When you want to create something new you will need to let go of something old


My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Always when you want to create something new you will need to let go of something old. If you want beliefs that work better for you, you have to work diligently to release old ones that don’t. If you want a new house, you must release the old. If you want new clothes, you must clear your closet, and if you want a new relationship you must give up hanging on to all that has gone before.

In truth, your past exists only in your mind, because in truth it is gone. It has washed away like water in a stream and you only carry with you what you remember and what you judge. As soon as you can love the past for what it brought you and taught you, then dear ones, it is over. The energy is released and allowed to flow from you, into the heavens where we, the angels, will help turn it into something so much better. Very much like donating fertilizer, when you give us your past pains, sadnesses, fears, unmet hopes and dreams, and ask that we transform them to love, we will. Like cleaning out your closets, dear ones, regularly giving us your heavy energy will allow you to breathe, and to make room for the new.

Place your hands just in front of your navel as if you are ready to catch something that will be released. Take a breath. Feel any area of your body, mind, or soul that feels heavy. Imagine as you breathe in deeply, that you are gathering this energy into your stomach. Then, as you breath outward imagine you release this dense energy in the form of a ball that gathers up into your hands. It may look dark, cloudy, or simply dense, if you are visual. It may feel prickly, heavy, or just unusual if you feel, or you may just imagine it. Keep breathing in this fashion, gathering heavy energy into the stomach with a slow breath in, then expelling it outward into this ball of energy in your hands. When you feel the ball has become quite heavy, and you are feeling much lighter, hand it upwards to the heavens, and we will take it from you and transmute it to love to be recycled into the universe.

Do this frequently dear ones, perhaps after work each day, or at least once a week. You clean your homes, wash your cars…why not clear yourself on a regular basis so your light can shine more brightly, your body can feel much better, and your mind can be at peace.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
