Patricia Cota-Robles

January 1, 2024

Dear Ones, 2024 is going to be a glorious New Year. That is true in spite of whatever challenges may arise. Even in the midst of what often seems like extreme adversity, people everywhere are remembering who they are and why they have embodied on Earth during this auspicious time.

We have been told that the awesome shifts that were Cocreated in 2023 paved the way for Lightworkers to be able to Cocreate miracles in 2024. Unfortunately, due to the painful things that are being pushed to the surface in the outer-world to be healed and Transmuted back into Light, many Lightworkers are feeling disheartened and erroneously believing that their efforts to assist in Mother Earth’s Ascension process have been in vain.

You are powerful beyond your knowing and THE NEXT STEP of that profound Truth is being revealed to Humanity by the Company of Heaven NOW.

The Sacred Knowledge from the Heavenly Realms that we at Era of Peace are sharing with Awakening Humanity has been offered free of charge since 1968 to anyone who has the Heart Call to receive it. This incredible Gift from On High is being given to Humanity by our Sisters and Brothers in the Realms of Illumined Truth. They are Sons and Daughters of God just like you and me. However, these Beings of Light have evolved to a much higher level of Consciousness. They are like college professors compared to you and me who are more like kindergarten students in the overall scheme of things.

These Beings are selfless Messengers of our Father-Mother God who have “come through the veil to meet us halfway” because of the need of the hour. They are communicating with Humanity now through intuitive Open Heart and Mind Telepathic Communication.

We were always supposed to have access to this assistance and this guidance from On High. However, when we fell into the dense and discordant frequencies of separation and duality aeons ago we lost the ability to reach up in Consciousness into the Realms of Illumined Truth. Since that fateful time, we have been “weeping and wailing through our valley of tears” struggling to accomplish our Divine Plans through trial and error.

Now everything has changed. During the past several decades, the adverse effects of our horrific fall from Grace have been gradually reversed and Transmuted back into Light. This was accomplished through the unified efforts of Awakening Humanity and our Sisters and Brothers in the Heavenly Realms. Through myriad activities of Light, the Veil of Maya which pulsated with Humanity’s grossly mutated human miscreations has been incrementally purified and cleansed.

Now, the Company of Heaven no longer needs “to come through the veil to meet us halfway.” Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her have gradually Ascended up the Spiral of Evolution into frequencies of vibration that are allowing our I AM Presence to take command of our Earthly Bodies. As this occurs, Inner Guidance from our I AM Presence is easily received through our Intuition and Open Heart and Mind Telepathic Communication. This means that by simply asking our I AM Presence to take command of our thoughts, feelings, words and actions this Loving aspect of our own Divinity is able to guide us unerringly.

At long last, the Sacred Knowledge from the Realms of Illumined Truth is available to each and every person who is willing to ask, to listen and to open our heart and mind to the infinite possibilities. It also helps immensely if we daily stay focused on the Light and do whatever it takes to raise our energy, vibration, and Consciousness.

Through our I AM Presence we can also directly communicate with the various Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. We have recently experienced a monumental shift within our System of Worlds. We now have access to NEW Realms of Light and assistance from Beings of Light who were previously far beyond our vibrational reach. These Beings exist in the System of our Grand Central Sun which now embraces Mother Earth and our entire System of Worlds.

These Beings of Light have been patiently waiting for Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her to reverse the adverse effects of our fall from Grace so that we could reclaim our rightful place in this higher System of Worlds. Now that this has been God Victoriously accomplished these powerful Beings of Light are standing in readiness. They are awaiting our invitation to give them permission to intervene in our lives in positive ways that will greatly assist us in our Ascension process.

This is a brief reminder of the various classifications of the Legions of Light associated with ALL of the Systems of Worlds Mother Earth now abides in including our Grand Central Sun. The Beings of Light, whom I often refer to as the Company of Heaven, consist first and foremost of the all-encompassing Presence of our Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is.

This is the Divine Presence from which every single atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life throughout the whole of Creation is Birthed. It is within this Body of our Father-Mother God that ALL Life Lives, Moves, Breathes and has its Being. The Body of God is the all-encompassing Divine Matrix or the Unified Field that science is beginning to finally recognize.

All of the other Beings of Light are considered Sons and Daughters of our Father-Mother God. These Sons and Daughters of God are known through all Creation by various titles depending on their level of Consciousness and their selfless service to Life.

There are Crowns, Thrones, Principalities, Solar Logos, the Mighty Elohim, Cosmic Beings, Galactic Beings, Archangels, Seraphim, Cherubim, and all graded Orders of Angels. There are Ascended Masters, the Galactic Federation of Light, and the I AM Presence of every evolving Son and Daughter of God throughout Creation. There are also those associated with the Elemental Kingdom which includes the Directors of the Elements Air, Water, Earth, Fire and Ether as well as the Sylphs of the Air, the Undines of the Water, the Nature Spirits of the Earth, the Salamanders of the Fire and the Devas and Deva Rajas of the Ether.

ALL of these Beings of Light, including the Legions of Light associated with the NEW System of Worlds we now have access to through our Grand Central Sun, are standing in readiness awaiting Humanity’s Heart Call and our invitation to help us during this wondrous but often tumultuous time. The assistance from these Beings of Light will be given to us in perfect alignment with our Divine Plans and the highest good for all concerned. They will never interfere with our Free Will by intervening in our lives without an invitation and permission from our I AM Presence.

The information that is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth at this time is not intended to dispute our present belief systems or to tell us that what we believe is wrong. We have all been guided by our I AM Presence through the lessons and learning experiences we needed in order to bring us to this point in our evolutionary process. Now it is time for all of us to take THE NEXT STEP.

The Divine Intent of this information is to enhance what we already know. It is designed to give us greater clarity and understanding, so that we will recognize at a much higher level what is happening on Earth and in our personal lives. This will enable each of us to remember who we are and why we are here during this Cosmic Moment.

All of the information that I am sharing through Era of Peace is from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. However, even having said that, I do not ever want you to accept something as Truth just because someone told you it is true. I would like for you to contemplate this information as food for thought. Then, take the information into the Divinity of your Heart Flame and ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you the Truth contained in these Celestial sharings. Ask how you can utilize this information to help fulfill your Divine Plan and to accelerate your Ascension process.

Anything that does not resonate as Truth just let it go. If I AM sharing something that is important for you to know in order for you to fulfill your Divine Plan, but it does not resonate as Truth for you just yet, I promise you your I AM Presence will keep presenting that information to you in gentle and Loving ways over and over again until you are able to accept it.

This is a New Beginning and the request to share this information has come from On High. This information is being received through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth and will pave the way for a new level of Awakening within the Heart and Mind of anyone who feels the Heart Call to receive it.

I AM deeply honored to share this information with you and together we will fulfill our Divine Plans and assist the Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her as we Cocreate the Immaculate Concept of the newly elevated Patterns of Perfection for the New 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Earth in 2024.

Precious Heart, I want to thank you for volunteering to be born during this auspicious time on Planet Earth. God Bless You for your willingness to BE the OPEN DOOR THAT NO ONE CAN SHUT as the Light of God flows into the Mental and Emotional Strata of this Planet to Bless Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth.


The shift into the full embrace of the System of Worlds associated with our Grand Central Sun has changed everything. This has moved us forward in the Light in ways that cannot be ignored. To acknowledge this profound Truth, we at Era of Peace have been encouraged by our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth to Create a new platform for our Weekly Vlogs that will move us all to the next level of our Ascension process.

We have been sharing the information that is being given to us by the Company of Heaven since 1968. Our Heart commitment was, and will always be, to share this information free of charge so that no one will be prevented from receiving this Gift from On High due to a financial obligation. In deep Humility and Gratitude, we have been able to do this through the generous and Loving financial support Lightworkers have continually given to us over the decades. There are not words that can adequately express what a blessing this has been to all of us at Era of Peace and to the Company of Heaven. God Bless You.

In 2017, we were asked by our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven to begin sharing this information through multidimensional and multi-sensual Weekly Vlogs. They said the patterns of perfection for the New Earth were flowing into the Mental and Emotional Strata of the Planet and through the Vlogs the Beings of Light would be able to help our I AM Presence to develop our senses. They said the multifaceted aspects of the Vlogs would help us to perceive higher frequencies of colors, expressions of nature, musical tones, fragrances, images, Heart-based words, content and Celestial Visions in more advanced ways then we had experienced so far. 

With the quantum shifts that were God Victoriously accomplished in 2023 including Mother Earth’s Ascension into her New SOLAR Reality which took place during Wesak and the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 5th, and our Galaxy’s Ascension into the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun which took place as we passed through the 11:11:11 Portal on November 11, 2023, the Lightwork for Era of Peace has also taken a quantum leap forward in the Light.

Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are assisting us to develop new Vlogs that will be greatly enhanced in energy, vibration and Consciousness by the Beings of Light from our Grand Central Sun. Vlog 1 in our new series will be available on our website and emailed to those of you who already receive our FREE Weekly Vlogs on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.

The Vlogs will be emailed automatically every Tuesday to all of you who have signed up to receive the FREE Weekly Vlogs on our website   This series of Vlogs is titled:


This FREE Monthly Newsletter is also being greatly enhanced in energy, vibration and Consciousness by the Beings of Light from our Grand Central Sun. Those of you who have signed up on our website to receive our Monthly Newsletter will continue to receive it by email on the 1st of every month.

Precious Hearts, 2024 is going to be a time for manifesting miracles. So, focus on the Light and the Patterns of Perfection that you want to Cocreate on the New 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Earth. If you ask you will receive more assistance from the Beings of Light associated with our Grand Central Sun than you have ever imagined.

God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.

Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
©2024 Patricia Cota-Robles

Have New Year Filled with Love!


Messages from Ann & the Angels – 12/30/2023

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

As your year draws to a close and humanity gives itself permission to release what no longer serves and to look forward with hope and dreams alive, we celebrate with you. We love that you take this time to look within, recalibrate your life, and clarify your desires. We love that you give yourself these markers in your eternal journey. Every moment that you spend attuning to the thoughts that give you joy is a moment closer to having your desires appear in your life.

Resolve this year that you will give yourselves permission to find thoughts and things to feel good about, no matter the circumstances around you. We are not predicting gloom and doom in this statement; we simply observe what you already see everywhere you look—the contrast in your world is becoming more and more evident as hearts awaken, and countless souls begin to bring their truth to the surface.

This is not a tragedy but rather an incredible, rapid evolution of humanity. You are part of an exciting time on your planet. Events in recent years have driven so many inward, diving deep to reconnect with hearts long buried, dreams forgotten, and desires that were once cast by the wayside. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore your feelings. The alignment between your thoughts and your soul is becoming more evident. When you feel good, your thoughts are those of love. When you feel bad, your thoughts diverge from those of the loving spirit within.

Be true to yourselves in the coming year.

You were not designed to please others unless it truly pleases you to do so.

You were not designed to serve others at the expense of your own joy and well-being. Very few in the history of humanity have incarnated with the explicit intention to be martyrs, but those who chose that path, did, did it with glad hearts.

You were not designed to fight or fix people or systems but rather to serve the values and empower the ideologies you believe in.

So, in this time of intensified contrast, give up the fight. Give up trying to make others conform. Give up trying to make yourself conform. Like the roses and lilies, the grasses, trees, and weeds, simply be yourself and trust that the love that lives within all things and all beings wants its expression in diversity.

Diversity of thought, dear ones, leads to creation! If you all had the exact same beliefs and ideas, if you wore the same clothes, listened to the same music, and had the same solutions for the same problems and challenges, quickly, you would become bored and desire the stimulation for growth. In nature, diversity stimulates evolution. In humanity, diversity does the same.

In the coming year, wonder at the differences, seek to understand them if you wish, but remain true to your loving self. There’s no need to get anyone else to agree with you. There’s no need for you to agree with anyone else. Listen rather than argue. Love rather than hate. Be kind to yourself rather than self-deprecating.

It is a year where remaining centered and rooted in love to the best of your ability will yield a bountiful harvest in your life. It is a year when being true to yourself will feel magnificent. It is a year when you will want to listen to your heart and act on its loving impulses so as to take advantage of the opportunities being offered.

Dear ones, we know your world has a lot of turmoil as the eternally ineffective attempts to bully and manipulate one another into compliance go on. Wars can conquer nations and kill bodies, but they don’t change minds or eliminate souls. Political “wars” can inspire chaos, anger, and fear, but even the most “powerful” on your earth will pass into the unseen and learn whether or not their “power” was rooted in love and whether or not history and future generations will see them as brilliantly as they thought they once were or will look upon them with greater clarity and wisdom.

Fear not, dear ones. God is God. Love is love. Love is accessible to you in every breath, in every moment, in every thought, and in every choice. Love is the foundation from which you were created and the destination to which you will return. The more you choose to align with love, the better you will feel and the more magical and brilliant your life will become.

As you celebrate your new year and look forward to the year ahead, replace hope with a resolve to seek and see what is good, beautiful, lasting, and true in life, for in so doing, you will feel the love that seeks to flow into your life at all times.

Love never ends, dear ones. It is there for the taking, an eternal river of life, guiding you, loving you, embracing you, and carrying you forward.

Look back on this year and celebrate your strength, your growth, your loving choices, the people whose lives you touched, and the people whose lives touched yours. Celebrate the challenges overcome and the tenacity of spirit you all exemplified. Celebrate your beautiful meals, beautiful art, and beautiful music. Celebrate the day you stepped in the grass and appreciate its cool softness on the soles of your feet.

Celebrate the strangers who were kind to you and the times you were kind to yourself when others weren’t. Look around your home and celebrate all the little reminders of love. Do you recall the feeling you had when you bought a cherished item or a picture you enjoy to this day? Touch a blanket, a pillow, or a crystal you love and marvel at the exquisite sensations of texture as your touch sends thousands of signals to your brain.

In every moment, in every day, in every situation, you can find something to love. See and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened, and in this case, we mean the door to the never-ending, constantly-expanding, all-giving stream of love that is yours for the taking.

Happy New Year, dear ones. Happy New Moment. Happy New Opportunity to claim the feelings of love that are yours.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Photo by Lisa Fotios on

You are changing twenty-four hours a day. At the same time, you are attempting to continue your 3D world demands – it is too much…It is time to ignore what used to be and to create what is now…Let go and come alive…This is a time of inner and outer honesty…What gives you joy and intrigues you NOW?

Let Go And Come Alive

Dear Ones,

Even though you might not notice much difference in your interests, you likely feel exhausted or overwhelmed, unlike what was once true following similar activities or sleep patterns.

You are changing twenty-four hours a day. At the same time, you are attempting to continue your 3D world demands – it is too much.

Even though similar thoughts seem to have been true during previous holiday seasons, this year is different. The activities you participate in and prepare for do not seem to be that much fun. You just want to be home – until you do not. And when you leave your home, you want to be home again. You feel as if you are searching for something that never appears. The activities hold your interest minimally, and interactions feel stilted, uncomfortable, and likely boring.

Nothing seems to jell no matter how often you cry to the Universes or your inner being. You no longer want to comply with the demands of others, yet you feel like an unpleasant person, even to yourself.

You have crossed yet another Rubicon.

It is time to ignore what used to be and to create what is now. But new creations will not be possible until you stop berating yourself for not being right, kind, or good enough. Allow yourself to let go of what was. Freefall into who you have become – and ignore who you feel you should be.

woman wearing yellow dress

Let go and come alive.

Many of you contend that you cannot or will not let go. Creating an unpleasant life for both yourself and those close to you. Your resulting self-anger spills out into your interactions with others. The nervous energy encouraging you to be different must be tamped down for you to ignore it. And so there is a certain point, almost daily, in which the pressure cooker you created within yourself explodes.

Instead of trying to hold yourself together in 3D rightness, allow yourself to be you. Who are you? Instead of who you used to be. You can no longer pretend that you have not evolved. Nor can you pretend that your immediate world is as it was. Trying to do so merely confuses and angers you, as well as any beings who have transitioned.

This is a time of inner and outer honesty. Something you have never before experienced while of the earth. Previously, you had inner thoughts that were not always aligned with your outer actions – but so did everyone. Your holiday movies portrayed your life as you wished it to be. And your interactions forced you into the correct behavior at the correct time. Because those facades have been removed, you are in a quandary attempting to recreate what likely never was. You try to be nice, good, and all the other words that are especially appropriate for this time of year, but doing so only confuses you and often makes you angry.

Where is your joy and sense of fun during this season? Why is everything such an effort? Questions that indicate you are not being true to your new being.

What gives you joy and intrigues you NOW? You seldom answered those questions during your 3D life, for those questions were so tied to your social norms that you did not believe you had many options. Now that social parameters have disappeared, you must discover yourself – not necessarily an easy task. That discovery is often coated with who you should or want to be instead of who you are. Creating discomfort during this supposedly most joyous holiday season.

Only you can answer the question, “What can or should I do differently?”

It is not right for new you if you are angry or uncomfortable with any activity. Your likely response is, “I have to do this because it is expected of me or there is no one else to do it.” We of the Universes must add, “Then create what you need to be comfortable, whether that means not participating in something, creating an activity more in tune with who you have become, or creating the means to reduce or eliminate your need to care for others.

You are learning how to flit into the new without remorse, guilt, or shame – as are others. Creating a new world. But because this holiday season has more shoulds than is expected at any other time of the year, it is not necessarily easy to do so. Be kind to yourself – you are maturing and evolving rapidly. The result of that growth is your current confusion and likely exhaustion. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:


Messages from Ann & the Angels – 12/23/2023 • You are the light

photo of white pine trees

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Happy, holy holidays to all of you who celebrate, and happy, holy days to all, for all days are holy, all days have the potential to be happy, and all days can be a celebration of the light that you so beautifully focus upon this time of year.

Whether you celebrate the babe in a manger, the miracle of the oil, or simply the return of light after the winter solstice, you are celebrating a light that lives and breathes within you. This is your essence and your truth, and when you align with that light by choice—be it through a kind thought, word, or deed, for yourself or another—you will feel its radiance shining to you and through you.

This light is nothing less than your Creator, beyond form. This light can never be diminished. It cannot be put out. It burns brightly even in the toughest of circumstances, and as you surrender to it, attune to it, it guides you to all you seek.

Can you fathom, dear ones, that the light of the Christ child lives in you? The miraculous light that burns in the darkness lives in you. The light that emanates from your star lives within you. There is only One, and every moment you spend feeling something that feels even remotely like love—be it even comfort or contentment- you are, to some degree, feeling that beautiful love beyond description.

If you celebrate Christmas, imagine that light being lovingly nurtured in your own heart. Mary is that within you that nurtures your light. Joseph is that within you that protects your light. The shepherds are that innocence within you that beholds your ability to live in love with wonder and awe. The kings are those within you who value the light and want to support it. Dear ones, these people were very real historical figures but were also archetypal, and those archetypes live within you.

If you celebrate Hannukah, the light in the lamp that burns without end lives within you. There is no limit to your love. There is no limit to the miracles that can be created as you surrender to love. Nothing can diminish that light nor gain permanent victory “over it,” for this light lives in all.

Love can be ignored. It can be pushed away. You can refuse to feel it by focusing on that which is not loving. Whether or not you experience the absolute, magnificent wonder of you—your true essence—is always a choice, but regardless, that light lives and breathes and burns within you. It calls you to that which feels better. In even a moment of peaceful distraction, good ideas can arise that help you move forward out of a difficult situation. In even a moment of surrender, your answers can come. In even a moment of what many of you call ‘not giving a care’ about whatever you struggle with, you release the struggle and open to what you desire.

This holiday season, imagine that light within you. Imagine that with every beautiful or uplifting or soothing thought you think you are tending to that light, nurturing that love, and allowing yourself to feel its never-ending, nurturing, uplifting, inspiring flow.

You don’t seek better thoughts and feelings to become a good person. You already are. You don’t seek them to pass some test or avoid some judgment. You are not being tested, and no one in the heavens is judging you. You don’t want to feel good to prove to anyone that you’ve achieved spiritual mastery. You want to surrender to anything that helps you feel more love, more joy, more peace, or more soothed—for your own sake because deep in your spirit, you know you deserve to feel that good!

Even in your grief, you can comfort yourself or be kind and allow that light to shine. Even in your confusion, you can be clear about your caring heart. Even in the depths of your pain, you can open the window of your heart a crack by breathing and allowing us to assist you in attuning your vibration to that love.

With every soothing, loving, comforting, kind thought, word, or deed that feels better, you allow yourself to feel that light, and as you feel it, it flows through you into your created world. It begins to light up your 3D path, at first with better feelings, then with better thoughts, and then with things starting to flow easily and miraculously into your life.

The Christ child was not born on a tropical island on a smooth, balmy day. He was born in a dark, cold, and humble manger. The oil in the lamp did not burn in times of peace and glory. It burnt despite conflict and chaos. Your light, too, can certainly shine when it is easy, but how much more miraculous can you and your life become as you shine this light, even when feeling the dark around you? So much more joy is accessible when you surrender to what feels more loving.

Dear ones, if your lives are wonderful, and you gather with family or friends, let that light shine brightly. If you are alone, bereaved, fearful, or upset, take a breath, focus on something soothing, and surrender to love. We are here to love you at all times. The Divine never ceases. Make room in the manger, light the lamp, and allow yourself to travel on the kindest and most joyful path simply by dropping into the moment you are in and asking your inner wisdom, “What feels like love right now?”

You are light. You are love. You are loved. No matter what you say, think, or do, this light remains constant and unchanged. Our wish for you is that you slowly but surely learn the benefit of releasing your upsets in favor of better feelings so this light can illuminate your mind, your heart, your life, and eventually, your world.

Merry Christmas
Happy Hannukah
Peaceful Solstice

We love you without end.
— The Angels

How Important Are You to You?

Dear Ones,

What is it you wish you could do? What do you want to do? Where and who are you in your world? Significant questions to ask as you create your unique path.

In the past, you followed the path created by others until you did not know if your life was your creation or that of others.

This is a new world with new inner directives. Directives that are less about your community than has been true of any previous Earth existence.

Some of you feel that this thought isolation is counter-productive, given the divisions displayed daily by the media and your encounters with others who were once dear to you. It is as if a light was switched on, illuminating what you thought was perfect, only to discover shoddy furniture and peeling paint.

You are no longer who you were, even months ago; the same is true for those you interact with. Everyone is trying to make sense of this new, confusing, and uncomfortable world.

When your relatives, friends, or community members remind you of your former actions, you feel no excitement in performing them again. And when a new activity is proposed that sparks your interest, you are confused.

The new seems intriguing but frightening because it is beyond your everyday routine. And the old has become boring even though you retain memories of the joy it once brought you.

Even though you have been preparing for this shift for some time, your confusion is more profound than anticipated. As has been true throughout this earth transition, you expected everything to be rapid and effortless. Such could not happen. You are in a physical body that demands process instead of instant gratification. You are moving more rapidly than we of the Universes thought possible but more slowly than you wanted. Instead of the step-by-step process you are experiencing, you pine for magic beans or a glass slipper to change your life instantly.

Such has happened in your 3D world, but never as a combination of an Earth and Universal transition. Instant 3D transitions included winning large sums of money, birthing a baby, or moving to a new community. Even though those activities might have changed a life instantly, they were limited to acceptable Earth possibilities.

The change you are encountering combines Earth shifts with Universal input, producing a wobble effect in your decision processes. Others have demonstrated Earth changes for eons, allowing you to understand why and how those changes occurred. This new system interlaces Earth and Universal changes. A system no one can warn you about, for no one has yet encountered such a dual shift.

As you prepared for this life, you interacted with Earth beings and created an environment for yourself lifetime after Earth lifetime. Between Earth lives, you flitted throughout the Universes, grasping concepts appropriate for this transition. Never before have you combined Earth and Universal thoughts, activities, and skills.

It is a confusing time. One moment, you are peacefully completing Earth actions; the next, you are bored or angry at the skill isolation required of Earth life. Your inner being screams to incorporate your Universal skills with your Earth-knowingness. And your outer being demands that you retain your Earth being without Universal bells and whistles.

As an Earth being, you feel normal. Adding Universal skills frightens both you and those around you. Not because the combination is wrong but because it is so new that no one can inform you of the effects of that combination. Something you will do for those who follow. But for now, you likely feel isolated and fearful of your new dual needs and interests.

This is a new world in which the dual being you are becoming is a display of possibilities for those who dare to access them – including you. There is no need for you to cry out in fear. Nor is there a need for you to ignore your new skills. You are capable of activating this unique combination. In fact, you will become more and more withdrawn and perhaps experience physical pain if you do not. Whether you like it or not, your new being is part of you.

Accept who you are by allowing your Earth and Universal beings to work together in peace and acceptance as you create a new you. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Private Sessions Presence.

Private sessions Presence 1:1 begin again from 19th Dec. to 29th Dec. online to support you on your journey. We will take time to align with our higher selves and answer any questions you have in relation to Health and/or Wealth and/or Relationships and/or manifestation practices.

Price : 111 euro for 1h30.

50% early bird discount for the first 6 amongst you booking online.

Please send email at : with subject :

private sessions and (your) name.

Much Love, Nikos.

time for change sign with led light
Photo by Alexas Fotos on

When life is going your way, it isn’t luck. You can take all the credit!

photo of maneki neko figurine
Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán on

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 12/16/2023 • Managing your Momentum

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

In today’s message, we want to help you understand how to keep the momentum going when life is going your way and how to turn the momentum around when life seems to present one tough situation after the next.

The answer lies, as always, in vibrational reality. A radio can only receive the frequency to which it is tuned. A television can only display the channel to which it is tuned. And you, dear ones, will only see or receive the energies that match that to which you are tuned.

None of you reading this was born and raised with an understanding of the importance of your vibration. You were taught to “do” things, “fix” things, and “think through” things, and while you certainly do have “do,” “fix,” and “think” as part of your human experience, the overriding factor in terms of what appears in your life is based solely and completely on vibration.

When life is going your way, it isn’t luck. You can take all the credit! You are letting love in. Love flows from the Divine in a steady and constant stream. Love flows to you whether you feel it or not, believe in it or not, or even acknowledge it. Love flows whether you are loving or hateful. Love is trying to guide you at all times, in every breath, toward all you desire. Love never quits.

If you are relaxed, happy about anything, feeling appreciative, or simply content, you are tuned into a vibration of love. You are close enough to the “channel” of the Divine broadcast to receive inspirations to do the right things at the right time, be at the right place at the right time, and to focus on things at the right time. You call this a “flow state” because you are indeed aligning your energy with the steady non-stop flow of love from the Divine.

However, if something upsets you, you will feel a temporary wobble in your vibration. You might feel upset or sad and you’ll also feel a strong desire for better. It would be inauthentic to stuff your initial feelings. Even the “negative” ones serve a purpose. They are the first indicator that lets you know that your vibration is no longer attuned to love. If you can catch yourself when you feel these unpleasant feelings and reach for a thought that feels better, you’ll shift your vibration before you begin to attract chaos. If, however, you keep your focus on what feels bad, you’ll start to see and experience more of what you’d rather not.

At the first sign of a negative feeling, you have a few choices. You can ignore it and try to focus on something better. Sometimes, you can easily shift your attention and raise your vibration. Other times you need to give yourself a brief time to feel the upset, love yourself through it, and then focus on something better. This, too, will bring you back to a vibration of love because even self-love and self-acceptance when you feel down is a form of love.

Far too often, however, you do what you learned to do. You “chew” on the negative situation that inspired the negative feelings. You think about it, analyze it, analyze yourself, and analyze whether or not you should feel the way you do. While you certainly can learn from this sort of introspection, if it doesn’t feel happy, it would be far kinder to yourself to take a nap, go for a walk, do something you love, or distract yourself until your vibration rises. Then, from a happier or even more neutral place, you can review the situation, if you must, for any nuggets of wisdom it might offer.

If you focus too long on a bad-feeling incident, you’ll turn your aura into a tornado of energy that, like a real tornado, will suck in all the junk in the vicinity. You might innocently trip, but if you start to berate yourself, you’ll snag your sweater, forget something you need to do, or attract someone else to help beat yourself up. If you offered yourself compassion instead, you would quickly reset your energy vibration, and life would proceed in a more graceful flow.

If you get upset about the delays of being stuck in traffic, you may notice all sorts of other interruptions and delays in your day. If you feel guilty about being late, you’ll likely attract those who judge it. If you relax, breathe, and focus on the beautiful day instead, you’ll attract people who don’t make a big fuss about you being late.

So, on a “good day,” keep the positive momentum going by thinking about all the blessings you are experiencing. Think about the kind people, the ease and flow, the beautiful day, the happy surprises, the car you love, etc. Focus on anything and everything that you genuinely love and appreciate. The more you tune into anything with love, the more of it you will see.

On a “bad day,” stop for a moment. Sit, breathe, receive, and let us help you recalibrate your energy field. It only takes a minute to relax and allow us to assist. Such a simple act of receiving love can change the course of your entire day.

Dear ones, shifting your energy is not as difficult as it might seem. You do it with every thought you think. With every thought, you feel better or worse. The key to a life in which you navigate the ups and downs with grace is simply remembering that you deserve to feel good and that feeling good starts on the inside, with one better thought at a time.

If you wake up on the “right side of bed,” celebrate! If you wake up on the “wrong side of bed,” look for something to feel good about. Anything will do.

You are not earning love by shifting your vibration. We already love you! You are not proving yourself worthy of goodness. You already are. You are simply tuning your energy field to the steady, non-stop stream of love that can turn a bad day into good within moments.

You can all learn to be like radios tuned in to the broadcast of love. You can practice focusing on the good when it is easy and focusing on anything better when it is hard.

You will eventually get so good at shifting your vibration that life’s ups and downs will no longer spiral you into chaos. You’ll be able to recalibrate quickly and easily when you hit a bump in life and once again return to the flow of love, goodness, grace, and guidance that you always, eternally, deserve.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

If we are this healthy, and with the eradication of 3D Earth diseases, how long will we live as 4D Earth humans?

15th December 2023. Mike Quinsey

Mike Quinsey: I thought it appropriate to send this message out again at this special time as a boost for everyone and a reminder of what is to come. I last issued it in 2018 and now it seems more appropriate as the proof of coming changes is already taking place.


How will Earth people change as we become new 4D humans?

ANSWER: the most important thing to realise is that the transformation, the transition from 3D to 4D, from being a 3D person to a 4D person will be a smooth, “seamless”, “painless” process. This experience will be a simple transformation of cellular structure, from the slower and more dense heavier existing 3D vibratory body you have today. – to a higher, faster, lighter 4D vibratory rate. You will have a body that is taller, literally lighter in terms of mass, weight and density, about one tenth of what you weigh now. Keep in mind your body’s molecular cellular structure will actually change. Think crystal based molecules. Your existing 3D cell walls will transmute into being crystalline based. Your 4D body will be based on crystalline molecules, no longer carbon based, but crystal based. Within the core, the centre of each cell, it will be infused with light. Your 4D bodies will really be very translucent. This is a natural 4th dimensional, 4th density state.

Everyone will be relatively tall and slim in stature. This is simply the nature of having a crystalline cellular structure. You will also be “lighter” in terms of being infused with light, not opaque as you are like today, not completely translucent, but very translucent. Your children will transform as well. But in terms of age appearance they will continue to develop as young adults, only now along the adjusted, normal, “time line” of thousands of years for 4th dimensional people.

For most adults who chose to remain on Earth during this time of change, you will look approximately in the 32 to 35 year old age range. In terms of height, for a comparison, an average 3D male will be about 7ft. tall, this is the average height for a 4D man. A 5’ 5” to 5’ 6” 3D Earth woman will likely be about 6’ 2” living a 4D life. An average 4D Earth man will weigh in Earth terms about: 10 to 15 pounds. An average 4D Earth woman will weigh about: 5 to 7 pounds. Everyone will be relatively trim, tall, slim in stature. Again this is due to the nature of having a body composed of a crystalline cellular structure. In terms of overall health, 4D Earth humans will be healthy, very healthy, full of light. With your solar system and Earth’s migration into the 4th dimension zone of space, 3D diseases will all be literally eradicated.

If we are this healthy, and with the eradication of 3D Earth diseases, how long will we live as 4D Earth humans?

ANSWER: You will like this answer. Typically, as you currently measure time on Earth, human beings living a 4D life spend a minimum of 6000 years – to – a maximum of 10,000 years, living a 4th dimensional life. Also understand, that there are 12 octaves of awareness and learning in each dimension, from the 4D fourth dimension on up. There is a lot to experience.

Please keep in mind the use of these numbers in years, is to give you an approximation based on how Earth people measure time today. However, also keep in mind the way you currently measure time on Earth – this will change once Earth becomes a completely 4D planet. Watching, measuring, experiencing time – this will virtually go away. . In any case, you will live very, very long lives before you move on to the 5D, 5th dimension. The plan for this to completely come into effect was originally by the 20th January 2014.

We understand the complete curing of physical health. But again, what about people with autism, retardation, syndromes, people who are mentally ill?

ANSWER: I certainly understand the seriousness of this issue. The “medical/healthcare team on the primary biosphere who will help, assist and counsel people who are having a difficult time adjusting to the differences of 4th dimensional life, and in addition what we would consider either severe psychiatric, deep emotional issues, shock or trauma, or people with autism, retardation, syndromes, varying degrees of mental illness, people with these afflictions who you are rightfully concerned about, they have the ability to choose (or a responsible party can choose for them), to heal their fine matter consciousness, this thing we call “the mind” where these issues are lodged.

Please understand this is literally a spiritual vibratory issue, and the “medical/healthcare” team on the primary biosphere, or any of the other 11 Andromeda Council flagged biospheres stationed in Earth’s solar system, these teams can use various resonating sonic frequencies and techniques to attenuate, adjust and correct the “dysfunctions” and repair the broken pathways of the fine matter “wiring” of these people’s minds. There are a variety of modalities that can be used in combination to help cure these people. They are curable. It will take some counselling, a little extra care and gentle attention after the “medical” work and attunements are done and completed. These people, like everyone else, will be fine.

If our current bodies are transforming into new 4D bodies, and you have said that 3D Earth diseases will be eradicated, what about those of us with bad or missing teeth, various syndromes, muscular dystrophy, ALS, cerebral palsy, or those people with mental illness, those of us who are back from the various  Wars with missing hands, fingers, arms, legs. What about all of us?

ANSWER: From the Chief Medical Officer of the Andromeda Council biosphere she says “Many people have asked this kind of question. Yes, transformation of your 3D body into a 4D body will eradicate the existing illnesses and all diseases, and your bodies including birth defects, various syndromes, your loss of limbs, bad or missing teeth, malfunctioning hearing or defective eyes, and old age – all of these will all be remedied. Again, remember you are being transformed. You will have a full, complete, healthy body.

What do you mean we move on to the 5D, onto the fifth dimension – when do we die?

ANSWER: No, no ,you misunderstand. That’s the point. You don’t die. Remember, time doesn’t exist from the 4D, fourth dimension on upwards. You don’t experience time. And people, Earth people living a 4D life do not die. A person can choose by really extraordinary circumstances to be “extinguished” but this is very, very rare. When a 4D person gets to the point when he or she is 6,000 – 10,000 years old, when he or she feels they have learned enough and contributed enough to society, when the moment is right for them, they simply choose to move on, and transition to 5D, the fifth dimension, a slightly higher frequency of vibratory awareness.

For a new set of challenges, a new set of learning experiences. It is a transition, a change in vibration. This transition from 4D, the fourth, to 5D, the fifth, is simply about moving into a higher vibration and capabilities – when the moment is right for him/her. Further, the actual capabilities one has once he/she becomes a 5D, a fifth dimensional human, are only a couple of degrees enhanced above the upper capabilities of the 4D, the fourth dimension. In any case, moving on from one dimension to the next is only about having many experiences, learning many, many things and then making a simple choice to move on, to change. You do not die – I repeat “you do not die” but experience a transition to a new lighter body.


We look forward to enjoying all of the benefits that a New Age can bring us. The Andromedans are one of the four main groups of Extra-terrestrials that are closely connected to us and our development. It is very uplifting to know that our future path is already in place, there may be quite a way to go yet but it is getting nearer. The Light on Earth is increasing and drawing away from all that is of the lower vibrations, and evidence that the changes have already commenced are the increasing number of extra tall young people well over 6 ft. tall that are already here. Think positively and help the continuation of the higher vibrations and a peaceful future as quick as possible.

Have a Happy Christmas and New Year – in Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

My next message will be on Friday 12th January 2024.

A passing of a loved one.

My father passed away today. A flash of memories, good ones and some less good are passing by in my mind. And i feel pure gratitude for everything. My father has been very authoritarian during his whole life and while i learned in time that he was just showing me how not to be and feel gratitude about it, i had to dig deep inside me to feel that gratitude. It has been an intense training school for me and my soul to learn to love unconditionally. Today as i look at his picture, i don’t see at all his authoritarian character. I just see the love and purity of his heart. Maybe because , he is now united in the fullness of who he really is and he feels it maybe for the first time ever in his life. And that makes me very happy…as i share this with you i feel his laughter and relief to find out that life in a costume called human body is not the end. He knows now that it is a fraction of his much bigger self. And in that he rejoices and i can feel it and i rejoice in return. Father thank you for being you, thank you for your love, thank you for everything.

You are honing your unique interests – and determining where you want to fly next…You are a new being, surrounded by millions of new beings, each dancing to a new reality.

a man practicing contemporary dance near the concrete wall
Photo by cottonbro studio on

Dear Ones,

You are starting to disassociate from that which no longer holds your interest.

You are honing your unique interests – and determining where you want to fly next. So, your attention span is shorter than in the past. And it is often splintered by a need to pursue yet another interest.

In 3D, you had a somewhat expected routine. But because such is no longer true, it is discomforting. One night, you might sleep for ten hours and the next for five hours. Or you might love reading a book and suddenly become bored with the content. So it will go from one activity to the next. There are no longer any givens. You cannot expect anything of yourself, much less those you are close to. Everything and everyone is new.

You will be confused and maybe a bit frightened. Not because what you are thinking or doing is wrong but because it is different. What was is no more, including you and those you love.

Everything and nothing feels like work. But you have yet to explore activities that provide pure joy because you are in the “I thought I liked that, but I really don’t” phase. Such will be quite evident during this holiday season. Your expectations and that of others no longer feel interesting or exciting – just drudgery.

Leaving you feeling somewhat lost. Not because you are, but because what was is no more. And what is – is being created. You are discovering interests that seem difficult to explain to others. Just as is true for them.

No one can tell you how to behave or speak in this phase. And the same is true for those you interact with. Some interactions will sparkle. Others will feel flat and lifeless even though you attempt to bring joy to the conversation or activity, resulting in your exhaustion and their anxiety or anger.

You will not find many commonalities among those you have depended upon for months or decades. It is as if you are singing a new tune, and they do not understand you or want to. And you will find the same with them.

This phase is about discovering yourself without the added responsibility of ensuring the comfort of others. It is about free-ranging emotions and actions. The same is likely true for those close to you. If others are not on a similar path of finding their unique interests, you will likely no longer interact with them or do so on a limited basis.

This time may seem lonely and yet refreshing. Like describing how wonderful your recent trip was to someone who has no interest in travel. Forcing you to find commonalities of interest with your no-travel friend or to fly into your interest without concern about who, if anyone, wishes to participate.

Finding your unique path is not a group effort.

So, at times, you will interact easily with many beings, and at other times, you will be more comfortable alone as you fly from one activity and interest to another. You are discovering yourself and your path.

This self-discovery is a highly individualized activity that will take many twists and turns.

Perhaps you worry that you will be isolated or lonely. Quite the contrary. You will significantly expand your being by discovering new interests. You will wish to be with one friend as you find a new joy together, only to lose interest without warning and fly to another point of interest. Like bees flying from one flower to another.

But you will not be lonely. Instead, you will be stimulated by your variety of interests and how those interests eventually tie together to create your new being and unique path.

This self-discovery will be a meandering path that will surprise and delight you – and others as they discover their path, creating a sparkle like the stars in the sky, shining brighter and brighter with the excitement of self-discovery.

You are a new being, surrounded by millions of new beings, each dancing to a new reality.

You helped create this new world. Now, you are creating your new being, as are many. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

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Messages from Ann & the Angels – 12/09/2023 • Let’s get back to Self Appreciation

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Today, we wish to speak to you about self-appreciation, for in appreciating the good within, you also appreciate the light of God within. In appreciating yourself in even the smallest way, you acknowledge the love that sources creation. If you love God, dear ones, you must include yourselves in the equation because you are born from that love, sustained by that love, and co-creating with that love. You unleash Divine love into the world with every good, kind, loving, appreciative, generous, playful, humorous, creative, or beautiful thought, word, or deed.

You, dear ones, are the lightworkers. You are adding light—through the smallest emanations of love— to the world every day. You are doing and being good in ways both great and small. It is time to drop the illusion of false humility, time to stop focusing on your so-called flaws, and time to own and appreciate how you allow the Divine light to shine.

When you wake up in the morning, acknowledge yourself. “I have chosen to come back to earth for another day. What a brave soul am I!” When you look around your home, can you appreciate the countless little expressions of love you see all around you? Perhaps there’s a stone on your desk that reminds you of a vacation. That, dear ones, is a touchstone of love. Can you appreciate the fact that you appreciate something so small?

As you feel the goodness of your morning shower, can you acknowledge the fact that you are loving the warm water and appreciating its flow? You are sending a ripple of love into the world with even this tiny thought. As you inhale the steam from your coffee and feel its warmth, can you acknowledge the fact that you are appreciating, and therefore blessing, the thousands of souls who dedicate their lives to giving you this moment? You care. You are feeling a vibration of love. That matters.

Self-acknowledgment is far from arrogance. You are not putting yourself above another. You are not saying you are the only one on earth who makes the best cup of coffee! You are not in any way diminishing another by acknowledging your own light, goodness, and gifts. In fact, the more you notice and acknowledge all the love you emanate, the more easily you will see others doing the same, for what you focus upon, you get more of.

Not a single one of you said before this lifetime, “I will come to suffer to prove my worthiness. I will try to make up for my flaws. I will work hard to convince people that I am good and loving on the inside.”

You have never fallen short in the eyes of the Divine. A loving parent would never tell their child struggling at a prestigious but difficult school, “What a mess you are! Why don’t you do better? Show me that you have earned my affection by being perfect!” A loving parent would acknowledge the child for their choice and willingness to learn even in a tough situation. A loving parent would acknowledge the child’s capabilities, resourcefulness, and ability to succeed. Likewise, your loving creator sends you a steady stream of support and acknowledgment.

When you appreciate and acknowledge yourselves, you are in agreement with the Divine’s perspective of you. When you criticize yourself, you are disagreeing with the Divine. God says, “You are perfect even as you grow into more.” If you stood before God (and you do every day), would you say, “I disagree! I am not perfect! I know more than you do, God, about me, and clearly I am flawed.” Beloved souls, God is right on this one! Surrender to love. Acknowledge your own light. Turn the cheek and look away from your flaws as soon as you notice them and acknowledge your ability to shine even more brightly. In this vibration of love, you receive natural urges and impulses to grow beyond your so-called flaws, as surely as a plant that is given good soil and water will grow.

We would love for you to take a few minutes a day (if not so many more!) to appreciate yourself in any and all ways that you can. Acknowledge yourself for incarnating on this earth to be part of a massive and pivotal change in the paradigm of human reality. Appreciate the fact that you get up and go to a job, have coffee with friends, or spend time in silent peace because all that you enjoy contributes to the vibration of love. Appreciate yourself for seeking a greater love. You would not be reading our words here if you were not. Appreciate the way you gently helped a stranger, made time for a friend, or prayed for a world situation. A thousand times a day, if not countless more, you strengthen the vibration of love on the planet.

Dear ones, true self-appreciation is never arrogant. It does not put you above others. It is simply and beautifully an acknowledgment of the Divine spark within. Every loving word, thought, or deed comes from the One Love. When you appreciate yourself, you appreciate God. When you appreciate the love within you, you appreciate the love within all. As you focus on love, you attract more love. As you focus on your good, you attract others who will, too. Can you imagine? You can appreciate your talent so much that others enjoy it as well. You can appreciate your ability to do a job so well you attract clients who love your work, too. You can appreciate your loving heart so much that, without effort, you draw unto you a loving partner who will do the same.

You can’t just think appreciative thoughts. You have to sit and truly feel appreciation for yourself. For some of you, this will come easily. For others, you might have to take time, try out different self-appreciative thoughts, and feel each one until you truly “dial into” the feeling of it. It feels good, dear ones. It feels joyful to love yourself and appreciate yourself. It feels innocent and natural when you truly tune into this vibration.

You can be as a child, dear ones, and view yourself through the eyes of love, appreciation, and wonder. In so doing, you will emanate love, attract love, and be the light that you truly are upon this earth.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Not one of you was taught in childhood that your actions matter far less than your energetic vibration. Only a few of you were encouraged to follow your inner compass rather than striving to please others.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

So many of you have heard us discussing the importance of your vibration these past few years. Not one of you was taught in childhood that your actions matter far less than your energetic vibration. Only a few of you were encouraged to follow your inner compass rather than striving to please others. It is no wonder that embracing the 5D paradigm is challenging for so many of you. Today, we want to help and encourage you, explain things more deeply, and give you a new game to play to help you learn more about the power of your tuning.

Imagine that you have a dream in your heart. Imagine now that there is a movie on television about how you got from where you are now to the fulfillment of this dream. It is a lovely movie of synchronicity, joy, and triumph. We’re pretty sure you’d want to watch this movie!

Now, on a different channel entirely, there is a news broadcast. It repeatedly tells you about your past, present, and the people around you as they are now. It shares new about the world around you, as it is now. It has no understanding of manifestation. As a result, when it projects into the future, it simply rehashes the present or past. It is not so likely you’d prefer to watch this channel!

Now, suppose you have a magic tuner. When you think of something that makes you happy, you tune into the beautiful movie about your life unfolding gracefully! When you think of something that makes you feel unhappy, the good movie pauses, and you tune into the depressing news station right at a moment when it matches your own negative thoughts.

As you can imagine, on a daily basis, most of you would switch between the good movie and the depressing news a thousand times, if not more. Understanding that the good movie only plays while thinking thoughts that feel good, many of you could easily infer that you’d never reach the end! Back and forth, back and forth you go.

In reality, this is how many of you live your lives. You are the first generation to become aware of the value of your tuning. You are learning a new skill. It is reasonable to expect that you’d have to try, try, try again before learning to value your feelings and tune into things that feel better. It takes time, persistence, and practice to develop a new habit. Give yourself grace.

Now, suppose you really want to see your happy ending. Like a young child playing a video game, you start practicing your “tuning” skills. You play with your thoughts to find ones that feel good. You challenge yourself to see if you can find something that feels good enough to make the good movie start playing once again.

You start to notice thoughts that “knock you out of it.” Little by little, as frustrating as it might be at first, you learn to manage your tuning until you can watch the good movie for long stretches of time, and when you fall away from it, you become more confident in your ability to tune into the good and see it play once again.

Eventually, with practice, you become so good at tuning that you can watch that good movie to its completion.

Dear ones, your life is that good movie waiting for you to tune into it. Most of you learned to tune into the past or the present in front of you, no matter how good or unpleasant it feels. Rarely were you taught to care more about how you feel.

Can you imagine? You want a relationship, and instead of focusing on it (because it sends you into that oscillation of vibration), you challenge yourself instead to find things to love about life, to find ways to share love in life, and little by little without even trying to manifest a relationship, you tune into that good movie with all its happy endings.

You aren’t settling for feeling “just ok” even though you don’t have what you want. That resignation gets you more of the news. Instead, challenge yourself to find ways to feel good—here and now with what you have. You can use your brilliant mind to choose one of a gazillion possible good-feeling thoughts right here and now. You can notice and appreciate the sun on your face. You can marvel at the busy little bees that pollinate your crops so you can eat. You can ponder the amazing connection with millions of people who poured their love into the coffee you pour into the cup. You can sit, breathe, and receive our love and assistance.

Daily, you are surrounded by millions of small opportunities to feel good. It makes little sense to deprive yourself of the good feelings and the good movie that will lead to the good ending simply because you are upset that the good ending is not here now. You all want to be happy. Choose it now, and now, and now again, and the good movie will play, bringing you even more.

Some of you feel this isn’t fair, and we understand. However, you cannot apply human law to a universe that operates in terms of vibration and expect it to function as a human being would.

As a result, it is hard for so many of you to trust the universe to deliver your dreams. We understand. As these new concepts have been introduced into human consciousness, many of you still embraced the 3D paradigm of “doing” while trying to apply it to the 5D laws of “being.”

You learned to “fake it till you make it.” If doing so helps you achieve the vibration of what you want, we encourage this! However, you can’t fake vibration. No amount of action, fake positivity, or acting “as if” will matter if it doesn’t make you feel wonderful. Far better, as a few of you have said over the years, to “F*#! it till you make it!” Ignore any dreams you can’t feel good about and focus on things that feel better! Did we, the angels, just say that? Yes, dear ones. We say it with love, humor, and a realization that many of you will feel more inspired by shifting your focus than by trying harder to feel good about a topic you do not yet feel good about!

If you can’t feel good about the relationship you’ve been “trying to manifest” forever that still hasn’t arrived, focus on anything and everything else that feels better. You torment yourselves, trying to feel good about what does not. Look away. Turn the other cheek. Find happiness where it is easy to find, and let your vibration rise naturally.

So many of you learned to visualize, and it can be a wonderful tool if it helps you find the feeling you desire! If visualizing makes you feel worse because it makes you think more about what you do not yet have, it is better to visualize a good lunch that excites you!

You learned to make vision boards. We love them if these bring you joy, empower you to anticipate your dreams, and raise your vibration! But if you look at a vision board and think every time, “Yeah, right, it never happens for me,” then dear ones, take down the vision board and, in its place, put up an inspiring piece of art that elevates you every time you look at it!

You learned to quiet your mind and meditate, but if attempting that frustrates you, find an alternative. Listen to music you love. Take a walk. Cook a good meal. If you honestly try, each of you can find something that quiets the negativity and allows you to be present in the moment. Don’t give up and say that you can’t. You can. You just have to exercise your God-given power of choice and experiment a bit until you find your own way of feeling present and good.

You learned to be good and do good, and we completely encourage that because it is your nature to love, but when your “loving” actions cease to feel like love, then cease doing them! If you are helping an ungrateful friend, it may feel wonderful for a while, but when it stops feeling wonderful, stop doing it or find a reason to feel good once again.

So many of you have given so much you feel bitter and resentful that others don’t give back, but dear ones, you are the ones who chose to continue giving when it no longer felt good. You are the ones who chose to pour your heart more into others’ lives than your own. So many of you learned that it is “better to give than to receive” when, in reality, it is better to be in a balanced flow—filling then spilling, filling then spilling. The more you receive from Spirit, the more you want to give. The more you give, the more you want to receive from the Divine. Watch and listen to your feelings to help you stay in this flow.

As you learn to be more honest about your feelings, you will give when it is a joy, and refill the well when needed. As your vibration becomes one of giving joyfully, you will attract others who are in the vibration of giving joyfully as well. But if your vibration is one of giving because you “have to” or “should” (even when, “sigh,” you don’t feel like it), then you will instead attract others who feel equally empty and want you to give to them, as you want them to give back to you.

It is a misunderstanding to think that because you “give,” you will attract others who “give.” This would be a “law of doing.” but the universe operates on the “law of vibration.”

There is no “law of doing.” There is no law in the universe that says if you do more, the universe will do more for you. There is no law that says if you constantly do good, you’ll constantly receive good. There is no law that says if you give, you’ll receive. There is only vibrational law. No matter what you do, the energy with which you do it matters infinitely more than the actions themselves.

If you shop for shoes feeling abundant, you’ll attract more abundance than if you tithe with (“sigh”) a feeling of righteous martyrdom. If you indulge in your favorite activities with joy or explore new ones that delight, you’ll meet a partner sooner than if you trudge unhappily through online dating sites! If you love the hunt and the idea of meeting several new people each weekend and sorting through them, you could easily meet someone on a dating site, but few of you honestly feel that way. God has arranged meetings for centuries. Your “doing” is not important. Your vibration is.

If you are healing a physical condition and you love your doctors and the care they provide, they are likely to work well for you. If you mistrust doctors but love alternative therapies, those will likely work better for you. If you would rather ignore your condition and focus on other things that bring you joy, that will bring you joy and quite possibly healing, too.

What does not work is focusing on thoughts that feel bad and forcing yourself to do things that go against your grain. Even if you were to die, you would have lived happily until you transitioned happily and moved on into a blissfully happy reality. Your eternal journey can be fun now. Your eternal journey can be happy now.

The only thing that matters, dear ones, regarding what you will see in your future is vibration. Be kind to yourselves. You are courageous adventurers. You have incarnated on the earth during some of the biggest paradigm shifts humanity has seen in recorded history. You are learning to be tuners rather than doers and to allow your actions to be born of joy and inspiration.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

What was is no more and will never be again for you. It is the choice of others if they wish to continue the 3D roles of victim/caretaker. You are no longer interested in doing so.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps the past few days have been confusing – or not. But whatever happens from this day forward will be less confusing internally because you faced your interpersonal fears.

Many of you believe not much bravado was displayed by you or others. Yet, what transpired the past few days solidified who you are or are becoming. It is time for the next phase, which includes negating pretensions within and without.

Who are you? This is your ongoing clarifying call.

In the past, you pretended to be someone others wanted you to be. You are now claiming yourself. And by doing so, you shift your world and that of others.

Those who depend on you to care for them are becoming more independent, and those who refuse to become more independent are discovering others who better meet their needs.

This is a new world, and you are a new being. Others will either fully accept the new you or interact with those who will play your former role.

Some people might be leaving your orbit. Not because you are a terrible or selfish person, but because they want someone to take care of them and you no longer want to do so.

The next few days will be filled with emotional upheavals – not necessarily for you, but for those who believe they need other caretakers because they find you lacking.

At first, you might be emotionally hurt until you realize they are disconnecting from the needy/caretaker roles the two of you have been playing for months or years – a freedom you never expected to experience. The freedom to be.

Even though these beings may stay in your orbit of friendship or love, your relationship will no longer include your responsibility for their well-being. There is so much that will change in your inner world in the next few months that holding yourself back to care for others will seem ludicrous if it does not already. You want to fly, and those you caretake want you tethered to the ground.

Perhaps you wonder what will happen to those who refuse to move beyond their caretaker/victim roles. Nothing other than you will no longer wish to participate – forcing them to find others who will care for them or to fly themselves.

Letting go of your former life goal of caretaking others will initially seem counterintuitive and wrong. Even so, your inner urges to fly will be stronger. Similar to infants evolving into toddlers who refuse to eat solid foods. The number of adults who continue to suckle indicates that all eventually shift from nursing to solid foods. So it will be now.

Many will clamor for the old ways that no longer interest you. Others will attempt to fulfill those old ways – without joy or satisfaction. The caretaking role will rapidly fade from your life, and of those who wish to fly beyond what is known into the new world they have been creating for eons.

What was is no more and will never be again for you. It is the choice of others if they wish to continue the 3D roles of victim/caretaker. You are no longer interested in doing so.

You will likely discover that when you refuse to participate in the victim/caretaker roles, there are fewer victims or want to be victims.

You are not a terrible person, merely someone who is maturing into your true self and leaving the old world behind – not in fear or anger, but in new you maturity. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the –subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

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Energy of the season; divine grace; soul contract choices vs actual experiencing; importance of thoughts; two major categories of thoughts; unity consciousness by Matthew Ward

December 1, 2023

Energy of the season; divine grace; soul contract choices vs actual experiencing; importance of thoughts; two major categories of thoughts; unity consciousness

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Especially as your year nears its end and the season of holy days draws nigh, it is natural to think of the many souls who are homeless, grieving, injured, hungry and frightened.

Always what is most beneficial for those who are suffering, for you and for your world is to live from your heart.  Feel compassion for people and animals in need and grateful for the blessings in your life that enable you to share with them. The high energy of your gratitude and the fulfilling sensation from giving sends forth expanded light into the world to all who are downtrodden, and their thankfulness for the kindness of gifts of money or time, food or other help lets their light shine brighter. That isn’t just a nice arrangement this time of year, dear ones. It is the science of the universe now and evermore.

Joyfully prepare for heartwarming religious celebrations and festivities with family and friends. Participate in the kind of spiritual observances that fill your heart with peacefulness, rejoice in the majestic tones of stirring music, hug the persons whose presence in your life is so valuable. The high vibes of those meaningful experiences provide upliftment far beyond you and those who are dear to you—love’s bountiful streamers flow naturally wherever needed throughout your world. That also is science.

We have been asked if everyone who dies or is dealing with extreme conditions in Palestine and Israel signed up for these experiences. Life span and sudden departure fit in some soul contracts and others include adversities to overcome, but most of the souls affected did not choose death at this time or the harsh circumstances and desperation of living in an embattled environment.

Divine grace steps into these kinds of situations. Soul evolvement comes from balanced experiencing and, except for evildoers, attaining balance is the goal of every soul in every lifetime. By giving full credit for incomplete karmic lessons, divine grace bestows a state of balance on persons whose lifetimes are cut short or their hardships are greater than they chose or need to experience.

It is not that those beneficiary souls evolve with an unearned graduation diploma, so to say. They anchor an infusion of light that lets them assimilate expanded spiritual and conscious awareness, and they did indeed earn this advancement, just in an alternate way.

Many of Earth’s residents have experienced greater challenges and more difficulties than soul contracts call for. Dear family, if you feel you have dealt with tougher issues than you expected when you volunteered, probably you are right, and the peoples you came to help have struggled more than they expected when they chose to wind up third density’s lessons.

Souls in spirit worlds who are planning their next physical lifetime feel confident they can handle the conditions that will balance their experiencing and let them evolve. That may be especially true of the many souls who rushed to incarnate on Earth to take advantage of the unique opportunity to complete all 3D karmic lessons in one lifetime instead of many. Eventually we all learn it is much easier to boldly, courageously choose harsh situations than it is to deal with them once we’re in bodies.

And, there is more underlying formidable situations than what the dark ones are doing. There are the dense-energy reactions to whatever that is, from chaos and confusion to fear and outrage even from individuals who are not directly affected.

In every waking moment, every person is thinking, thinking, thinking, and because thinking, like breathing and blinking, is automatic, it happens without thinking, in a manner of speaking.  Who thinks their thoughts are a series of words and words are powerful emitters of vibrations all along the frequency spectrum from high peaks to sluggishly low? As billions of thoughts shoot out into the collective consciousness, who thinks their thoughts are weaving the fabric of their life and the tapestry of the world?

But knowing, or remembering, that universal truth is essential so you concentrate on what you want to happen instead of what you don’t want to continue. Divest yourselves of thoughts that are trivial or frustrating—they are a waste of energy—or are of guilty or resentful nature. Nurturing those kinds of thoughts prevents the healing that comes with apologizing or forgiving, two immensely important yet often neglected aspects of love.  And please take time to think lightheartedly, dear ones, so you can sparkle with the high vibes of smiles and laughter.

Despite the Illuminati’s penchant for initiating or exacerbating turmoil wherever and whenever they can, Netanyahu has failed to arouse much interest in a world war against groups he ironically designates “terrorists.” By masterminding conflicts and always having operatives on both sides, the Illuminati are the terrorists. But even if he had gained allies in such a venture, universal family would not have let it get off the ground.

After eons of violence, Gaia is so very war-weary, and more than two dozen battles already are being waged around the world. When their fuel, the energy of low vibrations, significantly decreases, one by one those will peter out and reconciliation can begin.

Along with gaining strength from destruction’s low vibrations, the dark ones’ power comes from controlling information and the global economy. So it is mightily heartening that many world leaders are tiring of being embroiled in turmoil, fewer and fewer folks believe mainstream media’s misleading reports, and the Illuminati are grasping at straws in the world’s money supply.

Everything they do requires money—manipulating stock markets; setting global banking policies; buying mercenaries; bribing national leaders, individuals in legal and justice systems, corporate management, and other influential individuals; controlling established medicine and all the affiliated alphabet agencies; owning mainstream media and Internet censors. To them, losing the means to pay for all of that and more is paralyzing.

Now then, we have assured you that progress is smack on target with the Divine Plan and many of you are feeling the excitement of ever-intensifying light. But some of you are feeling discouraged by the violence and suffering in the holy land, as if progress took a long step back. Compassion for all those souls helps diminish the stressful energy around them, but becoming emotionally drawn into traumas anywhere sends out low vibrations that match and prolong the dreadful circumstances.

Let us tell you about the two major categories of thoughts we are seeing in Earth’s energy field of potential, which mirrors activity on the planet. The category with steadily growing momentum shows a healthy peaceful world where people are loving, kind and helpful, life is prosperous and meaningful, animals are treated humanely. These kinds of thoughts—you could call them prayers or meditations—are the most plentiful of all categories and they vibrate in high frequencies.

The other major category, which has considerably increased in momentum since the incursion of Hamas into Israel, is the low energy of fear, anger, grief and divisiveness. Its subdivision of thoughts with intentions to destroy life and the environment emit rock bottom vibrations.

The polarized fields reflect the conflicting emotions, attitudes and political and ideological perspectives of Earth’s peoples. Many of the feelings and outlooks have been dragged from one century to another for millennia, but they still pertain to what goes on today and they’re hindrances to the society getting on with transforming their world.

So we hasten to say there is good news, too. Amidst that clashing energy are thoughts about a world whose building blocks are love, the richness of diversity and humanity’s close relationship with animals and Nature.

Those are the thoughts of the awakened and awakening movers and shakers among the peoples whom you came to help in that way and inspire to transform Earth into a land of peacefulness, love, health and joyousness.  Together you are a fine complement of industrious visionaries, imaginative artisans and craftsmen, and you will have splendid helpers—universal family members are eager to introduce themselves and work alongside you. You all will be participants in the most dynamic action on the planet since God, Gaia and Sol co-created it!

We don’t see the threshold of Earth’s Golden Age at the end of the battle between the light forces and the dark. Rather, at this juncture we see a heavy mopping up process, cleaning away the debris of long ages and constructing new to replace what was devastated in a planet-wide cyclone, then a series of uplifting and enlightening measures in accordance with what is needed by groups in all regions of every country.

It would be an exciting process for peoples who have no conscious memories of life in a serene, harmonious world instead of one with continuous warring, cooperation instead of cutthroat competition, health and kindness instead of illness and strife.

In the process the civilization will be growing toward unity consciousness, which vibrates at the benevolent end of frequency spectrum. Unity in this regard does not preclude independent thinking, reasoning, questioning and honoring differing perceptions—quite the contrary, it includes that independence and much more in the power of love that permeates a population’s entire beingness. Only an individual or a civilization of fifth density or higher in spiritual and conscious awareness can resonate with the light of unity consciousness.

When you are on a mission such as the one now, you don’t remember the unity consciousness of your homelands, but, beloved brothers and sisters, the light you radiate always distinguishes your evolutionary status. As a child of God, you are a powerful fount of love, a tower of strength and wisdom, and you stand tall living in accordance with your soul’s guidance—conscience, intuition, instinct, inspiration and aspirations.

You have the honor, unconditional love and supportiveness of all light beings in this universe.



Suzanne Ward