’s Creation, and to teach that Love is what truly matters in life, nothing more.

I was born to my mother, Mary, in the spring (not December 25th).  It is true that she was a young woman, and that she was told by Archangel Gabriel that she would have a child who was sent directly from God.  The energy of Mother/Father Creator was the source for the formation of the human body, which was created in my mother’s womb, so it is true that the infant body was not conceived in the usual way.  Joseph, who became the true father of the child I came here to be, was a good man of great Faith, and accepted the responsibility for the care of me and the children who were to come later to our blessed family.

It is not true that I was born in a manger, or that my parents were poor.  Joseph was a fairly prosperous farmer, and we were surrounded by close family and friends.  We lived comfortably and were afforded a good education.  I had a brother, James, and a sister, Martha.  Later, we were followed by a young brother whom we called Simon.  I was also surrounded by close cousins, aunts and uncles who oversaw our growth and well-being, and who took pleasure in our company.  One of my closest friends and schoolmates was Mary Magdalene.  She was the love of my life from our earliest days.

Now, it is important for all of you to know about the formation of my identity, because it will tell you a great deal about the tremendous Love God feels for humanity, and it will give you a glimpse into the workings and plans of the Company of Heaven.

The person and the life you knew as Jesus Christ was planned carefully before it occurred.  It was intentionally designed with the foresight that such a life would bring enormous change and hopefully a new understanding of God’s True Way.  It was intended to raise the consciousness of the population of Planet Earth, which was mired in the struggle against Darkness.  Planet Earth was nearly overwhelmed by waves of invading Dark Ones, who incarnated over and over and monopolized the power and wealth on the Planet – as they continued to do until this past year, when the Galactic Councils were finally able to come to the aid of humankind in a more direct way.

At the time I came, more than 2000 years ago, it was with the intention of beginning the Ascension process that was to usher in the New Golden Age.  We knew it was a difficult challenge, and we wanted to assure our success by creating the situation  that would offer the best chance of success.  It was decided that I would incarnate as the soul who would join with the baby Yeshua.  Since it seemed too difficult a task for one lone soul to accomplish, it was suggested that we create a more powerful entity by joining forces with another soul, or perhaps two other souls, who would merge together to become one in life.

This was the creation we agreed upon.  I was to be joined in the body of Yeshua by my dear Brother and fellow Starseed, the one you know as St. Germain, an ancient soul of the Kumara lineage, like me.  We were then joined by the one who is known to you as El Morya, whose identity has not been fully revealed until this day.  El Morya is in fact my dear and trusted Brother, whom you call Ashtar.  We felt so comfortable in our Love and Trust for one another that we were reassured by the knowledge that no matter what this life might bring, we could manage it together.  I would be the “lead soul” and would take responsibility and be the namesake by which the person of Jesus would be known.  It was a great comfort to me to know I would be so supported.

Our hope was to bring Light and Love to all.  It was also planned that Mary Magdalene, who was to be my lifelong partner and wife, would be the incarnation of my Twin Soul.  Our intense love and attraction for one another as Twin Flames would allow for the strongest possible bond and would provide the balance needed to create an equally powerful female partner.  It was important to Mother/Father Creator, in agreement with the Galactic Councils, that female energy be fully represented as well.

Mother/Father God, our loving Source and Creators, were intimately involved every step of the way.  They oversaw this Project, which was to bring the Christ Consciousness back to their beloved Mother Earth and her suffering humanity.  So you see, there are no coincidences and no accidents in the planning of events that are chosen to unfold on your planet.  All is carefully planned, although free will on the ground does not always allow for the perfectly predictable execution of our plans.  In this case, it took more than 2000 years for our carefully laid plan to come to fruition.

My childhood and education was a happy time, a time of preparation and expansion, for I needed to become used to the experience of cohabiting in one body with two other intelligences.  We fell into step with one another, as we had always done.  My memory of my origins and my mission was not complete in the beginning, but it became clearer as I grew.  I studied and traveled, yet always returned to my family and to my Mary.

I felt such Love for my family and for my beloved Mary that our destiny together was absolutely clear.  We were married in a joyful celebration in the bosom of our family in Nazareth, and began our life together.  We were devoted to our family and to each other, and were dedicated to bringing Light and Truth to our world.

Mary accompanied me on some of my trips to other towns, and our home became a gathering place for conversation.  I did not think of myself as a teacher or lecturer.  I simply shared the deep Love I felt for God and humankind.  I knew the profound respect and affection of our Mother/Father God and the Ascended Masters who had been my friends and teachers in the eons before my journey as Jesus.  I was absolutely certain that the representation of God as an angry and punitive judge was utterly wrong.  I also knew there was no hell, no fire and brimstone and no real Lucifer or Satan.

I wanted to bring the message of Love and forgiveness to all I encountered, but early on I began to feel the intensity in the reaction from anyone who was close to a position of power or influence over others.  Their resistance to my story of Love was clear, insistent, and based in the fear of losing something they felt they could not let go of.  This negativity was not limited to religious leaders of my own faith, who did not easily relinquish their image of an angry and vengeful God.  Rather, the resistance and negativity I encountered crossed religious and philosophical boundaries, and it sometimes came from unexpected sources.

The more I shared my message, the more I began to see that people in any position of authority feared it because the message inspired personal freedom and independent thought in a way that challenged all forms of authoritarian control.  People began to flock to the gatherings, especially when I brought the power of Mother/Father God to heal the sick and to soothe those who felt bereft at the idea of coming to the end of life without any hope or understanding of their place in the Universe.  So many were fascinated and relieved to hear my affirmations that yes, there is an afterlife, there is the possibility of reincarnation and God is Love!

Yes, I did talk about my own memories of life in higher dimensions, where all life is guided by Universal Laws, where peace reigns and where one can learn to create with their own thoughts and intentions.  In the higher dimensions, learning goes on in the most expansive and unlimited ways, and the mysteries of space and time are easily understood.  Angels are indeed real, and souls can be forgiven for all life’s transgressions and can be helped to learn a higher level of understanding, along with a greater closeness with God.

I also taught that it is our responsibility as intelligent beings to respect and hold precious our blessed Mother Earth, Terra, who provides all and who nurtures all upon her breast.  Humans, animals, all the creatures, plants and sacred places on her surface deserve our protection and respect because they are as much the expression of God as we are.  I did not eat meat, nor did I encourage the raising and slaughtering of animals of any kind for food.  With attention to the particular needs of native plants in the dry Mediterranean climate where we lived, the cultivation of fruits and vegetables provided a rich bounty, enough for all.

These were my simple teachings, and I talked to everyone who would listen about the glory of life when Love is put above all else.  Of course, this came in direct conflict with the Roman conquerors whose civilization, for all its cultural advantages, was firmly founded on war and conquest.  Thus, my message of Love, while it raised hope and comforted many, put me at odds with the authorities across the region.

My friends and students in turn taught the message of God’s Love wherever they went.  Occasionally, they took notes, and Mary Magdalene recorded some of our teachings in a more formal way in her graceful, clear language.  Those writings have been mostly hidden, revised or re-translated to present an entirely different perspective – one which engenders fear, want, and feelings of entitlement.  Mother Earth was described as a force to be conquered, and God’s Love was shaded with contempt and arrogance.

Our simple and direct Aramaic was twisted into dense and contorted parables.  I did enjoy using parables to make a point, but where I was quoted, my explanations for the examples I gave would be left out, and the result became a murky and contradictory version of what I had actually said.

This is my reason for giving these messages to the world at this time:  to help those who felt the truth of my message find their way back to the simple pleasures of knowing who you are, where you came from and what life is really about.

Throughout the Universe, life thrives.  We are not alone, nor are we the most advanced civilization – far from it.  Our Brothers and Sisters from the Stars are here in the skies above you, waiting patiently to be of help with the most important endeavor a being can take part in – the Ascension of the entire population of the planet.  With this lifting of all souls to higher dimensions, we will also experience a lifting of energies throughout the Multiverse, for this is a Universal and a multi-dimensional process.  It is the destiny, the inner drive of all lifeforms – this evolution to higher dimensions – and you are a part of that process, every one of you.

Now I must return to the story I promised you – the story of my life.  Mary and I continued to live and teach near our home.  During that time we had two children, a boy and a girl, and lived a life as nearly idyllic as a family could experience, for a time.  We had a fairly prosperous family farm. (I was not a carpenter; I was a farmer). It was a simpler time, and we were generously supported by our families and our community, so that I could travel, do our healing work, and continue to spread our message throughout what is now known as the Middle East and beyond.  Our beloved friends welcomed me warmly, cared for us and our children with great love, and made it possible for me to share our message widely.

I was completely devoted to my beloved Mary, my love, my inspiration and the center of my life, as I am still.  We have remained as Twin Souls, even as we have continued our long relationship with Planet Earth and her beloved humankind.  We have both incarnated since, and she is in a body now, as are most of your Ascended Masters – especially the female counterparts who are here to usher in the Age of the Feminine.

It warms my heart to share with you here, as I have through other messages, that my Twin Soul is Kathryn.  It is important to include this information now because she is not only the center of my own heart – in this lifetime she carries and embodies the Christ energies, as I did in the Jesus lifetime.  For us both and for us all, Kathryn is carrying the codes that fulfill all we set in motion long ago.  Much of her work has needed to be kept relatively quiet until the proper time, which is now.  Our focus remains unified on the freeing, healing and Ascension of Earth and all upon her. (More of our story is shared through Mother God in the Addendum she has given Kathryn, which is included here and with the New Scriptures.).

You are all familiar with the supposed end of my life, when the forces of Darkness within both the Jewish community and the Roman governance aligned to persecute me as a traitor and a troublemaker.  They put out the warrant for my arrest.  I was alerted, and it was apparent that the inevitable would come to pass.  I was to be made an example, in order to quell the growing foment against the oppressive Roman rule.

I called my beloved family together.  I did not call them disciples; they were my close friends and fellow travelers, my trusted companions.  None was more loyal or devoted than my dearest Brother, Judas, as you call him.  I called him to my side to talk with him about the impending confrontation with the Roman soldiers.  I asked him to go to them and to tell them of my whereabouts in order to avoid a search-and-seizure melee, which would have put my entire family in danger.

He carried out my wishes faithfully, as I knew he would, for he was the incarnated Soul of Light, Archangel Gabriel, son of my beloved Brother whom you now call St. Germain.  My dear and steadfast Brother, Archangel Gabriel, was Judas, and he was the one who took on the role of Lucifer.  He never fell from the Light nor did he ever sever his connection with our Mother/Father God.  He was and is the Bearer of the Light of God, as his name represents.  He did not then nor has he ever had any real identity as the fantasy thoughtform creation the Dark Ones called Satan.  There was no bribe or betrayal – he loved me then as he does now, without reservation.

And so it happened that I was taken into custody, given a brief and prejudged trial at the hand of the autocratic Pontius Pilate and taken to be tied up and yes, nailed with spikes, not to a cross but to a large tree.  I was not given the honor of being put on a cross, contrary to the later contrived history.  That was generally saved for wealthy and important people, and it would have increased my notoriety.

Now I will acknowledge a part of the story that has been difficult for me to talk about.  The soldiers also arrested my Mary, and she suffered the same fate as I did.  We were both unceremoniously stabbed in the heart.

The whole procession and “execution” carried little of the drama or pageantry of the Hollywood version.  It was a stark demonstration of cruelty and raw abuse of power.  We were tied to the tree; nails were put in my feet and hands, causing great pain and anguish to both the tree and to me.

We were able then to leave our bodies, calling upon Creator to protect and sustain us, and we put our bodies into a deep coma state, which you might call suspended animation.

We, the souls who had inhabited these bodies until then, were able to ascend into higher dimensions, even while we tended to the bodies’ care.  We kept the thread of life alive until our bodies were taken away, and with the care of our beloved mother and friends, we were later resuscitated.

Yes, I did later meet my friends on the road, and I appeared to Paul, too, after I had spent a short time recuperating from the wounds, with the exquisite ministrations of my miraculous Mother Mary and Sister Martha.  I did not leave the planet then.  No, I lived on.

Our family traveled to France, where we were welcomed and protected, and where we were able to provide the education and safety our children required.  It was there that our third child was born, and Mary Magdalene established her own mystery school.  We later traveled to Turkey and the Far East, where we were also welcomed.

I felt a strong connection to Buddhism, and I wished to unify the teachings.  I desired to include many of the tenets of Buddhism in the messages I passed on – especially the emphasis on creating peace by making peace within; the concentration on the inner search for freedom and truth; and the use of meditation to reach a higher vibration and connection to God.

It was in Tibet that I found the mystical and mythical places where Heaven and Earth meet.  There are portals there to Inner Earth, and the monks have studied the deep healing techniques and quiet practices that allow them to live for hundreds of years.  I remained with them for extended periods during my eighth decade of life, in perfect health.

It was a long and fulfilling life, filled with rich companionship and, especially in my older years, with quiet contemplation in the embrace of God’s Love.  I returned from my travels to be with my Beloved Mary in our last years.  We remained in France, with occasional sojourns to England and Scotland, until my natural death at the age of about 86.  Mary followed me very shortly afterward.  We felt at the time we had begun an awakening, yet we were aware also of the campaign of Paul, who called himself an Apostle, and took it upon himself to create a new sect, Christianity.

I had not intended to create a religion.  I only wanted to bring the message of Love and Light, which would have illuminated the world’s existing religious teachings.  Ours was a straight-forward message – which, if left to flourish and spread, would have created peace on Planet Earth, or at least it would have established a bulwark against the flood of Dark Energies that came with the increasing invasion of the Archon Alliance including the genetically modified Reptilians.  However, as so often happens, it turned out to be those who professed to be supporters who created the most lasting distortion of our teachings.

When Constantine ordered the compilation and publication of the Bible of all my available teachings, the result was anything but accurate or complete.  His intentions were politically motivated.  He wished to control the burgeoning growth of what was then being called Christianity – the recognition of the Christ Consciousness on Planet Earth.  The Emperor saw the threat of allowing Light to filter throughout his far-flung and increasingly unmanageable Empire.

Joy and Peace insulates people from propaganda and fear-mongering, and the belief in a glorious afterlife in the presence of God tends to make them fearless in their resistance to being controlled.  Allegiance to family, community and to God dilutes one’s loyalty to any political entity, dissolving artificial boundaries and national fervor.  The priesthood, which was a powerful entity in its own right, aligned with Constantine’s needs because it was in their own benefit to maintain the power of  Patriarchy-as-religion.

And so, the document you call the Bible was created.  The Old Testament set the tone with emphasis on wars, competition and vengeance.  The picture of God it painted combined the teachings of the most narrow and violent sects of early Judaism –   designed to align with the later writings – most of which were doctored, redacted, reinterpreted and redesigned to create the confusing, contradictory picture of the angry, judgmental God you now find there.

The concept of “sin” was introduced into the writings, and along with the picture of a Satanic anti-hero, lifted from the fearsome folklore that had been used by parents to subdue their children. Guilt and shame centered around the control of sexual practices and obedience to an external, punishing God.  This “God” was indeed a reflection of the perfectly controlling Emperor, but it bore no resemblance to the God who was my Father of Creation, my own loving Creator.

I will say definitively, a child cannot be born in sin, since an infant is a completely innocent Light, untouched by Darkness, a pure soul in the process of beginning a new life.   Creating a child is a holy act, blessed by all in Heaven.  Nothing an infant could do could be in any way associated with sin or evil.

There is one remaining travesty which must be addressed here, and which must be healed before Mother Earth’s people will be able to live in Peace.  That is the idea that Christianity is the one true religion.  I do not, and never have, taught that I was the final expert or the only son of God.

We are all children of God.  No single person or set of teachings is The Last Word – superior to all others. There is only one Source/Creator, the Creator of all Creation in our Universe and others beyond.  No individual or religion has a direct line or a preferred standing with Them.  They are our Mother/Father Source, and all are equal in their eyes.

So, you see, the idea of a religious war is an absurdity.  Every soul on Earth and throughout the Multiverse has an equal place in Their hearts, and an open line to communicate, without the need of intermediaries, priests or channelers.  You are each born with the ability and the desire to be connected to the Love, protection and forgiveness of our Creator.  To do so will bring only joy and deep fulfillment to all.

I will not offer you detailed descriptions of the people and places I encountered in my life.  Those elements are not important, except to confirm my Love for humankind and my close attachment to my family, wife and children.  I am not the subject of the teachings God wished to bring to Earth.  I was the vessel for our Creator’s message of Love.  The events of my life are important only as they illuminate what we stood for and what we taught others.  Our message was changed profoundly when the crucifixion was invented as the centerpiece and focal point of my life.

The image of my body hanging on the cross is indeed a constant reminder to all that you too will be punished for believing in me and my teachings.  It is a gruesome threat, and it wipes out joy.  This indelible image alone has done more damage than all the words could possibly do to discourage exuberance, celebration and Faith.  It elicits sadness and dread, depression and hopelessness.  What comfort can one really take in the statement, “Christ died for your sins?”  I must tell you now:  I emphatically did not.

My punishment at the hands of my persecutors did not defeat me, nor did I die.  Neither my life nor my death had anything to do with sin – yours or mine.  I came to Planet Earth to represent the embodiment of a good and loving family, which obviously had nothing to do with celibacy, to teach through living among others and to lift the hearts of those who had been downtrodden and subjected to unfair political and financial practices.  The abuse of power was nearly as rampant then as it is now, although the means of robbing the poor to give to the rich has become more effective and efficient in recent times.

Many people seem horrified to read the channelings from me and also from Mother/Father God which include extensive political content.  I wonder why they would think that my teachings could be separated from the conditions under which people live, and the oppression which causes massive suffering and deprivation.

People who are suffering oppression have little energy left after struggling to survive and are more vulnerable to further oppression.  They also have a harder time keeping their hearts filled with Love and their minds open to God’s message.  It is our intention to help lift the conditions under which people live as well as the state of their spiritual lives.

I was also a healer, as I am still.  Physical suffering caused by illness and disability has long been aggravated by poor diet, overcrowding and toxic environmental conditions.  I wished to alleviate the unnecessary pain of physical illness because it tends to leave people exhausted and desperate.  They do turn to God for solace and healing, and once they do, I want to bring them the relief and joy that comes with healing.  This is the reason we are working with so many Lightworkers who are healers now.

It is time for all of Mother Earth’s beings to heal, and for Mother Earth to restore herself after the millennia of abuse at the hands of humankind.  It is time for the Grand Awakening to the Truth that all are One.  There is no individual, no animal, no tree that is not inherently connected through the fiber of their being to every other being.  A tree feels pain when it is cut; it deserves to be honored and respected when it is used to build a house.  Better yet, the technology to completely avoid the use of forest products is available and will soon be brought to Earth by your Galactic Brothers and Sisters.

What sort of thinking is required to cause an entire civilization to deplete and devastate its home, the source of all they need for survival?  I believe it is the same Darkness that feeds self-hatred and hatred of others not like oneself. That festering hatred has flowed throughout the relationships between humankind and their companions on Earth, creating a poisonous atmosphere in which animals turned on each other and began to fight and eat each other.  As the vibration of Love courses across the planet, lifting hearts and minds, the animals will respond by feeling and behaving as brothers to one another.

Eventually, all the Kingdoms of Earth will join humankind in harmony and Love, and eating one another will be a thing of the past.  Human bodies are evolving to be nourished by a vegetable and fruit diet, and the animals will change along with you.  It has already begun, for both humans and animals.

The same pervasive effect applies to your weather, for the consciousness of humankind stirs the same violence in the weather patterns as it does in the Animal Kingdom.  Mother Earth is now accomplishing her cleansing and restoration to the pure Eden of her beginnings.  Humankind will either be disrupted and overwhelmed by the violence of her reactions, or you will raise your vibration higher by the day, thereby mitigating the effects of her self-protective actions.

I tell you these things about the current developments on Earth because, you see, my work with humanity never ended.  I passed from the experience of life in a body in the 3rd dimension directly to the 5th dimension.  Understand, I did ascend, taking my body with me, just as you will do.  This part of the Biblical story is partially true.  It was called a resurrection, which is not as accurate a description as Ascension.  I not only came back to life, but I later raised my body with me into higher dimensions.  Those of us who have accomplished this will now have a body available to us when we wish to return to Earth, without having to go through the birth and childhood process.

I offer you this brief outline of my life to reveal to you the most destructive of the ideas which were presented as if they were mine, as if they represented the Truths as they apply to our Mother/Father God, our Creator, and their relationship to us.  There is much more I could tell, but I wished only to point to the most egregious falsehoods – those that created the biggest distortions to the Truth of our relationship to Mother and Father Creator and the Company of Heaven, all of whom are here to assist you now in your coming Ascension.

I suggest that you read this autobiographical message in the context of the earlier channeled messages from Mother/Father God, who have given you a much more extensive and detailed description.  They have been channeled by our dear Kathryn, and the compilation of these helpful messages is called “When God Pinched My Toe.”  They provide you the opportunity to feel how we work together with other Ascended Masters to accomplish this glorious and historic Ascension process.  You will hear the Love in their voices and the Truth of their words, which are completely in alignment with my own.

I believe you will come to feel the great Love we have for you, and the Love I have carried in my heart for all these eons.  When others had given up on the humans of Planet Earth, our Faith and Love remained strong, and we have now been proven right in our Faith that together, we will realize the Dream and accomplish the greatest challenge ever undertaken in the history of the Universe.

I Love you all.  We are One, inseparable as the wind and the leaf, forever and always.

I am your Jesus/Sananda, together with all the Company of Heaven.

The Andromedans – Galactic Federation of Light

The Andromedans are our galactic brothers and sisters and they have a message with an affirmation for humanity:
Greetings, love and consciousness we, the Andromedans extend to you in support of your ascension and the
valuable period of evolution you are moving through at this time. We have spoken in our previous
communication with you about the chaos which is developing or which you may becoming aware of within
your being and reality. We shared that the chaos has a purpose of awakening a light explosion within your
being creating a powerful healing and awakening of divine consciousness for you to explore in your current
reality. The Arcturians shared in their communication with you that we, the Andromedans, are selecting
evolved souls who are awake and aware at this time to anchor supreme love through their beings into the
Earth to influence and support all of humanity to shift into a vibration of love. With the information of our
previous communications in mind we wish to share additional information to support you at this major period
of your growth.
In order for the light of your soul and the Creator to explode from within your being into a beacon of light there
is a need to be aware of the lesson your soul has come to the Earth to achieve and overcome. This lesson,
challenge or hurdle has the purpose of creating unison between your soul and every reality of your being, for
example, your body, auric field, reality, mind and emotions. Often this lesson, challenge or hurdle feels like a
limitation, something you are being denied. Even though you may have placed effort and focus upon healing
or transforming this area, it may still feel out of your reach. It may also be the cause or be manifesting as
chaos in your current reality.
Any form of chaos is required to be approached from a space of love, even amusement and non-attachment if
possible. There is no need to activate drama or negative feelings within in response to small experiences of
chaos manifesting within your reality. Allow yourself to enjoy being observant with the knowingness that the
chaos is proof that you are moving forth to experience light exploding from within your being. For greater
experiences of chaos, you are not required to act or react in a certain way, simply to hold love, forgiveness,
faith and trust, for yourself especially.
Your physical body is your greatest companion for your soul as is your reality, however your physical body is in
tune, sensitive to and aware of your soul, with the ability to embody your soul. This is the greatest purpose at
this time. Many of you may know and experience your soul regularly however the chaos is forming in order to
enhance the bond between your physical body and your soul. If you are aware of the single challenge or hurdle
in your life which you so wish to experience, then you may realise that to aid its manifestation there is a need
to either feel the presence of your soul allowing the soul to connect with your physical body. Maybe you have
already achieved this so there may be a need to allow the soul and physical body to work in harmony to aid
manifestations in your physical reality. Therefore, there is a need to contemplate whether you are being
invited to enhance your awareness of your soul in your physical body or in projections into your physical
reality. If you are experiencing physical pain, then it is most likely there is a need to focus upon the
embodiment of your soul into your physical body. You may or may not already feel the presence of your soul
within your heart and emotions however there is a need to feel your soul tingling or vibrating within your
physical body, allowing the soul to make necessary shifts and adjustments, through which greater
embodiment will be experienced. If you are experiencing difficulties in your physical reality or your challenge is
the manifestation of a situation in your everyday life, then you can recognise there is a need to express the
soul working in harmony with the body to more fully anchor these sacred vibrations into your physical reality.
This latter request symbolises that you have already integrated your soul with your physical body however the
energies are not yet merging with your outer reality.
The greatest restriction to your soul’s expansion and embodiment is fear. While the soul can overcome and
dissolve fear with ease. If fear has been ingrained and has created repeated energetic patterns which exists
almost like programming within the body, then this is more challenging for the soul to dissolve because it
requires a balanced focused between many aspects of your being. When fear has become a repeated
pattern programmed within your physical body, mental body or emotional body then it can be released
through repetition of spiritual practices to move through the layers of fear creating healing.
Many people upon the Earth are becoming frustrated as they feel their desired experience or outcome is not
manifesting. This frustration is a part of the healing process between your soul and your physical body, and
your soul and your physical reality. Your soul is required to first manifest into the physical body and then into
the physical reality through the physical body. Your frustration is like the storm of chaos rising from within you.
In a storm you would find shelter and rest, during your inner storm of chaos you are invited to find shelter in the
love of your heart chakra, and to rest there. This is all that is required to bring everything into balance as well
as to become aware of the integrated balance of the soul, your physical body and physical reality. Do you
believe us, the Andromedans, that resting in your heart chakra is all that you are invited to achieve in this
moment to heal yourself and reality? Your levels of belief may be low at this time, you may have tried so many
different practices and yet nothing seems to support or help you in overcoming your hurdle. It may be that
more than ever this hurdle feels impossible to overcome. We understand this as a process of moving into the
evolution and embodiment of love. Never give up, although allow yourself to consciously find new pathways or
perspectives to support you.
We, the Andromedans wish to share with you some insights to support you at this time:
First understand that your physical body is your soul’s companion, therefore your physical body wants
to work in harmony with your soul and manifest into your physical reality. Fear is the major limitation of
this occurring. We invite you to affirm, ‘My body is my soul’s companion,’ you may also add to the
affirmation, ‘the harmony of my soul is experienced in my body.’
Secondly we wish for you to call us, the Andromedans, forth to rewire, repair and restore your physical
body’s ability to receive the light, love, consciousness, healing and sacred vibrations of your soul with
ease and perfection.
‘I invite the Andromedans forth to enhance my physical body’s ability to receive, experience and embody 
my soul. I invite the Andromedans to support my physical body in rewiring, reforming, restoring and 
repairing the divine flow of my soul into my physical body, so I may experience the manifestation of my 
soul within my physical body, resulting in the shifts and healing I desire. Now is the time for my healing and 
renewal, I open myself fully to experience the greater unification of my soul and physical body. Thank you.’
Thirdly, we wish for you to call upon us to rewire, repair and restore the flow of your soul and your
physical body’s projection of your soul into your physical reality.
‘I invite the Andromedans to support the merging of my soul and physical body to cleanse, heal and 
enhance my physical body and soul’s harmonious expression of the truth of the Creator.  May my desired 
experiences manifest into my physical reality and daily life now for me to experience with joy, delight and 
gratitude. I open myself fully to experience the greater unification of my soul and physical body in order to 
manifest my soul in my physical reality with beauty, abundance and bliss. Thank you.’
Fourthly, we invite you to call upon us, the Andromedans, to erase all fear, frustration, hopelessness,
anger, lack, feeling unsupported and separated from the divine.
‘Andromedans, with your high vibrational light and consciousness, I invite you to move through my being 
erasing all fears that are hindering my reality, creating chaos within my being and daily life. My fear may 
manifest as frustration, hopelessness, anger, lack, feeling unsupported and separated from the divine. I 
honour the fear within me for being present, however I know it is time for my evolution and next ascension 
shift to take place, this is what I now lovingly command to take place with ease, perfection and the complete 
experience of love. And so it is. Thank you.’
With our light embracing you it will be as if the fear is drawn out of your being and dissolved in our light.
All of our practices will support you and guide you further into the experience of your light explosion within,
however know that the simplest of practices are also relevant such as remaining in your heart space, focusing
upon love emanating from your being, even if you feel you are emanating your love against a storm which is
trying to unfold you.
At this time your trust is being questioned because of all the energies anchoring into the Earth and evolving
from within your being. You are being asked, ‘Do you trust in the power of the love within your being to heal or
create anything you desire to experience?’ If you do trust, then the answer is easy. It is natural to not trust
completely especially if you are not aware of any evidence of the power of the love of your soul and the
Creator in your reality, however we are all moving into a period where everyone does trust in love and love
fulfils all.
We are present now to support your healing and to aid the next stage of your evolution which will begin with an
explosion of light within you.
In compassion and love,
Channelled through Natalie Glasson –  18th December 2015 – Original Source – Sacred School of OmNa Na

Andromedans Channeled Message

Sheldan Nidle is doing  webinars informing us about more about our galactic family through his website:


Feeling Good is Feeling God.