vibrate at the highest frequency that you can possibly find

change your life for the better & forever - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the ability to sense when you are making progress as a collective, because we read your vibration. We read your vibration as a collective and as the individuals that you are. We notice fluctuations in your vibration when you are focusing on something. Lots of different experiences are available to you in every moment of every day, and the experience that is calling you in the moment is the one to pursue, because ultimately you want to be in that higher vibration.

Now, if you cannot do what you want to do for some reason, you can still put yourself in a higher vibration by making plans to do it, by exploring different aspects of it, by asking other people about it who have done it. Your job as a human being is to know what is working for you vibrationally and what is not, and then all you have to do is choose.

Now, when you are a younger person, you are influenced by many adults, including your parents, teachers, and possibly clergy that you come in contact with, even your neighbors and your friends’ parents, and certainly celebrities that you see on the internet, television, or in the movies. They can all influence you in terms of what you then come to believe is good, moral, or cool. Certainly, they will attempt to influence you to move towards that which will bring you success financially. Very few of these adults are encouraging you to just notice how you vibrate when you partake in this over here versus that over there, and then make the choice that is in harmony with how you want to vibrate and feel in your physical body.

And so, as you grow and become adults, you start to notice that what they were telling you was right, or appropriate, or would win you the most friends or money isn’t really that appealing to you. And then you come to a point of feeling disillusioned by life and by what you have been taught about life. So at some point, you have to decide that you are going to follow the good vibes, no matter what, no matter how silly you look doing it, and no matter whether it’s considered a good career move. There are a host of other reasons why you may not feel that following your bliss, your joy, what feels best to you is somehow not okay.

So then beings like ourselves come along and tell you that your vibration is everything. It matters more than your bank account. It matters more than what other people think. And when you test the theory that your vibration is everything, we know you will get the results you want. But you may not find out that being a doctor, or a lawyer, or an architect is right for you until after you’ve spent years studying those particular professions and have possibly wracked up an enormous amount of debt to discover that the actual work itself has very little joy for you.

But it doesn’t really matter when you get the message, as long as you get it, as long as you realize at some point in your life, you must choose what makes you vibrate at the highest frequency that you can possibly find. That will change your life for the better and forever.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

For a few moments today, imagine your life as you want it to be. Feel, touch, taste, smell and experience it as if it is already happening. The Universe is fully aware of your potential, now it is time to start recognizing it yourself.

by Jennifer Farley, February 9, 2020,

It has been said before, and it will be said as often as it takes for you to understand, that you are responsible for your personal energy!

If you are repeating a ‘someone done me wrong’ or ‘my childhood was horrible’ story, you are sending out to The Universe that this is what you are, this is what you want, you are comfortable with it and “please send more!”

You have a choice! You can change your existence, and you have the right to a peaceful, joyful life.

With the next incoming wave of energy, it is your chance to begin that change. For a few moments today, imagine your life as you want it to be. Feel, touch, taste, smell and experience it as if it is already happening. The Universe is fully aware of your potential, now it is time to start recognizing it yourself.

The power of change is within you and has always been yours.

~ Creator

You are the actors, you are the directors, you are the fans. You are even the producer of this movie-Sananda-

Sananda and OWS via James McConnell, february 2nd, 2020

SANANDA  (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda.  And as always, I appreciate these times that I can be with you and communicate with you in these ways.  For so much is in the process of change now.

Many of you are feeling the energies, the waves of energies that are coming in.  And they are coming in stronger and stronger.

And in this day now, today, a major gateway has opened up that is allowing for many more of these energies to come through, and for all of you, the Light Workers and Light Warriors across the planet, to be able to take these energies in and continue to acclimate to them as they continue to work on your central nervous system.

And many of you feel the symptoms of this, because your central nervous system is not quite ready in some cases for these energies.  Some of you it is.  But some are having difficulty with this.  It can be in stomach pains.  It can be in bodily pains.  It can be in heart fluctuations.  It can be in rather severe headaches at times.  Energy is either expanded or contracted in those times.  You may feel like you need to sleep for long periods of time.  You may also feel energetic and like you can conquer the world in these moments.  You may even begin to feel more of a blissful feeling come over you.  This again is acclimating to these energies.

For this day, this February 2, 2020 has not happened in this way for over a thousand years, the last time being January 1, 1010.  And the next would be March 3, 3030.  So this is an auspicious time that you are in now in these moments.

And all of you are being prepared, and are preparing, for this ascension, for your own personal ascension, as well as the collective ascension of mankind.  Because this is a collective venture.  You have a saying:  “no man or woman is left behind.”  And that is the case here.  For no one will be left behind that wants to continue on, that chooses to do so.

Yes, there are definitely things that you can do, processes that you can take, tools that you can utilize to help you in this ascension process.  But I tell you now, as Sananda, no one will be left behind that chooses to move on.

For it is destined for all of you, all of you the Light Warriors and Light Workers, the Way Showers, the Light Bearers, all of you are destined that you shall move on.  For these are your moments.  This is your time.  Times that you have been preparing for for many thousands of years and many, many lifetimes.  These are the moments that will be arriving, are arriving now.  You just simply need to sit back, watch the show, and look at it as a show, maybe even as a movie that is playing out in front of you.

When you watch a movie, you observe it.  You are not actually a part of it.  You are not one of the actors in the movie.  But this particular movie you are one of the actors.  You are the actors, you are the directors, you are the fans.  You are even the producer of this movie.  While all of this is going on around you, be aware of it, but not involved in it.

As some of you, and many across the planet are beginning to become frightened about this so-called pandemic that is spreading, it is yet but another attempt, or another ruse, by those of the dark forces to both take attention away from something that they do not want you to attend to, or to bring fear so that they can feed off this fear.  And where many of those now that are seeking to flee from the light are going is where there is much fear happening now in these moments on your planet.  That is in the Asian area.

But there is nothing to fear except fear itself.  Except the programming of fear.  For if you remain within the eye of the storm as the storm continues to rage around, and rage around it shall still, not for much longer.  For those that attempt to raise the storm are finding out that they do not have the power anymore to do so.  And as they realize this more and more, the storm will diminish.

And the storm then that is raised by the forces of Light shall take over.  You are that storm.  Each and every one of you.  You are storm that raises the Light, raises the love, raises the consciousness across the planet.  So continue to do so.  Every opportunity that you have.  But you do so by remaining neutral in all situations.

Find that neutral stance within you, that neutral state within you.  Because that, more than anything, my friends, is preparing you for your ascension.  Find the neutral point.  Find the zero point within you and remain there as much and as often as you can, and you will find then that the 3-D matrix, the illusion of the 3-D matrix, will dissipate right in front of your eyes.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness, that you might continue on each every day, each and every moment.  Find that neutral point within each of you.

ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.   Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna is standing by, and we are ready to go.

Before we do, though, we wish to reiterate what Sananda has given here, and how important it is for you to continue to find that neutral point within yourself.  It is so important to not react in any situation.  To find that love connection within yourself, and listen to that love connection.

Listen to that wee whisper of love that comes deep within you, comes from the Source within you.  And as you do that, you will always, always, and in all ways, be directed in the way of love, in the way of Light.  And you will continue to move into those higher vibrations and remain in those higher vibrations longer and longer and longer.

And the more that you find yourselves in those higher dimensions, or higher vibrational frequencies, you will then find yourself also in the fifth dimension more and more.  And, as you are in the fifth dimension more and more, the 3-D world that you know of will dissipate more and more.  This is a promise to all of you.

Do this every day.  Find something in your life that you can change to change the programming in your life, anything.  Something small can begin to shift the programming.  Can begin to shift the programming for yourselves.

This is what you need to do more and more, here, and everything will take care of itself.  As we say many times, to ‘go with the flow,’ here.  And if you go with the flow, then you are going with your Higher Self directing you.  Okay?

Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to share, here, before we start with questions?

Shoshanna(Channeled by JoAnna McConnell):

We will contribute when there is a question.

OWS:   Very good.  Then we are open for questions now.  You can unmute your phone.

We do have one question here, The James is sharing with us right now that came from your e-mail.  It is about the ones that are the non-carbon-based.  It has been said at times that they were attempting to take over the planet, take over humankind, and that type of thing.

Of course, it is a scare tactic.  It is fear.  But there was also some truth to what those forces of the darkness were attempting to do.  In many cases, their plan was to overtake the planet at some point in the future.  This was the earlier predictions of earth changes and all of these things that were going to happen, as well as a potential pandemic or a third world war with nuclear expression with it, all of these types of things were planned by those nefarious forces of the darkness.

But, as you know it, that has all been curtailed by the forces of Light.  And the forces of Light are much, much stronger than the forces of darkness.  And certainly now as the Source of all creation here in this universe has taken charge, you might say, has taken an interest in everything that is happening, here, and at one point finally said, “enough is enough!” and were going to allow for the Prime Directive, if you will, to be overturned here in some respects.

And this has happened greatly with all of the ones that we call The Galactics that have come here to assist the Earth here, the planet, here, to overcome the forces of darkness.  And this has certainly happened, and is happening now in this moment.  The Light shall prevail – there is no question about this.

Shoshanna, do you have anything to add, here?

Shoshanna:   We do not.

OWS:   Very good.  Then are there any questions from the ‘peanut gallery’ out there?

OWS:   Hello Dear One Who Serves and Shoshanna.  We were talking earlier about the distinction between emotion and feelings, and what to do with them and what is

the distinction between them.  I was wondering if you could say a little more on what you see is the distinctions between them, like the emotions of human beings and the feelings that we are speaking of in a higher sense, I guess, and also when we need to deal with those emotions so they don’t kind of get stuck in our body, and when we don’t.

OWS:   Very good.  Shoshanna, do you want to share?

Shoshanna:   No, I do not have anything at this point.

OWS:   Very good. Then we will share with you a distinction, you might say, between feelings and emotion.  In some ways, they are one and the same.  But your emotional content within yourselves can lead to many different things.  It can lead to hatred, it can lead to anger, judgment, fear, all of these types of things can be your emotions.

Your feelings, though, come from deeper within you.  So that is a distinction you can look at here.  Because your feelings are deep within you.  Your feelings can trigger emotion in different respects, as we are saying.  The emotions can be of the Light side, or they can be of the dark side as well, within your own nature we are speaking of, here.

Shoshanna:   We will share.

OWS:   Yes, please, yes.

Shoshanna:   We can share our perspective on this.  May we share?

Guest:   Please.

Shoshanna:   This is simple.  An emotion is a reaction to a program.  It is a reaction that is triggered by a program that the human has learned to react to.  A feeling is a present-moment instruction that guides, that shows the being what direction to move toward.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very well said.  Yes.

Guest:   Wow.  Thank you.

There was a second part to that, that I don’t know if you heard.

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   When would you say, because I know that also with emotions sometimes they can get stuck inside of us if we don’t let them out.  So when would you say it is important to express emotions or let them out, as to where we are.  Maybe we don’t need to anymore. Maybe we are high enough of a vibration.  But is it still important?  Or when is it still important?

Shoshanna:   If you wish, may we share once more?

Guest:   Please do.

Shoshanna:   If you wish to express an emotion that you feel has been trapped, you may do this privately.  You must do this privately.  You can write about it.  You can talk about it into a recorder.  You can speak about it to yourself.  The challenge that we find is that when a being feels the need to emote, it is generally not a good thing.

And it victimizes them almost immediately, and victimizes the other that is listening.

So we will tell you that if you or any individual feels a need to emote, they must do it in writing or privately, not to another unless, let us say that you decide to go to a professional, and even then you will find that the emotion is a circular thin—it just goes round and round and round, and is never resolved, you see.  So please, if you feel that something is trapped, write about it.   Namaste.

OWS:   And we add here that as you move into the higher vibrational frequencies, the need to emote, as you are saying, will become less and less.  You will not have a desire or a need to do that, because the programming that created those emotions will be curtailed, will be gone in many respects.

Shoshanna:   And diminished.

OWS:  Diminished, yes.  Because all of that programming comes from your past.  And as you let go of the past, as we have said before, ‘forgive, forget, and move on,’ as you forget the past, if you forgive those that came before you, then everything will continue to take care of itself as you move into those higher vibrations, and you will never have this question again.  There will be no need for it.

Shoshanna:   We must share one more aspect of this.

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   May we share one more aspect, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Of course.  Thank you.

Shoshanna:   In your progressive culture, man developed a science that they called ‘psychoanalysis.’  And what this did for man is keep their brain in a loop.  You see, you can analyze things forever and ever and ever, and it will not diminish the program, it will keep you in the program.  So we would say that if an individual is the person that requires to analyze something, that they simply stop doing that.  You see, if something is occurring, it is not necessary to analyze it, it is necessary to move past it, you see.  And moving past it requires consciousness and an understanding of why you must move past it, not what it is.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.  And when you are analyzing something, you remain in the past.  But when you begin to let go of the analyzing, then you are in the moment.

Shoshanna:   In the moment, yes.

OWS:   When you are in the moment, then nothing else matters anymore.  You just continue to be in the moment.  Alright?

Shoshanna:   And we will add one more thing, if we may.  This is a very important question.  May we add one more thing?

Guest:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   There are many things that trigger emotions.  There are many programs that trigger emotions:  self-doubt, fear, lack of feeling loved.  All these things will trigger emotions, but have no basis in true reality.  We must truly understand these are reactions to programs that are false, that do not belong in the human heart.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Do we have any other questions here, now?

No further questions?  You can feel free to ask, if you wish.

Remember, when you ask a question, even if you think it is not important, if you think others will think it is not important, it can be important to others.  Someone may be wanting to ask the same question, but afraid to do that.

Guest:   Well, if no one else is going to jump in, can I ask another?

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Mostly because I hate to have you guys go (laughs)!  No, I’m just kidding.

Shoshanna:   We rely on you, Dear Sister, we rely on you!  You get the ball rolling!

Guest:   Well I do, I hate it when I sit there and go, ‘get on there and ask a question, because I don’t want them to leave!’ (laughter).

But seriously, can you tell us a little more about entities, and how they and they are around, how we can recognize they might be around.  Not necessarily inside of ourselves, but inside of others, and what is a way to deal with that.

OWS:   We are glad that you have brought this up, because it is something that is of concern more and more to those of you that are of the Light and the Lightworkers, and certainly even more so, the Warriors, here.  But we can tell you that you have sufficient Light within all of you, each of you, that you have no concern about this for your own personal selves.

Only if you open up to it.  You open up to it by the use, or abuse rather, of drugs, or abuse of alcohol.  Or it can be a bad fall that opens up a certain area of your spine to this connection, here.  So it can be various things.  It can be if you turn all of a sudden to the dark side.  But certainly none of you are going to do that.  So again, you have no concern about this for yourselves.

Now for others, the way for you to be of assistance to others is to not necessarily to attempt to remove the entity, because you do not do that yourself.  You ask for help or guidance from those who are available to do this to help you out.  It can be your Higher Self.  But it can also be ones such as Hilarion or the Archangel Michael, certainly.  They can help in this instance at all times, here.

But again, not to be concerned for yourselves.  And the important thing about your ascension process, your own personal ascension process is that it is just that, it is personal to you.  So you cannot control what happens to others.  You can assist, but you can’t control it.  Shoshanna, anything to add?

Shoshanna:   Yes, we can share on this.  May we share?

Guest:   Please.

Shoshanna:   The attachment of a consciousness to your consciousness that you believe is negative can be transmuted through love.  You see, if you feel a consciousness is invading you, and it is hurting you, and steering you in a wrong direction, you can ignite your heart with Light and love, and it will be transmuted.  It will go into the Light.

If another is perhaps exhibiting an attachment, love is always the answer.  Light is always the answer.  To love, to feel compassion, to shine a light, your light, on that which is negative, and it will be transmuted.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Would there be any other questions now before we release channel?

Guest:   I have a question.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Are the suns the chakras of the universe?

OWS:   Are the suns the chakras of the universe?  Very intersecting that you have come to this idea, or this concept.  Because the reason you are coming to it is because it has come to you.  It is coming to you as a remembrance, an understanding that is beyond the three-dimensional conscious understanding.  So we congratulate you, Dear One, for coming to realize that there is so much more to the universe, and so much of a connection between the universe and the individual such as you are.  Because you have chakras, the galaxy has chakras, and the universe has chakras.  So in retrospect, you are correct.

Guest:   Wonderful.  Thank you.

OWS:   Yes.  Anything you want to add, Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We do not have an answer.

OWS:   Very good.  Would there be any other questions?

Guest:  I have a question.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Since I have been in my family supposedly experiencing a walk-in, I would like a definition of what is a walk-in.  I have a feeling that I know, but I don’t exactly know all the concepts of it.  And why are they walk-ins.  And I understand there are many walk-ins now coming in, and what is that purpose?

OWS:   You are correct.  There are many more that are occurring at this time.  But of course, many people around those of the walk-ins would not even realize that that one is a walk-in, as you are saying.

And for those of you that may not know, a walk-in is normally an agreement that has been made prior to the lifetime where at a certain point the one who is living the life, the personality that is living the life, will exit the body and exit it in a rather, we will say easy way, for the most part.  And that one that comes in as the walk-in will take over the body and have the memories and everything from that lifetime.  But oftentimes there is a change that happens, because this one coming in is there to carry out a mission now.  And in order to carry out the mission, it must be in a proper vehicle at the time.  In other words, if there was a disease of some type, say cancer or something of this nature, then the personality exits the body and the new one coming in heals the body immediately.  This often happens, here.  You do not hear about it very often.  But if you know someone, such as this one is speaking here that she has an indication of one that is a walk-in in her life, and she has received some guidance about how to work with this situation.  That is all we can say on this now.  It is happening more, and will continue to happen more, because many have made the choice before coming into this lifetime to exit the body at a certain point.  Okay?

Shoshanna:   May we share?

Guest:   Yes.  Oh yes, please do.

Shoshanna:   The soul consciousness that steps into to share a third-dimensional consciousness is for the purpose of advancing humanity.  It is for the purpose of showing us what we need to do to increase our own vibration and to raise in consciousness.  That is why they step in.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Yes.  You just answered the next question I was going to ask.  Thank you.

Something else I wanted to ask:  I had heard, or I think it was Ruth Montgomery’s book that sometimes the other soul does not have to leave.  Can there be two souls in the same body, the other one did not have to leave?

Shoshanna:   We will share on this.  We will share, Dear Sister.  One Who Serves, may we share?

OWS:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, may we share our perspective?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   Yes.  This is correct.  Because the soul that enters the consciousness that another soul is occupying is for the purpose of uniting in consciousness and bringing forth a stronger understanding that is necessary for humanity to raise their consciousness and move forward in their lives, you see.  It is common.   Namaste.

Guest:   Another part of this, if I may take time, is okay now, we are saying a whole lot of new walk-ins are coming in.  Okay, so it must be to help us with this ascension, that they need to help the collective or society.  So what is the purpose, or is there one purpose, or is there just no answer?

Shoshanna:   We gave the purpose, Dear Sister.

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:  We gave it twice.

Guest:   Okay, say it again, then (laughs).

Shoshanna:  To augment man’s consciousness.  To move man forward.  To propel him forward in consciousness and vibration.  That is the purpose.

OWS:   Yes.  To help the collective consciousness in ascension.

Guest:   Okay, I got ya.  Thank you.

OWS:   Yes.  Are there any further questions, now?

Guest:   Yes, I have a question, if I may.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   I know a person that for years and years and years has been in the loop of negative emotions.  She has been in that loop forever, for many, many years.  And now she is making a conscious effort to break this loop of many years, but it seems like she is incapable of doing this, even though she has a strong intention.  And she is using the tools that have been presented to her or she found, but very unsuccessful.  How can she be capable to break this, when she seems to be completely overpowered.  I want to understand that.

Shoshanna:   Can we share on this, One Who Serves?

OWS:   Yes.  Please do.

Shoshanna:   May we share, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   One of the things that keeps another in what you call a ‘loop’ is the way we see them.  You have described this individual in terms that are very low vibration.  You must begin now to see her differently.  That is the first thing you must do.

The second thing, if you wish to help her, is if she requests your help, then she will receive your help.  If you are attempting to help her and she is resisting that, then you must step away.  Because she must give you permission.  You must ask permission each time you have something to offer her.

And the third thing is we find that this individual that you are speaking of is steeped in her past.  She speaks of her past.  She continues to lament her past.  And as long as this one continues to speak in terms of her past, she will stay there.  She will continue to trigger those programs of trauma as she stays in the past.  She must change her story.  She must find a way to get past her past and be in the moment.

And the only way that one can assist another in this process is not to join in.  Do not join another who wishes to speak of their past.  You must help her if she wishes this to raise her vibration by asking her to speak in terms of the now moment, what she enjoys in this moment, what is she doing in this moment, and how she is paving her future in the moment.  That is the only way that another can break the program loop of emotions.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Then we are needing to release channel, here, now.   Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to add here at the end?

Guest:   Thank you.

Shoshanna:   We will share.  We find, well, JoAnna finds that she will listen to these messages.  Once they are given, she will go on the website and listen to the messages to reinforce the message.

Because many messages that are given are layered with greatness, layered with wisdom from the One Who Serves and from the higher aspects of JoAnna, ourselves, Shoshanna, and to truly allow this information to be received in its fullest form.  It is important for the human to listen again and again, because the human is deeply programmed.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  And we close with this:  because of this major gateway that has opened here on this day today (02/02/2020) you will experience much more light coming in, into the planet, into your bodies, your central nervous system, these waves of energy, to continue to raise the frequency across the planet.  And that is what this is all about.

And as the frequency continues to raise across the planet, then you will find that the 3-D illusionary matrix will begin to dissolve more and more and more.  And all of those things that you are seeing in the news, and these types of things, will become less and less important.

Just as you are seeing now where many across this country especially are not even paying attention to what is occurring by those so-called leaders in your government, here.  They are turning a deaf ear to it all in many respects, because it is more of the ‘same old,’ same old.’

Guest:   I would just like to say thank you to everybody.  There have been so many great and wonderful things discussed here today.

Channeled by James McConnell

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“Believing is seeing!”

They are destroyers. You are creators. And both of you are completing your roles admirably. The difference is that destruction must come before rebuilding. Those now destroying are doing so with flashing colors and laughing faces. For just as will be true for you, they are completing their tasks valiantly, ceaselessly, and carefully.

Dear Ones,

We wish to address your need to be right – and others wrong. Both of you are correct in your personal context. For just as you cannot be wrong, neither can anyone.

Of course, that concept seems inappropriate now for surely 3D activists are wrong.

ThreeD activists are only wrong for you. For their role of dismantling outdated 3D structures is as important as you creating new structures. Their rashness, meanness, uncomfortable comments, and activities are calling you and others to action.

What you are observing daily is the opposite of love. It is, in a sense, a declaration of war on humanity and the environment. A war that has become so obvious it is painful enough for you and those following to declare, “No more!”

But then, those 3D activists are as productive as you in building a new society of love and joy. For their antics are explosions of that which has been beneath the surface for eons.

Of course, 3D actions and statements are unpleasant. Actions and statements that call your new humane and environmental interests to the forefront.

Many of you proclaimed your love of humanity and the environment before this time of chaos. Yet, you did little to create new structures or avenues of compatibility. Instead, you pooh-poohed the nastiness, injustice, and pain created by you and others in your 3D world. Such was uncomfortable, perhaps even reprehensible, but certainly not something you changed your life to address.

So it is many of those now in power are taking those uncomfortable positions to the extreme, so you and others of the light finally address those positions instead of covering them with band-aids.

Until now, most of you proclaimed that political leaders, corporate executives, religious, social service, academic, and community leaders, were responsible for resolving your discomfort. Those “so-called” leaders were your moral compass. And, the injustices were not painful enough for you to do something about them.

Now you are angry at those designated leaders, those society doers who allowed you to live in 3D peace physically and emotionally.

Those designated leaders are becoming society punching bags with thoughts of, “All of this is their fault.” Yet you are as much to blame as any leader. For leaders can only be leaders if there are followers. It is time for you to do your internal reckoning. What is important to you, and why? And if something is important, what are you doing about it?

This is not the time of blame, it is the time of change.

Most of you in the past few years or months have lit the path for those following. Now your needs, directions, and actions are beginning to shift in ways you cannot yet fully understand. For you are either becoming or have been angry at specific leaders. Anger that fuels your current and future action steps.

What you do not yet fully acknowledge is that those leaders who seem mean or inappropriate for this new world are more friend than foe. For they are pushing you into your new being role.

Just as will be or is true for you, those leaders have claimed their new earth role. They are pushing and shoving you to see the entirety of global inhumanity and environmental blocks.

This new earth restructuring is not minor. It is more significant than any previous shift, including the Renaissance and the industrial revolution. And it is happening at warp speed.

So it is that the villains of this new earth play must be absolute villains, not allowing you wiggle room for deniability. The villains are playing as significant a role as you in transitioning earth from fear to love. They are merely playing an unpopular role. A role they accepted despite knowing they would be hunted and haunted for eons.

You get to swoop in and create love. Their role is to destroy and be vilified. Perhaps you cannot yet grasp the discomfort of their role. But know that they are doing as much to shift earth from fear to love as are you.

So do not waste time being angry with them unless you feel the need to create a new structure from the ashes of what was. And if you are to create new structures, realize that your precious skills were saved from the “dirty work” by the people you are now angry with.

They are destroyers. You are creators. And both of you are completing your roles admirably. The difference is that destruction must come before rebuilding. Those now destroying are doing so with flashing colors and laughing faces. For just as will be true for you, they are completing their tasks valiantly, ceaselessly, and carefully.

Future generations will glorify you and villainize those who promoted fear during this time.

Despite your beliefs to the contrary, the road of destruction is more arduous than that of rebuilding. Those destroying are now applauded by many.  But, as time goes on and love, becomes more fully part of the earth, the destroyers will be villainized.

In contrast, even though your initial transition phases were difficult, the road is now smooth and straight. You only need is to recognize and follow your joy. And in future eons, you will be lauded and thanked.

So allow those you are now angry with to explore their paths of destruction. Just as you allow yourself to explore your path of rebuilding from fear to love. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

We would rather point out to all of you what is going right and the progress that you are making as individuals than we would tell you stories about what is going on with the negatively-oriented e.t.s, the shadow governments, and the so-called cabal groups.


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have our unique perspective on humanity and what you are all living there, and we see how much you grow because that is what we are looking for. We would rather point out to all of you what is going right and the progress that you are making as individuals than we would tell you stories about what is going on with the negatively-oriented e.t.s, the shadow governments, and the so-called cabal groups. We do not find that focusing on those aspects of what you are living to be productive in any way. We don’t see how focusing on negativity and the means by which negatively-oriented individuals seek to control all of you as something that we want to focus upon.

Now, we understand that many of you find the so-called battle of good and evil to be a fascinating tale, but ultimately, you are all there to unify the polarity that exists within the human collective consciousness. You are there to experience unity consciousness, oneness, and forgiveness. You are there to activate more love and compassion in yourselves, and in so doing, to inspire others. And so, you don’t really need to know what is going on behind closed doors in those meetings.

And we know a lot of humans are speculating about these major battles, who is winning, and who is about to be arrested. We see humans making names for themselves by focusing in this way, and we can assure you that those humans are not very happy. So when you decide what you are going to tune in to for your information about how humanity is doing, remember to check the vibration of the source of the information that you are getting.

Forget for a moment whether you think someone is right or telling the truth. Forget whether you think that the person’s insider information is coming from a valid source, and instead, check in with how the individual feels to you. See if the vibration is a match to what you want to feel, because if it isn’t, the information will not be resonating with that high vibration that you seek either.

We will continue to bring you positive news about how you are progressing, and that’s not because we are unaware of the problems that still exist in your society. It’s not that we consciously turn a blind eye to anything, anyone, or any group. We just send those beings who are still pretending to be the forces of darkness our love and light, and we get back to the business of helping you to expand your consciousness and to be the lightbringers, the wayshowers, and the changemakers that you most certainly are.

What we see overall with humanity is always good. It is always positive, because you are all evolving and ascending. More people are waking up every day, and as you focus on the light and love within you, everything else will take care of itself, and we will be here to guide you and support on every step of this journey that you are on. We will help to illuminate the path of the lightworker, because that is what we are all about.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

I AM everything I have sought for lifetimes…there is no longer any need to keep seeking.

The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, February 9th, 2020

                                   FEBRUARY 9, 2020

Dear ones, the world is increasingly moving toward more revelations with regard to negative actions and those  involved in them.  Be not afraid of what you may see and hear from commercial news sources or your technology for everything that resonates with old energy cannot help but change or actually disappear as new and higher frequencies integrate into the collective.
  Many commonly accepted rules, beliefs, and concepts that over time have resulted in today’s belief system, must be exposed for what they really represent before those who consider them acceptable will be able to see them for what they really are–programs based in false beliefs and the surrendering of personal power to those who seek it for themselves.
  Appearances would testify that mankind is going backwards and reverting to an old state of consciousness.   In reality, consciousness is going forward.  Each day as higher frequencies of Light increase, more individuals  become aware of what up to now has either been sanitized through false teachings or simply hidden behind closed doors.
  Allow your light to shine in each now moment of the day for this is what adds to the incoming frequencies of Light flowing from higher dimensions.  Accept that you are the one you have  searched for over lifetimes.  The high resonating energy of each awakened consciousness  is what will bring change,  expose shadows, and assist the un-awakened to wake up.
  All is proceeding according to plan.  Rejoice as you witness increasingly more people become aware of the need for change and better ways of living for all rather than a select few.  Changes are coming, but don’t spend your days waiting and looking for them while dwelling on and adding energy to negative appearances.  Rather keep your focus in truth, in the higher frequencies of conscious Oneness with Source and what that means.  Remember, you are creators.
  Honestly examine how much time and energy you spend thinking about negative issues and learn to be  very selective with regard to networking, websites, or groups that easily pull followers into dense energy under the guise of information.  Many of you are beginning to recognize an energetic heaviness when visiting certain websites, news sources, or even entertainments.
  Be intuitively selective with regard to what you accept into your consciousness.  Many sites that began as light fun and interaction with others have become platforms for promoting fear and separation.
  Understand that as your consciousness  increasingly shifts to new levels, you automatically move out of alignment with some previous interests–online or in person.  Attempting to make something from a previous state of consciousness work as it once did is futile and only serves to hold one in bondage to energy that is familiar but which has been outgrown.
  Be very honest with regard to how some people, places, or things effect you and have the courage to withdraw from them if they no longer serve.  Not only are you changing, but many things that began innocently enough also changed as they were recognized to be excellent platforms from which to to promote an agenda.  Always listen to and trust your intuition in these things.
  There is much to come dear ones, much that we cannot yet speak about for we do not wish to influence you or cause you to sit back awaiting the arrival of some concept of  “savior”.
  Love yourselves, all of yourselves not just the “good” parts, and allow your inner process to unfold. A great deal of clearing– physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually is taking place at this time.  Many of you are experiencing odd symptoms of one sort or another on one or all levels,
  The clearing of old energy is individual because energies needing to be cleared result from individual experiences and different lifetimes.  One person’s process  may be to actually re-experience something  while another’s  will simply be to feel exhausted or sick.  Allow you process without comparing it to another’s.
  Allowing indicates a consciousness able to  trust that the God/I AM of your being knows how to express ITSELF as and through you without your need to tell it how.  In every situation, simply say; “I allow…” rather than  “Teach me how to allow” because if your intention is to be taught, opportunities for practice will indeed present themselves.
  Rest and pamper yourself when you feel the need but don’t endow your clearing symptoms with power. Love and support  your physical body as it clears old cellular memory and integrates new frequencies of Light .  Speak to your cells telling them to release low resonating energies acquired through inheritance and experience, and  allow frequencies of Light to replace them.  Visualize bright golden Light moving into each cell and pushing out any shadow as it does so.
  Everyone at some point reaches a level of awareness in which they must cease looking to others for love, cooperation, gratitude, appreciation, friendship, support, etc. even from those where it is most expected.
  These things are God qualities, facets of Oneness, that  human beings in and of themselves do not have to give.  Looking to some person for what God alone possesses can only result in disappointment because individuals are only able to express  God qualities at the level of their attained state of consciousness.
  Every person eventually evolves to a place where they must begin to acknowledge their Oneness with Source and seek only from  IT.   This then allows whatever is needed,  be it the solution to a problem or the receiving of appreciation, to manifest outwardly though the avenue best qualified.
  Solutions often appear through a person from whom it is least expected or even a stranger.  Never doubt that what you need will appear, often before you know there is a need  if you rest always in a consciousness of Divine completeness.
  Third dimensional energy is and always has been about looking outside of self for everything.  This is because third dimensional energy can only express as duality and separation.  Enlightenment means realizing that harmony, wholeness, completeness, abundance, love, acceptance, appreciation, safety, security, and infinite supply are already fully present within never dependent upon outer appearances but rather upon a conscious realization of SELF versus self.
  God qualities express and flow through humans, but can never flow from them, simply because human beings in and of themselves do not have these qualities to give.  Once you understand this, you stop being disappointed by another’s  lack of empathy, appreciation, friendship, love, support, or gratitude because you understand that every person is only capable expressing God at their level of consciousness.  Everyone is  expressing their highest level of awareness.
  By not expecting another to give what only God has to give you are loving and allowing them to be who they are at this particular point in their evolutionary journey.   At the same time you are allowing yourself to trust that what you may seem to need at any given time already exists  within and so you allow the God qualities of your own Divine Consciousness to flow wherever and through whomever is the best vehicle.
  In these times of change you are witnessing the disappearance of much that has always been held as being “tried and true”– facts about successful living that you could rely on.  Fear often arises for even the spiritually evolved when suddenly they discover certain solutions no longer work or carefully laid plans fall apart.
  You have all lived lifetimes based in mind alone, where plotting and planning was the only acceptable way to resolve  issues of any kind.  Shifting away from mind alone and into truth and intuition is difficult at first when things begin to no longer work the way they are “supposed” to.
  Because almost everyone still carries frequencies reflective of familiar and commonly accepted  ways of doing things,  panic, confusion, and fear will often manifest as an individual moves to a level of consciousness that requires trust and allowing.
  Begin to put everything you have learned about truth throughout this and your many other lifetimes into practice and  begin to totally embrace the fact that you are a Divine Being having third dimensional experiences through your own choice.
  Spirituality was all well and good and even quite comfortable when it was something discussed in classes, listened to in lectures, read in metaphysical books, given through a psychic, or by meditating now and then.  It was something you enjoyed with like minded people and left you feeling “holy” and perhaps even a little “better” than those who didn’t know what you did.
  That work is complete.  You are ready to leave behind spiritual tools  based in a sense of separation that promoted  struggle in a vain attempts to contact some far away God or become enlightened.  You  came to believe that spirituality could only be attained through effort, ceremony, right practices, and a whole lot of work.   You now know that everything you sought through these practices is within.
  You may still be guided  to seek help from a certain teacher, book, or class to help you move through a “stuck” place, but spiritual  tools are never intended to become one’s lifeline.  A continuing reliance on anything outside of SELF simply prevents one from realizing that everything they need is fully present within. The books, classes, crystals, mantras, and gurus necessary to one’s earlier steps are meant to be  bridges leading within.
  Example; Crystals carry unique and often very powerful energy, but are meant to align with  and strengthen this same energy within the individual, rather than give them something they don’t already posses.
  Those of you who are  spiritual teachers in some capacity must keep in mind that it is vitally important that you never allow human ego to keep your student coming after they are ready to go “solo”.  A spiritual teacher’s job to give wings to each student as they lovingly guide them toward realizing their Oneness with Source.
  Integrate each truth as it reveals itself to you and live from your highest attained level of awareness. At some point  IT begins living ITSELF as you without effort or study on your part.  Most of you are either already there, or close to it or you would not be drawn to or even understand these messages.
  Let go dear ones.  Let go and jump off that spiritual cliff you have teetered on for so long.  Allow your Divine self to be your sword and shield.   Accept that you really are a Divine expression of God in material  form and never have been a powerless human subject to all the manifestations of duality and separation.
  I AM everything I have sought for lifetimes…there is no longer any need to keep seeking.
    We are the Arcturian Group                                                                     2/9/20


The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild,

February 9, 2020

Hi Guys. Making this time to hang out with you, so very much hoping you are home and ready for a chat?

Welcome to you and welcome to All. Even those who know nothing of us, we still send out welcoming Loving thoughts to them, for that which we say, that which we intend to assist … goes ‘out there’ anyway and reaches their Energy whether they are aware of it or not, or whether they want it to or not.
This is not interfering with free will. This is producing opportunities at their door step should they choose to open the door.
Keep that it mind, Dearest One’s, if you will. ALL good thoughts, ALL kind intentions, ALL that is for the Highest Good of ALL, sent out to ALL … is never in vain. Sometimes, it may feel that very little of these ‘Goodness thoughts’ reach their destination. This is not so. Always the destination is reached, yet, the fact remains that there is always choice as to whether or not these Energies of Love are absorbed at the time, or simply left ‘dangling’ until such time when the receiver is ready to accept and indeed, receive.

That’s interesting because I thought that if one sent out Loving thoughts to someone in need, that no matter what, they would make a difference.

They do. Even when they are ‘just hanging around waiting’ to be received, they engage in a dance with the … would we say … ‘outer energies’ of that soul or circumstance and nudge away little by little to penetrate through. It is rather like knocking down a brick wall … after much hammering away … it weakens the structure and suddenly, just when one feels it is a pointless exercise, the wall comes crumbling down.
Dearest Ones. Never feel that your thoughts to another or The Whole (for they are One and the same) fall on stoney ground. Have you not witnessed flowers growing up through concrete?
Every Good thought, every Good intention is NEVER wasted. For within these ‘prayer formations’ are again, ‘codes’ that heal on other levels.
We would put it in a childlike way such as this. If you were to be sending out thoughts through the ether’s to someone far away … and to get there, these thoughts had to travel over land and sea … imagine how many souls, birds, flowers, tress, blades of grass, droplets of rain and full oceans they have to ‘pass through’ to get there. So what you may imagine to be a kind gesture of Loving thought to someone far away, actually turns out to be a massive healing project as your Love passes through all these Living Energies on its way to the recipient.
Do not underestimate every move you make. Do not undervalue every thought process that is for the Highest Good of ALL. The POWER within your thoughts of Good intent is way, way, way beyond your imaginings. Because your imaginings have been hindered and curtailed over time, to leave you ‘believing’ that your ‘healing skills’ are very limited … or only fully comprehended by Gurus sitting on top of a mountain.
Stretch your minds, Dearest Souls.
Stretch your limitations. Do not believe ANYMORE that when you get to be a really, really, really Good person, that maybe then, you can heal a sore finger and feel Blessed for doing so and having such a gift.
Stop the dilly dallying. Recognise the TRUTH … RIGHT NOW!
They are part of your make up. They are not to be earned through merit of being a Good Human Being.
All of you are Good Human Beings. Each and every one … at heart … are Goodness. For each and everyone come from the Godself.
You are aware and sickened by the acts of those who believe they are ruling your Planet.

Believe? Are they not actually ruling it then?

No. They only ‘think’ they are …

Yet, what you think you are you become.

Exactly. So, if you think and believe that your Planet s being run by those of Lesser Light, then so be it.

Yet it is, isn’t it?

Because you believe this to be so. Change your beliefs!

You see, this is where I get confused. It is more than obvious to us that those of lesser Light are running the show … have you not said this yourself?

Yes, we have. Yet, they are running the show because it is embedded within the belief system that they are.

Because it’s true???!

Because one has believed it is so.
If each and every one that is aware of this, changed their attitude … changed their knowing … changed their belief system to a different one … say one turned their thoughts around and BELIEVED that your Planet was run by Golden Angels of Light for the Highest Good of all … if everyone did that … then the Energy flow from doing so would make that become your Truth.
What ever you choose to think … when you think about it and focus upon it for long enough shall become your reality … This is so.

Would you say though, that it would have to be a certain percentage of the population that had to do this, in order for it to happen?

We answer to that both yes and no.
For you see, Blossom … and please do not take offence … each one of you … each soul is residing within their own world.
Exit stage left! … and … falling straight down the rabbit hole! Please continue and I will try to keep up. I just don’t understand how that can be because everyone else I know, is also in my world.
And you are in theirs! Yet … you run the show ultimately. You conduct the orchestra. You pull the strings. You write the script, design the costumes and decide what role you are going to play and what role those who act along side you will play also. Your own little masterpiece … on display …

For whom to see?

Yourself. Just yourself. Because everyone else is conducting their own show.

Yet, surely I am in their show and how can that be when I am already appearing in my own? I can’t be in all these dramas at the same time … if I am busy producing my own.

Yes, you can and you are. For you are a reflection of that which they need you to be … in their show.

A reflection of what? Myself?

Yes. If you were to look in to a hall of mirrors you would see many visions of yourself. Many ‘productions’ of you and yet, there you are standing looking into just one mirror.

Your losing me … you know you’re losing me, don’t you?

Remain with us and allow us to flow …

Keeping in mind I am in my human mind/brain and this is doing my head in, for I cannot follow where it is leading.

Dearest Blossom. Here comes ‘the Biggie’ as you would say. You are playing out a role of yourself and who that person is … is who you are choosing to be in any one given moment of experience/experimentation. All that you see and project is your own movie theatre, as we have said. The souls that you cast to play their roles in your movie are there to serve you, in order for you to know yourself.

Yet, what are they doing in my movie when they should be in their own?

They are assisting you. They are in your movie as well as their own … for each ‘movie’ is a movie within a movie, within a movie, within a movie.

One moment please whilst I sweep my brains up off the floor! This really is another of those chats that get us going nowhere fast and one wonders why we even began. I seriously don’t know if there is any point in continuing for once again, I am deeply lost in the warren and not a carrot in sight!

Yet, Dearest Blossom … seeds have been planted …

Yet, with respect … why confuse us even more?

Because you are ready.

Yet, what’s the point? I am confused enough just trying to get through every day, without all this entering into my awareness … and I am pretty sure I am not going to be able to lecture on it even when I am two hundred and ten … for I STILL won’t understand it.

Yet, Blossom … You know it all. You cannot understand it … from the perspective of life that you are living in.

Then have we not just wasted an hour?

Knowledge is never wasted. Nothing is ever wasted.

Surely, if it makes no sense to you, it’s wasted. I spent 4 hours on a car journey once trying to really understand what political parties stood for what, just because I felt so ignorant. Next day we may just as well have spent those four hours talking about the adventures of Noddy and Big Ears, for not one thing had sunk in … wasted time.

No … just another experience that makes up who you are. Perhaps we should bring this to a close …

Leaving the door wide open?

Of course … and yet, if we had been given the opportunity to finish that sentence …


We would say to EACH AND EVERY ONE coming from the deepest place of Love … that our main point of this conversation is to reiterate that YOU RUN YOUR OWN SHOW! Whether you think you do or not … whether you like it or not … whether you agree or not … best get into your most splendid attire for not only must the show go on … yet THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH is about to Blossom forth FROM EACH AND EVERY ONE!

Curtain up … Light the Lights … we’ve got nothing to hit but the heights! (as the song goes). Not sure what this was all about today or indeed, how useful it may be … it is as it is. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.

You are in IT. Internal Transformation.

Jennifer Crokaert ~ The Nine: The First Stage of the New Age – Tiny Internal Change

February 7, 2020,

J: With love, respect and a little cheek, I am calling you forward to ask for something ‘new’. Now perhaps that’s very selfish of me, however I feel that we were asked to ‘keep going, keep going’, and we did. Since the new year, it feels as though we have crossed a major energetic milestone. We are tired, and nothing has changed. Just got more intense!

9: Dearest Jennifer, we are delighted by your question and we appreciate it. Yes, you are correct, a very major milestone has indeed been crossed and it would not have happened had it not been for the utter determination of our beloved ‘boots on the ground’.

You are the champions of this Age. Your sacrifices have been noted and have brought you all more praise, more admiration and appreciation, and more spiritual growth than you can even comprehend.

J: And therein lies the … eh… challenge? We can’t comprehend. We follow our orders, so to speak, not that you order, it’s more the natural inclination to serve the greatest good that pulls us, like the pull to return home. And because we don’t comprehend, I have a question.

I feel your gentle patience, waiting for me to articulate it!

9: We have all the time in the world!

J: We are fed up of all the time in the world! Even while we trust and serve!

I suppose I’m asking ‘What’s new?’ The focus has changed, we can feel it in the energy. The energy has changed, we understand that too. And we even understand that change takes time to manifest, but the question is, apart from the message to keep on keeping on, what IS new? What’s the new energy? What is the context, the theme of this new age? What is our focus?

9: The new is new! The speed is new. This one year will see greater change in the human condition than the past twenty years. Much that right now is considered impossible, will have become possible by the end of this twelve-month cycle.

J: With respect, that could mean anything. It’s not very concrete.

9: Because it can’t be. Energy is not set in stone: unless it is stone! Energy follows probabilities, so it must change and reflect the innate desires of beings on Gaia, both the base and the high. The basest of the base have already gone. They have departed your planet.

There is another layer that is, or was, entrenched, that is resisting the peace deal they were offered.

They are fighting to retain power and to grab power from others in the current confusion. However, this is a misperception on their part.

There is no confusion. The confusion is entirely theirs because they cannot understand how their plan has failed. They were convinced to their very cores that they were in the right, serving their god, and that they were the generation that would finally reap the greatest rewards, the fulfilment of the prophecy.

However, that prophecy was distorted from the very moment it was handed out to those on Gaia who did the work of evil. It was always known that this was the generation for whom it would end; it was known it would end in the total implosion of their misguided agenda, but they were told it would be triumphant and, because so much else that they were told happened, they believed that they would be the gods among men.

It was never a concept to them that All Is God; it is the inalienable spark within every being, from the pebble to the plant to the person.

And that divine spark is their saving grace, as when they finally accept their fate, that spark – which is all but dead – will be nourished back to life and they will live the effects of their actions. That will be far more painful than any punishment your courts could sentence them to.

This is an example of the perfection of divine love, that it can be experienced as pain if that is how one has shaped it in their life, and it can be experienced as kindness, if that is how one has shaped it in their life.

J: And for us, what can offer that is uplifting and not the same old same old?

9: When a fire is lit, there are tiny sparks, then tiny flames. In the new age, you are in the tiny sparks stage. They are within each and every one of you. Everyone is feeling the pull of the new, the energy, the dynamism, the desire to stretch, to expand, to move, to shake off the old, whether it’s changing how you dress, think, act, live or work. Change.

Seemingly tiny, internal micro shifts are what is new.

These sparks are about to be fanned into flames. You are moving quickly now; but to make the most of bigger changes, you must first follow the nudges of the small changes and embrace them.

Then you will have further lifted your energies and vibration to accept and easily integrate the new shifts and changes.

One step builds upon the previous. Sometimes the steps are small, and then every so often, they are quantum. Yet you must take each step, tiny or quantum, to fulfil your highest potential.

The new energies are making it easier for everyone to hear and feel these internal impulses, and then to follow through on them in concrete ways, in whatever way they are called to do. There is much change among you and between you now. You are in IT. Internal Transformation. It can only manifest outwards.

Follow your dreams, your impulses. They will lead you to exactly where you are supposed to be and how you can best vibrate in this transition time.

We leave you in love, the nine.

When you communicate, when you meditate, when you take care of yourself and show compassion for others, you can rest assured that you are doing enough to help the entire collective, a collective that has very few examples being shown to it of the right way to deal with something that’s coming up from within.

you are the changemakers in this ascension process - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been very excited to witness the way that you have all been handling yourselves through this ascension process. We are speaking specifically to those of you who are receiving this transmission, because you are the ones who are awake enough to be dealing with your traumas, your negative emotions, and your heartbreaks in an evolved and mature way. You have all seen the character in the film or television show who handles being rejected, fired, or otherwise hurt in some way by going to the bar and drinking themselves into oblivion. You have seen reflections in these stories of how a lot of people handle their sorrow and discomfort.

And you all have gotten to the point now where you do not look for the nearest escape or numbing agent to try to hide from the feelings and the memories that are so hard to accept and embrace. You are the leaders of this consciousness evolution because you have decided that you want to face that darkness and those demons head on.

Many people wonder what they are supposed to be doing, as if there are actions that could make as big a difference on your world as processing your emotions and dealing with your own stuff. There is no action that gives more to your fellow humans than setting that beautiful example will.

When you communicate, when you meditate, when you take care of yourself and show compassion for others, you can rest assured that you are doing enough to help the entire collective, a collective that has very few examples being shown to it of the right way to deal with something that’s coming up from within. And so, you are the unsung heroes. You are the ones working behind the scenes to contribute something that is invaluable to the entire collective consciousness. You are the ones who are showing the way, and that is enough of a contribution. Anything else that you do is a bonus.

Who you are, and how you be in the world, these are the things that matter. You also allow yourselves to get to the love that is at your core by dealing with that which is heavy, dark, and obscuring that love and light that exists within every single one of you. So you are shining your light, and you are agents of love, and that is the reason why you are wayshowers, lightbringers, and agents of change. This is how it’s done, and you are the ones doing it. Congratulations on your success.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

In many ways, there is a need to open your perspective beyond anything you are currently willing to acknowledge and accept. Thus, moving beyond your current state of being in order to embody the completeness of the Creator, which requires great courage and dedication.-AA Melchizedek-

The Transformation Within by Lord Melchizedek

Channeled through Natalie Glasson  – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Welcome, I am Lord Melchizedek, I AM the overseer of the Universal Level of the Creator’s Universe. I identify myself as one being and yet I am a whole comprised of many. I am the Melchizedek consciousness and source. However you choose to recognise me, I AM present to illuminate you and remind you of your deepest connection; your relationship with the Creator experienced through your current manifestation. Will you allow yourself to see within me the truth of the Creator? Will you allow yourself to see within your being the truth of the Creator? The Creator is ready and available to be seen, sensed and experienced fully. There is simply a need to create your intention, shift your mind to align with your intention and open yourself fully to receive. In opening yourself fully you release and let go of all which is limiting and blocking you, in order to receive all that has always been present.

This simple practice can be applied to all areas of your reality, to situations, problems, creations and healing:

  • Create an intention.
  • Ask that your entire mind and mental body is aligned with your created intention. Also ask that your mind, mental body and the intention is enthused with light to raise the vibration of your being thus allowing your intention to manifest as the purest and greatest possibility for you.
  • Focus upon receiving the light, love, and truth of the Creator into all aspects of your being. As you do so you imagine, sense or acknowledge yourself opening, expanding and relaxing, allowing the divine flow of the Creator to surge through you.

This simple and yet powerful practice allows you to create transformation within your being and reality. After experiencing this practice a few times, you will begin to recognise the powerful shifts created within your being, understanding how synchronised everything is within and around you. A realisation that blockages, stagnation, and feeling that things are impossible or cannot manifest is simply something you may have aligned with in the past. Realising the power of aligning to that which you wish to experience and/ or embody, sets you free, supporting a powerful transformation within and the reality you create for yourself.

The Shifts Taking Place Within

This is a time of complete transformation. By this, I, Lord Melchizedek, mean you are transforming to recognise the completeness of your being. The fact you are already whole, connected to the Creator and embody all you need. There are numerous levels of recognising the completeness of your being, each brings you closer to the presence of the Creator within you. This is the time for recognising your closeness with the Creator and it is due to the 2020 Light Blaze amplifying all that is the Creator within and around you. It is important to make the most of this amplification taking place now. To do so is to focus your attention within you and to ask yourself:

What transformations are taking place within me now?

To ask such a question is to align yourself to any and all transformations taking place within your being. While also taking a moment and some space to recognise there are transformations taking place which are major and mind-blowing if you only allow yourself to recognise them. It is possible that you have most recently found your attention being drawn outwards into the physical world, this often happens when a lot is happening within you. It is almost like a coping mechanism. However, there is a need for you to be a witness to the shifts and transformations taking place within you, even if you do not understand them fully. Each moment you focus within with the purpose of recognising the transformations taking place you open yourself to be inspired and to recognise your inner magnificence. Thus, you allow your entire being and beyond to transform into an embodiment and remembrance of the Creator. Such an experience would be empowering, encouraging you to continue to search within, watching both the turmoil and radiance taking place.

The shifts taking place within each person will be different and diverse, even though the goal of remembrance of unification with the Creator is the same. Each time you turn your attention within your being, you may receive different, varied and new understandings. Predetermining the transformations taking place within you or creating expectations of what should occur will only distract you for recognising the truth ready and available to blossom. In many ways, there is a need to open your perspective beyond anything you are currently willing to acknowledge and accept. Thus, moving beyond your current state of being in order to embody the completeness of the Creator, which requires great courage and dedication. It is far too easy to retain your current perspective and outlook while trying to seek within you the truth of the Creator. Only what you know will be revealed to you, thus your inner transformation will be insignificant compared to the breakthrough available to you in any given moment.

What transformations are taking place within me now?

Only you have the power to answer this question with the truth and integrity it requires. Only you can communicate with and receive the Creator for yourself and your reality in this lifetime. It is time to trust in the process unfolding within you. Even if you do not understand it. It is time to trust in your ability to recognise, know and embody the wholeness and completeness of the Creator now and in every moment of your reality. In doing so, you will remind yourself of your unbreakable bond and inspirational communication abilities with the Creator, which have always been present and yet can now be fully embodied by you. It is now time to step fully into your pathway of truth and to engage with it wholly. Your pathway of truth is most likely not what you expected for yourself and life, yet it will be deeply engaging and exhilarating. Let yourself hold and embody the transformations occurring within you, if only for a moment, as the flow of the Creator is immensely powerful.

The Inner Planes Transformations

It is appropriate to say that the same transformations and shifts occurring within your being are also taking place in the 352 dimensions of the Creator’s Universe. You are the vehicle which houses the Universe of the Creator. Everything you discover within you is taking place for all on the Earth and beyond. There is no separation, there is only unity and oneness. The shifts you experience within you are happening within the Creator. Therefore, you are the witness of the transformations occurring within the Universe of the Creator and the core of the Creator. You also have the opportunity to embody these transformations, experiencing them as your own. Can you recognise how synchronised you are with all that is the Creator on the Earth and the inner planes? This in many ways is your quest of discovery and embodiment.

When you feel as if you would like some additional inspiration, you can call upon my energies, Lord Melchizedek. Ask me to connect your awareness into a shift and transformation taking place within the Universe of the Creator. You may wish to specify that wherever I, Lord Melchizedek, feel guided to direct your attention, that this will serve and bring enlightenment to your current reality. As you enter into meditation with my energy surrounding you, I will guide your attention to the inner planes, making you aware of a transformation taking place. Simply allow yourself to be a witness to this transformation. Thus, you will notice the same within your being and its impact upon your entire being.

As a closing question, I invite you to ask into the presence of the Creator within you, what is a transformation after all?

With devoted love,

Lord Melchizedek

Art Work by Mark Eden.

New Energy Delivery Systems on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been watching and waiting for the perfect timing to deliver to you the following transmission, and this moment is the perfect time to deliver it. We have been noticing the changes that some of you can detect in the way that energy is being delivered to your planet, and we want you all to know that the delivery system will continue to evolve with you and because of you.

There have been so many more delivery systems created in the past several years that it would take too long to detail every single one in this transmission, but we would like to make you aware of the more powerful delivery systems so that you can pay closer attention to how you feel. The trees have been utilized by so many higher frequency and higher dimensional beings that if you just sit under a tree and hold that intention to absorb the energies coming in, you will most certainly feel markedly different in your energy field.

Your pets are also being utilized as energy delivery systems for all of you. Therefore, it has never been a better time for you to get yourself a little animal friend to live with you. We also have noticed that each blade of grass has been utilized on your world as an antenna, as a sort of lightning rod for the energies coming in. Rain is a tremendous system for delivering energy to all of you.

And so, you may have noticed a theme here, and that theme is nature, of which your animals are a part. Connecting more with Mother Nature and all of her wonders is the best way for you to receive exactly what you need and what you want. Bring more plants and flowers into your homes and get outside as often as you can. Breathe in the fresh air with the knowing that as you breathe, you are accessing more energy. And breathe with intention. Breathe with that knowing that you can fill your lungs up with the highest frequency energies available to you in any moment.

But we especially recommend that you get out into nature and breathe consciously. And at the very least, bring as many representatives as you can into your homes to connect with them, as they are the conduits that allow you to become more of yourselves and to hold that higher frequency that we know you all want to hold.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Meditation for cleaning up toxicity in human bodies,homes & festivals all over the planet.

Among all sorts of drugs , alcohol in any shape or from is another cause of toxicity.
Alcohol does not serve anyone in the energies of evolution from Carbon based to Crystalline based cells called Ascension.
We will do this invocation and meditation every day at 20h00 for the coming 7 days from 5-20 minutes to assist in clearing up all addictions to use any toxic substances & alcohol , to suction all impurities from each and everyone on the planet to clean up all homes and all clubbing scenes and festivals for the highest good for all.

‘’In Gratitude to be here in this now moment I call upon in Gratitude My Higher Self and My Soul Team ,The Angelic and Archangelic Kingdom,All Beings of Light of the Unlimited Unconditional Love,The Ascended Masters , Galactic Sisters and Brothers,The Animal and Plant Kingdom,Mother Father God and Prime Creator to assist in clearing up from each and everyone the toxic habits, whatever it is, to purify each and everyone’s energies and to help them realise their oneness with God/Love within and all life so all can go through their Ascension Journey smoothly with ease, grace and flow taking full responsibility of their being,Thank You,Thank You,Thank You.And So Be It.’And So It Is’

We visualise in a Golden Green Emeraud Violet Light each and everyone being vibrant, healthy, rejuvenated, happy ,connecting and celebrating authentically one with another in loving and forgiving communities.

God Bless You and Thank You

Feel More Than Fine

Whatever you choose to focus on will come to be in your existence!

February 4, 2020,

The Human brain is one of the most complicated and beautiful things in The Universe. With minimal input it can process a range of emotions, feelings and information it is being given.

It is so adept at this, even the most minuscule data can become reality to you. With this knowledge, please remember; whatever you choose to focus on will come to be in your existence!

  • If you choose Joy, more Joy will follow.
  • If you choose fear, it will envelope you.
  • If you choose Love, it will grow exponentially.

You have a choice, my darling ones, you have always had a choice! Let The Universe show you that it can and will be as rewarding as you want it to be.

~ Creator

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council

Through Valerie Donner February 4, 2020

Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I am working exclusively with the Earth Council for the Ascension of the planet.

I advise you to take nothing personally because everything is up for grabs. You are living in the end of times as they have been and this requires flexibility, the need for observation, and adaptability.

You are being re-trained for a new way of living. Please take nothing for granted while you remind yourselves that you are being looked after by Spirit, the entire Light Alliance, the good Galactics and all of creation.

While this may seem a bit of a challenge, especially for those who are accustomed to planning out their daily routines, you are up to the task. Most of you are learning to adapt, some are kicking and screaming, and others are finding joy in the spontaneity. You will discover that living in the moment can be quite delightful. You are already being jarred into the realization that time is nonlinear.

We want you to have everything. Spirit wants you to have everything. Your job now is to allow your selves to live in magic and miracles. Your manifestation abilities are expanded. Test the waters. See what you can create. Clear what is no longer necessary. Be open and receptive. Allow the abundance. Rise above the mundane. Be generous and grateful. Expand your sense of self into that of a powerful master and being. Have some fun!

You are held in high regard for being on the Earth at this time. We understand how anxious you are to be living in the Fifth Dimension and higher. We know the sacrifices and the limitations with which you have lived throughout numerous incarnations on the Earth. You deserve your beautiful heaven that is in your dreams and in your visions. It is within your touch [reach?].

Reach for the stars. They are your heritage and your future. Feel at home in your heart and let your heart lead the way. Higher dimensional living is heart centered living. In you we trust. The very best is yet to come. Together we hold the keys to the new Earth. Let the light shine and the truth be told. You were promised that you would inherit the Earth. Your time is now.

I am Mira and we are loving you in every special way.

Art Work by Mark Eden.

As I walked across the water, I did not wonder if I could do it. I knew in that moment that whatever was needed was there for me. So in every moment that you are in, you have everything that you need to be and do whatever you need to do in those moments. You must come to understand that. You can use all of the tools at your disposal, and there are many that have been given you -Sananda-

Sananda  (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda.   As always, I appreciate this time that I can be with you and be able to share, and help a further understanding.

Not at your three-dimensional level, because so many of you have moved beyond that.  Even though you do not know it or fully believe that you have.  You have.  Many of you are in the fourth dimension more and more frequently, and even in the fifth-dimension at times.  But seldom, if you really think about it now, seldom you are back wallowing in that third-dimensional illusion anymore.  Yes, there are moments.  But those moments pass quite quickly now, if you have noticed.

You are not being held back anymore by the programming, unless you believe that you are.  And that is the crux of the situation, here, my friends.  It is the belief process.  Believing is truly seeing.  But those are just words.  Unless you fully believe it.  For so many of you continue to have that programming, that you must see it to believe it.  But even that is fading now for many of you.

Yes, there are many that are still asleep.  Not those of you that I speak to now.  But there are many across the planet that have not yet awakened.  They are not the ones that are going forth before the others–the Foreshadowers, the Way Showers–you are those.  And the programming that you all believe you still have, you really do not have.  Just as Lady Nada told many of you once before:  there is no veil.  There is no programming.  Within the moment, within the very moment, all programming, or what you believe as programming, can be gone in the blink of an eye.  It can all be gone in one moment.

And in that one moment, there can be the ascension, your ascension.  But then you wonder:  then why haven’t I ascended?  You have not ascended yet because you do not believe that it is possible yet.  And that is all there is to it:  belief.

But the programming, the veil that you believe is still pulled tightly over your eyes, even though it is not.  That veil, that programming, can be overcome in the very moment that you are attempting to overcome it.  It does not take a long, involved process.

Yes, you can go back and look at the source of the programming.  You can go back into past lives and look at this and see from whence it came, where the patterns began.  And it can be helpful to do this.  But only because your three-dimensional mind requires it.  If your three-dimensional mind did not require it or, rather, if you were not in your three-dimensional mind and in the higher vibrational frequencies, it would not be required.  You would not need it.

So the idea that you have to go through a process over a period of time is not true at all.  Unless you believe it is.  But if you believe fully that you can make a difference right here, right now in the moment, you can.

When I changed the water into wine, as Yeshua, I did not wonder if I could do it.  I did not think about it beforehand.  I did not analyze it.  I did not look into the jugs to see if it was wine yet.  I took a container of water and began to pour it.  And as it poured, it changed into the wine.  This is the belief that is needed.

As I walked across the water, I did not wonder if I could do it.  I knew in that moment that whatever was needed was there for me.

So in every moment that you are in, you have everything that you need to be and do whatever you need to do in those moments.  You must come to understand that.  You can use all of the tools at your disposal, and there are many that have been given you.

But the one tool that will surpass all of the needs for the other tools is simply a belief and a knowing that you are in the very one moment now, and in that one moment, you are the ONE, you are the source creator.  And everything at that moment will take a back seat.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace and love, and implore each and every one of you to go forth and continue to know as you go forth that you are the ONE, always.

I release now to another who would share with you briefly.

KaRa   (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am KaRa.  It is also wonderful to be here with you, and to be able to share.  And to help you to understand from the point of view that we look now upon your Earth, as we look down upon all of you.  Not ‘down’ as in looking at you as something lower than us, but down from our vantage point.  And we can see so many things that you are not able to see with your physical eyes.  But when you open your third eye, fully open it, then you see as we see.  And we see tremendous momentum gathering.  Everything is moving forward exactly as it needs to.  Even though at times you feel you are standing still, or the world is standing still and nothing is changing.

Everything is changing.  Everything is in motion now.  You hear many times that all is being orchestrated, and it is indeed so.  Everything is being orchestrated.

We, those of us in our ships, are preparing.  We are preparing for disclosure.  It is coming.  The many projects that we have been working on, and those of you on the surface have been working on as well, and even those below the surface have been working on.  All of these are coming to fruition, almost all at once.  So you will begin to see so much more that has been kept in the background, that has been kept hidden from you.

I speak now of the disclosure, that you are not alone in the universe.  The full disclosure.  Not a partial disclosure.  That has been requested by many to have a partial disclosure, but that is not to be.  Because the collective consciousness of all of you have risen up and said, “No more!  No more covertness, no more secrets.  Everything must come out into the open.  Everything must be revealed.  The truth must come forth.”  And because of that, you are changing the course of history, or the course of the timelines that you have been traveling on, and creating your own timelines.  As of yet, you do not fully understand this idea of timelines, but you will.

Because you are on the timeline of your own creation now, not the timeline of those who attempted to turn the time to their advantage.  They were able to do so for a very long time, thousands of years.  But no more.  For the source of all of creation in this universe has said, “No more!”  And everything followed from that, as if that was the one big domino that needed to fall.  And each domino fell from that, all the way down.

And you will begin to see soon that one large domino that you have been waiting for.  It has not yet fallen, but it is about to, and it will shake the very core of the beings, many here on this planet all at once.  It will be both Earth and mind shattering.

But I do speak of certain happenings that are coming forward.  For we can see the precursors of this now.  And yes, it does have to do with your political situation as a big part of it.  For all is going to be revealed.  And once this occurs, then we, those of us that have been waiting in the wings to show ourselves to you will be able to begin to do so more and more, just as we have begun doing.  But it will become more and more profound, as so many more of you, both those that are awakened, and those that are yet still asleep, will become awakened by these very events that will come forth.

I am KaRa, and I appreciate this time that I can be with you in these moments to be able to further help your understanding.

But again, always know that it does not matter how much you understand, but just that you know in the moment.  And when you are in that very moment, then understanding is no longer necessary.

Peace and love be with all of you.

ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.   Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna is standing by, sitting by, whatever the case may be.  And we are ready to move ahead here with your questions and hopefully have some answers for you.

We often do have answers, not always what you may be expecting, though, or even wanting.  But we do what we can to be of service, here.  Would there be any questions, here?  Now you can unmute your phone.  We appreciate you are very, very diligent in keeping your phones and your Zoom situation under control, here.  And we are very appreciative of that.

Guest:   I have a question, One Who Serves and Shoshanna.

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   Hopefully you can give me some insight on this.  Three months ago I felt like I got something stuck in my right eye.  I was doing some sanding.  And there was something in it.  I went to the eye doctor.  She couldn’t see anything in the eye.  She told me just to keep on putting the Refresh eyedrops in, which I did.  It started getting a little bit better, but it always felt weapy and watery still all the time.  Then a different doctor gave me some Neomycin steroid drops to put in, because there was pus in it sometimes when I wake up in the morning.  So it is just bothering me.  It’s not painful, but it is uncomfortable.  I wonder if this is a spiritual thing.  If there is something I am not wanting to look at.  Or if there still is something possibly in the eye that is not easily recognized by a doctor.  Can you give me some insight on this right eye of mine, what I could do to help it, please?

OWS:   We can, but we will turn this over to Shoshanna first, if she is ready.

Shoshanna(Channeled by JoAnna McConnell):

We can share on this.  May we share our perspective on this, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Yes, Sweet Sister.

Shoshanna:   There are always components to the physical that are beyond the physical.  The physical is where the nonphysical manifests, you see.  So, in knowing this, you must understand that that which is occurring in the eye has a nophysical component.  Do you understand this?

Guest:   Yes, that’s why I said, is there something I am not wanting to look at.  Yes.

Shoshanna:   We do not know what that is, but that is generally why there is something in the eye.  Well, we can tell you that we have an understanding of this, but we cannot share this with you, as it is important that you find this out for yourself.   As you know, there are things in your life that you wish not to deal with.  Is this not correct?

Guest:   Yes, it is (laughter).

Shoshanna:   And we find that when you begin to empower yourself to deal with these things and move past them, the physical manifestation of the eye problem will be alleviated.

In the meantime, you must care for the physical.  And we find that there is a slight infection in this eye.  So we are going to suggest that you continue doing what these doctors are telling you to do by cleansing the area, but also feeding the body something different using just standard things like colloidal silver and oil of Oregano to treat this low-grade infection that is avoiding the vision of the doctors.  It is avoiding it, but it is there, it is present in you.  So you must give the body something to fight with to boost the immune system so that it would travel to this area.

And we are going to suggest that you meditate upon this.  As you consume the things like colloidal silver and oil of oregano, you meditate upon the consumption of those things as going directly to this area to heal it.  So you must take care of the emotional component and the physical component, and the spiritual component of these things, and you will see a relief occur.

We also find that you must cry.  We will suggest that you watch an incredibly sad movie or listen to some sad songs so that you can begin to release the emotion that is behind all of this.  You must stop the bravado that you show the world and become, for a few moments, surrendering to that emotion.  Does this make sense?

Guest:   Absolutely.  Yes.  I haven’t cried in a long time.  I don’t feel like crying, but I think I need to.  Yes.

Shoshanna:   This is common for the humans.  It is so common for the humans.  Because we are told and programmed as small children not to cry!–“There is nothing to cry about.”  This is what we are told, so we are in the spell of that program.  So please find a way to find something so sad that you are forced to release this emotion.  Do you understand this?

Guest:   Yes.  Absolutely.  Very good, profound information.  Thank you.  Yes.

Shoshanna:   Namaste, my Sister.  We love you with all our hearts and all our souls.   Namaste.

Guest:   Namaste.

OWS:   We add one thing, here.  It was wonderful what Shoshanna has given.  And we add one thing that is coming up in the James’ memory, here, as a particular song.  We know you know this song:  “I can see clearly now, the rain is gone.   I can see all obstacles in my way.”  That song.  Play it.  Play it often.  Sing it.  And your words within that song will greatly help to alleviate the situation, because as Dear Shoshanna has given, it is both:  it is both nonphysical and physical as well.  And there is a component that comes from the nonphysical, certainly, and this will also assist here, as well as what Shoshanna has given.

Guest:   Thank you.  Many blessings, many blessings.  Thank you both.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   I have a question for One Who Serves.

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   Hello.  On Friday, during my session, you had mentioned you wanted to know what happened and follow this.  A couple of questions.  As of yet, anyway, it doesn’t seem to have changed the smoking.  And I know on last week’s call you mentioned something about it being involved with the Fifth Chakra, very deep inside the Fifth Chakra.  And I am just wondering if there is something else with the Will Center that wasn’t addressed?  It just feels like some emotions were kind of activated, but it doesn’t feel as if I’ve released them yet.  And I am just not sure if there is something else in the Fifth Chakra, or other lifetimes, or trauma in this lifetime, if there is something else around the smoking, because it feels the same, the addiction.

OWS:   There is certainly something else that you did not yet look at.  But it was also deemed not necessary for you to do so, because the trauma that came from this and your self-destructive behavior that you have used in not only this lifetime, but many lifetimes previously, came from that source that you looked at.  And it is a process that you need to go through.  But, if you pick up a cigarette and you look at it, and you still want to smoke it, then you have not cleared the full sense of the trauma that is involved in this.  And that is largely located there within your Fifth Chakra, your Will Center.  As you are not able to assert your will, here, as we find it.  And this is what is blocking you at this point now.   It can be alleviated simply, as we had spoken of here on that session, by doing those things that were given.  But if this does not work for you, then your will power is not yet strong enough, as we find it.  So this is up to you.

Shoshanna, we know you have somethings you would like to add, here?

Shoshanna:   We can share if this one wishes for us to share.

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   We find a similar personality in you as the last one who spoke.  You are brave.  You are courageous.  You are busy.  You are a very busy person, and you occupy your time with busy things.  We also find that you do not cry either.  You do not release the emotions that are trapped.  Is this not correct?

Guest:   Um, yes.

Shoshanna:   So we would tell you to do two things if you wish to begin to conquer this.  Because now it is up to you, you see.  It is up to you to conquer this.  You must do two things:  You must release the emotion. And again, we are going to say something very silly, but you must find some sad movies, and sad songs, and let yourself cry your eyes out until you feel a release occur.  That is one.

The second thing we will give you is a tool.  We are going to ask you a question.  How many cigarettes do you consume per day?

Guest:   Um, it actually varies quite a bit, depending on how strong, I guess, my will is or where I’m at with that.  Because some days I cut down, and then sometimes I will go right back to maybe half a pack, ten a day or more.  So it kind of has been fluctuating a lot.

Shoshanna:   Okay, so half a pack would be ten cigarettes, correct?

Guest:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   Okay.  So we are going to tell you if that is generally what you consume, is to cut that in half.  So now you must allow yourself five cigarettes.  And you must practice exercising your will.

So if you are awake for twelve hours, you have five cigarettes to consume in the twelve hours, and then you go to sleep, or whatever your waking time is.  Then you divide that among those cigarettes.  Now, if you smoke one cigarette every two-and-a-half hours, you have to exercise your will to wait.  You must begin to exercise your will power to wait.  But you can have a cigarette at the end of the period of time that you have waited.

This is difficult, and it will cause you to have many emotions.  You may be frustrated, you may panic, etc.  This is your ego, your Third Chakra, wishing to extinguish your will, as the ego wishes to control most of us.  So we will tell you to use that tool to begin with and, as you exercise your will, it will become easier to exercise your will.  You must try this and not give up.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Yes.  Exercise your will.  That is a very important point, here.  A very suggestion for a tool.

Guest:   I can’t tell you how many times I have done what was just recommended.  Too many to count as far as the cutting down and using my will power.  But I guess I go back to if there is still something blocking the Fifth Chakra and that Will Center.  Is there something else there I could do to clear that so that I actually have the will to exercise.  Easier said than done when it feels like there is something blocking me there.

Shoshanna:   We will tell you, Dear Sister, that if you attempt to cry your eyes out, find sad songs, find sad movies and continue to release, and release, and release, something that will come into your path will tell you what is there to release, so you do not know what it is.  You will be reminded, but you must exercise this will regardless of whether or not you have tried it.

We are simply saying, Dear Sister, to continue exercising your will until it is stronger than your ego center.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Okay.  Thank you.

OWS:   Very good.  We move on.  Are there any other questions, here?

Guest:   I can make a statement.

OWS:  Is it also a question?

Guest:   Firstly, a statement on this last person who just spoke.  I just wanted to say that I made a homeopathic remedy for myself for smoking cigarettes years ago.  I still have some.  You take one drop every ten minutes under your tongue for an hour and that’s it.  Then about a few weeks or a month later, it just naturally stops.  I haven’t had a cigarette since, back in 1986, and it still works.

OWS:   If this one, then, would like to receive that, you can do your e-mail to her if you would.

Guest:  Okay, sure.

Shoshanna:   We will tell you, Dear Brother, may we share?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   We will tell you, Dear Brother, that behind any remedy is the will to do it.  You can share this, as you are profoundly loving and wishing to be of service to all that come into your path.  The important thing here is that when you share, that this one that receives your remedy wishes to use it with all her heart and all her will.   Namaste.

Guest:   Great.  Thank you.  I just wanted to ask a question for myself.  Someone who lives with me noticed my regime I make every morning in which I make a protein drink with fresh orange juice, strawberries, bee pollen, and honey.  I drink this protein drink, and have for years and years.  She said this doctor said what I am taking, according to her, is too much sugar, either fructose or honey, or any of it, and that is the cause of so many diseases like diabetes and all these other things.  I don’t seem to have any problems with it, but I just thought I would pass it by you.  I have a protein drink in the morning which lasts all day, and then I have one meal at night, a regular meal.  I am just wondering, am I having too much sugar and too much sweetness in my diet?

Shoshanna:   We can share on this.

Guest:   Sure.  Thank you.

Shoshanna:   One Who Serves, may we share?

OWS:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   Dear Brother, we will share our perspective on this.  If you feel good, then what you are doing is appropriate.  If you are well, what you are doing is appropriate.  Everyone has an opinion.  You must not listen to those that wish to tell you you are wrong, because it is you that has domain over you.  So we will tell you that there are many blood types.  There are many metabolism type.  And there are some that need to have fruits to survive.  And it is a requirement of their body.  If you were experiencing ill effects, then we will tell you you are doing something wrong, but you are not experiencing those things.  So you must not pay attention to others that tell you what to do if you are doing what your higher aspect is giving you.  Do you understand this?

Guest:   Oh, yes, yes.  Thank you.  And I would like to say one thing:  I always tell people whatever you believe to be true about anything becomes a parameter of your experience.  So you can be as empowered or as unempowered as you choose to be.  And I go along with that all the time.  Thank you for that, Dear Sister.

Shoshanna:   Dear Brother, can we share another perspective?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   That is true form a philosophical point of view.  Yet, every body is a biological individual entity and must do what is required for that physical body, and we find that that is what you are doing, you see.   Namaste.

Guest:   Yes, I agree.  Thank you.

OWS:   The James has a very simple saying that he uses quite often:  “whatever works.”

Guest:   (Laughter)  Forgive, forget, and move on, too (laughs).

OWS:  That is our saying that we use, that we gave to you!

Guest:   (Laughs)  Well it works, and I love it.  Thank you.  I like simplicity.

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   There is the deepest truth in the simple words.

OWS:   Very much so.  Would there be any other questions here before we release channel?

Guest:   Alright, I’ll jump in.

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   Maybe you can give us a little deeper understanding of this.  I have been having stomach issues.  I am wondering if this is also partly my body is changing to the light body and it is moving away from taking its fuel from food, so that might be part of it.  So I am trying to understand also, you guys tell us all the time that we can eat anything once we are at fifth-dimension if we just bless it. And you guys can eat anything you want out there.  How you do that?  Do you manifest a body?  I am trying to understand this too.  How does this work?

OWS:   First of all, the manifest the body, yes we can, and we do.  That is the first part.

The second part is all about vibration.  And as you are in the higher vibrations, your need for food becomes less and less.  Now understand:  we use the term ‘need for food.’  You still might have a desire, though, for it, because you have become so accustomed to taking in various foods that you enjoy.  And there is nothing wrong with this.  But understand, as was given by Shoshanna earlier here to the other question, your body requires certain things, and does not want some other things.  So if you listen to your body, you will know.

But as you are feeling these temporary, and we use this term purposefully, temporary stomach issues that you are having, that is largely, as we find it, because of these energies that are coming in.  Your body has not quite acclimated to these energies, as many have yet not acclimated to these energies.  But you are beginning to do so more and more.  And as you move up in the vibrations more and more, then the body will be able to take in other types of nutrients that before possibly it did not want, or you did not desire, but it will require certain things that it did not before and, with these symptoms that you are having, push away certain things that it does not want.  Okay?  Do you understand this?

Guest:   Yes.  I do understand it.  It’s unfathomable to me because I feel like I am such a healthy eater, and then it is just projectile leaving my body.  It was a fruit shake, what is the deal?!

Shoshanna:   We can share on this.

OWS:   Please do, Shoshanna.

Shoshanna:   We can share on this, Dear Sister.  Would you like us to share our perspective?

Guest:   Oh, please, by all means.

Shoshanna:   We have a slightly different perspective.  We believe that we know the answer, but we will ask you a question.  When you find this issue happening, where are you physically.  What is you location?

Guest:   Okay, last time it happened I was in a school.  And I had just had a rough day the day before with the kids.

Shoshanna:   Well, sometimes the simplest answer is the accurate answer.  We find that your stomach, your digestive system, cannot swallow what is being given in your environment.

Guest:   Oh, wow.

Shoshanna:   You cannot swallow what you are being told to do with these children.  Does this make sense to you?

Guest:   Oh yes, absolutely.  I cannot swallow also the pain that the kids are in that’s just barfing itself all over the place, and that nobody’s really addressing it at any kind of a deeper level.

Shoshanna:   We find, Dear Sister…may we continue?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   We find that you have a large emotional body.  That you are very sensitive to your surroundings.  And we also find that you often do not pay attention to this.  That you attempt to steamroll yourself through these things when your emotional body is screaming at you to stop.  But you continue on.  So we must tell you, you must listen to that emotional body that is being left in conflict and manifesting physically this issue that you have.  So you must find way to develop an environment that is conducive to who you really are.   Namaste.

Guest:   Thank you.  I appreciate that.

Shoshanna:   Does this make sense to you?

Guest:   It makes every kind of sense.  I think it means get the heck out of the school system, get the heck out this house.  And then comes up the question:  how?   It makes sense, though.

Shoshanna:   Okay.  Dear Sister, can we continue for just a minute more?

Guest:   (Laughs) Definitely.

Shoshanna:   We will share our perspective on the how.  There is no how.  And there is no way, until you decide to take the action.  You must make a decision to do it, and then as you courageously make a decision to move past this issue, the how will reveal itself.  It will not reveal itself until you have firmly made the decision.   Namaste.

Guest:   Okay.  Yep.  Thank you, I appreciate that.

OWS:   Very good.  And along with the statement that Shoshanna gave about swallowing, not able to swallow, there is another saying that you have in your vernacular:  ‘you cannot stomach this.’  It is very similar.

Guest:   Yep.  Got it.  Thank you.

OWS:   Very good.  We need to release channel, unless there is one more rather quick question, otherwise we need to release.

Guest:  May I say something?  I wanted to say that I had the same thing that the other Guest had with the eye issue.  So whatever I am going through is through that area, correct?

OWS:   We did not understand your question directly, here.

Shoshanna:   She is saying that she has the same issue as the other Guest with her eye.

OWS:   We heard that part.

Shoshanna:   She wishes for you to confirm it.

OWS:   To confirm that it is the same as the other Guest?  It is not, because every one is different.  You all have different symptoms.  You all have different things that you are dealing with in your life, both, again, nonphysical and physical.  And those things that appear at a physical level have a nonphysical or metaphysical existence, or metaphysical source of this.

Much of the things that occur in your physical bodies have a metaphysical source.  That is what you need to know.  There are many energy blockages, and the eye can be one of these particular types of blockages.  Again, possibly something you are not willing to look at.  And we use the term purposefully here, ‘willing to look at.’

Shoshanna:   We can share.

Guest:   Sure, go ahead.

Shoshanna:  We wish to ask you a question, because we have been given a message.  We wish to ask you, do you have a son?

Guest:   Yes.

 Shoshanna:   We have been given the message that your situation is about him, and you have to find this answer for yourself, or maybe you already know this.   Namaste.

Guest:   Thank you.

OWS:   Very good.  Then we need to release channel, here.  Before we do, Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to close with, here?

Shoshanna:   There are so many things here.  What we must tell all of you is that you are powerful creators.  When you in every moment recognize that you are powerful creators, and that you are not subject to this crazy world, and that you have domain over yourselves, you will move past whatever it is that is troubling you.   Namaste.

OWS:   And we close here with the assistance in the knowing here that you are continuing to move along on your journey.  You have had many travails throughout your journey, but you are coming now to the close of this part of your journey.  And you have various things that you are still dealing with, still moving through.

But the more that you can simply, as we said at an earlier time, ‘forgive, forget, and move on.’  This can be very, very important for you if you do it.  And it is just like any other advice or guidance that is given you:  it can be helpful if you do it.  If you do not, not so helpful.

Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the one.

Shoshanna:   Shanti.  Peace be with you.

Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

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“Believing is seeing!”

Huge Positive Changes are Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been excited for quite some time to witness this next phase of the journey of the human collective consciousness, because you are headed towards a time of world peace. You are headed towards a time when no one will be dying of hunger or dehydration. You are heading towards the time when racism, sexism, homophobia, and all sorts of other prejudices will be a thing of the past in your collective human history.

So the exciting time you are in is about getting from where you are to where you are going. You get to experience the laying down of weapons. You get to experience the apology and the acceptance of the apology. You get to experience what it is like to take an entire community of hungry people and give them access to all of the food they could ever want. That’s exciting. That’s what the journey is about. The journey is about the movement forward that you experience in all of those instances and many, many more.

Just imagine the relief you will feel when no one feels the need to arm themselves with a weapon, no matter how big or small. Imagine the feeling of satisfaction you will get in knowing that everyone has a warm, comfortable bed to sleep in that is inside a safe home. Imagine the collective sigh of relief that you will all feel when everyone is safe and knows that they are safe walking down the street at night alone. That’s where you are headed, that makes it okay for you to be where you are.

You created the mess that society is in right now so that you could move from the messy side of things to the nice and neat side of things. That’s why it is all right for you to not throw your hands up in defeat when you see something on the news about a mass shooting or a hate crime. Yes, it means you still have some moving forward to do, but know that you are making those positive steps forward every single day, and those positive steps forward are being made because of how many of you care.

So when you find yourself crying over footage of a bombing, remember that your tears are in that moment helping. Your compassion is tipping the scales. It is because you care that humanity is getting there. And so, it is important for you to recognize how powerful you all are in that you are the ones who are initiating and creating the changes that we have spoken about in this transmission. Let yourselves feel. Let yourselves care, because at the end of the day, it is that power of emotion, that power of compassion that fuels the human collective consciousness to where you are going.

And this is why we are so very excited to see you all on the precipice of so much positive change, so much relief, and so much love flowing through each and every one of you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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It’s time to be you. Just as you allow infants to be who they need to be as they explore what they are interested in exploring.

Dear Ones,

Many of you are concerned you have a small role to play in the next act of your transition play. Such is not true. For even shining your beacon of love is beyond your original earth expectations in this lifetime. But then, you have been an overachiever throughout your Universal existence. For you were created to create, not merely to hold a place for others.

Of course, you wish for us to relay your new role in more specific words than finding your joy. You wish us to tell Jamie or Steve she/he is to be or do this. We, of the Universes, cannot for you are in an amorphous phase. You have not yet formed anything of substance that directs you to where you wish to be. So it is you are waiting for a current to curse through your veins, directing you to this or that. But until you fully know who you are, we of the Universes do not either.

Many of your guides and angels experienced life on the earth. Their words of wisdom were a result of their understanding of 3D earth. The same was true for you. So it was that crystal ball, Tarot, tea leaf readings, etc. were action plans based on past and current events.

But because your new love-based future continues to be formulated, no one, including you, has definite bearings about what you want to do in the next few months. The outcome is a given – a world of love and joy. The steps to that outcome have not yet been formalized.

In 3D, the need to claim territory, family, community, social mores, etc. combined with a personality type in a fear-based world significantly reduced the number of probable actions. Even though readings offered possibilities, those possibilities were a repeat of what had occurred for eons.

In this new earth, there are no givens, not even personality types, to formulate accurate action plans. Discovering your joy and negating fears has created unlimited possibilities.

So the question continues to be, “What and where is your joy?” For as you release your fears, your joys shift. What you loved yesterday is no longer. And what you will love tomorrow is not yet apparent. So it is you cannot yet determine who you are any more than can we of the Universes.

As you shift, your joys shift. And as your joys shift, those around you shift accordingly. For you have likely narrowed your action/companion base to a few. Those few are taking their cues from you. Not because you are their leader, but because you understand this amazing transition better than they do.

Your role seems to change daily, as do your interests and skills. Allow that to be. Just as you once allowed yourself to be an infant learning to shake a rattle and turn over.

Even though you might smile at the infant analogy, you are in a similar place in your joy tapestry thread. You know you want to be “over there,” but you do not yet have the skills to get there. So day by day, you test this and that joy to find those pieces that make you whole.

Some of you need to allow the phrase “make you whole” roll around a bit in your inner-being. For you know, you are a star creator, a god/goddess of the Universes. But just as it was when you were an earth infant, you are creating your interest areas. Do you wish to fly, walk, or merely be?

You are a new being in a new world. So you cannot determine who you are becoming any more than most toddlers know what their vocation/adult interest areas will be.

Perhaps such a thought seems overwhelming for you have wanted to know your role for months, if not years. All the while, believing this transition was merely a blip on your earth screen.

You are a wondrous creator being just beginning to understand your possibilities. For the next few weeks, you will be much like an infant quickly moving from shaking a rattle to stacking blocks to racing on a motorcycle. Yes, racing a motorcycle is the correct phrase. For you will not require years as do humans to shift from infant to adult. You will do so in the next few weeks.

Allow your interests to shift weekly, perhaps daily. For as you shed more and more of your 3D earth being, you will discover layer after layer of creativity and interests. Creative skills that will rebuild the earth in ways you cannot yet imagine. For you have increased your action base from helping 3D earth transition to dimensions beyond, to rebuilding that which now seems lost. Allow yourself to flow with this growth and seemingly constant shift from who you thought you were to your new action being.

You are in the processing stage of self-formulation.

You will discover you are not necessarily who you thought you would become based on your 3D reality, but instead someone more magnificent than you can imagine.

Perhaps you fear you will not become that new entity until it is too late. A bit like a teen who wants to date at age 13 even if he or she is not ready to do so.

You are at the beginning stages of your beyond 3D being. Not in terms of beaming your light, but in knowing who you wish to be in this new world. So do not fret if you have no definite direction within yourself – you are evolving minute by minute.

Allow yourself to follow your joy, and you will evolve rapidly. Continue to expect this action to be IT, and you will merely slow your progress – as that action might have felt right yesterday, but not necessarily tomorrow.

You are an essential participant in this shift from fear to love.  But no one including us, of the Universes, knows precisely what you will “bring to the table.” Your role is to follow your joy, for as you do so, your beacon shines. Worrying or contemplating a future that is not yet time for you to name or describe will merely slow this process.

It’s time to be you. Just as you allow infants to be who they need to be as they explore what they are interested in exploring. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:


Rhythmic Holy Breathing:


Inhale (and mentally invoque these words)


hold for a while




hold for a while



Feeling Good is Feeling God.